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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  February 16, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague, ivan trushkin, we are working live, at the beginning of the program there is a traditional report from the russian ministry of defense of the next attempts.
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the enemy carried out terrorist acts on our territory last night, which means, according to the defense department, the air defense forces of the russian troops intercepted and destroyed four ukrainian drones over the black sea. another drone was discovered in the belgorod region, and how explained the head of the region, vyacheslav glatkov, this drone was found in a field, not far from the village of samoilovka, this is the karachansky district, this drone. the victims were promptly neutralized by explosives experts and there was no destruction, according to the governor. vyacheslav glodkov also spoke about the condition of the victims after the rocket attack on belgorod, which the ukrainian armed forces launched the day before. according to the head of the region, the number of wounded has increased to 19 people. 10 of them remain in belgorod hospitals, two are in serious condition in intensive care, another eight are in moderate condition gravity. five were sent home after receiving medical treatment. four more victims,
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two adults and two children, were sent by train to moscow for treatment. they have already arrived in the capital. it is reported that the patients include an eight-year-old boy with a fractured shrapnel wound, and a seven-year-old girl with a penetrating abdominal wound. residents of belgorod continue to bring flowers and soft toys to a spontaneous memorial that arose after yesterday's shelling of those killed. the victims of the attack, as specified, were seven people, including a one-year-old girl. this girl was sleeping in a stroller at the school stadium, that’s where one of the shells landed, footage of the first moments after the attack appeared on the internet, here is that same stroller, the child there is dead, the woman is seriously wounded, think about it, jogging in the morning, help, bro, i called an ambulance, hold on, that's it, you're alive, everything is fine, where it hurts, where it hurts, that's it, it's normal there, you'll live, don't worry. one of those killed in the ukrainian
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shelling of belgorod is a student from syria. his name was mohammed shinani. he came to russia last year to study at institute of culture and arts. he was 20 years old. at the time of the attack, the guy was in the shopping center, where one of the shells landed, besides shinani , three more people died near the store building. among them is lyubov gubkina, a teacher at the belgorod state national research university. she came shopping with her mother. she is now in intensive care. in serious condition. the investigative committee of russia opened a case under the article terrorist attack after the attack of the armed forces of ukraine on belgorod and the head of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin ordered to identify everyone directly involved in this attack. meanwhile, war correspondent yevgeny podubny reported the destruction of the ukrainian crew that directly fired at belgorod. according to vaenkor, military personnel from the group covering the state border during reconnaissance discovered the same missile. vampire system in the area of
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​​liptsy, kharkov region. this is the same place from where on january 24, the ssu attacked an il-76 plane with captured ukrainian soldiers on board. poddubny reported that in around 9 pm, at the place where the iskander complex was struck. as a result, as voenkor reported, the combat vehicle was destroyed, and there were dead and wounded among the crew. official kiev did not comment on the attack on belgorod, alone.
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mentioned very briefly in previous programs, today we want to go into more detail, so we drew some kind of scary spaceship, maybe it’s not very scary, but it’s just very similar to what’s happening, which means some kind of nuclear weapon that the russians brought out into space in order to to destroy american satellites, this became known over there, well, for some time, because at first it was just a terrible threat to the national security of the united states, and it was connected with russia, and... when i read that they, it turns out, mean some kind of... then our nuclear weapons, so of course i would like to ask the question, how can this be, here is a country with an economy torn to shreds, and what else did they say to priabam, which
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steals washing machines in ukraine in order to pull out the chip from there and insert these chips into rockets, and this let me remind you that ursula fondeen said just straight from the podium, here we really are.
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some kind of russian space weapon, which is already circling somewhere in orbit and holding us satellites under laser sight. officials say russia recently launched a new anti-satellite weapon, a satellite that can attack other satellites. officials told me that the satellite, possibly nuclear-powered , has electronic warfare capabilities aimed at us satellites that are needed to us military and civilian communications, in order to somehow... contain the wave of panic rumors, the white house announced a special briefing regarding the mysterious threat from space, but the british times journalists did not wait for official statements and rolled out a large material about the beginning of the nuclear space race, declaring it a battlefield the entire orbit of the earth.
