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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  February 18, 2024 12:10am-12:51am MSK

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in detail for you, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, grandma is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home, adult citizens of the country are given all the opportunities, even those who are offered a decision without moving, call the elections home, take a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, “that means elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, following the path of simplification is always easier psychologically and emotionally, that’s why it’s not customary for us to think about why the february revolution suddenly happened in the russian empire 107 years ago.” ,
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suddenly something went wrong, suddenly the liberals took power, suddenly the bolsheviks also came to the rescue, alas, it just doesn’t happen in life suddenly in history. the february revolution is an unconditional consequence, even a part. of the first world war the prerequisites for this revolution have been taking shape for years. it was a drama consisting of several large acts. let's start with the fact that emperor nicholas ii established the state duma with his manifesto of august 6, 1905. the legislative body, in theory, was supposed to become a progressive element of support for the tsar (the authorities), but in reality it looked like the supreme rada of ukraine in recent decades: regular squabbles, shouting, disturbances of order, and others. etc. it is the duma with its liberal activities, zero consolidation, endless incitement, provoked the birth of the emergence of a powerful left force in the country, the only sensible alternative to the chaos and debate happening in parliament. it was
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alexander kerensky, one of the leaders of the duma, who called for the task of destroying the ruling regime to be solved immediately, this quote, at any cost, this quote. at the same time, he recommended not to stop at... the use of legal means, but to move, quote, to the physical elimination of government officials. it was on the sidelines of the duma that a conspiracy to overthrow matured sovereign, if regicide is necessary, what? yes, it was the democrats, freedom lovers and pacifists who planned to deal with the royal dynasty, and not the bloody bolshevik adventurers, which many are still confident of. rumors about high treason began to actively spread within the elites , in which empress alexandra feodorovna was accused of having...
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quote ah again about a conspiracy, i thought so, good, simple people, everyone is worried, i know they love me, our mother russia, and of course, they don’t want any coup, that’s how he reacted, there was a quote, that’s what he said nicholas ii, about wisdom, whom people love to remember so much nowadays, yes, it was the duma deputies who launched large-scale agitation within the community of petrograd workers’ soldiers of the reserve battalions. the street protests, largely driven by food shortages, sparked a snowballing revolution that liberals have traditionally been unable to cope with. however, all these are just flowers growing on the surface. at the beginning of the 20th century, architecture and geopolitics changed rapidly. western capitalism had hit a ceiling and could no longer expand beyond
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by capturing new territories and markets. the world was divided by the old colonial powers: england, france, spain, portugal. young industrial powers, primarily germany, sought to redistribute the occupied territories and oust competitors from their usual markets . in general, the ambitions and appetites of our western partners were, as usual, great and also affected our borders. well , then everything developed very quickly. on june 28, 1914, the heir to the austrian throne, franz, was killed in sarajevo, the capital of bosnia. ferdinand during his stay in... the nerves of the austrian army. bosnia and herzegovina was captured by austria-hungary back in 1908. at the same time, with her assistance , the state of albania was formed, cutting off serbia from the adriatic sea. scheduling the maneuvers for june 15, the day of national mourning for the serbs, was an absolute
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provocation on the part of austria-hungary. taking advantage of the fact that serbia did not accept one of the points of the austrian ultimatum, austria-hungary declared war on it. in response to mobilization. russian army which began on august 1, 1914 , germany declared war on russia. in itself , russia’s entry into the first world war did not imply tragedy. many historians are confident that if nicholas ii had taken into account the mistakes of the russo-japanese war, one would have expected a different development of events. but in the work of the military-industrial complex over the army, which the emperor took over in august 1915, the same mistakes were repeated. alas, they are already lethal for our empire. well, let's get back to... the great tragedy of the russian army - retreat from galicia, no cartridges, no shells, 11 days of the terrible roar of german heavy artillery, literally tearing down entire rows of trenches along with their defenders, we almost did not respond, we had nothing. the point here is
