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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 20, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

4:05 am
well, great, congratulations, the operation is over, but wait, wait, wait , what’s finished, what operation, operation bull, what cube bull, artyukhov valery ilyich, yes, it’s me, you are under arrest under article 275 of the criminal code, high treason, wait , what... treason, what treason, where is the evidence? a trojan program is installed here, so all your passwords and accounts are here , wait, wait, you can’t, i have a bad heart, doctor, wait, confirm, yes, he doesn’t have any bad heart, for me, he has one at all no heart so if he resists, ventilate him to the fullest, he with his health in the zone will outlive all of us, but then what, well then what, sit, this is for you, thanks from
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santsanych, wow, one-soldier, fifteen years old, i’ve never been like that i didn’t drink whiskey, but we don’t have to drink it, you take it for yourself , whatever you can, well, yes, and then you will all kill me, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, these, these can, if you ’re interested, i can tell how did you get the customer? counterintelligence also sometimes likes to have fun, counterintelligence officers discovered the location of an electronic device that was used by the customer to communicate with agents in moscow, they took it during the next data transfer hello, hello, hello, spy, spy, hello spy, john, there’s no use in pushing me, just fulfill my conditions, that’s all. by the way, you have less than 39
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hours left. you infected our computers with a virus, and now you are demanding a ransom to disable it. this is chantage. call it what you want, i don't care. the amount i demand is insignificant compared to the consequences that waiting for you, joe. your company ekon. everyone went!
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and this is a matter of national importance. the russian oil company planned to enter into a cooperation agreement with the transnational concern rkon. well, rkon has recently had troubles mainly related to environmental pollution. and then suddenly it’s a hacker attack. to the server and database of the head office.
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we managed to hire him for a probationary period to freelancers, for now, so study the operational information and involve korolev in the investigation, the task is clear, that’s right, forward from the song. bye. well, athlete, did you run away? of course, i’m not a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, but i’ll beat you in running, who were you talking to just now, and you’re competing? no, it’s just that lately you’ve become so secretive, you don’t trust me, do you know why my wife became an ex? no
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, i asked a lot of questions, yeah, in particular, what’s my title , just trust me everything, next week you and i will... swim in the sea and bask on the sea sand, naked, rich, happy, don’t touch anything here, okay , bye bye. i left until i understood.
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hello, he changed the password, uh-huh, come in, sit down, let's probably get straight to the point, come on, my name is, no need to introduce yourself, i already know. who are you and where are you from? well, you probably also studied my dossier. under other circumstances, i would not be very happy in such cooperation, but here the case is special. the hiker you are looking for intercepted orders from me more than once, it was he who got me out of business, so the debt is cleared by payment. so, oleg korlov, nicknamed troyan,
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talented, very selfish and greyhound, with him no one would work at all. so that he wouldn't be so talented. oleg had pulled similar tricks before, doing some menial work for the customer, simultaneously extracting information about the client’s security programs and introducing trojans into his programs. they dozed for the time being, and then transformed themselves into a powerful super virus. and they blocked the computer on which they managed to copy themselves. if it was just a cyber attack, then rkon would have restored all the information on the same day. what does it mean? well , that means something important is at stake. information, defamation of cherkon. she is the reason for the blackmail. yesterday at midnight the supervirus copied all the incriminating evidence and oleg's secret server turned on the timer. if you do not copy this information or enter a password within 48 hours, the information will be published automatically. this virus of his is a very cunning
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thing. not everyone will be able to control the computers of such a powerful company kercon. could you? i? no, but i’m quite capable of tracking down oleg, here’s information about the apartment, the car, i got all this after his divorce olga’s wife, but he practically doesn’t communicate with her, but his beloved son roma, 12 years old, lives with his mother, oleg has now sunk to the bottom, but through roma we can track him down, well, that ’s your part, yes, but what about this incriminating evidence, i’m just working on this, natonous incriminating evidence that keeps it a terrible secret. so, okay, let's do this, max, you stay here, study the information, and karasev and i will visit this wife olga.
