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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 26, 2024 3:25am-4:06am MSK

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be there and the details are there, okay , so what kind of idea did you have , i’ll tell you on the way, freshen up with kostya, let him come there too, pasha, try to find out where the video was sent from, hello, hello, kostya , you are the first, but are we still waiting for the price? will he definitely come? yes, he said that he collected money. hello hi. did you find out who sent the second video? not yet, they confuse their tracks very well. did you find out anything about anton? they found out he had nothing to do with it. here is the money, 5 million wills, and in different cups, right? what were they? i need to put sensors in bag. let's. “what’s the plan, you provide hidden
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cameras and we’re going to hand over the ransom, wait, wait, what do we mean, the rose clearly wants me to come alone, why is it you and not me, how do i know, the kidnappers might know in kostya ’s face, and if he runs away with the money, i don’t trust him at all, listen, well, these are your problems, of course mine, not yours, arsen, calm down, we’ll put a hidden camera on kostya, put a tracking sensor in the bag with the money “unfortunately, we won’t have time to mark the money itself.” now 18:02, in 23 minutes kostya will have to enter the subway, this is the best place to put it in your pocket, button it up , okay, look, if something goes wrong, i ’ll get you out of the ground, i installed a sensor, arsen, let’s go to the salon, i’ll explain everything to you, come in, there’s nothing to worry about, if
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something goes wrong, we’ll see right away , look, you see the signal, this is a tracking sensor in the bag, let’s check kostya’s camera, you see, there’s also a signal, well, i’ll stay close , well, next to the cat, arsan, there are still questions, no, that’s great, thank you. 18:25 let's go, olya , don't come close, they might be following kostya, you
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're a lot closer here, we can see him, everything's fine, boss, i don't have time, kostya, got on the train, olya, don't fuss, sit down next, the kidnappers chose a good time, rush hour, the sensor on the money shows that kostya is moving towards novoslobodskaya, pavlik, and what about the image on the kostignal camera? will come, the camera was closed with something, he closed it on purpose, it’s not necessary, someone in the crowd could have just snuggled up, olya, we went to the belarusian one, i understand, arsen, let’s go to the cabin, mikhailich, something strange, the money sensor signal is moving at walking speed from novoslobodskaya towards tekhinskaya street, i understand, i see what this means. it means that kostya got off not on
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belorusskaya, but on novoslobodskaya. why? we'll find out now. sent him a new message. pasha, olya, i’m changing the route, turning onto tikhmenskaya street. on novoslobodskaya? apparently, yes. but his cell is still locked. he escaped, the scoundrel escaped, calm down, arsen. he won't leave us. kolya, where are you? i’m approaching novoslobodskaya, get out towards tikhrinskaya. mikhail, mikhail, can you hear me, the sloboda crowd pressed the bag and some guy snatched it. that's crazy, i told you, i had to go. and now i’m climbing belorussky. olya, where are you? i go out towards tikhvinskaya. let's hurry up, the signal is moving towards the third ring. we're in the signal area. ah... must be somewhere in sight.
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rossan, look at the passers-by. we need someone with your bag or a bag or a bag to put your bag in. oh, damn it, i don’t see anyone. calm down, we'll see now. i see a guy with a backpack, i see a guy, i see you, olya, let's slowly follow him, boss , he turns into the courtyards, pasha, there is a face, now i'll try to find who it is, i need a couple of minutes, he doesn't have my bag, it's not him, i told you so , the bag may be in his backpack, boss, am i behind him? just be careful, this guy has the money, are you sure, the sensor tells us that yes, but they are holding a rose here, unfortunately, the sensor is silent about this,
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the courier. olya, try to look in his backpack, it’s empty, and where is my money, the backpack is empty, which means the kidnappers guessed about the sensor tracking and planted it with a stranger, found his page on social networks from the photo, denis zhokhov, nothing special , no need to dig further, pasha, and now, you missed them, where is my daughter, what is arsen albertovich, this is the most precious thing i've got. so expensive that you didn’t even go to her wedding, that we know that you didn’t have any accident, how dare you, i can prove it, do you want it? no, but that doesn’t mean i don’t love her, i understand, so i ask you again, pull yourself together, i’m sure your daughter will return
