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tv   UGRO-3  NTV  February 15, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

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he’s late, for some reason i don’t like this trail, why the hell we came here to this trigorsk, you can have a warm rest at the sea with money, you like it, shut up, we have nonsense, there’s someone in the hole to push it, so we don’t have to do it, and if it’s a setup, it won’t be the first time we’ll figure it out. we drove up, don’t turn off the engine, ski grip, turn on the speed, smile, let the hippopotamus smile, he had a healthy drink, give me a suitcase
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, “hello, you won’t have enough, here’s 2 kilos, as agreed, you’ll try, and i trust you, not in don't palm off your interests i’m getting along, right?” well, yes, of course , uh, the money is fake, uh, what are you saying? it can’t be, i took it to the bank, you don’t believe me, check it yourself, the thread is metal, what are you talking about? what, little brat, why are you so hot , let's get into the car, quickly, quickly into the car, drive, drive!
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they dressed me up like some kind of carleonia, but i'm too old to play these games, we have no people here in the department, volodkin and i it's just the two of us left, ivan mikhailovich, will we ever have a department head? there will be, a major has already been appointed, so, here, should come tomorrow, listen, mikhaloch, why, and you’re just so sexy , just look, you’re just shaggy, i just want to lean against you, hold on! you’re in my hands, that’s it, i’m changing clothes , why are you up, come on, mop cages to wash the offices quickly, the army team plays a free kick, but it’s unsuccessful , veliton grabs the ball, what’s he going to lose here, but gives in to krasich, krasich goes along the left edge, beats one, krasic comes out in the corner, you can take a penalty, well, well, spartak.
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the defender accurately performs the tackle without violation the rules go, why do they pay you such money, and milish? somehow you’re not in a hurry , the army team should have given the serve to honda, there are 8 minutes left until the end of the first half, who cares? uh, what are you doing here? come on. come on, come here, yes, stand, stand, i said, come on!
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“so they threw a stone at the glass, you ran , and meanwhile the thief was through the entrance...” everything they needed and they took it out, that’s right, mr. director, they tricked you like a sucker, do you even understand that you sucker, i don’t know how it is in moscow, sir director, but here in trigorsk, for such words you can easily get a repus, of course, you, palunin, let’s not get into the barrel, andrei borisoch correctly placed all the accents, because i confess. that you are to blame, compensate for the damage, we will consider the incident settled, yes, the incident, that you yourself dispersed the security, no weapons, no video, your partner got sick, there is no one to replace him, layoffs are inevitable, you understand, crisis, crisis,
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i don’t see something , so you can wear telogrics, everyone has a personal driver, i won’t pay anything, just try the salary hold, i didn’t understand something, what are you doing? you’re threatening, i’m warning you, we know the laws , well, well, let’s see, you’re a fool, answer, mikhalych, mikhalych, listen, you don’t know how ours played yesterday, we won 2:0, mikhalych, wait, how is that 2:0, if you lost 1:0, who are you rooting for, spartak, well, it’s such an unlucky day, and andrei borisovich.
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about the dismissal of security guard viktor polunin under his own article for violation of labor discipline. andrey borisovich, are we going to call the police? yeah, now they rushed to look for our toilets. by the way, come see me at just a second. so what? so, what is this car? what the hell is this? what the hell is that? it was the right thing, you give it. you put at least someone there, but well, you put two, two there, it’s like the first time, honestly, where are you, bro, looking for a light, you’re interested in plumbing
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, that’s what i came here for, so why are we standing, let’s go, please, oh, well, meet your new head of department, major, andrei ignatov, ignatov, pronin, ignatov, stafiev, yes, by the way, he just arrived and immediately uncovered the theft at our plant, here. you have to learn how to work, but was there any theft at the factory, or what? i hear it for the first time? oh, then why return something that hasn't been stolen yet? we don’t even come here ourselves, in our department , things will fall apart. yes, thank you, comrade major. and, if not for you, you would have suffocated in unsanitary conditions. so, so, so, hello,
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have you played enough at the theater? well, that's enough, come on, come on, they're joking around here, sit down, yeah, sit down, okay, i see. indeed, ivan mikhailovich, why shouldn’t we keep this plumbing for ourselves? no, really the plant won’t go down, but it would fit in well with comrade majoro’s apartment, yes, it won’t hurt you to go to the dacha, stop talking to me about it, so they take everything to the plant today and hand it over according to the obsi, you understand, that’s right, well, good , sit down, well, so to speak, for a closer sign. i’m inviting everyone to my dacha this coming saturday, but i got the hint, well then the alcohol is up to me, who prefers what, tequila, only
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the mexican bottle, that means, i only drink donennon, in short, andrey, buy a bottle of beer for everything, well, mikhalych non-alcoholic. here you are, oleg ivanovich, chief engineer, but no washbasins, sinks, what difference does it make, washbasins, you can’t do it for the second week.
