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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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six people died, among them a ready-made girl, about twenty were seriously injured, all, without exception, civilians of belgorod, attacked by ukrainian armed forces, about the consequences. strike nikita kozhil. a new interview with vladimir putin, this time to a russian journalist. what topics were discussed and what was the impression of the russian leader from the dialogue with tucker carlson. edmund zhalbunov listened to the president's answers. in the ugledar direction , acacia trees bloomed about how volunteers from the tiger detachment, despite constant attacks ukrainian drones from self-propelled artillery units are destroying the fortified enemy. today is exactly 35 years
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since the last soviet battalion left afghanistan. alexander koneevich met with internationalist soldiers and found out why they fought. how the industry of telephone scammers with neural networks works, how to reach them and how the central bank wants to stop this wave, vladimir kobyakov understood this. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this program today, its presenter is elmira ifindieva and vladimir chernashov. today belgorod was again subjected to a powerful missile attack, as reported by the russian ministry of defense of the armed forces of ukraine.
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the main blow fell on the shopping center. as on december 30, the militants attacked an elderly area where there are no military installations. then, let me remind you, 25 people died. nikita korzun about today's shelling. the howl of a siren sounded over belgorod at 12:20, residents are, alas , very familiar with this sound, there is a missile danger, which means they need to find shelter as quickly as possible, and is anyone lucky? i just came out of a magnet i went home, and then i heard explosions start. the missile strike hit the shopping center on plekhanov street, lunch time, not only adults, but also elementary school students who had finished their lessons came to buy groceries. when
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there were signals of shelling there, my wife and i usually opened the basement there, well, we went down into the basement, we had everything already prepared, everything was there, there was such a moment that i was just at home alone, you know, i just calmed down, i don’t know if it was get away from the window, or away from the wall, or somewhere, not just like that, well, 15 claps of claps it probably was. eyewitnesses say that although the attacks on the city were no longer surprising, this time it was very scary, they can be understood, they are taken aback only by these shots, the crater near the shopping center, riddled with fragments of cars, the disturbed cladding of the building, even from the piles of scattered groceries, ran out, people had already gathered here, i saw two dead immediately, one was a grandfather i knew, the other was a woman’s nephew, the stadium of the belgorod school was also hit.
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number two shots from this empty nursery the stroller will forever remain a symbol of inhumanity. a one-year-old girl died along with her grandmother. today in belgorod is a warm, almost spring day, suitable for walking with children. the tactical medicine instructor from belgorod technical university was one of the first to be there. he had professional medical styling, tourniquets and medications, but it was too late. he helped cover the deceased with a thermal blanket, the only thing we had.
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i look in this guard’s booth, a woman is sitting wounded, covered in blood. by prior appointment information on belgorod was reported by the ukrainian crew of the rszzo vampire from the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region. this is just about 40 km to one of the oldest districts of the city , kharkov mountain, and it was there that the main blow fell. despite the fact that, according to the ministry of defense, russian air defense systems destroyed 14 vampire missiles during the attack on ukraine. this is a multiple launch rocket system, the czechoslovak version of the soviet rszzo grad, and long-range, artillery the unit has 40 barrels, a maximum firing range of 42 km, and uses unguided rockets. shells with a high-explosive fragmentation part, this ammunition is produced in the czech republic; there are also shells of a similar caliber from other countries in eastern europe. a team of doctors from federal centers has been sent to belgorod to provide assistance to the victims and people who have lost their homes. as a result of this attack , hotel accommodation was offered. this act
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of terrorism, as the russian foreign ministry described it, will be brought to consideration of international organizations, including the un security council. nikita korzun, elena bartoshevich and vyacheslav zubor. ntv. today vladimir putin visited one of the most famous and oldest defense enterprises in russia, the nizhny tagel ural carriage works. putin inspected a new workshop for the production of transmissions for one of the key components of armored vehicles. the production is unique not only in terms of scale and timing of implementation, but also in terms of the level of equipment used. for the first time in the modern history of the plant, the workshop was built from scratch. all types of mechanical processing providing. the full production cycle of parts was arranged according to technological characteristics, this made it possible to speed up the work, improve the quality of the product, and also expand its product range to reduce the cost. in the workshop, putin talked with the plant employees and the conversation turned to a special operation and the fight against nazism. we have never
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made a difference between russian-ukrainians, between russia and ukraine. in general, the vast majority of those who...
