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tv   Za granyu  NTV  February 21, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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journalist in the city of ufa, and this story interested me very much because how can one hide a child, i began an investigation, found out that a woman had lost her passport, another woman on the street, it turns out, found it, looked at the photo in the passport, knew that approximately lives in this house, she began to go to the neighbors to look for this woman, unfortunately, she did not find her, they said on her passport that this is... the woman is in wanted, because she was hiding her child from her father, the police department came to her, the bailiffs came to her , unfortunately, the woman did not open the door, she began to say very rudely, you can behave, she sprayed a gas canister into the peephole, shouted that she wanted to set the door on fire, if they don’t leave , that is, she took herself away, one might say inadequately, she didn’t want to give the child away, but a little later she received... they got into the apartment,
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the apartment was very dirty, there was garbage, there were black fabrics hanging on the windows, that is, the girl was sitting in the apartment, without leaving, she was removed from communication with peers, from some medical services and from school, but no one knew the girls at all, the neighbors did not know that this woman even had a child, the girls are currently 10 years old, she is in first grade, all this time she didn't go to school. during this period, she only went to school for 2 weeks, since she should now be enrolled in the fourth grade, that is, a child without an education. it’s a shame for the child that a girl has to live, study, communicate, go out, i don’t know, have girlfriends, friends in such a age, he should have a normal childhood, yes, but childhood within four walls is not childhood, the mother is normal, she cannot do this to a child. and what condition was the girl herself in? there was a girl.
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scared, she was thin, she was unkempt, her hair was uncombed, in general, mowgli, a girl, mowgli, the girl was taken from her mother, yes, and the girl and her mother lived in their apartment, unfortunately, no, the father wanted to take the child, and the woman started wandering around her rented apartment, hiding from her father, yes, she changed phones, she didn’t use cards banks. that is, none of her acquaintances, no one knew where she was, neither her neighbors, nor her relatives, it was impossible to find out anything, and do you know how long the woman hid from her husband like that? yes, about 4 years, the father put her on the wanted list, the courts have been going on for 3 years , that is, they tried to seize the child in his favor, there was a court case that she had to give the child up, svetlana, those conditions that elina told us about, they are surely they are not good for the child? the girl is 10 years old, she doesn’t go
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to school, she doesn’t communicate with anyone, she sits without sunlight in the dark in the dirt, how does this affect the health of the child, from a medical point of view you are absolutely right about... our health in general for any person, it consists of such large pillars, this is a mental state, yes, socialization and, of course, physical development, here we can say unequivocally what kind of physical development a child who sits at home had, she doesn’t run, doesn’t jump, she’s probably malnourished, that is, it’s also about where to get this energy, socialization, what kind of interaction except for the mother, and naturally, absolutely... right, she probably did not receive any adequate medical care, in principle , such development in the child will be slow, it will definitely be more difficult for her than for any other person in interacting with people, that is, she will grow up, she will not be able to communicate with them normally, she will have to make enormous
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efforts to do this in order to somehow at least catch up with them, not to mention the fact that the immune system, which does not know the world around it at all, bacteria, viruses, all this.. . forms our immunity, she will most likely get sick a lot, that is, this is constant treatment, health problems, it will definitely be more difficult for her. elina, did you manage to meet this woman and talk to her? unfortunately, no, she didn’t open the door to anyone, she didn’t make contact with anyone, it was impossible to find her, it’s all the more surprising that we managed to find the girl’s mother, she assures that her...