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if you want, you’ll find a job, then you’ll thank me for being the first to leave here, that’s it, take him away in the end, what are we
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saying, i’ll take you away myself now , you bastard, you bastard, you’ve been running around since the morning, but you want to live a long time, so you missed you're here, get out of here, i 'll shoot you like a dog, get out of here, get out of here, andrei borisevich, excuse me, please, excuse me, well, you're half the factory, don’t be afraid to fire me, andryush , we bought this dacha so long ago that i don’t remember when, yes, we did everything ourselves, yes, we built, planted, installed water, and what a good fazenta, yes, to be honest, i envy you, andryush, what is there to envy, tell me what, everything is falling apart little by little, how many times have i asked you to make a new barn, well, no, all without, what are you doing?
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study the situation, i ’ll sort out this barn, i promise, everyone heard, everyone heard, that’s it, vanya, i won’t leave you now, it’s clear, well, let’s go to the table, and to to the table, to the table, well, where did the crowd rest without me yesterday, and don’t let him grunt again without me, that’s what i imagined. nyur, what are you talking about when i drank without you? what?
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you’ve lost your memory, or should i remind you how on my birthday, you poured all the drinks into me with your friends without waiting for me, and left me with just one snack, what were you carrying, what, when was it, found something to remember, well i’m telling you for sure, about 10 people with large bags were walking into the forest, there were definitely no less bottles in a box, we had to keep track, but now... where is this look for dishes in this forest, but you don’t want mushrooms, what are they? it seems that someone shot at
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our bottles, god forbid. go and see what he is lying there, maybe he got drunk in the morning. you don’t treat everyone on the same level, look, the sneakers are new, try them on, and if it starts, come up to who you told, push them, we’ll have to wait here for a long time, hey man,
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are you feeling bad? it was very strict, yes, but i see that ivan is taking me out into the street, he wants to go, but i have such a death grip on her, but he still won’t let go, that’s it, boys, we met, yes i propose drink to yours love, let's, stop, yes, mazurov, we will live and
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live. so, summer residents, our weekend is over, we have pipes, let's go, lord , what did they bring out, that's it, we'll let you out now, go get something for yourself, hello, what about fonkinka were collecting bottles, did you hear shots? is this how the killers saw it? but they didn’t see it, they were afraid to approach, they kept waiting, the killer naturally took advantage and went unnoticed, so the shot was fired, what next? so what's here? gunshot, the director of the plant was shot, the victim was killed from a hunting rifle, presumably a sixteen-caliber gun, and that’s how they shot probably a whipping, right? well, it’s obvious, because
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there are no signs of a struggle on the body in the area at all, did the finger give the killer if he wasn’t afraid of him? well, apparently yes, well, okay, work, work, i won’t interfere, fortune, yeah, contact the residents of the nearest wheel houses, well, whoever saw what, but talk to everyone thoroughly, i understand, come on, volodya, yes, you give the plant , gather the leadership of everyone under the protocol, well, let them offer their version of what happened, maybe even the most ridiculous ones, don’t bother recording it, understand? yur, i, well, go on to your wife director, yeah, if he knows, well, in general , tell him, reassure him, but if he knows, i don’t know, but it’s not for me to explain to you how to communicate with women, that’s it, andrey, we’ll go to the department with you and draw up an investigation plan and we’ll wait for the guys, that’s it, work, and i see, there
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are new sneakers on one side, why did we need this trigorsk? no, everything on my own, everything on my own, what should i do now, emma vladimirovna, but firstly, you need to calm down, and secondly, remember. your conversations with your husband, perhaps someone threatened him, or he was afraid of something, thirdly, tell me everything and answer my questions, are you ready, do you want coffee, i won’t refuse.
