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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 15, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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as i said, we didn’t start the war, we’re just trying to stop it. a new interview with vladimir putin, this time to a russian journalist, what topics were discussed.
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ntv in the studio yulia bekhtereva. western countries were not going to implement the minsk agreements, but were simply buying time to pump arms into the kiev regime. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with journalist pavel zarubin. according to the president. in this situation, our country can only regret that it did not start a special operation earlier, but in moscow they believed that they were dealing with decent people. another topic of conversation was president tucker's interview.
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mr. blinkin really left the russian empire; i think he was born somewhere in the poltava province, and then lived and left kiev. the question arises, mr. blinky believes that this is primordial russian territory, apparently, mr. blinky is our man, it’s just in vain that he makes such public statements, it can lead to failure. he is a more
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experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but we will work with anyone a leader of the united states who will be trusted by the american people. and according to putin, news about the health problems of the current us president should not be given close attention, especially against the backdrop of the election race in the states. listen, when i met with biden in switzerland, it was true several years ago, 3 years there, and then they already said that... incompetent, i didn’t see anything like that, that’s what he is somewhere - getting out of the helicopter, i hit my head there - and this helicopter, but who we have - not hit his head somewhere,
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that is, let him be the first to throw a cani at him, but , as the russian president believes, you need to look closely at the political position of the us leadership, and it, in putin’s opinion, is wrongly harmful, also applies to many, including former leaders . the holo-saxon world already understands that it was not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, it’s time to make adjustments, because politics is the art of compromise, vladimir putin recalled, concluding the conversation. perhaps now after the number views of his interview with tucker karloln in all languages ​​have already exceeded 1 billion,
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the russian president will finally be listened to in the west. edmund zhelbonov, sava morozov, alina sumina and marina gusarova, ntv television company. the direction of the special operation is on kupinsky. west factions repelled an attempted attack by the ukrainian armed forces. using drones, reconnaissance detected the movement of enemy troops in the forest. the coordinates were transmitted to the crews of infantry fighting vehicles, who, with the support of spotters, struck targets from as close as possible. on in the artyomovsk direction, tankers from the southern group of troops destroyed a nationalist stronghold. our military fired several series of shots and did not give the enemy the opportunity to maneuver and respond. we are targeted, if the artillery covers, then we hit pointwise, either at the fortification, or at the points that are given to us, the work takes from the exit, where we are located, until leaving for the point from the opening of fire, this is 30 minutes, in red - liman direction,
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su-25 attack aircraft destroyed enemy armored vehicles, firing uncontrollably missiles from an extremely low altitude, all enemy targets were successfully hit. in the ugledar direction of the special operation, our military attacked the positions of ukrainian armed forces and acacia self-propelled guns. volunteers from the tiger detachment also work in this area. our correspondent, evgeny golovanov, went on a mission with the soldiers. front roads are a relative concept; more often they are simply the direction of broken armored vehicles. people seem to have become, a driver with the call sign cat has been driving for days, only today is the third flight, but he praises not himself, but his urals. the car is excellent, well, the roads, of course , are broken, for the urals they are normal, the car behaves normally, but many positions on an army truck cannot be reached only on
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tracked all-terrain vehicles, such as the mtlb in the common people of matolyga, a lightly armored tractor, a front-line workhorse, of course in the womb. level of comfort at a minimum, but no one promised an easy road, this is how the ntlb is transferred to the front line, the personnel are wiped down, the wounded are taken out, and provisions and ammo are delivered there, so these are tractors here at the front are simply irreplaceable, several kilometers under the cover of fog and in place, the first in the positions we meet a man with a gun, anti-drone, he was waiting not so much for journalists as for uninvited guests whom we could drag on our tail, ukrainian reconnaissance copters or attack drones , is protected by the position of the gunners and the rap dome system, but sometimes you have to rely only on the driving performance of the acacia. you won't believe how fast and accurate it is. powerful car. mechanical drive with a belly whisper, the most
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the youngest in the unit, recently turned 45, originally from barnaul, came to the front, leaving a profitable business in oltai. in the tiger detachment there are volunteers from almost all over the country, tough men, some of them... well, combat work has begun, now fire is being conducted on the discovered enemy stronghold, in general the artillery says that the okatsiya self-propelled artillery mount is one of the best reliable instruments for denocification and demilitarization. we have no reason not to believe them. of course, there is progress, guys are coming, well, it’s hard there. you see for yourself they are concreted, they are sitting
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, excuse me, you can’t take grenades, or is it just a heavy technician, after the end of the shooting, making sure that all targets are hit, the acacia crew changes position, finally managing to convey greetings to their relatives, whom they have not seen for six months, greetings to everyone barnaul, to all of us, mom, i love you, zhinka, daughter, i love you too, i’ll come soon, i hope, victory evgeniy golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv. donbass. today the main supporters of military support for ukraine will gather in brussels. a meeting of nato defense ministers will be held there. on the eve of the meeting , secretary general en stoltenberg said that this year the alliance's budget will increase significantly. members of the military bloc intend to spend at least 2% of their gdp on defense. previously, the united states repeatedly reproached its european counterparts. partners in nato's underfunding, but now in washington there are more
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radical calls for withdrawal from the military bloc. what will happen if the states decide to do this, sergei kholoshevsky found out. nineteenth meeting of the group ramstein on the eve of the nato defense ministers' summit began with an appeal from recent intensive care unit patient lloyd austin. the us secretary of defense was moved home from the hospital ward and changed into a suit. the kremlin continues to bet that we will all lose interest in ukraine and that our support will fade, but i am as determined as ever, and i know you are too, our contact group remains resolute, undaunted. however, the general secretary, this purely defensive organization had decisiveness much less, especially against the backdrop of the latest events in ukraine, the statement of trump, who promised to deal with nato as soon as he comes to power.
