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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  February 14, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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chpntv channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today in our program. in short, i understood one thing. and i'm not made for war either. same blood in kiev from.
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watch right now hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan truzhkin,
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pridonskoye, no incidents have been reported at the facility. belgorod region, voluy district, a woman was injured there, as reported by the head of the region, vyacheslav glotkov, she was hospitalized with shrapnel.
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reported a targeted strike on the training ground iskander missiles. it is alleged that at that moment there were up to one and a half thousand ukrainian armed forces soldiers there, among them there were numerous casualties. thus, military commander alexander kots wrote that vselidov’s training ground turned into a meat grinder. this quote. the soldiers there were reportedly undergoing combat training before being sent to the front line in the ovdeevka area. the ukrainian side confirmed the death of only three people, damage to two buildings in selidovo. a former parliament member wrote openly about the attack on the training ground. igor mosiychuk, he did not specify the number of deaths, well, in turn, the largest ukrainian energy company tek announced the decommissioning of the dnieper tes after an attack by russian drones. it feeds the industrial, i will emphasize here, industrial complex of the dnepropetrovsk region, it is reported that this critically important ukrainian facility for the armed forces and military industry has been stopped, and for an indefinite period of time. the beam was pressed.
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but critical large-sized equipment, very important for the operation of the station, the station is not working now, analysis is taking place damage, troubleshooting what is damaged, what can be used in the future. restoring the station may take weeks, even a month. so, these are operational reports, and now we can move on to our, as you said , difficult first one, because in principle we touched on this aspect, well, somehow, but maybe we’ll somehow turn it around. not quite in the right direction, i mean, for me, the discussion of this topic in our studio has been going on for quite a long time since the time of vladimir putin’s old article, where he argued that russian ukrainians are one people, remember, from time to time someone doesn’t agree with this, but why bother, i also have some kind of internal resistance, he later answered the question at a big press conference a few years ago: is it a civil war, in fact yes, after that we discussed it some more.
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this does not deny that we are at war with nato, that nato members are sending their weapons to the ukrainians, their instructors there, and so on, and so on, and so on, but apparently we just need to somehow admit to ourselves that there is such a nesting doll here, there is this proxy nato's war is with us, and we we take off the lid, it turns out we have a civil war there, at my concerts they often ask me, how are you doing there...
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the other day, the general staff of the armed forces of the soviet union accused russia of trying to discredit the new head committee, allegedly kremlin propagandists want to impose on tsirsky the quote "the image of the soviet and russian people to reduce trust in the ukrainian army." this is how kiev responded to the message that syrsky comes from
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the vladimir region, and his parents still live there and take a pro-russian position. true, the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine does not communicate with them, just like with his son, who emigrated to australia, where... he participates in pro-russian rallies, an acquaintance of syrsky claims that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine has more than once admitted that he cannot stand ukrainians because of their cunning , nosy. the head of the ato, his last name is syrsky, in short, his parents live in vladimir, and he is the boss, he himself, he personally created barrier detachments, they themselves send them there, damn it, well, to fight, yes, they command these damned armed forces of ukraine. but the bitch themselves are originally russian, damn it, well, support all this policy, the main thing is a career, but no money they smell, right, or whatever they say? an american publication discovered signs of civil war in the conflict in ukraine; it published a story about how a russian tanker spared the crew of a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle
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driven by his nineteen-year-old son and ceased fire, eventually dying under enemy drone attacks. i told another dramatic front-line story recently. ukrainian soldiers were surrounded, this is a concrete example from the life of military operations, our soldiers shout to them: there is no chance, surrender, get out, you will alive, give up, suddenly from there they shout in russian, good russian, russians don’t give up, everyone is killed, they still feel russian. american billionaire elon musk says that there is essentially a civil war going on in ukraine. according to him, russian -ukrainians are one family, and washington’s attempts to separate them led to tragedy. russia and ukraine are literally
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cousins. residents of ukraine have relatives in russia, residents of russia have relatives in ukraine. they are part of the same country for many years. they have grievances, but they are literally one family, and i think that we in the west are kind of pushing them to kill their sons, so vasilich, you and i consulted, now before the start of the program, we decided that the first we’ll ask you a question, well, it’s just that you have such a biography, as it turned out, we remember that at first you supported the ukrainian side, as it were, then, also due to your nationality, you began to feel like you belonged to ukraine.