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it’s a nightmare, listen, you don’t have trigorsk, you have some kind of chicago, to kill the director of the plant, it’s incomprehensible to the mind where our good police were looking, that’s all you have, sit down, i’ll question you one by one, i’m interested. guess who could have done this, why, let's start with you, i ask the rest to wait at the reception. what does this mean? did shestopal and his friend oparin buy a share in a ceramic factory and manage it themselves? well, what's wrong with that? young guys
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educated, ambitious, so they decided to head the enterprise. oh the rest of the team, what's local? precisely, there was no mutual love and friendship between them. so maybe it was one of the locals who organized the murder? it's possible. by the way, the six-fingered wife also insists on this. i think killing her husband will only benefit her. i think i'm getting married. immovable, they would have divided it in half with her husband, no, so during the divorce, everything movable, now she shared with her mother-in-law, with her mother, so there was no point in ordering it, of course. fortune, what do you have, as always, no one didn't hear or see anything? yes, and
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i don’t see anything funny in this, the criminal carefully planned and committed the murder, what’s wrong with that? ranin, yes, what the factory workers say, they say that the day before he got into a serious fight, even to the point of a fight, and quarreled with the security guard viktor polunin, with which polunin, with a paratrooper, or what? so, the theft happened while he was on duty, little one. he kicked me out for this, so wait, he’s also a hunter, he also has a gun registered with him, in tos 34, sixteenth caliber, so iganata pronin, fortune, quickly to the valley, interrogate, and most importantly , check the weapons, yes, who are you, i’m the director of the boarding house, that’s who you are, a bandit, ha, funny, so laugh, everyone on the floor, the show begins! it won’t work major, my daughter
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is here, i’m scared, but in vain, dad, take me, i ’ll let her go in exchange for your skin, there is a retired major cathedral on the territory of the boarding house. his daughter is among the hostages; the bandits have just offered to exchange the girl for the major. pavel trubinyar, this knife for reskaya meat is very sharp, you’ll give away the machine gun, against igor lifanov, i haven’t picked up a saber for a long time, getting ready for the storm, the takeover, the premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. don't miss central television's first information show about the events and people of the week. admitted that he, like all americans, is being taken for a sucker. americans are tired of being treated like losers. who deceived and cheated the president of the united states, why is he tired of putting up with it, who will be responsible for this?
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death calculator, artificial intelligence versus vanga, whose predictions will be more accurate and is it true that artificial intelligence can already predict a person’s date of death with an accuracy of one day. this will be your central television. on saturday at 19:00. on ntv, that they went deaf there, or what? i guessed right, pyotr martynovich, vitkin’s father, he ’s been naked since childhood, there’s nothing to take from them, and keeping the house open isn’t very good either, so they lock it from the inside, the key is on the outside, but this is for our own people, by the way, very a good shoemaker, yes. just in case, keep in mind,
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hello, pyotr martenovich, how are you? this is normal! what do you need? oh, let me sleep, relax, what are you doing? come on, get up. and now you have a rest
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i’ve arranged it in kutusk, i’m still getting up , let’s get up, come on, come on, come on, i’m getting up, i’m getting up, i’m getting up, i’m getting up, great, hello, well, for what reason did the plant director send a delegation, guess what? almost, it was a waste of time to come, i ’m not going to pay for any toilets.
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what is the gun worth, where do i get that kind of money , then sell the gun, why are you making a fool of yourself, these are your rules, they are written for the city, we all know each other here, no one will take someone else’s, where is the ruble, but i found it under the porch. yes, so how?
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it turned out to be there, how do i know , it smells like gunpowder, it was recently fired, so i ’m saying, the day before yesterday i went duck hunting with him, get ready, let’s go, well, i didn’t kill him, i didn’t kill him, well, that’s why i need this. .. we need to figure it out, wait, father, what, he says that three clients came to him yesterday, he believes that one of them took a gun, he says that i’m not guilty, well, you interrogate him, and i i’ll translate, interrogate,
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“be careful, don’t rush, listen, sub, yeah, be careful, well, i think you can handle it without me now, guys, good luck, uh, wait, armor, well, let's go after him, he'll leave now, where are you going, stop, i'm telling you,
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polonin, look up, i'm warning you, i'll shoot. get out of the car, get out of the car, i said, get out, get out, hands, hands, face the hood, hands behind your back, hands behind your back, i wanted to change the distributor, i wanted to, what a bad day, let’s go.
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yes, but i have my hands full, van, hey van, tell me, did this victor really kill the director, he seems like a good guy, you know, he studied in the world, so masha, you know very well what it’s like i'm talking about this with you in fact, i have no right, that's it, you go, vanya, vanya, vanechka, vanya, vanechka,
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what is it, come on, where it hurts, come on, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, get up, get up, get up, this hand hurts, no, no, no, let me look, wait, wait, wait, give me this one, okay, let me look, let me! i went straight to the garage, tinkered with the car, i have a tram car there, you know, yeah, and then my father came home and said that you were on the order, but i went straight to the control plant, so, well, what were you doing in in
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the director's office, it is more or less clear to me, there there are more than enough witnesses, that’s what happened next, but nothing happened, i went to a tavern, got drunk, well, it wasn’t enough, i also added, what time did you come home and where were you in the morning? and for the life of me i don’t remember, but i definitely didn’t kill him, are you sure of that? i’m sure, but there’s no need to prove anything here, and so everything is clear, he killed polonin, his fortune. at least the fact that the murder happened in the morning, and what difference does it make? yes, big, if polunets had lost his temper, he would have lost his temper on the same day, got drunk, took a gun and went to
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investigate, it turns out that he was in the evening got drunk as hell, and in the morning with a sore head went to kill, that’s all said, only one conclusion can be drawn: to accuse polunin, there is not enough evidence, let’s wait.
