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tv   Yedim doma  NTV  February 17, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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fish broth, in general, put our container in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180°. great, our cabbage rolls are almost ready, a couple of touches from the chef, signature snow sauce made from smoked sour cream. now the stuffed cabbage rolls from the african marbled catfish are definitely ready , you can try it, now i understand why the marbled catfish looks very much like meat, this catfish has some kind of fleshy structure, it’s incredible, and you know, i love it when there are people like you who are capable taking classics that everyone knows, remaking
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something very modern and no less tasty, maybe even more, this is a great discovery, grace igor, thank you very much , we have been discussing with my family for a long time that they should fly to me to see russia with their own eyes, naturally we discussed st. petersburg and moscow, well, this is a classic, well, kostroma another such place , historical, the cuisine is historical, and even here the architecture is historical, walks when it manifests itself in a modern way, it does not depart far from traditions, it feels as if i didn’t just take a walk and
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ride around the fire pit, let’s go, and dived into the past, thank you, thank you, i jumped out to take a breath of fresh modern air, dived into the past again, we sang good things to you about the ancient city, praised the bonfire, come back, and now it’s time for federico to dive further. on a new adventure, so see you in a week , friends, ciao , you know, you and i usually bake such
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desserts or prepare such desserts that seem to complement, well, here’s the rest of the menu, yes, well, let’s say there’s soup, then some kind of salad, then a cake, yes, well, so that there would be some such harmony, today i propose to take a little sweet away from the main menu, no, of course, this can be a dessert, especially on such a cool day the weather is still, well, of course, summer is still far away, but now i want to bake these . which can be eaten separately, for example, eaten for breakfast, maybe at 5 o’clock, here ’s an afternoon snack, take it with you for a walk somewhere, and eat it somewhere, you know, with coffee and tea, something you can take to work take it away, or give it to a child at school, here i am i just weighed it, here i have 200 g of flour and 80 g of instant oatmeal , okay.
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take, for example, buckwheat flakes, you can take, there are rye flakes, there are some four grains, that is , it’s not important here, the main thing is that the flakes are quick-cooking, then they behave well when baking, and at the same time with all the other ingredients you get that it’s called, i add a teaspoon of baking powder here, be sure to add a little salt, half a teaspoon, mix everything, some people like, for example, walnuts, please, and now i’ll grind the almonds here in a mortar, well, because i ’m in this mood today, here are 80 g of almonds, i’m in this mood, the almonds are slightly dried, i dried them a little in a frying pan without oil, of course, i don’t make flour from nuts on purpose, i don’t turn almonds into such very fine crumbs. i don’t grind it in a blender, i use
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a mortar so that the pieces are noticeable, only then in the final result so that they stand out brightly, well... look how beautiful the pieces turned out, i add almonds, also two handfuls of coconut flakes , this is coconut flakes without sugar, well, as you know, in general the story is about muffins, we mix the dry ingredients separately, separately the liquid ones, here i will now add 120 g of sugar, i just don’t really like sugar. sweet not only desserts, but even afternoon snacks, some snacks, but it seems to me that in any dessert there must be the right balance of sugar, because when there is too much sugar, you don’t feel anything else except sugar, the nuts get clogged , and dried fruits get clogged, that’s how it is here
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it’s nice, and oatmeal, coconut, and almonds , dried apricots, dried apricots, i always buy, you know, from a trusted person of mine... on the market, and it is advisable to choose dried apricots that have as little added as possible of these chemicals, i just soaked it in boiling water, dried it properly , but the kuroga should be ugly, when you buy it, it should be dry, it should be so wrinkled, then this is the healthiest product, here i have 170 g of kukuragi, but this is the thing, you know honestly, if we... are talking about grams, about grams in such recipes, then it is important to observe flour, sugar, butter and egg, how much of everything, or if, for example, you add milk, or how i will add apple juice, in order to sweeten and give yourself the opportunity to add less sugar to
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the recipe, then this is important, how many nuts we add, how many prunes or dried apricots we add, that is, dried fruits, this is a matter of taste, cut it to the... small pieces of dried apricots, and strangely enough, although i have them so soaked, they still equally applies to dry ingredients, and i add it to this bowl, where i have 200 g of flour, 120 g of sugar, two handfuls of nuts and two handfuls of coconut, salt and baking powder and 80 g of instant oatmeal, jem makheev - one hundred percent natural indian pava-pava. ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children on the air of the anniversary season of our favorite show mask, i am a merman, i am a merman, such a character in the fifth season is a real gift, i would say who is
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the fool, we received a diamond in the project. you sing very distinctively. you inspire, you inspire us all very much, this is a contender for victory. mask, fifth, anniversary season. the season will be hot, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. a sore throat is a minus, but
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miramestin is a plus; it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet. the peculiarity of dysherak is fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is doshirak, and my chan ramen is from my own. the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day for repairs, putty day and international gluing day wallpaper, do not limit yourself, a personal loan from the post bank with a comfortable payment from 1. rubles is enough for what you need and for the pleasant, come for money, post bank, national lottery, leon's dream 23 - this is guaranteed more than 23 prizes, millions of super prizes.
