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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 15, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

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that you needed a witness, we wanted to imprison his father, here, eat your witness, stand! well, how are you , alexander serge, i’m fine, i don’t drink to live , it’s him, oh, everything’s fine, guys, your honor, i’m fine, well, we listened to the defense side, what the prosecution will say, where is your witness. alexander sergeevich
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sobolev is a little delayed, i’m sure he will be there any minute. your honor, there is clear contempt of court, let's give it a couple of minutes. your honor, i'm sure there is a good reason for his lateness. respectful, maybe your witness is having second breakfast. your honor, i ask you to forgive me for being late, i just urgently had to resolve urgent matters with the relatives of my former boss, once again i ask you to forgive me, come in, thank you, we will continue the meeting , the prosecution witness, mr. sobolev, is invited to testify. yes,
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yes, good touch general, oh, well, how did the trial go? great, great, kunyavya, as they say, simply had no chance. this is thanks to you. no, same general, it’s thanks to you. if it weren't for you, i simply wouldn't was alive. well, actually, my eagles really deserve gratitude. let's sit down. thank you. thank you, but i still can’t understand what sonyaev wanted, and to be honest, i don’t fully understand why they had to pump me full of alcohol, they just had to seize the moment to kidnap you, get you drunk, and then arrange everything as if you yourself had crashed, that’s where all these gopniks and laser pointers come from, and you... were right from the very beginning, kunyaev
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was afraid that there were suspicions of an attempt on your life could fall on him, and he wanted to set up this whole accident, he foresaw everything, even forged documents, according to which his son returned to russia and the states. by the way, how is he? yes, the wound is not serious, so soon he will also sit in the dock, and the murder of fedorov, as a potential dangerous witness, was also planned. so, ah...
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somehow suddenly it’s not me who makes a decision at this level, how much time i have to complete the tasks, but calmly hand over the tasks, you have time.
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you know, they say no people are irreplaceable, but in a specific case. yes, we will miss you very much, i say, you are completely deserted, but you must remember one thing: business trips will end sooner or later, our doors will be open for you at any time, for you!
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everything is under control so precisely. mikhail valerievich, arem, we won’t be long, we need to draw a couple of new formulas, come on, punks, paul, look, russian ninja alyaros. the turtles are completely crazy, my friend, calm, calm, yes, general, sit down, comrades,
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officers, on... this is now your workplace. well, captain? welcome to upsm. nikolai petrovich, do you confirm the identities of those killed? yes. mikhail valerievich gabuzov, general
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director of the moscow representative office of the pioneer seaport and olga ayar, a musician and dj by profession. write it down in the protocol, excuse me, valery kuzmich, i have bad news, mikhail valerievich was killed in his office, and paul is nearby, it’s ready. wow, so the safe was opened after all? yes,
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and in a delicate manner, at first i even... doubted it, by all indications the work was done by super-professionals, they disabled not only a window alarm, but the entire video surveillance system of the building, and the security guards were provided with archival recordings of security cameras to view. the main burden of the investigation of this crime will fall on the department of police. the fact is that the company of the father and son gabuzovs had already previously gotten into our operational developments, how...
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the drugs came about, when asked who could organize the hacking of the office, he points to his competitors in the fishing business, solenko and avitisyan. and he also mentions his former partner, osinova, with whom he broke up after a series of litigations, at the cost of a concession and part of the share. of course, these characters deserve close attention, as do the figures of the elder gabuzov himself, but i would pay special attention to the acquaintances of the murdered in the capital’s club scene.
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apparently, when they went to get pills on the way from us to the metronome, or the other way around, to us from the dry kobylin, so they were selling money, or what? it’s strange, i ’ve never noticed this about them before, but they never made deals, they treated acquaintances and friends to treats, well, that’s why everyone was drawn to them, not me, well, i was kind of just friends with them, in general , good people, of course, were filled with nits, but what ’s true is true, now we won’t be able to stick out for free, so let’s buy now.
