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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  February 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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song, we couldn’t even imagine how it could be played out, i really like that there are so many storage systems, a large working surface, it’s just a miracle, now the girls and i can fit in here, that’s all, i want to spend time here, it seems to me, endlessly , this miracle happened, these emotions that we wanted to get, yes, this is this, well, 100%, i experienced it all, and i wish this for everyone in my life, at least... to experience this when your parents are happy just as mine are happy now, it’s worth it, it’s worth it effort, it’s worth this transfer, thank you, inside gold and silver rings, brooches, bracelets, in fact , the filling is made of plastic and even wax, look how much crap that makes gold pink and white, why is that? is not
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in demand abroad, how can you recognize a fake with a false hallmark right at the window? oh, how far has technology come? which russian brands of walnuts were praised by connoisseurs from european plantations, and which snacks were rotten? too dark, it should turn you off, they are expired! products free of pesticides and nitrates are now marked special sign? store-bought food, water and utensils are saturated with a poisonous substance? who benefits from mixing it in, this is some kind of horror , but did you notice, no, not that, but the fact that no one was indignant when the deputies proposed replacing st. valentine’s day with a day of friendship and camaraderie, i... can guess
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why, what i had a chance to save on gifts, because for girls, the most desired gift, judging by surveys, is jewelry, preferably made of gold, but these have increased by as much as 10% over the past year, but the choice of inexpensive earrings, bracelets, wide, in every city there is a chain of economy jewelry supermarkets, but it rings... that they sell jewelry, not made of precious metals at all, oops, but tinted factories, there are not even samples, but only if it’s earrings.
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made of silver weighs less than 3 g, then you don’t have to brand it, and there are a lot of such parts, and how to figure them out, and there is also an opinion that the price tags are so nice, because jewelry breaks quickly, they say they are specially made fragile, it turns out that they can be repaired it won't work, is it true or not, how can it be buy inexpensive ones? but what kind of tests can be used to check quality jewelry right at the store counter, so as not to run into something like that, and at the main capital’s jewelry market it sparkles so much that it hurts your eyes, but there’s not even a glimpse of price tags, you have to take your word for it, here these chums that are under - at the checkout, the price of the jewelry
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sharply doubles. well, maybe traders are just closely monitoring the mittal quotes, and they jumped sharply, if , of course, it really is silver, correspondent suzanna vitesyan doubted. not visible, but are your samples listed anywhere? yes, here? but this engraving on the ring is fake, they say at the federal assay office. this product does not have the exact mark of the russian federation on it, that is, it is not subject to sale. in the laboratory it turned out that the ring was contraband, and this did not greatly surprise the experts on illegal jewelry in russia. travels so much, it turns out that even
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the law had to be tightened. if before 2018 you could import jewelry and the maximum you faced was a fine, yes, depending from the cost. what you carry, then from the moment of 2018 you may already face criminal liability for this, up to 7 years in prison, but last year such earrings, rings, bracelets were still seized for a record 1.5 billion rubles. the violator tried to carry out almost 5 kg of bracelets, rings, earrings, chains, brooches and hairpins without declaring them. found more than 500 undeclared silver jewelry, weighing approximately 500 carats, in the possession of a citizen arriving from dubai. india, among them were copies of brands. and the risk of running into not only those who buy jewelry on the market have smuggled jewelry of dubious quality and origin, model anna kalashnikova is convinced. i bought this ring from a famous jewelry boutique, but it turned out that it was an imitation of branded
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jewelry. i wore it, wore it, wore it, then gave it away so that the scratches could be removed and the microcracks sanded down. they're returning me , he says. but in russia it can officially be mixed with any precious metal in any jewelry, unlike in europe, where nickel is in jewelry is prohibited. in italy and other
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european union countries, the law prohibits the sale of jewelry with nickel as an alloy. i personally use palladium. only palladium costs 2,800. the metal declared for testing was consistent. it is legal to contain gold, although it can be a maximum of 41.5%. angelina, as it turns out, has a pseudo- precious ring that clearly contains more base metal, otherwise her finger would not have turned black.
