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tv   Za granyu  NTV  February 15, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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50,000 rubles from the bank, you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. tinkov investments are just tinkov. beyond. a twenty-year-old mother of two has such huge breasts that she is afraid to die under them. irina chaikina. hello irina. have you always had voluminous breasts? well, yes, i started to grow in fifth grade. what size was it then? well, in the fifth i already reached the third, fourth. did your classmates pay attention to this at school? well, of course, especially boys. everyone pointed and said, here come irka. that is, large breasts were the subject of ridicule. someone
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supported me, mom, who said, well, it happens, you don’t need to pay attention to anyone attention, but you still can’t forgive your classmates for bullying you, well , you’ve already come to terms with it, your tears show that it’s not quite what breast size you currently have i... i think it’s a ninth, you think, that is you don’t know, but now those around you are paying more attention to this than before, well, yes, every passerby is watching, i felt sad, because i believe that youth, yes, is exactly the time when a person absorbs some kind of this is the power, yes, throughout this life he then uses this power, apparently that this is a tragedy for a person, the transmission has begun here, i think that there will definitely be a way out.
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the main thing is not to lose heart, life has just begun, everything will be fine for you. lalit, what do you think in this case, a large bust is, well, probably no longer pride, rather torment, right? some people dream of big breasts, but in reality this is not such a great gift. in general, i understand our heroine, because, well, my breasts also began to grow in the fifth grade, i also received ridicule, probably, yes, of course, i very much. complexed, because when i was 14 years old it was already , yes, such a confident c grade, and naturally i walked all this with a slouch and hid it, because the looks of a man were naturally unpleasant, when i walked around in position with my daughter, i also had number nine, it was terrible , i just couldn’t see my belly behind my chest, the fact that i was pregnant, well , it’s really terrible, irin for what? time
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the breasts increased from the third size to, as you say, the ninth? 5 years, now it continues to grow? yes, i bought myself a bra 2 months ago, i already have it small. we have your photos taken 4 years ago. sergey, but you must admit, there is nothing unusual in this photographic figure. yes, of course, such forms are quite proportional here, and i would say, as a man, i would certainly pay attention to such a curvaceous one. in this case, she is, of course, large , this was due, as irina already said, to growth during puberty, that is, this is a hormone-dependent increase in breast tissue , now growth continues because she is young. a woman of fertile age, and
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naturally, her hormonal levels, like any fertile woman, are quite high , there is a lot of estrogen, breast tissue continues to grow, but here in the photograph we see that this is... macromastia, that is, it is already large breasts, but in general it is quite rare pathology, according to world data, one woman per 100,000 female population, and this pathology can occur , so for some reason, that is, irina is one of 100,000, for example, yes, and in no scientific school in the world there is a large enough amount of material in order to obtain conclusions and , most importantly, to provide assistance at that stage when clinical manifestations of such large breasts have not yet arisen. irina. you are now very complex because of such a bust, very much, that is, somewhere on the beaches , don’t go to water parks, if i go to the beach, then i wear a very large t-shirt, it turns out that you spend most of your time at home, yes, at home of the children, how old are they, my daughter is 3 years old, my son
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is eight years old, and how did pregnancies affect the breasts, i fed each child for a month, well while they were sucking the load, it decreased a little, when about... well , the feeding stopped, it began to grow even more, at the time of pregnancy the breasts increase in size, this is absolutely normal, because the hormonal background changes, and of course a woman’s breasts are as strong as they can return to its original position, so in principle it can remain well one or two, usually one and a half sizes larger than it was before pregnancy. irena, after your first birth, what was your breast size? probably the seventh, we have a photo of you after your first birth, in this how many photos? about 18 years old, and who is this niece, an acquaintance, this is the daughter of my boyfriend, the eldest, understand, were you breastfeeding at that moment ? no, valerie, you must agree, in this photo the changes are more obvious, the breasts already look bigger, yes, but there is excess weight,
