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tv   Veteran  NTV  February 24, 2024 2:15am-4:56am MSK

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denis maidanov to the apartment, well done, well done. for life, for light, for the happiness of being next to you forever, and poking the wind of hope like a morning shave, i vote for color, i vote for life, for life, for life.
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that we are playing who is it and the knife is a dog skin.
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wait, password, wait, password.
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i'm shooting password. what's happened? in general, len, yes,
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please look in the second ward, in the second, there was a patient there, so i went, go ahead. stop, stop, stop, stop, where are you going? they just brought it to you, you don’t have time to help the living, but you brought me a corpse, it seemed to be alive, that’s all were once alive, let's turn around, maybe take a look again, well , teach me, teach me some more. take it to mork, that's all.
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train herring, why translate a pure product, come on, so that my little girl can wait for me, yeah, because of the exploration of mars.
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the belly button won’t come undone, so let’s break it down, little one? yes, this is petrovich, i told you about him, yeah, look for yourself, he’s cool, oh, yes, great! some kind of maniac, okay to rape, okay to kill, but
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he couldn’t normally cut up a girl like that, i can’t put it down, i need to look through the local contingent to see who’s registered with deviations? yes, i agree, it’s unlikely that it’s from another area, it’s quiet, i need to check the locals, i’ll call the local police officers, come on, maybe i’ll get lucky in hot pursuit, come on, yeah. the pipes are on fire, uh-huh, look, don't be late tomorrow, uh-huh, i'll fire you right away, you know the rules, uh-huh, uh-huh, here you go!
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again, it’s not enough, you should go to a bank to work, or something, if you like counting other people’s money so much, but i’m not strangers, i ’m counting my own, well, well, counting, that’s it. “i can’t, because my health doesn’t allow it, yes,
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oh well, i saw how weak your health is, or all the strength has gone into the muscle, tip and there aren’t enough women, oh well, petrovich, well, purely symbolically, to the best of my ability. pour it, oh, tell me, how long can you stand it? what else? not enough, should i pour more? well, you're a man, petrovich.
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petrovich, at least have a bite, no, it’s not time to rest, well, let’s do it. “so, major, you need this particular car , and you would drive this particular car today, well, yes, that means this is the one you need, they control your every step, you know, i have so many memories associated with this car, yeah, romantic
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memories, well, you understand me, yes , of course, the main thing is that..." your wife understood, well, she has absolutely no need for it, so, okay, take it, but i hope you promise that you will return her intact, no, i can’t promise you that, my task is to save your life, not the whole car, wait, but at least you can guarantee this, the preservation of my life, and , unfortunately, i cannot promise this either, but we will do everything possible, i guarantee you that, after all, try to be more careful!
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granny, what about uncle? oh god, he’s a drunk like your father, let’s go, masik, masik, come to
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someone, masik, masik, come to me, well then you're always drawn to all sorts of garbage, right? let's go, let's go, let's go, i'm telling you, he's ready to go to hell, look, his eyes are open like glass, he's drunk, no, he doesn't look like that , he's kind of strange, okay, is he dead or something, that means , he doesn’t need that anymore, let’s go faster, let’s go, how long will it take for them to wait, but what’s the hurry, borya, when we have to sit in such a car again, we won’t be able to save up for one, it’s a mish, a show-off truck for those in the back sits, and those
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who work behind the wheel, they relax, if they don’t show up at all yes... just two blocks back there, they will appear, they work according to the scheme, i calculated them, maybe the footman was sent on reconnaissance and he noticed how we sat down, and not their client, what do you think, yes, in principle, maybe, maybe, but no, it can’t. it's definitely them, them!
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the gun was uncovered. i see, let's go to the bridge!
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weapons to the ground. these were extra glory for the time being, he could have shot first, he tried, but couldn’t, but you are their leader, i see he put how many contract
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killings he had, 20, at least three more were killed, no one is alive, thanks guys, yeah, well, call the owner, let him sleep peacefully, and take a ride, close and carefully. yes, there’s a whole arsenal, no wonder, a crowbar , no one will give it, the box won’t open, but try with the key, it was hanging around his neck, well, well... do you recognize your comrade? how can you not find out? kovalev, leonid mikhailovich, so,
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urgently run through the database of objects, cars, license plates, and so on, we need complete information, i can already guess what kind of objects they are, but that’s already it, colonel maksimov needs facts, not guesses. come on, don’t touch me, not a friend, go ahead, okay, what should i do, go ahead, everything’s fine. thank you, gleb, you’re welcome
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, they would have called earlier, would have arrived earlier, but it’s not written in public, this is a real hero, he defended his homeland, or you know, our contingent, this... is written in the relevant documents, but there were no documents, so it’s very good that pavel petrovich and i settled our issues, it’s my own fault, i can’t sing at all, the doctors forbid it, you have no complaints, no, a statement about something stolen from you? you won’t write, although you have a reason, but judging by personal experience, i’m unlikely
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to be able to help you in this matter. no, i won’t write a statement, let's go, bash, all the best, pavel petrovich, well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we have agreed on everything and will sign it. forward to the shining heights, give me a pen, please, yes, but the thirty-eighth point of our agreement, we have already discussed, i think 15% is a lot, eight, twelve according to the rules, still 10.