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the launch of nuclear devices into orbit, potentially targeting us satellite systems, will be a new frontier in russia's growing aggressive potential and will turn space into... wrote that the blame for the leak about space secrets, the biden administration wants to shift to the republicans in congress, thereby allegedly setting up american spies in russia and now they will be caught. the statement infuriated the white house, which fears losing important sources of information in russia, although congressman turner has been an ally on aid in ukraine, his remarks worsened tense relations between the two. usa john kirby admitted that the rumors about russian anti-satellite weapons are true, but everything is not
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as scary as the press makes it out to be. kirby explained that president biden has already ordered the start of negotiations with russia and other interested countries on this issue. whose sphere of interests does this affect, well, when i hear about horror stories about threats from outer space, i always remember a funny movie like that, the invasion of killer tomatoes, by the way , they recommend it, it’s one of george clooney’s first roles, if not the first, he’s still young with hair, is he playing tomatoes there or not, no, he’s just one of those earthlings who fight with tomatoes, in general this is a franchise big, in my opinion there are four or five films, but you can only watch the first one, in principle this is exactly what is happening -
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a very smart thing, first, they have set themselves a tactical task, this tactical task is to completely neutralize this effect of putin’s interview , that is, the first part of this whole drama they said that it was ridiculous and it is clear that it is ridiculous, here the question is different, but it must be neutralized, the question is not that, from their point of view it is so, that means the question is different, they just wanted show they are they won’t hide it very much, in the coming days you will hear it, that in fact putin is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, this is the first tactical task,
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yes, what did he really tell carson about peace, there are aspirations, in fact, he wants all this, this is the first, nuclear space , the second task is a strategic task, the fact is that the national security council this week came to, from my point of view, an absolutely correct conclusion so that...
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in total, if you summarize your theory, it means after the interview with carlson, georgivalich,
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i got the impression that russia is all so peaceful, well, the westerners don’t want to agree on anything, the american administration, bad, cunning and very smart, is trying to interrupt this effect by saying that look, the russians are there in space, where no one can see, this is such a powerful thing that can hit satellites all over, no one has seen it, it’s true, but it’s very dangerous, in fact there is information about russian space weapons.
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let's approach this a little differently, and leave aside the cunning and smart biden administration, we’ll still talk about american satellites, because in my opinion... and not only mine, i think we, i don’t know, probably have the opportunity, but lack the determination, or maybe , we still believe that this is not entirely necessary at the moment, it is not advisable, but the need to strike at american satellites has existed for a long time, in general we understand perfectly well that most of what
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we call terrorist attacks, especially what is happening in the black sea. directly american space missions are involved , look, the story with satellites , there’s a lot, it’s not time to tidy them up a little, and the story with the satellite has parallels with the nord stream, that is, look, the very idea of ​​​​destroying satellites, which, well , periodically came up among individual military personnel over the course of just recently, it is viewed as blasphemous, because as soon as one country begins to destroy satellites, another country will begin to do this, all of humanity... will slide down at least the beginning of the 20th century without television without the internet northern streams showed that one side began to do something, and the other is doing something that until recently seemed impossible among decent people, we will slide down the century if we do such things, america has made it possible to destroy the northern streams , and thus they are afraid that they have opened the box
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, ponstantin valentinovich, let’s pass the word on, well, tell us, please, first, let’s divide.
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some time, exposure, then it can fail, because powerful pulse lasers , it is not yet possible to make the impulse so strong that it is powerful enough to cause an explosive reaction in this very device, so if we say we launch such a satellite, one or 10
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such satellites into orbit, relatively speaking, or the americans introduce , well... they can, with a certain periodicity , disable a certain number of satellites there, but the americans have a constellation of 400 satellites, yeah, so it’s much simpler and more efficient to have a rocket on the ground that flies into space at the right moment and doing there one large thermonuclear explosion megaton per five, but in the end, within a radius of approximately 500,000 km - all the satellites, satellites, then without protection, they all burn up safely. everyone is burning up, that is, such, such a big hole , damn it, the conditions for american dominance, so to speak, american superiority in space among satellites, this is the simplest effect, there is another small nuance, which means reconnaissance is also carried out by so-called low-altitude satellites optoelectronic type, optoelectronic satellites kihau,
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translated as keyhole, kihau there are many modifications of all. we have a wonderful thing called overexposure from the ground, we don’t need to shoot it down, yeah, it’s enough to hit the optics with a beam so that the receiving element fails , and to record the fact that it was a beam, and not because it just shrunk and oxidized. it’s almost impossible to account for such an impact on earth, well , the satellite has broken down, well, it’s stopped seeing, well, it’s flying away, well, let’s launch a new one, because it’s very exciting.