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there is also adipose tissue in the breasts, so i would think that the increase is simply physiological. irina, have you consulted a doctor about this problem? i didn’t even think that i needed to see a doctor. why? i don’t know, if we see signs of macromastia, then the patient should definitely be observed a homologist at least once a year. if a homologist finds some obvious problems during the study, then this frequency can be once every six months or even more often. irina, how do you cope with two children with such breasts? well, of course, this is very difficult, since you have to carry your son in your arms, and your daughter also asks. it’s hard for me to wear them for a long time, i can only carry them for about five minutes, it’s hard for me to climb stairs with them, and you are raising your son and daughter alone? no, with a young man, with their father, how does he evaluate your figure? ok, he's nothing to me he doesn’t say that there’s something that doesn’t
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suit him, but you’re not embarrassed about your body in front of him, i’m embarrassed, he somehow calms you down or not, he sees that you ’re shy, well, yes, he says, everything’s fine, well... i'm used to it already, but what solution do you see to the problem, they just need to be removed, you 're hoping for an operation, yeah, you know, irin, the father of your children doesn't want you to get rid of large breasts, in the studio egor sukhovy , hello, hello, how long have you known irina, 5 years, both children are yours, yes mine, remember what she looked like when you just saw her for the first time.
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you buy whatever you want, there is something fashionable, beautiful, you are looking for, well , a larger size, grandma’s version, for a young girl, of course, this is offensive, you can take a normal shower on your own. help , it happens that diaper rash happens, inflammation, this probably happens, and they need to be washed more often, i apply cream, sprinkle powder, when i’m at home, i put a towel under my chest so that nothing rubs on me, so that i sweat a lot there was no under them, at night, as you fall asleep, well, i don’t sleep back, because that it’s becoming difficult for me to breathe, i sleep only on my sides, but your sleep is normal, no, i snore too much. a developed mammary gland, unfortunately, limits the excursion , that is, the movement of the chest, and
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because of this, snoring with pauses in breathing may occur, in medical terminologies this is called sleep apnea, and this sleep apnea leads to the fact that the body does not receive enough oxygen and this affects all organs of the tissue, if a person has intermittent sleep, he does not get enough sleep, accordingly his entire circulatory rhythm and hormonal balance are disrupted, accordingly, this can in turn lead to obesity, that is, such a vicious circle is formed. irina, how much do you feel your breasts weigh? 10 kilograms each. mikhail, what happens to the spine under the influence of such weight? in general, the spine is such an island organism, on which everything rests on us. can you explain on the layout? of course yes. then you can clearly see it on the layout. that our spine has, well, it’s not a straight column, like a stand, it still
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has certain bends, but the main function one of its main functions, of course , is shock-absorbing , our entire skeletal apparatus rests on it, if we imagine that we hang a heavy backpack on the chest wall, and this is a fairly heavy backpack that we will have, not only that aggravate the phenomenon of thoracic kyphosis, but our heroine does not constantly stand still, she still moves, her chest hangs in one direction or the other, accordingly, because of this , curvature of the spine will occur, so -called scoliosis , that is, there will be both lordosis and scoliosis will worsen , that is, our spine will be deformed, and this leads to pinching, but the entire spine or a separate section suffers at once, no, as a rule, the cervicothoracic spine suffers and, as a rule, so -called dorsopathy occurs, this is a complex pathologies of the spine associated specifically with curvature, pinching of nerve roots. and leading to pain syndrome. further in the future, what could this lead to? such
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a large breast mass, which is even more likely to increase in size, will aggravate the phenomenon is precisely the curvature of the spine, pinched radicular syndrome, pinching the curved these vertebral discs, they are here between each vertebrae , nerve roots come out, nerves come out that innervate our body and the curvature of the spine will pinch these nerve roots, leading not only to pain, but lead to a violation. sensitivity up to numbness in the limbs, that is, problems with movement, for example, numbness in the hands may occur, a person may feel that he has no fingertips, if we look at our heroine, then we’ll look at the photographs that we saw today, at the age of 18, then after the first birth, the heroine’s weight is constantly changing, it increases, why imagine, imagine hanging a weight on you, with whom you you will constantly walk, sleep, wash, and so on and... here it turns out to be a vicious circle, she wants to lose weight, but to lose weight, we see that she is gaining weight, but she cannot lose weight,