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well, like with her peers, she came out and talked about how you and your daughter lived on? i worked part-time as a maid with these funds we respectively, you lived with your daughter, but you worked unofficially, i worked unofficially, in a neat apartment and with my peers, specifically to hide, i didn’t hide, i was looking for help, because i’m a simple maid, i don’t have so many opportunities for money connections, so many , how many ... there are relatives in this city, on the father’s side , they simply slandered me and my child, then let’s sort it out from the very beginning, because as i understand it, you don’t have the best relationship with your daughter’s father, since you - in everything
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now blame him, you were actually married to him, i wasn’t married to him, but when you met, we were from the same village, he loved me very much, he ran after me. i was young, stupid, that i was 18 years old at that time, it turned out that we ended up with our daughter, the daughter was not planned, the daughter was unplanned, and you told him that you were expecting a child, yes , i told him how he reacted, he reacted normally at first, and then a period of time passes, he has a girlfriend, a girl appears quite promising there with a car, an apartment, well, a great prospect for the future. his parents , they really liked her, she suited them, but the fact is that my child became an obstacle, and at that time you were still pregnant, that is, he left you pregnant, yes, the term, the term was already quite long, there was nothing left only to go for an artificial birth, but since my mother
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was still alive, the kingdom of heaven, now she is gone, my mother died with me, she told her daughter, don’t go, leave her. "i left, i gave birth, in during my pregnancy, naturally, none of the relatives on his side came to me, i was left alone with the child, it must have been very difficult for you, being left alone with the child, of course, is very difficult. and your family supported you, my family is my dad, of course, at that time my mother was alive, they did the best they could, they supported me, but with '. on his part, i will say right away, on his part , the mother’s task was, i ruined their whole life with this child, i invaded, i filed for alimony, alimony, and by this she gave me she said: you filed for alimony, you invaded my life, you ruined it for me, i don’t know what
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’s happening now, it’s happening together, that is, you, tatyana, blame your failed mother-in-law for everything, yes, and her son is his daughter himself wrote it down, he recognized the child officially, the mother-in-law immediately said, she didn’t even bother to look, i won’t look at my daughter without an examination. with dna? yes, but i still came to them, i still brought the child, and the child flies out, the father and grandfather, who was there, despite her these, that she won’t, he said, but she, he says , is the spitting image, he says, a copy of us, but they still didn’t officially recognize her, no, no, we went to the chelyabinsk region, we achieved paternity. i filed for alimony, tatyana, did you do a dna test? yes, we conducted an examination, and what
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did the examination show? 100%, this is his daughter. after that, the father paid alimony regularly, as necessary, sometimes he paid, sometimes he didn’t pay. he didn't call, he wasn't interested in her life, he didn't wish her a happy birthday. i took the child to my grandmother, i still took the child, i took the child to my grandmother, but i took the child, then she had a cold, then i had her with a temperature of under 40, how much she complained to me, cried, mother, she says , offends me, from that moment i just realized that she doesn’t have the same love that you have for my daughter, how, by the way, your failed mother-in-law reacted to the fact that you stopped bringing... her granddaughter, she is very reacted, she became her son, her son essentially
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didn’t need a child, from that moment on, as soon as i stopped taking the child there, she began to somehow influence him, she was constantly turning him against me, they filed for a decision, so how to establish the paternity of the child, so that the child, they filed a lawsuit for the order of residence, so that the court established that the girl should live with her father, how long ago was that? years ago, that the court decided that her daughter should stay with her, that she, that her daughter should live with her dad, and why not with you, because i’m a simple maid, what tatyana tells us, of course, it’s all terrible, that’s all it’s terrible, it’s an insult, these are some other life moments, but in no case will the court side with the father if the mother does not have enough material resources to raise the child, of course. they were directly indignant at tatyana ’s words, of course they were indignant, listen, everyone here is very experienced lawyers and people who understand how
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the courts work, which means that if now, let’s say, you believe a woman that there is a husband who was awarded alimony, he pays it, then he doesn’t pay, which means that the child is abruptly given to him, it doesn’t happen if the father doesn’t pay child support, nor the court alone will not simply hand over the child to him, moreover, the court has such a practice that most often the child is left with the mother, you understand, especially since we are talking about a certain age. but this didn’t happen here, i fully support nikita, his indignation is incomprehensible, if the child actually lived with his mother at the time of the legal dispute, he has some kind of income, he is in some kind of school, it means he is in some kind of then the kindergarten is running, all this, all this information is in the court, but no court can rule a decision against these circumstances, the court cannot pull a child out of a harmonious family, even if it consists of the child’s mother, pull it out and hand it over to the father. here's the opposite question: under what circumstances can a daughter be given to her father? now, under circumstances when everything i
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said is only transferred to the father’s side, everything that they tell us here is a lie. why then doesn’t he take the child by court order? what is he doing? first my mother-in-law comes, takes, wants to take the child from me by proxy, thank god, i was at that time a lawyer from the chelyabinsk region, she intervened because no one... can give the child to her grandmother, now at the moment my daughter lives neither with her father nor in moscow, she currently lives with her grandmother, and documents in court it was forged that he allegedly works at a brick factory and lives with his mother and lives there. tatyana, let’s restore the chronology, so that we all understand, in what year did the court decide that your daughter should live with her father? 2 years it was ago. that is, despite what was passed. in response to the court’s decision, you continued to live with your daughter, in fact, yes, naturally, i
