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tv   Zhdi menya  NTV  February 17, 2024 6:25am-7:26am MSK

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let's talk about your search, what is your mother's name? my mother’s name is svetlana aleksandrovna parodina, what don’t you know? i was very little, i was 2 years old, uh-huh, i don’t remember my mother, they quarreled with my father, so uh, i never returned to uzbekistan, that is, they lived together in uzbekistan, then some kind of quarrel occurred. mom left, yes, yes , she went to russia, yeah, her brother died, to save the kirov region, never came back, that is, i understood correctly that her brother died, she went to the funeral, yes brother, they were waiting for her back, but she didn't come back that's right, it was a big surprise for everyone, yes, who raised you, dad, grandpa, grandpa, yeah. uh-huh, grandfather - whose father is this?
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mom's or dad's father? no, dad, dad’s father, yes, uh-huh, i don’t remember dad either, he also went to russia, that’s a long time ago, i don’t remember, was there another relative, or were you two? no, aunt, grandfather had two sons, that’s how they lived together, maybe your relatives told you something about your mother, yes, she said.
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svetlana and my brother murat were introduced by my father churabai, they were young, they fell in love each other, soon got married, then my nephew saidullo appeared, everyone loved svetlana and treated her. very good, yes, she herself was very good, kind, sweet , she looked after me a lot, i was little, she brought me a lot of sweets, i remember everything good about her, i loved her very much, because she was kind and cheerful she was, she was an artist, she drew all the time , once it was my birthday, she drew me like... she drew it like that, even
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i cried, svetlana was very good mistress, and sweet, kind, beautiful, she always managed everything, but my brother murat had such a difficult character, as soon as he raised a hand to her and often offended her, svetlana went to the funeral with... her brother, where her mother became seriously ill , but promised to return, but did not return, we blame my brother murat for this, she wanted, of course, to take saidulo with her, but apparently her father suspected that svetlana would not return and forbade taking saida with her after leaving.
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there was always a photograph of svetlana under the pillow all the time, dear svetlana, if you do you hear, please respond, we are not offended by you, we are waiting for you and love you, dear light, how are you, how is your health, how many years have we been waiting for you, i’m already old, we all love you. we are looking, especially saidulo. you have
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a grandson and granddaughters who are already grown up. we are all waiting for you. answer me. you know, saidulo, from what i just saw, i got the impression that everyone loved her very much, there are no questions about her, either as a mother or as a housewife, she is such an incredible beauty, and it seems to me , i even look at the photograph at you, that you seem to be yearning for her all your life, you have such sadness in your eyes, apparently, something... she, i don’t know, invested in you or what, only 2 years, and you are so reverent for treat her, remember, as if you needed her all your life, yes, it’s as if she didn’t give up, she had some very good reason for leaving, so you shouldn’t be offended by her , you probably got away with it, tell me, what’s
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your relationship like with your father? you, i have no communication, in 2011, in my opinion, the last call, they talked by phone, no more, i didn’t see, then there is, well, you don’t know anything about him, where is he, what is he, no, really, throughout your childhood you had a photograph of your mother under your pillow, you know, yes, it really touched me, because a small child, that’s how you keep it under your pillow all the time a photo for mom, this kind of attitude is worth a lot, we showed this exact photo on our air in one of the programs, you haven’t seen this program, no, i don’t, i have time. no, someone contacted you, maybe after the program, no, no, no, our voluntary wrote to us after the program assistant, yulia sofiulina, she just recently joined the wait for me team, and
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she liked and was so touched by this application that she rushed to look, especially since she lives in the kirov region, and even knows the village in which your mother was born studied. the village is called svecha. yes. let's see what yulia managed to find out. margarita sukhankina openly talks about her troubles and joys. this is for us now. what made the mirage star go under the knife, these extra pounds, these folds here on his stomach. how she lost her parents one after another. it was hell. and why did she blame herself for their deaths? i’m sitting on the bed, it’s like i’m in a mental hospital, i’m rocking so hard, my tears are flowing. that you quarreled forever? margarita sukhankina with her brother, he started calling, yelling , i’m about to deprive you, yes, i’m black realtors, i don’t want to think that it’s envy, who tried to take her son and daughter away from her, they started doing something, that means, stomping kicking, screaming, give up the children, how the singer copes with the difficult age of adopted
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6:35 am