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speaking, the people of kiev, the people of tornopil, the people of lvov, these are dnipropetrovsk residents, crimeans, but these are the same people, they speak the same language, the same, well, listen, the nuance, the nuance is this, the nuance is that they brought, when they took to the maidan, but in reality they brought representatives of western ukraine to the maidan , i approached them, i spoke, i even tried to speak the surzhik that they speak there in ivano-frankivsk, or with the accent that they speak in the ternopil region, believe me, these are different things. yes, when i talked to them, here, here, here i was talking, they say, so what are you doing here?
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i say, i work for yanukovych, how can you work for yanukovych, come to us, you quit this whole business, i say, wait, wait, what do you mean, quit this whole business, what do you represent here, whose interests do you represent here, well, as they told us that yanukovych needs to be thrown out, then we will live , the meaning was already there, well, let’s say, but it was still on a slightly different scale, absolutely correct, so look, here ’s the point, point... further, when we went murders, when real massacres began , hundreds were killed, 68 people, there was division, withdrawal of troops, withdrawal of internal troops, withdrawal of berkut, we remember, yes, like yes, that was already what happened, it was just revenge, for what? it already happened, you know, it already happened, it was already a qualitatively different, different confrontation, because you are taking revenge on that enemy, and the fourteenth year, what kind of revenge was there then, so, here i am talking about the fourteenth year, right? they killed, provoked the murder, i’m already talking about the fact that when it started on
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donbass, when lugansk, now the next point of resistance, i am an employee of the presidential administration, we have a new executive head, we have a new executive head of the president, and planes are flying to lugansk, the bombing begins, meetings are held in the presidential administration, at which, among other things, i was there, and what do they call those who were shelled in lugansk, that’s who they are, separatists , yeah, well, separatists.
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yes, as for the fourteenth year, you must remember all this too. the ukrainian
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army refused to use violence against civilians residents in lugansk in donetsk. they resisted, despite direct orders from their superiors, they shot over their heads. well, we've seen it all. so that, well, now they appointed some new boss, who gave the order to shoot.
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on the territory of the former ukraine , a gigantic and disgusting experiment is taking place, how can other russians be made, quite successfully, note at what period they, they have been grinding the brains of people for generations, and those russians who are made by anglo-saxonism on the territory of the former ukraine call themselves russian
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that is, those who are in the trenches , they have nothing against us, they are generally like machine guns , they were given a command, they raised their machine guns, the guns began to fire, they are not guilty of anything, among them at the beginning, of course, in the twenty- second year yes, there were those who were veterans of the so-called ato, who are now in the trenches, they should then, in theory, stand up, the same ones who are grabbed on the street, what should we do with them, what are they shouting, the russians don’t give up, they shoot, and they don’t they surrender, well, unfortunately, and the guy was killed, unfortunately, “i don’t care if i’m an ss man or a pilot backlash in a, who killed our fellow citizens, he is both, for me the criminals are the same, enemies, here is bogdanevich, i completely share, this is really a civil war, which is the main
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thesis of the civil war, there are people who are citizens of one country, representatives one, as a rule, ethnic group, nations, but which are divided." ideology, so we are divided by ideology, ukrainianness itself is an ideology, it is this that divides, there is no interethnic conflict, there is no linguistic conflict, that's right, because that this is a person, even external ones, he cannot be infected with ukrainian, he has no external signs, and mustafa naem is an ethnic ukrainian or there are a lot of such people, and this georgian kipian, the kipian watchman is also probably a typical ukrainian, listen, they have them everyone and saakashvili have been there.
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yes, i am aware, because if we take the classical definition of a civil war, a civil war is a war between factions, military groups on the same territory of one state for power for control over the state, and that what is happening now, this excludes the fact that in the family the brother fought against, and moreover, because we understand, first of all not in the classical version, that this is a war that goes through his family, and his relative becomes his enemy , a civil war in every case is a war for power, but i’m not
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arguing with you, why are you stubborn about your wording like a fucking fool.
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dismissed a few days ago, the former commander of the joint forces of the ukrainian armed forces, sergei naev, was born into the family of a soviet officer in vinensky region, at the age of 17 he graduated from the suvorov school in tver , received higher education in moscow, served in the soviet, later in the russian army, although in ninety-three naev began to build a career in ukraine, while naev’s brothers live in russia, one is a veteran of the soviet armed forces, the other lives in crimea, he keeps bothering his brother, he is there.