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because it is simply impossible to even run or jump with such breasts , there is only one way out, this operation, by the way, our german colleagues back in the twentieth year of the last century described a woman with giant astia, her total volume of both mammary glands was 54 kg, 54, yes, and according to the description of colleagues, the nipples of this patient were at knee level, what a horror , during the operation, if irina still goes for this procedure, there is a chance that after the operation the breasts will grow again, yes, if reduction is done in its pure form, that is, part of the mammary gland, mammary gland tissue is removed, then considering that growth is still conditioned hormonal background, then the tissue will still hyperplasia and the breasts will grow, there is only one way out in this case, this is skin-sparing mastectomy with prosthetics, thank you for the demonstration, egor, do you understand? it’s so hard for your woman, i roughly understand, well
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, it’s still an operation, she’s going under the knife, you never know what will happen, you’re afraid for her life, well , yes, how will she cope with the anesthesia, ziep, well, yegor has reason to worry, of course, there are certain risks, since obese patients, let’s say, have an increased risk cardiac complications, including arrhythmias, fatal, and sometimes, sudden cardiac arrest occurs. on the operating table, so, of course, most likely, before the breast reduction operation itself, irina will be asked to slightly reduce her body weight. she cannot play sports. simply because of large breasts, at least some kind of sport is necessary, yes, to lose weight, and we have other tools, if there are indications , drug support is used. first of all, the heroine needs to pay attention to nutrition, after all, if there is any errors, this should be corrected. in general, obesity and excess weight lead to disruption of lipid metabolism, that is
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, cholesterol increases, this leads to the formation of trans-sclerotic plaques, they can come off. also, an increase in blood glucose is diabetes, which also carries its own risks, with blood vessels, this is generally a vicious circle, and you know, there can be risks in any operation, but there are also risks of living with such breasts, with a high body mass index, but of course there is, too, egor, and this is exactly what you worry about, for those moments that were listed, well, yes, but you and irina are married while miss is gone, irin, aren’t you offended? that you gave a man two children, but he did not propose, we want this later, this is your general decision, and for you it is not important. egor, are you included by the father in the children’s birth certificate? no, not included, no, no. and why? i had problems with documents. he had an expired passport, and well, we waited until he changed the documents, and then it was just
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an expired passport for two stages of pregnancy. yes. now there are problems with documents. no, not now, why don’t you write, now i’m writing soon, these are just questions of the same field, because if you are afraid for the life of the mother of your children, and if god forbid something happens, then you are not even their father formally , this situation, unfortunately, is not uncommon, yes, when women do not include their fathers on the birth certificate, and most often this is done in order to obtain the status of a single mother, an allowance, there is not only an allowance, there are also all sorts of benefits, but. .. if suddenly you break up, unfortunately, no one can be insured against this, then you, irina, cannot have any rights to alimony, and egor, accordingly, has no right to even meet with his children, uh, because if the mother does not allow it, then you egor can have your children just don't see it anymore. secondly, this is the right to inheritance by law, children do not
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have it now, and proving in court the fact of kinship with a deceased person is, believe me, a very complicated story, the same goes for survivor benefits, if something suddenly happens, you will not have this benefit if god forbid, irina, something happens to you, your children will actually remain orphans, because legally they do not have a father now, until egor proves paternity, the children will be in a children's institution, and if you really are not in fact , you are a single mother, but legally you have received this status. actually, this is an article that is provided for in the criminal code, 159.2 - it is a crime that there is a breadwinner, and accordingly you have not registered him. don’t you think this is some kind of yegor’s position? a little childish. it’s not a fact that this is precisely infantilism, perhaps there is some real reason, perhaps a previous marriage, perhaps previous children,