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talk to you, busy, i’ll call you back later, there was some mistake, the chaos in our bodies will never end. well, let's go back to our sheep and sign? leonid mikhailovich, i think some points of our agreements need additional elaboration. friends, we will convey our suggestions to you. be healthy, leonid mikhailovich. they can be understood, if you
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were ordered, then the secretary is an idiot, well, how is it possible at such a moment, please, how are you, okay, yes, i’m fine, you look lousy. it’s been worse, nothing will pass, i haven’t seen you for thousands of years, how life in general flows, don’t you want to ask how i’m doing, i think it’s not bad.
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noticeable, yes, i’m happy for you, yes, if it weren’t for force majeure circumstances, we wouldn’t have met now, i would have called somehow, let's talk, we've seen so much together. you know, the doctors don’t recommend that i remember the past, or rather, they categorically forbid it, we’ve arrived, it seems. thank you again, listen,
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since such an incident has happened, maybe you can invite me to a cup of tea, i haven’t even seen this apartment of yours, you understand, gleb, you are part of my past, the one that doesn’t need to be remembered. so, expect a call from you when you have problems, forgive me, don’t be offended, no offense, old man, if anything happens, i’ll always help.
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listen, well, i'm almost there, let's go there go out.
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thank you very much for your time, as i
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understand it, comrade colonel, with your work there is not much of it left, that’s for sure, but for good friends i am always ready to spare another hour. from the gray, so to speak, everyday life, i propose to bring gastronomic colors to your gray everyday life, there is excellent cuisine here , please leave the menu here, yeah, i heard, i heard, leonid mikhailovich, about your prosperity and, so to speak, rapid growth, yes, there is some positive, but there are problems in our profile. small, some opera called me, directly from your departments, said that an assassination attempt was being prepared on me, however, then they said that those who attempted to assassinate me were all killed, it’s clear, but
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that’s why i wouldn’t want unnecessary attention, important transactions, including major mergers. in this case, partners need confidence in each other, criminal gossip will spread, but it won’t, if you don’t stop it, then oh, risks scare away business, i don’t need that, i ’ll deal with my security myself, you understand me, quite, i can count on you in this matter. you know my reputation, i i always pay good for good, not a single person will be left at a loss, i understand, i will close this
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problem, i have to go, no, no, you have to... leonid mikhailovich, this establishment is too expensive for an honest policeman, to the same place my wife cooked borscht today. very grateful.
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please, hold on, my wife is a muscovite , she never settled down here, it’s cold, she says , it’s wet, the white nights give me insomnia, but after the warm californian ocean this should be clear to you, but the ocean is not so warm, the ears are warm, the current is cold, the sun is hot, but the water doesn’t heat up, yeah, but the mother-in-law’s...
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well, okay, it may very well be. and you, my dear, what are you complaining about? i'll figure it out now. anxiety disorders, phobias. i am a doctor, i will work here. colleague, you are interested in obsessive-compulsive syndrome. undoubtedly. wonderful. we'll definitely talk to you. necessarily. glad to see. colleague of the enthusiast, this is a patient, by the way, he can be
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dangerous, i don’t advise you to be alone with him, the button to call security may not help, but don’t worry, he’s still on drugs, you hear, i dreamed about the sea, black instead of water? here, whoever put on the robe, the first
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one, is the doctor, so here, brother, one dreams of crap, here is crap, here is crap, alcoholism of the second stage, drinks for several days with a break for work, until the third stage nothing at all, anatoly lvovich , one of the most competent specialists in our dispensary and a golden soul, there will be problems. about work, feel free to contact him for help, excuse me, yes, this is pavel novikov, yeah, hello, i’m out of pills, when can i come to you, right now, no, i can’t, i have work, i can do it another day, hello, i can’t hear you? hello, yes, it’s generally
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interesting here, you’ll gain valuable experience in the profession , i have no doubt, our rules are like this, we don’t hold anyone back, there will always be candidates, you don’t have to carry big bags, you have to come on time and work, you didn’t show up. “sorry, i physically couldn’t come, i explained, it was an accident, well, for someone like that guy we took instead of you yesterday, very...” even happy, the rules are the same for everyone, what are you, don't understand, no, that's it i see, well then, good, i wish you happiness, health, success in your personal life, thank you, for the advice too, for any advice, about the bank, i
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’ll try, try, try, to become an astronaut pilot. you sign up if you're not too lazy, they're off to eat, let's do it as agreed, you're sure they've left, come on, help, come on!