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i wore it for a day, i took it off and saw this thing, it rubs off very badly, by the way, well... the detector also confirms the guess, you see, not gold, most likely that there is a large amount there, well, that is, meh , it turns out that copper wire at the price of gold is not the most vile fake, inside the jewelry there may even be a filling of wax, such trash i haven’t seen it yet, they brought a silver bracelet for repair, but what is it inside, the outside is really silver, there is no hallmark on it, but the inscription 925 is there, the color and structure of the inside resembles modeling wax, the bracelet is fake, and the video, which internet 17 million views of the infusion. confirms mikhail, who was brought this fake for repairs. the bracelet was made, roughly speaking, from silver-coated wax. the cost of such a product is incomparable with, well, even a hollow silver product; the silver, well,
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maybe two or maybe even three grams was deposited. this, of course, is not the wax from which candles are made, but a special one, jewelry wax, which is stronger and more flexible. such masters. used to make a prototype of future rings, pendants, brooches, which are called stencils. it's basically as simple as with your tongue, take an impression from the dentist. and this cast is already filled with precious metal. jewelry wax costs no more than one and a half thousand per kilo, that is, 3,200 times cheaper than gold. and such blanks are made quickly and easily. you can make such waxes in a day, i don’t know, until the waxer gets tired there. pieces, inside this bracelet from a famous and fashionable spanish brand in russia, there was minced plastic. they brought us a gold bracelet, we took it apart, and there was plastic inside, we didn’t accept it because it was plastic and we decided
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to see how much gold there is, in the end , we heated it, all the plastic flowed out of there and evaporated, that is, we grew a plastic figurine on a teleprinter, painted it with conductive paint, coated it with silver, coated it with gold, and such a fake jewelry is made simply, quickly, and without cost surprisingly cheap, even if covered with pure gold, i have it: i brought you a ring, it ’s inexpensive and i’m thinking about covering it with gold, is it possible to gild it, and of course, polish it, clean it in ultrasound, degrease it, and drown it in a flask with a salt solution and gold, connect the power supply and, under the influence of current, the metal from the solution sticks to the base. look at our consumer supervision and after advertising what i show, it would be good for everyone to know what they sell in russia? and under the guise of fashionable rose and white gold, how can you recognize a fake with a false hallmark right at the window?
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the counter is filled with bottles filled with vinegar instead of mineral water; are there already dead? which russian brands of walnuts did connoisseurs from european plantations praise, but whose rottenness did they refuse to even try? store-bought food, water and utensils are saturated with poisonous substances; who benefits from mixing it with it? when do we congratulate? and happy holidays to zhenya, they are turning from loved ones into unloved ones, it’s not necessary, but i need it, well , or i don’t need it, but i still need it, thank you, osper, thank you, that’s what we need, so we become loved ones again, nice receive thanks and a bonus, thank you for taking care of your loved ones, megamarket, it’s profitable to please, everything that interests you, now... vk video applications, this is
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a contender for victory, in the fifth season we have some of the coolest artists, the greatest with amazing voices, mask, anniversary fifth season, today at 20:20 on ntv. fear. above the neva premieres tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. i help with liver problems. i am essential forte n. tested and ready for action in 24 hours. available on yandex market. it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas. the ultra-pure base of rolf ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, provides maximum performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils, for all occasions, it will be delicious,
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fix price, low price for everything, this is a corporate party, for hangovers enterum , a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving nutrients, a smart solution against poisoning, they made repairs, you can relax, cash loans with comfortable payments, enough for what you need and what you want , come for money, post office bank. maybe there’s an appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will cut it down, appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages, dad maybe, maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among the ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, there are some pluses miramestin, it’s logical to have one in your first aid kit. things faded after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light, things are like new three
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times longer, new, no, i wash with weasel, this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and more top choice , top quality discounts up to 50%, smart speaker yandex station 2 with alisay for only 14.999, fanfidio and eltorado, tele2 presents, share gigabytes, communicate on social networks unlimited, fireproof package balances. these treasures await every subscriber, benefit included in tele2 tariffs. teksonal in a big red package rushes to your aid at the moment when the pain makes you climb the wall. dexonal is charged against pain, a leader in the 60% category for everything, more important than words, with the love of falcons. formula adak of takayama motor oil protects the engine, instantly adapts. for any mode of operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. when
