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tv   Vizhit lyuboi tsenoi  NTV  February 21, 2024 11:15pm-12:11am MSK

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but i haven’t raced my face on a bike, come on, egor, so what, why not, the top, pash, well please, you can’t defeat eternity, you can’t defeat, well, you’re in plain sight, but between the lines tears, you can’t defeat eternity , you can’t defeat pain, we are still strength, but still, god, we exist, don’t miss tomorrow, what do hunters have in common, you are a sniper, a sharp eye.
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our sniper, every day we are looking for some mythical russian sniper, i saw how moonshine ali 20 or 30, the bailiff relied, misunderstandings, moonshine, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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“excuse me, lyudmila evgenievna, i’ll tell stepan, this won’t happen again, open the gate, but where you go, open the gate, it’s none of your business.”
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max, are you awake, girls, is there some kind of pin, hairpin, something, i’ll take a look now.
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well, why are we making noise, what is necessary, we need to tell... your boss that you were sleeping until the morning, you didn’t watch over us, you’ll blather, you won’t get water, damn it,
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that’s it. pray that the guide for you will quickly come with gold, and if he has... from this gold, then tomorrow i will shoot you one at a time, uh-huh, i need to go to the toilet, please let me in, uh-huh, i’ve already let one go, bring a bucket, uh-huh,
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no one else came out, the owner’s wife. i said, who can’t stand up, we have increased combat readiness, go find him, huh?
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hello, i don’t understand something, who will work today, give me something to eat first, a normal ration, the first second with compote, on an empty stomach, let the sheep work, guys, everyone is having difficulties with...
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once we talk to sir, call him, i ’ll talk to you myself, okay, we’ll call you, so what the hell? there it is people who refuse to go down into the mine, so give it to the ribs, the very
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greyhound, this time it won’t give a ride, a riot is brewing, you’ve been gone for a long time , they haven’t brought us any food for several days, and what do they want to fatten, as usual, here’s a kebab , um, well, in general, people refuse to work, listen to how... they refuse, they refuse, they want to talk to you, talk, let's go and talk.
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what problems, guys, problems? yes, if you don’t feed us like human beings, you’ll climb on your own. chisel this rock, in the evening they will bring the fat, now everyone is in the mine, in the evening they’ll bring it, well, we’ll climb in the evening, uh-huh, although no, we won’t climb in the evening, we’re giving you until the morning, otherwise we’ll fucking destroy everything here , you’re dictating terms to me, no, i’m not doing anything... i’m dictating, we’re dictating, so that in 5 minutes
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everyone will be in the mine, today there is a double standard, this is how the problem is solved, quickly and efficiently, i understand why i’m only paying you money, will you clean it up?
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wow, roman mikhailovich, yura, masha, hello, roman mikhailovich, how did you end up here, did ahan show you the way? how you looked into the water, how you feel, yes, like new a penny, ready for work and defense, yeah, why are you two together, where are the rest? about anton, i know that natasha, alena, grisha, max and victor
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were all captured by local bandits, the missing are looking for gold. this means that you simply need my help, especially since i’m not empty-handed, you take the legs away, it will come in handy, i have something better for you, i haven’t held a twelve-gauge in my hands for a long time. i’ll be dreaming about gunshots for a long time, there are worse dreams, you know that, in order to see dreams, you have to survive, how did you get out of here?