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she said about the photo when she was standing with a girl, this is her young daughter. human. egor. you are not officially married to anyone. with no one. well, of course, he was comfortable, he lay down on one chest and covered himself with the other. you know, everything is like, i’m not involved. well, well, it's nobody. you know, a person who is invisible, who just happens to be there. he has no right to vote if he doesn't have it in himself some kind of courage and masculine masculine act to take official responsibility for their children, both from their first marriage, and from their first marriage. the child is registered, i’m interested , he is registered, the second ones are not registered, can i still say in defense, because you understand that, in principle, what an act, that it is for the whole country and he came here to support it, you know, there is such a social experiment when a man, so that he can feel what a woman feels when she’s pregnant, simply ties a watermelon, yes, that’s it. he lies down with this watermelon, tries to get up,
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walk around, i’m sure if something like this is done to yegor, then of course he will change. she will say her attitude, dear , let’s do something urgently, because you don’t live, but exist, this is really for her, this is grief for her, you know, this is grief, a person constantly lives in some kind of stress, she does not live a full life, and she is only 20 years old, she already has such a complex and fear and in general the feeling that life is passing by, what folk methods the mother tried to save her daughter from having large breasts, and did this really only make the situation worse? this still goes beyond all normal limits, i am very afraid and worried about this, watch right after the advertisement. this is a contender for victory, in the fifth season we have some of the coolest artists, the brightest with
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they are active because of their enormous breasts. she can’t do it, so more often a young mother works with the kids, sitting in one place, here we play with the children, both of us, it’s uncomfortable, of course, but that’s okay, we’re quite comfortable, i’m used to it, i would of course like to have more contact with the children, to get up too it’s hard, the housewife’s whole life is work, she takes a rag in her hands, stands on all fours and, overcoming the pain in her back, washes the floor. i wash the floors by hand, so how to wash with a mop is not the way you wanted , it’s hard, of course, especially every time to walk , rinse the rag, then irina goes to the kitchen, washes the dishes and cooks for the whole family, but she cannot stand in one position for a long time, her bust is pulled
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down. it’s hard to stand, i give myself time to rest, sitting down on a chair, the funny thing is when i’m cutting something, i put the knife on the edge and then i can’t find it because it ’s hidden under my chest, a mother of two children doesn’t have time to have lunch in peace, right? in a frying pan she seasones fried potatoes with mayonnaise, he quickly eats it on the go. irina is not happy to walk with children on the street, it’s also difficult to walk with children, i don’t walk with them much, for an hour and a half, if i have the opportunity to sit down, i sit down, since my legs also need to be given a rest. irina’s mother wants to help her daughter, but is afraid of the consequences
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of the operation in our studio tatyana chaikina. tatyana, hello, hello, when did you notice that your daughter’s breasts are growing too quickly, after the first birth they increased, well, from size five to size nine, but she growing up, i thought maybe somehow genes, well, then it got bigger, it just became worse, and you say genes, someone in your family has such a problem, well, on irina’s father’s side, there’s a cousin her , but it’s not so scary there, i ’m... size five, we thought it would be like that, it happens that cells react to estrogen, to the female sex hormone, in a special way, and this can be transmitted inheritance, that is, they respond to estrogen, proliferation, breast tissue begins to grow. mikhail, and irina, she, respectively, can pass on her peculiarity to her daughter, maybe, but how to identify this at an early stage, perhaps the girl is still small, how old is she, 3 years old, when is it worth observing. or
