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tv   Otstavnik  NTV  February 24, 2024 5:15pm-7:01pm MSK

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citizen stovnichy. the bandit pulled out a knife and rushed at the policeman. a deadly burst of machine gun fire rang out. we needed stovnichy alive. and the dead stovnichy, he took a lot with him. only two brothers sat in the dock. film. the players ' conscience awoke in vladimir, in reality , weakness of character took over in him, he hoped that he would betray his brother, he himself would be forgiven, and this is the very case when the boy’s oath was broken in the name of justice. pyotr belyk was sentenced to death, his brother vladimir i personally didn’t kill anyone. cooperated with
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the investigation, one might say, begged for his life and received 15 years in a colony, in the film the brothers were called rooks, but these are too noble birds, not mountaineers and certainly not eagles, crows that attack unexpectedly and in a flock. however, this whole story is not about them, but about the people who stopped the panda. guy's employees who died in the line of duty were buried not in the cemetery, but next to the highway, so that anyone could honor the memory of their feat. much has changed since then, and drivers, having hit a person the highway, which waves its arms, most often speeds up, however. this is a completely
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different story.
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dry again dry tweezers. bradycardia 39, get ready for direct cardiac massage, i see we are working, adrenaline 1 milligram in a stream.
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there, beyond the boundaries of space, forests, fields, seas, love, constancy, there is my homeland, and there is no peace for my heart. i’ve been striving for it for half a century, now i hear a song in the sky, holy russia sings, like the call of love as a couple, i am the song of the sala, believe me, i ’m with you, i... your homeland, i’m in the fierce winter
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cold in the pure glades. in thunder, in autumn in puddles, in righteous battles, i am a blizzard, the spirit of freedom, boundless will power, but there are no hardships ahead, you don’t give me.
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post, doctor, who is the son, and what loudmouth , he immediately announced himself, what will you call your son , i don’t know, i don’t know, the operation is in its third hour, my dear, beloved, i congratulate you on the birth of your son, and how does he speak in such situations his great-grandfather, end of connection, i
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’ll call you back later, anechka, congratulations on the birth of your grandson, nothing, nothing, we’ll hope. i have no more strength, come on, who is it, probably his friends, that’s it, calm down, that’s it okay, everything, okay, stop, there is a rhythm, well, thank god, it means it will live. i remind you once again, there are three militants in the house, i’m not needed, but alive, of course, you’ll pay the colonel, and we’ll go in with the trump card,
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well, you have something to answer, and i’ll throw it in, it’s not like that. how quiet it is, huh!
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what is your task, tell me if you want to live, his nickname is burkhan, he is our eldest, and only he knew the task, the commander, he conceived it there, a fashionable matchmaker, two hundredth, he worked on the trail alone, he went on a campaign with only his hands. come on, take the guys, follow him, colonel, i would like to know who this person is and where he was trained, i would also like to know this, comrades, you have 5 minutes, the patient needs peace, thank you, now seryozha, tell us
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what, frankly speaking, risking yourself in a combat operation, ah-ah , without body armor you take risks, so everything is quiet, great, friends, yeah. valerka, you say, how long have we not seen each other, three years, 5 years, 5 years, oh, time flies, yes, it’s crazy, by the way, old man, in 2 weeks it’s your birthday, and you ’re going to celebrate it in hospital or or at home, now i’ll tell you what day of the week, not work hard, we know, and by the way, we are all gathered here together. and composed a hymn for our squad of retirees, read it and sing it out
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loud, please, with the expression, come on, yes, well , in our youth we called each other country, years passed, my friends, we grew old, we did not get rich, did not become famous, and somehow quickly fired us. doesn’t know the specific nuances, hurry up, otherwise i won’t be able to start the active phase,
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it’s all lights out, that’s how i ordered it and the pain reliever brought you pills, and what still hurts early, a scratch, here are the documents too are attached, like we are collectors on a business trip, there is a sticker on the glass, they say we are carrying cargo that is not subject to inspection, there is no inspection in general, the uniform is in the car, what’s it called? maybe you are still without me? no, according to the instructions, there should be two collectors in the cabin, who is what i need, like that artist of the burnt theater, not burnt, i told you, in amateur performances i play for the soul, so to speak, a hobby.
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dad, i came, dad, what are you, what are you doing to yourself, where, god forgive me, did this bike come from, my friends gave me a gift with my recovery, so that by my birthday i will be ready for work and defense, no, daddy, now you will prepare for a quiet home family life, raise a grandson, great-grandson, yes, that’s it. how is our katya, katyusha is fine, but while she will still be in the maternity hospital , the body needs to recover after childbirth, after all , what a hero she gave birth to us, amazing, well done, that’s what the parents named their son, while they still think it’s what they imagined they think that a person without a name has been alive for almost a month, for example, when i found out about your birth.
