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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  February 26, 2024 2:55am-3:26am MSK

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through the phone, egor, why are you calling, and regarding the machine, what kind of machine, the washing machine, your machine broke down, you asked for help, but that was 100 years ago, so i hope you haven’t changed in 100 years, maybe i hasn’t changed, but i bought a new car a long time ago, it’s even better, we won’t fix anything, i ’ll come right away with the pleasant part, let’s start, i’ll drop by in the evening , yes, listen, first of all, you have to come when you’re due... but in -secondly, there was no talk about the pleasant part at all, okay, let’s wait until something else breaks, you can’t wait to see what kind of olenka you are, strict, yes, i was the one to play around, the boss asked me to help you, tell me what’s going on, what kind of client, egor, come, the boss will tell you everything, okay, i’ll come, i promise to protect your boss like the apple of my eye, as you asked, i didn’t ask at all, i felt that you
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asked from a distance, egor, well, that’s it, okay, okay, i’m finishing, as they say, you know, you have your own personal life, i have mine, i don’t interfere in none of my business, well bye, then kiss, bye, and you kiss me, i'm leaving a deadly mission, maybe we we’ll never hear from you again, we won’t see you again, that’s it, the end of communication.
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maybe it’s better to call, under no circumstances, we ’ll have a person below you, maybe we should take the tenant by surprise, open it with the key, what the hell are you doing here? and who are you? this is my father’s apartment, okay , diman said, there won’t be any problems, diman, what a diman, he’s such a damn bald man, what does that have to do with it , dima, this is my dad’s apartment, listen, i’m renting an apartment, what are your complaints against me, show me yours documents, documents, from the cops, or what? no, i'm not from the cops, i'm i say, this is my father’s apartment, you yourself have documents confirming that this is your dad’s apartment, listen, i just want to know how you rented the apartment.
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if my dad is not in the city, there is no dad, diman is there, girl, that’s it, bye, yes, you ’re already tired, well, as long as you can, and elizabeth , come back, come in, don’t be afraid, i’m yegor, come in, i’m under the cover of these eyes. egor, hang up, thank you, sorry for interrupting you, but oh well, why not, mikhailovich, i won’t come in , i’m in a hurry, of course, again thank you, pavel, hey, you can find out what kind of guy lives in bald senior’s apartment, i’ll send you one now, i’ll try it, send it to me.
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chief, dmitry left the office, i’m taking him, it seems. he’s going home, okay, i’ll be there soon, i don’t understand what’s going on, dad’s mobile is unavailable, dima is taking over his apartment, selling his car, he’s in debt, don’t worry, calm down, continuing to monitor your brother, can you take me with you? okay, let's go!
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i don’t understand why he doesn’t go home, he walks in circles, as if he’s waiting for someone. "chief, closer i’m afraid to approach, maybe
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i’ve spotted you, i’m there, i see you, while everything is quiet, i haven’t called anyone, i haven’t gone anywhere, lich, at dmitry’s, a meeting, i see, lisa, you know this girl, it seems, no, like a girl saying something
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to him he says, pasha, are there cameras in the hospital rampart area? house five still olya, pass by, try to film what they are looking at there, leave immediately, it’s accepted , there are no cameras on the fifth, the closest one is on the seventh, but damn, and that one is on the side of the road, i understand, no need, better give me the sound from the phone object , no question, now everything will be, hello, mom, yeah, here, no enough, and there is a lot of good, yes, good , syringes are needed or their own, let's use all sorts of fireman, let there be more, come on, fintanil, what is this, an apiloid analgesic, an
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apioid, well, drug addict, hold it, if you need anything else, you call, i’ll try to find it cheaper for you, thank you, that’s why he took the money, dimka, lisa, wait, dima, what is this , give it back, i won’t give it away, these are drugs, yes, you understand that you need treatment, give me yours, of course, that's why you're selling daddy's things and his car, why were you following me, i had to, you yourself don’t tell anything, but what to tell me, patya himself asked.
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so what should i do with it? we'll figure something out, but now your brother knows he's being followed. i mean, i ruined everything, right? not everything yet. dad wrote. lizok, hello. i’m doing well, i’ve decided to rent out my apartment for the summer, and i’m selling my car. dimka asked for help. interesting. and how often does your dad write such long text messages? to be honest, he is not a writer. should you try calling him back? yes, what do you think, hmm, it resets? maybe be by chance? now reset it again. oh,
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it’s inconvenient to talk, write what? it means it’s inconvenient to talk, now we’ll find out, in the meantime you write to him some question, any, but the weather, about health. pavel, can you display the image from the camera of your father’s phone on... i’m trying, a little patience, sent, yes , sent, let’s look at your dad, attention to the screen, i’m displaying a signal from the phone,
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the only way to find out the truth is to continue monitoring your brother , we will call you as soon as we find out something, can i come with you, please, i promise i won’t interfere, i alone will go crazy, only on the condition that you do not show independence. yes ok.