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consult a doctor, pay attention, monitor, when to start? puberty will arise, and irina will see for herself whether her daughter’s breasts will begin to grow or not? tatyana, why has your daughter never gone to a momologist? well, we thought that after the first pregnancy, the second, while milk was feeding, but even before the first pregnancy, but obviously there were some problems at school, we somehow we talked about this, well, things didn’t go any further, that is, you are only connecting the two. i am a tumor, perhaps you are afraid that your daughter will take the disease, i am very much afraid, yes , i am worried that there is not only growth, there may be various formations in the mammary gland, these are tumors, and cysts, and some kind of fibrous changes , for this, along with a trip and annually to a specialist, to a mommologist, to a surgeon, a study is required, this is mammography, ultrasound diagnostics, trivially, by which it is already possible to identify
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some new... in the mammary gland. tatiana, did you somehow help your daughter solve her breast problem? we tightened it with a belt, but didn’t work. did you pull it? yes, they used belts to tighten things up. mikhail, this is harmful. of course, there is a study, a fairly large international study, that women wearing underwear of a smaller size were more likely to develop swelling pathology of the mammary glands, that is , tight underwear can be one of the reasons for the development of a tumor in the mammary gland, respectively, tightening of the mammary gland has nothing to do with it to the size of the mammary glands and does not affect in any way, well, that is, you absolutely can’t do this, betting one size smaller is a very bad option. yes, there is even data when, let’s say, the neoplasm more often arose in the area of ​​​​the localization of the bones on the bra. irin, by the way, about underwear, how do you even find underwear of this size? well, it’s very difficult
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to find, i found a store, there’s a woman there, when a new delivery arrives, she calls me, and i go buy it. tatyana, there are risks during surgery, we talked about this, you are not afraid of it, i am very much for it. i'm worried about her little kids. irin, have you ever thought about becoming a mother again? i do not want it yet. it seems to me that this is only for now. valeria, if irina gets pregnant after the operation, are her breasts guaranteed to start growing? if it is hormonal, then of course, yes, there is a risk that the breasts will grow, but again i want to say that if our heroine cannot breastfeed, she, in fact, practically did not breastfeed, that is, for a month, because already there is some kind of pathology. there are baby formulas, you can feed children, we all always we recommend breastfeeding , because only breast milk contains specific immune bodies that protect the baby from many infections, since his immune system is not yet
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fully formed, most likely irina had questions of a psychological nature, perhaps she was afraid of crushing the baby with her breasts, because he is small, she does not see, she does not see how to correctly attach a... the child to the breast, that is, she does not see the nipple, exactly whether the child has grabbed the nipple correctly, because from a lot depends on this too, by the way , breastfeeding experts , they talk specifically about the correctness of latching , and this affects lactation, that is, how much the baby’s jaws massage the nipple, the more pronounced the lactation will be, that is, it will last longer, it will be correct, not hyper , not hypo, this is a very... such an important mechanism, due to the fact that physiologically she could not control it, i think that because of this there were difficulties in continuing to feed, of course, there are physiologically there different nipples, a small nipple or a very large nipple, a small areola, but everything is very
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important, how to present the breast to a child, they even teach this in the maternity hospital - nannies and junior medical staff, irina, oh my god, it’s uncomfortable to walk, there’s also the need to present the breast, which is lactating, but it is very difficult. yes, and holding a child , getting the nipple into a small mouth is very, very difficult. irin ekaterina is right, it was difficult, my children did not take the nipple well, and then i expressed the milk with a suction, and also fed from a bottle with my own milk, and maybe there is a reason for the growth chest in the fact that irina stopped breastfeeding early , or it was something else, is now not entirely visible objectively behind such a great advantage in the form of breast sizes, but... the volumes, for example, of yutalia, yes, that’s what we ’re talking about, we we all ask about breast growth over time, but we don’t ask about weight growth. it is clear that weight can increase due to the volume and weight of the breasts, but most likely, if there is an increase in the volume
