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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 19, 2024 3:30am-4:11am MSK

3:30 am
on whom, yeah, on whom misha simakov, on whom, collected, collected, on whom, on whom, we bet on the bear, okay, on the first, on the second, misha simakov, okay, win, mishanya, come on , go,
3:31 am
baby, let's start now, attention, get ready, len, why are you trembling, what, why are you trembling? i say, yes, i’m always like this, until he comes back, your guy is in great shape, the rates are rising, make a lot of money today, don’t be sad, closer, closer,
3:32 am
“i caught up, we never got through to my parents, i don’t know how they will survive this, this guy did not die as a result accident, i didn’t understand, he was cut off by a shot, what kind of shot, you told me that death occurred as a result of a powerful blow to the stones, when examined on the body, in the area of ​​the heart i’.
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i ran into a pin, come up with something, it’s not for me to teach you, okay, i’ll point out that when i fell i ran into a metal rod, how it went, it’s done. the investigators
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won’t dig up anything, everything is clear, the guy didn’t fit into the turn, he burned down along with the motorcycle, he blazed powerfully, no one will know that this is a murder, thank you, brother, mishka, my beloved, my, let’s go, my misha, bear, misha, forgive me, where is mine!
3:35 am
did you know that misha drives at night? no, i didn’t know, the bear wanted to be like you in everything, you were also a great racer when you were young. “damn the day i bought him this motorcycle, sasha, you feel bad, but i feel bad nephew, i want to be alone, you go, confidently,
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confidently, go, i’ll catch up.” do you think your son died in an accident, designer? you still don’t understand anything, simakov, either you do what we need, or you can dig a second grave for your daughter, i understand, if you decide to knock, we’ll settle the whole family, you understand everything, you understand, you understand. the police decided to hush up the fact that it was a murder and pass it off as an accident, but the court told the medical experts everything, of course, after a corresponding conversation with him. our
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ballistics specialists determined that the sniper shot was fired from here, you see, a piece of the track of these night racers is clearly visible here, the ideal place was set, and the sniper worked cleanly, no traces. konstantin dmitrievich. why are we, this is a crime, you know, the murdered guy is the son of designer simakov, simakov
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works in a closed design bureau of a defense industry plant, they are developing some kind of new life support system for submarines, in short, a government-ordered one. semakov refused the information they needed, they committed an indicative murder that no one should know this murder, at least for now, because he has a wife, he has a daughter, if you put state secrets on one side of the scale, then on the other ,
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the lives of loved ones, if we reason correctly, and i don’t see any other option, then... yes, i decided to organize a race, simakov, we are more let’s not wait, listen, you don’t understand, i don’t have access to this information, so find a way, or dig a grave for your daughter,
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understand? okay, i’ll do everything, you hear, you hear me, i’ll do everything, i ’ll go to work today. did you track where the call came from? no, too little time, damn, okay, quickly copy the recording, we need to urgently send the general. the designer went to work.
3:41 am
so who are you, how did you get here? calmly, alexander semyonovich, decide to introduce yourself, general dove. upsn, we know that you are being threatened, don't worry, sit down, we're going to have a serious conversation. so, here everything is necessary and... further instructions, they demand
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that you reveal secret information about the new boat, agreeing to this is tantamount to betrayal, and why didn’t you immediately contact... the security authorities, they are watching my every step, i was afraid for family, i tried to delay time, i said that i did not have access to this information, i hoped that they would lag behind, i never thought that they could not go so far to kill, we guarantee the protection and safety of the family, and if they already know that you are here, this is out of the question, i came to the plant in your management’s car, and
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secondly, we will take them, this is our task, but we will take them, then we have no other choice, you understand this, now i understand, lord . it’s me alone who is to blame for misha’s death, the criminals are to blame for the death of your son, they will answer for this, believe me, now, alexandrevich, let’s calm down and start working.
3:44 am
good afternoon, designer, hello, we hope that you won’t do anything stupid, remember your family, here’s an envelope with a flash drive in it, tomorrow you will upload all the documentation to it. “i will do everything, but you must guarantee that they will contact you and indicate the meeting place, do not touch my family, that’s it, let’s disperse, quickly.
3:45 am
we still have a long time to download , we’ll finish, we’ve got a good thesis, the criminals will need time and a good specialist to understand this, we’ll hope. ready, dawn is soon, finish what you have, what do i have, i took him all the way to the house, he’s apparently renting an apartment, probably not a local, the knock now penetrates his fingerprints, everything is ready, yeah, thanks, guys , let's go, the general is waiting
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, general, the transfer has taken place, we are leading him, come on, just don't miss him like last time, there are fingerprints in all the databases,
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there is no information on him, clearly, he is renting an apartment. under the name of rybin sergei vladimirov, the documents are fake, that’s right, this rybin, a small fish, is an intermediary, but he must lead us to the main customer, and here the most important thing is that the criminals do not understand the fake in the documents, well, our specialists tried their best here, nevertheless strengthen security guards. yes, max, i’m listening, i understand, yes, i understand, i understand her. touch general, there is news. after meeting with the designer, this rybin went, well , to spin around the city, and then went to the station, took a ticket to gelendzhuk. so, the fish
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was drawn to the sea. yeah, that means there will be a meeting with customers. in moscow, when he has a ticket, on the morning train, it is clear, which means that packing and preparation time is running out, as always, already. well, we still have a long time to sunbathe here, i’m tired of this resort life. and you treat this circumstance philosophically, relax, accumulate strength, you still have it they will come in handy for me too, it’s hot
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today, i’ll go and freshen up too. someone calls him, i see, well, he’s leaving, we’re getting ready, hello, max, he’s leaving. accept,
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the intermediary entered the bank. good afternoon, good afternoon, i would like to know if the funds have arrived in my account, of course, please, thank you, yes, the money has arrived in your foreign currency account, how much? 10 thousand euros, will you do any operations? no, thank you, that's all, we're always happy to help, i can read it. lost some of the money for his work, which means that a customer is about to appear, and we will begin an operation for them detention, the general is aware, yes, i informed
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him, golubev ordered that local authorities be involved at the time of the capture, i listen, yes, i received it, now everything is in order. got it, tomorrow afternoon in the same place. so tomorrow, it looks like where he is now in the room, let’s go and discuss all the details,
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what kind of little stone is this, put it on my side. man, it suits you very well, see for yourself how much it costs, a thousand rubles, please, thank you.