where else can dance become a world heritage? sports - an invincible machine! let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, traditions. in innovation only here, in the country on which
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to give, this, this, or even this, the main thing is that the gift is profitable, get your phone number, buy gifts on un psb profitable, register on, as 3% of sbp. i love the program “wait for me, for touching meetings, for happy moments of people who find each other.” i signed up to volunteer because i wanted to be part of this team. and i wanted to help find at least one person, but find my relatives. for the search, i had
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data - this is the name and date of birth. parodina svetlana alexandrovna, july 16, 1966. when i saw the photo on tv, i remembered that i have a friend who is good at pgt candle. and her name is natalya edigareva and... i turned to her, she said that she knows, remembers this family, and i managed to find out that svetlana moved to another region, gave birth to three sons, got married , changed her last name when i received information svetlania, i found her son sergei on social networks , i wrote to him, i wrote all the information to sergei, he reacted very correctly, and then... something went wrong and i was blocked, i
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could not contact svetlana, my son did not give any information maybe i was too emotional some expressions addressed to sergei. saidulo, i want to turn to you and say that your story touched me very much, until my relatives get in touch. i wish you to meet your family, your mother, your brothers and relatives. i want to appeal to saidullo’s younger brothers, please get in touch, this is very important for your older brother. i want to say that yulia, of course , is very smart, she did a great job, learned a lot of useful information, but she was still let down by excessive zeal and, of course, inexperience, but unfortunately, that’s how it is it happens, that's why. in case, i ask our volunteer assistants, before taking any actions,
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please first discuss with our editors, they have extensive experience in communicating with people, they will always tell you how to do the right thing, well, because otherwise all the work may go wrong sorry, we still have sensitive topics, and you need to be able to talk about it correctly, otherwise people will simply shut down, or they may think that they are scammers, this can also happen. in general, please consult with the editors first and then take some action. in this case , we had no choice but to simply go to this address and try to simply reach people in the physical sense, just knock on doors, ring bells, and so on. let's see how it went. we are looking for glass lady svetlana alexandrovna, but according to
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our information, she worked or is working here? works exactly. this woman, well , of course she’s older now, and you ’ve been working here for a long time, a year, that is, if she ’d worked here hello, you would have seen each other, i would i knew, okay, thank you very much, hello, svetlana, don’t you know from apartment fifty-one, there’s no call, let’s knock.
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here is a photograph, look , here is a photograph, you know, she has changed a lot now, no, but the family as a whole is normal, yes, the family is normal, at first they somehow still communicated and ran to me, the guys there are still small they thought they could help there with pills, but lately they’ve become like recluses, i don’t know, it turns out she doesn’t communicate with anyone at the entrance, but in small villages where everyone knows each other, during you often come across searches...
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in the evening we decided to leave our contacts to our neighbors with a request to pass them on to svetlana, when suddenly we heard the jingle of keys outside svetlana’s apartment. i live here, yes. who are you? to whom? svetlana alexandrovna. am i living in a spoken check-in? she? yes yes. what apartment is she in? and i don’t even know which one. do they know this one? maybe yes, but no one asks me. they are looking for her. her son is looking for her, it turns out your older brother, yeah, well, you have a desire to get to know your brother all your life, i didn’t know, i didn’t see, so, probably, most likely no than yes, we can call your mother now and just say that this is the situation, explain yes, what about
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your son, hello, he listens attentively, here, in general , journalists came from ntv. here i am standing with them now, are you ready to talk to them about this situation or not, but they don’t listen, hello, svetlana aleksandrovna, hello, my name is valery, i’m from the program, wait for me, my question is the most important, you are my son -you want to see each other, well , of course you want to, because this matter cannot be postponed, but somehow it’s necessary this can be solved, because our village is small, but ours is a village. something, oh, how to explain, well, so that they know less , sojudulo, how do you like this news, i don’t know, well, because you see what kind of