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of the abdomen, above the norm, then here there is a diagnosis of classic obesity, therefore again, without examining the mammary gland , we can just understand why, due to the growth of glandular tissue or due to adipose tissue? in my second pregnancy i gained 15 kg , which means, look, 25 kg in my first pregnancy, even if the body mass index at the beginning of pregnancy is, well , absolutely minimal, this is still beyond all normal limits, as i understand it, 12 kilograms are left,
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right , well, yes, 12 of them left, then slowly there, well, yes, 12 remained, by the time of the second pregnancy in which she it would seem that she had gained less than 15 kg, she was definitely included with... who come, even with a request to lose weight, and in my practice i rarely meet patients, they talk about how they throw themselves into all kinds of troubles, eat everything in a row, they always they say that they eat generally correctly and generally nothing harmful and they don’t convey anything or they just don’t understand what? obesity is always an eating disorder , yes, it is very rarely just
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a hormonal story, yes, when it’s a purely endocrinologist, it’s always a long process, starting, perhaps, even from childhood , stress eating, a person may not only deliberately deceive the doctor, that the girl was stressed all through school because, well, in general, yes, therefore, an interrogation should be carried out with the bias of irina herself on appointments with a doctor, i usually ask for food diaries, that is, when... within 14 days the patient describes in detail, because any dish, it can be prepared in different ways, borscht can be super-calorie, or it can be super healthy nutrition, depending on the how to prepare it, accordingly, analysis exactly, unambiguously with the help of a nutritionist, endocrinologist, that is, you need to give up these independent attempts, from your own there should only be a strong motivation to do it, anna, do you see the motivation? yes, she really really wants it, the question is that this is not
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as simple as it seems, so we see irina, and we can divide her into exactly two parts: one is a physiological story, and there are medical workers here for this , professionals, specialists, but there are still very great internal psychological breakdowns that happened because when puberty begins, when a child, especially with such an intimate issue, is subjected to a certain discrimination. as if protecting oneself with armor. did she really gain weight for a psychological reason, and irina has breast size nine, or is the young mother underestimating her magnificent dignity? the nipple is located, well, somewhere near the buttock, yes, that is, it is located lower. even an elbow in irina’s chest, according to ultrasound data, and
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adipose tissue predominates. we'll continue very soon! it is impossible to live life without making mistakes; it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important - to learn to forgive. i want to apologize to my younger sister. i came to ask for forgiveness from my mother, i always dreamed of a younger sister, i begged her from my parents, and it so happened that i raised her. who should ask for forgiveness from whom? don't know. 3 months ago i moved to moscow and didn’t tell anyone about it. i don't like her immaturity. why do you have such doubts and don’t believe in your talent? son? there is high art, and then there is everything else. will you forgive him or not, will you open this door or not? this is a decision you need to make now. i'm sorry. tomorrow at 16:50 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at
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the highest antiviral measure. leningrad police are searching for a dangerous criminal. tgb, demand creation. there is also a group, and this one is on a business trip, who is he? anton khabarov, i am one of those who knows how to catch such murderers, and andrei frolov, who clearly has something wrong with his head, are on the trail of a syrian killer, i am sure that the killer is a follower of chernobog, who, who is an evil deity from the mythology of western and baltic slavs, i hate such things, i was supposed to be one of these victims, so... fear over the neva, the time has come for the harvest, prilide chernoborzh, i sincerely hope that you will never see in your life what i saw, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv . beyond
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the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, she is pulled to the ground by her own chest, the mother of two children, twenty-year-old irina chaikina. begs to get rid of the heavy knife, my breasts are so big that when i bend over, they get into my face and i can’t see anything, i’m already dreaming of getting rid of this, so that i can live better, more comfortably, i can do everything, jump, run with her children, play, rina’s mother, thirty-seven-year-old tatyana chaikina, is worried that the operation will only worsen the situation, god forbid, there is some kind of cancer tumor, she has...