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without data from american intelligence satellites make it impossible for the ukrainian armed forces to operate in the black sea. the last such attack using surface drones was launched a few days ago, and although unmanned boats can most often be neutralized using turnips, they are still significant. threat, this is the second time in two weeks that russian ships have been attacked using these means. this is good news for the ukrainian armed forces, because most of the black sea
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fleet is forced to relocate away from ukraine. russia has repeatedly warned the pentagon says that by transmitting intelligence data to kiev, the united states is making its satellites legitimate military targets. western intelligence fears that it will not be possible to prevent such a strike; there are simply no means for this, and we are not just talking about military satellites. but about elon musk’s staring satellites, which provide ukrainian drones with communications and the internet. russia has repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that the united states and its allies are using components of civilian infrastructure in space in armed conflicts. such activities are actually represents indirect participation in armed conflicts. quasi-civilian infrastructure could logically be a legitimate target for a retaliatory strike. maxim anatolyevich, it is a legitimate goal on our part to consider these satellites, or it will be considered an attack on a nato country with all that it entails. hmm, well, this is a purely
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hypothetical question, we are now becoming a little like the americans, who create drama out of nowhere, but there is no drama. basically, if, if the situation is critical it happened at the fronts, then one of the russian responses could be like this, but for now i’m not being dramatic at all. i don’t see any, and this situation means why suddenly, out of nowhere , the americans began to inflate this topic, but i ’m trying to explain it, i don’t connect it absolutely with the interview with tucker, yes, i connect it with the event that should have happened in the house of representatives, but it didn’t happen, the vote for the most important bill for the biden administration was the project on assistance to ukraine, in my opinion the house didn’t even put it up for it now, we know then.
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now, if it means that we destroyed a piece of iron with a ukrainian crew, that’s one story, but if the piece of iron may even be without people, but formally, according to its shoulder straps, it is not assigned to the ukrainian army, but there we shoot down the american one, that’s a different story, you know, if there were people there .
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there’s some woman here, you must have seen it, from an icon place, or something, what a wonderful war , a wonderful war is going on, and the ukrainians are shooting at the russians, the russians are dying , the ukrainians are dying, we are not at all the connection between the fact that the ukrainians are shooting at the russians , they will shoot for another six years, and i don’t see the slightest in the fact that the russians will not dare to shoot down american satellites, then another version means that all this is actually being done solely in order to... prevent trump from winning the next elections, because these scarecrows, andrei vladimirovich, well, be patient , i understand, it’s unpleasant for you to listen to what i say, but this is mutual, mutual love sometimes happens with you, because they have these scarecrows that the russians will attack nato, it’s necessary , we urgently need to arm it, and if trump will come, there will be no nato at all, you know, let there be nat, good.
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your wallet, your property and your savings must first of all be protected not from scammers, but from your own children, which is why they are now used as the main master key to your financial safe by everyone, from swindlers to artificial intelligence, which also wants to rob you. the american political elite knows that biden will not last until the end of the new term, but they are still dragging him to the presidency, why? maybe because under the political cover with biden is hiding. a completely different candidate, to understand who he is, look for a woman surrounded by the president, this will be your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. mask - new season, sunday at
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and the kiev authorities then decided to go further and legalize marijuana, the bill that was awaiting the signature of terrorist president zelensky has finally received it, and now the circulation of cannabis will be officially permitted in the medical, industrial and scientific spheres. as planned, marijuana will be used only for the treatment of cancer, post-traumatic disorders, received during hostilities, the distribution and free use of the drug seems to be under for... greece became the first orthodox
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country in the world to allow same-sex marriage ; the greek parliament voted for the adoption of the corresponding law. the initiator of this bill was the ruling conservative party, the greek church and part of the opposition opposed it, but their attempts were consistent, 176 deputies voted for, 76 voted against. several dozen more deputies, understanding how it would end matter, they just didn’t come to the meeting. according to the text of the new document, the right to marriage will be granted to everyone, and the rights of children will be protected regardless of the form of the family. same-sex families will have the right to adopt children, but they will be prohibited from using surrogacy services. all this is supported by the current greek prime minister mitsatafes. greece is proud to be the 10th country in the european union.
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between you and the ancient hellenes is that you too are fagots, well, it’s possible, you see, this now understands the form of the law, let’s let's get back to that...