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information is coming out, the brother seems to be there, it seems like he’s not ready to meet and talk , and mom... was found, wants to communicate, wants to resolve the situation, i can understand this situation, and i can understand mom, completely, because she says such a key word, you know, there’s a small village there, it’s clear that everyone is a friend they know a friend, and this is a long-standing matter that clearly hurts her, because the first refusal already suggests that she was scared of this kind of information, yes, but she really wants it, we heard what she says, of course i want it, well, it’s scary, you know, everything can be embarrassing, already. this definitely doesn’t go away, you know, this is still a mother who gives birth to a child, so i had no doubt that she would meet with the correspondent, let’s see how this meeting happened. my ex-husband, his short name was murat, he
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also had a brother, they started courting me, and i was young, he was 17, i was 18 , well, i got involved with murat, that’s it, then we got married, well, after a while, well, i entered... their house, as they say, all these things are muslim, that’s all these chores around the house, i learned everything there to cook and make bread, i got along with his father, well, they all loved me, everything was fine, but i started having conflicts with my husband because he led a lifestyle, well, a little not serious, then conflicts began, well , he was born... the baby was small, 35 rubles, and he came to pick me up i asked them, we had nothing to eat, but my husband
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, we didn’t get along, we didn’t get along at all, i had a headache, the ambulance was driving up, i kept telling my husband that i shouldn’t treat my wife like that, apparently my thyroid gland had gone off, i didn’t i know what i had, but the child, like a child, saw the whole thing, he didn’t mind, his father-in-law dealt with him. once he fed him milk, gave him a massage, took him with him to work, well, he seemed to completely devote it to helping, his daughters, relatives came there, then his brother, he treated him very well averagely, he threatened him that if anything happened in the world, i told you, well, in general: so as not to offend me, but he still didn’t listen and behaved terribly. murat. in general, all this, these ordeals
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continued for 6 years. but a telegram unexpectedly came to me that my 17-year-old brother, my beloved, had died. they let me go, he didn’t go to see me off, it was very offensive. so, i flew away and came to my mother already pregnant. i came to see my mother, but i didn’t know, i didn’t know, my mother felt bad, my mother was always ran to the graves, and i took her by the arm, and my mother felt better, my mother said, do n’t go anymore, she said, have an abortion, don’t come anymore, don’t, because you won’t succeed, i told her a couple, that he attacked me with an ax, with an ax , just with an ax, but my mother saved me, she ... talked me out of it, somehow wisely, i don’t know, so i decided that i wouldn’t have any more children from him i will, and my mother told me, that’s it, you stay here, i went to uglich to visit a friend at
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the factory, and i already found a person, as if we had already we became friends, and a letter arrives home there , to my father-in-law, well, i already have a different family, father -in-law, mother-in-law, everything is a different family, i work at a watch factory, so i’m in a position, a letter comes, come back, i’m waiting for you, i’d rather i won’t find you, you are the best, it was already late, and we destroyed this letter, that’s it, i have another family, i plunged headlong into the children, into the family, saidula, son, bunny, of course i love, loved, i remember how i nursed you, hung around, drank,
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come to us, hello, we were confused, well, nothing, i i was waiting for this, as if i was glad, well, your son is great, well, everything is fine.
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they’re very worried, obviously, your brother is also very worried, remember, he first refused to be in the treatment cage, didn’t want to communicate with you, forbade our correspondent to even show his face, and then thawed out, let’s see, well, when did i find out that i actually have a brother, no matter how much i didn’t really believe it, that is, from the mouth of my mother , she had a son and, as it were, when he was too small, because of a bad husband, in general , so to speak, that is she had a reason to leave, and a big reason, and after that, it was as if, well, he was left alone, as i understand it, and his father raised him, well, as far as i know, that’s how he raised him, that is, he didn’t particularly care about him, didn’t look at how
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would follow him, that is, well, the guy... on his own, so basically, when i found out that i had a brother, i didn’t believe it, since we lived, in principle, not really in perfect harmony they invested, so to speak, they shared something with their relatives, well, in general, i was shocked, sort of surprised and was confusion, so to speak, but... now the moment has come, so to speak, that we should see each other one of these days, and then we’ll talk further, we’ll talk about everything, we’ll discuss something, some points, that’s right, so we are waiting for this day, so to speak, and then everything will be visible, we will build on this, well done, that’s all, your brother is here.
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i understand that this is all very difficult, so we won’t torture you here, the three of you need to be alone with each other, without us, get used to the fact that... you have each other, that you are now a family, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you guys, thank you, take care, take care of each other, don’t get lost and try to be a family, very beautiful suit.
