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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 19, 2024 4:10am-4:50am MSK

4:10 am
look, look, damn, i know him, who is it? american businessman, nicholas state. lives in our hotel, let's go, police, we found a drowned man, hold the conclusion, so, the american died as a result of poisoning with a potent ... poison, this was still
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missing for us, it looks like murder, so get ready for work, good luck, and this is already not to us, they will deal with the murder of a us citizen from moscow, they have already left, uh-huh, here we found him, well, the place is deserted, you said he was wearing only swimming trunks, right?
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and you advised to contact your friend kolya yakovlev, kolya yakovlev , his father has a decent yacht, he turned to your friends, i don’t know that, but could you give the address of the owner of the yacht and telephone number, yes, of course, how could i find out that the american drowned, he i rented a yacht for 5 days, the deadline hasn’t expired yet, if so, show me the magazine. the yacht was supposed to be returned tomorrow, so no one bothered , we need to, what should we do now, and max, contact the marine police as soon as he discovers the yacht, let them immediately inform us, and order that no one on board without us not rose. don’t worry, we’ll find your
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yacht, who did he go on a boat trip with? - with some man, can you describe him? no, i didn’t see his face, father, are you confusing something? somerkos was a woman? there was no woman, a man in jeans , a dark windbreaker, a cap on his head was getting up, i saw him with his back, well, i don’t know, i saw with my own eyes a woman with long red hair, she was laughing, and amerikos also told her, you ’ve changed, baby . "well, that red hair really suits you, judging by your story, you're an american - these are red-haired women, they knew each other before , it looks like, oh, son, i don’t know what you ’re saying here, i don’t know why he would go to sea for 5 days without a woman, just think, they went to sea for a romantic walk, you can’t hide such things , nothing was found on the american’s hotel room, no phone, no laptop, no wallet, apparently, he took some personal photographs with him on the yacht? “nothing, i asked all
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the hotel employees, in no way they didn’t see the woman, they confirmed the party’s words, no one came to the americans, ours contacted with new york, tade’s office confirmed that he went to russia to meet with friends, it seems with a woman, his russian friend and business partner krotov lives in moscow, they managed to contact him, no, the office said that he away, where unknown. maybe he's here too? let's check! krotov is not registered at any local hotel. what about in the private sector? the local police are already doing this. yes, yes, nikitin, i’m listening. got it, let's leave. we found a yacht. go.
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well, that's all that's left, no cell phone, no computer. the table is solo for two, that's candles, there was a woman here, it’s obvious, if it was ryzha who killed the american, then now she’s far away, you’re not just an ordinary citizen of america, he’s a famous scientist and businessman, we have orders to find his killer at any cost, well, yes, they’re there it's easy to give orders upstairs, now we...
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master, is there anyone at home who can't hear, let's go in, crotal, are you home?
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may i allow you, comrade general? yes, come on in. what do you have? we got the fingerprints of the unknown person from the glass found on the yacht, pastukhov's group. well, the prints belong krotov. krotovo? hmm, these are american partners, or what? yes sir. where are krotov’s fingerprints in the database? several years ago, he passed through...
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what happens? tate was on the yacht with mole, where mole was pouring poison into a glass.
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and karasev and i will interview our neighbors, so where can we? find melady, it’s not enough, buddy, here’s the address, thanks.
