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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 15, 2024 3:25am-4:06am MSK

3:25 am
a little unprepared, you know, i can’t leave until we find out who leaked information to artemiev, and you and i also know about this operation, these and you and i simply have no choice, so artemiev says no choice. kolya, listen to me, you made the absolutely right decision, so be it, you know, it’s only when you’re young that it seems like there’s always a choice, and once upon a time something could have been changed, and then a similar situation appears, and we choose that what was always chosen, every time this choice was correct. so let me finish this
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business, help me, and you and i will get a long-awaited, well-deserved vacation. so as not to see this again, what kind of rule is this? and now my wife and therefore welcome to the code of new family relationships. rule number one: listen to your husband. rule
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number two is to listen to your husband, rule number three is to listen to your wife, when i say that you are doing stupid things, that means you are doing stupid things, so please watch, guys! look right now there was an attempt on my life, you don’t have the slightest idea what kind of person this is? alexander sergeevich was his chief accountant, i...
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i don’t hold it against him, it seems that kunyaev is aware of literally all the news concerning him, there is a plan to kill him in every detail, good evidence against kunyaev, in fact, it’s as if they have everything is already on track , all that’s left is to finish the job, the darlings screwed up.
3:29 am
yes, yes, i'm almost in the city, uh-huh, yes, no, no, don't worry, the hotel room is booked, yes, yes, yes, let's meet tomorrow, i think 9 pm will suit you. well, okay, uh-huh, lord, what is he is doing, what are you doing, stop what you are doing, yes, what are you doing, stop it!
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tell me, have you heard anything about the case of kunyaev, who is the philanthropist? yes, they say he has some kind of foreign money, donates to charity, well, i also heard that he has several media outlets in his hands, well
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, it’s clear, it’s clear, where do you get an extremely positive opinion about this person, everything you know about kunyaev, this is the result of the work of his journalists, who created my image. enlightener price. in fact, kunyaev is a dangerous fraudster. thanks to with his manipulations with securities, he, he ruined a lot of people. one could have guessed this, when a person has so much money, it is not always because of his kindness. you have no idea what kind of person this is. alexander sergeevich was his chief accountant. so, can you imagine how much? he can tell interesting things in court, which naturally is not part of mr. kunyaev’s plans. okay, so why are we needed? there was an attempt on my life. why didn’t you immediately contact the police? i turned and i was told that there is no basis for
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initiating a criminal case. in general, i realized that i would not have to wait for help from the police. how did they attempt to assassinate you? i was traveling by car from st. petersburg. i was driving to moscow, of course, in a hurry, so someone from the car driving ahead blinded me with a laser pointer, well , you probably heard, yes, as pilots, and are you sure that it was an assassination attempt, and not banal hooliganism, yes i almost had an accident, then they were following me for several days, i even had to run away from them twice, so, hmm, well, if they want you...
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excuse me, what do you intend to do? well, at least approximately? it’s hard to say for now, we don’t even know who exactly is tracking you. we 'll give it time to find out.
3:34 am
um, guys, the tail is behind us, yes, i also noticed, look, and as luck would have it, the numbers are splashed with mud, huh? i think this is no accident, well, let’s try to break away, hold on, mr. witness.
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that's it, let's take off, slow down, not on the race track, they led us from the psm itself. it means they came there for you, yes, they will save you great, but the perch is used to keeping everything under control, come on in, settle down, feel at home, we agreed with the hotel, it’s really inconvenient, i’m afraid to embarrass you, but what are the inconveniences, you get over it, everything is fine, my wife and child left to visit my grandmother, so everything is fine. sit down, sit down, so , alexander sergeevich, i leave it to you
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, don’t take your eyes off him, accompany him everywhere, but just don’t light up, let him think that we ’re not protecting you, i have a meeting tomorrow, years are great, maybe i’ll be able to track them down, yes and also, it would be nice to put a bulletproof vest on you, but don’t be scared, it’s not heavy, but reliable, of course, they want everything... to look like an accident, but you yourself know that the one who is careful usually has a little more luck. max, find a suitable bulletproof vest. well, let's go to the kitchen, shall we? true, my wife didn’t have time to cook anything, well , nothing, we’ll figure it out ourselves, dumplings, tea. oh, as promised. so, alexander sergeevich, what is your meeting tomorrow? with one of my partners, it's just business. and he arouses suspicion, well, no way, he’s not even related to kunyaev, but you
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he didn’t say what you’re going to do, and tomorrow i’ll try to chat with kunyaev’s lawyer, it’s not that easy, he won’t talk to just anyone, sorry, that’s what we’ll see, i ask you for more questions, not for me, not my client has absolutely nothing to hide, please, yes, the man is in the second row. please comment on yesterday's attempt on the life of the main prosecution witness , alexander sergeevich sobolev. sorry, but i don't know anything about any assassination attempt. obviously alexander sergeevich is trying to attract the attention of the press, and this is not it’s surprising, because he has nothing against my client, only words for which , let me note, he will still answer in court, since libel is criminally punishable. next question please.
