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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 19, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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it’s better to see once, our correspondent,
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the center took full control of a chemical plant on the outskirts of the city, once there was the largest production facility in europe, and after 2014 the nationalists turned it into a real fortress, and finally russian flags were hoisted on the administrative buildings. in the city itself , the cleansing of certain areas and those fleeing continues. have left many deadly surprises, mines and traps, their elimination is a priority. our special correspondent evgeny golovanov , together with russian sappers, walked through the streets of the liberated city. we entered the liberated avdeevka, accompanied by a soldier with the call sign voronezh, from the direction of yasenovataya , a city which, along with donetsk, was daily shelled by the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces, precisely from this direction. the road is littered with burnt ukrainian tanks and nato armored vehicles, and along it there are continuous ruins.
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all that remains of the once powerful fortified area of ​​the nationalists in the industrial zone. how did you manage to get them out of here? only through systematic fire training and artillery work. avdeevka ukrainian the military called it a fortress, that is, a fortress , since 1414 they systematically erected defensive concrete structures here , set up firing points in houses, imported weapons, equipment and ammunition, but under the onslaught of the russian army, which was considered impregnable, the fortress fell.
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you were fully equipped, leaving your machine gun , designed to blow up vehicles passing even a few meters away, you had to remove mines with motion sensors and magnetic ones, remove all the hardware and approach naked. many mines are set to be non-removable, these have to be destroyed on the spot. sappers entered avdeevka, in the front rows, among the assault units, cleared the way for them, removed mines from the fence, anti-personnel mines. and anti-tank so
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that armored vehicles could pass through, and despite the fact that the city is already completely under our control, the work of the engineering troops has not become less, they have to examine a huge territory, primarily roads so that the main forces can enter and go further west, but then begin clearing residential mines neighborhoods, only after this will civilians be able to return here, armed with sappers and metal detectors and probes, but more often they use the latter, it is more reliable, it is advisable to combine it.
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doesn't always work for them. the weapons generously supplied by the west from defeat in avneevka did not save the ukrainian army, according to military analysts, now the entire ukrainian line of defense in donbass may crumble, after the capture of the city by russian troops... the road to konstantinovka , druzhkovka, kramatorsk and slavyansk opens. victory for us, glory to russia. evgeny golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheyev, ntv, avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. despite the large-scale destruction and seemingly absolute uninhabitability, hundreds of people still remain in ovdeevka. mostly pensioners who were unable to leave. for months, people survived in the basements and ruins of their houses without water, heat or electricity. now... medical care is required, which russian soldiers are trying to provide to the fullest extent. residents of other countries also need support settlements, to the village of toshkovka in the lpr, volunteers delivered almost a ton of essential items. the settlement was liberated in march '22, but the radicals, leaving their positions, did not leave
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a single intact building in toshkovka. despite the difficulties, residents wait and believe that their life will soon improve. alexey chabataryov met and talked with locals. toshkovka is a terrible place; during the fighting, entire entrances of apartment buildings instantly turned into mountains of concrete rubble. in the summer of 2022, ukrainian troops will not out of good habit, they held the defense and occupied positions right in the residential buildings of toshkovka, as a result of which it looks absolutely eerie. now every building in this urban village, under those rubble of those buildings, for example, in general there are still bodies of dead civilians, they brought it, come, well, yes, yes, yes, now it’s possible, in toshkovka there is a small
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working mobile communication no more attributes of an urban village of the twenty -first, or even the 20th century, electricity, running water, central heating, concepts from past life, there are no shops in toshkovka. and there is not a single functioning institution at all, they simply have nowhere to stay in the destroyed village , volunteers try to regularly supply the residents with food, medicines, household goods, hygiene products, people themselves keep records of these kits, try to fairly distribute them among themselves, and mutual assistance from the 120 remaining toshkovites , something like a local constitution, those who have working cars take their neighbors to the nearest cities or regional center, in turn, the popular front promises to help with other issues, in addition to supplying goods to the first non... in addition to humanitarian assistance, we are always ready to provide people with medical assistance, can help with documents, with paperwork, help with moving somewhere. some residents do not leave toshkovka simply because they are not covered by government programs that make