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you, everything that is needed, you are shushain, who is shushain, i don’t know anything, maybe you need your shoes cleaned, here from seven to seven, the shoe cleaner works, they told me you can help with the wheels, who told you, who are you anyway , i'm dimon, a dj from st. petersburg, today i played your set, now with mani and tima, tima said, you have bagels for 20 euros, oh, lord, what is bringing you all here, a nightmare from this cultural capital of yours, what
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is smeared with honey here, i don’t understand, come quickly, run after me as much as you need, captain karasev, department for special events, let’s talk, let’s talk , let go of your hand, moron, what? yes, listen to me carefully, i’ll give you 30 seconds to think, either i’ll call a squad now, we’ll formalize the detention, and you’ll get your 3 years of general regime, or you’ll hand over your abtovik to me, then supply me with the necessary information and for the time being you’ll walk on freedom, until i again... well, time has passed, second, well done, where do you get the pills, how
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did you find him? lyokha chickens, and misha gabazov introduced me to him, well, this shushain is breaking the prices. says the costs are high, listen, and the metronome is also a cool place , misha and paul liked to hang out there, yes, yes, it’s a pretentious club on vorobyovy gory, by the way, there misha’s generosity in distributing rounds to everyone he met backfired, then paul concert, then they will just fall in there, well, bite, the proceeds are from the roof there it simply comes down to zero, well, the local brigade chuckled, they didn’t attack our guys like a child, in short, they were thorough bundyuks.
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those who offended misha later had serious problems in life. olga pavlovna, you and valery gabuzov are co-founders of several companies, partners in the fishing business, why did you exile? what cat ran between you? well, this, this has been brewing
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for years, at first i didn’t attach any indirect signs, then it didn’t... have any significance, then all sorts of inconsistencies in the documentation, in general, not the most it was a wonderful day when i found out that gabuzov was doing double-entry bookkeeping and was hiding part of the profit from me. i tried to shame kuzemech, put pressure on his conscience, whatever it is, he firmly decided for himself that he no longer needed to take me into account, it even got to that point. because the security stopped letting me not only into the head office, but even into the company’s cargo terminal, and that you just missed his deadline? no, why did i go to court, but lost all the claims, as a result i was forced to resign myself and completely leave the department in
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exchange for receiving an additional package preferred shares of the company, and desire? and gabuzov are birds of a feather. hamlet khochiturovich, i will be frank with you, the fact is that valery gabuzov considers you guilty of hiding a safe in his moscow office, in which, as you know, mikhail gabuzov and his friend paul guerre died. eh, listen, this is
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some kind of absurdity, rotten, rotten man, huh? although on the other hand, he seems to be doing me an honor by doing this, but aren’t you a competitor, what a competitor, what kind of competitors he has in the region no longer left, all crushed dumping, all fishing companies, and why is gabuzov’s fish cheaper than yours? look, i've been in the fishing business for a long time.
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management of the fsb, fn, fskn, fskn, they became interested, started digging, but they didn’t dig up anything, i... let’s repeat it from the beginning, you’re a dj, the sports capital, the director of a new cool club on solyanka, you want bagels brought there, so that’s all everything was solid , but not everything was so great that there was a roof, here they are, great, lay down, great, great.
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meet, this is dima, so he will be driving beep to solyanka, where is solyanka? don 15, the building is a good place, central, it’s a pity that parking is bad there, and so what, when are you going to open, well, i think, in about a month, but for now we’ll agree on this, quietly, i know the traffic jam more than you, and about the roof and the director , failure, calm, lieutenant colonel pastukhov upsm senior. gennadievich, federal service of the russian federation for drug control, moscow. you will be in trouble. we have troubles
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every day, one more, one less. how do you explain the performance with the pistol? half-strangled dealer? this is a fake, you can check it. with my informant, i carried out a special neutralization operation here.
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come on, general, well, everything here is sewn with white thread, that’s how valuable tseplakov’s information should be, so that he could carry out the wholesale trade of ecstasy in the center of moscow with impunity for years, did he help arrest the head of the medalin drug cartel or liquidate the dutch syndicate? well , i can’t answer this question authoritatively, let them finish their internal investigation. and it's time for you and me to get busy everyday life of the pioneer port, so shepherd and max, it’s time to hit the road.
