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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 16, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

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what do we have there according to the documents? humanitarian aid, right? comrade officers, thank you for your service for an excellent operation. but most importantly, i want to thank the person with whom it all started, namely igor paromonova. and i ask you to honor his memory, mina. this is where the official part ends, everyone is free, i ’ll ask you, lieutenant colonel pastukhov, to stay, i still can’t understand. how could a corpse fall out of
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a plane? yes, absolutely by accident, the plane was old, but the body was placed in secret from the pilots next to another cargo, but they were placed in a trap next to the ramp door, well, the pilot was making such a bold turn, they fell into an air pocket, the heavy boxes slipped and hit the control panel of the aircraft, uh-huh, here it is, the aircraft. began to open, while turning a trunk with a corpse slipped through the door, that’s all, the most important thing is that the pilots had nothing to do with it, well, yes, well, now to the dacha, they were already waiting for us there.
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hello, police, khol gonjo is making fires again in the friendship park. there they are, listen, how did they get it, yes, yes it’s okay, now we’ll slap a fine so that others won’t have trouble.
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daddy, hello, dear, hello, come quickly , don't get wet, it's raining, come on quickly, quickly, help, someone, quickly, i'll be there soon. three murders in one evening, general zotov was killed, a gang is operating in the city, and you can’t do anything. ivan andreevich, we are doing everything in our power, which means not everything. what did the investigation show? only police bodies were found. fragments from bullets, just like six months
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ago, during the murder of a major from a military unit, then the investigation came to the conclusion that the killer deliberately files off the tips of bullets so that it is impossible to identify the murder weapon, it’s me... among the victims there are only high ranks, but no, it all just started with the murder of a conscript soldier guarding a gunpowder factory. the criminal killed a soldier, took a machine gun, and then used this machine gun to kill two vokhrovites who
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were guarding the thermal power plant. are there any witnesses to these murders? yes, but their testimony led nowhere. in general, i gather the guys, you go to the city of verkhovsk and start all over again, well, what’s the deal in winter? it was, i still remember it was snowing, the generator in my zhiguli car just died, and the battery died, i barely made it to the factory, i was sitting in the car, waiting for my brother, well, the soldier was here at the checkpoint back and forth. suddenly a man jumps out of the darkness, bang at his head with a pistol , bang again, grabbed the kalash and his legs, it’s written in the file that you didn’t see him, but somehow i didn’t have time to get scared, the darkness,
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my glass was frozen when it i understood everything, i came out, i think you can help, maybe it’s still alive, whatever it is, but this one has already leaked, maybe his? i was waiting, i didn’t see, i don’t know, that’s all, thank you, i was returning home after a shift, i was walking past the table, and this tailed guy jumped out of the darkness and started shooting at the guards with a machine gun, well, i got scared, i immediately fell, i thought he was going to kill me, excuse me, did you say tailed? well, yes, he has long hair, a tied ponytail, and a baseball cap pulled over his eyes, thank you.
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i was walking my dog ​​here, a policeman was walking along that path, and the killer ran out from behind those trees and shot at the policeman. rummaged in his pockets and ran away, you gave a statement, that he was bald, yes, like a billiard ball , yeah, but you didn’t remember his face, no, you didn’t see him, but he saw you, saw you, my dog ​​barked, this bald guy looked in our direction and ran, how old is he, middle-aged, well, no
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more than forty, you testified that the criminal was limping when he ran away, it seemed so to me, but i’m not sure, and at the same time, general zoto returns home. by the way, the general was expected at home an hour earlier, but he was delayed. if the criminal planned zotov's murder in advance, he could not have known about it. for what someone to kill a general on occasion? zotov was ordered, this is obvious. obviously different. in
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all previous murders, the criminal did not leave a single piece of evidence; he filed away the bullets so that it was impossible to identify the murder weapon. azotovo was killed with a pistol that had just been stolen. but the witnesses describe completely different criminals, you do not admit that the criminal could change his appearance, here the city of verkhovsk, the province, everything is simpler, zotov was ordered, everything is fine. the report stated that the police received a call about a fire being lit in the park, the police went to investigate and were killed , your employees checked who called, this is so important, of course it is important, considering that the call was made by the killer himself, i lost my mobile phone 2 days ago, and where did i lose it, remember, yes, i think, in a fire dropped it, in a neighboring village the house was on fire, and my... my wife was just giving birth in the maternity hospital, she gave birth to a boy, congratulations, thank you, well, just like that, on the same
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day there were fires, childbirth, so i came to the unit, looked, no mobile phone , i told the guys, maybe someone will find it, but it’s a pity that the photos are good, thank you, thank you, we won’t detain you any longer, it turns out that the killer found the cell phone. i lit a fire in the park and called the police myself, i’m listening, who else is aware of golubev’s plan? only the mayor of the city, remember, max, there is no golubev, there is a certain general lebedev, a retired military man, who comes on a private visit, and we don’t know this general lebedev.