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olya, turn up the sound. yes now. yes, without sound, everything is clear. dad came to sell his car. now form it. the main thing is that your wife is there, swearing there, yes, that we are buying a car. well, of course yes. everything is fine. i won’t give it, only over my corpse, open up, elizabeth , you promised, open up, you understand that i won’t forgive myself for not stopping him, lisa, you understand that i need to know what he did to dad, okay, will yours, come on, take it
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keys, what, did you kill him, well, who killed him, fox, well , who do you think i am, in the hospital, dad, what, in which hospital, dima, what’s wrong with him, hush, hush, fox, i’m sorry, well i should have told you, well, well, i didn't know. how, it’s already hard for you, you just recently lost your drink, there’s also
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dad, dima, what’s wrong with dad, dad was diagnosed with cancer, third degree, this is a turnaround, the worst fears turned out to be. much worse, don’t be afraid, there is hope, and all you need is money, medicine and all that, you, you were silent all this time, my dad and i decided that it was so it will be better, you were still in the hospital when we found out, we decided that he would return in the fall, as if from the village, i don’t understand how it was possible not to tell me about this, well, we wanted to. it’s better, lis, well, we thought that this would, well, finish you off, god, i almost
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went crazy, and you thought about him, why do you have his mobile phone, your mother said to take it away, but he doesn’t want to who to talk to, he’s tired of telling him that everything is fine, but he doesn’t like to complain, you know, i know, and i was playing tricks on him, yes, it still hurts a lot. yes, but he he’s holding on, he’s trying, at least he’s after chemotherapy now, but he’s all alone there, he probably needs care, care. come on, i sorted everything out, there’s a nurse sitting with him , she’s looking after him, he’s happy with her, listen, i don’t need a nurse, i can come to him, i really need it, that’s it, so, of course, of course, now we ’ll go, well, calm down, okay, that's it, calm down, yes, stop, why , okay, olya, that's it, you can wrap up, take the camera off it
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later, i'm not up to us now, yeah, i almost didn't believe that this dmitry i sold my father for a dose, how can you hide this, after all, her daughter has the right to know the truth, you know, it’s easy for us to say, but she recently lost her husband, she had a nervous breakdown, so what? better yet, do you think that your brother is a drug addict and your father is buried in the forest? well, you know, women sometimes tend to exaggerate, that’s why there’s no need to hide anything from us, the truth is, she’s always better.
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rose was kidnapped, quietly, quietly, she was really stolen, the ransom demands 5 million rubles, for which shoe, for the right or left, for which shoe, she was stolen, listen, right? good morning country, the all-seeing eye radio station is on the air. pasha, why can’t you hear everything? and i came up with a cool slogan: the all-seeing eye. we will even see a black cat in a dark room. yes. and with my eyes closed. let's get
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down to business. and rightly so , arsen albertovich anikyan, the salesman, will come to you now. 19 years old, arsen is the owner of a network of auto repair shops, well, of course, something was stolen, no, i think it’s definitely a mess, let’s not guess about the coffee bushes, especially since this coffee definitely doesn’t have it, hello, hello, hello, arsen albertovich , you come in, please imagine what we can help you with? ate me, my daughter was kidnapped, who kidnapped me? mirozavtsy, some straight from the wedding? maybe this is some kind of prank or ritual? yes, we don’t have such rituals, but they sent me a video, let’s put it on the monitor right away, ol, connect it, yeah.
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dad, kostya, they kidnapped me, they are asking for 5 million rubles in 3 days, so that they don’t inform the police, otherwise they threaten to kill me, kostya, who is this, the groom, you want to say, the husband, because the wedding took place after registration, yes, kostya also has this video they sent it, and they sent it to him, and they sent it to me yesterday at 21:20, the money is not a problem, i will collect it, i want to know who did it and so that... my daughter returns home alive, and you didn’t contact the police? no, i’m afraid the kidnappers will find out, but you told me that you work carefully, so that these scoundrels don’t feel they are being watched, and then i’ll deal with them with my own hands. pavel, just in case, try to record rosa’s phone to find out who sent the video to konstantin and
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arsen’s phones, what’s his last name, understand? three recordings from surveillance cameras in the vicinity of the cafe at the time kidnappings. there is a boss. arsen, tell me, why didn’t your daughter’s husband come? yes, you see, this husband is not a man, he is. the bride was taken away from under his nose. judging by the video message sent to you and your husband, the kidnappers are somehow familiar with your family. don't you suspect anyone? i have no enemies. maybe business competitors? you see, the market has long been divided, there are no problems, good, but you didn’t see it at the wedding, maybe someone behaved unnaturally or disappeared immediately after that abduction. you see, the thing is that i didn’t have a wedding like this, i have a network of workshops in moscow in the region, yes, we
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know that, and where from, well, yes, yes, yes, you are detectives, so just before the wedding there was an accident, an auto mechanic crushed by car, you went there, yes, i thought back and forth quickly, but i had to stay, understandable. then we need to ask konstantin, olya, we need to meet with him , ask him to take a video from the wedding, there was probably a wedding cameraman, yeah, what should i do, collect money, we will keep you informed, and you, if anything remember, be sure to call, okay, i will be very grateful to you, we will try to help you, goodbye, goodbye. so mikhailoch, i’m reporting on the first point: rosa’s phone is turned off, there is no signal, the last call was yesterday from the cafe area at 20:33. according to