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it seems that everyone is making you nervous on purpose, you need a two-in-one magnirod, economical and convenient. its special magnesium is well absorbed and requires two times fewer tablets per course to reduce stress symptoms. magnirod, bring positivity back into life. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months conveniently. repaying, shopping or getting rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with holva, they say the eyes are the mirror of the soul, that’s right, yes, my soul is wide, i’m sweet and tart. and i'm light cream cheese auchan red bird and thousands of products at amazing prices ashen everything is profitable here, unlike from the usual remedies for digestive problems, i offer something more - i fisted the production of my own enzymes and is available on the yandex market, it has its own mythology, from his point of view, it should kill the fear of the neva premiere tomorrow at
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20:00 this is samatma on ntv a dummy. jewelry with wax instead of gold inside is made simply, quickly and is surprisingly cheap, polish, clean in ultrasound, degrease, drown in a flask with a solution of salt and gold, connect the power supply and, under the influence of current, the metal from the solution sticks to the base, half an hour and the ring is not simple, but gold, at least in appearance, well, everything is ready, it’s exactly the same ring, yes, but can you tell how much it has become more expensive? exactly by the cost of the isolating , it can be said that it has not risen in price by 50 rubles or 100 rubles per gram, that is, very insignificantly, that is, the cost of such a ring is 1,500 rubles, and if you pass it off as completely gold, then you can safely put a price tag of 30,000 and even a test can be done, it turns out, on the same spanish plastic the bracelet, for example, bore the mark
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of the russian assay office, guaranteeing authenticity, because it was 100% safe. find out what the jewelry was made of, melt it in such a stove, evaporate base metals using acids and weigh the residue, but it will not be possible to carry out such an analysis without turning the product into gold dust, so experts use x-rays, which scan the metals in the alloy, here we see the composition , the main composition of the metal is silver and we also see a gold coating, but only here is the detector beam, explain the jewelers, it may give some insight. the metal is only 40 microns thick, this is the thickness of a human hair, even the most modest ring is thicker, to check the accuracy of the state examination, mikhail evaporated mixtures from the surface of a gold ring of low 585 standard and gave it to inspectors for branding, it was just an experiment, is it possible to reveal such a deception, what they sell under the guise of fashionable
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rose gold, with the help of household folk methods you can determine the quality of the metal ... than with special devices, i’ll tell you in the second parts of the investigation, don't miss it. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it. we will not make your child the second clematis, but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential. no. recipe for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient to expand it, we won’t cover your main distance for you, but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we won’t turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge your creativity
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ideas worth a million. we will not decide to buy an apartment for you. but we’ll give you the opportunity to choose the one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we won't achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything to do it yourself. quality of fruits and vegetables, features. winter ones are also sometimes cloudy, and for those for whom it is important that the product does not contain agrochemicals, the choice is now easier to make, you need to look for a new sign on the packaging that guarantees purity, details in the summary of the most important consumer news, even those fruits berries, greens on the packages of which bear the words “bio” organic, can be saturated
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with pesticides, nitrates and other chemicals, for example, in organic tomatoes. experts found residues of as many as twelve pesticides, so government experts developed the following emblem: the green standard. it is allowed to be printed on packages with harvest only to those agricultural farms that have confirmed before a strict state inspection that they fight pests using physical methods, for example, using mosquito nets and traps, they feed the plants with natural doping, and use agrochemicals to a minimum, and the quality... of bottled water after labeling with other icons, datatrix codes has improved greatly, there is 27% less counterfeit. but... all the more shocking is the news of the death of a man who was poisoned by a well-known brand of mineral water. a resident of vladikavkaz bought a bottle
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of jermuk brand mineral water in a store near his home, and was then hospitalized with a burn to the esophagus. it turned out that there was vinegar in the bottle. it was not possible to save the man. at the factory they reject accusations of terrible negligence and claim that there is no smell of vinegar in the workshops, the drink is fake. but the entire suspicious batch of mineral water was urgently blocked , now, fortunately, it’s convenient to do this with one click at the checkout; they just can’t break through the selected data matrix codes; in total , there are now 2 million bottles of water of this brand on the shelves of 84 regions of russia, cocoa beans, of which they are preparing another cocoa drink, and chocolate, of course, has risen in price again, setting a new... record, it seems that those with a sweet tooth will not have a sweet tooth. 5 years ago, for a kilo of cocoa beans they asked for an average of 250 rubles. now they are already worth 550. the main
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reasons: drought in west africa, which dried up the crop, and also the war in the red sea, through which merchant ships, including chocolate beans, pass. milk chocolate will rise in price by 20-30 percent, as will dark chocolate. rises in price from 40% to 70, if chocolate rises in price, it will rise in price less, this also means that the company tried to find some factors to optimize this rise in price. so if the price is your favorite the chocolate has not grown, then, firstly, compare the weight, it could have melted, and secondly, check the composition, it might not contain the most appetizing ones. components, but if everything was as it was before, then either the confectioners and philanthropists began to work at a loss, or