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they say that they allegedly worked, collaborated with the fascists, with the nazis, with the nazis, with hitler, they sought the independence of ukraine, and
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then the germans began to persecute them, so they began to persecute them not because they abandoned their views, but because they kept their nose to the wind.
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well, now about vladimir putin’s new interview, which he gave to a russian journalist, vgtrk correspondent, pavel zarubin, the president said that the start of the russian special operation in ukraine was not connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia. the head of state noted that western leaders, saying similar things in their comments regarding his conversation with tucker carlson, quote, they distort the map. as vladimir putin explained, the decision to start the special operation was made later. with the complete refusal of today's ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements, moscow has set the goal of
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stopping the ukrainian armed forces' attacks on the donbass republics with numerous casualties. the president also commented on whether biden or trump in power in the united states is better for russia, and why the words of american secretary of state blinken could lead him to failure. answers edmund zhelbunov listened to these questions. vladimir putin's interview with an american journalist is aimed mainly at the west. audience , the president's answers to questions from a russian journalist - this is already a dialogue with the russian-speaking audience, that is, with those who do not need to explain why the head of state decided to launch a special operation, in the west, even after a detailed explanation with almost all historical references, it seems , didn’t understand, or rather didn’t want to understand, so the second big interview in a week with vladimir putin i also started with the main thing, that what they watch and listen to is good, but the fact that they distort what i said is bad, and distort the map, i did not say that the beginning
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of our special military operation in ukraine is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia , where it is in my interview, and there is a recording, let them show where exactly i said this, i was talking about something else, i was saying that we were constantly deceived in terms of not expanding nato to the east, but served as a direct trigger. but no matter how successful to convey his position to a western audience, vladimir putin expressed gratitude for the role
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of mediator. i think that your carlson, when i say yours, i mean that he is a representative of your journalistic workshop, a dangerous person, that’s why, because i, frankly speaking, thought that he would behave aggressively and ask these so-called thorny issues. i wasn't just ready for this. the american journalist decided to listen carefully to the russian leader and, having caught this desire of the interviewer, vladimir putin i tried to tell the western viewer in general about the historical path in the most accessible language for an american.
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speaking of some other cities, they simply lost their independence, and the northern cities, they retained part of their sovereignty, paid tribute to the horde, but retained part of their sovereignty, and then - in the center in moscow, a single russian state began to take shape, the southern part of the russian lands, including kiev, it began to gradually reach out to another magnet, to the center that formed... historical information in
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vladimir putin spent at least half an hour during that interview, popularly explaining who the ukrainians were and how those who lived on the outskirts of the state, that is , their poles neighbors treated them in the 14th century, as confirmation of this completely involuntary polization, vladimir putin conveyed to an american journalist copies of historical documents and letters in which bogdan khmelnitsky asked to retake the southern lands under strong rule.
