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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 26, 2024 4:05am-4:55am MSK

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and money, i simply didn’t have this money, so i didn’t give a damn about compulsory insurance, so i need to know everything about your relationship with punchin, punchin, punchin, a normal guy, specifically, well, this, i brought him into the business and i vouch for him, but he also didn’t stay in his debt for long, he was the one who helped me with insurance, how’s that? in terms of the legal side, he is simply a genius, if not for him, then i would not have seen this contract, you know, for the construction of complexes, by law i am obliged to insure the object under construction and bypass this the point is impossible, well, simply impossible , this requires money , i didn’t have this money, he helped me, he has connections with an insurance company, he put me in touch with a little man, well , i put him on my paw, and he made me sticky. if
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it weren’t for this, i wouldn’t have seen my project , but now i can see them, really, i can’t see them, i told you not to call, what else, let’s quickly, i ’m talking about money, everything will happen in its own time, don’t force it, how long to wait, where are the guarantees, ugh, do i need to sign a contract with you, everything will be, the main thing is don’t shine, i ’ll call you myself, is there anything else? no, i'm waiting, yes i never i didn’t particularly single out either the punchin or the cheapskate , well, they worked and worked like everyone else, yes, i put them on the same shift, they asked, they were friends after all, and what kind of objects did they store, well, for the last couple of months they were phobic at the construction site of a shopping center, there is... to keep an eye on them, but
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can i look at their duty schedule? yes, of course, and photographs, please, wait, where are you going? hello, i’m visiting my brother igor panchin, is he lying here? yes, here, it seems, but we have a visit. an hour and a half starts, so excuse me, maybe as an exception, i'm just very i’m in a hurry, well, if it’s not for long, then of course , thank you, i also have a small request for you , i’m not feeling very well, and i forgot my will at home, could you lend me a favor, of course, let’s keep it! yeah, let me
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bring you some more water, no, thank you, i’m right, citizen panchin, are you under arrest? and what, how you scared me, but it could have been true, i was making noise at the door, and you didn’t even wake up, look, they will come and take you away warm, why will these people come for me, but that not everything is so smooth with us , brother, that's why you need to be on alert, especially now , i’m sorry, kirill, i can’t just take it and leave here right now, i can’t even really walk, the anesthesia is crushing, it’s just a disaster, all i do is sleep
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yes, brother, you’re at the wrong time rushed to the hospital. in short, listen to me carefully, tonight, be ready, i will come for you, take you to a safe place, where? yes, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you can rest there after the operation, and also, if you see or hear something suspicious, run, hide, run. even to me it hurts to laugh, it’s okay, we ’ll sew you up when you’re free, it’s still better than lying on the bunk healthy, right? well, okay, brother, don’t worry, everything will be fine, you did a good job, okay, i have one more request for you, the fact is that i’m very worried about my brother, he’s not used to being alone. if i need anything or
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something happens, could you call me? well, don’t worry, we have one of the best clinics, i have no doubt, but it’s better to play it safe, ok, so... general, it seems the circle has closed. seryozha, how are you? what do you think is the scheme? that's how it was. in order to get a profitable order, ilistratov had to forge insurance. that is, people who work at the site are practically not protected in any way, because the insurance is fake. if something happens to them, or to the object, the sratov will pay out of their own pocket. and even then in the best case. you yourself understand that fraud with insurance is punishable by prison, i feel that we will still have to talk with khelistratov, the attackers found out about this vulnerability, and besides, they can pull off a deal with insurance or the strategist was helped by panchin sr., from whom
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his brother learned about everything. fake insurance is an excellent excuse for blackmail, the plan is almost ideal, especially since zadonsky is a close friend of listratov. illustratov, of course, did not know about zadonsky’s problems, that he had been fired from the police and acted as the criminals expected, turning directly to his friend for help. this is the picture, well, our exercises on the territory of the complex only helped them, because panchin jr. and zhmar worked there as security guards and in order not to be seen, they, as it were, through us they gave a signal, there is a bomb, it will explode soon, all this is good, we have it. the agency has such equipment, but we must detect the fingers of the swindler there; they
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already need reinforced concrete evidence in order to catch the criminals in hot pursuit. the only good news is that a specialist arrived a few minutes ago. now there with him, well, i can’t do anything here, so announce an evacuation, but announce what you want, your bullshit bomb. so now you can breathe easy, the hardest part is over, thank you, i’m very grateful to you, you helped us a lot, now i’ll call and tell them to uncouple, we’ll wait with that, how much