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appetite, dad, dad, maybe, only dad will cut it down, eat beastly sausages, maybe, you ’re my sweetie, i’m actually still tender. yes, but the main thing is what’s inside, yes, the melting nut filling, we have so much in common, aschen red bird krisby cookies, and thousands goods at shocking prices, aschen everything is profitable here, two bidhits at a bargain price, only tasty and to the point, the specifics of our profession operate unofficially, sasha will not cooperate with the sru, at the end of the cold war we had our own super spy, i ask the questions here, the gdr , look. a new item, a grandmother's sweater made from yarn, a mother's hands after separation,
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the warm sun of a summer beach, the support of her best friend, and correspondence across a distance, the long nights that were, an old photo with all her friends, it is the warmth that we saved, rolton 25 we fly warmly, an antibiotic, and with it a disorder, enterumin enterosorbent of a new generation removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a smart solution. fear over the neva premieres on monday at 20:00 on ntv. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it. we won't do yours. child is the second clematis, but with us he will receive
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an education that will reveal his potential, there is no recipe for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient to expand it, we we won’t complete your main distance for you, but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we won’t turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge with creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to purchase an apartment for you, but we will give you the opportunity to choose the right one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we will not achieve your goals for you. we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself. i take
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a container like this in which you can beat, add three tablespoons of vegetable oil, it is important that the oil is refined, that is, so that it does not have a strong taste, it can be sunflower , it can be olive, it can be rapeseed, the main thing is that the taste suits you, or rather, so that it does not interfere, i add one egg here, i begin to beat slowly , i add here 150 ml of apple juice and vanilla extract, half a teaspoon of natural vanilla extract. our task is to combine everything, and now the liquid ingredients
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are added to the dry ones , we mix everything very quickly, if this suddenly happens, for example, well, how is it working for us all now central heating, the air is very dry, and it seems to you that suddenly there is not enough liquid here, add a little more apple juice, well, in extreme cases, you can add water. but everything suits me , look, you see, yes, it’s very beautiful, don’t knead too much, this is also the main law of making muffins, the dough should be loose, uneven, these are not muffins, these are not cupcakes, and now all that’s left for us is to take the mold that i prepared in advance, you see, this is how i put it, here i have a silicone mold, the molds are ready, i have them i bought them, they are so cute. but of course you can make them at home from baking paper, i fill it up to a third, i’ll tell you, they
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won’t grow into such huge mushrooms, but first of all i want to give maximum growth, because the more dough, the more dough there is under the weight itself, but as if it is oppressed, that is, it is harder for it to rise, so i follow this... so that they, of course, grow up, so that they look nice and convincing in this mold, i would say so, but at this so that it is not difficult for them to get up and what... juicy, that is, it turns out , it seems to me that from this amount of dough you should get muffins like this, probably 11-12 pieces, well, it depends on how brilliant your eye is, you can probably have
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12 do, temperature 180°. for muffins, the hot air mode is best , in hot air they grow better, and they are like this and the crust is so crispier , inside they are more tender and juicy, while our muffins are baking, we will cook tortilla with you, what is tortilla ? tortilla is the most delicious nutritious... scrambled eggs, that is, the base of the tortilla is always eggs, somewhere they add potatoes to the tortilla, somewhere they add olives, tomatoes, and today you and i will make tortilla with turkey, onions and peppers, well for starters, as i already said with the onion, i take a red onion, in general there is such a red onion , tortilla is a spanish dish and red onions
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are very respected in spain, well, because they are probably very sweet, and they are also not so evil, look, i'm not crying at all, and... then, it seems to me, he's handsome, even when you fry it, it turns out to be such a noble, very elegant shade , such a golden color, i see, i cut the onion into half rings, you need the whole onion, such a large onion, of course, if you don’t have a red onion, you can use regular white onions, or you can experiment, you can take parey onions, you can take shallots, you can replace the whole red one with green, it will also turn out interesting, everything that is called onion actually has very subtle differences in taste, and that’s why i i sometimes like to replace some onions and add, for example, instead of red onions, leeks, it turns out a completely different recipe, so, in a frying pan, we combine vegetable oil with butter, such
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a small, little secret is not... not only from the point of view of the correct temperature, because combining butter with vegetable oil, for example, with olive oil, gives this correct combustion temperature, yes, when it doesn’t burn with us, vegetables don’t burn when frying, but also the taste, but with butter everything is always tastier, and really especially if we are talking about scrambled eggs or an omelet, and... fry our onions until tender golden brown, while the onions are fried, take the garlic, cut one clove of garlic into such thin strips, since the garlic will be subjected to heat treatment, i do not remove it from the core of it, because it
