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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 21, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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president putin, in the capital of tatarstan, where the games of the future are opening today, first went to the kazan aviation plant. what 's happening at the i sites? we’ll tell you about the future from our digital on-site studio: albeit veiled, the west is increasingly hinting at the desirability of negotiations with moscow, does it make sense, what previous international conventions were violated by the west and what security guarantees could russia demand? roman sobol figured it out. the central bank revoked the license of kiwi bank. qiwi wallets blocked, kivi payment terminals.
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work, denis talalaev talks about this. spring aggravation of apartments in a moscow high-rise building fell sharply in price due to the inappropriate behavior of one of the residents. svetlana gordeeva found out what to do in these cases. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today and its hosts are aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. at these moments , the first games of the future in history are opening in kazan, this is the name of the international figtal tournament, combining real and virtual sports. teams from more than 100 countries will test their strength in a completely new format. competitions will be held in 21 disciplines. the opening ceremony takes place. before the opening
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, the russian president met with guests. sport is foreign policy, vladimir putin emphasized during his conversation with the president of kazakhstan. and kasym jamar takaev proposed holding the next games of the future in kazakhstan. we have many participants from more than 100 countries, 104 countries from different continents. young people who are interested in digital sports. real, well, everything is real , traditional sports, this is a symbiosis of it intellects combined with sports, which probably does not look quite usual, but on the other hand, it is a unique format, and we brought a solid team here, we hope for certain positive results, and speaking about bilateral relations, takaev noted that kazakhstan is grateful to russia for the agreement on the construction of three...
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successful holding of this unique event, and also to express confidence in the tournament, games of the future, i would like to wish that it will receive wide international recognition and win the hearts of sports fans. president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev also attended the opening ceremony of the first multi-sport today among the guests of the opening of the games of the future, and , apparently, one of the fans.
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in my opinion, the event is related to the memory of the victims of nazism, you personally even take part in the march of the immortal regiment. we are fighting back. attempts to force us to join sanctions against russia, they persuade us to do this every day, and of course, we refuse to move towards membership in nato, we are subject to great pressure in this regard. as you know, nato bombed the serbs twice, first the republic of srpska, then serbia. i can testify that right now countless young people, even newborns, are feeling the effects of the unified uranus that we have been bombarded with. the head of tajikistan, sym, called the games of the future unique.
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move at a good pace. vladimir putin's trip to kazan began today with a visit to the gorbunov aviation plant. the president was shown one of the new workshops, where the tu-160m ​​strategic missile carriers are being modernized. these aircraft can be carriers of nuclear weapons and are an element of the so -called russian nuclear triad. mikhail chernov with details from kazan. here the first thing decided was airplanes. the visit of the head of state began with a visit to the kazan aircraft plant. the president looked at the new planes. outside inside by climbing on board. now vladimir putin is being shown the strategic missile carrier tu-160, a new cabin, engine, avionics and combat capabilities, they say here, from the old one only the body remained. four white swans, as the military calls them, two modernized and two new, valentina
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tereshkova, ilya muromets and two unnamed. one of them today was christened after mentimir shaimiev, thanks to him the swans were able to take off in principle. we call him merkimir shamir, yes. the plant remembers back in 2017, during the next visit to president putin, they promised to make 10 new strategists trying to keep their word, thanks to the support, the plant was able to survive in difficult years, and now how... nitsu oka protects personnel, especially deserved ones and we announced a separate program to retain our senior comrades, we still persuade them to retire later , to stay, because of course their knowledge, competencies, those who were able wanted to be put to work at the plant, we pay extra for mentoring transfer, for
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it is also extremely important for us, they leave, then return, then return , yes, the legendary aircraft was developed back in the seventies, but in many respects it is still unsurpassed, the heaviest 270. 5 tons is the fastest of those now is in service with the supersonic white swan capable of flying at a speed of 2,200 km/h, plus unsurpassed combat power, 12 missiles hidden inside the body, technologies that russia's rivals still cannot copy, after modernization this warbird will be able to fly for decades, according to the characteristics we are actually reaching a longer range, a larger combat load of up to 50 aircraft, the production of which, under the conditions of sanctions, also acquires strategic
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importance. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, anton peredelsky, vladimir khazov, ntv. kazan. today vladimir putin presented state awards to military units of the aerospace forces. the highest skill, solving assigned tasks, with selfless military work you have proven your loyalty to the oath and the best traditions of the russian military. the main center for combat training and retraining of
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army aviation personnel was awarded the order of suvorogo. the army aviation brigade received the order of zhukov; a separate helicopter regiment was awarded the order of kutuzov. vladimir putin attached awards and ribbons to battle banners. and the president handed over to the command of the aerospace forces a list of the icon of the savior not made by hands, the image published patronizes the russian army and is a symbol of military victories. let it be an icon. henceforth preserves, protects our soldiers, strengthens them in service, in a fair fight for a just cause, for our people, for our russia. we are most attentive to our brothers, representatives of other traditional faiths of russia, they are next to us in battle formation, they...