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i lost him somewhere near the embankment, he bought a straw hat there, come to us. it’s me, let’s move on to the backup option, understand?
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here he is, sergei sergeevich. unfold. well, it seems that i’ve lit up, oh well, max, rybin is at the bank, i think he’s checking
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another tranche, here he is, well, after him, ah, now he’s not going anywhere.
3:56 am
attention! everyone get ready, i'm starting, let's go, everyone stay in place, hands on the table, hands on the table. where is the fish? what kind of fish? i don’t understand what’s going on, you’re wearing his clothes, where is he? are you sure you brought a real fish to the bank? i'm sure, lieutenant, detain these guys, don't let them go until further notice, and don't let them
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call anywhere. behind me, they screwed up like boys, puncture after puncture, oh well, sergei sergeevich, we’ll find it, time is lost, he could have rushed anywhere, let’s go to the bank quickly. yes, he was with us, he wanted to withdraw money from his account, and then he felt bad, he took off his jacket, sat down on a chair, i myself gave him medicine and water, when he left the bank, he was wearing a jacket and a hat, i don’t remember, there were a lot of people, here it is, they found it.
3:58 am
please show the footage from the cameras at the exit from the bank, we need to see how this person left you, maybe there is something there, now, and you don’t need me anymore? no, thank you, you helped us a lot, thank you, all the best. we can’t tell the general that the operation is being carried out by this man, so get into the taxi, stop, you can see the number here, but you can’t see anything there. can you
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enlarge the image? let's try, it will take time, we have nowhere to rush. petrovich, comrades from the police here , stop arguing with me. so i didn’t violate anything, comrade, but we are coming to you with a request, can you please for a second. this afternoon you picked up this man from the bank, remember where you took him they took him, so that’s the bank of groban , well, something like that, yes, that’s the case, so where did you take him, to the bay, someone was waiting for him there, no, he was alone and went straight to the sea, you can take us there right now, let's go, follow us,
4:00 am
here he got off, there his boat was waiting and straight there. well, we decide, the yacht needs to be checked, there are no other options, either he is there, or we failed the operation, we will make a lot of noise on the police boat, rowing is not an option at all, petrovich, yes, where can i get a motor boat here, there is a fisherman nearby
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there is a village, i have shuriz there. let's go, let's inform him that we are on the verge of failure. i think something went wrong there , something didn’t work out, i feel it intuitively, you know, but my intuition says that everything is fine, and you’re worrying ahead of time in vain. pigeons, vasya, look for the next flight to gelendzhik.
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4:03 am
so, there’s one guard, there’s a weapon, of course, let it get dark a little longer, then we’ll go. well, boss, when will the remaining money be transferred to me, immediately after you complete all the work, to the end, what does that mean to the end, i brought the documents, i brought it, what else do you want, i did everything. i need my money, you will remove the designer, then we will pay off, no, i won’t go for the wet
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, i did everything we agreed on, i need my money and a new passport, as we agreed, shut up ermilov. you will do everything you are told. los, everything is fine, we can send it, i have to remove the designer, hands, here it is!
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yes, yes, general. pastukhov, the operation was successfully completed, the criminals were detained. tomorrow we send them to moscow. thank you for your service, seryozha. say a big hello to the guys. and see you soon. you see, this time. i didn’t manage to swim, well, very good, let’s have some tea, come on, thank you, grisha, don’t
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shoot, you haven’t run around yet, huh? you got us, ermir, listen, i’m not guilty of anything, i was threatened, i was forced, by the way, wait, wait, i have money, maybe we can agree, but they forced me, i’m not guilty of anything. i lost my job, then my apartment and all my property burned down, my wife became seriously ill, i just... you needed money, so you contacted international criminals, i didn’t know , didn’t understand what i was getting myself into, i was simply asked to hand over the envelope to the designer, then for...
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until this information, so find a way, or dig a grave for my daughter, understand? it’s not me, it’s not my voice, i’m no one, that’s enough, ermilov, that’s enough, this is the result of a phonoscopic examination, which proves that the voice is yours, they forced me. and
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you were also forced to organize the murder of simakov’s son, you can’t pin this on me, you recognize your brother yermilov, he was a sniper and was dismissed from the armed forces for violating military discipline, and what of this, we took your brother, huh? he turned out to be more accommodating than you, and has already given evidence. you were unlucky. the racer's body did not burn as you expected. you hired your brother to kill simakov's son. your brother is in the next room, do you want a confrontation? your accomplices irmilov, international criminals.
4:09 am
we understand that the worse it is for us, the better it is for military and industrial espionage, but their motives them, but how are you, a citizen of the russian federation, a russian, how did you commit this crime and remain silent? now you will answer for everything, take him away, eat, stand up, hands behind your back, forward!
4:10 am
look, look, damn, i know who he is, an american. businessman nicholas state, lives in our hotel, let's go, police, we found a drowned man, hold the conclusion, so american. as a result of poisoning with a potent drug.


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