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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 15, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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as i said, we didn’t start the war, we’re just trying to stop it, a new interview with vladimir putin, this time to a russian journalist, what are the topics?
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they are getting used to the idea that europeans will have to continue to bear the burden of ukraine without washington. a large fire was also extinguished in the center of moscow; the fire area reached one and a half thousand square meters. in latvia, they will begin to confiscate cars with russian license plates, and in a number of regions of the country , traffic has been limited due to a snowstorm. hello, welcome to information teleservice
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which came out a week ago. it has already been viewed by millions of people around the world. edmund zhulbunov knows what impression the american journalist made on vladimir putin, what they talked about behind the scenes. vladimir putin's interview with an american journalist is intended mainly for a western audience. the president’s answers to questions from a russian journalist are already a dialogue with the russian-speaking audience, that is, with those who do not need to explain why the head of state decided to launch a special operation in the west, even after a detailed... practically on the fingers of an explanation with all the historical references, it seems that they did not understand this, or rather did not want to understand, so vladimir putin also began the second big interview in a week with the main thing, that they are watching, listening, good, but that’s it, that they distort what i said, this is bad, and distort the map, i did not say that the beginning of our special military operation in ukraine is connected with the threat of a nato attack on ... russia, where is it in my interview, and there is
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a recording , let them show where exactly i'm talking about said this. i was talking about something else, i was talking about the fact that we were constantly deceived from the point of view of non-expansion, but the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of today’s ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements, the continuous attacks with numerous casualties. on the republics of donbass, which we have not recognized for 8 years, as i said, we did not start the war, we are only trying to stop it. the only thing we can regret is that we did not begin our active actions earlier. wherein tucker carlson, regardless of how successful he was in conveying his position to a western audience, vladimir putin expressed gratitude for his role as a mediator. i think that your carlson, when i say yours, i mean that he is... a representative of your
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journalistic workshop, a dangerous person, that's why? because, to be honest, i thought that he would behave aggressively and ask these so-called sharp questions, i was not only ready for this, but i wanted it, because it would give me the opportunity to also sharply answer that in my opinion, would have given a certain specificity to our entire conversation, but... he chose a different tactic, putin also said that he discussed with carlson after the cameras were turned off, they talked about secretary of state anthony blinken, who had previously stated that his great-grandfather fled from the jewish pogroms in russia, we have all this in our archives, mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather actually left the russian empire, i think he was born somewhere in the poltava province, and then lived and left kiev.
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american politicians, putin answered directly to perhaps the most intriguing question on the eve of the us presidential election: for us, moreover, when discussing american politics, who is better, biden or trump? biden, he is
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a more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but we will work with anyone. a leader of the united states who will be trusted by the american people. and according to putin, news about the health problems of the current us president should not be given close attention, especially against the backdrop of the election race in the states. listen, when i met biden in switzerland, it was true a few years ago, 3 years there, well, then they already said that he was incompetent. i didn't see anything like it. that's what - somewhere - while getting out of the helicopter, he hit his head there. and this helicopter, but who hasn’t hit his head somewhere, that is, let him be the first to throw a cannon at him, but , as the russian president believes, we need to look carefully at the political position of the us leadership, and in putin’s opinion it is wrongly harmful,
