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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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through painstaking work, russian sappers clear the mines from the liberated avdiivka of the dpr. russia, russia.
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then it turns out behind the quarry, there were some very serious collisions, and the industrial zone itself. leaving their positions, ukrainian militants mined everything they could, roads, bridges, houses and basements. there were mixed types of anti-tank and anti-personnel barriers used by the enemy, a lot of bombs, all sorts of traps, controlled for self-destruction, that is, the complexity also adds operating time. because of this more
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becomes long-lasting. in the first 24 hours alone, sappers discovered more than 200 explosive objects. along with the usual standard ones, there are imported exotic ones. mines with motion sensors and magnetic ones, designed to blow up equipment, passing even a few meters away. i had to take off all my equipment, leave the machine gun, remove all the hardware and approach naked. many mines are set to be non-removable; these have to be destroyed on the spot. the sappers entered avdeevka in the front ranks among the assault units, cleared the way for them, removed barrage mines, anti-personnel mines and anti-tank mines so that armored vehicles could pass, and despite the fact that the city is already completely under our control, the work of the engineering troops has not become less, they have to examine a huge territory, first of all roads so that the main forces can enter and move further to the west, and then they will begin to clear mines from residential areas, only...
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british-made, well, you find a lot of exactly this kind of nato iron here, yes, a lot, that is, the west does supply weapons, but they really don’t always work for them, the weapons generously supplied by the west did not save the ukrainian army from defeat in avdiivka, according to military analysts, now the entire ukrainian defense line in donbass may crumble, after after the city is captured, russian troops open the road to konstantinovka, druzhkovka, kramatorsk and slavyansk. victory is ours, glory to russia. evgeniy golovanov, maxim belikov and
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yuri krivasheev, ntv, avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. ovdievka by russian troops has become the main topic of the world media, the author of numerous articles. they know the surrender of ovdeevka is a significant defeat for kiev and now they are looking for excuses for it. the washington post notes that this happened against the background of problems of the armed forces of ukraine with the supply of nato weapons. financial times, focuses on biden's comments. the us president blamed everything on the republicans who do not allow the next tranche to pass to ukraine. some are discussing where russian troops will go next , fueling fears. foreign policy magazine writes when asked by a journalist whether the west would be able to repel a full-scale russian offensive, the head of the military committee.
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the russian army is weak, they make missiles with the microchips of ministerial cars and refrigerators, the army is terrible, the command is terrible, my god, it consists of conscripts who were sent there at gunpoint, who don’t want to be there to fight, or, oh my god, the russians are coming, they cooler than star wars, they will overpower all of europe, decide on the story already, are they all three-meter giants or are they all powerless gnomes, please choose one of the stories and stick to it, but no, the west is behaving like a schizophrenic, the former head of the influential chinese newspaper global times called the liberation the biggest change. during a special operation from may 23 and noted another important point: western support has become unreliable, this weakens trust between kiev and its allies and increases the morale of russia. 10 years ago, events began that changed the course of world history in kiev, hundreds of armed people came to
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independence square, opposing the current authorities. the march escalated into a clash with the police and riots, which resulted in the death of dozens of people. ukraine was in for a violent coup d'etat, which... the new kiev authorities called it a revolution of dignity. the chaos that was happening in the capital was closely followed throughout ukraine, especially closely in crimea. on the peninsula, the majority of whose inhabitants had always considered themselves russian, they were preparing to repel the enraged nationalists. militia units appeared in towns and villages. with those who were not afraid of the rebels became participants rostislav skidan met with the fateful events that returned crimea to russia. a separate rack has been prepared for boxes with bents in his house; his son did not have time to complete the repairs here, he went to the front to volunteer, but his parents adapted the unfinished building into a humanitarian warehouse. oleg sovitsky knows how to keep records and manages an auto parts warehouse. 10 years ago he enlisted in the ranks of the crimean self-defense, at that moment it was a militia,