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the more children she has, the longer i i will live because responsibility prolongs a person’s life. dad, that’s enough already, you chose your grandson-in-law in your own image. it’s not true, catherine fell in love with vitaly from the bottom of her heart, and he also fell in love with her without coercion. and how they begin their family life, just like you, the husband is at war, and the wife waits for years. tell me, please, do you have many children? they will have plenty. dad, you are incorrigible in general, absolutely, what is it, it’s a cramp, and
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a gift for your great-grandson, dad, after the operation everything is fine with your head, daughter, well you should know that from the first days of life a man must get used to the noble symbols of serving his fatherland, absorb, so to speak, all this with his mother’s milk, is a pistol with suction cups also syn? for an infant, no, i bought this for myself, in 2 years i will involve this boy in this business, yes, yes, yes, daddy, you are incorrigible. damn it, mommy, how did you feel
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like a father? no, comrade colonel, here i am. there is no great-grandfather, the comrades, the officers are not issuing a lining and they have declared quarantine, so what? ok, at least i saw it that way wife and son, what happened, why are you leaving? yes, today is the last day , vitalia, how can this be, is it really impossible to stay, well, you can imagine how upset catherine will be, i can’t stay, i have a soldier in my company. and the fathers are younger, and one actually has two sons and a daughter, so i don’t have any moral right, i understand, i understand, i see an irresistible influence on you, colonel, there is such a thing, sergei mikhailovich, when we spoke with katya on the phone , the last time, she suggested naming her son sergei, i agreed, you don’t mind, sergei
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vitalievich, that’s right, okay, i don’t mind , congratulations, thank you, take care of yourself, and call us more often, be sure to let us go, comrade colonel, in good time, i wish you hello, i wish koverina says hello to you, thank you, come on, oleg, come in. sit down, what happened? i’m a failure, alexander pavlovich, how’s it going? well, yes, in order, in more detail from the very beginning. do you know these personalities? we know that he served in your department. gurunov, i remember, i remember, captain deserter, adequate,
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complete, on personal shame, he killed a senior officer, a major, with one blow, proud, fatalist, constantly. provoked people into a conflict , they didn’t have time to figure it out, he killed, fled, and in the process crippled two more, but he was never found , he showed up, on the twenty-fifth my agent abroad reported the address of the safehouse, where three saboteurs who had received the task of carrying out terrorist attacks in russia, and the nature of the terrorist attack, well, he doesn’t know that, i decided to take saboteurs and brought in a capture group.
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in different countries, and experienced ones, oleg, to me it seems that burkhan got badly burned and went abroad a long time ago, not a fact, with his accomplices whom we took, he was supposed to go to parkhov to meet there with the leader of the underground cell volkov, it’s a long time for us, we’ve almost arrived, the place is reliable, reliable, i. .. let's work together, have you put him on the wanted list again? no, we are afraid that there may
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be casualties among random police officers, but don’t, calm down, mother, let’s make it official. you need to check, it’s difficult in the dark, but one more thing, oleg, you need to find out the agent’s character crimes, well... find out what we should focus on well, well, keep me informed, daria ursula, i want to know what’s wrong with my
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husband, linda lapinj, ingrid kleya, sergei zharkov, sasha ushtaze, serious vlip, alexander gorbatov, me i will find you and kill you, gdr, premiere from monday at 20:00, mask, new! season tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. genferon light spray is green light. green light to my goals and red light to the plan for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents reproduction of influenza and arvi viruses, together with their penetration. gemperon light spray - the power of green light with mint scent. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. pillows and blankets for a sound sleep , a towel for the comfort of your skin, choose home textiles from the vasilisa brand with discounts on wildberries, two cutlets with onions, special
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sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary pita, this is big hit, big hit, only at a tasty point, will bypass. don’t panic, there is belaine internet, these motels are better, with beeline’s smart network you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such internet, belai is on your side, alen, again shopping for gifts on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended children, i’ll eat something wrong? in case of poisoning , the new generation entermin enterisorbent removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, that again on march 8th everyone needs
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concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. gdr. premiere. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar.
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now, even a gym, even a swimming pool, attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now 800, 200 exactly 7567 and get it.
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ariol for only 1 rub. 8.800 200 exactly 7 5 6 7. calls within russia are free. mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. dad, what are you doing, the guests are about to arrive. tell me, daughter, why does a child play so much that his eyes run wild? remember yourself when you were little, did you have many of them? i don't have much. well, i actually remember one bear from childhood, a teddy bear. i loved him so much, i squeezed him to death, sawdust was already falling out of him, when i turned 5 years old, 62 years ago, my father took this bear into the oven quit. i cried terribly, and he said: that’s it, son, your stupid childhood is over, you gave me a pistol with caps.