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the same applies to many, including former leaders of european countries, especially germany and england, which is worth the mere attitude of british ex-prime minister boris johnson, who literally ordered kiev to disrupt the negotiations. so mr. rahamia himself said this, we didn’t pull his tongue, he said what he thought, but he also said that if we had fulfilled those agreements, then we would have agreed to the full implementation of those agreements that arose in istanbul , the war would have stopped a year and a half ago, now that the entire anglo-saxon world has already understands that it was not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, it is time to make adjustments, because politics is the art of compromise, vladimir putin recalled. ending the conversation. perhaps now, after the number of views of his interview with tucker carlson in all languages ​​has already exceeded 1 billion, the russian president will finally be listened to in the west. edmund zhelbynov, sava morozov, alina sumina and marina gusarova, ntv television company. in the kupinsky direction of the special operation
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, motorized riflemen of the west group repelled an attempt attacks from the ukrainian armed forces. using drones , reconnaissance detected the movement of enemy troops in the forest. coordinator. handed over to the crew of infantry fighting vehicles, which, with the support of spotters, struck targets from as close as possible. in the artyomovsk direction, tankers from the southern group of troops destroyed a nationalist stronghold. our military fired several series of shots and did not give the enemy the opportunity to maneuver and return fire. we are targeted, if the artillery covers, then we hit either the fortification or the points that are given to us. work is busy. exiting where we are located, before leaving for the point from the opening of fire - this is 30 minutes. in the krasno-liman direction, su-25 attack aircraft destroyed enemy armored vehicles, firing unguided missiles from an extremely low altitude. all enemy targets were successfully
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hit. and in the ugledar direction of the special operation, our military attacked the positions of the ukrainian armed formations of akatse self-propelled guns. on this site. including volunteers from the tiger detachment. our correspondent, evgeny golovanov, went on a mission with the soldiers. front-line roads are a relative concept; more often it is simply the direction of broken armored vehicles until they become muddy during the thaw. here, not every car can handle it, but it’s as if there were people, a driver with the call sign “cat” drives for days, only today is the third trip, but he praises not himself, but his ural. the car is excellent, well, the roads, of course, are broken for... but many positions cannot be reached on an army truck only on tracked all-terrain vehicles such as mtlb in common parlance motolyga, a lightly armored tractor , a front-line workhorse, of course, in the belly of the tractor,
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minimal comfort, but no one promised an easy road, this is how they are transferred to the front line, the personnel rotate the wounded... and provisions are delivered there, so such decoys are here at the front just a few kilometers under the cover of fog and in place, he was not waiting for guests whom we could drag on our tail, as many journalists as uninvited ukrainian reconnaissance copters or attack drones, defending the positions of artillerymen and rap dome system, but sometimes you have to rely only on the driving performance of the acacia , you won’t believe how fast and accurate it is, a powerful machine, a mechanical driver with a belly whisper, the youngest in the unit, recently turned 45, came from barnaul to the front, leaving for
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after after the shooting ends, making sure that all targets are hit, the acacia crew changes position,
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finally managing to say hello to their relatives, whom they have not seen for six months. hello to everyone in barnaul, to all of us, mommy, i love you, i love the woman before you too, i’ll come soon, i hope with victory. evgeny golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, donbass. ukraine.
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for europeans, the prospect of losing the support of the solid shoulder of an american soldier loomed immediately after donald trump
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said at a rally in south carolina that he does not care about the safety of those panato allies who do not pay their bills. at first , washington thought that he had gotten carried away, but trump’s former national security advisor john bolton assured that everything was very serious. in general, in the european garden of eden began panic. nato cannot be a military alliance like a restaurant. nato cannot be a military alliance that operates depending on the mood of the us president on a given day. let's be serious already. the western press is now seriously discussing the topic: how are we without a master? what europeans don't like to hear is that trump is right, they have always been freeloaders, it would be naive to expect the us to foot the bill for european security indefinitely. stoltenberg swore in brussels that nato has money. this year's defense. budget is $380 billion, but will europe be able to defend itself,