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at first, washington thought that he had gotten carried away, but trump’s former national security advisor john bolton assured that everything was very serious. biden tried to object, but his aides wrote something vague about every inch. nato is a sacred commitment, and donald trump considers it a burden. if putin attacks any nato ally, the us will defend every inch nato territory while i am president. but the fact is that biden doesn’t have much left, in general, panic has begun in the european garden of eden. nato cannot
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be a military alliance like the lacarte restaurant. nato cannot be a military alliance that operates depending on the mood of the us president on a given day. let's be serious already. the western press is now seriously discussing the topic: how are we without a master? what europeans don’t like to hear is that trump is right, they have always been freeloaders, it would be naive expect that the us. will pay the bills for european security ad infinitum. donald trump has effectively driven a stake through the heart of the alliance. and now it doesn't even matter whether he wins. europe is left to its own devices. the only real question that the american elections will answer is the timing of the collapse of nato. stoltenberg swore in brussels that nato has money. this year the defense budget is $380 billion. but can europe defend itself? bloomberg asks a question and mozhe answers it with citing an unnamed european diplomat, senior officials
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know they can't count on the us to defend europe, with at least another 10 years left before the continent can defend itself without outside help, so olof scholz still has to dig, eve he, together with his alliance colleagues, was digging a hole for the foundation of a new ren metal plant for the production of shells for armored vehicles, in general, the news from ukraine is not encouraging, there are not enough shells.
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then the government will significantly lower the forecast poroskiy gdp and admitted that this is a very bad indicator, and therefore the country can no longer continue in the same spirit. there was a drop last year; now berlin is the second largest sponsor of the kiev regime after washington, and has no plans to reduce the volume of assistance. information appeared in the german press that the authorities could cut the budget for the social sector and send this money to kiev. in latvia, from today... they will begin to select cars with russian license plates and transfer them to ukraine. in addition, owners such cars will be fined up to 2,000 euros. the ban does not include the cars of diplomats or cars traveling through latvia in transit, but in this case it is necessary to leave the country within 24 hours. riga made the decision back in november, then the authorities gave 3
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months to remove the cars from the country or get latvian license plates. this or that society is to look at its infrastructure, we are at the kievskoye metro station, we went down there to take a look, and what we saw shocked us, there is no graffiti here, no dirt, no there are no unpleasant smells, there are no insects , no drug addicts, no people who are just waiting to push you onto the railway tracks and kill you, no, it is perfectly clean,
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how is it that russia has a metro station that people... the izvestia hall concert venue is burning, the fire engulfed the building, which is located in the courtyard of the building, the fire area was estimated at one and a half thousand square meters, the metal dome collapsed, according to preliminary data, there may be gas cylinders inside, the fire was assigned the third rank of complexity out of five. there have been no reports of casualties; emergency
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services are on the scene. traffic in the area of ​​the burning building is difficult; some exits from the pushkinskoye metro station are closed. several russian regions immediately introduced restrictions on transport due to severe snowstorms. buses no longer release cargo on the road of the altai territory onto the siberia highway in the tomsk and kemerovo regions. due to snowfall and hurricane winds , visibility on the road has decreased. there were drifts on the roadway. it's no better in kemerovo itself. pedestrians can easily stay on their feet impossible. in the omsk region, bad weather scattered bus stops along the streets.
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, in empio and eldorado, you are tormented by porridge, i am euface, vypeiface softens the mucus, facilitates coughing, reduces inflammation, eifece - triple strength against cough. good morning, about the weather for today: they say that today is the first meeting of winter with spring, and winter clearly wants to show that it is still in charge, reinforcement of its arguments came along with the powerful invasion of arctic air, this will be well felt by residents of central russia, especially in morning hours. moreover, the collision of eastern cold with western warmth will trigger snowfalls in the central region in the northwest, heavy in places. there will be frosts... in the south, but fortunately they will not reach the black sea itself, because in sochi magnolia bloomed almost a month ahead of schedule, it was misled by the april warmth, but in the coming days it will reach +15 here, so let's
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hope the flowering doesn't stop. severe frosts down to -2 and below covered the urals and the south of western siberia. the heat wave ends its run near lake baikal, -10 in krasnoyarsk, in irkutsk only -5, but the city, as we see, will not escape the cold fate; in the south of the far east , a short warming will replace it. with the cold, today it’s still in the previous coolness, tomorrow the frosts will weaken, and then sharply down and so on throughout the south, but yakutia will take the lion’s share of the cold, in yakutsk -33, in verkhoyansk -42 it will be even colder, in the capitals the source of the cold the same thing, but yakutia, of course, is far away in every sense, in st. petersburg -7 without precipitation, in moscow down to minus ten with snow in some places, strong with steam wind, be careful on the roads.


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