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must be able to listen, right , well, i’m listening to you, you will arrange a meeting for me with your client, otherwise your lawyer’s license will have to be revoked, on what grounds, artamonov’s case, our editors have been carefully conducting this investigation for a long time, and we can show very interesting documents, and i don’t even understand what you’re talking about, have you forgotten, how can this be, your recent client? how much did he lose then? 5 million, 10. surprisingly, he blames you for everything.
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he says that he lost that case only because his not very decent lawyer made a deal behind his back with his former company. correct me if i'm wrong, but in my opinion, this smacks of the most natural fraud. this is speculation and you have no evidence. and this artamonov, he is simply, he is a mentally unbalanced person. and i did everything i could for him, well well, so be it, or maybe, well, in any case, this is enough to open a case and even if not to deprive you of your license, but to revoke it for the duration of the proceedings, and it’s not for me to tell you how long and tedious our courts can be, well so okay, i 'll do everything i can, although i deal with him myself, no more than twice a week, officially. so give me half an hour, longer, i promise, i won’t detain you,
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goodbye, my lawyer was very excited when he persuaded me to meet with you, he had a reason reasons, the surname sobolev, after all... there’s something to tell you, of course, this is my accountant, a former one, it’s partly thanks to him that i ’m resting here, yeah, i think you’re not very grateful to him for... it’s very difficult to be grateful for the slander, but i don’t hold a grudge against him, being within these walls taught me forgiveness. have your family, your friends forgiven him too? friends, but when i was arrested, it turned out that i had no friends, and only one son in my family. are you writing letters to him?
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him, who else, his son, he’s there alone without... me in america, well, he’s studying there, his mother died that year, so we are tied to each other, of course, of course.
3:42 am
knife, in the wall, guys, guys, i think they forgot about me, everything is under control, listen, i don’t understand, we’re in the cops or where we are, if you behave well, you’ll end up in the cops with our recommendation, yeah, and if not we will, then what? and if without our recommendation , then there are also different people working in the cops, they’ll hang a crap on you, spit on you, and what did you do, like you wanted to kill a person, or kidnap him, stop, stop, stop, guys, what are you doing, no , you just wanted to scare him, well cut the dough, in the end, well
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, he's hung up, who do you take us for, guys, i'll see, guys, honestly, well... he's a fool to kill him in broad daylight, well, well, he'll have a drink, well, at most he'll have a drink, that's it, guys, honestly, well, it seems that it’s not in our line, guys, yes i see, but you still need to pump it up, doc, but are the gopniks naked in your face? they have nothing to do with our client, well, it’s a pure coincidence, the local police were not asleep, the local police, when did they have time? yes, i told the rvd when these guys were brought here, let's go, detective
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gogarin rvd senior lieutenant mikheev, hello, hello, here we are... we’ve been keeping them for five years, but in vain, in vain you are handing them over, i don’t believe them, okay, max, let’s go to the general.
3:45 am
but it’s possible that they just wanted to rob him, which means you and i don’t have a damn thing, it turns out? that’s true, but at least don’t tell sobolev himself about it, otherwise he ’s more sensitive here, and you’re
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a lieutenant colonel, and where is your toilet here, yeah, thank you. if you please, general, what can you please me with, but there’s nothing special, kunyaev is just like a saint, you can’t get under his skin, his son punched, studies in america, father didn’t lie. is there anyone else besides lawyer isan? yes, apparently, no, if you believe kunyaev’s dossier, well, it’s bad, everything is very bad, okay,
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take sobolev home, the most important thing is still his security. because the trial is at the stage of completion, and he must give testimony alive and well, we understood, that’s right, by the way, where is he, who, sable, is in our office, wait, i just met him in the corridor, he’s going to the toilet let's go.
3:48 am
he's gone, so fast, he couldn't have gone far, so what are your thoughts? max, you last talked to him, what mood was he in? he was depressed and clearly frightened by something, this is quite understandable in his position, he also felt that we ourselves were confused, this means that now he feels completely defenseless, well, where could he go in such a situation, well not to a hotel, and it looks like he doesn’t have any friends here, but what if he just took off, yes, it’s possible, but there is another place where he could show up, and well, let’s go.