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connected to the alliance. the same thing was instilled in europeans that us security is inextricable to journalists and the secretary general of the military bloc, jens stoltenberg, explaining that nato is committed to the principle of one for all, all for one, and it does not matter that not all members will be able to contribute 2% of their gdp to common defense . any suggestion that allies will stop protecting each other undermines our security and puts us at greater risk. the reason for a group session of self-hypnosis at nato was another statement by donald trump. at a pre-election rally, he promised , if elected president (quote), to encourage attacks by russia on countries that are behind on payments to the alliance budget. one of the presidents of a large country stood up and said: “well,
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sir, if we don’t pay, russia will attack us, you will protect us.” i said, "you won't pay." how to secure nato from trump. even neutral switzerland announced that it would increase defense spending and take part in alliance exercises; an entire emergency meeting was held in poland after trump’s statements government. this is a matter of our most important interests of protecting poland, even given the conditions of the heated election campaign in the united states, the part of the statement in which trump clearly said that he would even encourage russia to attack the conflict is too much. the political publication writes that trump - quote: scared the hell out of american democrats. hillary
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clinton wrote on social networks that the former us president is selling nato to vladimir putin. cnn tried to calm everyone down by writing that it was collapsing. there is no point in waiting, but his work will be paralyzed. instead of withdrawing from nato, a second trump presidency could pursue a hibernation policy . no one knows exactly what this will look like, but the president has enormous power, he can reduce the number of exercises, the presence of troops in europe and suspend payments to infrastructure. well, here, here i am , as it were, developing my point of view when i and we do not agree. what is the connection between the help of ukraine, the terrible russian weapons in space, i suggested, preventing trump’s victory, here’s another one the horror that will happen in connection with his arrival in the white house, no, well, in part yes, all the actions that are now taking place in american domestic politics, so all the actions that are taking place in the united states, including foreign policy, are connected with domestic
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politics , the goal of all actions is the victory of one or another country in the elections, from this point of view, the democrats, of course, are on all corners...
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kiev will say that trump is draining ukraine, and through ukraine is draining europe to the russians, that is, as it were such forwardings, they are actually being done, no, but once again, it works for someone, in the same way, in individual states it will be discussed. about percentages, percentages of voters will decide who will become the next president of the united states in 10-12 states, the balance needs to be changed at least a little, now it’s not about that, it’s about who this scarecrow will work for, that it’s the end of nato . this means that i want to emphasize, to support my colleague, i want to emphasize one fundamental thing, that the internal political struggle in the united states has geopolitical significance and
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geopolitical background. the creature is very simple: trump advocates a monopolar world under the auspices of the united states. biden is a tool of the globalists of transnational corporations, he stands for world peace. therefore, they are in conflict, in severe conflict. trump's victory means a little bit, the loss of such a bridgehead as the united states of america by the globalists. the fact that the states will... yes, then we will turn off the gas, yes, like this , germany and they have already turned off the gas, well , listen, these same esf just said,
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yesterday some person there said that they are no longer interested at all in the transit of our gas through the ukrainian one, it was the european commissioner for energy, if i remember correctly, andrei vladimirovich said that no one would refuse, then no, this is funny, because firstly, the american system is legal, legislative will not allow trump to leave nato and so on, and secondly, if you take it.
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18 didn’t pay before, they don’t pay now, 1.13%, now i’m saying again, you still somehow learn to perceive, at least pretend that you are counter-arguments, just data for today, but no, well, you know everything from us, we go to the american government website, and you say the day before, like mr. stontenberg. as mr. kirby clearly explained in general that no military threat to nato and the united states of america comes from russia, this is the first point, the second point,
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the north atlantic alliance has not carried out any defensive operations in its history at all, why is this for why does the north atlantic alliance exist at all? it exists to ensure the interests of the united states of america, as well as a number of other western european countries on the absolutely european continent, does this mean that donald trump, having come to power. to pursue some kind of policy of isolationism, withdrawal from europe, but of course not, and neither he, nor the republicans who support him, nor the democrats, no one will agree to this, because the united states does not have and is not expected to have any other effective instrument of influencing europe no collapse of nato, reduction in expenses, the only thing that can really happen here is that the united states will pull more money from its european allies, which generally speaking, speaking in pragmatic language, is absolutely fair, because why is trump actually asking a simple question. you are sitting on our defense, why don’t you pay enough, we want them to pay more, if you don’t want to, get the hell out of here, in general, trump’s logic in this sense is absolutely logical, he wants to get
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more. another question, much more tragic, not tragic, but unpleasant for us, is that everything that continues now within nato, this is militarization aimed at aggression against the russian federation, because as already said, when the same soltenberg says: there is no threat, but we are preparing, it means what the alliance is preparing for, which is not preparing for defense, it is preparing.