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alive and unharmed, boss, the phone number is available, the subscriber is online, call, i’m sure good news awaits you. hello, hello, rose , ugh, thank god, you're alive, where are you, going to kostya's house, what is she driving, what are you driving, by taxi, olya, come back, rose was released, we 'll be there soon in half an hour, pasha, accept rosa near kostya’s house, i need her arrival, and there is michal olevich, that’s it, dear, i’ll see you soon, i kiss you, very, very much. "come on, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, we're waiting for olya and we're going, they were wearing masks when they took us away, i was also blindfolded, so i don’t know where they kept me, who it was, when they threw me out, i called a taxi, then dad called, they returned your phone, yes, it’s
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old, come to me, rose, i i’m so glad it’s all over, you’re doing great, come here, i was so worried about you, mikhailovich, there’s information, wait, pasha, i ’ll turn off the speakerphone now.” dad, i was so scared, it’s okay, it’s good that everything is fine it's over, yes, yes , i understand you, yeah, i have one more request for you, check, no one was going anywhere, yes, you understood me correctly, that’s all for now, mihalich , thank you very much, thank you, the main thing is that the daughter is alive and at home, and the money, and what the hell with this money, you’re in for the money, don’t worry, it’s not lost, it’s like that
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... we needed to live on something, it was my idea, kostya didn’t want to, i’ll kill him, i’ll kill him, where is that coward, dad, i love kostya, and you were against it from the very beginning, yes, pash, alone , okay, so what now, to scam your father out of money, you
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thought about me, and why should i think about you when you don’t think about me, i tell you i don’t think who these 5 million were in the safe for, for you, did you say cashed out for the transaction? so what did you say, this was your dowry, can you find it? there is no need to look for anyone, i told you, it’s all my fault, kill me, kostya didn’t want to, that’s what i would argue with. rose, tell me, were you going on a honeymoon , what a trip, we weren’t going anywhere? it’s strange, kostya has a ticket booked for london next week. what ticket, what are you talking about? the fact is, rosa, that kostya was going to hide with the money and from your father and from you, he had a one- way ticket, you’re still lying, he couldn’t!
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so this poor guy ran away with my money? alas roses, it’s true, don’t worry, arsen, how’s our money like yours? the thing is that when we inserted a sensor into a bag with money , we replaced the money with dolls, here it is your money, intact, you can count it, they began to tell you for the purity of the experiment, so that you wouldn’t ruin everything with your ardor, so what? , rose? maybe now you will tell the truth, whose idea was it to scam your father out of money? kostina. your daughter’s whole fault, arsen, is that she fell in love with the wrong guy. oh, bakhtas, bakhtas. i didn’t want to, i thought, i swear to you, i will raise everyone to their feet, we will find him, and he will answer for everything. wow, is there anything else there? who is nobody, that there are still bags of money? what bags, who are you? okay, kostyan, don’t write
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, i’d like to take the camera off you, and the money, god bless the money, especially since there are dolls, what dolls, look, you see, i told you, yes, i need a camera, give me a second one, oh , that's it, we 're taking this with us, let's go. let's go, let's go, let's go to. michal ilic, client, ours. eh, poor girl. but with a dowry of 5 million. not so poor? i'm talking about the fact that she fell in love with the wrong person. as the great internet says, in our turbulent times. it’s very difficult to find a worthy partner for life, so i don’t know about you, but i
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’ll never get married, and by the way, i also guessed that the kidnapping was staged, let them guess, that’s when rosa confessed, but no, well, the kidnappers they held her for a day, and in the second treatment her dress was not torn, did not get dirty, well, it was only slightly wrinkled, in the first appeal... so in general everything was perfect, it’s strange, i think they made the first recording before the wedding, well, yes, and rose, like any girl, did not want to ruin her dress, and when she was supposedly released, she looked just beautiful, these are your feminine things, but i didn’t pay attention, who said that you need not only observation, but observation, congratulations watson, you are making progress, girl, lost, oh, thank you, thank you, egor, you’re welcome, your people
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let's agree that we're going home, like going home, and the continuation of the banquet, i have a whole bag with money, give it here, we ’ll need the dolls again, about the continuation of the banquet, i’m not sure, today was a hard day, well , of course, i’m late again, what are your years, can you still catch up?