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doesn’t bother me when the garlic is fried, the only thing is that we add the onion to the pan first, and then... because the garlic is fried faster, and this way we just gain this time difference, how fragrant it is, well beautiful, is not it? now about the turkey, and today our tortilla is not only tasty, but also healthy, thanks to the fact that we take turkey thigh fillet pava pava for it, look, on the one hand it is completely lean meat, you can even see it right away, with another , it is so juicy, in general, turkey contains a lot... and little fat, it is hypoallergenic, but it seems to me that absolutely everyone knows this, so it is suitable for a healthy diet, for feeding very young children, for people who have some there are dietary restrictions, and it’s also very important that the pava pava turkey is grown in an ecologically clean region of russia, and the best feed is used to feed it. i want to tell you, for my family i always try to choose the best
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ingredients, so this turkey is on my table several times a week. i make cutlets from it, and meatballs, fillings for pies, pies, dumplings and so on. so, you see, i cut it into such thin slices, the turkey is washed, dried, don’t forget about the onions and garlic, you see what a beautiful, golden story we have, add salt, so, i add the whole... turkey to the frying pan, mix everything and almost until done, you and i have to fry the turkey. i’ll add a little salt , but it’s really juicy, it doesn’t even require any water, no broth, no, you can
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add a little broth, you can add a little white wine, if you think it ’s not juicy enough, in fact, i have more here, look , i baked sweet peppers, so i will add hot peppers, i already bought pickled hot peppers, they are now sold in different types, they are available in... you can buy these very hot spanish peppers at the market, so i take just one pepper, because it’s very hot, but at the same time it has such a pleasant piquancy, without it it seems less interesting to me, you can, of course, take regular chili, well, exactly the fact that it’s pickled, you know, it just gives it, that is , a little bit of vinegar in the composition, such brightness, not only pungency, but also a brighter taste. and you can immediately, while the turkey is not yet completely fried, add it to the frying pan,
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mix everything, see how beautiful it is, what a sauce is formed here, it’s absolutely wonderful , let’s take a little more, add freshly ground, here i have this mix of peppers, pink, white, green and black, not for the spiciness, but for the smell, here i have it. which i baked , just cut them into these long strips, bake the peppers, usually wrap them in foil at a temperature of 200-220°, for about 30-40 minutes, and then remove the foil, send the peppers somewhere to bake or in a saucepan with a lid or in a cellophane bag then i just quickly cleaned it very quickly, took out the core, all these seeds are disgusting... that's it, now we add peppers here, which are sweet, you know, it turns out like this, i would say, a weekend breakfast, when the family
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has breakfast late , around 11-12, this is what they call brunch, that is, breakfast combined with lunch, the meat is almost ready, i cover it with a lid so that all the juiciness is preserved. green onions, well, it’s beautiful, yes, covered with a lid, i combine the eggs in a bowl, but i’m leaving
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from such a dosage, one and a half to two eggs per serving, that is, for example, if you have four people at the table, then you need 7-8 eggs, be sure to wash the eggs before you cook, which... naturally they you can’t wash them if you’re not going to cook today, and you shouldn’t send them already washed to the refrigerator, but if you ’re baking, and an omelet, and so on, i got seven eggs, and any, any other manipulations, a poached egg or anything, well , basically everything you cook, scrambled eggs, be sure to wash them, i don’t add anything milk, no flour, this is how it should be classic... oh, look, what a beauty, juicy tasty, carefully mix all
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the ingredients here, and since our turkey is completely ready, a little salt in order to salt the eggs a little - a little, but we still have turkey and vegetables, everything is well salted, and there is pepper here, so i just cover it. and i give the eggs a chance to set, in general i adore, i adore bread from a toaster, i can live on this, this is a very dangerous story, you know me, i’m generally a fan of bread, but bread from a toaster, we all we remember, you know, when there were such toasters , when bread flew out across the entire kitchen, by the way, i now have a new product in my kitchen: a redmond toaster compared to these old toasters, this is the latest computer, it looks similar, look, display, touch control , it even has a timer report
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back. moreover, in seconds there are as many as six degrees of roasting programmed into it, can you imagine, a whole baguette can be placed on this bun rack, but i just dry four slices of bread in this way in order to make croutons, and i’ll also need it for the salad, but of course i need to take some kind of container, quickly put it in this container , chop the cucumber, quickly peel it and cut it into ribbons like this, you and i often talk about the fact that you need to eat salads every day , that is, salad should be on the table, well, it’s like the water that we drink, because salad is not just delicious, but it’s, it’s very healthy, it’s fiber, it’s.