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before it was just so-so chocolate. and now it’s time to figure out the quality of walnuts, which, by the way, were even called food for the brain by the ancient skulapians. despite the fact that, to put it mildly, they did not understand. in neurophysiology, logic was like a nut, strong, since it seemed like a brain, it means it helps the brain, but coincidentally, nuts are indeed rich in acids that help the brain think better and stay in shape longer, but only fresh nuts are rich in such oils, not fresh ones, as... they are rich in toxins that our the nervous system and in general all organs are poisoned , these are also what end up on the counter, so let’s look at the quality of nuts from all
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these brands: red price, nadberi, gifts of nature, aro, botany, semushka, asterisks, now let’s find out which manufacturer holds us for brainless dupes? selling the rejects, and even for a sum as round as a nut, and which nuts were to the taste of even connoisseurs from countries where there are entire plantations of these walnuts, it is closer to the sea, on the island of cyprus, in the summer everything burns out and the landscape resembles that of mars, only olives survive , or rather, they live happily ever after, that’s the size to which the almost sacred ones grow in the vast expanses... and if you move inland from the coast, then fruit farms are already making their way, most of all
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oranges are grown in cyprus, about their unique taste, aroma and sweetness, i have heard many legends, having worked up a sweat on the plantation, i deserved such a glass of the freshest, freshly squeezed. well, after a glass you experience a certain contraction , because there is a lot of acid , there is no acidity here at all, just some kind of sweet drink, at the foot of the mountains they grow pomegranates, here we have already tried with the whole family, i collected it, alena peeled it. vasilisa ate, drank juice and could not stop. i was on maternity leave for 3 years, and i finally found a job i liked. my adult daughter goes to kindergarten, but i need it.
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to develop, the main thing is not to lose your fingers , by the way, i brought orange and pomegranate juice to cyprus with me from russia so that local experts could try and evaluate it, if you are interested in their opinion, then find these issues on the ntv website or on the internet, find out about laboratory test results. and already high in the mountains of cyprus, i found myself in the kingdom of the walnut. there’s almost none left on the branches, i’ve collected everything, but i’ll try to knock it down for you. around petros's house, like around any other, on these rocks, there are hundreds of trees with nuts, the climate is ideal for them, the crowns they often cover not from the scorching sun, but from the rain. the fruits from here are one of the hallmarks of the island, only on an industrial scale, walnuts, no matter how tasty they are.
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they don’t collect here , because harvesters can’t get through the ravines, and it’s too expensive to use your hands, nuts are everywhere here and often they just fall and rot on the ground, but i collect exactly as much as my family needs to make jam or to pickle jam nuts, by the way, are my favorite, but i haven’t tried marinated ones, cook them it turns out that these are not difficult, green fragile walnuts are pierced with a fork, kept for a week in salt water, preferably under the sun, the already blackened ones are laid out in jars and poured with a boiled marinade of water, vinegar with sugar, ginger and black pepper. and on the counter of cypriot shops , it turns out, with such a seemingly abundance of nuts, they only put out foreign nuts, turkish and chilean, nicas admits, it’s not that they are cheaper, it’s just that their supply is stable, they are calibrated and
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let it be. not as tasty as cypriot ones, but tourists are fed up with this, the main thing is that the shell is strong and the size is larger, then buyers will not come back with complaints, they will still like the nuts. as you can see, i have a lot of different nuts, but tourists from russia always buy a lot of walnuts. yes , they probably think it's cypriot nuts, but if they ask me where it's from, i'll tell them it's from chile. i ’ve been selling nuts for 33 years, believe me, walnuts grow better in cyprus, but you can’t buy them, you can only try them as part of local dishes, and these are prepared in all non-chain cafes and restaurants in cyprus, here efrasinha is just kneading a pie, a local nut hit, walnuts need to be crushed, they should smell sweet and pleasant, if
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there is something confusing in the aroma... something unappetizing , then don’t use these, this is a very simple but incredibly tasty recipe, so, mix sunflower oil, milk and sugar in equal proportions, beat one, two, three, four, four eggs with a mixer, three small teaspoons of baking powder, nuts, oven temperature 180°, it’s already hot, i put it in oven, i don’t cover it with anything,
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uh-huh, it’s just delicious, satisfying, healthy, the main thing is to choose the right nuts, but are there any such walnuts among those that i brought to cyprus from russian stores? this is our consumer surveillance, a program that proves what our life can be. long, convenient , safe, it’s not at all necessary to overpay for this, don’t switch, after the advertising there will be, which russian brands did connoisseurs from european plantations praise walnuts from, and whose rottenness they refused to even try, store-bought food, water and dishes impregnated with a poisonous second, who benefits from mixing it, in which russian regions is tap water with an overdose of fluoride, what is sold in