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yes, yes, they called, comrade colonel, come in, sit down, i wanted to ask myself, but i wouldn’t have dared at such an early hour. it’s never too early to praise a subordinate for a good job, well, they destroyed an armed gang, well done, they closed a problematic case, i don’t want to promise specific encouragement, but i’m thinking about it, thank you, comrade colonel, but the matter
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is just beginning, i didn’t understand you, what’s the matter, look, we conducted a search... in the apartment of the gang leader, this is what we found: kovalev, leonid mikhailovich, this the same one who is a banker, and not only a banker, kovalev’s business is wide, varied, and has gone far beyond the borders of st. petersburg, this is kovalev at his house, this is his office, this is his security, this is kovalev’s security chief zimin yuri. well, the conclusion is generally obvious, yes the conclusion is simple, that’s not what you’re doing , excuse me, comrade colonel, the conclusion is this: an assassination attempt was being prepared on kovalev, and it so happened that we reached out to the perpetrators along a different line, eliminated them all, but what the hell does it matter who they were going
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to kill there, there are no performers, but the customer remains, and he can hire new performers, this is undoubtedly, we are already seeing the work of finding a customer, i see that i understand, we are free, comrade major, i have the honor, comrade colonel. does he have honor?
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you asked me to keep you informed of my affairs, i duh... i got a job as a doctor at a psychoneurological dispensary, yes, as an ordinary doctor at an ordinary dispensary, and this is exactly what i need now.
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day, good afternoon, you just got out of college, you should be scared, no, not scared, i’m not a fearful person at all, oh well, the first day i should feel like a dumbass, well, luckily, there are colleagues with a lot of experience, you know, anatoly , i don’t have time to chat, i still have patients to see, relax, come on... after your appointments , come to me and share the horrors of your first working day, you can share a lot of things with me, especially intimate ones, get out, otherwise
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i’ll code it by force, so you won’t even notice, then you’ll be sick of the same type of vodka all your life, fascist, good, good, good.
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mom, who is this? excuse me, man, what are you doing? mom, do you know this uncle? there’s a stinking blue brine, there’s this medicine, i don’t understand why you gave me a prescription for the return soda on the water, actually, your drug requires a prescription. so here’s the recipe, it’s no longer a prescription, it’s expired, sorry, i really need these pills, but
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if you really need them, see a doctor, the doctor will prescribe them for you, so there is senka on the water, there is no blue and there won’t be, then give some green stuff. car, definitely look , i'll look, please, what can i say, his condition is stable, okay, hello, i need to see dr. komarov, i can more often when he takes, well, i wouldn't recommend it, mosquitoes don't work here anymore, you have i can make an appointment with sviblova right now, excuse me, i always turned to... for many years, where does he work now? in moscow, so why
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sign you up with svilov? write it down, so good yeah, yes, follow me, procedurally, okay, please wait 5 minutes, the doctor asked you to wait, allow me, wait a minute, i'll invite you. yes, dad, dad, understand, this is real work
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with real patients.
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it was a lie, almost twentyfold, the department only had a new recipe to write, what are you reading there? write me a recipe, exactly the same, i will leave, i cannot write you a prescription. “i don’t know your medical history, and your current condition, i need to check everything, what to check here, i need this recipe the doctor prescribed it, a real, experienced doctor, a professional, and not a student like you, each doctor is responsible for his own signature on the prescription,
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and you are not asking for aspirin." so, pavel, i see that you have attacks of causeless irritation, i need these pills, just write me a new prescription and i'll leave. you have dizziness, difficulty breathing , when it's hard to breathe. that means you're restless, you can't sit still, i just needed a prescription.
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novikov, wait, get tested, uh-huh.
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well that, i wish you good health, i’m on my site i keep a pencil on everyone who is registered at the dispensary, so far they are all harmless, but this one is not, he walks around with such a face as if he is going to kill , so far nothing has happened, but you can expect from this, a dangerous, healthy big guy, so guys, we’ll take everything, only without humanity, it can be dangerous, let's go. novikov, pavel petrovich, yes, it’s me, against the wall,
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calm, calm, hands, what’s going on? major vorovsky, citizen. you are detained on suspicion of rape and murder, i didn’t do it, go ahead, major, let’s talk, let’s talk more, oh, you’re here or what, you took it, major, it’s a mistake, come on, thank you, come on. i ask, i don’t need to go there, i can go anyway, i won’t run away, get in, come on, or help you, at least take off your bracelets, i won’t run away,
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get in! yes, how's your salary? they promised to raise it, comrade major, soon, quickly! it’s good that your contact remained at the dispensary, i was able to contact you. well, i'm interested myself. if
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something happens to pasha, i can always come and help with something, is there something serious with him now? yes, this is what i would like to find out, so i turned to you, you are my friend. the closest one, tell me, did you serve with pavel, yes, i know that he was a military man, but i have no more information, what exactly did he do in his service? well, it’s not customary to talk about our rescue service, there are restrictions, a secrecy status. but i’m not asking about the number, unit or completed missions, these
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were not computer games, what exactly did pavel do, he killed, it was his job and he did it well. well, shall we accompany you to the hospital? hospitalization is not required. moreover, i would i wanted to have such a heart myself. major, let's talk already. all the best. borya, we found a witness, saw the killer, this one? another, let's go, let's go, i'm free, so, early, everything happened
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when pasha was captured and remained in captivity for several months, he managed to escape, but at the checkpoint he was riddled with a machine gun. our russian soldier, no one imagined that it was possible to survive with such wounds, but he survived, he turned out to have an incredibly strong body, but his psyche... as it turned out, was not so strong, since then he has not been the same, and pavel to you did he say anything about the time when he was in captivity? no, not a word, he was rehabilitated, gained strength, was ready to continue serving, but, but he was sent to retire. into a peaceful life, so to speak, in
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which he never found himself. i hope you, linochka, will be able to help him with this, i will try. i’m doing sweeping work, i’m sending money, well, there’s no document, that’s what it’s like to be here, you have no right, oh well , i made a little mistake, i forgot to register , i’m not bothering anyone with the sweeping yard, i forgot a lot of work, you ’ve already done your job, you’re cheating my rakhmon talk, you’ll be happy, he’ll fix everything, he’s at the markets, it’s easy to...