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microelements, it all depends on what kind of leaves, yes, there are different tastes, in combinations with some different dressings , you can endlessly experiment, it will never be boring, that is, healthy food, it turns out very interesting, i would say so, you know, so exciting, so to create a new salad, this is what we need , we just need a desire, nothing more, an understanding that we want to live long, look good and be healthy. that’s why i always have in the refrigerator these mixes from white dacha, today this is an alicante mix, these are greens that have been disposed of, dried, chopped, i can combine them with cucumbers, i can add a little carrot here, the most important thing is that this mix is ​​the basis, salads and white dachas never let me down, because i really love really healthy food at home, they are always, look how beautiful they are, elegant, leaf to leaf , in my opinion, the white dacha
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is very cool. they manage to combine experience and the most modern technologies, which is why their products are always just so excellent. the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family. tea princess nuri - the magic of heat. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia, recommended for children. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. your wallet. your property and your savings should first of all be protected not from scammers, but from your own children. why are they now used as the main master key to your financial safe by everyone, from swindlers to artificial intelligence, which also wants to rob you? the american political elite knows that biden will not last until the end of the new term, but still dragging him to the presidency. why? maybe because under the political wrapper with the inscription biden is hiding a completely different
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candidate. to understand who he is, look for a woman around the president, this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. grandma's sweater, yarn sweaters, the warm sun of the summer beach, the long nights that were, this is the warmth that we saved. rolton, 25 years old, giving warmth. i don't have to. experience irritability and sudden changes mood, during the day i take tenaten , it doesn’t cause drowsiness, tenaten helps cope with anxiety, don’t get caught up in anxiety, take tenaten during the day, airplane plus, we solve various real estate issues from the transaction to finishing, for example, we helped sell this apartment, buy another and make
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a deal, you see the plane plus over there, go on the plane plus, service of apartment solutions from transaction to finishing, the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day in renovation, putty day and international wallpapering day, don't limit yourself, cash loans from post bank with a comfortable payment from 1.00 rubles is enough for what you need and what you want, come get the money, post bank, where to start?