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that in the spring of 1915, the austro-hungarian army, using its overwhelming advantage in artillery, drove russian troops out of galicia. and parts of volyn from our land. in turn , the germans occupied poland, lithuania and part of latvia, courland, our land. the defeat of the russian army in 1915 was called "the great". mass evacuation has begun population of property from our western provinces. this has exacerbated transport and food problems in our country. all these problems have grown into a crisis. in the cities, tails of so-called queues for food appeared. the uncontrolled issue of paper money gave rise to inflation. all this, together with the influx of refugees into large cities, caused massive discontent among the people. workers' protests against the war began. russian army were enormous, during the war years about 7.5
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million people were killed, wounded and taken prisoner, most of them again when the troops arrived, they were kept in barracks due to insufficient military training, a lack of officers to train them, and a lack of weapons. from these reserve regiments, among which there were guards units located in st. petersburg, the decomposition of the army began. in the meantime , fighting with enemy soldiers began in the front-line units. authority. officers fell. in western armies, the number of infantry units was constantly decreasing, being replaced by artillery, machine gun, and engineering units; in the russian army , the number of infantrymen, on the contrary, was constantly increased. we walked body against steel, as it was called then. the first 4.5 million trained soldiers who gave their lives for their homeland were replaced by a second composition of recruits and reserves, unprepared for the realities of war at the beginning of the 20th century. general borusilov called the army this. a militia of a completely bad militia nature, well, that is, for the most part he
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called them not an army, but a police force, and the enemy was more powerfully equipped than we are, what can we say? already in the autumn of 1914, examples of mass surrender of russian troops to captivity, which grew throughout 1915, continued until the end of the war and reached homeric proportions, in total , just think about 3,600 people were captured, 24% of all conscripts in general, this is simply unthinkable. since 1916, a new problem arose - mass desertion, in total there were over 450 thousand only detained deserters before the start of the revolution, before the start of the revolution. in our country, supporters of the monarchy are trying today to openly compare the opponents of the war of that time with the current opponents of the war, but this is mild speaking, not quite a correct comparison. the current ones who left and ran away left and ran away even before they were... called up, and no one was going to call them up, the situation of the first world war was radically
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opposite, people faced not only mass slaughter, we repeat once again that losses amounted to millions , they were also faced with the radical inability of the state, the bourgeoisie, and industry to solve the problems of the front. the war then did not become the business of everyone, the war became the business of those who were sent to fight. as a result, remember, in the novel tikhidon. whole cossack units are leaving the front, they all deserted, but perhaps the heroic cossacks grigory melikhov, christonia or anikushka. can it be compared with current relocants? no you can not. the alienation of the control system of that time from the lower classes, from the soldiers in the trenches, reached catastrophic proportions, and the february revolution only worsened this gap. another form of escape from war then was self-mutilation by stick-in-arms. people with intentional injuries, fingers or palms , there were officially 200,000 people,
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whole army. at the end of 1916, at the beginning of the seventeenth, the army was struck by a series of military mutinies, refusing to go into battle or direct uprisings. at the same time, the workers in the rear were also exhausted by the war. basic necessities became more expensive in conditions of shortages, and raising wages did not solve this issue. the peasants opposed the war and disagreed. with constant requisitions of workers for defensive work, attempts to carry out surplus appropriation. at the end of 1916, the director of the police department , alexey vasiliev, presented a report, summarizing a report from the province. it said that in all reports, without exception, the main reason for the exasperation of the masses is called, quote: the monstrously growing high-growth plant. it was pointed out that in moscow in petrograd the oppositional mood far exceeds the level of 1.905 of the first russian revolution, and that if circumstances do not change, then in both cities, quotes,
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major riots of a purely spontaneous nature may break out. end of quote: the wave of hunger strikes in the cities grew rapidly, indicating that since the summer of 1916 the intensity the labor movement was no longer determined by political and military events, not by the calls of the party, but by the bare economic reality of the direct correlation that emerged from that time. between the number of strikers and the price of bread. at the beginning of the seventeenth year, it was no longer about rising prices, but about the lack of bread as such. on february 23, the chairman of the society of moscow factory owners... workers do not receive bread. quote: factories are shut down, workers are worried, leaving to look for bread. famine also threatened the army. well, who is to blame for this? let's ask ourselves. who is to blame?
