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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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a train carrying victims of the sou attack on belgorod brought people to moscow. the ministry of transport proposes to tighten security rules at airports and not allow people without access into the terminals. one for all, all for one , brussels style. we need to be sure that we sufficiently deter russia from further actions. if earlier in the west they clearly indicated the goals of supporting ukraine, now they have stopped hiding the means by which they want to achieve this. when will a new high-speed highway appear between moscow and st. petersburg and what other cities are next in line?
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hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kolovanov studio. this morning a train arrived in moscow with those injured as a result of the attack on the ssu in belgorod. four patients were delivered to the capital clinic, including two children aged 7 and 8 years. they were accepted by the priorov research institute of traumatology and orthopedics and the russian children's clinical hospital. doctors assess the condition of two adults and one child as serious, the second child is in a condition of moderate severity.
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among them is a one-year-old child. released to ssu in belgorod 14 missiles from the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system. the shells hit a shopping center, a school stadium and residential buildings. there is a tragedy at the scene, now they are bringing flowers. the shelling of civilian objects in belgorod was condemned by the voron. we have seen reports of missile attacks on the russian city of belgorod. we reiterate that attacks against civilians and infrastructure are prohibited under international humanitarian law. unacceptable and must be stopped. that night, ukraine again attempted to attack the belgorod region by sending a drone which was intercepted by russian air defense. and four more drones were shot down over the black sea, the ministry of defense reported. as for the svo zone, according to reports from kiev , the sdf recognized the situation in avdeevka as critical for them. this is a city 20 km from donetsk, with serious ukrainian fortifications erected there. this week, a representative of 110. admitted that the unit does not have
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the ability to hold a populated area. the third separate assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, which was transferred today to the avdeevka area for reinforcements, also reported a critical situation on this sector of the front. the message from kiev has already been commented on in the american white house, saying that avdiivka is on the verge of coming under russian control. so john kirby said at the next briefing that according to the data that washington receives from the ukrainians, the russians continue to attack the positions of the ukrainian armed forces every day. he also tried to justify the failure of the ukrainian command in this area by saying that this situation arose due to a lack of ammunition among the ukrainian military, as well as due to russia’s superiority in manpower. not less the ukrainian army is experiencing difficulties in other parts of the northern military district zone. for example, hail calculations work around the clock. in military parlance this is called continuous fire. reportage. evgenia
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golovanova. before leaving for combat, the grad driver with the call sign labus always slaps the car on the hood. for good luck. he took over the tradition from the pilots. helps. more than once she took out crews from under return fire, although recently ukrainian militants are responding less and less often, it is felt that they are starving for shells. a little less, of course they got it. that year the intensity of the shelling was greater. now they work more in the city than in positions. the enemy compensates for the lack of shells with drones. they easily catch up with equipment crawling through the muddy black soil, so protective nets are installed on the vehicles, here they are called barbecues. and our regular column “weather forecast”. in the near future , such partly cloudy, sunny weather is expected in most of the territory of donbass, of course, this cannot but please ordinary people, but for artillerymen this is not the best option, it is in such weather that the enemy copters are activated, they can be seen far and clearly, so the hail crew tries to work as hard as possible. quickly
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the crew commander had an unusual call sign 2 minutes, just every time he received an order he always answered: 2 minutes, it stuck, the shooting happens quite quickly, it all depends on the nature of the target. i can, in principle , release a package there within a minute, but it’s correct to do it there with a small interval so that the car does not rock, all crew members are local from donetsk, makeyevka and gorlovka, back in the fourteenth they joined the militia, then the regular ukrainian army, which turchynov threw to suppress the rebellious donbass, the militia resisted practically without weapons, when their unit received hail, they thought for a long time what name to give the car, as a result, several names were applied to the sides of the hood anya. nastya and maria, these are the names of our wives, and maria is my wife, so that it warms your soul when you see the inscription, you always remember every second when you pass by a car, and you don’t forget, of course, well, not so often at home
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it happens, the calculation has long been coordinated, volnovakha and mariupol were liberated together, so they understand each other perfectly, but sometimes he communicates entirely in sign language, the driver sees me in the mirror, that is, i... run out, wave to him there, for example, give a stop sign, or either turn it on, or, if he doesn’t see me and is distracted, i can knock on the rear fender, that is, knock three times, turn on the drive , knock twice, turn it off, that’s how we work, hail calculations work day and night , this is called continuous fire exposure, thanks, among other things, to such massive precipitation, the ukrainian counter-offensive was stifled, and now the enemy is completely forced to go on the defensive. to the front. evgenia golovanov, maxim velikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv. donbass. nato countries plan to send a million air and missile defense drones to ukraine. this was stated by alliance secretary general jens stoltenberg following the summit of the bloc's defense ministers, which was held in brussels. at
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the same time, the meeting participants made it clear that help is not a gesture of goodwill. in return from kiev was demanded to fight to the last for the safety of the entire old world. sergei kholoshevsky about the results of the summit. the west will provide kiev with air and missile defense systems, and also plans to supply ukraine with a million drones. in addition, a training center will be opened in poland to train ukrainian soldiers. at this center, ukrainian military personnel will be able to share lessons learned during events in ukraine. the summit of nato defense ministers in brussels ended as expected with vows of support for ukraine. home they learned the nato phrase spell faster than anyone else. beginners, finns. support for ukraine must remain strong for as long as necessary. frightened by hypothetical russian aggression, the baltic states and scandinavia are already digging trenches along the perimeter of the border, their ministers in brussels are looking overseas for protection. we need to be