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to my mother here she is young in this photo here i got that my mother and my father, they separated; i was 4 years old, then my mother was already as they say, you already need to restore your family, as it were, and yuri ivanovich, a very colossal, has already appeared in our family , they had a daughter, it turns out that my mother’s sister, maria yuryevna klaskova, was born presumably on october 9, 1992. in this old photograph of alexey with the stroller in which masha was lying, the little bun was so interesting, a child in itself, such a cheerful round little bun, i wrapped her up, swaddled her, changed her clothes, went out for walks with
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her, with strollers, with these, and in the summer too we also walked with her, we have electric trains there not far from our houses, she looks at the electric train, she always looked and said that little girl is so up,
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the parish of the isterinsky district and she was in the younger group, sister, i was the eldest, well, i mean, how would i i went to visit her, took her down from the second floor to the first floor, we talked with her, played, then... about three months later they took me back, well, to my mother’s apartment, and my sister stayed in the shelter, why did i i can’t say, i don’t know, i periodically visited my sister there, i visited my sister, and once my mother and i went there to the shelter, well, she didn’t really seem to recognize my mother, but i understand that, in my opinion, the first time my mother went there with me to see my sister, mash, maybe... that’s it- do you remember this moment when you ran to me from the group,
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you saw me like that, arms stretched out, lesha, lesha, lesha, such a joyful life ran towards me, hugged me, although my mother was standing next to me , you ran past my mother to me, this is the perception, i don’t know, maybe you still remember this, but this moment is the very last time when i saw my sister, some time passed, my mother decided to have the right, my father took me , they said that my sister seemed to be... as if they had adopted, let’s say, more of my adult life, i’m looking for her, to be honest , i’m well, my heart, sometimes my heart just breaks, remembering her, very strong emotions, tears flow, look , of course, it’s my fault that i couldn’t maintain the close connection with you that was supposed to be between brother and sister . "i really want
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to find you, i will continue to look for you anyway, no matter what happens in this life, i will look for you, i know that i am your brother, i want to find you, you are very dear to me, dear tv viewers, i really hope that with your help alexei’s sister will be found and we we won't see again.
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but unfortunately, this did not give any results, where was mom, she was in the city, she was somewhere nearby, mom and everyone lived in the city, and all this time, she was just in the fog, yes at that time, yes 2004, that’s the age, then after a while, of course my mother pulled herself together and returned to
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mom didn’t have a normal, good life for us, for the children, in 2017, yes, well, she wanted it all her life. find him how many years have you not seen him 19 19 years, let's show his childhood photo, i really hope that there will be responses to this program, definitely, we really hope that he is alive and well, this is the most important thing, that he is alive and well , in the new year we decided to return to this story again, we invited regina and valeria to join us again, let's meet them. "hello, hello, hello, again, hello, please, you're all here already you know, well, girls, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, yes, i see that now you are not so worried, yes, thank god, the second time is easier, they saw the program, watched, worried, very much, many
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watched , and those who knew mom, danis , called and said, well done girls for starting this search, smart girls, and remember, she said that i feel that there will be responses to this topic, we remember, yes, of course, for us it was very much, it so happened, the response to your application came that yes, look at the screen, mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little, but not for sars viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us. but there is an orbidoc, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. orbidok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sport is an invincible machine.
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that removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning. sportmaster collected all sports in one application. posters for sporting events include lectures, master classes, and competitions. register and receive bonuses for participation. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect joints and... smiled, it means you recognized, smiled, it means real! they recognize, hmm, love, remember
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, appreciate, truly, psb bank for the present, mom, i want a pink one, mom, where is the notebook, where is the leash, and where is the dog, that’s enough , get on my nerves, reduce irritability, maintain tender feelings for loved ones , mom , thank you, carvalol fita - a feeling of calm , not irritation, and in case of anxiety, corvalol fita comfort, and i am natalya yuryevna belousova, head of the department of social and labor rehabilitation and cultural services of the good house egorevsky, in our good house at the moment lives around thousands... guardians, one of them is the unknown nikolai nikolaevich, now kohl is sitting on the edge of us, doing decorative and applied arts. koli
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came to us in october 2013 from the yakharomsky orphanage. we knew about nikolai that the boy grew up in a family, he had relatives, a mother, brothers, sisters, but the boy was prone to running away and on one of his escapes he ended up in an orphanage, and then in an orphanage, in at the shelter... his name was sergei, and we know him as kolenika, and according to the decision of the naginsky city court in 2006 the boy was given a name, unknown nikolai nikolaevich, and he came to us with this name. today, nikolai is studying in our karapcheevsk school 15 and what is 16, now sign up for students with disabilities in the third b-grade, nikolai gives his preference. subjects such as speech and mathematics, he always takes part in the social life of the school with pleasure, participates in various competitions, he is
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calm, responsive, does not conflict with anyone, he has developed warm relationships friendly relations with sergei senitsin, they work together on a subsidiary farm, were friends together for 2 years, walked together, cleaned the wards together. kolya was a good friend , kolya, he is a very good, kind person, we have already communicated a lot, 11 years, we work in the kitchen, we help the dining room, wash dishes, clean the room, we respect each other, kolya has a lot of wonderful character, he loves to communicate, this is a great person, he is a true friend of mine. we learned that he was once on the “wait for me” program from a letter from the editor that there was already a plot, we looked at the plot, based on the similarity of the child
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who was filming our kolya, we are almost sure that this is exactly the person that the sister is looking for. ring, what do you remember about your mother? no mom, was there a sister? sister, yes, brother, really, too, have you left? drank, yes, now you feel good, you like it here, you want to see your relatives, yes, you
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tried to find them, yes, and they weren’t named, they told you that your relatives were looking for you, yes, were you happy? how are you doing now? did you sleep at night when you were told or couldn’t sleep? no, but you are my sister do you remember a little what she was like, big, big, kolya, if your sister is looking at you now, she sees you, your sister, tell her a few words, holy, god, god will not come running, ask for powder.