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lenin again? so he was abroad and had no participation. i didn’t accept what was happening, it wasn’t because of lenin that there was no bread, it wasn’t because of lenin that they tortured the dragging horses at the front, it wasn’t because of lenin that factory owners earned super profits on arms supplies, the authorities couldn’t help but realize and fail to prevent a catastrophe in a variety of directions. what state was the country in at the time of february 1917? let's see. figures: 40 billion 500 million rubles. russia spent on the first world war. in 1917, half was exhausted national income of the country. this is more than in 1914, the sixteenth year combined. 15% of the country's population was mobilized by 1917 . the russian empire was then
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in first place among all the warring powers in terms of the number of those called to arms. every year , more and more food was needed to... feed the army. there was a 30% drop in grain collection in the country due to a lack of labor; even hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war were involved in harvesting, but this was still not enough. in 1916 , nicholas ii even had to postpone the start another call before the harvest. the increase in prices for rye in industrial areas was 896% compared to 1916. meat... five times, bread 16 times, potatoes 20 times, sugar 27 times. limitless corruption and the tsarist bureaucracy also reached amazing proportions. speaking in the house at the end of february 1717, the leader of the duma socialists, kerinsky, did not call for revolution, but warned about the danger of an all-crushing hunger riot. quote: after all
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, the mass is an element whose only king is hunger, where reasoning is substituted. there is an acute hatred of everything that prevents them from being well-fed, which is no longer amenable to persuasion by words, as kirinsky said. at the time of the february revolution, russia was a huge knot of irremovable contradictions. of course, it was time to restore order, but who got to do it? in terms of ideology in the camp of the liberal democrats, everything was transparent and stable, stable and depressing. at the same time it is known. russian philosopher fyodor stepun, who headed the political department of the military ministry of the provisional government, described the confrontation between the then two undisputed leaders, politician kirinsky and general kornilov, as a conflict between two social and cultural groups, the intelligentsia and the officers. apparently, they could no longer coexist, they despised each other too much, so after the collapse of the kornilov region, civil
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war became inevitable, since the coalition of generals was very complex and unstable.
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watch, for home security, for the gate in the garage, it ’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the overall balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the overall balance, top up only one number and all the others will be paid automatically, does it conveniently fit into the bear anymore, does it fit into the overall balance? beeline is on your side. a few years ago i was investigating a series and it seemed to me that i had found the real killer, but i was wrong. damn, same handwriting. this is a serial killer who leaves his marks everywhere. he has his own mythology, from his point of view he must kill, he has no other choice. there is no such thing as a coincidence, and this is not a coincidence. such treachery cannot and should not exist in leningrad. revolution, this is darkness itself, captain, i
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see right through you, here, he is still here , andrei frolov, what was it, major, anton khabarov, all these killed, these are not victims, but baits. to bring me here. fear over the neva. fear of the dark is the oldest and most natural human fear. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. of course, revolutions in russia cannot be viewed as something isolated. in addition to the world war that affected the major powers, there was also a global context of history. lenin didn’t come up with a republic for himself, like us we know, and the world was then engulfed in the creation of republics. this word was then perceived as a symbol of another blessed form of life.