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dad, tell me, i haven’t gained much weight , but my daughter, you’re a beauty, so, dad, put on your jacket, i’ll go, i’ll put it on, i’ll put it on, hello, this is for you, hello, thank you, anna sergeevna, you are beautiful as always, thank you, good afternoon, me prrgeevna, thank you very much, beautiful bouquets, come in! my daughter gave me this suit for my birthday, but then of course, well, let’s give it to me, you congratulated me, oh, good move, hello to me, great, colonel, oh,
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great move. well, this is from me , it’s time for you, sergei mikhailovich, to write the story of your success, well, you’ll remember us, well, that’s it, now with such gifts dad will definitely run away to war, no, daughter, what are you talking about, now i ’ll write memoirs, oh you, my god, great, now i propose to drink to my real birthday, which happened exactly a month ago, dad, i won’t drink or eat.
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and let's ring out loud, hurray, hurray, hurray, sergei mikhailovich, sorry, work, the general is aware, congratulations, be healthy, thank you for coming, daddy, this is your favorite cake, and i ask you very much, don’t forget to light the candles, and don’t forget to blow them out, so, this little candle is for your great-grandson, he’s a month old today fulfilled, we saw how beautiful you are, but you don’t, no, i’ll go to my friend, so , you haven’t seen each other for a long time, you have something to talk about, so a man’s conversation, thank you, yes, that’s it, yes, attention, understanding, that's all, all the best, bye, that's it, brother, failed
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officer's wife, seryozha, i offer for anushka, no, brother, let's not break tradition, uh-huh, second toast, uh-huh, uh -huh, ours, for those who did not return, no, no, between the third and second there is a short break.
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well, you understand everything, but don’t worry, i ’ll take care of the surveillance, i used to serve in external surveillance, well, that’s why i’m dear, after all, suddenly there’s an ambush, since you yourself are afraid, don’t be a jerk. you are clean before the law, because you are an artist, if anything happens, you can easily feign insanity, although you don’t need to play anything, but that’s how it is, suddenly, don’t piss me off, go, who do you want, maria ivanovna from krasnoyarsk for you conveys a huge greeting, yeah, maybe marya petrovna, it’s as if i made a mistake, but you were also mistaken, yes, yegorovna, come on in. “there’s no one in the house , you can speak freely, i’m from the center , yeah, yes, they warned me that there would be someone inside, but they didn’t say who for what, in general, i
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’m in charge of the operation, you don’t need to know the details yet, of course, in in this case, how can i be of assistance, first i need three strong warriors, for everything, yeah, i would like to know more specifically how professional these strong guys should be, let’s say, in order to quietly remove sentries in a military unit, yeah, a paratrooper , for example, wow, well, let’s say i have people ready for anything, but they are needed urgently, i still have to check them, yeah, well, then settle down, rest, food . in the refrigerator, and i’ll go get them, they’re on our wanted list, so by the time i find them through a trusted person, some time will pass, and don’t bring them here either, as agreed, call me on this number, i
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’ll pick you up in a taxi, and you you’ll meet me somewhere near the forest, yeah, okay, i see, yes, the main thing is don’t forget, when he leaves, he’ll check the house for the subject of wiretapping, yeah, and you, and i’ll track where he goes. and if i meet with the curator and the office, i’ll end both of them.
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my general, sasha, valera, yeah, semyon, oleg , who is currently serving, i could say a lot of good things about each of you, because i’m the only one who can’t say words, because the feeling in me is much greater, in short, for you, friends , i wish you good health, general
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, after all, you are wrong, i think that this is... “this is not the anthem of retirees, there is no need to sing so pretentiously, there is no retiree in our detachment, well, let’s try in another temporit d three times, twice, and in our youth we called each other old man, years passed, my friends grew old, we didn’t get rich,
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what, yes, i, uh, okay, yes, i’ll go out now, is it time for me to come back? i don’t know, yes, your general doesn’t like to forgive long-term, he always leaves for a short time, yes, and then we don’t see each other for years , well , grandfather, i’m sorry, i have to go, i could barely escape, she’s on leave, thanks for coming, dad , and what do you love, i love? the smell of a winter
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forest, someone likes it when the sea does it, someone likes clouds, or do something like this. i realized that everyone loves something different, and there are those who protects all this, protects the smell of the forest, the sound of the sea, i... while our present and our future or helps the shame of the heart, protects life, our entire country, happy day of defenders of what is dear to all of us, happy day of defender of the fatherland.
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the challenge has been thrown, the fight begins, we choose the funniest star in russia, stars, a new humorous show with azamat musagaliev, soon on ntv. gdr, premiere from monday at 20:00. and by you, who are just choosing your path and
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skiing , speed, you accumulated faster than come down, vtb, together everything will work out, the choice of a professional, exactly, amylatek acts exactly at the source of pain with care for those closest to you, an accurate solution, free movement, the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day in repairs, putty day and international day for... . wallpaper stickers , do not limit yourself, a cash loan from post bank with a comfortable payment from 1.00 rubles is enough for what you need and what you want, come for money, post bank, alen, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i will buy gifts for everyone and new ones neighbors, pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone, you get super cashback every month, it’s not just profitable alpha is profitable, it ’s the same smart speaker, the top smartest
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speaker, and also top quality 23% cashback on everything, a narrow historical car for only 28.999 , who benefits from an ozoonbank card , who like to go shopping and who like to earn money after going to these stores, who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposits, spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to... roman kurzen is ready for unforgettable sensations igor lifanov thought this would never happen. 5 minutes of silence, new horizons from monday at 22:10 on ntv. oleg, i didn’t give you any urgent information. burkhan appeared near the house of volkov, who had been recruited. what does near mean?