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russia under the guise of being fashionable? pink and white gold, how to recognize a fake with a false hallmark right at the window, a hidden camera like a crime weapon, a kindergarten... not a place for filming or a defenseless childhood, and at my own peril and risk i placed a phone among the toys, the fact that we saw it and, of course, we were shocked. why is privacy more important than a child's life? cameras video surveillance was installed without approval, the personal integrity of my child was affected, because of this i wrote to the investigative committee. how investigators and the management of the preschool institution assessed the work of the teacher. why didn’t you fire her or let her leave on her own accord? children's hell in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, today at 16:20 on ntv. mask, new season,
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today at 20:20 on ntv. doesn't bite? in the old farmstead there is no luck. we had one blacksmith, his horseshoes brought good luck, and now there the arc is made into an arc. dacha , let's check, arcuate arc, delicious, rich meat, and oh, peck, peck, arcuette from the landyard, take it for luck, how are you, i have a cold on my nose, we can handle it together, but first, booklin in the format of tablets or powder for warm drink, 60% on everything, more important than words, with love falcons, for dad, for mom, for brother, for... balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the overall balance, this is how dad plays, this dad has everything in general , top up only one number, all the others
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will be paid automatically, conveniently, it won’t fit into the bear anymore, will it fit into the overall balance? beline is on your side, this is the same smart speaker, the top smartest speaker, and also top quality discounts up to 50%. realme smartphone for only 16,999 rubles. grandma 's sweater, yarn sweaters, mother's hands after separation, the warm sun of the summer beach, the support of her best friend and correspondence across the distance, the long nights that were, an old photo with all her friends, this is the warmth that we saved, rolton 25 we fly flowed, when you give tickets russian lotto, it may turn out that they gave a million rubles or a megajack.
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rostelecom technology capabilities inflammation , sore throat interferes with speaking. faringgosept helps fight sore throat. faring at the first sign of a sore throat is our answer. vyazang plums, tender sausages, creamy meat, delicate taste and smiles. slivushki-faggot, delicate taste and smiles. mask: new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. breaking the blockade ring and victory in the battle for leningrad is the most important event for our homeland. 900 days and nights. our grandfathers and
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great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those who defended our homeland. the city did not give up, despite the terrible trials, no one is forgotten. it is not forgotten that in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children grandchildren. call to order an anniversary medal toll-free number: 8 800 600. 68 05 or on the website medaallengrad.rf the stars aligned today immediately after mask’s show on ntv.
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very nice suit. you made very strong tracks. and the surroundings of this number made this number incredibly winning. mask: anniversary fifth season. today at 20:20 on ntv. in cyprus they are proud of the taste and quality of local walnuts, but are there any among the walnuts that i brought to cyprus from russian stores, these nuts are not standard, they probably have an affordable price, let 's see what else you brought halfway around the world, these are perfectly dried and it affects everything, good ones. the mat taste will be stored for a long time,
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just store them in the dark, fats are afraid of sunlight and are destroyed, oxidized nuts will only cause harm. wow , i really like these nuts, yes, there are a lot of broken nuts in the pack, but they smell very appetizing, such broken ones will not be used for decorating confectionery products, but they are very tasty, but for a small chorekha. whiter, which means the oil is stored for a long time
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the nuts have oxidized, that ’s right, i feel bitterness, and there is an unpleasant smell of dampness, but it also happens like this, the color is good, but the smell is not very good, and there is a slight bitterness, it’s not tasty, but the nuts are large and beautiful, that is , sometimes, until if you don’t try, alas, you won’t understand. what quality are the nuts? here is a good example of what nuts look like, which are definitely not worth buying, they look ugly, too dark, this should turn you off, they are expired, nuts are usually eaten raw and in small quantities. they are washed and baked in the oven, for example, so it is important that the snack
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it was clean already on the counter. salmanella, e. coli and other dangerous microbes do not nest in these walnuts; you can eat them straight from the package. and where were these nuts grown on environmentally friendly plantations or next to factories that poison the air, water, soil, arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury? there is no overdose of heavy metals in any package, but some nuts were stored in a careless manner, some of these packages are unpleasantly bitter, the fat content is 65% in walnuts under improper storage conditions it turns out that there is such an unpleasant rancid taste and smell, or maybe last year's radio economy nuts were mixed into fresh nuts, you can take any nuts, all are safe, but there is no arguing about tastes
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, when you have something to compare with, there are things in the world that seem unreal, force german drivers foreign cars turn on the turn signals, sausage makers stop mixing soy into sausage, and cheese makers add palm oil to the oil, but it seems easier... set the water on fire, however, the latter seems to be the easiest, if there is gas around the water, then it will catch fire, fluorine is such a powerful element that they even tried to use it as fuel for rockets, but it turned out that it emits a very toxic plume, and if it comes into contact with the skin, you can get a very severe burn, but why with everything?