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hello, hello, are you olga lapina? yes, what are you interested in? we are interested in your ex-husband, oleg orlov. may i leave? no, i won’t allow it, i’ll tell you everything here. oleg and i divorced. he pays alimony regularly. more
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questions? you can talk to your son roma. maybe he knows something about oleg. no you can not. firstly, after oleg left for this vulgar girl. i won’t let my son near him for a cannon shot, secondly, he’s at school, there’s no need to disturb the child with your questions, that’s all, then goodbye. yes, max, we visited oleg’s wife here, she’s a strict woman, she doesn’t want to talk about her ex-husband in any way, i’m sorry that i’m interrupting, i put her mobile phone on wiretap, in general, she just called oleg’s old number. and alec hasn’t used this number for a long time, just a second, wait there
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a couple more minutes, now roma will come to you from school, i have his phone movements tracked on the computer, we are also tracking you, yes, as they say, for your own safety , before contact, search for survivors from the green ship, which collided in the pacific ocean with the drilling platform of the erkon oil company. are continuing at the moment, yul, hi, can you pick me up in an hour in the park in our place, and you’re in the park, well then, let me pick you up now, no , no need now, i’ll be there in an hour, listen, why are you lying, well, i hear that you’re in park? yes, by the way, wait, what is the password on the computer, otherwise i can’t check my email,
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check it from your phone, oleg, well, we need to talk about your secrecy, i can’t talk now, that’s it, i ’ll get there myself, bye, oleg , oleg, wait , hello, oleg is in the park, hi, dad, hi, son, come to me, not cold, how are you feeling, fine, ready to accept gifts, yes, sit down, well, first of all, what you asked for. look, under your tablet with a keyboard, the best thing, by the way, one
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to one like your dad's, yes, this is what you ordered, thank you, this is the one that is controlled, yes, yes, the same one, open it. romka, it just so happens that you and i won’t see each other for a long time, but i really want you to know that i love you very much, son, i know, just write to me more often, we agreed, rom, here’s another thing, this is my talisman , wear it without taking it off, this is very important to me, it says. that there is a way out of any situations, carry it, start the car
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, hello, romka, where are you going, yes, i’m in the park, we ’re here with dad, oh, you and dad, give him the phone, yes, well, hello, dear, people from the authorities are with you today they were interested, i jumped in, and i knew that it would all end like this. “at first you said that you work for irkon, then that you don’t want to hush up technological crimes, and now what’s the old thing again? cor, where is that roma going? he’s right now in the park next to olga’s house with him oleg. son , no need to run, i love you." i'll write to you, let's get it, i
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i'll block the other exit from the park! dude, double pay, let's go faster! thank you very much, the address is go straight ahead and there will be the third gate on the right after the traffic light, thank you.
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stay with him, call an ambulance, eat!
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oh, fathers, this is, this is my neighbor from above, oleg, he’s alive, yes, he’s alive, he’s not worried, what is this, let me give you your coordinates, for us to investigate, oh, well, well, that means this, oh , this, what is this?
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yes, well, yes, i took out oleg’s tablet, but i can’t find the password to the virus. this is not a document, it should be a program, key generator yes, i know, but here there are some games, cartoons, what kind of cartoons, what are you talking about? it's not his, it's his son's tablet. here is some homework for roman orlov and his email address. ramario 2002. damn, where is oleg? he was hit by
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a car. it's not my fault, when i pinched him, he was still alive. take your tablet and come to the apartment immediately. i need to clear away all traces of my presence. fine.
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yes, while i was trying to get at least something useful out of my tablet at night, someone was actively making a mess here. in the hospital they said that oleg fell into a coma, it would be interesting to know why he was carrying his bags, his son’s tablet, instead of his own, those who are hunting for the password were clearly looking for it
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here, well, of course, the hart is missing, oh, thank you, the router is not they took it away, maybe there is an internet, it’s strange, there are a lot of the same things , it’s even more strange that this speaker is connected to the internet, but i thought so, why is there a hidden camera, there is no recording device, in general, everything that this camera writes goes directly on the internet, i wonder where exactly why? well, if oleg wasn’t in a coma now, then i could watch a movie of how you and i are having fun here, in general, i’ll try to get it from the internet, where everything is written, but i need time for this, okay, while karasev and i will interview the neighbors.