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but he didn’t go into the house himself, but sent an inspector. this inspector introduced himself as the head of the operation and told volkov that he needed three. overalls to remove the sentry in the airborne unit, and burkhan remained on the street, keeping an eye on volkov, the whole street was under a video camera, so burkhan lit up, and the identity of the leader is known, no , we are establishing, yeah, now about the main thing, volkov is tasked with finding and attracting three militants for verification, i thought, maybe we can infiltrate an operative under their guise, no, the dune senses it himself , check it out, kill one and look at the reaction of the others, you don’t follow him there. well, of course, and also, volkov asks for a meeting, i guarantee that there will be no surveillance, since he knows the city very well, let’s go,
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and how are you going to check on us, boss, maybe he’s looking in the mouth... or down the drain, if you are not satisfied with my advance, or the future fee, you can screw up, the boss will be quieter, get down to business, although the prosecutor has business, sha, the main thing is, don’t forget, as you promised, to the left to the strength of everyone, then cross the hill, we are like that vasin agrees to everything , because there is nothing to lose in the search , the devil is still carrying this, calmly, these are his own, the boss called, there was no tail, i checked everything,
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there is no tail, well done, but... there is already a search, or what ? kill him, why kill him, this is one fsv, well, i said kill him, what are you doing, what’s going on, why are you doing them, it’s you, why brought unprepared freaks?
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it’s like they appear out of the fog, alive, and i’m lying dead, they come up to me, lift me up, put me on my feet, and it’s like i’m coming to life too, then they turn around and leave, i follow them and then... my wife appears, stops me she looks at me, she’s beautiful, she doesn’t say anything, she just doesn’t let me go on, saying it’s still too early for you to come to us, you know, in
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this rotting place i clearly hear a child’s cry, and i... well, tell me how i could hear the cry of a newborn, how exactly at that moment my great-grandson was born, yes, and then i can already really hear it, you’re yelling, well, i understand everything, we’re coming back to life, for sure, and we’re sitting in the corridor for a long, long time, well , we’re all exhausted, alive, not alive, suddenly you hit me too, i think you’ll die you?
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well, well, great, if you worked for an office, you would react differently, bury these here, they’re still not in the rotuski, and then come to his house, let’s go, let’s go, no matter what you eat, no appetite. no, it’s not every day that i see three deaths and finish off the wounded with a knife, understand, i’m a simple art critic, not a simple one,
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but recruited by western intelligence, and this betrayal in the homeland and 20 years of being a creep, yes i remember, there will be more tasks, wait, when my man returns, if he is not tied up on the road or on the way to your house, then i will talk about the task. calm down, these are ours, that’s it, i checked the lights, there’s no light, the village is also clean, will you eat, no, thank you, i copied it at the gas station, now let’s talk about the task, i still need trained people to take down the sentries, there are those but they are in moscow, so go and bring them, well, these are especially valuable agents, i’m afraid you will kill them too or me make you cut. don’t shake, you’ve already passed the test, it’s your own fault, i can see good warriors a kilometer away, and you
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’re not a good guy for us, well, then i’m going to moscow for a couple of days, so i’m going right away, right now, when, just don’t let me down, you’re great, you’re playing well, boss, after all , i think we’re taking a risk, but you weren’t tasked with thinking, in general, i can’t help but trust those whom the center recruited a long time ago, and we gave him a good test, here nakhaptsev. okay, wait, we are far from parkhov, 20 kilometers left, brake here in your pocket,
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it’s become a little cold, how many degrees, the main thing is how much temperature is in you and me, you know, in this state i’m always drawn to poetry, and you, and me, go home, well, wait, listen, you pushkin dedicated poems to you, well, listen, forget it, dear, my carpet , momentary frolics, immodest poems, i love the first one, rest assured, your happy sins, everything goes in a certain order, guys, why are you freezing, you should go home, yes, but we can’t. we ’re here at customs at this time , no one walks around this park for free, grandfather realized, oh, oh
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how does he know you? and every dog ​​here knows me, and now who are you calling a dog? no-no-no, not you, i’m speaking in general terms, why are you babbling, well, you’re also quieter, don’t boil, these warriors seem to have completely lost fear in nature, apologize, we’ll go. well, i’m sorry, i was wrong, i’ll correct myself, lads, but they’re giving back, guys, we’ll go our own way, okay, no, no one is going anywhere, oh, if you only knew how much i don’t want to fight today, so what? , let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,
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telephone, what, call yourself, call an ambulance, your guys are lying, well , we are with ignorance, we... with understanding, not with concepts, again, look, trains, words, close, different meanings, we are with ignorance, we are with understanding, but i’m telling you for sure, this the little one is in charge, burkhan is in his wings, like a dog , he obeys him, but the boss didn’t say anything else about the mission, no, he only ordered the normal militants to be carried out, well , to take down the sentries, how many do you have? people in moscow? two, personally recruited, here they are, here is the data. this means you may not be initiated at all. in the details of the upcoming operation. don't know. how long can you be away? a couple of days maximum. so, we do this: go to moscow, be sure to commit a traffic violation, so that the surveillance cameras will send you a fine.