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are with you, i know people who, in general, constantly pray that all of you, in
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in general, having won, they returned home. with icons and particles of the relics of the holy orthodox warriors alexander nevsky and george the victorious, the great martyr dmitry of thessalonica, the priests visited almost all the advanced units, from the kherson region to the northwestern borders of the lpr. the biggest pacifists in my mind now are our soldiers, they are very kind, the most.
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dmitry vasilenkov hopes that his experience will help one of these soldiers of the 123rd motorized rifle brigade to save a life, and for him the main thing is to save their souls from confusion and fear. we have there, a thousand, 500, 400 people are cleaning up, this is the norm, that is, this means that our soldiers really want to be. with god and the enemy admits that more and more of our soldiers, they are consciously fighting for holy russia, for the orthodox faith, and these soldiers cannot be broken, cannot be broken, this is a problem for them. right during the maleben , you can hear hail as a whole package is leaving the multiple rocket launcher system. here this prayerful meeting with the clergy of the fighters takes place near
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the front line, their gaze is directed to the sky not only turning to the lord, but just in case, the weather is clear, i check for drones. malyabin and the servicemen of the 7th motorized rifle brigade have to be escorted into shelter; these soldiers are a reserve of constant readiness, their sector is one of the most tense in this direction of the northern military district. at any moment, even prayer and confession can...
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dobryansk region. alexey chapotaryov, valeryan kushnir, ntv. lugansk people's republic. chief of the general staff valery gerasimov visited the command post of the center group in the zone, which was conducting the operation capture of avdeevka. the army general summed up the interim results of the combat missions and accepted a report on the further actions of the troops. at the command post, gerasimov presented awards. went out in the direction of avdeevka, captured the dominant height, terikon , set up their banners there, and then went in the direction of ovdeevka, cleared the ninth district, the ninth microdistrict, the task was to pass through a pipe, along a gas pipe, 50 meters high along the water completely, that there was water was
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all 3 km 700 m, go out and get to the third street, come back and let that group take third street, we had to force ourselves to hit. at the direction of vladimir putin, state awards are presented to participants in the special operation directly on the front line. against the backdrop of another military defeat in kiev, the united states is developing a new anti-russian campaign. washington has notified allies that russia could deploy nuclear weapons in space as early as this year. bloomberg news agency reported this today. last week, the american administration held a secret meeting for legislators. briefing, which, according to media reports, talked about the coming from moscow space threat. the day before , vladimir putin also spoke on this topic. he stated that russia was and remains categorically against the deployment of nuclear weapons in outer space, and agreed with the assumption that behind this stuffing there could be an attempt by the white house to push moscow into negotiations on maintaining strategic
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stability, and on its own terms, but without taking into account the interests of russia dialogue it won’t work, let me emphasize. president, roman sobol, understood the issue. losses of avdiivka by ukrainian troops, about the details of this operation, the minister of defense reported in detail to the president yesterday, this is not only a tactical failure of the armed forces of ukraine. in global strategic terms, this is yet another defeat for the collective west in the proxy war with russia. following artyomovsk and the summer counter-offensive, and in order to somehow distract the attention of the public, and at the same time rip off the taxpayer.