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bloomberg asks and answers with reference to an unnamed european diplomat, senior officials know that they should not count on the united states in matters of european defense, before the continent will be able to defend itself without outside help, at least another 10 years are needed, so olaf scholz still has to dig, the day before he and his alliance colleagues were digging a hole for the foundation of a new one. rhine metal plant for the production of shells armored vehicles, in general, the news from ukraine is not encouraging, there are not enough shells, and the states are slowly merging from leading positions, plunging deeper and deeper into the election campaign... at the summit in brussels, according to the german newspaper handels blade, one of the main issues is the transition of coordination functions for the supply of weapons to kiev from the ramstein contact group, where the united states played the main violin to nato’s european partners. in other words, the americans seem to be hinting, how will you continue without us? sergei kholoshevsky, natalya markevich, vladimir vypritsky, boris filchikov,
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ntv european bureau. at the same time , the locomotive of the european economy is germany. no longer economic affairs minister robert habeck is coping with the workload, the vice-chancellor said that the government would significantly lower the forecast for gdp growth and admitted that this is a very bad indicator, and therefore the country can no longer continue in the same spirit. there was a drop last year; now berlin is the second largest sponsor of the keyan regime after washington and has no plans to reduce the volume of assistance. information appeared in the german press that the authorities can cut the budget for... the social sphere and send this money to kiev. in latvia, from today they will begin to select cars with russian license plates and transfer them to ukraine. in addition, owners of such cars will be fined up to 2,000 euros. the ban does not include the cars of diplomats or cars traveling through latvia in transit, but in this case
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it is necessary to leave the country within 24 hours. riga made the decision back in november, then. it was assigned the third complexity rank out of five. there were no injuries as a result of the fire. traffic in the area of ​​the emergency is difficult. some exits from the pushkinskoye metro station are closed. several russian regions immediately introduced restrictions on transport due to severe snowstorms. heavy-duty buses are not allowed on the roads of the altai territory to the siberia highway in
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the tomsk and kemerovo regions. due to snowfall and hurricane winds , the video fell on the road. there are drifts on the roadway, it’s no better in kemerovo itself; it’s simply impossible for pedestrians to stay on their feet. in the omsk region , bad weather scattered buses along the streets stops. strong winds with gusts of up to 25 m per second overturned structures and threw them several meters, but there were no casualties. in the central regions, freezing rains have given way to snowfall; moscow has been swept away overnight; experts are waiting for an update.
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as has been the tradition for the last couple of years, this information has not been reported. the mercedes-benz group, formerly called daimler, has ceased to be a shareholder of kamaz. the general director of the russian company, sergei kogogin, said this in an interview with the vedomosti newspaper. according to him, his the germans sold the share this year, but to whom for how much, sergei kogogin did not specify and advised asking the german company about this. he also said that the mercedes-benz group has not been involved in the life of kamaz since february 22. year, but added: yes, the fact that relations with european partners ceased certainly changed kamaz’s products, but according to sergei kagogin, it did not affect kamaz’s ability to produce commercial vehicles and develop its model range. daimler became a shareholder of kamaz back in 2008, first purchasing a 10% stake. shares, and later bringing it to 15%. the russian german company had a joint
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venture with two factories in naberezhnye chelny. the russian stock market starts trading in the red. because it looks at cheaper oil. inventories in america grew 4.2 times more than forecast. the ruble continues to slide down the dollar to 91.46 and the euro to 98.10. investors are not very active because china is celebrating the new year, and on friday the russian central bank will announce its decision on the rate. a tourist tax has been introduced on baali island. it's a one-time thing. 10 dollars regardless of the number of days. you can pay online through the lavlly website, and local authorities recommend it. this is an option, but obviously, russian tourists, with their cards not working abroad, will have to use the second option, pay upon arrival. earlier, the indonesian ministry of tourism explained that the tourist tax was imposed to protect the unique area. nature of bali's culture, before the pandemic, tourism contributed approximately 60% of its gdp. the former governor of bali, wayan kaster, wanted to complicate the procedure for entering the island for russians and ukrainians.