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left kiev for the united states, which means there was no ukraine there, if he says, that he fled from russia, apparently, mr. blinky, our man, it’s only in vain that he makes such public statements, this can lead to failure, in addition, while discussing the american policy of american politicians, putin directly answered what is perhaps the most intriguing in the run-up
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of the us presidential elections, the question is: who is better for us, biden or trump? biden, he's more of a man. he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but we will work with any us leader who the american people will trust. and according to putin, news about the health problems of the current us president should not be given close attention, especially against the backdrop of the election race in the states. listen, when i met with biden in switzerland, it was true several years ago, 3 years there, well, then they already said that he was incompetent. i didn’t see anything like that, that’s what he - somewhere getting out of the helicopter , this helicopter hit his head there, but whoever in our country hasn’t hit his head somewhere, that is, let him be the first to throw a cani at him, but pay attention according to the russian president, we need to look at the political position of
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the us leadership, which, according to putin, is wrongly harmful. the same applies to many, including former leaders of european countries. especially germany and england, which is worth the mere installation of british ex-prime minister boris johnson, who literally ordered kiev to disrupt the negotiations in istanbul. so, mr. rahamya himself said about this, we didn’t pull his tongue, he said what he thought, but he also said that if we fulfilled those agreements, it means we went to full fulfillment of the agreements that arose in istanbul, the war would have stopped a year and a half ago. and now, when the whole anglo-saxon world. already understands that it was not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, it’s time to make adjustments, because politics is the art of compromise, vladimir putin recalled, concluding the conversation. perhaps now, after the number of views of his interview with tucker carlson in all languages ​​has already exceeded 1 billion , the russian president will finally be listened to in the west. edmund zholbynov, sava morozov, alina sumina and marina gusarova,
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ntv television company. today, the russian military carried out a group strike with precision weapons. long -range operations at enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, as reported by the ministry of defense, aircraft engines and other equipment were produced and repaired there. all objects were hit. well, in the ugledar direction , the tiger stood in the way of ukrainian nationalists. this is the name of a volunteer unit that, with its successful actions, inflicts serious damage on the enemy. the tiger is armed with one of the best examples of military equipment - acacia self-propelled artillery mount. profitable business.
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unit, i recently turned 45, i’m even afraid to include the sixth, but here and the roads of barnaul came to the front, leaving in altai there are no such people to include the sixth. driver with a bellied whisper, the youngest in the tiger detachment are volunteers. combat work has begun, now fire is being conducted on the discovered enemy stronghold, in general artillery officials say that the acacia self-propelled artillery mount is one of the best reliable tools for denocification
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and demilitarization, we have no reason not to believe them, that we can dismantle them, the main goals are priority, but the building is a concrete dugout, but why can a tank be turned over? so there will be nothing left, there is progress, of course, the guys are coming, well, it’s hard, you can see for yourself, they are concreted, they are sitting, excuse me, you won’t take grenades, or is it just the heavy technicians, the work of the crew of the entire battery in the ugledar direction is coordinated from this command post, all operational information, including on the movement of the enemy, is received here in real operator time...
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veterans throughout russia on this day traditionally gather at memorials erected in honor of their fallen comrades. in moscow, combatants laid flowers at the monument to internationalist soldiers in
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victory park. the memorial event is taking place throughout the post-soviet space, in particular in minsk; about 30 thousand natives of soviet belarus fought in afghanistan; today, flowers are traditionally brought to the memorial complex on the island of courage and sorrow on the banks of the svislach river. through afghan. in which he participated. he came to afghanistan in 1984 after working as a military adviser in angola and other african countries. we carried out work,
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operational work, to obtain data for the fighting units in afghanistan. ivan grigorievich served in afghanistan for 2 years, then helped the colleagues who replaced him to collect data and interact with the intelligence services. they fought with the caravan. who supplied weapons, ammunition, food for the mujahideen from pakistan and iran, there were instructors there, mostly pakistani, there were also americans, but most the main thing is that the weapons are all new, modern weapons, but they were at that time. american , the homeland is proud of you, the homeland thanks you, the homeland is counting on you, the combat column
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is reaching the border, now everything is behind, when the last soviet battalion crossed the bridge over the amu darya, colonel zherlitsin was already in moscow, but neither during the service nor after for years, he never once wondered what our army was doing there; they were brought up that while we were in afghanistan, we were defending patriotic endeavors, international, the south of his homeland, the union of soviet socialist republics. the next anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan is, of course, an occasion to remember those events and discuss the necessity and significance. politicians, historians, military experts, for those who were there, this is , first of all, a day of remembrance for those who did not return from battle. we remember our guys who died
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as soldiers. officers, many people died, but it was not in vain. the fact that all this was not in vain is also said by those who were in afghanistan on a special mission, those who got there practically immediately after school, igor erin was working at the moscow automobile plant when he was drafted into the army. this group of 100 people was gathered from all areas of moscow to form a car battalion. we drove trucks. on the levniki, some ended up as drivers of armored personnel carriers, well, about 10 of us probably ended up in the infantry, of those who ended up in the infantry, in our sixty-sixth brigade, guys, three people were ambushed, they will die, he remembers his own well the first battle, all fellow soldiers who became true friends, and the day they announced that this war was over, i had a feeling of unfinished business, that is, you know,
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that is, we neither won nor lost, and what we did was necessary at that time, but obvious such self-satisfaction that we ended with a big victory, it somehow wasn’t present yet, today, after 35 years of war, internationalists do not indulge in discussions about geopolitics and their personal contribution to the current state of affairs in the modern world, but simply say:
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prizes and bonuses for your activity and spend them on purchases. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. it's simple. space, the taste of ham with cherkizov's own farms. cosmically delicious. cherkizova. meeting point, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters, vladimir mashkov, held a meeting with representatives in sevastopol today.
