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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 23, 2024 10:00am-10:20am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboistey studio. today in russia they celebrate defender of the fatherland day, one of the most revered holidays in the country, which has long become a national holiday. honors veterans of home front workers during the great patriotic war and those. who is currently serving in the armed forces, vladimir putin sent his congratulations to military personnel, former and current. defenders of the fatherland in our country are surrounded by genuine people's love, and devotion to the fatherland, sacred duty, to take care of it, to defend every five of our lands have always been and remain our most important, indisputable values. on these holidays, we bow our heads before our heroic deeds.
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fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers who crushed nazism , we take out their military orders and medals, photographs and letters from front-line soldiers, we say our heartfelt thanks, we tenderly hug our dear veterans, we will always remember that it was the soviet people who defended the freedom of our country, all of europe, the whole world, soldiers officers of russia worthily continue the glorious military traditions at the forefront. today , participants in a special military operation, you are fighting for truth and justice, showing courage and bravery in defending russia. you, our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, we honor your exploits. and in confirmation of the president’s words, the minister of defense presented state awards to the military personnel. the ceremony took place at the headquarters of the joint group of russian troops for their efforts.
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during the special operation heroism, the fighters were awarded orders of courage and medals for bravery. sergey shaigu also congratulated the military on the holiday and thanked all the personnel of the armed forces for their exemplary performance of tasks. the liberation of ovdeevka certainly stands out among these tasks. russian fighters stormed well -fortified enemy positions under a barrage of sniper fire and a swarm of kamikaze drones. the main burden fell on the shoulders of the infantrymen. in small groups, they methodically one by one. as the military says, they dismantled the strongholds of the nationalists. especially in such a difficult battle, ingenuity came in handy. eugene golovanov talked with participants in the liberation of avdeevka and learned the details of the operation, which, as they say, will be included in military textbooks. in the liberated avdiivka, the russian military is still collecting the bodies of ukrainian soldiers whom the kiev regime threw into this meat grinder. in just 2 days of the main hostilities in the city , almost 2 5 of them died. but which ones?
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russian troops will never hack the protection, nevertheless, it happened. before the start of the assault, a long artillery preparation was carried out. ukrainian fortified, ours artillerymen methodically fired heavy weapons, such as the tulip self-propelled mortar. we destroyed strongholds, and accordingly, the response also often flew to us, so we determined the time, early morning, around 5 am, bye. the enemy is still sleeping, so to speak, uh, does not expect our big greetings from us, but we dismantled the strongholds one by one, that is, we supported our infantry assault units, the main most difficult work fell on the shoulders of the infantry, we advanced in small groups under dense enemy fire, we were supported there were a few mortars there, then we started to storm, we had to work a little hard, well, the tasks. we managed, yes, they were sitting in the houses
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, of course, they were also waiting for us, there, whoever turns out to be more cunning wins, whoever hits the fastest, there were birds, komikazes, tripwires everywhere, but... there was a sniper, one of those sniper groups , which had settled in utility lines under the railway , was eliminated by soldiers of the nemon rifle battalion. they approached the pipe from the side, shot from one side, into the pipe there, they shot back there, threw two or three grenades, shouted surrender to them, they two people surrendered, two died, they had foreign sniper rifles, i was teplak, that’s understandable, night lights, that’s all they had. kalashnikov assault rifles , well, we captured everything , not only snipers , but also whole swarms of kamikaze drones hindered the advance of the assault units, here he has a battery, here he has such a large charge from below, here he flies, looks, where i
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saw people target , falls, one was shot down with a machine gun, the second one was a little unable to be shot down, a row exploded. drones were actively used in avdeevka, our units became adept at hitting even the small entrances of ukrainian dugouts with sniper drops from a height of several tens of meters. here he sits, he just twitched, yes, yes, yes, it was believed that the most difficult object for an assault would be kaksakhim, a plant where the militants of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, former azovites, were holed up, but taking into account the lessons of mariupol, they did not go down into the catacombs , fled along the only remaining road, but not only ideological nationalists stood here. yes, when they took two, i asked, i said, well , they speak purely russian, i asked, they say , they mobilized, they forced us, they say everything, that is, they didn’t want to fight, but a bayonet, well, they say that they didn’t want to, but at the same time they shot at us, each of the neman fighters with whom we managed to communicate during the assault
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on avdeevka was wounded or shell-shocked, but everyone remained in troy, it seems that everything is healing, that it would heal, that it was too early, he cut himself, we are not running somewhere to the hospital, right healed everything will pass and we will continue to help our homeland and defend it. well you have field through or where? right through, yes, it flew into my hand. it seems that these guys are made of armor, so many times they found themselves in the thick of it after completing the task, they were chosen with the living, even when a ukrainian anti-tank missile flew into their uaz, in which seven soldiers were returning from a mission, they all survived, it entered and detonated , the cumulative went through the floor, pierced the stocking, how, how can you even explain that you all survived in this car? this is fate, it’s still too early for us, victory is still ours, we must win, so we remained alive, which means that god tokha decided that we still need to fight, win, golovanov and