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why did we come here? breathe some air, look how beautiful, lovely, but seriously, but seriously, oleg, you actually decide whether you are with us or not, dim, don’t scare him, okay, guys, we don’t have much time, otherwise ... he’ll get suspicious we are in cahoots, we don’t need this at all, which means i believe there is no more convenient time for a change of leadership there will be no plant, i agree, otherwise these visitors are already sitting there with their methods, well
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, the guy sits and sees himself in the chair of the director of the plant, how can you, how can we stop him from doing this, well, there are different ways. kill, or what? oleg, are you crazy to say such things out loud? we just need to collect a controlling stake in the plant. well, how do we do this? well, this was to be expected,
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only his prints were found on polunin’s gun, here is the bullet that was extracted from the body of the murdered man, wow, powerful, i’ve never seen anything like it, i’m all too i went through the catalogs, but i couldn’t determine the manufacturer, maybe it’s homemade, but no, it’s unlikely, here... and the evidence against him is very serious, but it
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still needs to be consolidated, yeah, yura, find out everything about the bullet, where it was made, who purchased it, most importantly, how could a criminal have a cartridge with it, what kind of thing is this, i just wanted to ask you, but how do i know this, i have never seen this... bobbin in my life, this is not the bobbin is not a thing, but a bullet, which the director of the plant was killed from your gun, what kind of bullet do you mean, i got it i’ve never seen one in my life, i hunt waterfowl with shot and shot, but you conducted a search in my house. they found the cartridges
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, check, check, there’s a shot there, well , i’m telling you, i was framed, sign the report, come on, take it, comrade investigator, come on, get up, let’s go, let’s go, face the wall, hands behind your back, i ’m telling you, me on... on the way out, i'll figure it out, i promise, go ahead, let's go, what do you say, gennady vasilyevich, what can i say, a german-made bullet, quite rare, so rare that even our expert was able to determine its origin, and not surprisingly, such bullets are usually used to hunt african predators, wow? but how did she end up here, our region doesn’t seem to have lions, yur, well, i
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said, as a rule, we have a lot of large predators, and hunters buy ammunition through your store, yes they do, but cartridges with such bullets are only by prior arrangement order, and it’s expensive, it’s a pleasure and only with a hunting license, of course, but how can you find out who bought the cartridges with such bullets? required. but polunin claims, and i checked, that he is only on ducks, they confiscated
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cartridges only with shot, but so what, is it really so difficult to get one cartridge from a bullet with the kind that killed shestopal? it’s difficult, this is very expensive ammunition poluni , but they are beyond my means, well, okay, but then he could have stolen it, he could, but from whom ivan mikhailovich, that’s why i ask you for permission to make a request to the region, send me a list of hunters to whom such cartridges were sold, i convinced well done, ask. pass, uh-huh, listen, but by god, i don’t understand why he dragged us to this hospital with him? but what, we need to show him how caring and good he is, and how heartless we are? well, yes, i don’t provide proper security, and galina petrovna is just a wasting pest who doesn’t care about money for the hospital, listen, well, what do i have to do with it, the chief engineer, and you are with us for company, yes, the hospital is in a terrible state,
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marya sannovna when was the last time renovations were done? oh, it’s hard to say right away, remember that you were still young. well, gentlemen, what proposals will there be, how will we help the city? the same as last year. what happened last year? please remind us, uh, to withdraw part of the profits from shareholder dividends and use this money to make repairs to hospitals. okay, okay, okay, i 'll take this proposal to the shareholders meeting. yes. now let's look at some room. follow you, please. he's getting all sorts of choices, that's it, but in front of the shareholders all the worst things will hang on us, well, we 'll see about that later, please come in, here we are, this one checked out, how are you guys
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doing here, normal, what complaints, suggestions do you have, we have nothing to say, right? oh , you’d better ask him, he ’s talkative with us, he’ll say everything, tell me, comrade, what wishes will you have, comrade, i’m asleep, comrade, what wishes will you have?