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hopes for supplies from unfriendly countries and it is necessary to pay great attention to the revival of the domestic machine tool industry. vice speaker of the state duma, a single presidential candidate from new people and the party of growth vladislav davankov today organized press conference in moscow. there he presented his election program, which he called the program of the regions. davankov said that he had already managed to travel around 19 regions. i had more than 75 meetings, these are very different people. these are students , entrepreneurs, mothers of many children, engineers, work teams, it’s impossible to list them all, but it is important that they not only identified problems, but also made proposals that were included
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in the program, and today the supreme court rejected two claims of boris nadezhdin against the central savings committee , in his first statement the politician challenged the norm according to which to collect signatures for registration... the russian government has developed special benefits for the donetsk, lugansk people 's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, they will help residents and enterprises of these regions register intellectual property rights, patents, trademarks or geographical
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indications. mikhail mishustin stated this today at a government meeting dedicated to the comprehensive integration of regions. according to the prime minister, patent attorneys who had such status. a measure of support for professionals , taking into account that the fee for certification is 15,000 rubles. for each specialization. i would like to note that over the past year , several hundred applications for unique inventions and names were received from new entities. we hope that the work of patent attorneys will help increase this number, and this will contribute to innovative development, and will be another step in achieving russia’s technological sovereignty. according to the prime minister, the government
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has prepared amendments to legislation that will expand state support for residents of the innovation center. nine out of ten russians have encountered telephone scammers at least once, and every fifth fell for their bait and lost money, recent opinion polls have shown. and here are some more statistics. our compatriots receive up to 15 million, i didn’t make a reservation, millions of calls from scammers every day, well, in general, the problem is extremely urgent, especially against the backdrop of the development of technology, because cyber villains are practicing new methods theft, actively using such fashionable tricks, vladimir kobikov joins us. volos, as i understand it, you, on the instructions of the editors, as they say, are deeply immersed in the problem, here are two classic questions, go ahead. please answer who is to blame and what to do? vladimir gennadievich
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, stay calm, now we’ll look at everything using examples, let’s start right away, not just in the eye, right in the eye, let’s look at something, i fit in , hey, hi, it’s me, maybe until the evening, well, try to throw it on my other card, i i’ll send you this second card now, listen, sorry for bothering you, elya, you didn’t receive anything like this, you ’re sending this to all my friends, what? they all ask me when, when will you give, no, i haven’t received it yet, but maybe it’s not the end of the month yet, maybe more will come, here, here, here, this is one of the dialers, on the phone to my right away, this is one of the dialers turnover and methods of telephone banking scammers, here are the latest data for last year according to the central bank’s calculations , scammers lured and stole more than 15 billion rubles using different methods, well, for comparison, this is like steal the annual budgets of taganrog and veliky novgorod combined. to two far from small russian cities, so,
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elya and vladimir gennadievich, in order not to contribute your little penny to this amount, let ’s look at new methods, and you write it down. it all starts with the following messages coming from one of your already hacked friends: hello, vote for your niece, or friends, support me in the competition, the best employee, if you follow this link and click further, then management of your account can easily move on. scammers, well, what happens next? well, let us immediately warn you that today our producer maxim is playing the role of the telephone villain, who recently almost suffered from a fraudulent deepfake and was ready to transfer 10,000 rubles to a friend. that’s why he figured out what new technologies scammers were mastering. so, if your messenger account has been hacked, then control has already passed to the scammers, and the villains are trying to find there the voice messages you first sent, or, in slang, voices. here we find ordinary troops.