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sure that we sufficiently deter russia from further actions. the issue of ending the war is key. ukraine must win this war. we're in the same boat here. just about how to get more money for weapons send to the eastern front. western european politicians are so carried away by the war until the last ukrainian that they simply stopped choosing any veiled expressions. the thought sounds clear and extremely clear. ukrainian soldiers must
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die for our safety. supporting ukraine is not idolatry; supporting ukraine is an investment in our own security. if someone hasn’t heard stoltenberg, then... ukraine is the cheapest way for the united states to strengthen its security. there is nothing to talk about here. who fighting? ukrainians. ukrainians. and the united states and europe simply supply them with weapons, thereby giving putin a rebuff. and if the united states abandons ukraine, it will just be bashka’s dump. horror stories about russian weapons in space, which. we know that adversaries will always seek new ways to effectively wage war. space is a big frontier, cyberspace is a big frontier, so we have to be on our toes. in
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fact, the main fear of european officials, and this was clearly felt at the summit in brussels, is not weapons in space or a russian invasion. possible victory over. in uzbekistan they offer to wait on the street; in india, for example, they sell entrance tickets to the airport. the ministry of transport wants to reduce the number of people in russian ones. ports, the ministry has prepared a draft government resolution, which proposes to prohibit
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access to airports for citizens without plane tickets or without passes, permanent or one-time. as explained, all this is to ensure transport security. if the idea of ​​the ministry of transport is implemented, then they will no longer be able to get into russian airports neither greeting nor seeing off. among other proposals from the ministry of transport, involve the russian guard in ensuring security at airports and allow its employees to enter. to the territory of airports in the south, the chairman of the all-russian association of passengers ilya zotov suggests that if the document is approved, the feedback from citizens will not be very positive. according to ilyezov, security measures in russia are already maximum. what the ministry of transport proposes has already been implemented, for example, at the tashkent airport, where people are not allowed into the building without a ticket airport, but even on the territory of the airport, so everyone who meets you, mixed with taxi drivers, stands behind a fence. this. the business program of the “strong ideas” forum for the new time has become known; it will be held on
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february 19-20 at the international trade center in moscow. among the stated topics, among the stated topics are the demographic formula, the economy of trust and the friendship of sovereignties. there will also be a session called “it’s good where we create a comfortable environment.” during the forum, there will reportedly be presentations of the best ideas and projects, and there will also be a lecture entitled “ people change the country” was organized. participants.
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if they fall into the risk zone, their account may be closed, explaining, for example, that there is insufficient amount on it. as rvc notes, danis bank was one of the few banks in turkey that opened accounts for russians without a residence permit, but it has already tightened the conditions for this more than once. late last year, us president joe biden signed a decree on secondary sanctions against banks that engage in transactions with sanctioned entities or the russian military industry. after that russian companies began to complain that...
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savelyev said that the first line would reduce travel time between the two capitals to just over two hours. trains will run at intervals of 10-15 minutes. a president who is convinced that the project.
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produce equipment for air defense. olga’s reporting is now there virtually non-stop by zenkova. gonzavod is a symbol of russian tank building. these workshops produced more than 100,000 units of military equipment. it is not surprising that vladimir putin began his visit to the svertlovsk region from here. the president thanked the workers of the enterprise, who are now working around the clock , fulfilling the state defense order. special products for the svo are produced even by those units that previously dealt exclusively with civilian equipment. to thank, as in such cases he says, himself personally, our guys who use your equipment, deserves the very best, i know that your brigades are leaving the zones
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of a special military operation, working almost on the line of contact, helping. the head of state inspected the new workshop production of transmissions, this is one of the key components of armored vehicles and the pride of the ural carriage works, workshop number 130, created during the great patriotic war. our company is historically connected with ukraine. as you know, at the beginning of the great patriotic war, the kharkov plant was evacuated to us in the urals. and evacuation is not just about moving equipment. at the same time, to us in tagil. working specialists arrived just like that, side by side with the urals , in a short period of time, in just over two months, they rebuilt the production of the legendary t-34, and the more monstrous it was for all of us to observe what was happening there in recent years, how neo-nazism flourished there, how people died, we never made a difference between russians and ukrainians, between russia, ukraine,
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in general, the overwhelming majority of those who lived in ukraine, and absolutely overwhelming. in fact, after the collapse of the soviet union, it was they who came to power. this tank conveyor is the only one in the country where not only promising products are created, but also combat vehicles that are guarding the country for more than a decade. the t-72, produced many years ago, undergoes major overhaul here and becomes modern, powerful and well protected. the russian troops uralvagonzavod also supplies the famous
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t-90, but also modernized under the name breakthrough. according to experts, modernization turned out to be so much... it’s also big for defense industry enterprises in russia. artem epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. next, watch the emergency program, marat sedikov is with us. marat, you have the floor. egor, today we will continue the current topic on this week topic of trash streams. the broadcasts of nizhny novgorod resident eleonora malofeeva are now being studied at the local police department. a drunk woman
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mocks and insults her own son during her broadcasts. news on ntv at 16:00 until the meeting. this is a happy sale on ozone. hurry up! i'll be pleased with the benefits and delight, don't miss it, adidas sneakers for 3,999, cafes coffee capsules for 679, topte razor for men for 329, new game hunt,
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the studio marat seddikov and we are live. the broadcasts of the nizhny novgorod trash streamer leonora malofeeva are now being studied in the local police department, a drunk woman mocks her own son during her broadcasts, insults and humiliates the child, the neighbors see this, the streamer herself hears it, don’t be shy about explaining, they say they... the woman has a lot of admirers who are willing to pay for the humiliation of a child, she justifies herself by sharing the proceeds with her son, so to speak, compensating for moral ones.


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