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was afraid of losing my daughter, and what way did you find a way out, you started hiding from him, i wasn’t hiding, i was just looking, i was looking for help, looking for support, because there in the city in serlitomac they cannot deal with this chaos , you understand, but how did you look for help, as you say, what did you do for this? i was looking for a lawyer, looking for some connections, but i was unsuccessful, but we lived you've been with the girl all this time, where? i was in a rented apartment, i lived in one or they changed them, well, i changed them periodically, but your daughter went to school, went to school, and it turns out that she finished first grade. did your daughter go to school for the whole year, first grade? did she go to the same school for a whole year? yes , she went to the same school, but why didn’t she go to the second one? because i lived constantly in such an environment, their goal, their task was to take my daughter away from me permanently by any means, i could not live calm down, i was afraid, i needed to look for help, support somewhere, you were afraid that
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she would go to school, she would be kidnapped from there , her father would take her away, but if they would do anything , they would... they would do anything, they would do anything , whatever is possible, they are coming. tatyana, but you couldn’t help but understand that your girl needs to develop, she needs to go to school. naturally, we studied with her at home, but not as it should be in home schooling, but at home she read to me, wrote, she draws me very beautifully, she draws pictures very well. animated right here right here, how can i say it, you can even send her to an art school, and you studied mathematics with her, yes, she’s doing well with me. reads, writes, everything is fine in this regard. tatyana, but reading, writing, counting, but this is true, not everything that is taught at school, there is also physical education , there are foreign languages, there is social studies, labor, many subjects, you went through all this with your daughter, well, not quite of course , as in school, i’m not a teacher, but this is what i could, what i knew, what i knew, with this we
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were engaged, well, that is, you think that there is no damage or harm to you? the girl was not harmed by the fact that she studied at your home, with you, i needed to find help, support, you know, for someone to help me, your pride, why are you doing all this, why is the child crying now and suffers, you did it for yourself, you were able to find ways to escape, but you couldn’t get your child into school. olga, is it possible to simply pick up a child from school and educate him independently, or is this somehow documented? needs to be registered, homemade training is possible, but at the request of the parent , he is assigned to the school and periodically takes final exams, and the school makes sure that everything is fine, that is, the child is being educated at home, in fact, yes, but he passes the exam, and if the mother did not formalize this , there is some kind of responsibility for the mother for this , well, administrative, today it
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is of course not subject to any criminal prosecution, yes a fine, but the question is that if the child was at school, do you think that everything that you did with your as a child, this isolation peculiar, this is less harm than if the child got caught, this is not isolation, i didn’t keep her locked up, naturally, she had girlfriends, she even went outside with me, i didn’t keep her outside in the yard at home where you lived, yes, she went outside , she played, i went out, i had her
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friends, girlfriends, that is, she was not deprived of fresh air, she was not deprived, like this, i didn’t keep she's locked up. weren’t you afraid that all this would be to the detriment of your daughter? naturally, i was worried about this, i and i was looking for help, i repeat once again, if this woman had not interfered in my life, she would have lived calmly, freely, we would have lived, she would go to clubs, anywhere, but tell me, in what conditions you lived, i lived rented apartment, in this apartment, it’s like i have the owner of this apartment, it turns out, she offered me a job, it’s like you live here and i get a maid, well... you earn extra money, that’s how i, how many rooms are there in her apartment? there is only one room, it is so wide, spacious, there is a good renovation, everything is clean and tidy, when you left for work, who stayed with your daughter? well, my daughter is kind of old enough, she has a phone, i have a phone, it turns out that we constantly called her on the phone, she could be left alone for a long time, well, at least, well
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, four, 4 hours when you went to work, for example, at your daughter’s was there food? naturally , i cooked soup, porridge, she had everything, naturally, how can i for my child, fruits, fruits, vegetables, she had everything, she warmed it up herself, she, she herself, yes, warmed it up, she ate it all, and she was not afraid to be alone, she never complained to you , she never complained, but what does she have, she has a diamond mosaic there, toys, everything, a cat there, she is constantly in touch with me, she understood that her mother was going to work part-time, did you take good care of your daughter? i don’t know, they braided them, naturally, i did her braids, collected her hair, she was a daughter, my daughter was naturally neat and she was cheerful with me, i see that you are distrustful, at least, of tatyana’s words, remind, please, to all of us and to her, in first of all, in what state they found the girl, she was exhausted, she was unkempt,
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that is, she was scared, scared of people, conversations, this cannot be, will a child really lie and deceive, even if you just talk to her and hear how a child can force her to tell a lie, what the girl herself says, who has more truth about her now? and what characterization will tatyana’s neighbors give us, we’ll continue after a very short advertisement. our culture has forgotten the main purpose of religion. giving people comfort when they can't find answers to very important questions. tell me honestly, was he caught? or do you have doubts? he's a helper. dridyorzha, great night. the black side itself appears on the ground. he ran away from. in some mysterious way, how much time is left according to your theory before the next murder? the full moon starts today. fedorov, stop!