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in 1905 there is a constitutional revolution in persia, in 1908 a revolution in the ottoman empire, in 1910 a revolution in portugal, in 1911 a revolution in china, a revolution in portugal, after which the country became a republic, aroused enormous enthusiasm among republicans and anti-clericals throughout europe. and there was also the mexican revolution in 1910-17. sometimes the same people participated in revolutions in persia, turkey and russia. for our country, the last minor cause of the disaster was the dismissal of about 100 workers at the putilov plant. the strike of more than 12 thousand workers, which began on february 23, new style, on march 8, 1917 , coincided with a multi-thousand women’s demonstration
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organized by the russian league. woman's rights. the slogans were clear: bread, down with war, down with autocracy. by the evening of february 27, virtually the entire composition of the petrograd garrison, about 150 thousand people, went over to the side of the rebels. lenin, just in case, let me remind you, was still not in russia. on february 26, in a telegram to the emperor, chairman of the state duma mikhail radzianko reported: the situation in the capital is serious, anarchy, the government is paralyzed. general discontent is growing, parts of the troops are shooting at each other, it is necessary to immediately entrust a trusted person to form a new government, there is no time to hesitate, what is the emperor doing? nothing, he is generally located at the headquarters of the russian army in mogilev. reaction to the message of the duma head was the following: again this fat radzyan
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wrote me all sorts of nonsense, to which... i won’t even answer him. end of quote. radyanka predicts. quote: the collapse of russia and with it the inevitable collapse of the dynasty. but there is no reaction to this, no clear instructions, no programmatic statement, nothing. and only on february 28, the emperor decides to approach the capital, and then at a distance of 25 km. he remains in the royal village. in general , all this was no longer important. he's okay. did not control, because on february 27 the army switched to side with the rebels, who occupied the most important points of the city, government buildings, and so on. the next day the government was overthrown. in petrograd , alternative authorities are created, the council of workers' and soldiers' deputies, a temporary committee of the state duma, which formed a provisional government. emperor nicholas ii abdicated the throne on march 2. the power of the provisional government was established in
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moscow on march 1. within a month , this power had already been established throughout the country. leon trotsky would later write: no one outlined the paths for the coup, no one from above called for an uprising. the indignation that had accumulated over the years burst out, largely unexpectedly for the masses themselves. the paradox of february is that the mutinous soldiers were tired and did not want to fight, and the duma, which led the revolution, sought to eliminate the autocracy in order to... better wage the war. it was not for nothing that lenin called the february revolution bourgeois-democratic, since it was supposed to solve the most important problems of the bourgeois modernization of the country. by its goals and objectives were precisely those of the bourgeoisie: the overthrow of the autocracy, the elimination of the remnants of the feudal system, the solution of the agrarian question, the cleansing of the land for capitalism, and so on. and democratic, because the main driving forces of revolutions on earth were the same masses. obviously, there is no advanced
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constitution... than that of the peasants, who constituted 77% of the population. russia still remained an absolute monarchy, with acute elements of feudalism, both in economic relations and in politics. what and how could radically change if it hasn’t changed for so many decades, if not centuries? the fantasy of the reformer and head of government stalypin on the topic: “give us 20 years of peace, and we will turn russia into a prosperous , baseless utopian power. why? because no one, especially in turbulent russia , will have 20 years of peace, give it, "no, no one will ever give you anything. you have to organize peace yourself, you can’t organize peace for yourself, no one
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is to blame for this but yourself." we have these words are now pronounced as if stalypin asked for 20 years of peace, but lenin did not provide him with this peace. the point here is not even that stolypin was killed, the point is that russia entered... will it happen that it will successfully bypass the revolution and continue peaceful progressive development? no, however, there are still specialists in alternative, that is, fictional history, who have the gift of prophecy; they talk about the absolute successes of the russian empire,
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in the absence of the red plague and the february revolution. and these experts also believe that the first world war was lost by the bolsheviks, not the tsars' provisional government. apparently, 3,600,000 prisoners were sent into captivity by the bolsheviks and under... oh, these bolsheviks, maybe they ruled the country instead of nicholas i romanovo? there is also a pantheon of black myths that everyone is familiar with about german gold in sealed carriages, us agent trotsky, german agent lenin and finnish jagers, by the way, who secretly arrived to storm the winter, without even knowing the russian language. one thing is unclear, why before 1917, the course of russian history, when palace coups. they killed fathers on the throne, and the wives of their husbands, when they broke the christian orthodox world in half with church reforms, when they abolished the institution of the patriarchate, all this is perceived by us as a single path of the tsarist and imperial, and the jumping of the bolsheviks on
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the bandwagon with the subsequent acceleration of this locomotive, by several times, and acceleration, began to be perceived by us as interference in harmony. since everything happened like this, why can’t we perceive red and white as interflowing and conditioning? friend friend, who needs to separate red and white and yang, because without red, literally, they are in a bloody symbolic sense, there would be no modern russia in which we live, and indeed there would most likely be no russia at all, without any fantasies, let's remember the facts of the brilliant rule of the provisional government, the devaluation of the ruble, the total food crisis, the total crisis of management, after july 1917 the dictatorship of capital did not come, and the bourgeois power only strengthened... the split in society. the labor issue was not resolved, the land issue was not resolved. the average per capita income in russia in 1917 was 63 rubles. then, like 32 thousand russian owners, it exceeded 10,000 rubles. the provisional government did not represent anyone.