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we’ll agree, we won’t agree, okay, since it’s mitya’s yard itself , i’ll go home, but you won’t go anywhere, look, he didn’t even hide it, but come on wait, calm down, wow, look, this is an interesting toy. i wiped the blade, the blood started flowing into the handle, i would have whipped you myself if it were n’t for my position, but look, there won’t be such restrictions in the zone, let’s rest, let’s go.
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oh, lonid mikhailovich, uh-huh, you’re training here so early, zimin, yes, they say, it’s harmful, harmful, in the morning. habits to change, got used to 25 years every morning, warming up so as not to get rusty, there is a conversation, well, i’m in the shower, otherwise i’m sweating, oh well, it doesn’t bother me, in our business you get a whiff of this, let’s get to work, i’m listening to you, leonid mikhailovich, here’s a signal to me from authorities came from the criminal investigation department, someone ordered me, an attempt on my life is being prepared, ha. and this signal is at the wrong time,
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i have big deals planned, restructuring, mergers of companies, my partners don’t need risks, yes, this rumor has already caused trouble, so i stopped this topic, yeah, i connected connections, in the criminal investigation department, like have calmed down, so there is no risk to the business , here are the nuances... there is, what kind, i want to live for the winter, after all, my new life is just beginning, a new one, uh-huh, a new one, i don’t want to be killed, but if someone... then he wants this, even if he breaks down greatly, i really count on you in this matter in the winter, yeah. you are
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the head of my security service, right? well, of course, lenit mikhailovich, we’ll take maximum precautions, that ’s not enough, zimin, i’m on friendly terms with all my subordinates, i’m on friendly terms with you. i appreciate it, it's because i appreciate your past work in the authorities, i really count on your connections, you have connections in criminal matters. yeah, then you’ll find out everything about this assassination attempt, who, what, and most importantly, what can be done in response will be done, one more thing, what if
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we have a rat here, what if right here someone is working for the enemy, that’s also we need to find out. we will find out, we will find out, or there are already some suspicions, but there are no confident assumptions, but you tell me the name, just the name, beavers, but there is no evidence. come in, you can be free, i
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apologize for the inconvenience. thank you, come with me, let's go, excuse me,
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mistakes happen, but how not to rush in hot pursuit. “apology accepted, that’s all , and you are temporarily not working, but what did you do before, well, yes, you served in the army, or rather, all the best, thank you, no problem, but have you tried the crème fraîche here? tried it,
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that’s the answer, why i always have lunch here , because i know in this place, they won’t serve me some kind of truffles... disguised again, i don’t know anywhere else, there is no trust, by the way, regarding trust, i have an idea how us to each other to help in our business, i wanted to tell you about this, but what, but it’s a matter of trust , there are rumors in our environment that you have problems, that’s... very serious, mind you, i didn’t hear this from you, but you know why you didn’t hear this from me, because i don’t have any problems, everything is fine with me, but maybe you don’t
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know about it, but how do you know about it, and what’s in your bank? there is vice president bobrov, your right hand, well, there are rumors that this bobrov carries truffles past you, and leaves you only honey mushrooms, read, read, thank you, but you don’t provide services to your competitors for thanking them, nothing, we’ll settle, but let’s get started. bon appetit!
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hello, yes, it's me, yes, i sent it to you, okay. “i’m already on my way, hello, i ’m visiting stepanov, the deputy head of the security service, i have documents assigned, there’s someone new for you to let in, let
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me in, i understand. allow me, i’m pavel novikov, come in, since you’ve already arrived, i don’t quite understand you, you did they call me? i called, you said that you were ready to offer me a job in the security service of your bank. he said, that’s why i came.