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well, it happens that you’re walking down the street, bam, i thought everything was going to death, but he, as if he was born in a shirt, runs around as if nothing had happened, excuse me, he runs around, oleg, yes, oleg, for about an hour four years ago i was stomping around the apartment in my shoes, but i woke up, i was in a dream, what? then i hear the door is locked, but i hear a voice, i look, he runs in his jacket with a hood, but he runs so easily, i think, young people, yesterday he was lying like dead, and today he’s running, are you sure that you haven’t confused him with anyone, oleg couldn’t have been running here 4 hours ago , because he is in the hospital in a coma, you got a good look at his face, or maybe you didn’t get a good look at his bag, no one has a jacket like that in our entrance, ok, ok, we believe you, thanks for the valuable information , here is my phone number, if you suddenly
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see or hear anything else, call me, please, what have you finished there already , well, gentlemen officers, does anyone believe in ghosts, well in this case it’s unlikely, if oleg had his son’s tablet, then it’s logical to assume that roma has his tablet, which means the password can to be right there, then let's go quickly before they get ahead of us. hello olga, we have a couple of questions for you. well, i told you everything yesterday, it wouldn’t be easier to ask oleg. we would ask, but oleg, unfortunately, is now in the hospital. and what happened to
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him? last night he was hit by a car. he miraculously remained alive, but fell into a coma. in whom? yes. and in which hospital? i'll go to him. we 'll take you. just answer a couple of questions please. it is very important. someone searched his apartment last night. so, if he didn’t find what he was looking for, perhaps he will come to look for you, well, what should we look for, maybe roma will tell us, mom, dad is not in a coma, they are all lying, i know he i just wrote a letter, what kind of letter, please show me, i won’t show you anything, why is it bad to read a letter, please show me letter to uncles. from dad, while oleg orlov is in a coma,
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someone from his mailbox writes a letter to his son, in which, on oleg’s behalf, he asks to perform such a magical ritual, to bring his tablet computer and talisman. “all this stuff in a plastic bag needs to be placed under the bench standing under the windows of his room in the hospital, covered with snow, this must be done in the evening and under no circumstances tell anyone anything , then supposedly dad will get better, what a scum, and a very well-informed scum at that.” , oleg i just gave my son this talisman yesterday, but the talisman is now in our laboratory, and most likely it has nothing to do with it"? yes, it’s all a matter of psychological calculation, the child feels guilty that while his father had the talisman , an accident happened to him and oleg
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case. there will be tablets, and in order to help his father, he can really fulfill this strange request, so someone really needs oleg’s tablet, you weren’t able to find out what kind of information is in the tablet, not yet , there are some ties, encrypted folders for password documents, opening it will take some time, the password for the virus has not yet been found.
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when roma puts the package in the appointed place, we will allow mr. x to take the package and move away to a safe distance to check the contents, inside the tablet there will be a special filling, a radio beacon and something like a mine trap, i don’t understand, do you want to blow it up, no , similar devices in banks are installed in a wad of money, only there they are with paint that marks the robber. and we will have a capsule with a coupling gas, and we will need a washer to find then mr. x fell asleep, and that it can work, only you are responsible for the boy as for your own, with your head.
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get up, let's roll, next time i'm playing a doctor, and you're blind man's buff, we agreed, we'll agree in my office. this paw here, even if you drive a horse in a circle, you won’t notice anything, but in this case we have max, he lies somewhere here and does not shine. max, welcome, report the situation. everything is clean, he has such
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optics there, not like a horse, a mouse won’t miss how our pyrotechnician is there, the crucian carp is sitting in car by the road, here, we are in a cross, a red dot, roma, he is with a parcel on the second floor, he and his mother are in the ward, the ward is under guard, well, that’s right, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side. and how long before the start of the operation is everyone ready, people are positioned, we start at your command, uh-huh, what is karasev’s call sign, fish, fishing center, reception, center, everything is clean, dear comrade fish, and you wrapped our gift yourself, don’t worry center, everything has been checked, i am personally responsible for special equipment. i
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understand, wait for the operation to begin. attention, we begin the operation.
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attention, roma has left the building.