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that moment when you arrived? to pick up your daughter, at that moment i was in the same, in this apartment of the house, what were you doing? well, naturally, like any normal mother , how to say, how can it be, how can she react when these 14 people come, as if some kind of criminal is actually taking the child, naturally i held the hand, naturally i was stalling for time , i didn’t open the door, because i understood that there were 14 people there, this was my daughter and... how is this possible? come, scare the child, and naturally, i ’m already emotional, because on these emotions i had a gas spray, well , i sprayed it, i say, feel it, feel that pain, i say, feel how i feel now, do you think , you behaved correctly, no, i don’t think that i behaved correctly at that moment, but i was , as it were, just out of emotion and in defense of my own daughter, i don’t think that i behaved correctly, yana, you can believe... tatyana
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that she did all this only on emotions, maybe she really is like that loves her child very much, she was so worried about the girl, well, she doesn’t know how to behave in this situation, how to protect herself, she goes to extreme measures, is ready to do anything, such a strong maternal instinct, if only the child was with her , i think that in her own way she loves her child, she really protects her, that’s how she understands uh... the word protection, yes, of course, i understand that tatyana doesn’t know what’s really is extremely important for a child at this age, starting there from 7-8 years, but to socialize that he is just developing thinking, intellect, developing strong-willed intelligence, generally developing, say, the ability for introspection, and so
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on and so forth, and indeed for him. the social environment is important, and if earlier she could have provided more care until the age of 7 , and indeed factors more than biological adaptation influenced the development of the child, then just from the age of 7-8 this story with the social environment comes into play, but it seems to me that yes, tatyana loves like this, any mother will, uh, like a tigress, fight to protect her child so that he is not touched by strangers, because she understands...
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fear, care, seeking help, and so on and so on and so on, but objective facts: the child does not go to school , i wouldn’t try so hard to justify it somehow , i understand that the child is not registered anywhere in the clinic, yes, but this is a violation of the rights of the child, literally, can this be justified by caring for the daughter? of course, you have listed all the circumstances that are subject to resolution by the guardianship authorities,
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the court, when these are being examined... does not comply with the lawful decision of the court, in jurisprudence, this is called in one succinct word, the motive is, you know, the pursuit of false justice. nina, is the mother still on the child’s side in this case or not? she is in her own way on the side of the child, discussing her
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problem, i am more than sure that any woman would advise her to turn to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities for help with the same issue, there are administrations. lawyers who provide free legal assistance by contacting tatyana if she had received this legal assistance in time, she would have been told, so i am 100% sure that tatyana needs to go to court with this issue, even if the place of residence was determined with her father under certain conditions, then tatyana, having improved her material conditions, could in six months , in a year.