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we have reviewed your resume. questions have arisen. you told me that my qualifications suit you. of course, it is your biography. she even admires, maybe she can be an example, but the state of your health, mental health, i am in perfect order, i have no doubt, but you are registered at a dispensary and it is unlikely that you will be given a license to carry a weapon, a weapon is not necessary.
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large sums of money are accompanied by armed officers during transportation, i can handle it anyway, we’ll check, i’m ready, yeah. we have a gym, our guys are working out right now, sparring, right here in the building, yeah, in the basement, let's go. that's right, our guys are warming up, maybe they've changed their minds,
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but i'll take you to the exit, no, i'm going. guys, garik, max, pavel petrovich novikov, an honored veteran of the armed forces, is ready to work with us. solabodov is little , fatherly, stand with him, come on, dad, come
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here, i won’t beat you too much. don’t break the veteran, yes, that means we can manage without weapons, max, come on, you
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’re completely dead, ahah can’t amuse himself. yeah, well, shall we finish? okay, that's enough. enough, i say, we have a place to beat the bag, yes, so then read what people write in their resumes, well, yes, i still decided, you know,
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why, i’ll probably go.
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don’t twitch, you’ll drop a bullet in the stomach, if you close your eyes, there’s a bullet too.
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so, you, citizen novikov, are declaring that someone entered your apartment by picking up the key, right? at the same time, he penetrated repeatedly, and you want us to investigate this,
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absolutely right, while those who penetrated did not steal anything valuable from you, nothing at all, although the empty bottle of pills disappeared, empty, that means. you are you are registered at a psychoneurological dispensary and these pills were prescribed to you there, but the bottle was empty, the pills ran out, right? it turns out that when you ran out of medication for your nervous illness, it began to seem to you that someone was following you, entering your apartment, but not taking anything, that’s right, you were in the wrong place. come, you don’t need to come here, to pandas, let them prescribe medicine for you, you drink it, and then see if someone penetrates you
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or doesn’t penetrate you, all the best, get well. the game went so well, even talk about business i don’t want to talk about any business, but here i intend to buy some shares, a reliable stock, a good one, well, as it should be. then i find out that my subordinates rebelled, they said that it was you who forbade them to take these shares, for such a trifle, i would not contact you, but this issue must be resolved somehow, yes, this issue must be resolved, attention to everyone, go around the perimeter for the object, after checking, report
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in person and... that’s it, give up, when such a game has begun, i can’t be stopped, but i’ll have to stop you, i ask, because you’ve played too much,
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sorry, i do not understand. how long have you been working for your own pocket and not for the bank? what are you talking about? about the money you illegally withdraw abroad, they don’t play such games with me, what are you saying, do you have evidence? proof? and you remember that they ordered me, they want to kill me, i’m in a stressed state, so it’s better not to anger me, because i ca n’t offer a peaceful option, but you want peace? option, that this is when you write an application in your own way, quickly pack your junk and you go happily to spend the money you stole from me, i didn’t steal money from you, yeah, that means you want the hard option, no, i just wanted you to choose, just quickly.
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not bad, at least we learned how to quit in the western way. with the box, it’s a big mistake , you’ll have to pay for it, why are you threatening me, and you don’t have the guts to threaten me, so what, maybe you’ll drop me off at my house for the last time, no, the car
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is only for bank employees, yeah .
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i’m listening, you ordered the airport, the taxi has already arrived, yeah, i’ll be there soon, katya, oh, taxi it's here, come quickly! i'm almost ready!
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i understand how you feel, but damn, there was no place to shoot right away. the only option is he’s from that high-rise building, see? impossible, too far. far. look, it doesn’t matter
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that the clearance is in doubt, the clearance is in order, the sniper is interested. that’s right, those who serve, or retired ones too, everyone who is alive. there are many more, i’m interested in serious shooters,
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or any better ones, but these are two completely different symptoms, nightmares and hallucinations and refusal of pills. which you did not take could be the cause of the hallucination. okay, prescribe me some other pills. the ones that sink or the ones that float? i don't understand. in psychiatry , all pills are divided into two types: those that sink in the toilet and those that float. pavel, i don’t know what to prescribe for you, because i don’t yet understand what’s happening to you. if you don't want to help me deal with... i can't help you, okay, i agree, i 'm ready to do anything to stop this, tell me what
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to do, i... i don't understand why you're here, let's watch the movie , take pictures, i rarely look movies, i haven’t been to the cinema for several years, especially with a woman, i’m thirsty and i also want a chip, sorry, but this is not a date, this is an experiment, i don’t understand why you ’re bothering with me. well, firstly, you are my first independent patient, i mean, before this i always worked under someone else’s guidance, and secondly, what? and secondly, hello, hello! good afternoon, i’m watching
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a comedy in your second hall, yes, it’s very good, everyone likes it, give me two tickets.