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and even participated in a referendum on the return of the peninsula to its native harbor, while poroshenko himself pretends that he has no relatives in russia and demanded the same from ukrainian civil servants. we have a large
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number of government employees, including in law enforcement agencies, who have relatives in crimea. once the inspection is completed, if there is a question of liability or dismissal, i will not be rusty. the biography of the former is also closely connected with russia.
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how, after the civil war, at some point the soviet-polish war began, as its continuation, but this is no longer a civil war, this is an interstate war, listen, i covered the entire war in the former yugoslavia, here from
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from beginning to end, serbs and horbats - is it a civil war or not, there was a city called vu, if we speak on the scale of a country called yugoslavia, it turns out that now we perceive it as a completely different state, the city was vukovar, it... was captured in the end 1991, at the very beginning, when they had the initiative, horvat, who took part in the defense there, told me, then he was captured, he says: among us there were many serbs, residents of bukovary, who fought against the serbs, the serbian army that entered there , that's when they they took everyone, a teacher who knew them all fought on the side of the serbs, so he chose a soldier from the croatian army, well...
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understand for me, people are not only from kolomyia, but from vinnitsa, from zhitomir - these are a completely different people, this is for you , i’ll finish, the soviet-polish war is the same thing, the poles have their own language, their own language, the poles have their own culture, quite a rich history, including contradictions, they really almost captured us, ukraine and belarus are part of a single russian ethnic group, space, kiev - the mother of russian cities , nothing separates us from the residents of ukraine and belarus, neither genetics
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nor anthropology , what is happening now is the unfinished process of the collapse of the soviet union, then of course this is a civil war in its purest form, because in the ninety-first year the process of the collapse of the ussr was not completed , it has just begun, and i believe that it has not yet ended, and what we now have are the consequences of the collapse of the soviet union, which have not yet ended. regarding the civil war, look, we went through 10 years several stages inside ukraine, without touching
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russia, without touching russia. the first stage was the maidan, which developed into an anti-terrorist operation, then the anti-terrorist operation grew into a civil war, it seems to me that it is impossible and impossible to argue with this, i say, we do not take russia, within ukraine, this has already developed into a civil conflict, into the civil war, it was a civil war in its purest form, and then as a result of this civil war it already developed into an interstate conflict, yeah.
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say there is a diagram of the relationship to all this, that is, i should not bother myself with all these questions, i should treat it simply: there is an enemy, there is an enemy, and even if he sits in a trench and speaks russian, that’s all equally the enemy and he must be destroyed, yes, well, in a civil war that’s how it is, in a civil war, now, as i have to do this now, well , look, that is, putin told me all these politenesses, we have come.
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i want to say for me, as a resident of the city of lugansk, the war began on june 2, the fourteenth years, when planes began to bomb the city , after that there was no turning back , it was a civil war, i spoke about this , stated it publicly, while in ukraine, being in the rank of people's deputy, i said that this was no longer an operation, this was the beginning of a war .
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we’re not going into depth, we’ve just dug a little, here you go, can i have a few words on history, yes, i think you can, gentlemen, this civil war is much older than it was 100 years old, more than 100 years old, in 1914 year, when some residents of galicia began to send concentration camps of lergov other inhabitants of galicia
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, there was neither the soviet union, nor even the russian empire was present there, but what separated these people, the inhabitants of galicia, even non -orthodox ones, were shared by only one idea, ukrainian or all-russian, so the ukrainians sent all-russian-minded golicians to concentration camps, they killed them on the street. we will return the floor to you after a pause, after we look at the next story, i think so, what a civilian, the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth, warms hearts, uniting the whole family, princess nuri tea - the magic of warmth, skip central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. did biden admit that he, like all americans , is being taken for a sucker? americans are tired of being treated like losers. who deceived and cheated the president of the united states, why is he tired
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by reuters. it reported, citing three russian officials, that moscow seemed to have sent a ceasefire proposal to the united states at the end of last year, but it rejected it. allegedly , this proposal was transmitted through arab intermediaries, was to freeze the conflict in its current positions, without concessions to ukraine of any territories. the state department stated that they had not negotiated with moscow and... would do this without the participation of kiev, they added that although signals about russia’s interest in the negotiations were publicly announced, moscow, in the opinion of the state department, does not seek to end the conflict and is going to quote: completely subjugate ukraine and its people. press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov called this publication by the agency reitor untrue, no proposals from moscow to freeze the conflict were received in washington, as peskov reported, but those... for those in the state department who are hard
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of hearing or somehow inattentive, do not understand, they should listen to today’s speech by our foreign minister affairs of sergei lavrov in the state duma, it was once again said that moscow is ready for a settlement in ukraine, taking into account our interests. we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement, based on taking into account our legitimate interests, on based on taking into account the realities that have formed. well, in contrast, let's look at the spectacular shots that are published today on the front page, practically by the times. the headline is to match: hundreds of military vehicles
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are heading to a rehearsal for nato’s war with russia, what is being discussed here, in the video, which is also published on the publication’s website, the moment of loading british armored vehicles onto cargo ships, they are heading to germany, where they will take part in the largest cold war-era nato exercises called persistent defender 2024. as you understand, they are taking defense from russia, the alliance countries will rehearse how the us troops can be strengthened. their european allies on the borders with our state if a conflict suddenly breaks out. 90 thousand military personnel and more than a thousand combat vehicles are participating in these exercises. well, the publication foreign agent deutcheveli, in turn, reports that germany, for the first time in the last 30 years, decided to allocate a little more than 2% of gdp for military spending, all this time it allocated less. this is a record amount for defense for the country, and it happened exactly 2 days after...