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to comply with all the agreements that exist in this area, but they also proposed to greatly strengthen this joint work, but now for some reason in the west this topic is being raised again and at such a fairly high level on an emotional note, how do you explain it? the reason why they made a fuss, our view lies in the spirit... things: the first is to scare senators and congressmen in order to promote and push through the allocation of those funds that are supposedly aimed not just for ukraine, but in order to resist to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, well, the second is a situation in which
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they would like... uh, in our opinion, ah, to resume and push us, uh, maybe so awkwardly, to - a dialogue on fear of stability. putin has stated many times russia is always open to constructive dialogue, but all these negotiations with the west, the west itself, are discredited, be it the minsk agreements or any other conventions. these are the main agreements on which the entire system of international security was built, and almost all of them were torn apart by washington. the pro systems treaty, signed by brezhnev and nixon, was denounced by president bush jr. allegedly, the treaty prevented the united states from defending itself against terrorist threats. in fact, the states wanted to tighten the missile defense ring tighter
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around russia, and this was in 2001, when relations between the west and moscow remained quite warm. further, the agreement on conventional armed forces in europe, which implied the preservation of a certain parity in the number of troops, lost all meaning after the unbridled expansion of nato. not a single inch to the east, we were told, in the nineties. so what? they cheated, they just blatantly deceived. five waves.
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russia, supposedly the russians have somewhere a 9m rocket capable of flying further than 500 km, despite the fact that the americans themselves have already quietly rebuilt their factories, recruited thousands of additional workers and churned out tamagaft cruise missiles and ground launchers for them. contrary to the agreement. russia has been violating this agreement for many years. i don't know why president obama didn't negotiate or even pull out of
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the treaty. we are not going to allow russia to violate the intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty. we are the only ones who fulfill his conditions. a similar fate was in store for the biological weapons convention, open skies, and even the actions the most important nuclear non-proliferation treaty. he, together with us president reagan, accepted the statement that there can be no winners in a nuclear war, therefore it should never... be unleashed, we invited our american colleagues to confirm this position in new conditions, but neither in washington nor in brussels chose not to notice the red lines
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drawn by moscow, however, plans to create the most important anti-russian springboard from ukraine backfired on the west, there seem to be more and more politicians there they understand that this adventure is bursting at the seams, but they are afraid to take a clear first step towards peace, so as not to lose face, without
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prolonging the reform of international economic and financial institutions. brazil, as chair of the group, is seeking to ensure that the interests of the global south are better represented in the un, the imf and the world bank. the resolution of geopolitical contradictions will also be discussed in rio. at the same time, moscow and beijing criticized the inclusion of ukraine in the agenda, emphasizing that the g20 is a platform for economic cooperation, not security issues. in an interview with the brazilian newspaper glob lavrov. before arriving in rio, he called on the g20 countries to commit themselves not to use the economy as a weapon. the protection of russian sovereignty, economic,
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technological, cultural, became the topic of the round.
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sports should be all free, decent salaries for coaches, free access to the gym, swimming pool, everything where you can forge your health and prepare and skill, and engage in physical education, well, certainly , athletes of the highest achievements always emerge from mass sports. presidential candidate , leader of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, today presented his election program to moscow, there are many social initiatives on demography and education. labor, if a person receives a decent remuneration, regardless of where he respects - this is, first of all, decent pay for working in what region, a worthy reward for his work, he himself will want
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to invest. in labor time and effort, and this shapes the common good for us all. today it became known that more than 280 polling stations will be organized abroad in 144 countries. the presidential elections will take place over 3 days, from march 15 to 17. this is the program today. we'll be back after a short commercial. alfabank for business. register for free and open a business account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. for example, a benelli morwick chest of drawers for only 4,990 rubles. yura and i
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your side, the eye of the desert, premiere on february 23 at 19:35 on ntv, this is a program. we continue our release. today qiwi bank lost its license, the right to carry out banking operations was revoked by the central bank. the regulator's explanation states that kiviwibank committed numerous violations of federal laws regulating banking activities and also did not comply with central bank regulations. we'll find out the details right now. denis talolaev joins us. denis, what will happen to qiwi wallets? they are now actually blocked. now owners need to write an application to the deposit insurance agency and wait. how many assets does kiwibank have? today , for the first time in a year and a half, the central bank revoked the bank’s license, the consequences of this decision were large-scale, because kiwibank lost its license. in terms of assets, he ranks