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great, great! too much, no, i’m not living , isn’t it, nothing is more invigorating than getting up early on the only day off in winter, except maybe swimming in an ice hole, which our general loves so much, no, thank you
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, i already had breakfast, by the way , but no one knows what kind of juiciness this is, i don’t know, it’s ringing? in the morning, come in such a friendly, fatherly way, he says that there is a conversation, well, of course, i ’m asking, some urgent state matter, he says, no, but it doesn’t require delay, allow me, general, yes, come in, you called us early, but i have something for you have a task, unusual, but difficult, you need to go to the city of sosnovsk, where is this , and this? 4 hours drive from moscow , by the way, it’s a resort place, i already like the news, however, now is not a very resort time, so you’re not going there to relax, and what is required of us, this time the task is purely commercial, as they say , nothing personal, there is one house there that is very
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well guarded, your task is to get into this house, but without anyone noticing you. that everything seems to be nothing complicated, then this house needs to be mined, which means we have to plant bombs here, everything should look natural, so take this seriously, well, we seem to be just checking the security service, these are like simple exercises, not simple, what about operational-tactical ones?
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put it right in the garage on the minus first level, good! max, right wing, karasev - left, place collection, minus the first floor, dispersed.
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and now let’s put bombs in the electrical panel, just under the support column, and at the same time turn off the electricity, well, purely theoretically, well , since we’re playing terrorists, is this what i think, or is this someone’s joke? there are no sappers in the local staff, you understand, sosnovsky is a small town, we did not try to remove the bomb on our own, its structure is painfully intricate. it seems to be somehow connected to the power supply system. yes, we can’t say anything about the power of the bomb either, because that i will only set the timer there, everything else
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is isolated. wait a minute, so there is a possibility that there is no bomb there at all? perhaps, but i'm afraid we won't find out about it very soon. this is where specialists are needed. with the equipment, we will have to call from moscow , yes, well, how are we going to get out of this situation, well, for now there is only one option, evacuate the workers from the site, cordon off all the personnel of the building, yes, this is understandable, but i don’t think their security service i’m ready for this, in general it’s all quite strange. it feels like our conversations are someone eavesdropped and planted this bomb especially for us, so that we would somehow accidentally stumble upon it, but judge for yourself, still
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not a single word from these terrorists, and the timer on the bomb is a way of blackmail, but if someone needs to be detonated, then the bomb will cope without a timer, so i would like to understand who benefits from this... the object is located on the outskirts, so the damage is exclusively economic, so okay, these are all our conjectures, there are 7 hours left before the explosion, so let us we'll think about the kind of person who planted the bomb, he's not stupid, cunning. managed to get into the building, bypass all the security and install this complex device like a real pro. apparently he had been in this
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building before and knew that the electric meter was locked, so he took the wire cutters with him. yes, and let’s not forget that he was precisely informed that there was rarely anyone in this part of the building, well, otherwise the bomb would have been found before us, that is. it turns out that he is related to this building? well, it's hard to say anything now. in any case, task number one: defuse the bomb. hello. meet the head of the local police, lieutenant colonel alexey alekseevich barsukov, hello. well, what do you have here? these are our best specialists. what do you have?
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can guarantee complete safety, because we don’t know anything about the guy, if you press him , then press him again, he has no other choice, recording from video cameras is of no use, there is nothing on them, video cameras in the garage have not yet been put into operation , the orists did not leave any traces, they did not make any demands, there is only one conclusion, their goal is the destruction of the complex, freaks,
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alexey alekseevich, i understand that the matter is complicated, but we haven’t had anything like this happen, don’t worry, the construction is carried out by the kremen company, the director is a certain fyodor illistratov, it would be nice to talk to him, in case you know something, maybe a general, please allow me, yes. it's upstairs, you'll allow it, hello, hello, okay, thank you. “i’m sorry, you
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must be talking about today’s find, that’s right, please forgive me, today is a difficult day, from the site, i’ll get straight to the point, in your opinion, who could have done this, maybe your competitors, i don’t think so, although for the last few months i have been..." they have been regularly threatening me, uh-huh, from here, please, in more detail , they are demanding money from me so that i transfer a fairly substantial amount to a certain account, otherwise, well, i’ll be in trouble, what usually in such cases they said, in general, the money that is being extorted from me, i can only take it by putting my paw into the budget that
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i allocated? , i was assured that everything was under control, that is, you got away with a simple statement, listen, i occupy a fairly high position, i have been threatened more than once , i have many enemies, competitors who are just waiting for me to lose my nerve, some people like to gamble...
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its owner a certain kirill panchin is not getting out of the courts, for some reason he didn’t pay the subcontractor extra, he didn’t figure it out, that’s not the point, it smacks of financial fraud, you check this panchin properly. yes, how did you receive threats, when was the last time you were contacted, usually they sent me letters with words cut out from newspaper letters, but like a movie, that’s why i didn’t take them seriously. the last letter arrived 2 weeks ago, i can
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look at it, i gave it away. to the police along with all the other letters, did something make you take the last letter more seriously than the others? perhaps, yes, in addition to the demand to transfer 300 thousand euros to the account, there was, well, something like an ultimatum, an ultimatum? yes, i was given 3 days to fulfill the demands, usually everything was limited to just threats, here there is a specific deadline.