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time we have left, but the general has plenty of time, no, i mean, if there was a real bomb there how long would it take for it to explode? about an hour and a half, great, i propose this: we won’t remove the cordon, but let the police remain in place, why is that? but because it will help us detain fake terrorists, you understand? got it, thank you, what do you have, karasev? managed figure out that elistratov received a call from turkey , from a hotel room, yeah, probably by pure chance, it was in this room that zadonsky was staying, so, we’ll leave zatonsky for now, he’s arriving tomorrow, now we need to take the crap, kostin from the agency said that today is crap on duty at the site on second lisogorovsk, let's go, second
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lisogorovskaya. mr. zhbad, who is asking? how can i serve you? let's go with him, just please, no nonsense. what nonsense, guys, i served in the police myself. we're serious, otherwise last time there was plenty of nonsense to go around. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, we're going back, i said back, that means, face against the wall, without sudden movements, otherwise he won't get well, don't complicate your situation. to fulfill, my situation is more difficult, you think, who am i , i know these things by heart, i ’ve used them more than once, that’s it, that’s it, that’s enough, you waited so long, you couldn’t knock out the gun right away, but
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i was waiting for an opportunity, and i wanted to listen - he’s a smart guy, otherwise he’s too self-confident, it’s okay, now my guys , former colleagues, will come to beg me you will explain to them yourself... why do you want to put handcuffs on a former policeman, what an eccentric man, the police opened a case against you and your accomplices a long time ago, and they have already sent a police squad to those who are upset with you. come on, what were you thinking, you can’t get up for the first day after the operation, where should you go, bring a bedpan for you, i’ll bring it for you, let me go, what are you doing, your stitches are about to come apart, but sit down, they tell you , it’s not good to swear, we have a few questions for you,
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hello, panchin, panchin, answer, do you know what will happen otherwise ? pyotr semyonovich, i’m telling you that everything will be fine, i can’t talk now,
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i’m running away, goodbye. yes, hello, kirill yurievich, this is nurse lyuba, remember? yes, lyuba, what happened? i'm calling you to tell you that the police came and they took your brother away. what did you say? hello, hello, kirill yuryevich, are you there?
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pasha, what happened, pasha, just like that, take and give your old comrade, with whom you fought together, who saved your life. i don’t understand this, we all don’t understand this, and this is good, but zadonsky has already blamed all his accomplices on his accomplices, and they, accordingly, on him, okay, let’s leave this matter to the investigators, the same general, say a toast, then so, listen to the toast, comrade officers, for reinforced concrete friendship, that’s all, but what ? not enough,
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attention, urgent call, robbery in the serebryanka microdistrict 58, i repeat, serebryanka microdistrict 58, these are our old friends. and today they should not leave, the second, the fourth, quickly neutralize, go, go, forward! meet general viktor borisovich
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lapishov, take a seat, viktor vich, i i think it would be better if you immediately bring them up to date, yes, of course, first let me say that it is a great honor for me to receive you in our region, to meet you personally, i have heard a lot about your exploits, do you already know? we received information before leaving. the last one happened just a few hours ago. in general, this is a resonant matter and we cannot cope with it with local forces. therefore, i would like them to provide us with all possible assistance in detaining and neutralizing the criminals. each time they become more legible and bolder. during today's robbery , even the special forces squad that arrived on time could not detain the criminals. everything turned out to be much more serious than we expected. we are probably not dealing with
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an ordinary organized crime group, but with professionals. information, anything, call me, but we will need more detailed information in person, it will be more reliable and faster, okay, now my group must familiarize itself with the crime scene. i'm glad you agreed to the coma. it seemed to me, or you are unhappy with something, i also noticed, well, no if you’re dissatisfied, it’s a sin not to help in such
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a situation, but something is wrong here, it’s unclear. why does lapisheva turn to us in moscow, having such an administrative resource, and it seems that he is deliberately distancing himself from this matter and shifting it to his nose, which means that all the responsibility falls on us, but we heard the matter ourselves, it’s sensitive, so well, now we should refuse, you will refuse the zaksa, the matter has been taken over for control.
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active bag, but there was no rudeness, no shouting, nothing like that happened at all, he just asked me to fill my bag with money, as if i was even apologizing, one of these robbers, when he was running away, he accidentally touched a visitor with his shoulder, and so, i even heard that he apologized to him, what are you saying, very strange guys, tell me, well or maybe one of them stood out to you in particular, or something unusual caught your eye besides...