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such people don’t correct themselves, they can only hide , then it will be even worse, the mother is a lifelong mother, and where is the father, he himself was all this time, he too should be deprived of all rights to this child, well , i don’t know what could be brought to a mother
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so that she hid, let them figure it out competent authorities, it will be nonsense when the father still deprives the woman of parental rights and does the right thing, imprison the creature and deprive her of motherhood, a nightmare? for this, for all this untruth, in addition to all this money connections, there is also god, and god willing, these people have a lot of health, they will still answer for their actions, olga, you are now on tatyana’s side, i am absolutely on tatyana’s side , of course, the woman found herself in a difficult situation, she could not take the child officially, and not to any club, section or school, her now they accuse her of... you see , she didn’t care, but she cared as best she could, the owner of the rented apartment where tatyana lived absolutely agrees with you, she considers tatyana a wonderful mother, in the studio anzhelika kryukova. hello, angelica,
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hello, angelica, how did you and tatyana meet? six months ago, our company was recruiting employees for the vacancy of a maid, and tatyana turned to us to... provide for herself and the life of her daughter. why did you decide to rent an apartment to tatiana? because in previous conditions, as she described , it was impossible to live there, and naturally, i felt sorry for this girl and offered her, come on, i say, one of the apartments, you, you will live with your daughter, there are normal, good living conditions, so you will pay monthly, well, for living expenses, why did you like her so much, did you know what? something about her fate, about her life, about her situation, that tatiana’s daughter does not go to school, at the beginning i didn’t know, somewhere later she specifically explained this situation to me, that her constantly harassed, constantly these
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threatening calls, so she, of course , believed it, because well, we had already been communicating for a long time at that time, as a result we began, well, i asked a friend, he... took papers from the court, well, we asked, so and the court’s decision is the same according to the order of residence of the child, and now we find out that the child turns out to be before... the trial, which is not in favor of this mother, well, this
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should have raised some alarm, or tatyana showed herself so well that you didn’t even have any questions, from the outside social, it turns out the status of the child , yes, he had to go to school, well , humanly speaking, what she was afraid of, well, in order not to be unfounded, she drove her to the bookstore a couple of times, she asked, can we stop by, and bought books, in in this apartment , which is in fact yours, you saw toys, books, stationery, when she moved out of the apartment, we just found books there, here are drawings of how the girl behaved towards her mother, she is absolutely calm , she is a mother-mom, that is, they generally have a trusting relationship, like mother and daughters, the girl looked like a well-groomed, well-fed, well-fed, normal child , no, no, that’s just what they have, i
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kind of watch others, just like you really think that tatyana is a good mother, she’s a great mother, she is a mother, with a capital m, and you know how tatyana behaved when they arrived to seize the child, we ourselves were present there, because at the moment of the seizure tatyana called me, we arrived, it turns out, and there was a man standing there 15, mostly men, i came here myself and i was scared, they weren’t detaining a criminal there after all, so that with such a crowd, as a result , she later opened the door, and before she opened it, what was happening, she pulled out the peephole and sprayed it with a gas canister, i think she just i wanted to delay time and so that, after all, maybe they wouldn’t decide to take it that day, the most important question for me, which would probably decide a lot, what condition i was in.
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i think that during that week she, well, imagine a person’s child was taken away from her, she didn’t even care there was cleaning, i got there to this apartment, only a week later, the child was taken away, who else took tatyana’s side, and what awaits the ten-year-old girl, whom her mother hid from everyone for years, we will continue after the advertisement. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important to learn to forgive. i came with my mother, i apologize for the fact that i was born to her. who did you come to ask for forgiveness? from his brother, whom he had never met. you don't know your father's name not the mother. i have a decision on the fate of the crop. i want to find a brother. for the rest of my life, i want this wall between us,
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in the first grade for many years now, because her mother took her to an unknown place direction, for about 6 months anzhelika kryukova rented out this small one-room apartment in... she herself drove her to the bookstore a couple of times, there’s a tv here, she watched cartoons, in this bright kitchen the mother prepared food for her daughter, says angelica. they left a few bags of food behind, so i don't think the kid was starving here.