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go in a hacked phone, the more accurate it will be neurocopy, let's listen to how , based on two real voice messages that we found, you hacked all my voice messages, look, listen, share, hello, i'm just overwhelmed right now, listen, i have something with the main card, can you throw off 3000 on another card, i ’ll send it now, listen, i’ll figure it out in the evening , bring it to you, let’s see how it all
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happens, the villains have actually already gone through your address book, contacts, they already know that you, for example, are at work you often correspond with elya, they send a message there on your behalf from your account in this chat, then the scammers prepare their bank card, here it is, they just add the name and surname of the hacked person there. from the person asking in this case and is sent to the chat, as a result elya receives a voice from a friend and a scam card with the name of this friend. well, look, for the forest. persuasiveness, scammers are looking for a video selfie of the owner of the phone in the opened accounts, and let's see what can actually be found in the phone and what will happen, what the more they will find your videos, the more accurate the gestures and facial expressions will be, in this fake, let’s see, this is how it fits,
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it fits, hey, hello, it’s me, i’m writing a video so that i don’t think that these are scammers, transfer me to the second one card, i’ll reset it to 30,000, well, here we need to explain, as sergei karaganov told us after recording this interview, we are talking about a series of nato nuclear staff exercises in the early eighties. elya, hello, it’s me, so you don’t think that these are some kind of scammers, listen, i’m sorting it out now something happened to me with my salary card, i can’t understand, but i need to pay the loan urgently, just maybe before the evening, well... put it on my other card, i’ll send it to you now , this second card, listen, sorry for the trouble, one way or only in person , let’s be okay with you, that i’m greedy, volodya, and don’t own gennadivech, don’t drink anything to anyone else, then we’ll discuss this in person, it seems to me very convincing, because
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you can’t even put a slick of suffering in a portrait added, at the end it was in close-up, yes convincingly yes, i would owe myself, probably yes... well, then with video deepfakes the same scheme turns out, while vladimir gennadievich is trying to figure out how his accounts were taken away, while they are trying to get him back, they are throwing off personalized ones with his contact here such messages add a scam card to the chats, where he allegedly asks to transfer the amount, everything seems to be not complicated, but in this industry they work in groups, so our producer conducted his investigation, who do these same groups consist of? begins the "fisher" cycle in translation “fisherman”, he catches users using phishing links, such as “vote for my niece” in a contest. hello, yes, then the researcher comes into play, the data is transferred to him by fisher, the researcher, the researcher, and looks for voice messages and video selfies in correspondence. i needed
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to get a voice sample from you. often an analyst is brought in to help; if it is clear exactly whose account was hacked, then information. they search for an intermediate victim on open social networks in order to obtain an additional video of this victim with a voice. downloaded voice and the videos are sent to a neural scientist, who, using neural networks, adjusts the video and voice to the required text. while they are operating, the interviewer maintains a plausible connection with the victim’s contacts, and he will also upload ready-made deep fakes received from the neural scientist into the correspondence chats. well, the drop manager decides whether it all worked or not. a person who monitors the replenishment of cards, a drop in translation is a drop, he sprays money drop by drop from his card to other accounts, and in fact it is the drop manager who is the only one who can leave traces in the outside world if he pulls precisely for his thread, this is a chance to promote the entire group. how realistic is it to bring all this out of the shadows? we are going to one of the completely non-
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public divisions of the central bank, this is where all the information about suspicions flows. you are the central bank’s main fighter against scammers, well, not the main one, yes, but one of them. drew the following diagram: phisher, researcher, neuron scientists , these so-called dropers, yes, when the central bank can track where the money went, where further did the money go from this card, tell me, is there some kind of a single scheme where these suspicious cards are. scammers will gather, that is, conditionally, to track this chain, because they rush to some card, then are quickly transferred to others, scattered, then again they do some kind of transfer, well, the structure of these chains, the base is assembled, it is enough big, so we send it out there every day four times a day
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to all credit institutions, which are amazing cards, possibly belonging to scammers, unfortunately, these transactions are what are the chances that they... small, as a rule , the withdrawal of stolen money, funds is carried out quite quickly, during what time, from this card there are still scammers scattered, well, as a rule, this is a minute, after a minute they have already gone somewhere there, sometimes there are chains, such chains are quite distributed in order to confuse possible investigations there, if a certain bank realized that specifically ivan ivanov, he already has two cards suspected of fraud, he issued them, that’s it, we don’t give him anything else...