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it happened by itself, somehow everything in my life happens. happens by itself, maybe the gold was somehow stolen from you, you know , he didn’t take it, no, i don’t know, anyone could have taken it , even you, wait, so your escape was accidental, not planned, when if you stay in one place for a long time, you stop noticing what you’ve already seen 100 times; on the contrary, you begin to see what you didn’t pay attention to before, okay? the men will shoot us down, they’ve killed the bakhoma,
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we have to run, run as a group and whatever will happen, otherwise we’ll all end up here. well, gopniks, i brought you some water, go ahead and wear out the dry wood, boss, you should have brought something to eat instead of water, if you don’t like it, don’t drink it, take it, stepan, stepan, the rest, we have bun. what's happening? well, it started, as i said, what started? the convicts are trying
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to seize the mine, come on, everyone, duck down so that a stray bullet doesn’t fly in. you're afraid of death, you say death, everyone is afraid, you jump , i'm not afraid, come on, go ahead, what happened, motherfucker, follow me, follow me , come on, come on, come on
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, andreevich, sasha, it's a trap, and we're surrounded, all exits are blocked by tukas , there is nowhere to retreat, hold out son, tell my family
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that i love you and the prince, there is no connection with lesh, there is no longer an eye in the desert, our officer must lie in his native land, you have 96 hours, everything is clear, we will unchain alive for the sake of the dead, in that battle he gave his life for you, eye of the desert, tell me, how many people do you need, one? i just need someone to give me a spin that premieres on february 23 at 7:35 pm on ntv. gdr, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. dear ladies, i don't care about anything i’m not hinting, but the holidays are coming, nazon cashback - 3% on sbp on everything, no matter what you want to give, this, or even this. the main thing that. the gift was profitable, we get phone numbers, buy gifts for ozone psbp at a profit, register on,
11:38 pm
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11:42 pm
anyway, he won’t leave me, give him the gold or not, let’s go faster, faster, girls upstairs, faster, where, give us weapons, if i give you weapons, then i’ll have a khan, and so on for everyone, they’ll cut everyone up, but shut up! do you
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see them? oh, lord, so you took my man, accusing him of killing a bloodworm, and then for some reason he ran away from you, right? well , i didn’t know it was your man then. it is not written on his forehead that he is an fsb agent, he is undercover, he introduced himself as businessman, was looking for a meeting with the bloodworm, i checked the documents, but detained him until clarification in kutusk, in kutusk, don’t worry, comrade colonel, we will definitely find him, allow me to report, comrade major , report, they called from the hospital, they brought in a wounded man, according to the description the one who
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escaped from... is alive, yes, but heavy, consciousness does not come, they found him in golanov’s house, you see, they found him, yura, what was there, someone was here, stay where you are, i’m looking. so, don’t take your eyes off the ward, yeah, since he survived, they’ll come for him, i’ll replace you i’ll send you in 12 hours, relieve yourself right here in the bucket, the main thing is don’t leave levashov alone for a minute, that’s clear, that’s for sure.
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it’s okay, levashov is strong, he can handle it, the main thing is don’t let him die.
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what are you doing here? kalanov, they killed him, they killed him, who did they kill, wait, they killed the mother, they killed the mother right in the house, who killed him? and now they are running after me, golan , please, i beg you, save me , i can’t do this anymore... i can’t, i beg you, wait, what are you talking about, what were you talking about, you came up with everything, this gold came from you for life you will build your own extreme base, so that you and i will be together, i have documents, i have such documents that they will not be washed off, they will follow the rules, i
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love you so much, golano, please help me, please, well let's be together, i ask you, people, wait, people, there are people, there are my people, they need to be saved, people, what kind of people, golan, why do you always need to save someone? well, why, well, when you think about yourself, i ask you, well, well, well, i'll think, i'll think about myself, but not now, not now people , i’ll reflect, if they shoot us here, golant, the gold will definitely not return you, the decision is here, i make it, guys, i know that stepan has gold hidden here, we need to take it, go ahead, go ahead,
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we have to do something, they will shoot us. they surround us, kalash, kalash,
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take it, come on, we retreat, forward, we retreat , it’s free there, we’ll have time to get out, sit down, they might shoot at us, wow! lord, lord, i can’t, people, it’s free there, you’re allowed there, you fool, where are you trying, he’ll shoot you, leave me alone, i’ll figure it out myself, it’s not normal, i’ll kill you, what are you doing, alena, fuck you! wait, alena, oh , look, flooded, so flooded, come on, come here , cool chick, they were ready, vitya, guys,
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saved alena, where, alena, yes, now it will be nice, come with me, let’s go, where are you dragging me whoever does not run away from me. why didn’t you stop her, i tried, go ahead! give me the chick! tlyuchok, not in the field, this is my woman, i found her, there’s nothing here that’s yours, everything here, whoever touches the chick while shooting, we’ll exchange her for gold! do you understand who koltsov is? a man from moscow. bolshakov, you only have a day left to walk freely. you must get to kalanov and stepan before koltsov, otherwise you will rot in a cell. i'll solve everything.