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maxim belikov, ntv, donbass, the guys on the front line should know that they are remembered, vladimir putin emphasized during a conversation with the head of chuvash, the governor reported in detail they talked about what kind of... assistance is provided to military personnel and their families, they also talked about how to preserve the memory of the courage of the heroes of a special military operation, the president noted that such things unite the entire society. the meeting with the governor of the region and the plenipotentiary representative in the volga federal district became the last point of the head of state’s visit to chuvashia. the president's program turned out to be intense. alexey prokin, more details. vladimir putin arrived in chuvashia when the working day was already over for most russians, but the emotions of the local residents were still there. that the observer began to see the presidential schedule, which all day was full of events in the sky on earth, as if starting from a new page, and the flight on the tu-160, the trip along the new m-12 highway on kamaz is already somewhere far away, but here in the chuvash republic, despite the late evening, a new worker
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day. at the paramedic and obstetric center in the village of ryndino, the president continued to communicate with residents of the republic, but now also online via a secure communication channel, exactly as was reported. the repair and construction of medical centers is part of a large comprehensive work to update primary health care, federal projects, the results of which are clearly visible, like now in chuvashia, where for almost every rural resident primary medical care
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is within walking distance, we have not done everything yet, 4 billion in my opinion, it is provided for this work in overall, we will definitely continue for the twenty-fourth year with us. thank you, a lot of funding has been provided, thank you for your work, the entire social sphere in the republic is being updated by leaps and bounds, despite the fact that just a few years ago chuvashia was one of the top ten. russia has good potential for growth, it is important to help them discover, fill this
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potential, use it, build work in promising areas that are a solid basis for regional economies, to increase financial sustainability and self-sufficiency of these regions. civilian and military production are developing in the country, generally proportionally, and this is one of the indicators of a healthy economy. in chuvashia among. it’s so nice to see that the money doesn’t disappear anywhere, it’s being invested
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in the right place, in the right place, well, in general, i’d like to say a big thank you for the attention you pay to the cultural sector, you know, thanks to the national project of cultures, opportunities for people are appearing in cities, towns and villages, they are in great demand, of course, manager republic said that as soon as the kindergarten was built, immediately - all - all the apartments that were built here were all sold out, of course, housing construction and the social sphere on the one hand, on the other, new roads and public transport, which, as the president was told at meeting, i began to gradually, systematically get younger, in particular trolleybuses, in general we have this type of transport in the country, about what age, how do you have such data, yes, good afternoon, we have trolleybuses about there our age is 10-15 years and we
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are now slowly changing them throughout the country, by the way, last year we delivered a total of 4,400 vehicles to the regions, this is 11 times more than in the twenty-second year, this year this year we will deliver 7,700, according to chuvash, i can’t give the overall figure now, but we are now seriously increasing transport, so that’s how i understand the work. speaking about individual regional development programs, vladimir putin noted that the returns are obvious. in chuvashia, for example, in recent years a couple of years by 3.3 years, life expectancy has increased. now this is one of the key demographic and economic indicators in the republic for more than 73 years. alexey prokin, anastasia gorodskova, television company. and finally, scary footage from valencia, spain. the night before there was a fire in one of the residential complexes. according to the latest data, four people died, 14 people
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are in hospital, the fate of 19 is unknown. reportedly, the fire started on the seventh floor of the high-rise building; literally a few minutes later the fire was already blazing throughout the entire building and the neighboring one. also, according to eyewitnesses, the fire spread like lightning along the outer cladding of the buildings. everything happened so quickly that there was no time to organize an evacuation and residents were forced to leave their apartments in panic. arriving firefighters were unable to take control of the situation; the complex burned out completely overnight; now a search and rescue operation is underway at the scene, but access to the high-rise building is limited due to the threat of collapse, so they are looking for survivors using drones. this fire was the most major in the modern history of valencia, the mayor of the city declared three days of mourning. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. yes, alek kurich
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you can't refuse sweets. take oli gzhim. the natural complex oli gzhim promotes reduction. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. sunny weather still remains in the volga region, in izhevsk and saratov -8-10, in cheboksary -4, but atmospheric fronts are already penetrating the central region. light snow will fall throughout the middle zone, and the temperature will rise a little more. in kursk it’s already +3, in smolinsk it’s up to five. the northern and northwestern regions will receive much more precipitation, and of a wide variety, there is snow, and sleet, and rain, it all depends on the temperature, in pskov, for example, +7 and rain, in kostrama +2 and sleet, on the banks the baltic sea will also not be without precipitation, but during the day in kaliningrad it’s up to 10°c, but on the shores of the black sea it’s already full spring, the sun is warm there, in sochi it’s +14, in crimea it’s about
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+10. in the capitals the weather is very similar, in st. petersburg it rains during the day +3 and in moscow up to 3° c and light rain with sleet, there is ice on the roads, be careful. cover up!


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