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you didn’t pay, on the contrary, i will encourage them to do whatever the hell they want, you have to pay, and what started after that, they immediately responded to this statement in the white house, calling him: a terrible madman, nato secretary general jens stoltenberg assessed trump’s words as an undermining of security, but let’s listen to this howl of the allies a little more. i think we need to draw conclusions now: europe must become stronger, we must prepare to survive the shock of the scenario told trump. nato cannot be a military alliance
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whose performance depends on the mood of the us president on specific days. let's.
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what they say in kiev, it turns out that it is there that everyone is very interested in proving that there is no kind of deep-seated unity between russian ukrainians, show the plot, please, connections with russia are being carefully erased from the hearts of ukrainians by the terrorist president zelensky, a few years ago, he decided to quote: dot all
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the i’s, stated that russian ukrainians are definitely not one people, because otherwise a yellow-black flag would fly over russia, so that ordinary ukrainians would not...
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and you know the story of his grandmothers, he once told me, one grandmother was red, the second grandmother was white, they
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fought against each other when they were young , then they found out that what a fighting youth they had, it was already a civil war, but you didn’t listen to me, having learned this, the grandmothers of the respected mikhail barchevsky did not grab their sabers and checkers and didn’t seem to become their own historical position at that time.
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i’ll tell you a very simple thing, colleague, we can talk about the ukrainian people, that they are
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bad, that they are good, that they are something else, but in ukraine since the ninety-first year there have always been elections, no matter the chaos, no matter the corruption, always there were presidential elections , the supreme council, the maidan, and so on and so forth, in ukraine this power will soon fall, it cannot be eternal a priori, because the logic of things since the ninety-first year, this is how it is, and these will leave, moreover.
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they will then leave for ukraine, from ukraine, so those who are now under the rule of zelensky, under the rule of yarmak, these same budano and so on and so on, let ’s turn to one point, how many of these people who now live in ukraine go to voluntary military registration and enlistment offices, no one goes anymore , so this is the factor, this is the factor, i don’t want to take up arms, what’s more, i unite, i beat the military commissars, a confrontation is already beginning in the sols, because they don’t let women and men in, what does this mean? this means that enough war is enough, well that's a little bit, the most dangerous thing is to live in myths,
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to hope that they love us there, they don’t love us there, they hate us there, what extra losses we suffered when, after february 24 , we went there and thought that we should stop now, guys , sorry, no, we just have to honestly say that unfortunately in ukraine today.
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businesses is by decision of the president, our job is to support yours, but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project, new opportunities to study well regularly appear in russia, alexey makrushin made from one of the oldest schools in the city. kolugi is one of the most modern, caring projects in russia by decision of the president and caring people, this is a meeting place on ntv, a place where everything it becomes clear, we continue, in general, the first hour turned out to be even more emotional than i expected, somehow just like that, well, really, van, you say correctly that we are a little new . aspect was brought into the discussion , now there will also be a difficult topic, very painful, maybe even i don’t know, i’m sick, how to speak correctly, that’s why i’m sorry, a little emotional break after all, we need to tune in, van, let me do it for you
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too, eh yes to me too, well, of course, i promised a long time ago, but somehow the whole thing never came to fruition, izhevsk, izhevsk sends greetings to ivan sergeevich, this is for you, thanks to izhevsk, so mikhala boris, this is for you, thanks to izhevsk, yes, too, but you don’t have to use it, you can put it in the buffet or on... in orenburg on february 24, i invite you to the gasman house of culture on march 1, the large hall of the cinema house in moscow, and on march 8, the perm palace of culture named after gagarin, on march 16, yekaterinburg, the zheleznodorozhnikov palace of culture, and on april 6, tambov, the center for the development of folk arts, the only negative in all this is that you can’t come there with children. this is all for adults only, so we come to our topic, we often talk about the relationships between adult children, but today we will take some absolutely extreme examples
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of these very relationships, the language doesn’t even dare to call them relationships, so now van, your news is of a slightly legislative nature, so, gradually moving towards this topic, vladimir putin today signed a law on confiscation of property for fakes about the russian army. and crimes against state security, this document will come into force 10 days after will be published. let me remind you that changes are being made to the criminal code; not all money, valuables, and other property of a convicted person will be subject to confiscation, only what was obtained as a result of committing a crime or used for activities directed against the security of russia. the signing of the law was commented by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. he urged not to confuse us.