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angelina mikhailovna, here’s your opinion, i want to hear it, this is not the apartment you imagined from the descriptions, you know, well, in my opinion, it’s a completely normal apartment. i would take the child and take it as quickly as possible, take it from the mother, you mean, yes, yes, yes, yes, because i am sure that the child is there. well in a terrible way in a state of terrible development, naturally , the mother does not understand and does not see this, her eyes are, as it were, a veil, of love, adoration of herself,
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herself in the child, you know , so maybe the court looked at all this, because well, the child needs learn, develop, i don’t know, then give birth to children, start a family, and so what, well, no, you yourself understand what to grow up? then i understand that with each mother, this is my assumption, every year she will cover the child more, more, more, more. you know, literally in the seventeenth year i studied history , thank god, it turned out to be a sensational story throughout the country, when in the nizhny novgorod region a forty-year-old girl, a woman, was also closed, her mother took care of her for 40 years, 40, 40 years, she did not leave the house, you understand, there i was in this house, i know what i'm talking about. this is what the future could be for a child, think for a second, before it was necessary to react to everyone at school a year, two, three,
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the child does not come to school, the first thing to do is to ring the bells, you know, the neighbors didn’t even suspect that tatyana had a child, in the studio dmitry grigoriev, hello, everyone, hello, dmitry, you and tatyana know each other, i don’t know her personally. well, you are neighbors, we are neighbors, yes, i live in the first entrance, tatyana is in the second, and we are in a common chat with the whole house, even now this topic does not subside, we talk all the time about this whole situation and what they write, everyone agrees the opinion that no one sees or hears tatyana, in general, well, that is, nowhere, and especially the child, there is such a new microdistrict, there are a lot of children at the new sports ground , and it’s like, well, everyone, everyone, all the children, they know everyone , the parents too... they communicate somehow, but tatyana in general, no matter how many people i chat with and just like that, well, no
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simply absolutely, but none of the neighbors suspected that she had a child, of those with whom i talked, no, i never saw her with a child on the street, never saw her, no one saw her, you only met her alone, only one, when all the neighbors found out about this whole situation, you were all in shock, everyone was not just in shock, everyone was, this, this is generally ... this is some kind of shock, this is some kind of wrong word, everyone was in a daze, yes tatyana, when was the last time you saw your daughter, the last time she was in i was in the shelter , it was probably 2 weeks ago, i saw her, where is your daughter now, now she is with her grandmother and father, girls, you contacted me, i can’t talk to him, i can’t, hearing this telephone conversation yesterday , who is crying my daughter, she is quietly, these are the words my mother is crying... she says, take me, she says, me from here, please, and this, this is a reasonable person, she says, she talked, this is a reasonable
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person, the child is crying, the grandmother, live to be 60 years old, tell the child that she will not see her mother, and the father who is sitting there, we will put your mother in prison prison, child, she’s crying, i’m her, i asked him, on my knees, i say, well, what are you doing with your own child, you ’ll see? you will hear this, please, you understand that she is suffering now, come on, let's listen to what the girl herself says, i want you to take me away from here, tomorrow i won’t be able to write to you anymore, only through grandma’s phone, because well, because dad is picking up the phone tomorrow, i don’t really care, don’t bring me to this old hag, i don’t like it here, i feel bad here, the child really feels bad, you can’t break it off this connection. they need to help both of them together , the father can’t, so i heard tatyana, the father doesn’t need the girl, if the father took her, she
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wouldn’t interfere, that is, if he was really involved in raising her there, and if she, he loved this child, she would give and would keep in touch, but here the father doesn’t need the child, olga, it also seems to you that the child is feeling bad now, well, of course, the child is feeling bad, she herself talks about it, despite the fact that there are adults nearby, and the girl says it absolutely clearly. about the fact that she feels bad and that her phone is being taken away, so i want to draw your attention, yes, this also says a lot in relation to the child, about how people treat this child, so i wouldn’t do that, because i understand that by tearing the mother away from the child, the child has there will be an injury, mom is right to worry, and i came to a conclusion here, i realized that the father has a child, the child’s father did not take child support and does not pay child support, since formally the child is still with him. yes, i sent
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an sms. colleagues, please show me what my daughter wrote to her mother. hello mom, how are you? you don't love me, i know that you love me. please pick up the phone, i miss you. dad said that there is a vaccine that is specifically for health. it's the same thing, it's a vaccine, but different. write to me when you are free. i'm afraid of her. talk to dad, please, about this, please, i'm afraid. nina, if...