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a significant part of what he says is either propaganda or some kind of emotional release, in the latter case one cannot listen to him at all, the fact that his policy in a certain sense threatens transatlantic cooperation is fact, nato, i agree, will not go away completely, just as vysotsky saw, soon everything will become more expensive and you will have to pay. well, that’s all, by the way, thanks for the occasion, hungary and slovakia spend more than 2% , on the contrary, more than 2%, stop it, leave it altogether, leave the hope of everyone coming here, it’s impossible to convince andrei vladimir fedorov, that’s why he’s valuable to us, firmly -firmness, i won’t do
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anything more, we have a short break, we will continue. i'm afraid to talk to your husband, he is such a special guest of the new russian sensations, a man of extreme convictions, a man of extreme convictions, tigran kiasayan, excuse me for being stupid again, what once connected him with zelensky? people emerge who suddenly turn out to be well-darned contraceptives, and like the leader of the kiev regime, he is now taking revenge on tigran and his margarita, boo? confused the shores, what does he know about his old friend pugacheva? am i starting to talk about maxim pugachev and alu galken? what does he think about foreign agents, emigrants and traitors? and maxim galken - an animal and sawmills in wood chips biden, zelensky, syrsky. thanks to our western scum, or whatever they call them on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. mask - season on
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this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear and we continue, now let’s move on to the news again, because of course. the news about navalny's time changed the whole picture for us. van, give me my word. yes, all sorts of clarifications continue to arrive regarding the death of alexei navalny. the investigative committee of the yamolnensky district reported that they had initiated a procedural investigation into navalny’s death. in the department was told that a set of investigative operational measures are currently being carried out aimed at establishing all the circumstances. the circumstances of this story will also be dealt with by the commission of the central apparatus in the ssin, which has now headed to yamalonets. district, i will remind you that less than an hour ago, the department of the federal penitentiary service of the yamal-nets district reported that on february 16, this is actually the message: after a walk, navalny felt unwell and almost immediately lost consciousness. according to
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departments, they tried to resuscitate navalny, but all attempts by doctors were unsuccessful and the doctors who had already arrived at the scene declared the prisoner’s death. so, these are all the details for now, andrei vernevich, yeah, well, if something comes along. who continue to earn money here, there is such a complex discussion about how to deprive them of such an opportunity, how to act against the country and at the same time
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earn money here, which means that one of these proposals has appeared, in the state duma they propose to deprive all these foreign agents opportunities to make money from advertising, well, they all have different platforms on the internet on social networks. blogs, in these blogs, on these sites there is advertising, and very often advertising from our russian advertisers, well, that is, you yourself understand, the situation is absolutely absurd, that is, some kind of our company gives money to a person who is pouring shit on our country, and maybe he even does something more serious, and he gets money, so here’s the first suggestion, deprive them of advertising income, now with details, the day before. the state duma has introduced a bill according to which russian citizens and companies will be prohibited from placing advertisements with foreign agents. the logic of legislators is simple: people who are under foreign influence or who receive funding from abroad should
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lose financial support, at least within the country. they are conductors of an ideology alien to us on the runet, they act as tools of outright information warfare, and as in any big conflict, it is only very important.
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200 people, bloggers, journalists, artists, earn money from advertising, and their income is only 764 people and organizations, of which the order is growing. according to rbc, over the past year , russian brands spent 133 million rubles on advertising with foreign agents. although, according to the vedomosti newspaper , agents earn many times more. over the past year , the journalist has increased her income from advertising integrations.
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such an observation, well, you know, yes, i travel a lot around the country, now i also fly a lot, if within russia, i fly out, as a rule, from sheremetyev terminal b, if you there were, there is where the escalator is, and there is such a huge one, i don’t even know how it’s advertising, yes, yes, yes, about three years ago, probably, there was also always, when i arrived at the airport, there was this dud and there was an agent, an in-agent who advertised, in my opinion, some kind of our car, but... advertising is a kind of relationship between two parties, that is, here is a platform or some kind of person who advertises, he is understandable, he receives money from the advertiser for this, but the advertiser also needs this person or platform, because he is popular, he promoted, it means he is also interested in this, if we look at these agents with a million of them.