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this toothpaste with second is sold in russian stores, what products contain second, and what should we do? now give up all this? everything is second. look. a trip to jan's store takes at least an hour, even if you need to buy some small things. and the point, they say, is not at all that she is an avid hataholic. a lot of time is spent studying
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the compositions and weeding out the components that people try to avoid. in the store, i always check when choosing goods. even here there is a second, it’s some kind of horror, and after all, the second is so cleverly disguised
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under someone else’s name, correspondent katya tikhaya found out, that many are not even aware of the chemical in the composition of their dishes and... utensils on the frying pan are coated with a non-stick coating, popularly it is called stiflon, but in fact this substance is polytetrofluoroethylene, these frying pans are polytetrofluoroethylene we are used to see black, but the substance is white, which means the coating can be white, gray, green, or even a speck, in fact it is plastic with fluorine armor, it makes teflon. fireproof, indelible with water and even acid, which is why such utensils are used even in the laboratory. second containing fluoroplastic, they have high chemical resistance and can also withstand temperatures up to 200°. in these beakers we dissect the samples when heated to 200°. well,
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fluorine itself cannot be found on the shelves with reagents, dangerous substance under strict control. and also additives with this nuclear chemical are used by exterminators, such poisons, heavy artillery in the war against rats, sodium is echoed - this is a very highly toxic compound, chemical, it cannot be used anywhere where it would come into contact with humans, neither hotels, nor recreation centers, nor restaurants , and this poison is dangerous not only for rodents, bloggers are frightened, second poisons hit the liver and kidneys, reduce the level... second critinism, well, this, if translated into russian, is a state of reduced function thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency. well , in the workshops of one of the largest factories in russia for the production of toothpaste, it ’s as if you’ve never heard of such things in barrels. to produce our adult and children's toothpastes, we
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use components such as sodium chtorite, sodium monochlorophosphate , aminofluorides. and it's not just any one. a new secret ingredient, technology explains, but actually a classic recipe from the world health organization. application experience echoes toothpastes containing products mouth rinses have been around for over 80 years, so it is the second-containing toothpastes that are the most effective against caries. the title of the best cure for caries was awarded to distant american dentists. years, at the same time they decided to put this chemical through the pipes of the central water supply, poison, professor paul konet from new york, for more than 20 years, has not drunk tap water, because he is sure that the story about the benefits of the additive is a fiction
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invented by clever marketers and owners of large metallurgical plants who used recyclate to smelt aluminum there was nowhere to put the chemical codes, they simply pour their toxic waste through our screens. the facts really seem suspicious, the water recycling program in 1945 was approved by the head of the united states department of health, andrew melon, who also owned the country's largest aluminum concern, and he also founded the institute, which, coincidentally, was the first to publish on... you watch our consumer supervision and don’t switch, because again i have something to surprise you with. in which russian regions does water exist? from the tap with an overdose of the second? toothpastes with this toxic element can only be used as prescribed by a dentist. if we
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take fluorite and put it in water, saturation will occur. what are they selling in russia under the guise of fashionable rose and white gold? indians look at russian gold very skeptically, how to recognize a fake with a false hallmark right at the window, oh how far technology has come on a megabark. you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sales. for example, smart tv sber for only 15,990 rubles. modest musician andrei derzhavin. my grandmother always told me, be more modest, don’t stick your head out, don’t ask. and somehow this has been with me all my life, of course, bothering me. marina meshcherikova is 60 years old. no love at all. maybe nothing, it’s love for the profession, love for people, for life , the most important thing is why you’re moving forward, and the mask is the premiere of the new anniversary
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season, there’s always something new, it’s always something out of the ordinary , you can buy it every time, one day today at 14:05 on ntv. mask - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. believe it or not, you want a million yandexplus points and millions of other delicious prizes, one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. i give, now the prices for flowers are such that it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone. mega discounts up to 50% on smartphones with communication, only in megapon. they say in show business it’s all about bed, you don’t get enough sleep for show or business. to always be on top, the mattress must be from ascona. askona quality. i'm a fan of his. discounts up to 70% on mattresses and
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pillows. the petrovs have holidays ahead, a day everyone in love with renovation. day of bites and international wallpapering day. don't limit yourself. cash loans from post bank with comfortable payment from 1.0 rub. enough for what is necessary and what is pleasant. come for the money. bank post office. it doesn’t bite, in the old farm there is no luck, we had one blacksmith, his horseshoes brought good luck, and now there they make the arc of the arc, also for good luck , let’s check, the arc is an arc, delicious, rich meat, and oh, it pecks, pecks, take the arc from the old farm for luck, maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among the ice floes, a sore throat is a minus. one of the advantages is miramestin, it’s logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia, for ba