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come here, you’ve settled in, hello dear, captain, well, i didn’t break anything, these are just my guests, we’ll sort it out now, citizen, please show your documents, my girlfriend and i are listening to music, no one. but not we’re touching, and you’re breaking in, it’s illegal , we’ll figure it out, great, well, it ’s in order, that’s right, the whole postscript here is like a generic one, and also, look, photos of a red mead, great, but now the red one won’t get away. i don’t know any foreigner, and i haven’t been on any yacht,
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i spent time with mole, i don’t deny, but what is not allowed, we have love with mole, love is good, it’s bad that we found him dead, what? dead, but you don’t seem to know, right? what are you doing? are you implying that i killed? i didn’t kill the mole, i swear, let’s say, but you can know who did it? i don't know anything, have you ever seen tamed weapons at home? lord, they shot him, poor thing, yes
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, girl, it looks like you’re the last one to see him alive, we’ll have to search your house, listen , yes, i’m a prostitute, but i’m not a killer, i liked krotov, he was... always gentle paid well, at night, when we were making love, a man came, krotov asked me to hide in another room, but i heard something and saw through the door crack that a scandal had occurred between krotov and hermann. hermann, who is this? well it krotov called this man that way. continue, in general, this german said that... that krotov and the american need to meet to solve some problem that needs to be
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eliminated. and what about moles? krotov shouted that he was tired of all this, but german insisted, and he said that he would send a message with the address further. well, what happened next? then this german left. krotoy’s mood completely deteriorated, and he paid me and asked me to leave, that’s all. maybe this german i... returned and shot him, but i didn’t kill krotoy if give me a gun, i don’t even know where to click, meet in the golden anchor on the thirteenth at 22 o’clock, we need to solve the problem, we are all in mortal danger, herman, the thirteenth tomorrow, it seems the redhead is not lying, herman exists, it would be good to find out, who is he, let meredy come with us tomorrow. it turns out that
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herman knows from whom this danger comes. there is another option. german kills krotov and teid and specifically sends this message to divert suspicion from himself. let's take it tomorrow and find out. if herman lives to see tomorrow. look carefully, well, i look, i look. it’s already 10, there’s no guarantee that he ’ll come at all, yours are in a hurry, here’s the one, and the one with the cell phone, confidently, yes,
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dad, let him in. max, let's go out, sit in the car, what? who shot? who shot? some guy? what kind of guy? where is he? i rushed there to the kitchen, there was a second exit. max, you stay here with me. call an ambulance quickly, i'm already calling. citizens, remain calm, calm down. soon, soon, we have a murder here. herman, herman, can you hear me? you will be taken to the hospital. you hear me? who shot at you? hermann? herman, who
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shot at you? hermann! damn, he's running towards the embankment. there.
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he left, is german still operating, what do the doctors say? they don’t give any guarantees, we can’t let him die, here’s his passport. so german anatolyevich zavadsky , you asked, thank you, tell me, he is alive, alive, the doctors are finishing, we need to talk to him when he comes to himself, only if
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the doctor allows it, but you need to wait, we will wait. "the only way to find out the name of the killer was to call moscow, they are looking for a connection between hermann, krotov and this american , okay, well, while you're here, i'll take care of the bullet, uh-huh, i think this bullet was fired from krotov's missing pistol."
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beautiful town, sea, air, not all these murders, don't even say , i’d like to bring my family here. and go to sea on a yacht, i’ll retire, buy myself a house by the sea, i’ll sit in a sun lounger and feed the seagulls, how did you and i miss it, huh? what’s 6 a.m. there, sergey sergeevich, sergey sergeevich, hold on, he came
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to his senses, well, the doctor allowed just one minute, let’s go, but quickly, you... you know who’s in you shot? do you know him? yes, please, can you say his name, revenge, what, what, revenge, lord, i'm behind the doctor. well, he died and never revealed the name of the killer.