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pay, and i am sure that in principle they did not receive it from there; if they received it, it was only through all sorts of espionage directions, where the west carried out targeted work against our country, they allocated money from intelligence or other budgets, which, well, for this directed, uh-huh, who are you there, alexey gennavich was there all the time trying to share something with someone, which means advertisers, they are not stupid people, and advertising in general. good people, that's indeed so, but the question is whether the advertiser will give him money, whether he will meet the criteria that the advertiser sets for the image that he will advertise, the advertiser is great and will come up with some new advertisement with a cat, and not with, the question is whether he will fall into audience , will there be an audience, isn’t it strange, when
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after all, now i will sort of represent the other side when they advertise products, i don’t know some russian manufacturer there . who in russia is recognized as an extremist by agents, i’ll tell you andrey laich means today they literally published statistics eurostat published statistics in russian export-import statistics, as we know from the beginning from our own, but they don’t publish classified data , but the europeans publish it in general, today it became known that russia and europe trade turnover last year amounted to 80 billion euros, well, 80 even more there and
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a friend begins to interfere in the affairs of the entrepreneur and business, and one more important thing, if there was, if we were talking about state, budget money, i would understood, but the state does not give money to someone it does not want to give, whom it considers, so to speak, its opponent there and so on, i would understand, although you are hinting that this is a kind of persecution for purely political reasons , yes from my point of view point of view is not just persecution, but what? first of all, i would like to say that trade with europe and america continues, and we receive billions of dollars, including euros, solving our social problems thanks to these dollars and euros, of course, this is normal, normal, this so marketable
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goods, those people who advertise products, but are mainly promoted thanks to money, but tomorrow they will not be advertised, everyone will forget. attaches the interests of his homeland at a very critical moment for our development, this is not the same thing, you cannot absolutely equate it, because we cooperated with unfriendly countries, we are not still at war with sweden, although we have a very difficult history, they called it, they said that they attach importance to the interests of the homeland, in essence i
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agree with you, but legally, this is in no way formalized, then it turns out that alexey gennadievich is right, because we are fighting with them because of their political - and there is a person who is under the article, fakes about the army, there is a list of extremists,
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terrorists and so on, maybe we are on probation or persecuted foreign agents, we will somehow separate them from ordinary foreign agents, because here it turns out that we name them all at once. traitors, well, not all film agents are traitors, or then it’s not clear why there is a separate concept and well, it’s like a question of elaboration at the state level thoughts, as i believe, at the level of the expert community, because of course the idea is sound , there is something to think about, but there is also a point that today a person who is a foreigner does not spread fake news about the army, and tomorrow he has a new broadcast there in a new blog some kind of speech, and he already moves on to this topic, especially at such a moment, so many foreign agents. i watch them from time to time, dear ones, from time to time i watch them and see that not directly, but indirectly, even when talking about completely neutral things, for example, some tour of rome.
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to stretch it, really, gentlemen, find some new arguments, or at least somehow keep up with the times, by golly, this is simply indecent in 2024. regarding your question, many of these people actually spent years on funding, were at a certain point recognized as foreign agents, and were not even particularly challenged, because these people know what they are getting into, they are well aware that they are sitting in someone else’s information trenches that many of them are abroad, what is it some of them are already political there, when they say , i’m persecuting them for some political reasons, but excuse me, when a person sits in the european union, he just openly pours dirt on the country for foreign money, makes money from it, they should close their eyes and say: o' hey, dude, we have a democracy, for god ’s sake, do whatever you want, we
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’ll stand here on the sidelines, we’ll tolerate it, we won’t tolerate it, now is the era where the institute is a foreign agency, it’s forced. sitting in the european union on western grants and so on to foreign agents who did not leave russia continues to be found here? you are now saying a really smart thing that needs to be thought about, because it is really necessary , this is not flattery, in fact, this is a really constructive story, because the status of foreigners is changing a lot, we see that over the past 3 years it has undergone many changes, so it's a cart that's still rolling, right? but this does not mean that these actions do not need to be taken and that you do not need to defend yourself at the moment when someone is trying to endlessly poke you with this stink regarding the simple connection that there are repressions there, in 1937, the law on foreign agents, i will remind you again,
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everyone has already forgotten about this, that laws on agents appeared in other countries much more recently. that if they planned everything in advance, they are sure that perestroika will destroy the ussr, we work within the rules, the enemy does not play by the rules, we need to act according to the instructions, be with him until he leads you to the archive, you will end up in...
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could don't turn it off misha, i have a good attitude towards these guys. fear over the neva, premiere with monday at 20:00 on ntv. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult to you, naapept may help with memory problems. it helps improve cerebral circulation, restore memory and attention. the choice must be balanced, time-tested. let's get the head working. when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you gave a million rubles, or a mega jacuzzi, every second ticket wins, buy on the website in stoloto brand stores, plane plus, we decide various issues with real estate from the transaction to finishing, for example, we helped to sell this apartment, buy another and carry out the transaction , over there, you see, plane plus, over there,
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plans, a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. gemperon light spray - the power of green light with mint scent. igor lifanov, in 10 minutes everything here will blow up, pavel trubiner, capture, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue to wonder how effective those measures are which are proposed have already been accepted against agents, because... if you look , for example, at foreign agent writers, according to general statistics, they are being read less, it ’s not clear here, is it because of the actions of the state that are trying to nail these foreign agents, as
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they say, or people are just listening these writers, listen to what they say, don’t buy their books anymore, material, let’s see. last wednesday, russian publishers and major libraries summed up the results of the past year and it turned out that our people began to buy fewer books written by foreign agents, giving preference purchases. we see a decrease in interest in books, so-called for agents, they are still on store shelves somewhere, but objectively due to a decrease in liquidity, a decrease in sales volume, but they fade into the background, third plan and may after some time then it's time to wash yourself. since december 2022 , bookstores have been selling books by foreign agents with opaque covers. marked 18+. strict rules apply in libraries; such publications can now be obtained upon presentation of a passport for violation of these rules, a fine of up to half a million rubles.