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several of his friends left, a sign of solidarity, in fact they were just as bad, you think they killed the bantu, i don’t know, it’s necessary check, so, well, what do we have, but essentially there's nothing to do except vague testimony that doesn't explain much, we'll work with what we have, vadim, take care of this vustin... friends, study the dossier on them, read the characteristics, maybe you'll find something to latch on to, got it, max , well, you and i will go somewhere for a ride, where, our robbers had stolen cars, and so on one of them... the gps beacon went off, but why was it silent before? well, apparently, at first they jammed the signal, and now they drove too far from the place where they abandoned the car, so the signal and erupted, relaxed, that means
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relaxed. imagine that you are a criminal, trying to escape from being chased in a stolen car, an interception plan has been announced in the region, what will you do? well, i’ll just abandon the car, that’s all, the criminals thought exactly the same way, they abandoned one stolen car, moved into another , obviously waiting for them right here, hello, i assume you’re the owner of the car, well, sort of, excuse me, we , we need to examine it. she will help us, catch the criminals, look, what now, can i have the keys, thank you, i'm afraid we'll have to
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pick it up for examination, there could be fingerprints of bandits left on the glove compartment, but i promise you can pick it up tomorrow, okay, take it, evgeniy anatolyevich wustin, senior lieutenant, born in seventy-one, did you have such sotnikov, yes, great ,
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everything is merging, so we have identified the robbers, the only thing left is to find them, what offers will there be, they must have families. hello, i'm talking about your husband, can i go out? he’s not here right now, he’s away, so maybe i’ll still come in? please in leaving to talk, and where, if not a secret? in vladivostok to work when he arrives. i won’t say, because i don’t know myself, but do you maintain any contact with him? no, he always arrives unexpectedly , doesn’t stay long, then also leaves unexpectedly, yeah, and you know
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that your husband is suspected of a crime and is now on the wanted list, i knew that everything was heading towards this, and after the failure of that ill-fated operation, everything things went awry, my wife was fired in disgrace, and the guys were finished. excuse me, after what operation, i'm sure i can’t say, i’m proud of zhenya, i didn’t go into too much detail, but i know one thing for sure, he was set up very badly. looks like no one's home, that's it. listen,
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we urgently need to raise all the circumstances of vustin’s dismissal. did we miss something? wustin's wife says he was fired after some operation went wrong. got it, i'll try to figure it out. well, since we ’re here anyway, let’s ask the neighbors and find out what ’s what. what we have? no traces of vustin, sotnikov and the rest, how did they boil through the earth? we interrogated sotnikov's neighbors, my wife and son have not appeared for a month. sotnikov himself appeared at the apartment, the last time approximately the day before yesterday evening. he tells his neighbors that he sent his family out of town. in general, there are more and more questions, but some details have emerged regarding the dismissal of vustin, and what is there, a complete crime. vustin
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and his fighters.
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24-hour surveillance of sotnikov’s apartment, and if the senkov duty officer appears, take your documents to colonel skaldin, they should have warned us, jumped.
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is there something wrong? no, actually, i i had to figure everything out myself, about what? and the goals of your parish? i’m not surprised that your department is very interested. what exactly are you interested in? details of his dismissal, everything connected with it? well what do you say? wusin failed an operation that had been prepared for several months, and he failed it on purpose, i am convinced of this, we have information about what he and his department had.
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so what do you say? slippery guy? skaldin is being dark, that’s for sure, ustin and his team have an excellent track record. generally difficult to believe that a person who did not feel sorry for himself got mixed up with bandits in almost all hot spots. and what will we do? look for wustin. stand!
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yes, of course, goodbye, ladnishev, wondering how things are going, impatient, what?