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yes, come in, take a seat, you insisted on meeting me, why? polunin, maybe you’ll admit it already, you’ll give us life, and your fate? i am not guilty of anything and i have nothing to admit. "comrade lieutenant colonel, listen to me, please, well we invited you for this, i listened, but of course you don’t believe me, the evidence is all against me, but i swear to you, i didn’t kill the creeper, well , who then, maybe you know, i know, well, who do
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you think it is, that’s it the one who stole my gun, and you saw it, i didn’t, but my dad probably saw it too...” colonel, i ask you, interrogate him, a sign language interpreter is needed here, but i’ll translate it myself, uh, no, that’s it it won’t work, who will check your translation, wait, when i was a child, my neighbor was deaf and not mine, i understand something, okay, yura, let’s go in hospital.
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ivan mikhailovich, take it off and that’s great guys , great, ivan mikhailovich, it’s not like your health has let you down, but no, what are you, i came to see you, ask where yurkov is, something hasn’t come to our sobering-up center for a long time, they say, here i am and came to find out that you were completely drunk, what? and all this reservation is fine, they’ll discharge you from the hospital, i’ll definitely visit you, let’s get ready yarkov, dad? dad, dad is dead, dad, i can’t feel a pulse, but i
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’m not sure, so, quickly, doctor, quickly! hey, man, where is the doctor, in the dining room, having dinner? so, yurkov, i, who is the doctor on duty today? so this is your wife on duty, run away, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, hold on! my heart, my heart has seized, you lie down , come on, it’s not up to you now, but i would run, but i
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can’t walk fast , it’s about to break into pieces, oh, i feel really bad, so, everyone stay in their places, don’t touch anything, i now, hello, huh... vitya, vitya, calm down , you can’t help your father anyway, the cops will blame everything on you, i know them, you know, while you’re in luck, get out of here, get out, i recommend it to you, come on, vitya, come on, get out, forgive me, forgive me. paratrooper, why did you run all over the hospital yourself
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, you couldn’t send a nurse for a doctor, i’m telling you, everyone was at dinner, by the time you got there, by the time you found him, tackray, well, you’re picking on him, it ’s all my fault, it’s all fine they understand, the culprit has been dealt with, what has been done to search for him, report, the police have been sent out, i am preparing documents to put him on the wanted list. i walked through the houses closest to the hospital, witnesses saw someone running towards the forest, very similar in description to polunin, although it was quite dark, he had no reason to doubt that, and by the way, there was a railroad running through the forest, remember? well, sure enough, he jumped on a freight train and hit the road, we need to put him on the wanted list, he’s definitely not in the city, let’s say, but if polulin still remains, where can he be hiding? well, where the hell are you, he left
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the end, but the little saleswoman, a bitch, why so many snacks, who are you going to treat, what does it matter, well, what did you say, you said that we are having a party. it’s more like a wake, you didn’t bring your tail, you’re offending, well, come on let us remember god's servant peter, may he rest in peace.
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what can you hear in the city? yes, they are looking for you. the district police officer approached me and asked questions. i said if i find out where you're hiding, i'll let you know. that's enough, i still need it in the evening. i will find who framed me, who took my dad’s life and kill me, and you will help me in this. you can, we understand what it’s like for you now, the death of a loved one, it’s such a tragedy, oh,
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god forbid, ordeal. what has befallen you, please accept our sincere condolences, i think the official part is over, welcome, emma vladimirovna, well, we know how you live in our wilderness, yes, you are so spectacular, beautiful, seductive, what do you want? enterprise, well, you won’t live here anyway, right? well, sell the shares of your late husband. if you are not ready to sell, then you can give the shares to us for trust management. yeah, of course, not free.
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how much do you offer? are you kidding me? who do you take me for? this is half the market value of the shares. thank you for your sympathy, but i need to be alone. emma vladimirovna, why so fast?