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because of the cold war, the specifics of our profession operate unofficially, we had our own super spy, the year 1988, the place is eastern. germany never say never. sasha will not cooperate with the ruu. well, get on with this story. well, what should i teach you, or what? i'm asking the questions here. gdr. see naving. antibiotic, osmine and disorder. entarumin is a new generation enterosorbent that removes toxins while preserving nutrients. a smart solution against poisoning. today at 21:20 on ntv. breaking the blockade ring and victory in the battle for leningrad is
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the most important event for our homeland. 900 days and nights. our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those. who defended our homeland, the city did not give up, despite the terrible trials, no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten, in honor of the anniversary date of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from nazi blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian, the medal is absolutely free for you, you pay only 299 rubles for delivery, preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your... children and grandchildren. call and order an anniversary medal toll-free: 8800, 600, 688 05 or on the website medaallengrad.rf. mask: new season,
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tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. margarita sukhankina openly talks about her troubles and joys, we now understand this, exactly what made the mirage star to go under the knife, these extra pounds, these folds are here. on her stomach, how she lost her parents, one after another , it was hell, why did she blame herself for their death, i’m sitting on the bed, it’s like a mental hospital , i’m rocking like that, my tears are flowing, which forever quarreled margarita sukhankina with her brother, he started call, yell , i’m about to deprive you, yes, i’m a black realtor, i don’t want to think that it’s envy, who tried to take her son and daughter away from her, they started something there, that means, stomping their feet, screaming, give the children back, like singer copes with... the difficult age of adopted children, went straight to the aorta , gives pocket money, no, we earn money ourselves, who is her new hero, at first i had mercantile interests in him, margarita sukhankina’s million-dollar secret,
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today at 21: 20 on ntv. i cut one package of this salad, one cucumber into strips like these. also with thin stripes, the kind i get like tagliatelli, if you want , look how beautiful, if you want , you can sprinkle the tortilla with cheese, but i won’t sprinkle the tortilla with cheese, i’ll do it, oh, almost, almost, almost, i’m really afraid of just missing a moment, i’ll make a cheese-based dressing, but i also want to add a little fennel here, by the way, i cut it in the same way, thin flakes, if there is no fennel, you can cut it very thinly bell pepper , for example, you can add some fruit , i’ll add a few slices of avocado,
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like this, if you’re lucky and got a good avocado, you and i are lucky today, it’s not always like this, of course, with avocado it’s not so easy for us, and i'll add an apple, and i want an apple red, naturally washed, dried and again i remove the peel a little like this and make the same ones, just prepare the lemon so that the apple does not darken, we make the same stripes, and they can be a little with the peel, and sprinkle them because this headband looks so much more beautiful on green. pulp and an apple, a beautiful , red rim, i then, to be honest, i love the peel and they say that it contains all the benefits, well, about half an apple is enough, sprinkled with lemon juice, added, i
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it seems like a very interesting combination, apple, avocado, cucumber, carrots, our salad mix, but that’s not all, a few nuts, break the walnuts with your hands like this, such a good handful, i’m so very worried about our tortilla, because it should remain juicy , just like that, it smelled like hot spain, look. wow, but it ’s simple, say, yes, it’s great, quickly and quickly make the dressing, olive oil, blue cheese, you can use different types of cheese, it just seems to me, you can, of course, just use cream cheese cheese, yes, but blue cheese goes very well with apples and nuts and with a salad mix so juicy, just a little salt here, because the cheese is quite salty, just a little pepper, lemon juice is a must, you can have vinegar, but i like juice lemon
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is much more interesting here, and mustard is somehow more interesting, mustard with grains, it’s softer, sweeter than traditional russian mustard, now it all needs to be crushed, well, now we season it all, a little tarragon or mint, i want something like this like this, you know fresh and bright here, so, that’s what ’s missing in this salad, bread, bread, that’s right, and not just bread, croutons, in just one more minute we’ll have the croutons ready, i’m still putting together what’s good about this salad mix , it
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doesn’t get wet, it’s even tastier, now we take croutons , look how beautiful they are, while they’re hot , i water them a little, you know how much healthier it is than croutons from a toaster, yes, because , you see, they are absolutely dry, so golden and beautiful, without... oil at least i i just added them like this, and you can tear them up like this, you see, they make such appetizing pieces of bread, and in general, you know, i always have them in the kitchen, that is, i make them with a reserve, so that later i can use them for some soup , to add them you can chop them up and you get wonderful, wonderful breading, and in general just a piece of this bread with a piece of cheese, it’s just amazing! well, here we have a salad, here we have our
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tortilla with turkey, and we take out our muffins, look how handsome they are, tanned, oh, lush, luxurious, if you take them with you, then of course you can leave them in these beautiful envelopes, but if you have them at home, then of course i would recommend freeing them from the envelopes. serve, naturally, when they have cooled down, well, look at what kind of breakfast we had today, we have a tortilla, hearty, appetizing, and healthy, a salad, such a wonderful snack in the form of muffins, bon appetit.
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hello on ntv program today in the mikhail chebanenko studio. russian su-25 attack aircraft in the donetsk direction. attacked the location of the heavy mortar and artillery system of the armed forces of ukraine. the vehicles went on a mission in pairs to the specified coordinates, worked with unguided missiles, the fire was adjusted by aircraft controllers, and they confirmed the defeat of the target. in the kherson direction , our paratroopers eliminated the nationalists’ shelter on the right bank of the dnieper. the crew of the d-30 howitzer worked at the western coordinates at the given coordinates. the military operated under the cover of anti-drone crews and manpads.


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