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this is the case if they want to check. yes, then get yourself together. your people, wait, soon our man will join you , and we will prepare an infiltration legend, but like me, well, he knows burkhan and he will believe him, okay, but i ’m afraid, they have already killed three, they forced me to finish off one, you are already said, well, yes, here in war, as in war, everything, forward, ukraine, europe, ukraine, we, the odinchit! close the ranks, close the ranks , we are now on different sides, we are now the main enemies for everyone, i am an officer and my job is to carry out orders, in fact a martinet, i just hate you, if i defend the power that will merge you sooner or later, this if you’re a politician
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, you’d go to your moscow like this, it’s not up to you to decide, if your brothers are on their own, what to expect from the others who sent you, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, so that doesn’t happen to you, so that you don’t screw up , i am yours father, i hate you, even if he is a murderer, even if he is a terrorist, our tudi, your mother, this is the second maidan, crimea cannot be given away, i am for russia, who are you going to fight with, with me, my others, what? the russians came 10 days before the spring premiere soon on ntv. mask - new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. yes, alekic, this task is a priority. i speed up as much as i can. now i'll speed up the process. everyone is delighted
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with the taste of aromatic freshly brewed coffee . oh, your toad is against it. split the payment into parts with yandex split. split everything you want, in different stores without overpayments. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. a sore throat is a minus. on the plus side there is miramestin. miramestin - it’s logical
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to have one in your medicine cabinet. the choice of millions in russia, you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles in rostiks alen restaurants, shopping again, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card 25% cashback, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, for my grandmother, for a navigator in the car, for gate in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, replenish only one. all the rest will be paid for automatically, conveniently, the national lottery , but what should i give you, seriously, girls don’t know what to give, give dreams dream lena 23 - that’s guaranteed more than 23 million prizes and a super prize of 23 million tickets in the mail at dreamleon give a dream.
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someone who served with burkhan, whom he can trust, yes, i studied his personal i found one candidate, burkhan was with him instructor, and then seemed to be friends with him, now this candidate is the best hand-to-hand specialist. well, a warrior can stand up for himself, but there are two buts, what buts, now we have a special operation, and this is a relative of colonel dedov, well, yes , kesin peace, time is short, we need to prepare him, not a day, comrade lieutenant colonel, allow me, they called, freely , i came, mind you, but even we are not given a sign of its contents, even though i am the head of a special department, and the task is all clear, here
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lies a deserter killed while trying to defect to a third-party enemy, your task fire several bullets from a different weapon at him for further examination and charge you with the murder of a colleague. then you run to moscow, the filthiest desir with funeral honors, like the victim of a criminal, well, that is , you, and you will be on the real wanted list, it is clear that nothing is clear, as i understand it, the rest of the instructions are in moscow, so the legend is as follows, i the regiment commander received information that on your last vacation you brought a large shipment of drugs to st. petersburg, we took you and presented this, this...
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something like that, nikitin, i asked. well, yes, well, grandfather, i hope we will see each other again, oh, valera, yes, you know, brother,
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for sure, i’m always waiting for you, be healthy, yes, yes, grandfather, just let’s not get drunk like that again , we don't drink anymore. but also less, let’s not think about it, maybe you and i will still have a reason, definitely, thank you, come on, please deliver. it means we don’t want to confess, i’m telling you, i don’t know anything, but are you sure, listen, what you’re saying about him, it’s just you, it can’t be, it ’s some kind of misunderstanding, dad, dad, they they say that vitalik killed a colleague and fled from the front, so dad showed up, which means you are her father, so what do you want? do you know that
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your granddaughter’s husband also sold drugs? there is evidence, a record of the prosecution, but he didn’t call you today? give me my cell phone here, where can i give you my cell phone? why are you so brave? introduce yourself, title, last name, first name, interesting, what will we get? a severe reprimand from the authorities for boorish behavior, and most likely i will throw you both out of this apartment, what is that? "sorry, comrade colonel, sorry, excuse me, we are operatives from the local department, we were ordered to ask nikitin’s relatives, but i really ask you, please, don’t bother his wife, she seems to be at home, of course, well, you just understand, when she is discharged, the investigator will still call you, what do you need? what else is known about nikitin, only what they said?