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well, they found their killer, maybe, maybe. you know, pavel, what i thought,
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after all, dream visions may not always have some hidden meaning, as sigmund freud said, a cigar can sometimes only mean a cigar, but dad, i’ll call you back, i understand that a cigar can only mean a cigar, but that it can mean something else designate? okay, another example from the titans. swiss psychiatrist carl gustav jung gave the following example: he had a patient who constantly dreamed that his bride was cheating on him, and jung advised him to hire a detective to follow the bride, it turned out that the bride was really cheating on him cheated, i think that the bride who cheated wanted only money and pleasure from someone else, but i ’m not talking about that, i’m talking about the fact that sometimes our subconscious notices such... things that it doesn’t notice the mind signals
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this to us through dreams and visions, so if you intrusively think that you are being watched, it may be worth finding out if this is actually the case, it can be done.
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come see me now. novikov, that means he has a last name, right? yes, you do. i remember, stepanov, my deputy, major vorovsky, is calling this citizen is interested, novikov pal petrovich , it seems you told me about him, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, recently, very recently, he came to us, he wanted to get a job in security, yeah, he sent a resume, he seems to be an experienced person, yes, his experience is not ordinary, but they checked him. and he is registered in a mental hospital, we didn’t take him,
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our job is responsible, the money is big, why take the risk, yes, tell me, what about novikov? he didn’t express his resentment there because he wasn’t taken, not even when max and garik marked him normally like that, he didn’t do anything he said, did you beat him here, that no , they just did some sparring, to test his professional skills, this novikov, he asked for it, but he was nothing, accordingly, i say, age, what can you do, some people think that they are still wow, they are already ah-ah-ah, tell me, huh? did novikov meet here with the murdered bobrov? i don’t know, you never know who could meet anyone here? do you think this novikov could have shot bobrov? he's a sniper, isn't he? one of the best in the country. all the best. i'll go get pampers.
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how old, listen, let's eat, eat something, eat, no, thanks, i had breakfast , what are you doing, where do you work, nowhere, well, yes, you have a bigger pension, no family, and i have three back-eaters, plus a wife, plus a mother-in-law,
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so your elders seem to be already adults, adults, well, they don’t spend my money. anton, you have a private detective agency, well, yes, in the same war i’m plowing, pashka, it happens, i remember, you and i were lying next to each other in a trench, with our bellies in the mud, tracers whistling overhead, that was it. life, not like now, i would like equipment for secret filming, you have it for a while, i have it, i have it for work
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i had to film so much of this, there was a whole collection of adultery alone. by the way, here’s a collection, if you want, i’ll show you, no , you don’t, you will, no, i won’t, but i will, so give me the equipment, yes, of course. how have you aged anyway?
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hello hello! lina, hello, hello, my appointment was already over, i was about to go to my father, i found some bugs. what did you find, excuse me? listening device, two microphones in your apartment, why are you looking at me like you don’t believe me, you yourself suggested i check it, let’s go, i’ll show you, to you, now, yes, now, i’m not there, but i was going to see my father, you yourself told me that i was your first patient. okay, let's go.
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dance, borya, did you find the shooter's lyoshka? they
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found, you know, how far from this twenty-story building it was to the target, a kilometer and a half, as if in the heart, the barrel was left, no, they found a cartridge case, a cartridge case, it’s not a lot, but the fact of the matter is that not only the cartridge case, but also the recipe to the pharmacy, some kind of sedative, i forgot the name, but it doesn’t matter, what does it mean, it doesn’t matter, by a certain doctor komarov, yeah, but on a prescription there were prints left, so it was big luck, good, i checked, novikov, pavel petrovich, the same one, remember him, by the way, komarov was his attending physician, everything fits, well done, call maksimov , don’t forget to dance, but definitely hello? comrade colonel, come on in,
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i remember exactly, they were lying here, you are quite sure that they were lying here. why did you even find them? clearly, they were stolen by the same ones. who? apparently those who are watching me. i see you are in doubt. let's go show you, you see,
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this is a cctv camera, so small, surveillance requires inconspicuous devices, it transmits the signal directly to a site on the internet, here they are, an hour ago. i don’t know who they are, but i can’t turn on the sound, the camera doesn’t record sound , it’s a pity we won’t find out what they say, the first is how he found the bugs, the second, we need to tell the elder, the first, it won’t change anything, he doesn’t care no one will believe where this dialogue comes from? read lips, you read lips,
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yes, if necessary, but where did you learn this? in the army.
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novikov has an unstable psyche, a high readiness for aggression, i saw it myself, he dangerous, so leaving him free, i give the go-ahead for his arrest, look, if you’re interested, i don’t mind, turn it on. you see the larger number, look at your husband for yourself, i turned it on for you without sound to smooth out the impression a little, but why smooth it out, i want to know everything, believe me, it will be better without sound. yes,
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pash, well, did the devices come in handy? okay, i can run the numbers in the database, yes, but it’s not very convenient for me to write down now, send me an sms and the make of the car too, yes, i’ll send it now, i need this entry, replace it the other one, well, that’s no good. gate , my bosses are strict, reporting, they find out that records are changed back and forth, they will fire me, and you wouldn’t remember about it if it weren’t for us, that they changed, don’t make me hurt you, oh well, when you were there last time, looking after him, why did you
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come here for me? follow up, i wanted to verify your hallucinatory syndrome, i understood, so before this two people came, as if from the special services, changed the records, changed the dates, the new one replaced the old one, from which intelligence services? i don’t know for sure, they didn’t say, please put on the recording that i should have seen.