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get out of my sight. he will decide. damn boot, listen, i told you where to stay, huh? meet lyudmila, this is masha, hello, and i’m roman mikhailovich, a tourist from yura’s group, how did the wind blow you into the taiga, let me know, by chance you’re not looking for a mine, do they know where the mine is? no, they don't. well, can you help me find him? yes,
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i’ll help you, but then we’ll find it ourselves, yes yur, yura, who is this? i decided to play zornitsa, you don’t be rude, and i’m not rude, girls, there’s no need to quarrel, but the taiga doesn’t like strangers. please tell me how you found the wounded man? yes, how did i find it, i usually found it, i always clean up yura’s house, yeah, but when he and the tourists go to the taiga, i come, open the door, and he’s lying there? moms, i think he’s dead, i come up, his face
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is covered in blood, his hands are tied, there’s a machine gun lying next to him, so, well, he’s breathing, breathing, but i immediately started calling the hospital, tell me, what about you? we are sure that yuri golanov is still with the group in the taiga, since he is not at home, of course in the taiga. they are there for a week or more. nina timofeevna, have you noticed any conflicts between galanov and other residents of the village. no, no, yura is respected by everyone in the area. what, you thought about him, found someone to think about. here. grab stepan ziganov. just in case.
11:54 pm
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11:58 pm
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11:59 pm
and hey, stepan, come out for an analysis, we won’t touch your chick, we need food and gold, if you don’t want to negotiate, no question, we ’ll have fun with the blonde for now, and then we’ll smoke you out of there anyway, damn it! what's there? what to do now? vitya, what are you, vitya, oh, we need her save, fulfill their conditions, fulfill, tika, i wanted it myself, walkie-talkie. in the warehouse, can you hear me?
12:00 am
yes, stepan, we hear what to do, what happened? collect all the booze and give it to them, let them drink too much. now we’ll do it, hold on, go, shoot back, quietly, quietly, upstairs! i know what i need to do, that i need to give up , that i’m a moron, i have a plan, we have a cap too, push it, otherwise you’ll eat it, it’s all there, i know you
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, oh, this is the case. rotten man, stepan, but he said, there’s nothing, hold on, uniful, you said that we’ll sign the chick for everyone, but i know you, you’re a piece of shit you’ll drive away, and then you’ll merge quietly , answer your market, and i don’t care, i say that i think, you’re a fool, a gypsy, and you don’t know how to think, but we’ll get gold, a lot of gold, and for gold we’ll get... .. i don’t understand, everything should be done according to the rules, let’s first
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catch her for everyone, and then we’ll give her away for gold, and you want to ruin the whole thing, and you want to say that you’re a bugger here, well, something like that, yeah, well, how do you know? and i haven’t had a woman for 100 years, especially one like this, it’s a shame you didn’t believe me, that there are caniples, completely stupid, a chocolate bar if you want, take it, i say,
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well, what is it, stepan, time is up, now we will make a monster out of your beauty, okay, i don’t want it. to die, we go out one by one, then go into the house and do what you want, just keep your hands up, otherwise he’ll shoot everyone, don’t be naughty, lads. who are you, somehow i don’t remember you, here, oh me,
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my head twitches, i shoot, weapon to the ground, quickly, faster, let’s go! yes, go faster, go faster, come on faster, well, come on, let's go , fastest one, come on, come on, hand, let's go, you gave me your word that the prisoners won't run away from you, they started a riot with you, what do i have to do with you?
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tell your family to light a candle for you, there can be no talk of any assault, i won’t risk anyone’s life anymore, what if it’s at night? moreover, at night the security switches to a heightened regime, you can’t handle it alone, and they won’t help you, you can help, yes, yes, i’ll open the gate, distract the guards, i’ll take stepan myself, and... you take your people out and take them away them away from here, why
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on earth, i’m not going to leave anywhere, i feel good here, so stop, let’s do this, masha and roman mikhailovich, so, cover our retreat, we are leaving through the central gate, i ’m with you, leave it aside, well, that’s out of the question. you’re like me, you’re asking how i’m doing great, we’re sunbathing here, relaxing, your wife was just almost killed, nothing skipped a beat, so it means you’re still husband and wife, and husband and wife, for those who haven’t understood yet, but we’re getting a divorce, thank god. follow us at a distance of 50 m,
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do not come close to the mine. remember, you are watching the gate. here you go. on this flash drive are copies of documents. i hid the originals with you under the porch. it will be more reliable this way.
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what's in your hand? nothing, show me, is there nothing there? yes, there’s nothing there, show me, no, there ’s nothing there, no, what is this, i’ll show you how it
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’s my property. take it away, everyone's screwed up, bitches, bitches, bitches, that's enough, it's mine, creature, i'll kill it, it's mine. “this is mine, take it
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away, yes, if they say that life consists of black and white stripes, then our black streak must end someday. yes, the only question is when? that we are still alive together, but you wanted to experience everything ourselves, we got what we wanted, now everything is clear to everyone about themselves, how are you with her you just live, vitya, yes, very funny.


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