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cards, bad news, what's up with you this summer? there will be, of course, more chances to return the money, but this is also far from a 100% guarantee, here is how it is explained
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in the central bank itself: new amendments to the law come into force in the summer, banks in some cases must return money to clients who have suffered from fraudsters, if i was scammed using some deepfake video or voice, i transferred this money, then i woke up, in what case? return the money to the injured client, if this transfer is towards the recipient, and the details are in the bank’s database russia, even despite the fact that the client confirms the completion of this operation, yes, and he may be under the influence of this social engineering, he literally confirms everything there, that is, they will call him, you definitely want to transfer, yes, he he says, yes, that’s right, it’s me, yes, yes, yes, it’s all me, it’s not for repairs, it’s there to treat my grandmother, there or something else. nevertheless , the bank still sees that the transfer goes to the details that are in the database, yes, it is for two more
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days, and using the so-called period cooling, yes, that is, thereby giving some additional time to the client so that he generally comes to his senses and somehow wakes up from this dope, if after this two-day cooling period the client again continues to assure, insist on making this transfer, then... the bank will be obliged to satisfy his request, to carry out this transfer, but in this case the client, if he later becomes a victim of fraud, loses the right to a refund of funds, even if he applies later, that’s how vladimir gennadievich, as they say , rely on money on banks, he’s not bad himself, yes , it’s good to rely on money too, by the way, you have your phones with you, just check just in case, here... while we’re talking, you should check everything the hacked correspondence between us was shown to the country, so you already understand what he is doing after the broadcasts, now
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there was such a session of self-exposure, but i understood, i now understood that there are two important conclusions, that firstly, you need money transfer exclusively from hand to hand, and secondly, never send voicemails to producer maxim, because he will still leak them to kobikov, and kobikov will make fakes, but thank you valodya, we exposed them, thank you. gave advice on how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers, the main thing is not to let your guard down, yes, this is the program today, we will continue after a short advertisement, goal, well, where are you, missed a goal again, frequent urge to urinate, pain and cramping in the butt can be symptoms. .. prostatitis is familiar, it’s time to solve the problem, not avoid it. vitoprost helps relieve inflammation, the cause of symptoms, improves
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blood microcirculation in the prostate and helps reduce recurrent cases. the view is overgrown because it works. special agents against supervillains, during the operation there is no light, you don’t attract attention, no attention, red five, look only at the prime minister, 35 days for 1 ruble on smartv. 25 years ago you first. came to us and asked if we had enough for a chocolate bar? enough for even two for everything for cooking, for everything ready for preparation, for holidays, everyday life,
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of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game hunt, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunt, test your instinct, 100 lotto, two big hits at a bargain price, only at a tasty point, a new look at the great novel by mikhail bulgakov. so, marco, bury my queen, what do you wish for? the master and margarita, already in movie, the pain and discomfort of sitting down cannot be tolerated, try it... it is capable of action 20 minutes after application, so that you do not get distracted from the most important thing. urinal algen f. don't endure the pain of appeasing. molyguard technology increases engine life. sintek is always a smart choice. this is the program for today, we continue our
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release, now is the time for the weather forecast in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya. today moscow was covered by some kind of simply incredible snowstorm, it feels like a record amount of snow fell, yes record or not, this will become clear a little later, for now i can say that the height of the snowdrift in moscow has come very close to the mark of 70 cm and this is not the limit yet, but the cyclones do not give up trying to bring not only snow. but also a spring mood. the first test of the pen, according to tradition, is on the baltic in kaliningrad tomorrow until +12, but with rain. then this heat will gradually begin to seep into the center. and again it will not do without snow, and the black soil must prepare for freezing rain. at the same time , the volga region remains under the control of the frosty anticyclone. in izhevsk at night thirty-day frosts have not yet given up. it's good that there won't be any more snow yet.