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they found out, listen, well, i don’t know, well, it seems to me there is no doubt, i personally recognized him, of course it’s him, of course, well, of course , it’s him, yes, it’s him, yes, they poetically called nikolai nikolaevich the unknown, nnn, well after all, we took a test, of course, but... i think that everything is clear here, without a test, probability, well of course, 99.9, well, of course, to doubt it, we found danis again, i hope for the last time in the last 20 years, we have found him once again, so nikolai
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nikolaevich, unknown, turned out to be danis, in fact, why are you an adult like that in general, look for each other, no matter what, and wait, no matter what , oh, when i saw him yesterday, that’s
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the kind of guy he is for me, that’s the kind of guy for me, i was very big. but i had joy in my soul, joy, not well, i was overwhelmed by these emotions , i just wanted to go to bed faster so that tomorrow has come, so i can see him, hug him quickly, touch him, that it is him, that he is alive, i was very surprised that he was saying anything at all, because when he disappeared, he was, well, dad, mom, uncle, aunt said, but the fact that he answers your questions was all for me. what else did he tell you, that sister, yes sister , i won’t run away anymore, i actually, i say , i watched it, well, for me that was all, i went out, i called all my brothers, everyone , and i said what he said , you understand, he talking, they would like to take him to themselves, give him something that all this did not have, all this love, all this he has a big family, a lot of cousins,
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cousins, a brother. my husband, everyone is waiting for him, we hope that we will take him, that everything will be fine, he will be very good, we hope, olechka, what are you feeling now, happy, no, yes , happy, i saw my sisters on tv, yes, i saw, i recognized , yes, to find out how you remember them in general, sisters, and anyone, now, and i’m deep in my voice, do you want to meet them? yes, you know, they have come to you, now you will see them, hello, hello, hello, since they are waiting in your room, in
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the room, very much waiting, a little nervous. we , too, we are also looking forward to it very much, we can’t wait , my dear, how big you are, such a fuck , i’m glad you have it? lerka, this is lerka , she was little, remember, that la-la, you called her, remember, la-la it was, some man became, in general, why are you, confused, good, what an adult you are, it’s great, lord,
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you are my dear! you like it here, yeah yes, i like it, taka, you are so big. he was so little , he was running away, you won’t run away anymore, that’s right, you promise , let’s call your brother now and you can talk to him , if you want, come on, that’s it, sit down, now we’ll try, the main thing is that he picks up the phone, oh, hi, you see , with whom we are next, he talks, he is great, very shy, a grown
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man, a handsome boy, he looks a lot like his mother, you’ll come, he’ll come, come on, i’m waiting for you , water-water, good-bye, bad-day, no, he’s now can’t speak, so he’s already an adult, he already knows how to talk. we are very happy, thank you very much to the program for returning our brother to us for the second time, i hope that the last time you will never run away again, we will be together, thank you very much, there is no limit to happiness, we are all together now.
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hello, the military program of the ntv channel smotr is on air, sergei kuznetsov is with you, watch this episode. he died a hero, saving his colleagues, defending the country, in memory of colonel of the russian guard, fyodor bobaev. fedor zakharovich bobaev was born and raised in the north caucasus, devoted many years to protecting this region. as commander of a special forces detachment of the russian guard, he participated in a special military operation from the first days. in october 22, fyodor bubaev georovsky died defending his subordinates. our. the program is dedicated to the memory of the valiant officer of the russian guard. in this area there is a base for training members of illegal armed groups, which
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attracts young people, 15 to 30 years old, who prefer to kill and rob to earn money for their living in this way. special forces officer, located. forces to bring maximum benefit, they are in any case shining in populated areas, then, yes, measures must really be taken here to detain them.


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