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eighty-ninth; according to the portal, his deposits are generally symbolic 11.00 rubles, but it is important to others, its main product is qiwi wallets, russians actively used them to pay for purchases in... business, including transfers to crypto exchangers, illegal online casinos and bookmakers . and also, according to the central bank, kiwibank was looking for a way to circumvent the restrictions that the regulator imposed on it, and these restrictions, it must be said, have been introduced by the central bank since 2020. the revocation of the license from kiwibank led to the closure of its offices, the contact payment system stopped working , which belongs to kiwi, does not kivi payment terminals are working, but they are actually blocked. in russia there are about 14 million
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active qiwi wallets, that is, this is approximately 20%, if we count the active population, it is clear that these are relatively small amounts, which is typical for wallets, perhaps not all wallets are constantly active, but this is still quite noticeable phenomenon. now qiwi wallets cannot be replenished, you cannot transfer money from them, and you cannot withdraw them from there either. in its vkontakte group , the central bank explains, although qiwibank was part of deposit insurance system; money in electronic wallets is not covered by insurance. this money , the central bank continues, can be compensated later, when it comes, for example, to the sale of the bank’s assets. for all the details, it is advised to contact the deposit insurance agency, where they suggest that kiv wallet owners write an application and attach documents to it that will confirm the availability of money. in the wallet, within 30 days for... there is still a question,
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what percentage of the money stuck in the wallet will be returned to the owners, but in the central bank they say that, according to a preliminary assessment , kiwibank has enough funds to return money from citizens’ electronic wallets, some other russian banks have also suffered, for example , it is impossible to pay for mobile communications and services in the bank’s online bank, because transactions were carried out through kiwibank services, some bank clients are having problems the bank is a point, because it will be filled, but this is such a slow
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process and not very simple. as expected, qiwi receipts fell as expected on the moscow stock exchange today, at the end of trading - 36%. some once the moscow exchange switched trading in qiwi securities to a discrete auction mode because the fall was too strong. overall, the russian stock market fell sharply for the second day in a row as investors prepare for february 24th. the belgian presidency of the eu council announced today that the thirteenth package of anti-russian sanctions has been agreed upon and will be officially approved on the 24th. the ruble is not yet so susceptible to sanctions news, the dollar at the end of trading is 92.55, the euro is directly looking at the 100 mark. today , the moskovsky district court of st. petersburg satisfied the claim for the nationalization of the largest russian car dealer rolf. the prosecutor general's office demanded that his shares be transferred to the state. in her lawsuit, these assets are on...
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while a deputy, the founder of rolf, sergei petrov, continued to illegally own the company and manage it. at the end of last year , by decree of vladimir putin, rolf’s shares were transferred to the temporary management of the federal property management agency. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained this by economic feasibility. rolf, including sergei petrov , hit in 1919. under criminal prosecution. in deal, where rolf was the buyer and his parent company the seller, the investigative committee saw the illegal withdrawal of 4 billion rubles abroad. lawyers for sergei petrov, who is now abroad, said that this was a standard procedure for restructuring and consolidation of assets, and sergei petrov called what was happening a raider takeover of the company. everything about economics. thank you, denis. thank you, denis lalaev, for your economic review of the day. a unified
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law on silence may appear in russia. now deputies and social activists are discussing how to tighten punishment for neighbors who systematically violate the norms of public order, and while each region has its own standards, which often do not work, citizens are forced to put up with those who commit outrages, and the most difficult thing is to live next to mentally ill neighbors who belligerently threaten others for many years . i figured out what to do with their inappropriate behavior and where to turn. svetlana gordeeva. shots similar to. the sketch is real, this is a video from surveillance cameras installed in the entrance of one of the ufa high-rise buildings. a belligerent pensioner terrorizes the entire entrance, judging by her carefully selected headdress, sometimes it’s just a child’s ball, she does it with taste and is not without smell. i live on the seventh floor, this is yours, so she poured urine on us,
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she smeared poop on everything. it happens that she waters the garbage disposals on the floors with urine.
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neighbor, well, close to retirement age, she is 57, he is 37 years old, they never open the doors, just like that, if you look at them on the street, you can’t even say that they are so homeless, from this apartment has a constant stench , cockroaches are constantly crawling, several years ago the mother and son began to constantly flood the lower floors, and the doors were not opened even then, the victims themselves had to pay for the repairs, on july 27 of the twentieth year, on august 5 of the twentieth. on june 3 of the twenty-first year, and on march 14 of the twenty-third year and on january 17 of the twenty -four year, one day the residents, together with the utility workers, managed to get into a bad apartment, what they saw shocked everyone, mountains of garbage, dirt, hundreds of plastic bottles.