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salvation or considerations turn out to be absolutely groundless, more often than not, i propose to treat this time the same way, well while foreign agents who left russia are tearing their hair out preemptively because of the new law, let’s contrast what is called news from lithuania, they decided, so to speak, to confiscate the citizenship of the famous ballerina ilzaliepa, whose only fault is that she is pro-russian, sympathizes with our country, and unanimously supported depriving the ballerina of her passport. the committee on citizenship of lithuania voted, then the parliament supported all this, and now the decision has been sent to the country’s president getanos nausit for signature. the formal basis for the termination of liepa’s lithuanian citizenship was, i
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will quote here, a public expression of support for russia and the policies of vladimir putin. thus, officials considered, the ballerina threatened the interests and security of lithuania. the story itself with the deprivation of a lithuanian passport began in november last year, then the lithuanian ministry of internal affairs called it.
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today we will remind you about this again, that is , there, on any suspicion, a child can be taken away from the family, then it is not very clear how the child will live, because that many of them are directly sent to psychiatric clinics, naturally we have many, well, all normal people do not want this to be the fate of our children who end up in some problematic family, but we have our own exoticism, and the children definitely suffer so. they die because
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it turns out that the state does not have a complete, full-scale, comprehensive all-encompassing protection mechanism, which in theory should be legal justice, or at least surveillance, at least well, now we will immediately show you several very difficult examples, well, then we’ll start this conversation, not for the first time, again, by the way. last week, a terrible story happened in kazan, where a man threw a two-year-old child out of a fifth-floor window; a passing man caught the girl with his hands, but he could not save the child from injury. at that moment, the father was preparing to throw the second child out of the window, but fortunately he did not have time. the man was detained and a criminal case was opened. eyewitnesses to the incident and neighbors claim that the parents systematically used drugs. he tried then boy throw it away, the boy was still a boy.
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he was roaring, he was there in the regiment himself, or something, he beat him there, he beat him there, he was generally crying, and he was on drugs, yes, he was on some kind of drug, at the end of last year in yekaterinburg a drunk man threw a one-year-old girl out of the window daughter, the child lay in a snowdrift for 4 days until his body was discovered by passers-by, the father had previously been convicted of grave robbery and fraud, now he faces 20 years in prison, there was almost a tragedy in buryat, a local resident saved the baby. who crawled down the street in thirty-degree frost, it turned out, that the mother left her little sons with a schoolgirl nanny, went to a neighbor’s house to have a drink , at some point the children were left alone, the older child took the younger one and went with him to his grandmother for help, the prosecutor’s office began an investigation into the mother, they were seen by a driver driving by , who picked up the children and took them to their grandmother, due to the low temperature, medical attention was required for a nine-month-old boy who... had
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frostbite on a limb. in the city of shakhty , a man bullied and beat the daughter of his twenty-five-year-old partner, video with he sent the child's mother with beatings. after this, she was brought to administrative responsibility, but the worst thing is that, as the press writes, after this story the couple got married. the mother had been charged with theft more than once, and the man was convicted of causing grievous bodily harm. now a psychologist is working with the family, and the guardianship intends to recommend that the mother temporarily place her daughter in the center.