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for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance balance, top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently, this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top one. krill, and also top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. smart speaker sberbu mini as a gift when purchasing a smartphone. and eldorado. 60% for everything, more important than words. with love falcons. even a brutal kgb agent. it might break. indrid glue. he is my assignment. gdr. look at wink. on avito - an inspiring sale of electronics and discounts up to 70%. two beghits at a bargain price, only at a tasty
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point. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. nowadays prices for flowers are such that it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone. for example, honor x8b with a benefit of 7,000 rubles. only in a megaphone. the water recycling program in 1945 was approved by the director. u.s.a, andrew melan, who also owned the largest aluminum concern in the country, and he also founded the institute, which, coincidentally, was the first to publish a scientific work on the health benefits of aluminum. we are against replication, no replication. stop repeating. residents of the city of juneau in alaska were among the first to sound the alarm in an organized manner.
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meme is asked to put back 2007, the controversial additive back into the pipes. what we see is terrible; dental disease in children is 2 and a half times more common than in their peers who have received their portion of second-choice food. and recent studies confirm that fluoride reduces the risk of developing cariris by 50%. and that's why. many people know that a tooth consists of three main parts. the pulp is the heart of the tooth , here are all the blood vessels and nerve endings, dentin covers the pulp on top, and there is also external armor, enamel, these are crystals of the hydroxyapatite mineral, tightly welded to each other, and the dentin pulp is hidden behind it, like hiding behind a stone wall from abrasion, temperature changes, of course, from bacteria that lay siege after each use
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food, literally, because they surround the tooth. a special biofilm, multilayer colonies that are difficult to clean off, and under which the acidic waste of bacteria is concentrated, the acidic substance slowly corrodes the crystals, breaking holes in the protection, this process is called demineralization, if nothing is done, the bacteria gradually penetrate into the dentin when they reach the pulp , then the tooth is ready for extraction, but the second one quickly replaces all the destroyed ones... this process is called remineralization, that is, restoration, even in the presence fluorides, cariogenic bacteria produce less acid and cling less well to the surface of the teeth. the daily norm for an adult is 4 g. this is what is contained, for example, in four cans of canned sprat or a kilogram of herring.
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canned fish, along with bones, will be our champions in terms of content. second in second place we have tea, in third place we will have fatty varieties of fish, red fish, mackerel, in the next place we have eggs, it’s a little difficult to follow such a diet, in america they started pouring second into the water supply, in russia they don’t do this, because the soil is already rich in deposits of such multi-colored crystals (fluarites), fluarite is probably the main... fluorine mineral, this is calcium fluorite, if we take fluoride and put it in water, then saturation will occur, in our country calcium ions will appear in the solution, groundwater gradually dissolves minerals, sec gets into underground springs and reservoirs, and then into taps with drinking water, sometimes in excess, however, the highest levels of sec in tap water
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are found. in nizhny novgorod, sava village, there, sec was found at a level of 2.5 mg per l, then it was found in the penza region, the city of serdobsk, the concentration of sec in tap water was at the level of 2.9 mg per l, and the moscow region, the city of krasnogorsk, there sec was at level 3 mg. and too much of this substance can ruin the color of the imali, white dots or brown stripes like these will appear, this is called fluarosis, however, it is dangerous only for babies who have not yet erupted permanent teeth, if an adult does not initially have fluorosis, then earn his impossible, but as soon as the first molars come out, they are, on the contrary, treated
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with large doses of the second for strength, usually in newly... erupting permanent teeth, the enamel is very weak, it matures within 2-3 years, and for this a secondary procedure is necessary, and for this they use special preparations, the doses of which are tens or even hundreds of times greater than in tubes with regular toothpaste. the harmless, let's say, amount of fluoride that can be consumed is 7 g. if we take toothpastes, then there... fluoride is measured in milligrams, that is, even if we eat a whole tube of toothpaste, we will not get that harmful amount of fluoride in order to harm our body, so we are afraid of toothpaste with sodium fluoride, there is no need to shy away from pans with fluoride, homeopathic doses in them will not harm maybe , this is how much fluoride is in tap water, in
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a particular region it would be better to know, such maps are on the internet, they will tell you about it and... from the local water utility, and now it’s time to return to the topic of fakes, rings, earrings, watches , chains of precious metals we've already found out. that gold in russia is often mixed with a metal that is easy to work with and cheap, but very irritating to the skin - nickel, because white gold in russia is an alloy made from nickel, but abroad they try to make it from palladium, palladium itself from the platinum group is expensive, this is exactly how fashionable white gold is made, but it does not exist in nature, this is marketing of the highest standard, just like gold does not exist.