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well done, roma, he completed the task perfectly, now go to your mother, drink tea, your uncle will see you off, i’ll walk to her room myself, roma, that’s an order. this all reminds me of the fairy tale about burotin: they buried the money in the evening, and in the morning they came and dug it up, so you can wait all night, lest max frostbite his vital organs there. will not freeze, if this cat basil is hunting for the code, then he has very little time left before the deadline.
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center, there's some homeless guy coming in to the park, the object is at the bench, ready to take it, waiting for the command. max, we won’t bother you, maybe it’s a courier.
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fishing center no reception. contact, i’m leading by bearing.
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max. take the homeless man. yagorny babay. not a babai, but a comrade major. let's go to.
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fish, it’s time for your mini-trap to work, the object is leaving on a blue mini-cooper, i’m leading it, everyone’s attention, i’m announcing the plan to intercept, intercept.
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take him away, quickly rush him to the hospital, look who’s here, this is no basilio, a real fox-alice. well, agent fish, he completed the task perfectly, well done, i serve russia, hello, what can you please me with, there is very little time left before the virus is triggered, is there any information about that arkharovets whom pastukhov caught up with in the parking lot? this is peter kahn, erkon's security officer and former navy seal.
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what about the tablet? well, i checked it, there is no password for the virus, most likely there was none. how is that? why then hunt for him like that? well, most likely oleg was bluffing, it’s very similar to him. i say there is no password for the virus, therefore all the information will end up on the network. look tv, soon all news outlets will spread this news. so, are you in vain in these pieces of iron?
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you chose a good tactic, we were taught this too, you sit there, silent, what do they have on me, maybe not, nothing, yes, you didn’t do anything like that, but just think, you bought a gadget from some homeless person, well, that , only one witness can connect you with the irkon security service, in a coma, only he outwitted you, oleg, outwitted you, look what we found on his server, for example, yulia, you are talking to peter kan, after meeting with whom oleg fell into a coma, now you are just telling him where to kidnap oleg, hello, yes, oleg is in the park. back at the bench where he sat in the morning and squeeze the password of any tsun out of him, understand?
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that’s enough, maybe you can play an excerpt from a conversation with george snout, the head of irkon’s security service and your employer, but he won’t shield you, he has enough problems without you now, i’m ready to cooperate with you, but i have my own conditions, yes, yes, what about me? all attention. today's main news day: after the release of information about the involvement of the security service of the rkon concern in the sinking of the green vessel, the press service of the concern. made a sensational statement; in the statement, erkon fully admits his guilt and names those responsible for this crime, including the head of the security service, john snow. the concern also promises to pay compensation to the families of the victims. listen, is this by any chance the same journalist you
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met at the opening of the chinese terakon exhibition? anatovich, general. even bigger the following news became a sensation. press service of the erkon concern. declares that after this tragedy the company is changing its policy, now the issue of ecology is put in first place, evidence of its position erkon will donate 50 million dollars to the ocean protection fund, so that’s what it is, our russian programmer, oleg argu, yes, now airkon’s press service will be tortured make excuses that it wasn’t them who wrote it, but some mysterious virus that gave out false information from computers, their own office, that’s their problem, the case is closed, yulia gives testimony, the customer received comprehensive information on the issue of interest to him, it is now unlikely that neftexc will enter into a cooperation agreement with irkon, but this is their problem, and i convey my gratitude to you for
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your prompt work! i’m listening to golubev , i understand, thank you, cor, it was cor who called, he just detected the login to oleg’s server from someone else’s computer, i think that... how he came out of coma, from roma’s phone, went online, call olga, let him immediately will take away the phone and keep an eye on it until you get there, here such a programmer in our office, hello, olga, this is really bothering you, yes, yes, opsm.
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here she is our princess, we won’t take her now, there’s no need to fuss, we’ll go after her. she will lead us to the meadow, to where they settled and where they hide the cargo. yes, you smart mayor,
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we will wait for her for as long as it takes. when are you going to return home today, and home, i say, when you return today, oh, it’s been a long time since i’ve just rented one like this to me. yes, well, you know, the service, well, yes, this can happen in a day, yes, of course, wait, why are you asking me about this, did something happen, or what? no, yes, our town is small.


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