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the publishers themselves do not consider these requirements too strict. there are no fundamentally strict requirements that agents only be wrapped in film, not in film, and only wrapped in opaque film. the requirements, as far as i remember, are that transparent films can be published at 18+. yes, accordingly they asked for a passport, because 18 plus. no more demands. no. the main contribution to the fight against their literature is made by the writers themselves under foreign influence. the second month they become participants in high-profile scandals. foreign agents dmitry bykov and boris akunin, the latter included in the list of extremists and terrorists, admitted that they donate or want to donate royalties from the sale of their books to the ukrainian armed forces. not yet a foreign agent, lyudmila ulitskaya, said that ukraine has the right to carry out terrorist attacks on russian territory. as a result , some stores stopped selling their books and the publishers stopped cooperating with them. payments, if the authorities introduced the concept of foreign agents, and moreover, extremists, terrorists, where these writers or some of them are registered, then, probably, what they write
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extremist terrorists must somehow isolate themselves from society, in america binladen has been declared a terrorist, can one imagine that binladen’s book, despite the constitutional amendment, will be sold in american stores. david, why are these same writers being read less? you can read a book not only on official sites, but on a huge number of unofficial ones, it won’t bring it to the authors,
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on official sites it will bring it, on unofficial sites it won’t bring unofficial ones, but now i think if we are always talking about money we say who published these books, they have already received their royalties, besides, now even on unofficial sites they publish a book, you read 10. 20-30 pages in the most interesting place, you stop to read further, pay so much money, it’s even on unofficial ones -
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he also called himself a fiction writer, and not a writer, there some changes began from that moment, but when he was a fiction writer, people bought him with pleasure, in general, there is nothing terrible in the fact that you have several okunin books on your shelf, about the same fondorin himself or something else, well , in general, there was nothing in it, and then what should we do now, he already wrote it 100 years ago, well, we really have something to do with it, what is there to forbid reading, take it away and come to you go home and see if you have it?
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well, the bill has been introduced, i think that we will consider it quickly enough , it will take about two months, the law will be adopted, so i think that this year it will definitely begin to take effect, i hope that in the second half of this year , from my point of view, of course, they will not fight with money, with attention, influence, which it turns out that this or that person is not struggling with money, money - and deprivation of earnings - are these some kind of tools?
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and we don’t even know, so to speak , the wording itself, what wording they used there, if we are talking about arbenina and arbakayet and the far east, we were simply told, the mayor said that a message had arrived there from the cultural front, from the initiative group , yes, what does it say, why was it cancelled, that is, it turns out that in fact what is the problem is that we stop even formally living according to the law, we stop formally live according to the law, and you continue to do so.
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kristina arbakaita, where she lives there in the usa , i’m afraid to make a mistake now, well, definitely not in russia, let’s be honest with ourselves here, she’s coming, let me tell you, please, a certain beer girl is coming, who hasn’t decided on her position, who hasn’t lives in the usa, whose income can go
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anywhere, and we constantly see these woeful investigations of vavan and lexus, which bring such people out simply, what happens from the point of view of those who come here, which does not determine
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yes, no one will do it better than you, i myself will decide when i will go on a mission with whom, there are these guys, this is suicide , why would we die here in order to return to our native land, at least that in that battle sanya is for you. i've lost my life, debts need to be repaid, the eye of the desert, i'm in position,
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copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, well, let's let's return to the news about the death of alexei navalny, who was reported about an hour and a half ago by the federal penitentiary service, the western reaction poured in immediately, and mostly these are such sweeping accusations against russia , there is no other way to say it, the president of latvia edgar was the first to start. german chancellor olafz began
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a press conference with terrorist zelensky by accusing russia of navalny’s death. the nato secretary general said, i will quote here.