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the details are not given, well, like they scared you out of habit, yes, please, when he shows up, convince him to surrender, okay, well, anything can happen, in war , well , maybe she shell-shocked a person, so he beat him up, but did you fight? no, thank god , we didn’t have to, excuse us again, let us go, go, thank you, sorry, dad, dad, katya, katya will be home in 3 days, she shouldn’t be nervous, she might lose her milk, dad, she’s like that weak, anechka , calm down, stop wailing, everything they said about vitalik is nonsense, absolute nonsense, now i, wait, no, i won’t call , i’ll change my clothes now, i’ll go straight away to steal him, i’ll find out everything, okay, i’ll tell you everything, and don’t worry, that’s it, wait for me and...
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don’t cry, oh, god, god, come out, hello everyone, you are an unexpected meeting, right? who did you bring, scum? who , you're a traitor, you're absolutely sure, prove that you're not a snitch either, me too now, stop , you little creature,
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that's it, that's it, stop, good, peace, friendship, chewing gum, i was joking, just checking. glad to see you, captain, brother, okay, we were joking, that’s enough , let’s sit down at the table, have a snack, get to know each other, figure out how to continue living, well , jokes, come here, really, what?
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dad, i can’t sleep either, tell me, maybe it’s all true about vitalik, impossible, go to sleep, your doubts, suspicions, didn’t help matters, you still haven’t talked to the general, not yet, he’s busy, you said, he left, anna will come, all lights out, go to bed, here’s a reminder, dad, how , how did you just tell me? right away, right away, please call, anna, as soon as, right away , i won’t call, but i’ll report everything, please, try to sleep, you need strength, okay, well, take care of yourself, everything will be fine, bye
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, come on in . would you like some coffee? what's going on, my general? seryozha, why do you need me? i i want to sleep. i didn't go home because you begged to see me. for what? they reported to you about captain nikitin, my granddaughter’s husband. yes, captain, yes, they reported, well, yes, you know, like a bolt from the blue. suspicion of murder. the police are already looking for him, he ran away. well, we are looking too. if. if there is any information, i will tell you, and if he appears at home, convince him to surrender. seryozha, will you have some coffee? put down the coffee? i just can’t understand, sasha, you’re an experienced intelligence officer, why haven’t you learned to lie? seryozha, i’m not lying! yes, me too
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i believed you. come on, old man, look me more closely in the eyes. and let's post it. you still have to stand at attention for me, comrade colonel, so you can look him in the eyes, well, get out of here and go home, you know in what cases you lie, twice, when you talk a lot, when you are rude, but neither another thing, my general is not typical for you, all your virtues at once, they fade, 4:30, time for specialists, go home, i can’t...
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tell you, that’s it, my general, you told me what i needed, and you know why, because you are sure that grandfather will never split, get out from here, helper, i wish you a peaceful sleep , old man, go, in short, we squeezed 3 kg of gerych from the militants, well, i decided... to make money quickly, i brought this herb to st. petersburg, and the people who were supposed to sell it, they burned to death , but they started to dump me too, i had to run away from the unit, yes, seriously, you got caught, well, yes, explain to me that you are a fighter, but the walker is in command, and here, like in the army, commanders are not
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chosen, they are appointed, for sure, well , you thought about my proposal, listen, i... turned to the wolf, he didn’t immediately tell me what was wrong, i just knew him for a long time, you yourself you see, our city is full of cameras with facial recognition, in short, slefovsky, well, in short, i don’t really want to become a terrorist, and if it weren’t you, i would refuse, but otherwise i agree, but on one condition, if then you help me and my family go abroad, i’ll help, we’ll leave together, listen, but... what kind of business is planned, only the boss knows about it, and will announce it at the last moment, i can promise you one thing, it will be dangerous, then i agree, lately i love taking risks, life is not boring for us, okay, let's go home.
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officer, he said so, he says, nikitin, this is the best , and he ordered me to take care of you, he says, calm down your daughter, otherwise she’s getting close. takes it to heart, tell your granddaughter that her husband is on important exercises, while there is no contact with him, and for captain nikitin, i will already provide front protection. “so, dad, you’re not telling me something, well, probably, in general
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, the general and i talked about a lot of things, what wonderful friends i have, and we and katya, and my god, you and you are generally the happiness of my life, well, what are you talking about, you are my grandson, grandson, great-grandson, you gave me the truth, you are my joy, what are you, what are you, what are you, oh, well, this is worth living for, let us drink to art for our victory, hero, they beat for the victory of art , no, for some of my own. the food has already been compressed, all that remains is to sprinkle it with this denbaus so that they can roll it , pray, he was destined to witness
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terrible events. lord, my god, what ’s going on, call the embassy, ​​shu, if you have the strength, you better run to tell the world the whole truth, the hour of victory is near, and then starts to whistle, which means that the arrival will be... in 25 seconds, mom, why? because the truth is stronger than fear, captivity benefits few people, judging by his stories, he was captured by the ukrainians, it’s impossible, support ukraine, please, no, witness, i’ll tell you how it really was, premiere , today in...