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beautiful, that's why in italy only natural color gold, rose gold and white we we do it too, but only for export by the way, a lot for russia, and the golden rule for connoisseurs of precious metals from india, gold should be as gold as possible, these are the kinds of gifts that the indian man pampers svetlana with, products below 750 fineness are not made in india, because this is what is valued here a large amount of gold in the product. it means ordinary costume jewelry, well, because it doesn't look like real gold compared to indian gold. and in china, the most
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popular standard is 999. for our clients , gold is not just decoration, it is a relic, a tribute to tradition, so they belong to the products. they put the mark 750, that is, the experts were able to scan only the purer composition of the surface, but under the top layer the same low-strength alloy was hidden. and i
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immediately melted this ring, god forbid, it ended up somewhere, well, it was just an experiment that only shows the vulnerability of our system, and it happens that under the golden shell, not even a cheap metal is disguised, for example, dirt . the whole bracelet is filled with earth, i haven’t completely disassembled it yet bracelet, look how much rubbish or a completely ringing emptiness, such hollow jewelry wrinkles and breaks after a month , it will no longer be possible to fix them, and of course, not a single home method will recognize a fake, that iodine , or vinegar, will only show the reaction of the metal surface, but still , there seems to be less outright falsehood on the shelves soon.
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the news that the authorities have taken up order in this area is indeed a valuable gift for the holidays. and on weekdays, from monday to friday, watch the most important, bright and useful investigations, our consumer supervision on
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the air of the morning program, the best. do not miss! they always want to see her pregnant, one day. regina todorenko explained why: no one has made me pregnant in these 15 years. one day andrei derzhavin became the performer and author of popular hits. five times grandfather, grandfather the best, once two stripes changed the life and career of the great diva marina meshcheryakova. this is the feeling of madonna, it is present in you right away. once philip kirkorov changed beyond recognition on the occasion of the premiere of the fifth season of the show mask. one day, one day, one day, one day, one day. once upon a time,
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a television history magazine about famous people and significant events of the country and the world. i'm sergey mayorov, hello! andrey derzhavin is 60 years old and 40 years old, the country is singing in all its ligaments. and tinned throat, his songs at stadiums, during concerts, in forest fields, karaoke clubs, at picnics and home feasts, whether you are my brother or not, your brother to me, someone else’s wedding, someone else’s wedding,
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dozens of hits elevated derzhavin to the rank of great stars, big country, and then the country did not understand why andrei stopped his solo concert activities and went to work as a musician in the time machine group. derzhaven says that sometimes life needs to start over so that the blood... stagnates and the brain works. having completed his work in the ensemble, andrei returned to solo activities again, and it is worth noting that they were waiting for him. the artist’s last two tours in russia were incredibly sold out. during the break between the next tours, we met with andrei derzhavin. the coffee at andrei derzhavin's house is excellent. cheesecakes for breakfast his wife lena prepared it quietly. left
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this big beautiful cottage, all the interiors here are the work of her hands and good taste, and these paintings are her unique embroidery, although elena shuns publicity, she says whoever is a hero gets all the attention, but the hero of the sovereign power is a noble one, a grandfather-hero, he has five grandchildren, say, aliska, she is the eldest granddaughter, she really loves this pasta, these cakes, i... every time i know that they are coming, i buy all this pasta, like this one, i buy everything, all, everything, whichever ones i find i drag here because that i know she likes it. gerasko , who is the middle grandson, he’s generally like that, an independent guy, he comes to me and says: grandfather, i need a saw, suppose yes, says the child, nine years old, i understand that he needs a saw, one.


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