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“you know, i have the same thing, it’s strange , please find them, urgently come to my office, okay, well, that’s where they can be, well, ema vladimirovna, you’re like a tough nut to crack, i didn’t expect such and such an appearance, appearance deceptive, i assure you, among many beautiful women, there are many smart, educated ones, okay, as much as you want, just let's be realistic, let's, yeah,
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we agree. here is half the amount, you will receive the rest after official registration, only we will take the shares now, where are they at office, in the safe, let's go, what kind of city is it, how do you even live here, are you used to it? “i’ll sort things out, i won’t stay here a day, by the way, you don’t need furniture, i’ll give it to you cheaply, they say you have a very original bedroom set, i’d take it, but i just need to look, another time, yeah, uh, vladimirovna, we don’t have much time, i understand where the key is, yes,
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yes, and where is the stock, it’s empty , 2 days ago they were there, where could they have gone, maybe andrei boris took them . no, it’s impossible, he always consulted with me, they they stole it, they definitely killed andrei, they took the key when i was not at home , they cleaned it out, that’s it, i’m calling the police, wait, wait, emma vladimirovna, we will always have time to involve the police in this matter , that’s right, we’ll try to find them ourselves, but
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let’s get the money. while they stay with you, emma vladimirovna, write a receipt, of course. and then you are ema vladimirovna, that same kharessik, so, now, so, numbers and signatures, well... oh, what kind of cent is this, this is robbery, a market, ivan mikhailovich, and as you wanted, this is a market, yes, yes, but i wanted it honestly, fairly, because the prices
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must be reasonable, that's right , who's with you, who's going to argue with you, yes, yes , and then why are you breaking it, you have a golden board, right, who's to blame for this, who, so i'm asking, who i would like, what... to eat, but how much does it cost? here's a small shed, two by four, well, probably,
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but you get a discount, okay, 15, no, no, no, 20%, yes, yes, seriously, 800, what, 750, yurkov, yes, i'm for those i’ll build everything with my own hands, okay, stop talking, let’s take it! and load the boards into the car, let's hurry up, load the boards, put them in the car, it’s so slow, let’s hurry up, pasha, what do you think, carefully, of course, these are bones, you see, vanya, he promised , he kept it, vanya, well, they’ll build a barn, yes, come on, come on, come on, carefully, so , come on,
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my wife said that polunin sr. had an attack when the factory commission appeared, he got excited and even tried to say something, well, that’s right, he saw the factory management involved in the dismissal of his son and came to his senses , and not to mention too much was worried, they poured poison into his mug , but no, no, here, most likely, a half-older man identified a man whom he considered involved in the murder of the plant director, the deputy director, the chief:
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his place is in prison, and he understands it, no worse than us, he is not in city, what if you're wrong? so polunina, we urgently need to find him, bring up all his connections, each of us has something dear to us, honor, memory, present and future, dear, sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we don’t throw words to the wind and don’t throw theirs. "join your people,
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a few years ago i was investigating one series , and it seemed to me that i had found the real killer, but i was wrong, damn, the same handwriting, this is a serial killer who leaves his marks everywhere, he has his own mythology, from his point of view he must kill , he has no other way out, there is no coincidence , and this is not a coincidence like this? it simply cannot and should not exist in leningrad . the cradle of the revolution, this is darkness itself, captain, i can see right through you, he is here, he is still here , andrey frolov, what was that, major, anton khabarov, all these dead are not victims, but bait to bring me.
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fear of the neva, fear of the dark - this is the oldest and most natural human fear. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. quiet, i'll take my hand away, if you make a sound, i'll just kill you, understand? i'm cleaning up. well done, investigator, we need to talk to you, are you ready? yes, when my dad died, you were on duty at the hospital, i tell you how it all happened, tell me, a commission came from the factory, he recognized someone, he felt bad, then they called me, i gave an injection, my dad recognized him, for sure , whom, killer i found out, but what happened next, tell me, well, i gave an injection, and then stayed with him, so what should i observe? and then oparin,
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the deputy director, came, yes, why? he wanted to visit, kept asking about his health, maybe he needed some medicine, why did he suddenly become so caring, but i don’t know, well, further, further, i said that i don’t know, i’m not a doctor, but he he said to call maria alexandrovna, he was left alone in the room, no, there was someone else there, i don’t remember, my dad made him heels. that's when he grabbed my gun, killed the director and now everyone he rules the plant, exactly, exactly, and our meetings are not a word, i understand, you’ll spill the beans to someone, lidok.
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well, that’s it, lida, calm down, drink some water , well, that’s a completely different matter, so where are you saying, he was waiting for you, at the entrance of my house, polunets knew where you live, well, of course, we’re with him. former classmates, he even courted me at one time, of course, remember, apolonin did not let slip about where he was hiding, perhaps about his plans, yes, he said that if i came to you, he would kill me, don’t worry, you please, yes, you have nothing to do be afraid, we will protect you, how do you like this security guard, walk the girl home, stay with her until the evening, andrey. i
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have a meeting, at the same time you can talk to the people, with young people, with grandmothers in the entrance, i’m at mazrov’s, you want some water, well, and you said , the creature jumped in, drove off, polunin in the city, all that remains is to figure out where he’s hiding, and i i believe that... here in the factory area, he knows everything here, someone feeds him, but this is undeniable, well, we need to comb this area, but as you imagine, listen, maybe troops?