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will be taken into account in court, all these comments, her text messages, all her voicemails will all be taken into account in court, get witnesses who will also confirm you, will not invent some story about how good you are, but will confirm you exactly as you are, the minus, of course, is the minus in your story that you did not properly educate and train. in any case, you are a mother, you are a normal mother, as part of this lawsuit that you are filing, you are asking for a psychologist for a psychiatric examination , which will show that you are a normal mother, and we see that you are a normal mother, and you can legally get your child to take care of the upbringing, education, health of your
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child and not be afraid that someone will come running and take it away from you, familiar. tatiana blames her paternal grandmother for everything. in the studio alexey pukhov. hello, alexey. hello. alexey, have you known tatyana for a long time? about 9 years. in an open, kind-hearted person can always support. what can you say about father of daughter tatyana? they had been in conflict with him for a very long time, that is, she was freaking out because of him. how did you know that tatiana’s daughter was taken away? she wrote a message, as if her daughter had been taken away from her, asked for help to find people who would help her figure out everything in this situation, although she is having a hard time with what happened, it’s very hard, why do you think the girl’s grandmother is to blame, the fault the fact that she runs this entire kitchen, let’s say, that is,
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situations happen that make it difficult for her. we all understand this perfectly well, but from a normal father they don’t just hide a child. tatyana, do the police officers have any questions for you? i don’t know, i haven’t contacted anyone lately, i don’t know, but you don’t know what measures can be taken about you, they didn’t explain anything to you when they took my child away, they only told me... one thing, that i can, as it were, now, now my child ends up in a shelter, and i can bring her back. i think then you will be very curious to listen to the official commentary of the investigative committee. according to investigators, a resident of the stelitamak district for several years, she deprived her young daughter of the opportunity to attend educational and medical institutions, did not allow teachers and social welfare workers into the apartment, for which
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she was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility. despite. in response to this , officials of the authorities for supervision and prevention of minors did not take an exhaustive set of measures with the aim of limiting or depriving the mother of parental rights, as well as removing the child from her. tatyana, this is what you received more than once warnings, i don't know what this is about. social workers and teachers came to you, you didn’t let them in, this didn’t happen more than once, this didn’t happen, this didn’t happen in this case.
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she was told twice that she was an adopted daughter, but her mother denied everything. i came to visit my father’s sister, and she said to me: you’re actually an adopted member of the family, and so is your mother. they said, i found someone to listen to, but for the third time my mother still told the truth, she burst into tears, brought a document, this document indicated elena nikolaevna oreshkova, she told me that i have the older sister, the woman took on her sister’s polish, although she doesn’t even know her name, she searched on social networks herself, tried to find, it seemed like her biological father, nikolai typed nuts, found it, it seemed similar, then she wrote to me: sorry, i have everything is fine. will two sisters, separated in early childhood, be able to find each other, it seems to me that the girls are similar, i dreamed of finding my sister, god forbid, as they say, my sisters, i’m opening
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one gets the impression, tatyana, that you have nothing but emotions, i really want to believe that you really love your daughter, i love my daughter to the point of tears, that’s why i’m here. alexey, what awaits tatyana in the future? we see the official comment of the investigative committee, which he tells us, that a pre-investigation check is being carried out on the fact of improper execution of parental truths. not only tatyana will fall into the circle of this check, first of all, officials will fall into the circle, who, from the words of the committee, we hear, yes, did not fully fulfill the obligations assigned to them, and here i would like to support tatyana, she says, no one comes to me didn’t come, i didn’t receive any summons , i didn’t sign for any documents , it’s quite possible this is true, i would still like to turn to tatyana, look at me, you need to remove this emotional impulse, you know, where i love and nothing not i see. try to establish relationships with two
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people, first - your good, normal relationship with your father, and do not think that even if for some period of a week, a month, two, it turns out that the child will live there, this does not mean that everything has been taken away from you forever, you have been legally told in detail about what procedures need to be done, your colleagues will help you, it will take some time, but most importantly, you have not lost contact with your child, it will never be completely taken away from you , because you are a mother, but your weighted one. reasonable, balanced, less emotional behavior will help you achieve your goal. yana, but one thing we clearly and objectively see is that tatyana is very depressed right now, but a child, regardless of who he lives with, needs calm, reasonable parents, can you work with her? yes, of course, i, for my part , would also like to offer tatyana help if we are really talking about deprivation of parental rights. or about restrictions on
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parental rights, for which, in my opinion, there is not even any legal basis, well, we, as an association of parent committees and communities have carried out a lot of such cases and we will certainly also provide support if suddenly, god forbid, it really comes to this matter. tatya, but you must understand that all this is only possible if you didn’t hide anything from us, because i’ll honestly express my personal opinion, for some reason the court initially decided that the daughter should have been ... with her father, but not with you. nikita, for us the most important issue in this whole situation is respect for the rights of the child. for your part, make sure that the girl was not injured. of course, we are taking control of this story and will ensure the most impartial attitude towards both the father and the mother. it is impossible to continue experimenting on a child. we will put it under control and bring it all to the most logical end, with only one goal, for the child.


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