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the snowdrifts this year are already very high. and it's getting colder in the south. the storm wind will freeze in the lower reaches of the don, there is fog and ice on the roads, there is dangerous ice in the mountains, and on the black sea coast there will be a storm wind with gusts of up to 30 m/s. stay away from the sea, and about the weather in the capitals in a few seconds. if you can't refuse sweets, take them. natural ollim complex helps reduce appetite, cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining blood sugar levels normal, olyajim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. dream? reduce volume to stay in shape. lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit valar stay in shape. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. how to maintain normal sugar levels? take alligim. natural aligjim complex
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helps maintain blood sugar levels normal, decreased appetite cravings. everything is how we love the frost the sun 15 days before spring yes thank you zhenya evgenia ronskai with the weather forecast today the state duma adopted for the first time a bill that allows the central bank directly.
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if the law is eventually adopted, the central bank will be able to announce to banks: mortgages with these parameters can be issued per month for a maximum of so many percent of the total volume of loans for the quarter. the head of the central bank belverno biulna said that expanding the set of tools of the central bank to limit mortgages would be healthy. the central bank previously expressed concern that housing prices are growing faster than household incomes. this is largely due to the massive preferential mortgages. according to central bank estimates. over the 3 years of the program, new buildings in russia increased in price by 76%. the last major western investor has left the russian automobile industry. the mercedes-benz group, formerly called daimler,
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has ceased to be a shareholder of kamaz. the general director of the russian company, sergei kagogin, said this in an interview with the vedomosti newspaper. according to him according to him, the germans sold their share this year, but to whom for how much, sergei kogogin did not specify and advised asking the german company about this. he said that the mercedes-benz group has not been involved in the life of kamaz since february 22, but added that the fact that relationships with european partners ceased certainly changed kamaz’s products, but according to sergei kogogin, did not affect kamaz’s ability to produce commercial vehicles and develop the model range. daimler became a shareholder of kamaz back in 2008, first purchasing a 10% stake, and later bringing it to 15% from a russian and german company. there was a joint venture with two factories in naberezhnye chelny. the japanese nike stock index reached its 34-year high today following trading results. investors returned from the long
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weekend in a good mood, and in general, since the beginning of the year, the japanese market has risen by almost 15%, thanks to the weak yen and good reports from japanese companies. even the news that the japanese economy unexpectedly contracted in the fourth quarter did not spoil this picture yesterday. in a recession, something similar and in the uk, its economy showed a decline for the second quarter in a row, that is , the same technical recession, but the main british stock index is still in the black at the moment, but because investors hope that the bank of england will now more actively reduce the key rate this year . at the end of the day, the russian stock market reached a moderate plus. what helped him was that he was waiting for the russian decision tomorrow. at the key rate, the ruble has noticeably fallen in price today, and this is positive for exporter shares, now the dollar is above 92 euros more expensive than 99 rub. today tinkov bank
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at once lost both its unicorn and its hand with a sword, the tenkov group announced that it had changed its logo, before it looked impressive, in fact it was the real coat of arms of the noble tenkov family, which businessman oleg tinkov came up with to use for his business not... claiming kinship with the nobles. now the logo has become minimalistic: a black letter t on a yellow background, inscribed in something shaped like a shield from the old logo. at the bank he comments on the changes with vocabulary clearly not from the times of the pillar nobility. in our identity, we are moving towards simplicity, lightness and accessibility, simplifying visual communications, this is the evolutionary development of the brand. in the twenty- second year, oleg tenkov sold the bank he founded to vladimir potanin, as himself.


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