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and customs clearance companies, we parted on bad terms, but before that we had been cooperating normally for almost 10 years, well, how can i compete with him, i twitched, twitched, and wiped myself off, why do you think he refused your services, everything became clear quickly , instead of my company, gabuzov’s customs broker was the company of his wife, the first deputy head of the regional department of the federal drug control service, colonel kopytsan, and this is...
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let’s just say, i have serious reasons for this suspect. i hired private detectives to dig up dirt on gabuzov. they installed it, and this can be documented by me from a video recording. carefully, every week on thursdays, kuzmiche kopytsin discuss their affairs in the local borussia bar, and, let’s say, their affairs are very interesting. gabuzov not only crushed all the fish under his control. business in the region, so his people still control the supply of synthetic dope to the local discos, general, there is news, the post-dry powder sent to us is benzyl-methylkitone, abbreviated bmk, but this only raw materials for the production of ecstasy, here...
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sports nutrition tablets are ready-made ecstasy, which means that it turns out according to the scheme: gabuzov from pioneer sends the target to western europe and from there receives the finished product. brilliant. what do you have? oleg tityukhin, a former employee of the ministry of emergency situations, a virtuoso specialist in opening locks of all types. and electronic alarms, several years ago, out of stupidity, i got into trouble; at the request of a friend , i opened the door of an office, supposedly to order, it turned out that a gang of robbers used he was taken to the dark, they were caught red-handed at the crime scene, motion sensors were installed in the office, they did not know about it, he received 5 years of general security, served
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a year and a half and was released for about. he is a department pending clarification, an internal investigation is underway, but nothing serious has been found against him and will not be found, it’s still a little alarming, while the investigation is underway, kostya is tied hand and foot, not everything is with the fsb, it’s clear to me, there is another organization, small, but very unpleasant, very closed, what kind of organization is this, psm? touch general,
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allow me to report, that’s it, that’s it, without any formality, come in, sit down, i’m very glad to see you, how we got there, great, the baltic fleet, as always, did not disappoint, they brought a video recording of the conversation between gabuzov and kopytsin, which proves their involvement in drug smuggling of raw materials for their production through the pioneer port. well , well done, they did a good job, well, it’s true , there was a little noise in the cafe, this is understandable, the costs of limited technical means, yes, we will take into account that now our pioneer clients will keep their ears to the ground, whatever it may not have been, but the material that you have collected gives full grounds for starting to wiretap phone conversations
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in order to establish: and former fsb special forces officer ivan savelyev. both have previous convictions. for the second day now , our ambushes have been sitting in their apartments. the situation is complicated by the fact that both of them are bachelors, there are no relatives, and the acquaintances we interviewed have not seen them for a long time. mobile phones registered in their names are silent.
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weapons here. on suspicion of murder, theft, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, with illegal entry into the premises, can you familiarize yourself with the prosecutor's sanction? the order to break into the safe came from a rich
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foreigner named christophe, through their mutual friend, an employee of the federal drug control service, kostya, by last name, either the singers, or the villagers, whatever you... servers, at about 23 o'clock sovelyev and i went down on ropes to the window of gabuzov's office. vanya opened the window using the wringer.
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it took me about an hour to open the safe. “we took the gas and were about to go downstairs, when suddenly the light came on, two young fraters burst into the office, they were either drunk or on drugs, one of them stepped on us, well, i immediately rushed down the rope, landed, waited for vanya, a couple of minutes later he appeared. i ask him, is everything okay? and he didn’t really have to overwhelm them. i told him, are you, to put it mildly, completely crazy? and he answered, yes, this horse almost
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pierced me with a candlestick, he barely managed to shoot. then the second one rushes towards me, well , i’m on edge and so is he, the next morning, as agreed, we sent grozbug to the international by express mail to brussels for a specified order. keeping sentsov, but this needs to be done very carefully so as not to frighten off kapytsin, and it would be great if sentsov cooperated with us. accurate general, excuse me, what do you have? i propose to catch
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tsyplakov red-handed for selling drugs. according to external surveillance, after our memorable meeting on the bench , he began to play it safe more often, but he still deals in drugs. i developed a plan for the operation. okay, stay a while, we 'll discuss this. and finally, lastly, we through interpol, the telephone number and mailbox address received from tityukhin .