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moving easier. this region of the lpr is not among the territories specified in the resolution of the federal government, therefore toshkovites cannot receive housing certificates or allowances, such as, for example, people who were forced to leave kherson and kharkov region. i’m a member of the city council, you see, i was elected, pervomaisky, well, for the village, i don’t know where to write to us, who to ask, will something happen or not? for a long time they did not dare to begin dismantling the rubble, damaged buildings, and restoring the village due to the proximity to the conflict zone, especially since toshkovka was destroyed by the kiva armed formation purposefully to deal a fatal blow to the economy and civilian infrastructure. the ukrainian military destroyed the city-forming enterprise, the mine and the power line long before russian troops approached. kiev said to scuttle the shaky ship and all this was done so that it wouldn’t get to anyone, well, so that no one would get it, but how and how they sank you , they fired at you when you were trying to repair the mold? yes, they even fired on two wounded electricians , they went there and they didn’t try to get you out somehow
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, say that let’s leave now it will be here, yes they said, they said , leave alone asleep, and rem said we won’t leave, there’s nowhere to go . typical tactics of scorched earth, prohibited by the geneva convention, still didn't bring it desired result for kiev , toshkovka is alive because people live in it, among them , by the way, two children who are not even a year old, their parents, like the rest of the population of the village, do not leave, because they believe that after the volunteers, builders will come, they they will make the mining town prosperous and comfortable again. alexey chebotarev, valeryan kushnir, ntv, lugansk people's republic. these days in russia, especially in crimea, they remember events that...
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in 2014, another historical event took place here - a rally of the people's will, then at this tens of thousands of sevastopol residents gathered in the square. russia, russia! russia! russia! 3 days later , 7,000 people gathered in the square near the crimean parliament. the initially peaceful protest escalated into clashes. as the republican authorities later announced, the clash was provoked by supporters of the right-wing sector banned in russia. two people died and 40 were injured. it is february 26 that is considered the last day of kiev’s power on the peninsula. the events of that day are called turning points on the memorial plaque. and those who were not afraid to take responsibility for their own destiny. who made it possible in the crimean spring back in february, see the special material in our next
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issue. british prime minister ishisunok, who at the beginning of his term promised stability for all residents of the kingdom, is now forced to make excuses for his failures. last year, gdp growth was so weak that the british economy entered a technical recession. and while the government is even trying to find a way out of the crisis,
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like boris johnson with his lies, a list of gaps in education, rishi sunok seems will be remembered precisely for this economic downturn, especially since from him... from the former chancellor of the exchequer, that is, the minister of finance, the demand in this area was special. the promise to invigorate the island economy after brexit, covid and rising energy prices due to britain's anti-russian sanctions was key for rishi, but compared to the end of 22, when the sunok came to power promising growth, the country's economy only asked for more. as the leader of my party and prime minister, i will work towards it. to correct the situation, and this work will begin immediately, economic stability will be the main number on the program of my
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government. a few days before sunak, list tras, the downhill champion from the political olympus, promised the same thing, passing off one goal as three. i have three priorities: growth, growth and growth. the conservatives failed to achieve any of the three goals with five prime ministers. seven chancellors, eleven economic growth strategies. britain will suffer the highest inflation among g7 countries this year next year, the organization for economic cooperation and development predicts. for the purpose of pre-election promotion, the conservatives promised to cut taxes, the highest they have been in the last 70 years, and with a tax cut in order to appease the voter, there will be less money in the treasury, and they will have to climb into the budget fund. that is, our sphere of public services is already flushed into the toilet, but our taxes are being reduced in order to buy our votes, as
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a result , even less money will be spent on our already barely breathing social services, with richer, entire cities are going bankrupt, nottingham, birmingham, that is, spending on social projects in these cities, nursing homes, kindergartens, clinics cannot be covered from the local budget, yet some graphs are going up in britain, prices are rising , mortgages are growing popularity. the political recession is confirmed, the conservatives lost two more seats in parliament during the out-of-hours elections, this looks like a rehearsal for the general elections that will take place later this year. conservative sunok only managed to preserve the problems with which he came to power. most likely, these problems are in excellent condition, and very soon he will pass them on to his rivals. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, anastasia konorovskaya, alexander dekin, ntv television company. london. in