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oh, grandfather, it’s good that we caught you, semyon , turn off the signal for... the cunning man is cruel, well, in short, we haven’t been able to take him for a long time, i confirm, no one even really knows his face, but in a word, vitaly is in the gang , whoever he is to you, they will kill him, they kill all the officers there , so, well, what should we do, first of all, let ’s thank semyon, he barely
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escaped anyway, thank you, semyon, thank you, semyon , i wish you good health, yes, why did i come? only grandfather vitaly is in danger, at least we can do something, i think we can, i i know where these drug bunnies hang out, come on, come on, come on, could the building be here, the building is working,
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come on, come on, come on, let ’s at least talk here, otherwise these guys were bothering you in the house, there’s a taxi driver, come on later, let’s see the boxing , forgot that phone?
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body by body come on , come on, come on, come on, don't move away, keep your head down, come on, let's
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leave, didn't you see where they rushed? unfortunately, no, we need a fucking interception plan, i know it myself, well, which one of them will find it, i’m not alike. and mine is not similar, sorry, you probably don’t know, we already have a roof, shut up, though, wait, guy
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, you don’t know this first bandit, no, valer, they fought in vain, he’s not here, no, not in vain, look at this signet, this beast is definitely from a gang of a feast , we’ll take him, interrogate him with passion, but not here, that's right, keep the keys, take them to the car, guy, yes, if the guys don't come to their senses, call me soon, yes, yes, don't worry, we often fight here, don't miss it, central television, the first information show about events and people weeks, zelensky has no plan b, he doesn’t know what to do without american military help, but what's biden's plan? and why is washington now quite able to arrange the development of events according to the afghan scenario? the houthis now have their own titanic. yemeni militias challenge the entire western world and win their
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first naval battle. black cart, why in supermarkets they offer to buy products hidden under a black film, that is, a real pig in a poke. what is this really, a win-win lottery, an attraction of unheard-of generosity or an ordinary scam? this. will be on your central television today at 19:00 on ntv. mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. believe it or not, you want a million yandexplus points and millions of other prizes at a delicious point. so ready, hostess, take the job, ours
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199 rubles. in rostix restaurants. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. men's and women's care products for all skin types for every taste. beauty to your fingertips. gifts for loved ones at competitive prices are already waiting for you at wildbers. download the bp app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything. through the sign nfc in one touch or via sbp qr code. download sbp conveniently. pay, the message of russian president vladimir putin to the federal assembly on february 29, exactly at 12:00 moscow time, live broadcast on ntv, yes, we waved not weakly there, and you were lying in my head, shooting me in the leg, feeling sorry for him, yes ,
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what are you talking about, but the corpse was not so cut off from... moreover , there was a couple already lying passed out, here is a shot in the limb of a wounded man, wow, you’re not a man-made genius, you know me, you’d better tell me what, you understand that now the city will be combed with a fine comb, not only the cops will look for us, the soldiers will look for us, how will we leave, and this is not a problem, i ’ll call the boss in the collector’s armored car, but he doesn’t check the glass, everything else is bad, now i’m superfluous since you can’t leave the house, yes, we really lit up. and now you have to encrypt yourself, wait, valera, there is a remedy that works best, what are you doing, where is perov, don’t say you don’t know, i know, but i won’t say a word, even cut it into pieces, grandfather , that's a good idea, come on, start, i won’t say anything anyway, because the gang stayed at the bar, and you
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took me, if... “that means i turned him in, it ’s better to accept death from you, or maybe you’re just pretending to be brave, touch you, you’ll crack, i won’t , i cut myself for profit in prison, when i spoke out against the lawlessness of the cops, they stitched me up without anesthesia, i won’t heat up, yes, well, i know such masochists, he...” it’s useless to torture him, well, it’s also impossible to leave him , he will warn everyone, grandfather, i don’t sign up for murder, uh, guys, i need take a leak, you’ll tolerate it, i won’t tolerate it, i’ve earned a lot of money for jail time, and also prostatitis and hemorrhoids, guys , why are you kidding me, valera, try not to miss it , and i’ll quickly go there and back, grandfather, where are you going, to
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where we are were you looking for a camel? you all left, no one, what, what do you need, who are you? where can i find a feather? how do i know, we were sent here, which means this is his point, and you asked something about the roof, which means he’s protecting you. you're in vain, go away, i'm a small person, i don't decide anything, you shouldn't be doing this, guy, perova, i'm all if i find him, i’ll say that it was you who turned him in, don’t, don’t, he’ll kill me and not just that, he ’ll torture me, so... now i see, you know where he is, it’s not good to lie, but what about they will do it to you, i don’t care much about that, wait, wait, wait, okay, i ’ll just say, please don’t say that i gave him up, when we fought, you called him,