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alexander sergeevich, and we are behind you throughout we’re running around the city, we thought something happened to you, i’m fine, maybe i’m just nervous, right? “i understand, you decided to refuse to testify, yes, but it’s still pointless, why? you
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were sentenced, well, why does kunyaev need such a witness like you? you know too much, i don’t know, maybe you’re right, forgive me for this one.” . let's go, oh, the court appearance is tomorrow, i wish this would all be over, just be patient a little longer. is that serious? have they all gone crazy there already? yes, i understand, i understand, i’m on my way. so, our yesterdays
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the robbers were released in the evening, it can’t be, on what grounds, we’ll try to find out, so, alexander sergeevich, don’t leave the house and don’t call anyone, our employee will be with you, he’ll arrive in about 10 minutes, yes, and me don’t call, i ’ll call you myself, okay, i understand. “i repeat to you once again, i do not have the information you need, and even if i did, i would not have the right to disclose it without the appropriate order, that is, you just took and released two dangerous criminals, just a minute, i myself not released, there was an order from above, someone was fighting for your dangerous criminals, i had orders from my superiors, if you want to talk to him, your punks have a very
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good lawyer. well, they fooled us with this , huh? and we believed them that they were simple gopniks. their addresses, of course, will not help us now. and in general they are not from moscow. yes, and you have to wait for sanctions, there’s a lot of fuss. yes, max. printouts of their telephone conversations are urgently needed. there must have been a lot of interesting things there over the last couple of days. yes, ask again numbers. outgoing, outgoing calls , i think that kunyaev’s lawyer is involved in all this, but it’s pointless to go to him now, we’re unlikely to achieve anything, and what happens, a vicious circle, but not a fact, friend, now you and i are going to the pre-trial detention center where kunyaev is sitting, max, go to the department, dig for the tramps, that's it, let's go! “dach major, we believe that
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consequently kunyaev somehow communicates with the outside world, so we would like to know how, well, i think that through a lawyer, well, that’s understandable, but it seems that kunyaev is aware of literally all the news concerning him, he sees his lawyer only twice a week, well, yes, there is such a practice. our security, inspectors , sometimes cleaners earn extra money this way, lend out their mobile phones, pass notes to the outside world, what can you do, the human factor, but if we catch it, we punish it, yeah, and you have a list of those who were caught this, the list, well, you ’ve swung it, well, there are a couple of people, not bad guys in general, yeah, in the block where
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kunyaev’s cell is located? from this pair of three is anybody here? well, yes, pyotr fedorov, he’s just on shift today. great. well then, we have one request for you. hey, bro, are you new, or what? with what camera? uh, with what camera? i see, he's poor, right? well, god help you, poor thing, i see you won’t entertain me with conversation.
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are you really stunned or are you making money on the side by writing notes? who is this guy? oops i heard that, well. what's there? here is the plan to kill sobolev. in every detail. not bad evidence against kunyaev, actually. strange. it’s as if they already have everything in mind, all that’s left is finish the job. what will happen to me? a? sobolev needs to be checked.
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no one answers, for some reason i don’t like this, you think, so doc, i’m going home, you take fedorov’s control, we still need to talk to him in detail, go ahead, you know what it’s called, the darlings screwed up, how’s ours doing? woe is the guard, and what about lyosha, concussions , a couple of fractures, and he got off very easily , i won’t embarrass him with this failure, i, too , i’m professionals, it happens, this
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could happen to anyone, so okay, but what about we are there, the skin is general, fedorov is ours the only clue is where is he, max? give it here, sit down, don’t hang around, you checked the sopniks, it’s deaf, not a single text message, all calls are only to relatives back home, yeah, that means they communicated with the customer somehow differently, it’s impossible to find out their whereabouts now, they turned off everything.. so you guys, listen, this is some kind of conspiracy chain. seryozha, what kind of scheme with notes is this? security guard fedorov is a simple courier, he receives and transmits information. yes, he
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doesn’t even read it, he’s afraid to learn too much. why do you need such secrecy, huh? is it really not kunyaev is just a lawyer enough? advocate? he is a cautious and timid person, and besides, he visited kunyaev extremely rarely, he is not a good accomplice, because he needs control of the situation, his freedom is at stake, please tell me, will they let me go soon? and this depends on the degree of cooperation with us, so i’m ready, i’ll say everything, everything i know, i’ll say everything.
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look, our old friend, why are they messing around there, just move it.
4:00 am
knocked out.
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lyokha, shut him up.
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pure basement. calm, calm, everything's fine, stand still, i
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'm about to blow his brains out, calm, calm, calm down, who are you, and who am i, i am the owner of everything and mine, and my father was illegally arrested. calm down, no need to be nervous, okay, put the weapon on the floor, we both put it down, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, so, we went to the wall, i’ll brainstorm for him, maybe we can come to an agreement, but no one wanted to come to an agreement with my father agree that they thought they took me, no matter how it is, i ’ll invite you all here now, and you?
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why did you need a witness, did we want to imprison his father? find, eat your witness, yes! stand, how are you, alexander sergech, i’m fine, i don’t drink to live, he’s the one who got me drunk, oh, everything’s fine, guys, your honor, everything’s fine with me, well, we’ve listened to the defense side. and what will the prosecution say? where is your witness?


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