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the reason given was reports of bad behavior and possible criminal activity. voenkaster clarified: there are complaints that tourists do not leave the island after finishing their vacation, but stay there to live and take up the jobs of bollians. and the military caster also complained. from january to may '23. one way to understand a society is to look at its infrastructure. we
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are located near the kievskoye metro station, we went down there to take a look, and what we saw shocked us. there is no graffiti, no dirt, there are no unpleasant smells, there are no insects, no drug addicts, no people who are just waiting to push you onto the railway tracks to kill you, no. it's perfectly clean here, how come russia has a metro station that people use every day to commute to work and home, it looks better than anything in our country. before this , carlson had already said that moscow made an indelible impression on him; according to the journalist, the russian capital is safer and more beautiful than american cities. he also i noticed that the level of service in russia is much higher. today in russia they remember the events of thirty-five years ago. on february 15, 1989 , the last units
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of soviet, as they were then called, internationalist soldiers left afghanistan. several decades later, participants in those events say that this was help to the fraternal people and a feat of our soldiers. more than 500,000 soldiers and officers went through the war in afghanistan, and more than 15 thousand of them died. alexander kanevich met with veterans: this is the jellalabad area, a border area with pakistan, and this armored personnel carrier supported our command post exercises. there is something to remember but nothing to tell. intelligence veteran ivan grigoryevich rlitsin still does not have the right to disclose details of the operations in which he participated. he ended up in afghanistan. in 1984 after working as a military adviser in angola and other african countries. we carried out work, operational work, to obtain data
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for the fighting units in afghanistan. ivan grigorievich served in afghanistan for 2 years, then helped those who replaced him work. colleagues, collect data and interact with intelligence agencies. we fought with caravans that supplied weapons, ammunition, food for the majahideen from... pakistan and iran, there were instructors there, mostly pakistani, there were americans, but the most important thing is that the weapons were all new, modern weapons for that period was american, homeland. the homeland thanks you, the homeland is counting on you, the combat column reaches the border, now everything is behind, when
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the last soviet battalion crossed the bridge over the amu darya, the colonel was already in moscow, but not during his service, not years later , he never once wondered what our army was doing there, educating souls. patriotic endeavors, international, that we, being in afghanistan, are defending the south of our homeland, the union of soviet socialist republics. the next anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, of course, is an occasion to remember those events and discuss the necessity and significance for politicians, historians, and military experts. for those who have been there, this is primarily a day of remembrance for those who did not return from battle. we remember our guys who died, soldiers, officers. immediately after school, igor
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erin was working at the moscow automobile plant when he was drafted into the army. this group of 100 people was gathered from all districts of moscow and formed in order to later join the automobile battalion, they traveled in trucks, on levniks. some of them were drivers of armored personnel carriers, well, about 10 of us probably ended up in the infantry, of those who ended up in the infantry, in our sixty-sixth brigade, guys, three people were ambushed, they will die, he i remember well my first battle, all my fellow soldiers who became true friends, and the day when they announced that this war was over, i had a feeling of unfinished business, that is, you know, that
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is, we did not win. and did not lose, and what we did was necessary at that time, but such obvious self-satisfaction that we ended with a big victory, it was somehow not yet present, today, after 35 years of war, internationalists do not indulge in discussions about geopolitics and his personal contribution to the current situation things in the modern world, but they simply say: we fulfilled our duty to our homeland. inaction of officials, olga's report the investigative committee began an investigation into chernova.
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an answer. so. it’s nice when they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off, sign up for platinum tinks before the end of february and always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. tinkov, it’s me, irina timofeeva, i’m developing new methods for environmentally friendly analysis of food products, and this is mine chemistry teacher, it was she who made me friends with science. develop interest.
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cut off from the world. the only bridge across the aka river, which connects the village of zarechnoye with other settlements, went under water. local authorities are not trying to put it in order. doctors, firefighters and public officials cannot reach residents. and here is the railway station, an electric stop 500 m away, shops, a post office, a low-level bridge built back in the soviet times, an important crossing for residents of three villages used to always be repaired in a timely manner, residents say, but
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now they have not been able to get repairs for 10 years, the other day workers arrived, but only to put up signs, passage and travel is prohibited, we have no road at all , when we contacted the administration, they told us, drive through this road, today i’m walking, i laugh, they put up a sign: or rather, drive here too, we are generally repulsed, but not the ambulance, nor the fire department, nothing can come to us, it happens that when i return to training, bridge flooded, the stones are flooded, and they have to take off their shoes and walk without shoes and take off their socks too, the residents of the village of zarechnaya are forced to do it themselves, how can they repair an emergency bridge, filling the flooded area with crushed stone and crushed bricks, they say before, the suspension bridge, which is 100 m down , has always helped out with the flow, but 2 years ago...
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do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar, stay in shape. do you dream of reducing your volume in order to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit ivalar - stay in shape. hello, about the weather for tomorrow. in most of our huge country, from the baltic shores to the shores of chukotka, the weather is abnormally cold. exceptions, if there are any, will be isolated. this is how residents of the south and far east can expect symbolic warming. in vladivostok tomorrow it will be near zero. and abnormally cold weather hit eastern siberia. such a rapid decline. temperatures are preparing in altai in kazyl, in the urals the anticyclone is at the helm of the weather, warming begins there, while it is modest in yekaterinburg and chelyabinsk to -16. european territory is also under the control of an anticyclone, but we are warm.


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