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“give me the contact of some killer , you probably know snipers , yes, introduce me, i won’t introduce you, oh well, i’ll kill him myself, that’s not enough trouble for you, you still want to go to prison, what should i do, you know, there is also such a thing, divorce, and let him feel what it is like when three of your children suck every last penny out of you, and they hate and despise you, well , because you abandoned them, your ex is also turns them against you, we don’t have children
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, and i’m not a... pavel, i have good news for you, you don’t have hallucinations, or delusions of persecution, or anything like that, that means i’m not crazy, absolutely, that’s good, but i'm really being watched. yes, i'm afraid this is already bad news, i think you need to contact the police. no, the police won’t help me, i ’ve already been there, they didn’t understand me there, i need to collect the stuff myself. in particular at home, here is your video, thank you,
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alina, you are wasting your time on me, this is no longer a question of psychiatry, you my testimony will be required, i am your valuable witness. thank you, you're welcome, police, citizen novikov, you have been detained. comrade major, they took novikov at his apartment, he may have an accomplice with him, we are waiting for you, i am going to the address, i repeat to you again, i am a psychiatrist, and
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this is my patient, sick in the head, what kind of expression do you have, everyone, me, you have mental problems, this is not a reason to label people, much less put handcuffs on them, now it is useless to talk to them. the patient is thinking, be quiet, otherwise you will die, get up, get up, lena, listen to what they they say they got up, i said, let’s go to the exit, i ’m telling you, don’t do that, but he doesn’t listen to me at all.
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come on, go.
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4:19 am
pass pass! how are you? pash, i ask you,
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pull yourself together, i understand that it’s very difficult for you now, i understand this very well. pasha, please pull yourself together, but understand, if you don’t help us, no one will help us, i can’t, pasha, please, we just won’t do anything without you. pasha, the problem is in your head, please focus on... what's in your head, imagine that you are in the attic, you look out the window, you see st. petersburg roof, no basement, you're at home, i can't, please pull yourself together, pasha, we're going to die, pasha, i have an idea, you were hypnotized, now you have to try. pasha, look at the pendant, only at
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it, your eyelids are getting heavy, you want to sleep, one, two, three. pasha, you are at war, your enemies are all around, and you must save yourself and save me. did i tell you to stand?
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asha, there is only you and i are your enemies. and you must save yourself and save me. and you
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will cope with them, and we will get out of here, we will get out of here together, we will get out alive. and you will cope, you will win. pasha, when are you wake up, you will be strong, and you will not be afraid.
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wait, password. stop, password, password, i’m shooting, mine, mine! you'll wake up on the count of three. one, two.
4:27 am
let us go immediately, he feels bad, this reassures me that he feels bad, if he felt good, other people might feel bad, he’s dead, we tested him in the gym, he couldn’t show me anything, that ’s it, you tested him in the gym, the gym is in the basement, but it’s even safer here, just like in the pit where you sat, right? "give me the keys to the bracelets, maybe it's not worth it, it's worth it if you there will be traces of bracelets on him, the cops will suspect something is wrong, but don’t twitch , there’s no danger, pat, uh-huh, what are you
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going to do with him, do you want to know the details? when such a big businessman is killed, the case is not closed just like that, the killer is persistently searched for, when the killer is found, everything becomes simpler, unnecessary questions do not arise, because the killer was not handed over alive, it just so happened, what kind of killer is he, he doesn’t even look like , how not similar, samples demonstrative killer, gone crazy, war veteran. there is a certificate from the hospital that he is abnormal, a highly qualified sniper, embittered at the whole world, especially at the bank, where they didn’t hire him, and they also polished his face, yes, he is a very high-quality killer, an uncontrollable subject, a very
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high-quality killer, stand , just don’t cry, beauty, again, lena, get out of here, who were you going to kill,
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last name, last name, kovalev, who is he? and let the president go!
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allow me, leonid mikhailovich, i got information about the assassination attempt through old connections in the authorities on you, so they really ordered you, but they ordered not murder, but black pr, someone paid the cops, they in turn dropped the misinformation, and... strengthen security measures for you, do as you know, i trust you, everything overall, it’s nice
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to hear this, leonid mikhailovich, thank you, i actually saw him, no, well, he was like that. “so, the order is to find novikov,
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to concentrate all efforts on this, in case of resistance or threat of such, that it turns out, do not stand on ceremony, i do not demand that the killer of our guys be taken alive, i demand, so that he doesn’t kill anyone else, the task is clear , just do it, well, they found something, nothing special, the laptop was ripped open? damn!