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we are arguing how we can influence - the monetary allowances of different people are not very good people belonging to our country, and abroad in countries generally far from us, many of those who are recognized by us as foreign agents, extremists, for some reason are already facing certain financial difficulties, there is also a bit of a paradox here, that is, we we’re still thinking, but what ’s happening is happening in thailand suddenly and, as stated... the organizers, for reasons beyond their control, canceled both concerts of the comedian for agent ruslan bely. he was supposed to perform in pattaya and bhuketi. the ukrainian singer labada came under attack. its wide announced performances in bhuket were also cancelled. the january tour in thailand for comedian foreigner maxim galkin was disrupted. then he decided to arrange a chess on the indonesian
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resort island of bali. but galkin was turned around right at the border. he himself insisted that he was allegedly not allowed into the country because of a certain letter. we won’t touch, that’s what concerns ukrainian girls, let’s now have different performers with russian passports,
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in each of these cases there was some other reason, someone didn’t have a visa, because many come and don’t they apply for a work visa with concerts when... you perform, you need a work visa, but someone there had some other reasons, but nevertheless, it means nikolai igorich, there is an opinion that, well, in general, he voiced alexey gennadyevich , what kind of politics is this, somehow, i don’t know who putin is negotiating, i don’t know, lavrov calls thailand at night and says, don’t let morgenstern speak, or they call the president of the emirates, they say , revoke his entry, yeah. since ivan started, i can't not to express condolences in connection with the death of alexei navalny to say that i hope that this will finally listen to the fact that political prisoners will be released, i will answer your question, i think that basically
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there is no this connection, and i really hope that our ministry of foreign affairs, rossotrudnichestvo and other departments are much larger. and why then do these cancellations happen , what is what i said, in my opinion, most often, well, we are like that’s why we rarely agree with you in opinion, but in most cases i think it’s corresponds to reality, because there is no such need, there is not such a number of spectators for these performers in the countries that you listed, many really violate these, but people leave for another country, then this question arises. if they themselves already understand that they are facing certain financial difficulties, i don’t know whether you were on these programs with us or not, you probably were, we periodically have this thought here, it is voiced, that these people need to be stopped there to re-educate them, we need to bring them back here , which means calling them in by all means , carrying out educational
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work among them, so that they act somehow, i don’t know, in a slightly different tone and let them earn soft power using this kind of .
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the border guard asks my operator the purpose of coming to america, he jokingly says , yes, to work a little, a day in a prison, my
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operator on the street of los angeles takes out a camera, he is immediately arrested, because there is a law in los angeles that it is on the street you can only shoot by purchasing a license for $3,000, this is what you are saying now, confirming my assumption that there is a violation of the law here. that i raised her, who should ask for forgiveness from whom? don't know. 3 months ago i moved to moscow and didn’t tell anyone about it.
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i don't like her immaturity. why do you have such doubts and don’t believe in your son’s talent? there is high art, and then there is everything else. will you forgive him or not? will you open this door or not? this is a decision you need to make now. i'm sorry. today at 16:50 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. it's easy to imagine your ideal home, so just imagine and let click home do the rest. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. choose your favorite brands at wailberries, taking care of the whole family, favorable prices for soft ones. hagis diaper panties, reliable kotex pads, absorbent underwear dpn, choose special agents against a supervillain at wildbries,
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technology into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here in the country, on which the sun never... sets. tinkov. 40 million customers in the largest country in the world. central television. tomorrow at 19:00! on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail: papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love.
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no one needs to be re-educated, all people are adults. for violation is certainly necessary, and there is also such a thing that from personal experience of communicating with participants of the svo, i know that very many people who actually fought and are fighting live there, it’s just categorically unpleasant that our donbass is turning into a kind of holiday for washing off a dirty reputation, in my opinion, this is completely unacceptable, and if a person initially took a destructive position and held it for a long time, then and his repentance must also be just as long and consistent. should be as follows: our society, our state must live by the law, our society, our state must respect the rights of all its citizens, regardless of religion , political leanings and other other views that may differ from i understand everything, but as if using legally to punish or to punish by law or by
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law of transportation.
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they are not there, today we started this one now with an advertisement one way or another, and then we had the topic of a tour of rome, not of rome, but of the seaside boulevard and there was an announcement through the loudspeaker, ladies and gentlemen,
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join the excursion program of the most famous monuments in the world, experienced guide will demonstrate the legendary pissing boy to guests of odessa without traveling to brussels. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. a train with victims of the ukrainian armed forces strike on belgorod arrived in moscow, one for all, all for one in brussels style, we need to be sure that we are sufficiently restraining russia from further actions. previously, the west clearly indicated the goals of supporting ukraine. now they have stopped hiding the means by which they want to achieve this. when new ones appear between moscow and st. petersburg, high-speed highway and what other cities are next.


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