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where did you find this pistol in a ditch, i can show you which one, god sent it to me to carry out righteous justice, so tell me, then... what would you do if some soldier your wife, i’ll kill him, i’ll kill him, i’ll kill him, well
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, i’ll flog him into pieces , i’ll kill him, general votov was killed with this very pistol, i don’t understand, you work as a watchman in the park, yes, where you were on wednesday from 9 to 11 pm, at work sat in the booth, left the workplace somewhere , nowhere? i watched football on tv , who can confirm this, no one, i was alone , as i understand it, you have a special hatred for the military, can you explain why, should i love them or something, my first wife left with a naval officer, this is now connected with the landowner, they ruined my whole life, you’ll see. stand on the way out, are you so sure
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that the elusive killer mukhin, the motive is obvious, works as a watchman in the park, where he called the police, killed them, took possession of weapons, went home to check on his unfaithful wife, and on the way he accidentally comes across a general.
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okay, this is what i thought about, ivan andreevich, what if we really pretend that we are leaving, your police will now get closely involved. mukhin, and we will take up defense here, near the house, and wait for the real shooter. and with what makes you think that mukhin is not a real shooter? yes, he is just a deceived husband. he became attracted to his wife and was in a state of passion. he doesn’t even realize that because of this gun , all the murders will now be pinned on him in bulk. well, where did he get the gun if he wasn't involved? i admit that he could have found it in the ditch. the shooter got rid of it
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after he showed up with this pistol, i admit. well? we need to install sensors along the entire perimeter of the site, well then make money before it gets dark, well, i won’t bother you, tomorrow we’ll be in our city with a friendly visit to general lebedev arrives in may, general lebedev is known not only as a talented military man, but also as a famous weapons collector. general lebedev plans to visit our regional history center, as well as the museum of military glory, created by the search party of school number 32, to lay flowers at the obelisk in memory of the fallen defenders of the fatherland in... guys, they laid flowers, this is your search group, right? yes, here is their leader. meet comrade general. alexandrov
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semyon vladimirovich, ledvedev ivanov. very nice guys, come over, well, thank you you guys, you are doing a great job, you are preserving the memory of the heroism and courage of our soldiers, this is a truly necessary and noble cause, thank you, well, thanks to their enthusiasm, we managed to find and rebury the remains of deceased soldiers using medallions, personal, found at the excavation site, 45 names were identified, yes, already 47, and from fifteen of them the guys managed to find contact with the relatives of the soldiers who were considered missing, well done, hello, crowded!
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hello, please accept my condolences, uh-huh, masha, hello, let's go, wait, i’m very worried, everything will be fine , there’s no need to worry, but we didn’t see his face, he was wearing a hat with slits in his eyes, mom, well, it was called klava, maybe you’ll remember some details. let's walk, he ran away very quickly, we could make a mistake, but this is a standard procedure, we know, okay, let's walk, let's go, mukhin, to the exit, facing the wall. i went for
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interrogation, for identification, listen, sergeant, i need to go to the toilet, okay, let’s hurry up, uh-huh, mukhi, did you fall asleep there, or what? mukha, what are you doing?
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matveev, i, comrade colonel, with your stupid head will answer me for him, you understand what you have done, we have been chasing him for several years, i have to get him out of the ground, eat from under the ground, comrade colonel, act. well, did you take it? no, he left, what if we were mistaken , what if mukhin really is a shooter, i don’t know
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, the police searched his house, his work hut, found nothing, he doesn’t have an alebi for the day of the murder, he could have had a hiding place, but mukhin didn’t even serve in the army , he doesn’t really know how to shoot, listen, guys, but badgers could be right, what if... it’s impossible, the shooter always killed according to a certain pattern, he has the same handwriting, yes, except for the case with zotov, but what does the general say? wait for what the general said, wait, act according to the previous plan, all day long there is a report on tv about general lebedev with his pistol, and even in the newspapers. got out of the car, quickly, quickly, if you pull, i’ll kill you, i’ll kill you, move away!
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damn it!
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how i hate you all. attention, the motion sensors have activated, we don’t see anyone yet, he’s here, comrade general,
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you are in a safe place, everything is fine, safe, i see him, attention, we start as soon as he is in the house.
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max, emergency exit. who?
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where did the crucian carp go, didn’t go, he’s wounded, that’s his blood. there, now and then, he’s here.
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wow, yeah, where did he go? sergey sergeevich, here.