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kazan, everything is ready for the games of the future. official opening on february 21st. the group stages for hockey and video games begin today. russia is the first in the world to host a tournament that blurs the lines between classical and e-sports. athletes from different countries, even completely unfriendly ones, the usa and canada, come to the capital of tatarstan. the baltics, more than a day on the road, several transfers, and a snowy russian winter do not stop those who want to become involved in an event that will change the idea of ​​sports. the prize fund of 10 million dollars also motivates, alexander tankikh met the guests, watched the training. the first guests are greeted with songs, dances, bread, salt and chak-chak. kazan airport receives several flights every day with players from different countries, all of them are experienced
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athletes, but each is just starting their career. team of basketball players. the games of the future combine digital classic sports; figital hockey consists of two parts: first, players fight in front of the computer directly in their sports uniform, and then they pick up sticks and go out to play. the team that scores more points in total over the two stages wins. fitness hockey players have already had time to rest after the road,
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try out the ice and try national tatar dishes. pies, these triangular ones. yes, we tried it, it’s very tasty, yes, your kitchen is generally superb. in the baltic select team from latvia and estonia strong e-sportsmen and hockey players united to score the maximum number of points in the digital part and show a beautiful game on the ice. in the mood to win, we didn’t think about the invitation for a long time. we are just playing our favorite game, everyone has gone , and someone has to forbid it, so we... for the sport of non-politics, their rivals from the usa, canada and mexico have already seen the sights of kazan during the break between training sessions, for all participants in the city, the tournament organizers prepared a cultural program. we yesterday we went on an excursion, saw the kremlin, the mosque, the building, i really liked it, i love history, we saw universities,
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tolstoy and lenin studied here, it’s amazing, at the main site of the games of the future in kazan expo is preparing to welcome. spectators of the participants, a bright show is expected at every match. the latest preparations for the games, now the equipment is being set up here, this is a fidital basketball court, instead of the usual surface there is an interactive floor that tracks the movement of each player in real time, when everything is working full power, it will look like this. the organizers have planned many activities for the audience, everyone here can try it.
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the hermitage brought together stars and friends of the lifeline foundation to raise money for the treatment of the foundation’s wards. ice show by ilya verbukh, favorite cartoon characters and hot tea, everything to ensure that muscovites and city guests have a fun and useful time. all money raised this year will go to help little misha from the penza region. the boy has a serious cancer disease, despite therapy at the blakhin center, the tumor does not recede. now the child needs a genomic examination. to understand how to help him, if traditional chemotherapy does not work, this is an expensive examination , it costs more than 230,000, parents, unfortunately, do not have such funds, and this is not yet supported by the state, so today everyone who came here bought
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tickets, actually participates in saving this beautiful child, helping is right, it’s just nice. useful, no need to be sorry, necessary to give energy to these children who most need our support and energy, the winter holiday of the life line foundation is being held this year for the thirteenth time. this concludes the program for viewers in the central part of russia, thank you for being with us. i like that... you can control tiplek with your phone. tipleka has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof. only now tiplek heater at a special price. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to kholva , divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts
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to a home, one home is just a click away. good morning, evgenia neronskaya is in the studio and i will tell you about the weather for today. at the end of winter , severe frosts have shackled so far no warm prospects are visible, from irkutsk to omsk it is sunny -25 during the day, and at night below 40, only closer to the urals it is noticeably milder, in yekaterinburg -4 without precipitation, and the european territory after the thaw again receives a portion of cold air, but there will be more and more signs of the approaching spring, although in the forests and fields the snowdrifts are still at record heights, but primroses are already appearing in the botanical gardens. with its sunny yellow petals, the primrose erantis, winter, or as it is also called spring flower, winter. the first flowers are also appearing in the southern regions,
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although there is little left of the former warmth, but at least the temperature remains in the positive zone. on the coast +5:10 and rains, in st. petersburg no precipitation and -2, in moscow up to 5 frost sunshine. it was a weather forecast for a country where the sun never sets. only here in itself. in a large country in the world, an online bank could appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tenkov. tinkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world.


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