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max, what did you find out? german zavadsky, krotov’s partner, was responsible for the distribution of products in the regions, a responsible employee, divorced, maintained a good relationship with his wife, was not involved. and there’s nothing to grab onto. they were killed by someone who wants to take revenge on them. herman warns his friends about mortal danger, not assuming that they are no longer alive. he sends them a message about a meeting place to solve problems. how did the killer know that the meeting would take place in a restaurant? if you remember, the american lost his computer on the yacht, most likely the killer took it, and herman sent a warning not only to rotov, but also '. teidu. and the killer read the message on thade's computer. well, yes. option. so. the killer shot herman. but
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the killer does not know that herman died in the hospital. and what? yes, that we will give a press report on local television about the businessman, herman, what’s his name? zavadsky? zavadsky was assassinated. we will also inform you that herman remained alive. and he is in the hospital. course: what are my actions? so, give instructions to the receptionist in the emergency room that everyone who is interested
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in zavadsky’s condition should answer that he is unconscious in the intensive care unit? ok, the bed needs to be prepared in such a way that it turns out that a person is lying on it. well , next to it they will put an iv with all the medical devices necessary in such cases. should i put more here? close the bed screens, screens will be brought, i will order, but i, as the manager, am interested in one very important point, what exactly is the safety of the patients of the hospital staff, there is no video surveillance on the floors, as i understand it, a criminal can come here with a weapon, don’t worry, the hospital is in the hospital around the clock our people will be on duty, okay. it's me.
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any news? silence, no one at the reception was interested in herman’s condition. come on, go eat. and what's in there? semolina. i passed the post. i accepted the post. what do you want from me, shepherds? i don't understand. give us some more time, comrade general i'm sure he will come. but management doesn't think so. you are ordered to return. konstantin dmirievich, listen, we gave new information in the press. they reported that tomorrow hermann was being transported by plane to moscow. perhaps the killer will show up. give us more time.
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fine. shepherd, a day, no more, you understood me, seryozha, that’s right, i understood, hello, hello. max, what’s going on with you, everything is quiet, everything is quiet, i understand you.
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sergey sergeevich, everything is quiet here, once again, hello, again, hello, so you are our new anesthesiologist, guess.
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nesvesto, damn it, maxpodin, where are you?
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lord, what is this? sergey, sergey, what is it here, here? god, god, my god, the police, the police, this is the head of the department of the city
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hospital, i am a technologist, i have an academic degree, i have developed nutritional supplements for the food industry, these bastards, moles.
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“i will help you prove that your formulas were stolen, that now this will change , there will be mitigating circumstances for sentencing, give me the gun, please, i don’t want to kill you, let me go, my little son is waiting for me there, but...” what you should, tell me that you couldn’t catch me , let me go, i can’t do this, you don’t leave me a choice, i won’t go to hell, who will be with my boy
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, don’t worry, don’t worry, margot, don’t worry, don’t worry , i will testify that you surrendered voluntarily , no, everything is fine, no, please, nikola is standing, courting me, giving gifts, swearing in love, no one has ever courted me like that, i fell in love like a fool, he proposed to me, i started looking for a dress in america. but all this was done only for to steal my formula, then i didn’t understand it, because i loved nicholas more than my life, i would give everything to him, because i was expecting
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a child from him, the father of my child, nicholas state, yes, nikola immediately left me when he found out about the pregnancy , he didn’t need either me or the child. only the formula, because my supplements brought me money, a lot of money, and when my vanechka was born, i vowed to take revenge. god is my witness, they didn’t bring me to this state, let me go, i pray for the sake of my vanechka, let me go, i won’t survive if he will be in an orphanage, i beg you, i’m very sorry that they did this to you, i’m truly sorry, i promise, listen to me, i promise. take care of your son? no, no, stop, margot, stop,
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don’t make things worse for yourself, help, stop, people, help, help, people, stop, what’s up, seryoga, some asshole is pestering a girl, morgo? well, calm down, well, what are you doing , now let’s figure it out, girls, wait for us here, don’t break it, she’s already broken, calm down, i ask you, let me go , i beg you guys, don’t interfere in this, what are you doing? i don’t understand, let the girl go, i say, don’t interfere in this, don’t, don’t you understand, you asshole?
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hello, great, but the shepherd kept his word , proved in court that illegal actions were taken by the victims against margot, the court took this into account as being swept away, of course, plus the presence of a young child, they gave 13, but this is instead. 13, where is the shepherd? i went to the pre-trial detention center, margot is stamping tomorrow, vanechka, my darling, mom loves you very much, thank you, sergei sergeevich, for everything you did for us, take care of yourself. yourself, is it time?


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