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fathers of light, as it turned out, live in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, in such cases it is easier to solve the problem , lawyers say, however, you will have to be assertive, you need to contact the city administration, so that the administration itself terminates this social tenancy agreement, and in order a person was evicted from a given housing area, the housing code allows this. but what about inadequate owners of private apartments? good morning, good morning. it means we just yell good morning from 3 to 5, every day he yells, everyone god's day, at 3:00 a.m., at 4:00 a.m., a loud-voiced teenager excites not only the neighbors, but also the capital’s economy; in a couple of years, the cost of a square meter of housing in the entrance of a moscow high-rise building fell from 350
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to 25,000 rubles, all because of a strange behavior of a teenager, he was little, he really liked to call. well, in our twenty-second year, when he was no longer little, he already began to urinate in the elevator, already on the floor he began to urinate, so everything little by little, little by little, and then he got into the habit of getting out on this porch roof canopy, mine the window in the kitchen is adjacent to this canopy, i took these huge ice floes, it was the month of march and threw them through the window. the police did not accept complaints without evidence, so the residents installed a camera. but the teenager solved this problem with the help of an ax, i went to the police today , i invited him, they told me, well, he didn’t kill anyone, well, yes, just be patient, what should i do? the residents tried to talk to the vandal’s mother, everything was useless, when the elevator finally turned into a toilet running between floors, the neighbors contacted the guardianship authorities,
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however, the boy’s mother hired a lawyer and he hushed up the matter. hold your child somehow in your hands, because it’s impossible to live that he got us. yes, an application is written there in free form addressed to the chief doctor, after that, well , within a week 10 days the doctor comes and checks: all documents, including recorded damage to common and private property, audio and video files must be attached to the application, than the more people
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sign, the more likely it is that the doctors at the district pnd will examine the strange neighbor and if deviations are detected, they will be sent for treatment, this is also possible through the court. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorishcheva, ntv. this is the program today. look, after a short commercial. the first games of the future in history opened in kazan, what now? comes from the venues, we’ll tell you from our studio in the capital of tatarstan. turning towards spring, what weather awaits us over the weekend and next week? order a free credit card with a whole year without interest, and receive a supercake in rubles every month.
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your feminine for 829. alyon, shopping again, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, one of the pluses is miramestin, it’s logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, what kind of broth, even cancer is the secret of taste in the broth, that means she found out, smiled, that means it’s real, they’ll find out, hmm,
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loved, remembered, appreciated, truly, psb is a bank for the real, oops, gotcha, wow, feel the silky softness of the absorbent pads for the most delicate skin. zeva it's good where there is care. yes, alekic, this task is a priority. i speed up as much as i can. now i'll speed up the process. everyone is delighted with the taste of aromatic freshly brewed coffee in a tasty and precise manner, their favorite cappuccino, as well as raf, flat wide, hot chocolate and desserts in
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the cafe. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with azonbank the draw is up to 100%. it’s just plastic, and this is alphapay, the freedom to pay as it’s convenient for you, with a smartphone, sticker or online, pay as convenient as possible with alphapay. and you get a superkick every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. this is
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the program today. we continue our release. 200,000 additional jobs will appear in russia thanks to the introduction of new investment projects, mikhail mishustin said today. we expect the emergence of about 2,000 additional jobs, which is very important; to achieve all the stated goals, it is planned
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to build more than 2,000 facilities, the necessary infrastructure, the cost... the money will be used to build utility networks for residential buildings, industrial buildings, enterprises, roads and railways, to new industries and tourism clusters, the head of government specified. today in kazan the first ever games of the future have officially started, their scale is impressive, we are participants from more than 100 countries, 21 sports disciplines and 2 weeks of sports. and bright emotions. our tv channel will show all the most interesting and exciting things that will happen at the games. for this purpose, a studio has been installed in kazan ntv is as digital and high-tech as the competitions themselves. with smart video cameras and virtual reality elements. our colleagues olga arzhantseva and artyom kolodkin are working there now, they are in direct contact. olga, artyom, of course, the opening ceremony of the first fidital games should also be special,
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unreal. and what was unusual? yes, colleagues, an incredible innovative interactive is being demonstrated right at these moments by the organizers of the opening show of the first games of the future, bright colors are everywhere, both real and virtual, augmented reality literally gives the viewer an unreal feeling of everything that is happening, and i will share my emotions: at some point you simply stop understanding what of what you see is real and what is drawn by artificial intelligence, and this is the case. when the spectators who watch the television version have almost more fun than the spectators in the stands. glass through which bright laser beams pass, flying cameras and racing cars appearing right on stage and accelerating up to 300 km/h, but people real and national outfits too, teams that came to the competition from more than 80 countries, of course, could not deprive