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self-appointed people without elections, a pre-parliament, that’s who they were. in the summer of 1977 , newspapers in central asia wrote: it’s time to follow the example of the ukrainian central rada and set a course for secession. no one obeys anyone, they are created one after another by autonomy throughout the country. so much for the parade of sovereignties. first year of work of the provisional government. and the most terrible thing in that period were not the bolsheviks, anarchists, maximalists, radicals, wandering sailors, soldiers, deserters everywhere. they all had to be brought to their senses. but as? the army dispersed, in those same 8 months another 2 million new desserts appeared, plus the previous 450. and only more, all this...
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they don’t feel the feelings, what am i talking about, but everything is about the same thing, here we have our own , how many losses of the ukrainian army are there, who knows, they say up to half a million, well, or 4000, there are still losses civilian population, there are losses of the russian army, in total 2 years of war and... here you have a total of, if not a million, then not that catastrophically far from this terrible figure. we had a war in the north caucasus, and a total of up to half a million died there too. but then, in those years that we are talking about, the civil war unfolded not only in ukraine, not only in chechnya, but generally everywhere throughout the entire territory of the russian empire, including, by the way, the baltic states, and poland, and finland, and armenia, both georgia and azerbaijan and uzbekistan, there was a civil war everywhere, and it didn’t last for 2 years, all four. in a country in which, as you and i remember, there was already a crisis, both food and economic, so why are you surprised, i don’t understand, if you are not too surprised now, when we have the most powerful economy in the world of crisis, thank god there is no food crisis, and the intervention troops in murmansk,
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arkhangelsk, and vladivostok also don’t land, your comparative device doesn’t work, well, connect it for 10 minutes and you’ll immediately stop being surprised, or rather, you’ll start you can only be surprised at one thing: how was it even possible to get out of that situation, and we... the russians got out last time under the red banner, it happened, no, one can, of course, assume that kerensky, kolchak, would have managed. russia, the lord has no other hands for russia . the strongest part was found to win the civil war.
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there’s a black lighthouse outside the window, we’re setting the wind to life, there’s no need to rush, we can sail away, we’re waiting for the black date, we won’t stop, let’s say from the heat, i’m terribly cold, and my throat is silent, there’s no time left.
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yes yalotoy, this is not light, but everyone needs to go out, who shone, who didn’t, fire, father will help, the color doesn’t stay, try it on, i’m terribly cold, and my throat is silent, i can’t stay, laugh,
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whether plato grays the nail and i’m afraid to grow my heart. i’m frozen and my throat is silent, don’t leave me, i’ll try on the gray, palm nail and heart.
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welcome, now the stage is yours , this is what i thought about, there is such a composer vyacheslav dobrynin, in fact his last name is antonov, so that there would not be two antonov composers, dobrynin took a pseudonym for himself, which means in my memory, excluding the girl sasha ivanova, you three, sanya ivanov from rondo, sanya ivanov from naive on the french side, no, the other one, it was igor ivanov, also ivanov.


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