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they're looking for you, really, yes, i'm listening to you , i'm listening, but the detail is unimportant, about 10 days ago pasha in... disappeared, i tried to get through to him, but in a word he disappeared, though then i got through to his mother-in-law, she said that pasha went on vacation to a resort, to a resort , in a very timely manner, so okay, well, thank you for the conversation, do you really think that pasha, that we’ll take care of this and... yes, if anything, i’ll freshen up with you, here also, when you receive the next message, call me, this is my cell phone, call immediately, we have every counting a second, all the best, keep me
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informed, report on every step, the situation is the same. no demands have been received from the criminals, the soper is already at the entrance, and in the normal time frame for scanning , i think we will have about a couple of hours, well, that ’s good, so your listrator has been threatening him for several months now, demanding money, these threats are like -that?
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speed, come on, don’t let us down, while we figure out what kind of vacation this is, zadonsky left, it looks like they’ve been watching us since
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our arrival, smart guys, but not that words, this microphone is professional ultra-sensitive equipment. they don’t sell them like this at every turn, well, now it’s of little use, then we don’t have any time to find out who exactly could have access to such equipment, it seems like there’s something to eat, something to drink, and now calmly tell us what you ’re doing. together with odonsky , two more people passed my recertification: yuri zhmar and attention, igor panchin, a familiar surname, this is the younger brother of kirill panchin, but the same one who is
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a competitor or stratovo, who is mired in litigation, and where are they now? and sorry, no one at my previous job knows, but i have the address of the youngest panchin’s wife. go ahead, then max and i, if we report anything, well, let karasev rest, it’s painful to look at him, what happened to you, a work injury, you walked around a construction site without a helmet, that’s it, let’s run, it gives up, we’ve already survived, so what? well, we'll wait. kolya, yes, he didn’t bring his tail with him , but don’t be stupid, everything is fine, he brought it, he brought
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it with him, keep it here, everything is fine here, you can count it, oh well , i believe, the barrel is in the shield, you’ll take it when i'll get out. everything works fine there, well , if you want to check it, i’ll check it, but i don’t worry, everything is in order, go ahead, call me if anything happens. i’m listening, they’re going to blow everything up, they’re going to blow it up, calm down, i’m on my way, just don’t panic. you go, it looks like i have something urgent to do, come on, i
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, i’m already on my way, wait, listen, friend, do everything urgently, but what happened, just start it for now, and i’ll call barsukov, he ’ll explain everything to you, okay, sit down. well, what happened, should i call the police? my husband actually works there? "hello, hello, according to our data
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he’s been fired for a year already, can you tell me where he might be now, he’s in the hospital, what’s wrong with him, they took him away for appendicitis, you won’t envy him, and you won’t tell me his real place of work, but what happened, he’s suspected of something bad crime, where he works, as a security guard, he and his friend are stuck in the passport agency." passport, passport , thank you, goodbye, thank you, friend, okay, i'm finished, you understand, i'm finished, so, let's talk about everything in order, who calling you? i don't know, i don't know. "me, i, i just
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they called, some foreigner, said that if i don’t immediately transfer the money to them, the bomb will go off ahead of schedule, just calm down, calm down, we have everything under control, under control, under control, under control, a bomb is going to happen at any second. it will blow up, i hoped that you would make it in time with these sappers, but i, i don’t have money, i don’t have money, how, how will i pay with the state, listen, there is insurance, it will cover everything, but no, there is no insurance , you see, at one time i, i bypassed this point, with insurance, on i needed money for insurance, but
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i simply didn’t have that money, so i didn’t give a damn about compulsory insurance, so, i need to know everything about your relationship with punchin, punchin, punchin, a normal guy, specifically, well, it was i who brought him into the business and i vouch for him, but he, too, did not remain in debt for long , it was he who helped me... he helped me with insurance, as is the case in law, he is simply a genius, if it weren’t for him, i would not have seen this contract, you know for the construction of a complex, by law i am obliged to insure the object under construction and bypass this point impossible, well, simply impossible, and for this you need money, i didn’t have that money , he helped me with cars, he has connections with an insurance company, he put me in touch with a little man, and well... i put him on his paw, and he made me sticky insurance.


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