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i need to call the police, where can i get a phone? i have it. so call. not now, this how to hang yourself as a target. what? it’s time for me to explain, hurry to the forest. we need to inform . hide, let’s finish with them, then we’ll inform. quickly,
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and that the floor, like success, genna, was hacked , we follow, which means i want to see what i was filming here this camera, witnesses, let's go through it as quickly as possible, yes, of course, so, it doesn't save the video has nowhere to save, transmits the signal to another device, so find out. i passed it on here, and the main thing is that, uh-huh, come on, gen, come on.
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we went to the mousetrap ourselves, there was a river on the other side, there was a small forest and there was no escape. yes, i won’t go far, we separated.
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i’ll kill her, hear, drop the gun, i say, lina, lina, calm down, lina, hear me, all the horror remains only in your head, do you hear? but which of us is the doctor in the end, you or me , answer, i, well, you see, everything is already behind, everything is fine, come to me, everything is fine, everything is fine, that’s it, i’m calm, what now, now?
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his last name is kovalev. kovalev? so this is my father's friend. give me the phone. hello, dad, hello. this is lena. yes, my phone died, i’m calling from someone else. dad, please give the phone to uncle
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lena. yes, it's very necessary. yes, a friend of mine wants to consult on a credit issue. yes, okay, thank you, i’ll call you back later, i’ll send you an sms now. damn, let's go, we're late, come on. listen, my friend will talk to you now. i don't understand, is this a joke? no, uncle lyon, just listen, don’t say anything. security is with you. well yes, where would we go without
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her? the head of security is also right with you. yes, don’t say a word to him or to anyone, don’t let it show it. do you understand where you are heading now? we are going to the groundbreaking ceremony for the block in zeleny gor. we finance their construction, where it is located, here you can take a right turn and past the plant, oh well, no need to take a shortcut anywhere, drive straight along the highway, i understand, there is no road there , and we are not on a tractor, yes, dear, now any information you can look it up on the internet, yes, okay, i understand, let's go.
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lousy disguise flock, didn't think you were here meet, weapons, it’s just a job, our
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job and you once did it yourself, it was during the war. i respect your previous views, but i don't understand your current moral position. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. bring me a quick cup of coffee, so where can i get it for you here? hello, what is my problem? this is for you, this is for you, let's go,
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let's go, let's go, i'll show you everything now, please, let's go, look, look, glory, listen, this is a request, check the gps, where is stepanov's jeep? decent. he doesn’t pick up the phone, maybe he’s left the zone, but hello, come on, i’m waiting, we didn’t consider being so wounded in the war to be wounds, yes.
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well, finally, in the winter there will be a skating rink here, yeah, and in the summer, there will be a play area, we’ll surround it with a net so that the ball doesn’t fly away, or there ’s a puck there, yeah, yeah, plantings, they said, there will definitely be something like a public garden, no...
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" hello, yes, glory, did you check where stepanov's jeep is? right where we are? just like that, take the whole building, and then drive up there, let's continue, mr. zimyan, one second, stop, stand , drop, drop the gun, who this?don't shoot
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basha, pasha, you were wounded.
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scratch, are you okay? well, shooter, let's get up, lena, are you okay? who is the customer? who ordered the murder? zavelov ordered it, so what next? zavelov! i ordered it, i’m an idiot , i believed it, why, why wasn’t it shared, the market, one market was divided, yeah, competition, why did he kill bobrov to take you out as a gunslinger, why novikov, he’s good, because his friend at the front suggested it. sorry, soldier,
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god will give the last battle, come on, cat. and they arrived, mr. zavyalov, major varovsky, you were detained on suspicion of organizing the assassination attempt on kovalev. if
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you don’t order truffle here, consider your life a thing of the past. waiter, don't, i don't want to eat. well, okay, then answer one question, go, don’t spoil people’s appetite, come to me as the head of security, the salary is worthy, don’t worry, it’s not about the salary. if you’re not sure about anything, prepare yourself for serious work, think about it, consult with lena, the vacancy
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is open for you, i’ll think about it.
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look right now, it’s normal, but you and i were different and the country was different,
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we’re dumping these, this man who was dumped, this is an oil banker, and the girl, the whole family was sentenced, tanya, his friend got in for me... a very dangerous business, please, a breach or something more cunning. after the interior ministers of afghanistan and pakistan signed the geneva agreements on a political settlement of the situation in afghanistan on april 14, the soviet union began withdrawing troops from this
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republic, pledging to return home all our soldiers by february 15, 1989. and today in leningrad we meet soviet conscripts who have finally returned home. comrade major, can i ask your guys a few questions? you have real heroes, but those who have accomplished some kind of feat, i definitely need to do a report, in the army, the girl, they say, allow it, but it’s not possible, oh well, alexander petrovich, demobilization is soon, but the girl is a civilian, for sure alexander petrovich, when will the dismissal order be signed?


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