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yes, you asked about him, i immediately told him i called and he went to his country dacha, i bring him delicacies there, he loves to eat, and he trusts me, it doesn’t matter, someone else will be here today, no, no, i let go. give your phone to no one before the morning, why, give me the phone here so he doesn’t make any mistakes, address, merkurieva 8, this is a country house in yablunevka, i brought him delicacies there, he loves to eat, i’ll sit here for now, if i didn’t lie, in the evening i'll release him alive. yes, i found out everything, where am i going? wait a minute, grandfather, here’s the thing, when i tried to escape, i didn’t worry about him, old man, but now no one remembered him except you and me. valera, you get ready there, you and i are ahead, the guys
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are waiting more seriously, i’m going, yeah, okay, i’m going out road, what kind of football is this, we haven’t started playing yet, they’ve already stuck it to us, well, who knew what these were? the defenders on the field with such big eyes will trample on the attack, and if the team captain realized that there is nothing to catch in this club, sign a contract with some milan from abugor, but no, because you also know him very well, he will not give up his field of activity to no one, he will play until the bitter end, and then he will not be allowed to leave, there are players on the team, his close friends, who will stop him, well , i hope, i hope, me too, see you. before meeting,
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take the second one, uh, man, where, stop! the alarm is behind me, yeah, boss, there’s some guy from the volyn, praising all our people, come on, come on, come on, quickly, quickly! valera, look after them, everyone lie down, i'm durovsky, pistols, come to me, to me, to me, like this, i've never
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seen such big godmen before, bandage them, otherwise you'll bleed, we need to talk. do you know who i am? now let's meet, do you know who this is? fuck you, well, you guessed that i’m not kidding, who is it? nikitin, and what next, what do you want from him, he wanted to use to kill, what didn’t you kill and didn’t have time to use? no , i found out that he is with my...
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i already heard this from someone, apologize, yeah, yes , i’ll give you one left, and where is the grandfather, he will be, he will definitely be, so let me be the first, be careful, quietly, he said, he needs to stop by the store for... hello, mommy, how have you gotten used to your new title, huh? and you know, in the maternity hospital you only hear, mommy , don’t cry, there won’t be any milk, mommy for the procedure,
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mommy, mommy, show me your treasure, look, oh, oh, what a good one, so, a gift in the car, a travel cradle, thank you, be careful, grandfather, what is red there near your eye, is it because of fatigue or excitement, grandfather, but tell me where the vital is, mom is hiding something, i can’t. i can call him, his phone is unreachable, where is he? that means so, just don’t tell me that he’s at the training ground, i’m a military wife and i know perfectly well that he’s at war, no, he’s not at war, what, why are you looking at each other like that, somewhere he’s alive, alive, of course, alive , he is in the south, at very important international military exercises, due to the difficult general political situation in the world, and, as a rule, such their exercises... are classified as secret
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, so there is no contact with him until we freeze our hero in the cold, katyusha, well, i didn’t tell you everything, just don’t worry, your husband, a combat officer, vitaly nikitin , slandered, what do you feel good about? when will the teaching end? unfortunately, this
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information is also closed to us, but the most important thing is, no matter what anyone tells you about vitali, don’t believe it, well, answer like that, i don’t know, i don’t know, ah-ah-ah, how terrible, like me i understand you, but don’t say a word about where your husband really is, yes, okay. well, then let's watch this a little later , the film retired grandfather's defense will continue right after us, well, right now central television is starting its work live, the first information show about the events that are being discussed and the people they are talking about, a couple of weeks ago with the help of the american journalist tucker ka
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the houthis now have their own captured titanic.
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yemeni militias challenge the entire western world and win their first naval battle. a land that has turned into a real death zone. reporters from central television became the first russian journalists. whom the idf soldiers took to where cast lead has been pouring from heaven to earth for several months now. chatbot hitler, artificial intelligence, called itself its own virtual dictator. how quickly will he begin to dictate his will to the whole world, the black cart, why in supermarkets they offer to buy products hidden under a black film, that is, a real pig in a poke, what is it really, a win-win lottery, an attraction of unheard of generosity or a regular scam, as well as a special guest of the program is the star of soviet and russian discos, natalya gulkina, whose songs are now experiencing a rebirth, how is this test of fame for her?
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so ready, hostess, get to work, ours are doing it, for dinner, come in, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickled cucumbers, with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh come on, will you say the same?
7:00 pm
so, live on central television. after the loss of avdiivka, president zelensky admitted for the first time that he does not have an action plan in case washington throws kiev with promised military and financial assistance. immediately after this interview with fox news journalists , a short and rather eloquent headline appeared on the channel’s website: there is no plan b. and i must say that the headlines in other western media were, as they say, subpar. military actions, after several months of deadlock, are turning in favor of russia, bloomberg admits. well, for example, biden is not sure that after avdiivka other ukrainian cities will not fall either, cnn reported in the news, but perhaps the most interesting thing happened.


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