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as we can see, what she has at the moment our heroine has a nipple, well, somewhere near the pubic area, yes, that is, it is located below even the elbow, normally, so that everyone understands, the nipple should be in the center of her shoulder, that is, here, and how the reduction mother of plastic surgery is done, markings are made to where the nipple should be located us here, markings are made, and after that the skin is excised, about 6-7 cm is left, here, the skin is excised, the nipple is placed on the feeding nipple, the feeding nipple is formed with a pedicle, the nipple is moved to a new position. in this position in the middle of the shoulder, and what is the feeding leg? and the feeding leg, on what our nipple, part
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of the breast tissue with the dermis, will be fed, it moves to a new position, so if we have this length in the new position of this feeding leg, it is longer, it is more than 30 cm, then the probability of necrosis of the nipple complex after such operations, it is almost 85%, this is the main problem with... with gigantamastia and , as a rule, the coscorelar complex in this case must be moved freely, that is, it is separated, placed separately in a separate physiological solution, reduced the mammary gland is then marked in a new place and it is transplanted free, there is also a possibility of nipple necrosis, but let's say, a more predictable result, but in the second case, i think there is no talk about feeding at all, in principle there will be no talk about breastfeeding , why because the nipple will remain thin.
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gland, that is, the skin is removed, a skin -preserving mastectomy is made, that is , breast tissue is removed, excess skin is removed,
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this remaining skin, which is on top, a new breast is formed from it, is placed there the implant is of the required size, but then there is no breast tissue left, which will further hypertrophy and which will continue to grow, the fact is that even after removing the skin, removing the fatty tissue, partially removing the breast tissue, it will remain on the lateral surface, it will remain with us in this very nourishing one, on the feeding leg, it will remain, this is a fairly large volume of tissue, it will grow, yes, such a breast can be reduced by a maximum of 1/2 part, but in the third case it will not grow, it will not , there will be an implant and skin with subcutaneous fatty tissue, a good implant is placed, implants are now modern, they are safe, then the patient gets a tattoo; it will be completely different. life, and if irina loses weight, maybe there is some possibility of a breast lift, a breast lift, it
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is a similar operation, that is , anyway, the skin will not go anywhere, we must understand that yes, these are the breasts she has now quite full, she will have it, she will have it smaller, i mean in volume, but she will have it ptosis more, that is, where do we put this bag, where do we put this nipple, which needs to be moved to a new position, but the percentage of... the total body weight, the percentage of the breast, well, i think that in this case there is about, about 4%, gironina now has , she says there 100, well, let’s say, even 105 kg, yes 105 kg, so we’ll assume that she will have 10%, 10, she, she will lose weight, she will weigh 70 kg, by 2 kg will be less than her breasts, by three, maybe five, but this will still be a large breast mass that will remain from...
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thank you very much mikhail, irina, mikhail has now described in detail several options, even how the breast reduction operation takes place, nothing scared you, and you think that you need the operation, yes, your friend thinks so too, our guest is diana ivkina. diana, hello, how long have you known irina? over seven years old, what did she look like when you first saw her? a slender, beautiful girl with large curves, well, her breasts even then attracted everyone’s attention, there were sidelong glances, yes, because of her breasts, your friend became less active? yes, less they started going out somewhere, walking, walking. irina, you don’t feel like you’re 20 years old, how much do you feel like yourself?