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which means i defended crimea, defended ordinary people, which means i had to be there. in those days, self-defense participants together with security forces defended government buildings. strategic objects, later the administrative boundaries of the peninsula. more than 30 thousand people signed up for militia units in february-march 1914, including retired military personnel, combat veterans, and what are called ordinary workers. crimeans are for themselves, not russians. in anticipation of guests from kiev, crimea flourished with the russian tricolor. the main square of sevastopol, its historical center, was once called ekaterinskaya, about 100 years ago it was renamed in honor of the russian admiral pavel stepanovich nakhimov. the first one in the city was installed here. a monument to the hero of the russian-turkish war kazarsky, here is a memorial and an eternal flame in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war. in 2014 , another historical event took place here - a rally of the people's will. then tens of thousands of sevastopol residents gathered in this square. russia, russia, russia, russia. 3 days later
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, 7.00 people gathered in the square near the crimean parliament. the initially peaceful protest escalated into clashes. as the republican authorities later announced. the clash was provoked by supporters of the right-wing movement banned in russia sector, two people were killed, 40 were injured. it is february 26 that is considered the last day of kiev’s power on the peninsula. the events of that day are called turning points on the memorial plaque. even today he is forced to hide his face from cameras as a precaution. i served in berkut for more than 20 years, even in the nineties, but the last 3 months of service on the maidan turned out to be truly dashing. then the ukrainian authorities disbanded berkut. and 10 years later , the officer does not undertake to discuss the orders of the former command, but still does not understand why, at the height of the protests, the special forces received the command to leave their positions, to be honest, he stunned us all, back on february 18, that is , all day then until late at night, in general , the units were able to clear the entire
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government quarter, the protesters were dispersed, concentrated almost throughout the city, and well, in principle, in principle they... we said, yes, we are in the city, to the duty officer, i say, here we have these, these are the call signs for the contact of our duty officer, we participate in all events and in order to restore order in the city, maintain it so that you, yes, ours, our personal, the guys dressed up as uaz with chevron and berkuto patrolled every night until the morning, on the night of february 23 , curators of the sbu and the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine flew from kiev to simferopol, but went beyond the airport, valentin nalyvaichenko and arsena.
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crimea, when the ukrainian media asked employees on duty about how the military behaved, they answered in confusion, very politely, and this is how a meme arose that became one of the symbols of the crimean spring. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya, ntv television company, sevastopol, republic of crimea. the film 10 days until spring is dedicated to the bloody uprising on the maidan and how it will affect the life of crimea. the plots and real events are based on family drama. a sister and two brothers who have been living in different cities and countries for a long time. they come to the peninsula to bury their father, to divide the inheritance, the house on the black sea coast, where they spent their childhood,
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they end up in the epicenter of the crimean spring, it will be illegal, i’m andrey an officer, my job is to carry out orders, a martinet and not an officer, listen, you take it easy on the turns, are you crazy? got off, didn’t have time to meet, have already fought, if siblings are so dogged, what can we expect from the rest, the detective drama will be aired on the ntv channel, very soon, don’t miss it, the russian embassy in sri lanka decided to reassure russian tourists and reported that they can relax in this country with peace of mind. next on the air is business news with us denis talalaev, denis, what could scare tourists? these were messages, and from the same russian embassy. the russian embassy in sri lanka announced that the situation in this country it is stable and does not pose a threat to the life and health of tourists. in the telegram channel , the embassy reports that it is russian. citizens can quote "continue your holiday on the island calmly." all these comments were required after another message from
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the russian embassy in sri lanka, published by sudki earlier. it said that in one of the hotels there was a fight involving, as the embassy calls it, a russian citizen who is in sri lanka on a permanent resident visa. the cause of the fight was reportedly harassment and indecent behavior of hotel staff towards russian women. and, according to the embassy, ​​this case is lucky. a reason for russians permanently residing in sri lanka to think about returning to their homeland. does all this mean that sri lanka is safe for russian tourists, but poses a threat to russians permanently residing there, the russian embassy does not specify. shares of polymetal international, the largest silver producer in russia and the country's second largest gold producer, are falling by almost 6% these minutes. the company announced that it is selling russian assets to the mangazeya group of sergei yanchukov. the value of the assets was estimated at $3.7 billion. polymetal international itself