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the audience of their flavor, and this... there are distinguished guests in the stands, heads of many states came to kazan, for example, the presidents of the republika srpska , uzbekistan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, belarus, well, we received these shots just a couple of minutes ago at the opening ceremony, of course the president arrived, at these moments he is on the podium, but he will sound at the opening, dear tournament participants, dear. foreign guests and heads of delegation, ladies and gentlemen, friends, i am glad to welcome to russia the pioneers of fitness sports, a completely new innovative format that determined the very name of the upcoming competitions, these are truly the games of the future, well, the opening
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will sound. and the main song of the games of the future, created by artificial intelligence, will be performed by the popular young musician vanya dmitrienko. well, vanya just spoke exclusively for ntv and shared his emotions from his upcoming performance in front of such a a huge audience, the broadcast is now watched by hundreds of millions of people on almost all continents. insanely pleasant stress, of course it’s an honor for me, a real one, i’m 18 years old and discovering something so important. colleagues, the technologies that we are using right now, for our
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broadcast, are not used by anyone else here on this platform, but... let's see how our studio is seen by athletes, and guests, and numerous volunteers, who, of course , are already working on the site, this is what it looks like we are green, beautiful, with graphics, well, you probably see that we have a large number of cameras here, but there are no television operators, everything is correct, as it should be, we simply don’t need them, because it’s all because they are sitting like vastankin, the cameras are smart, yes, we have everything using high technology, but however, they, of course, obey commands, and the commands, let me remind you again... are issued from the ostankino television center, yes, and our virtual friends are also with us in the studio, but you can now just see the main symbol of the first games of the future the bird, her name is mira, by the way, she is completely tame, but the directors said that it is better not to pet her, just in case. more than 6,000 people from more than eighty countries came to kazan, these are participants, and spectators,
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and, as i already said, volunteers, of course. it was just time to see the city, many , i know, had already visited the kremlin and saw the famous khul sharif mosque, and let’s add that this is the first fidital game of this scale in the world, the prize fund is more than 10 million dollars. no one simply did anything like this to us. we can say with confidence that ntv viewers will not miss a single detail, watch our diaries of the games of the future tonight on ntv. igor aina. thank you. olga artyom, thank you. in the ntv studio in kazan , olga ardzhantseva and artyom kolodkin are watching the games of the future. ottipel will come to central russia this coming holiday weekend, meteorologists report. to us. evgenia neronskaya joins. evgeniya, it feels warmer today. to what levels will the thermometer rise? tomorrow in central russia the temperature will be higher norms by 4°. and on saturday at six, and like
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a time machine, it will take us to the end of march. the spring warmth will not reach only the middle volga region, where it is frosty in siberia. night hours are below 20 in some places, and during the day in izhevsk in samara -12, without precipitation and even sunny. in the center. we no longer count on the sun, we look at our feet, it will be very damp on top , moisture will be added, the temperature everywhere will rise and move to the plus side. in the north-west , the increase in temperature is even more impressive; kaliningrad generally rushed towards the southern according to the indicators, it’s +9 there, but soon the south will take the lead, because it will get a good portion of the heat. there is little snow, all the energy is spent on warming the air, and the cessation of precipitation will help. in sochi, tomorrow it will be +12 and even more. about the weather in the capitals after a break. current forecast from the bank. uralsip. a deposit for older people with increased returns is always beneficial. just transfer your pension to uralsip bank. open a deposit and feel confident and cared for in any weather conditions. if you can't give up
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sweets, take oli jim. natural olli gzhim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. olligim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain sugar levels? normally, take aligjim. the natural ali gzhim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite and cravings for sweets. alejim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. in st. petersburg tomorrow +1 it will start to snow. he will also be in moscow. tomorrow 0, friday saturday 0 and at night and during the day up to +3. then a decrease, but will not reach february levels. well, evgenia, thank you. this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. these are the main news at this hour, right now the premiere of the detective series fear over the neva at 23:15 the series to survive at any cost, well, we are igor politaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you.
8:00 pm
this is a serial killer who leaves his marks everywhere, this is not just a drawing, it is a symbol, the so-called seal of the chernobog, and he began to make sacrifices after scientists dug up this temple.


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