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oh, thank you! any news about shushein? nothing new, sitting in the silicate season. dates are allowed twice a month, so if you have a particularly burning desire, then go ahead. this is insightful. indeed, i feel a particularly burning desire. there's just no strength. how are you doing? sad, a place has become vacant next to the shoe shine machine in the men's toilet, as you understand, i'm a modern girl, open -minded, all that, but sitting there is quite it’s unpleasant, i hope you understand me, i understand, but in the women’s restroom everything is much worse. your ward tsyplakov testified that mikhail gabuzov, swinging around fashionable moscow
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clubs, hooked their clients on ecstasy in order to further control the supply of drugs to these establishments. how did it all happen in practice? well, to squeeze out competitors, he used me, sovelev, well , our connections, both in law enforcement agencies and in the criminal environment, well, sometimes. i carried out these showdowns as a fskn operation, registering my official assets. sometimes, especially before sovelev’s dismissal from the authorities, the former club roofs were demolished by the fsb. how did christopher contact you with an order to hack the moscow office of the pioneer port? well, the order came through colonel kopytsin. it covers the channel through which the benelux countries send bmk. and from there , ecstasy is ready for pioneer, and
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the older gabuzov’s partner on the other side is christophe gr. he sells part of what he produces in the underground dutch factory at his discos; he has either 10 or 15 there, i don’t know exactly. well, at some point the gr became suspect that valery kuzmich is hiding from him part of the income from the sale of ecstasy in russia. well, i decided to get black accounting, and why did christopher turn to kopytsin, because he is in close relations with gabazov, business, business, as they say, nothing personal, only business, besides, none other than ger helped kapyn open bank accounts and when purchasing real estate in western europe, they understand each other very well.
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this friday in the porto franco restaurant valery kuzmich is organizing a wake on the occasion 40 days since the death of misha and paul. christophe is flying in from brussels on the 40th; he wrote to me that he would like to take the opportunity to talk with us about further matters. what kind of offer? i can only express. the position in the email is said quite vaguely,
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we are talking about increasing our role in our future joint business, and what does this mean, he wants to push kuzmich, but it looks like he will close it completely, i feel that the belgian is tough, you know what he also asked you to bring him together with your a miracle by the heroes who not only hid gabuzov’s safe. but they also killed misha and the field, like he wants to finally pay them off, it’s strange, but he doesn’t want to pay us off in this way, because indirectly i am responsible for the wetness. and even partially you, i don’t know, in any case , we need to be very careful with him, i understand that he wants to remove gabuzov with our hands, and you know, kostya, i think this proposal makes sense, it probably has more advantages than
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minuses. kuzmich has done his job and can leave, but gaillard’s financial conditions must we put, our risk... is not comparable with his; we need to determine the order of the numbers, but first i must find out whether kuzmich rewrote the will after misha’s death, let us remember the young and talented people who left us untimely, two inseparable friends, whose lives in the prime of life was taken from us by some vile creatures, and let this tragedy bind our families, the families of the goyars
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and the gabuzovs, even more, both in the business and in the human sense. may they rest in peace, calmly put the radio away, put your hands on the hood, right there, and i also want to say, i swear. “i will find these executors who ordered the murder of paul and misha, and the ground will burn under their feet, and their life will not be calm, and as always, my close friends will help me with this, who have never
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refused me anything.” . everyone stay in their places. we have received the prosecutor's permission to arrest gabuzov, gayar, kopytsin and sentsov. everyone else, prepare to have your documents checked. the consul of the kingdom of belgium will be here any minute. apparently he stayed in moscow.
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it's late, i don't like this trail, fuck we came here. to this trigorsk, with money you like to relax on the warm sea , shut up, we have stupidity, in this hole there is someone to push it, so that we don’t do this, and if it’s a setup, it won’t be the first time we’ll figure it out, let’s drive up, don’t turn off the engine , squeeze the clutch, turn on the speed, smile. let the hippopotamus smile, he was healthy, suitcase, come on!


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