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yes, the centurions are leaving, so you need to intercept, dictate the number, ulyana, 940, konstantin timofey, region 199, i got it. good afternoon, prepare your documents, stand, stand, i said, last name, first name,
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anatoly sergeevich sotnikov. what interesting things can you tell us? what's interesting here? so how is it? for example, i'm interested to know what you've been up to? decided to warm up, otherwise you sit all day? listen, guy, i don’t need this here,
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okay? i see you at a glance, the guys and i were also thrown out of the army right into the street at one time, they call it a reduction, but we didn’t go against... the law, why are you being outrageous? i see that there are real reasons, tell us, maybe we can help with something? how can you help me? throw him in jail to rot? the last thing we're interested in right now is throwing you in jail, because we'll have to figure it out i want it, you know? but if you lock yourself away, then of course we won’t be able to help you in any way, and you’ll have to really lock yourself up for a long time. okay , it’s clear what they’re choosing between two evils, and you’re probably my last chance, you’re up to date on our military past,
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and there’s a little bit about the inglorious death of our squad, you’ve probably heard a lot, not without it, so that’s what i’ll tell you , everything that he says about us is complete bullshit, he... doesn’t consider us people, he’s not cannon fodder, he’s the goat to whom we didn’t give a few lemons put it in your pocket, sebastians, yes, he kidnapped two families of our fighters, one of them is mine, and why is he defending this, so that we return his money, which disappeared, god knows where, now understand what situation we find ourselves in, well skald, that he’s only worried... you can’t expect anything from him, and you decided to act on your own
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, and what else to do, any of us could find ourselves in such a situation, the boys decided that we need to free our wives and children from captivity, even at a cost our freedom. so we robbed banks to get this money by the required deadline, and sebastianov set up a counter, so if you go somewhere, you can either scare off these bastards or simply not make it in time, but you guys are in trouble, well, tell us, why should we believe you, huh? my phone was taken away during my arrest, it’s in the top drawer, look at the photo.
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well, now you know everything, but you’re unlikely to help me. i missed something, andryukh, where are you going, in general it’s like this, general lapeshev just called, asked us to escort the detainee to him, he wants to talk to him personally, he’s there one more time important matter is going on, i didn’t receive any instructions about it, andryukh, did you call me personally from lapishev, i’m not in constant contact, well , you want to call him yourself if you’re worried, in short, the matter is urgent, we need to hurry. okay, take it, no, no, andryukh, andryukh,
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andryukh, you take us to the duty room, well , confirm that we missed you, let’s hurry up before we get burned, complicity in a crime, what do you think, a tempting prospect. uncuff him, what are you doing? we're trying to help, let's go! yes. are you crazy or what? i speak:
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listen to me, andrey, jump into your car, i’ll go after them, yes, you can still catch up with them, find out where they took this centurion, yes, that’s it, lights out. who is that with you? these are friends, open up.
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lieutenant colonel pastukhov, upsm. i wonder what this all means? i vouch for them, they, one might say, risked their careers and just pulled me out of the cops.
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well, skaldin, you gave me trouble
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, you almost set us up, so how was i supposed to know, viktor borisovich, sometimes you think with your head, or should i continue to wipe up all the dirt behind you, like with this vusin of yours, yes i upsm is now breathing down my neck, they probably know about the one and a half lemons, now they won’t just leave me alone, they will leave me behind, they will leave me behind , they have a lot of troubles of their own now, the pigeons can still be considered their people, they arranged an escape for a criminal, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, that’s it one more thing you need... to hide the cash today , he was saving it, so go to the hiding place, dig it up, hide it at least at the bottom of the ocean, just so that they don’t find it, that’s for sure, look,
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good evening, good, what’s the matter, but the point is this suitcase, please, guys, you understand what you are doing , karasev, we understand what we are doing, but
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what about what we are doing, we understand, but here it will last for a long time, good evening, what do you owe, general, you asked us for help, and you're under arrest. sadok, wait outside the door. yesterday they arrested skaldin, one might say,
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they took him by the hand, along with a suitcase of money and a block of shares in a publishing house that belonged to sevat. well, this house was for money laundering, and skaldin was the only one who knew about it, so these shares served, well, as a guarantee that skaldin would be silent. by the way, latishev was also arrested yesterday. you were right, you got burned because of your greed. when he found out, so to speak, skaldin’s income, he naturally asked for a share, and skaldin had to leave. he asked the matchmaker for a certain share, which he naturally did not have at that time. then skaldin decided to take what he thought already belonged to him.
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and after that publishing. hello, the money has been collected, what next? you arrive at the znamenko platform. train 1447. you’re coming alone, understand? like ours, can i go with them? talk?
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the high-speed train arrives from the second train in two minutes. where are our women and children? i brought money! where are the hostages? leave the money, you'll see it in an hour, wait here. listen, scum, if you even lay a finger, you know what
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will happen to you. it was me, i handed over the money, the signal from the bug in the bag is clear, yeah, connections, take away the hostages, send someone to the sign platform, let him take care of the truth, i got it. mom, when are we
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going home? be patient, little one, it will be soon. okay, let's get ready quickly. mom, we're going home. give it to me, give it to me. hello, kids, as they say, let's go, let's go,
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he can't hear, thank you for everything, actually. thank you, without you we would not have completed this operation. thank you.


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