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damn, we can’t catch him at night, he’s lying down somewhere, nothing, but we found his lair, now he won’t go anywhere, and if he leaves, we’ll block all exits from the city, urgent notice to the general. sergei vasilyevich, you are the director of the cultural center, how could you admit that you is there an entire arsenal of illegal weapons stored here? is it peaceful? this part of the basement has not been used for many years, the corridor is littered with rubbish, garbage, the fire department issued three orders, but they didn’t get around to it, okay, we’ll deal with you later, comrade general, mufin was detained on the highway at
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11:00 pm, stopped a truck driver, who then the shooter, and the mufino disappears, but your plan worked, tova neal, yes, but what’s the point, the result is zero, now he will still fall to the bottom and, what is this? i have no idea, find out what it is, so, gentlemen, officer? got screwed to the fullest, like how max will live there, his head is intact, he was sent to moscow, so, okay, let’s wait, maybe the fingerprints
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will clarify something. mobile, thank you, on the list of all employees, all the people are there, no one has gone anywhere, and what are these notes,
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days off, this is semyon alexandrov, one of the best employees, i saw him somewhere. semyon alexandrov, the head of the garage, a leader , a wonderful semyon, and the head of the search party, and the search engine, for sure, only he is here with long hair, and this is an old photo, to unfortunately, we didn’t have time to update, but in fact semyon very often changes his appearance, sometimes he grows a beard, sometimes he cuts his hair short, but he ’s at work now, he’s good, semyon is still there, no way, comrade lieutenant colonel, he’s not here today. it’s strange, he should be there, so, seryozha, urgently go to his house, we ’ll contact borsukov in the search party, take it, i
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’m looking for semyon vladimirovich myself, i can’t get through to him, by the way, our cornfield was also stolen, we’re all over it collected, we need to go around the city and region and announce an interception plan, look for a white niva, license plate p283, radion 283 rm 90 region, radion mikhail 90 region, that’s it, thank you, let’s go!
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here he is.
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alexandra stand, quietly, quietly, quietly, calmly, hands, quietly, calmly. “citizen
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alexandrov, you were arrested on suspicion of murder, i saw through you right away, you’re still there at the eternal flame, you’re not a military general, no, you ’re a hybist, you think you’re a real hero, it’s better to remember how many torn destinies you’ve had, it’s you “you scum, you ’re talking to me about your conscience, but i killed”? enemies and bandits like you, but you didn’t kill than innocent people, and you will answer for every life taken away, who will answer for my ruined life, who? “since childhood, i dreamed of being a soldier
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, i was ready to give my whole life to military service, i exhausted myself with training to become the best, i couldn’t wait to graduate from school to go into the army, during training one freak shot me in the leg, so i became a colleague and was given a commission. .. this is a reason to kill, i can’t live without a strib without a weapon, you know, i can’t, i don’t understand, you led a search party, organized it as always, young people, you were doing a noble cause, i don’t understand, but that wasn’t enough, because even with prosthetics i remained the best. all those who were worse than me, less hardy
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, less talented than me, continued to serve, grew up the career ladder, but they didn’t even hire me as a firefighter, i hardly got a job in the fire department through an acquaintance, and you began to kill for nothing innocent people, but they didn’t know what happened to you. do you even understand that you are facing life imprisonment, and you understand that you could still be in service, i couldn’t do it for so long calculate because i'm still the best, i'm a soldier. a soldier, no, you will be remembered as a murderer, you are accused of ten murders, an attempt on the life of
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law enforcement officers, theft, illegal transportation and storage of weapons. you plead guilty, i admit that i killed, how could that be, comrade general, we believed him, you understand, zhenya, in war everything is much simpler, you meet the enemy. face to face, in ordinary life you don’t immediately understand whether you are a friend or an enemy, criminals are very skillful at disguising themselves and, unfortunately, they kill people in peacetime, and what should we do now, continue to live honestly, you
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are doing real work, you understand, your search party has already perpetuated the memory of almost your dead soldiers. but what should i tell the guys, the truth, the truth, whatever it may be, in general, to live according to the truth according to conscience, this is our code of honor, you understand me, right, comrade general, department? get ready or get ready or go to the belt.
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4:50 am
what happened? robbed who? and worse , they killed me. go again, what is this? someone, someone, someone, half a turn, what’s it like? it worked out, he wanted it himself. listen, they caught the killer, who is he, huh? yes, why are you pestering me? do you think i'm an investigator? look , ask mazarov, he’s arrived, hello! hello, hello, kind, hello, ivan mikhailovich, hello, wait, wait, don’t disturb me, to the side, to the side, to the side, stand up, ah.


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