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this quantity will turn into quality when everyone says: well, listen, yes, we need to somehow develop some kind of mechanism or not? well , despite the fact that once again i’m waiting in flying rotten tomatoes and rotten eggs on my side, i’m sure that you are no stranger to coming to our program, but it seems to me that being overly careful is not as scary as
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being underweight, and i understand that the guardianship authorities cannot and will not must go to every apartment, like breeders go, check puppies, guardianship authorities cannot treat children this way, this is unacceptable. but it seems to me that it is necessary to finally return to the issue of responsibility, at least administrative, about the responsibility of citizens for failure to report episodes of violation of the law known to them , criminal or administrative, it already exists, for failure to report the commission of all crimes, not only... and serious ones, today we only have criminal liability for failure to report the commission of serious crimes, well, roughly speaking, we are all so afraid of being public morozovs, in fact, the interests of these children require that a neighbor who knows about their parents, drug addicts, report that the parents are drug addicts, it would have saved, it would have helped that
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girl, my blood just froze everywhere, this law, that’s what your proposal is, it would help this girl, i just really doubt it, of course, it would minimize the number of those... there lives a strange man who treats the child terribly, i think they would show attention to him and the neighbor would have told her right - this is the first second , some neighbor might do something wrong , let’s give such an example, we are going far, but the children will suffer. i understand that now everything is a little more complicated, when i was little, we lived in... we had a communal apartment 1 2 3 4 families in five rooms, one family had two rooms, they were just smaller, each had children, me, me and my younger brother, we were the smallest, the girls were older than school age, it was like we were all in plain sight, when
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something like this started in one of these rooms, in one of the families there, my father and another neighbor there, they came and gave a tabla, which means that the issue was resolved. but we lived in a communal apartment, now we don’t live in communal apartments, we all have our own living space, and we ourselves have some rules there we define, as i understand it, you said that there is already something from what, if it exists, then it doesn’t work, because that’s who we are, i just didn’t understand what exactly, no, look, we now have the state duma began work on introducing liability for false denunciations, because according to available statistics, 95% of denunciations, reports of suspicions of improper...
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the conversation was turned into this direction, because talking about false denunciations is much easier and more pleasant than talking about whether the state needs to look at what happens in the family or not, you know, there are measures of intrusion, invasion of privacy , they should be, there are limits for intrusion into the family, they just need to be clearly fenced off, now there are no such limits, i won’t call it anything else, who came to mom.
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the existing measures are clearly, well, judging by these stories, not enough, maybe something else is needed, maybe something needs to be corrected by the performers, explain, you and your opinion, definitely, please, to me, because always this question seems very important, about the framework, that is, what kind of framework the family has, but for what, for what red ribbon does the state, i absolutely agree with you that we just need to get away from the terminology of legal justice, we need this word behind ...
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the eye, the guardianship and trusteeship services, in principle that’s all, but the child grows up, and he begins to perceive himself as a person and perform some actions, while he can be a teenager, this is up to the age of 15, say, 14-15 is now an acceleration and a youth, that is, until he reaches adulthood, and then the question of child protection, if this is how...
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i, too, lived in a communal apartment for the first 25 years, and these issues were really resolved there in
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such a circle of men there, yes, but the truth is that in my communal apartment, in the end, one of the cohabitants of such a strange man was killed, the police did not interfere in any way, although a year before this, we actually signaled, and this was one of my first essays when i was 14 years old, here are the old women who...
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the president does not dream, unlike you, but i mean to implement it about justice, one for all, law one for all here, this reinforced concrete here i agree with everything on the other hand, statistics are written down, for the last year there are well 100, more than 100,000 crimes against children were committed , this is a problem, yes it is being solved, no, if we have everything written down and the number of crimes against children is growing, it means we are not finishing something, it means somewhere something is needed. twist and change why these children are now protected by nothing, there is a law, they are protected by law, no, there is guardianship, there is, they are protected by guardianship, no, that means we need to change the mechanisms of guardianship and the law, we need additional articles, which means we are introducing, we need additional responsibility for crimes against children, we are introducing, we need
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additional, this does not look like the actions of civil society, you are shifting everything to the state. call it what you want, the question of trust , do we trust the guardianship authorities, we don’t trust them at all, because they can come by, so to speak, by slander within the framework of someone’s interests and so on, and that is, we need to resolve the issue of