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, even before getting rid of russian assets, re-registered from the island of jersey to ostana and announced plans to develop production in kazakhstan and the central asian region as a whole. the russian stock market is trying to grow at these moments, but it is true that analysts warn that the threat of new sanctions against russia could turn the market in the other direction. ruble now it’s getting cheaper, the dollar costs 92.43, the euro 90. today the forum strong ideas for a new time opened in moscow, it is organized by the roscongress agency for strategic initiatives. at the lecture entitled people are changing the country, ildar khasanov, the author of the idea of ​​​​developing a service for diagnosing and monitoring alzheimer's diseases and other dementias by speech based on artificial intelligence, was the first to present his project. cool, everything is fine, this is a really strong idea for the new time, this is a diagnosis of the future, absolutely how obvious is this idea? now it’s practically working for you, so i can talk to your program, it will tell me that i already have
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dementia and that’s it, it’s time to retire. we have made quite a lot of progress and conducted a clinical study, the first stage of clinical trials for diagnosing parkinson’s disease, and we received good results, our sensitivity is more than 80%, and our specificity is more than 90%. the agency for strategic initiatives reports that this year a record number of ideas were received, more than 30 thousand in seven areas. the best promise support. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. the first in history officially starts in kazan the day after tomorrow. the capital of tatarstan already welcomes guests from athletes from all over the world, who are happy to get acquainted with the local culture and cuisine, while some are trying, others are already training hard. in some disciplines, group stages begin even before the official opening. alexandra tankikh visited the venues of the sporting event of the year. the first guests are greeted
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with songs and dances. countries, citizenship does not matter at the games of the future. i met a lot of players here, basketball players, guys from spain, europe, athletes from different usa and south america can play on the team. i think in the future, maybe in 5-6 years, these games could be a new type of olympics. the games of the future integrate digital classic sports. hockey consists
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of two parts. first, the players fight at the computer in their sports uniforms, and then they pick up the sticks and go out.
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time, when everything is working at full capacity, it will look like this: a lot the organizers have planned activities for spectators, everyone here can try their hand at phytalsport, there will be computer games and physical disciplines, volunteers will help guests and participants, 2,000 people, they are now
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completing their training at the competition sites. the games of the future are beginning. february 21, for the first time in history. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, vladimir khazov, ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv, kazan. well, now a word to my colleague, valeria gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program. lera, what will happen today? ilya, today a preventive measure is being taken for a student who immediately after giving birth threw her baby into a trash container. a twenty-two-year-old mother, if i may say so, got rid of her child in an overly sophisticated way and doomed him to a painful death. events took place. in novosibirsk in thirty-degree frost and the fact that he survived was nothing short of a miracle. on our broadcast we will tell you what happened to the newborn and how his would-be killer commented on his decision. ilya. nalera, thank you, this is not only covered in the emergency program, after a short pause. for us, that 's all for now. visit our website, see you.
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just profitable, alpha profitable. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. mother from novosibirsk, who threw a child into a trash can, was found and arrested against twenty-two-year-old svetlana bashtakova, and a criminal case was opened for attempted murder of a newborn. sudian cried, however, no one believed in the sincerity of her tears. the baby lay at the bottom of the container for an hour in thirty-degree frost, and the fact that he... survived was a happy accident. yulia blutsova will continue. she was not a friend to her mother’s heart; she remained silently calm in court. of course,
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it is impossible to justify svetlana bashtakova’s action; she did not even try to explain, why did she get rid of her newborn son so easily, throwing him away like something unnecessary in a trash can? tell me, do you regret what you did? why did it happen? why did you decide to take the child to the trash heap? some difficult life situation, maybe what happened? does the child’s father know that you gave birth? this footage from a street surveillance camera made it possible to establish who placed the baby in the container when. a twenty-two-year-old student carried it in her bag along the street, took out a child wrapped in plastic in front of the containers, threw it, i took the bag with me. svetlana bashtakova could not help but understand that she was dooming her son to a painful death, a baby left in thirty-degree frost in a thin diaper and two cellophane ones. the packages were accidentally discovered by a resident of a neighboring house, ivan zhuravlev. the man heard strange sounds, at first he thought that someone had thrown out the kittens, when he saw the crying baby, he was dumbfounded.


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