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this can all be done simply if you wish, but you don’t have it. oglets behaves as if he is already the director of the plant. well, if the stock was moving under his radar, then that’s so. and if not, why guess? we need to go and look at the safe in the director's office. here you go. and the guy at home? no, the city mayor called him, but he was on his way to the administration. alladovna,
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i have a problem, can you help me? i'm listening to you. i left a document for the late andrei borisovich to review. so what? but the fact is that it is fingerboarded and still hangs on to me. oh, dmitry mikhailovich, well, for your sake i’ll go and look at the table. and you looked there, it’s not there, maybe you can open it in the safe. unfortunately, dmitry mikhailovich, i just can’t, because andrei borisovich always carried the key with him. well, there must be a spare? well, i should, yes i should. just look, i have this here. there was never a key, it was in vain that we got involved with half, we are all strong behind the same mind, that’s who brought him, and nyuk, the director was killed,
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now he has a ton of money, so where is it, well he didn’t kill him, that’s right, but they ’ll force us to slap someone. we’re in trouble, i can’t imagine what we should do now , listen, let’s give a hint to lyoshka, the district police officer, and if vitka finds out who turned him in, he’ll be locked up, well, not for life, when you ’re released, until retirement if you don’t make it, let ’s say that the cops are in the barns raiding. and if he gets scared, you look out of the city and he’ll leave the city, and we ’ll live, well, i’m telling
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you, the district police officer petka the bald ordered this evening to gather all the owners at their ... barns, why? well, not even better to study the sheds, they are looking for you , they will climb through the sheds, they say that they will check all non-residential premises, so what are you suggesting, you need to get out, vitya, get out of town, they will tie you up here, well, get out, i will always have time . “i first need to settle accounts with one person, i’ll go and collect my things
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, so, hello, alexey yuryevich, so what are we doing here, well, it depends on who wins, oh, mikhalovich, listen, they say you started the construction, listen, take the boards from me , otherwise they’ve been lying around for 2 years, it’s a pity to throw them away, but there’s no one to build them, well, there. well, where were you before? i was there and it was too late, i had already bought some goods, you didn’t see the apron, it wasn’t there, but maybe some carnations for you?
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how are they still holding you in the authorities with your belly? it’s okay, you’ll sit for another day, lose weight, go out, here, when you’re hungry, take it, where are you going, now?
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where are you putting your hands? how? he'll be under arrest, we'll see. don't even think about releasing him. and here, so that they don’t loom. so you want to inspect things. your late husband, so why? you see, ivan mikhailovich, after the death of andrei borisovich, we all could not come to our senses for a long time. so what? happened when you recovered? i discovered that some important documents were missing from the house. we assume that they are in the service safe, the key to which he carried with him, you are right. here are the things. which were in the pockets
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of the murdered man’s clothes, no, here from the house and from the garage, he wore the key to the safe on another keychain, it’s not here, perhaps it fell out at the time of the murder, you examined the crime scene well, i have professionals working for me, and he ... said that i quit smoking, sorry, it turns out the criminal took the key to the safe, and a service one at that; it’s impossible to get into the director’s office without someone else’s help, so yeah, obviously there were some factory ones here, i wonder what they’re looking for? assignment i realized that
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you are walking like a pendulum, sit down? so what are we going to do now? emma vladimirovna, i didn’t mean that at all, but what did you mean, a man was killed, you’re here with your shares, i ’m tired of it, oh, emma, ​​vladimir, well, all this stuff is unpleasant for me too, so what to do, well, well what to do, well, life goes on, we you need these acts. “um vladimirovna, a share is a lot of money
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, can you really refuse it, of course not , well, we’ll find the shares, we’ll find the killer, but first we need to open the office safe, go do it. this district police officer surrendered to you, no , well, why should we let him out , and you want fortune to die in our barn, why should he die in our barn, he ’s a cop, he’s obliged to get out of any situation, i wish i could tie you up like him, i ’ll see if you can get out or not, let's try, but what's wrong with me, i'm not trained for this, so then keep quiet. listen, well, we’ll come to our barn, and vitka will be there, he
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’ll kill us in no time, so go and check, what am i doing? yes, i’ll pour it out, okay, i’ll go, bitch! well, what, what, the castle is closed, and lyoshka, the district police officer, is there, and how do i
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know, well, look. yes, it’s dark, you can’t see anything, well then climb out the window, climb out the window and look, polunin can’t be there , there’s a lock hanging outside, come on, come on!
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he himself didn’t die, what will we do then, we’ll bury him here, don’t think about it either.
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lyosha accomplices, where did you hang around and what didn’t you immediately come, why, unhook me, quickly, well, wait, i’ll deal with you. you 'll both get me, that's clear, damn it, lyosh, lyosh, but you want to eat, but if you want to eat, your throat is all dry, give me water, there's no water, there's vodka, come on.