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trust, but we need to decide, we need to empower the guardianship authorities with really some kind of regulations that will be about... a man of extreme convictions, tigran kisayan, excuse me that without a fight again, that he was once associated with zelensky, people emerge who suddenly turn out to be well-darned contraceptives, and how the leader of the kiev regime is now taking revenge on tigran and his margarita. vova got confused, what does he know about his old friend pugacheva? i’m starting
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to talk about maxim pugachev and alu galkin, what do you think about the foreign agent? emigrants and traitors, and maxim is an animal and sawmills in a sliver of biden, zelensky, syrsky, thank you to our western scum, or whatever they call them, on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache . for the treatment of a sore throat , maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it. we won't do yours
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saw, actually entered, even sometimes through denunciation, and what came of it? last year in krasnoyarsk, a one-year-old girl was taken from her family after an anonymous denunciation, which said that the child’s parents were allegedly alcoholics, and therefore the girl was in danger. her mother works in a kindergarten, her father. former civil servant, now retired, they were never registered with narcologists, after the scandal and publication in press, the girl was nevertheless returned to her parents , almost a year later, according to the head of the family, it all happened because someone had his eye on the apartment in which the family lived on social rent, but no one revealed the denunciation, even in court, anyone can get into these magazines, the guardianship has a statement, they are obliged to check, then the degree of zealousness of this inspector, and there is a very... i have a feeling that people psychologically like to bully and torment. another story from the krasnoyarsk territory. there's a family there
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they took away four children at once after a complaint from a neighbor, saying they all live in the same room in a communal apartment, there is little food in the refrigerator, but the local ombudsman for children’s rights has a different opinion: no one in the family drinks, a neighbor in a communal apartment allegedly complained to guardianship because it was difficult to sell a room next to those with many children; later the children were returned to the family. or he may react to a message from neighbors who reported crying children from a lot of people, to a message from a doctor who considered the child too thin, to a message a kindergarten teacher or teacher who notices the child's strange behavior or bruises. and come to the family to check , last month a shocking story from moscow became known, where guardianship took away two children, three and four years old, from their parents , the management of the kindergarten contacted the authorities , allegedly the children were being beaten at home, however, according to the parents, the bruises appeared after wild play of kids, the same version was confirmed by doctors. the children's father is a member of the svo, and the mother grew up in an orphanage. now parents are trying to return their children home and even recorded an appeal to commissioner for children's rights. the children
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are asking to go home, eh. after the last part it seems to be good, but after this plot it’s not so good, try to expand it somewhere, well, firstly, i must say that in russia, juvenile justice, although it does not exist as a term, has existed since 1845 , when a special procedure for considering crimes against children was introduced in the punishment code, a story
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and a half...
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code, article, in my opinion, 176, if i’m not mistaken, 57, yes, 157, yes, where is all this spelled out, what problem in russia two colossal understandings of what juvenile justice is have collided, it has been brought to the point of absurdity in the west, this is the first series of stories, i beg your pardon, no, this is just the second series of stories that you have seen, and these are...
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legislative documents, regulations, the law presupposes a clear definition of concepts drawn from different norms, from different mechanisms, the responsibility of those or others who carry out this. now, if you listen to lawyers who speak for juvenile justice, then for them it comes down to the fact that they need create separate juvenile courts for children; by the way, we had
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separate courts in russia, on the other hand. yeah, especially then, well, the state didn’t get involved there, but people, it got involved very well then, that’s when it got involved, because then, well, probably, it never occurred to anyone in their right mind to say, i,
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i have my right , that means, don’t you dare interfere in my personal life, they would take you and bring you to a comradely trial or to a meeting of the port committee, register you, everything would be explained to you, you would behave well, but... here now it turns out the other way around, now i can say, the state, i pay taxes in the ass , that’s all, and now my business is you don’t meddle with me , that’s what i want to do for myself, that’s what i do, until we decide who has more here right, whether it’s me or the state, it seems to me, irina vladimirovna, this will be an endless debate, yes, i absolutely agree with you, andrey, that before everything was in plain sight, and if something went wrong, then everyone i knew it was easier when everything was in sight. yes, yes, that's it, i'm not talking about what we need for every case now organize a comradely trial, but when a child is bullied, tortured, he screams at night every night, and no one , it turns out, knew anything about this, in the event of his death at the hands of people close to him, then there are
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questions for the neighbors, but on the other hand, it ’s like they weren’t obligated to report, but maybe the dog is being tortured there, or maybe people are listening to loud music there, and the dog is also worthless, of course, that’s why.
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or ask me what the problem is, maybe it also fell and hit the battery there, maybe you should if she is a very practical woman, write a statement, you know, the funniest thing is when he comes, calls the apartment and says brain, gas equipment is being checked, no one yells that they are invading.