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the second point, the ransom message was sent to arsen and kostya from the city center from a mobile phone belonging to a certain andron vikkentyevich poteryaev, who a year ago, bad luck, died, of course. left phone number, recordings from the camera, cafe, while i’m looking, okay, we’re working, well, it’s as usual, pasha, y we're meeting with the groom in a couple of minutes , please, i found something on the cameras near the cafe, it says loudly on the cameras, there are none on the back side at all, you could even take out an elephant. there’s one on the front side , there’s a strange guy there, i’ll show you now , he left shortly before the kidnapping and returned
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when the pink one was already looking for some bottles in the bag, hello, hello, sit down, i’ll tell you right away, i’m against it, against it what, just this... rosa made it clear that there is no need to follow her, so that they don’t contact the police, we are not the police, we are a detective agency, what difference does it make, and what do they care about who is watching them? kostya, please calm down, how can you be sure that when you give the money, the kidnapper will let her go, but what if konstantin, we want to help, we will do everything so that your bride does not suffer. okay, what do you want from me? first, tell me. how it all happened, well, they answered the wedding, drank congratulations, toasts, the first dance, then rosa said that she wanted to go to
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the toilet, left for a long time and did not appear, but naturally, i went to look for her, didn’t find her anywhere, then this strange message came, uh-huh, and you suspect someone, well , i suspect dad is rosen, but why does he need it, he was always against our wedding? he doesn’t like me, yes, but it would have made sense before the wedding , but you’ve already signed, well, i don’t know, maybe someone else could have kidnapped her, although arsenault had the opportunity to do so, it’s not just that, he he didn’t come to our wedding, well, yes, we know that he had an emergency somewhere in the region, but there was no emergency, he’s lying all the time, he told us in advance that he wouldn’t be at our wedding, pasha, i understand, konstantin, do you suspect anyone else? guests, maybe there was something unusual at the wedding, no , i don’t suspect anyone else, please look at the recording, do you recognize this person, well, he looks like
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antokha takhmazov, yes that’s him, who is it, it’s the former rozin, i didn’t even know , that he is on the guest list, do you think he could have kidnapped her, let’s figure it out, did you bring a video recording from the wedding? yes, yes, now, here on the flash drive, but there’s not much here, you will find the rose, i promise everything will be fine with rose, thank you, strange young man, pavlik, you found out about the emergency in arsenault, judging by the geolocation of his phone, the client was at home all evening, incoming and outgoing.
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then he behaves too calmly for a kidnapper. pasha, can you give sound from anton’s mobile phone, they are very hard to hear, they interfere with the noisy people. olya, then the sound is behind you, you need to get closer. pavlik, what about the cameras at
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the client’s entrance? after lunch i went into the apartment and didn’t come out until the evening. begos began when he had already received the ransom message. what was required prove? arsen is not involved in the kidnapping. look up something about the relationship between rosa and anton. if they broke up badly, then there must be something on social networks. you have a drink, i’m telling you the truth that i had nothing with rosa, our dads just matched us since childhood, we’re just friends with her, but i like you, especially since she’s been with her boyfriend forever for the last year, well, at least you saw how she was kidnapped, no, they ran out of alcohol, they sent me for cognac, i took the money, left, when i returned, everything had already happened, i confirm that between rosa and anton there is only...
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friendly correspondence, jokes about how their fathers want to marry them, and there is also a wedding invitation from rosa. yes, arsan albertovich, i’m listening, so when it arrived, can you forward it? yes, i got it, look, dad, kostya, they told me that the money is needed today, kostya must take 5 million at 18:25, enter the metro on prospekt mira, then they will tell him where to go, dad, i’m in 18:25, this is in an hour, arsen, are you still here, yes, tell me,
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can you raise the money? i understand, okay, we are waiting for you on prospekt mira near the metro, as soon as possible faster, he's already collected the money , wow, wow, rich people, lucky, inda, we 're not, it looks like we somehow scared off the kidnappers, it's because they postponed the ransom day, yeah, they started to rush, apparently somehow are watching... arsen and kostya, either, or, i have one thought, egorushka, hello, you may need help, what is it, saving the world again, well, something like that, we need to insure us in one matter, we will insure where, when, in an hour, pavlik will send you the address now, be
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there and the details will be there. okay, so what? did you have a thought? i’ll tell you on the way, contact kostya for now and let him come there too. pasha, try to find out where the video was sent from, hello, hello, kostya, you are the first, and we are still waiting for the stage, but he will definitely come, yes, he said that he collected the money. hello, hello, did you find out who sent the second video? not yet, they confuse their tracks very well. did you find out anything about anton? they found out he had nothing to do with it. here's the money, 5 million. ol, ah, in different banknotes, right? what were they? i need to put the sensor in my bag. let's.


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