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and now come with me to the police station, quickly , wait, where are you going, and so, quickly to the police station to give evidence,
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jumper, you know, well, well, make it up, and we’ll write everything down for the record, we’ll laugh together at the trial, well, since it happened, well , he... came and you hid him, right? but they knew that they were wanted, you know how old you are threatens for complicity, and andrey, andrey, well , that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, calm down, they realized their mistake, after all, tell me, where is the noon hiding now? by god we don’t know, but we know who he wants to kill first. that, yes, the whole kopolunin is not going to kill anyone , he threatened so much, joke, yes, who does he want to laugh at so much, it’s interesting, talk about
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it, now he’s spilled the beans, he wants to kill the deputy director of the plant, the barin, exactly, a unique country with a unique destiny . unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia. on the unknown russia tv channel. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. four components against the main
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february 15 it was -37.5, and the next day it was almost -48. cold air also dominates in european territory. on the volga the sun is down to -20. in the center the frosts are milder, but a snowy atmospheric front will appear here. the cold is actively flowing to the south. today mostly about +5, tomorrow about zero. only sochi stays there, up to +15 there, but precipitation is possible everywhere. in st. petersburg it is -7 without significant precipitation, in moscow down to -10 the snow is heavy in places. with steamy wind, be careful on the roads. if you can't refuse sweets, take them. the natural olya gzhim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. ollie jim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain normal sugar levels? take alijim. natural the aligjim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite and cravings
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for sweets.
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open it, just beat it, checked the windows, fiberglass, i just don’t ignore it, everyone has their own bug in their head, hey, hey, well, i’m looking, well, at first glance i can say that before the victim was drowned , the door is metal, reliable, and the locks are level, you can’t take them with a master key, most likely either.
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5 minutes and we’re ready, don’t give us some coffee, there’s boiling water in the kettle in the kitchen, powder in the jar, and sugar in the sugar bowl. so, my friends, you still have a long time, by the way, i’m late for the meeting. so what, you’re
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almost a director, so what? you have the right to be late, or someone might butt you. listen, no one will give me a hard time, but you know, there are certain standards of behavior , which, it seems to me, are indecent to violate, i’m not used to being late, you understand, you have a spoon, well, we’re not used to working on an empty stomach, well , well, a little faster, please, uh-huh, let's go to the department, and i will ensure the safety of mr. oparin, and... well, that's it, we're ready, please, you can go, leave your slippers, i’ll put them away myself, so,
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alla lenidovna, what’s going on? boris pavlovich, i asked them to wait for you, but they didn’t even listen to me, thank you. by what right do you barge into my office? why is he yours? this is my late husband's office, and i have the right to take what is now mine. undoubtedly, emma vladimirovna, but it seemed to me that this could have been done in a more civilized manner. we wanted to, but you’re late for work. this happened through my fault, boris palovich it has nothing to do with it, we don’t care, time is up, we started working, what do you want to find there, now it’s my share of the company’s share, it’s ready, look, well
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, here it is, there’s no share. and by the way, you don’t know where they could be, and why are you asking me about this, well, now you’re the director, “agree, it’s a gorgeous tint, yes, it’s cool , you can’t see anything inside, especially in the back seat, take a seat, you wanted
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to tell me something, what? well, let’s say that i’m absolutely free tonight, how do you like that? information, unfortunately, it cannot be used, i’m busy today, well, yes , you oblige me, of course, with passion, why not, okay, i’ll wait. ema vladimirovna, why didn’t you tell us about the missing share? who told you that they were lost while they were just lost? don't bring alcohol with you, i
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have everything at home. you saw how he dodged. like an ear under a pitchfork until the director’s shares were soggy, while we were grieving, he tidied them up, do you think it ’s him, he whispered, i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s it will turn out exactly like this, i honestly doubt it, aparin has the guts for this matter, he definitely has the shares, imagine, if there is a shareholders meeting, he will lay them out, well , at best, on... there you can handle it alone, it’s more reliable with assistants
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, yes, what are you talking about, this is purely a crime, i refuse to participate in this, i can handle it alone, hello, yura, a joint-stock company is a type of partnership, the authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares equal to the par value, abstrusely. in fact there is nothing complicated, whoever has more shares is the one master of the situation, what about your plant? well, look, i have 30% of the shares, shestopal had 33, so whoever takes possession of shestopal’s shares will become the owner of the plant. well , of course, just first, are you spending the night with me again today? watch, open,
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wish you the best morning, next in the program, listen to the chronicle of an emergency, study a popular car in first gear. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio marat seddikov. an entire investigation was carried out by residents of a multi-storey building in yekaterinburg. for a long time they could not understand who was puncturing the tires of a car in the yard. that the same pest that, when the city falls asleep, punctures the wheels of cars, is their neighbor, the residents of an ekaterinburg high-rise building. guessed until they started their own detective story.


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