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, we have such a timid rapprochement, because... they agreed that yes, it’s probably better to play it safe in this situation, it’s better to be extra vigilant, because then we will at least save the child’s health, maybe his life, but again here they may object that not always this excessive vigilance is good, here we are obliged, we promised sergei vyacheslavovich to give examples, here are their horrors of their town, how is this terrible juvenile justice, this is what they always tell us about the bruise there. a tear child, that’s it, they just take the child away from the family right away, no one pays attention to the parents’ opinion. let's get a look. at the end of last year , a large family who fled from germany received temporary asylum in the kaluga region. the parents decided to move, fearing that german juvenile police would take their six
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children away from them. this information was confirmed by our ministry of internal affairs, although they did not specify why the families wanted to take the children away. now the germans want to get russian.
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they take children away from their families en masse, they do this is for no reason, everyone has forgotten that the true purpose of these services is to support the protection of children. our former compatriots who encountered a harsh juvenile system there are fleeing from europe. the last big story was when tatyana sadyrina urgently left dusseldor, germany, a year ago. her thirteen-year-old son was a poor student and had conflicts with classmates due to his poor knowledge of the german language. so. yes, the child’s mother turned to the local youth department for help, but the officials considered that the boy was depressed and decided to send him to a psychiatric clinic, then sadyrina packed her things, flew to russia and asked for asylum. he was about four months old when the first raid took place, that is, these
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authorities came to me, yugantampt, knocked, rang the doorbell like mad and wanted to enter the apartment so that i... something good, there is good, have what we need, we all don't like paying taxes, but we understand that they have to be paid, many of us don't like going through the gate at the airport when leaving and arriving, but we i so want to go somewhere to venice, that we already had everything anyway once upon a time, i
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also live a long time, we don’t care, in the end it shines through us to nothing, and that’s normal, but that’s when...
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they have there is a reason, no, reasons, without a reason nothing, the story with a reason without a reason is really important, i have an example, well , personal, yes, there is a family living in israel, the daughter got involved with a bad company, so to speak, her parents locked her at home, she i called on the phone, they locked me at home, they came, yes, they forced me, they forced my parents, yes, this means, but there is another practice, including in america, when a family has the opportunity to bring disgrace through the courts.
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they lived there in front of two minor children, how did you even allow your wife’s lover to live
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with you under the same roof in your house, he didn’t kick me out, by the way, well, because i loved her now, i love her, and then the lover strangled her twenty-two-year-old son, this is an irreparable loss, i don’t eat, i don’t sleep, my father can’t recover from grief, i didn’t think that he would deal with him like that, have you lost? family, he took it from you, he took your son from you, and god forbid, he comes out, you will go there too, but why is the mother of the murdered guy defending his killer, i don’t believe that he killed intentionally, i have two loved ones, my lover and my son, they are equal for you, yes, this is beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv, mask, new season, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, mom, i want. one-time, mom, where is the notebook, where is the leash, and where is the dog? stop
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ntv. meeting place, can the state protect children from, let's call them , inadequate parents, while, well, without getting into family affairs. mikhail borisovich, i think that within the framework of the criminal code, everything that our structure in the form in which it is, it is law enforcement does, another question is that it can only be established or improved in slow ways. nothing can be solved radically, no committees and commissions decide anything, no revolutions, no revolutions, only evolution, so sergei vyacheslavovich, maybe, should and must, taking into account not only the interests of the child, but the interests of preserving the family. yes, irina vladimirovna. yes, i believe that it is necessary to tighten the responsibility of
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guardianship officials for the unjustified removal of children from the family. then we will have a human approach, and not a formal one, because today it is important for them that the documents are drawn up, it is better to be on the safe side, the child will be left, for example, in an orphanage in an orphanage, not given away, a human approach is ensured by fines, here, here, if documents have been filled out, and the child is, for example, in orphanage or in an orphanage, and not with my natural parents, and trials can last for years, this is what alexey gennavich says, this will strengthen my trust in guardianship, of course. of course, if the guardianship officer knows that if he took the child away unreasonably, then he will be punished to the fullest extent of the law that should exist. if he breaks the law, then he will be brought to justice, if he made a mistake, then what happens to all police officers, judges, and so on, the treasury answers, there is no personal responsibility, to a direct question, a direct answer, should we get deeply involved in
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family affairs, if we don’t get deeply involved, we won’t understand what happened on...
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without a potty, one of the reviews, well, why didn’t you potty train an adult, it was a meeting place, which cannot be changed, weekdays 14:00 ntv, goodbye, the us senate, controlled by democrats, has not yet finished, approved $60 billion in military aid to ukraine, but now...


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