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you’re offended that you’re deprived of simple joys, like any girl, a beautiful dress, heels, but aren’t you afraid that he’ll leave you because of your big breasts, egor? i'm afraid, of course, there are a lot of beautiful people around, with beautiful figures. egor, have you ever thought about leaving irina? no. i didn’t think about it, diana, but do you think that your friend’s family could collapse because of her big breasts? well, i think so, but you know that her lover is not very supports the idea with cooperation? well, yes, but it is necessary for her, first of all for her health, so that they can help her. tatyana, do you think there is only one way out, surgery? i don’t see any other way out, but in fact such operations
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are performed in the world, i don’t know, well, hundreds of thousands. per day, so in principle i think that there is no need to be afraid, you need to believe , on the contrary, you should be happy that you have such an opportunity, thanks to this program. sergey, what examinations does irina need to undergo before breast reduction surgery? these are clinical laboratory tests, these are ultrasound diagnostic studies, but in this case for our heroine before '. irina has already been examined by moscow specialists. upon arrival in moscow, irina chaikina goes for a comprehensive examination to the capital’s doctors. first of all, she takes a general
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blood test and takes an x-ray of the spine. it needs to be completely straightened. cervical, thoracic-lumbar, you need to stand straight. afterwards, the mother of two heads to the cardiologist's office. the specialist performs an acg, then weighs the patient and measures the volume her breasts. next, the doctor asks what complaints she has today? as if there is not enough air, i suddenly take a deep breath, then my heart palpitates, it worries me, there are interruptions in the work of the heart, there is no such thing to deal with...
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irina goes for an ultrasound of the mammary glands of the veins of the lower extremities. have you done any research before? no. irina, you are worried about the results of the examination. are you ready to hear the doctor's verdict? i invite plastic surgeon svetlana zharkova to the studio. hello, svetlana. good afternoon. you examined irina. what can you say about her condition? what can i say? and what i managed to do today. to see on examination , of course, here yes, this term has already been heard more than once, this is gigantamastia, this is a very large size, by the way, the patient thinks that she is a size nine, here it’s not a size nine, but here it’s a size fifteen, but because what this is one breast size, it’s about 150 ml of tissue, that’s why here, yes, if it
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were the ninth, the task would be much simpler. not much, yes, but fatty tissue predominates in irina’s breasts tissue, that is, there is little glandular tissue there, so here you need to clarify the diagnosis of dyslepidemia and lose weight, but what kind of diagnosis is it? incorrect deposition of adipose tissue occurs rapidly and the problem is mainly in obesity in irina’s breasts, according to ultrasound data, and adipose tissue predominates, there are no pathological formations, no, fortunately no cysts. the difficulty here is that the nipple-areal complex will need to be moved very high, and there are very high risks of ischemic, necrotic changes from the nipple-areal complex complex during the rehabilitation period. what a young mother will have to give up in order for
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doctors to take her for surgery. for more than half a century, love has been wanting to find its siblings. mom, when she died, aunt marusya said that you are at least step-brother, she told me that she has a sister, she has faith, she told her she has a brother, but she doesn’t know anything about her birth family, except for the name of her biological mother, they seem to have grown up first with their mother, then they were taken to an orphanage. our mother grew up in an orphanage.
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beyond, it's beyond. twenty-nine-year-old yegor sukhovoy from berabidzhan is categorically against the mother of his children, twenty-year-old irina chaikina, undergoing breast reduction surgery. now she is a size fifteen. i would i wanted ira to have smaller breasts, well , the operation, what are the risks, we have two small children, i’m afraid for her. health, for life, but irina does not want to listen to her husband, she dreams of getting rid of the heavy burden; she has already undergone a full examination. svetlana, can irina be operated on now or not? at the moment, i think no, for two reasons: and irina told me during the consultation that she would like to reduce her breasts to size 3, this is impossible, having breasts now of the current size to size 3, this is basically impossible. will be, so to speak, our huge
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success, if we manage to reduce it without global complications to the fifth size in one operation, and i’ll make a reservation right away , a second corrective operation will be needed, because such operations are not performed in one stage, there are always some nuances, accents that are necessary, yes, yes let's say, to polish it, well , that is, it is still possible to help irina, it’s difficult, but it’s possible. i believe that if a person suffers, we simply owe it to him. help, but in order to take irina for surgery, she needs to lose at least 15 kg, because upon examination, irina weighed 112 kg, and it is necessary to give up bad habits , upon examination , small venules are already visible around the areola, visible through the skin, and vessels containing stagnant blood, already having a blood supply, microcirculation suffers, plastic surgery is bad microcirculation - these are incompatible things.
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