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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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and we had a violation of public order there, loud music, noise, yes, yes , yes, yes, yes, please tell the guys to come to us again today, otherwise they forgot their cap, pistol, well, at the same time they will look at the photos, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. having washed their hands, denmark announced the termination of the investigation into sabotage on the nord streams. a device worth tens of thousands of rubles destroys equipment worth hundreds of millions. fpv drone calculations on in the south donetsk direction they are hunting for enemy combat vehicles and helping to advance the russian infantry. vladimir bogomolov saw how they work. support so far is only moral. at the moment, half of what was promised is not being delivered.
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germany in moscow, for their part, have repeatedly stated that the united states or someone at its instigation was involved in the explosions, who benefited from what he did, noted vladimir putin. journalist seymour hrsh wrote that american divers planted explosive devices under gas pipelines ...
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nine enemy brigades were killed at once tangible damage to equipment and manpower. on the neighboring donetsk sector of the front , units of the southern group of troops took up more advantageous positions. in the kupinsky and zaporozhye directions , eight enemy attacks were repulsed during the day. in general, along the entire line of contact, the losses of ukrainian units amounted to almost 1,200 military personnel. a subdivision of the vostok group was defeated near the villages of urozhainoye and staromaiskaya in the south donetsk direction. 128th
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territorial defense brigade of ukraine. the infantry is actively advancing in this area russian attack drone crews are helping. vladimir bogomolov went on a combat mission with drone operators. this is, as we call it, just a carrot, this is an rpg shell. a strike platoon of fpv drones has a variety of projectiles in their arsenal, from high-explosive fragmentation to anti-tank missiles. the ammunition is selected depending on the type of target of the drone itself, but with any combination the result is the same. according to him, as a child he loved to work with plasticine, but now the materials for modeling are more serious, the warhead is filled with plasticine and they are sent towards the enemy, but mostly we have dugouts, we dismantle the dugouts, just like that. we work on bullet points, well
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, before the assault, especially when ours is on the assault, we worked to make it easier, this time the trophy was serious equipment, in the footage the destruction of a tank. wearing special glasses , he sees the flight in first person; the work, as the fighters say, is dizzying due to the height and maneuvers; adjustments are made by a partner. the most difficult thing is that i am completely cut off from the outside world, namely joint work with the objective control operator, let’s say a mavist, you work with him, they help you, accompany you. this unit of the thirty-sixth army had to launch drones from a distance of less than a kilometer from the enemy. an unmanned strike force provides surprise in an attack, but also carries its own risks. enemy forces are on a real hunt for drone operators. the day before, the crew came under fire, and you can see the trace of a shrapnel in the stance, but the soldiers themselves remained safe and
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sound. drones with a trailer accelerate to 120 km/h. to dodge such a bird, so military personnel call drones almost impossible. vladimir. svo. the cia has created a network of secret bases in ukraine. the new york times reports this. the publication's sources include more than 200 current and former officials from europe, the usa and ukraine. they spoke about the secret cooperation between kiev and washington. allegedly, over the past 8 years , 12 spy bases have been created along the border with russia. cro participated in equipping and. financing of these objects. as a result, ukraine has become something of a platform for collecting information about russia. active the partnership at the intelligence agency level, which began under obama, continued under trump and is now underway under biden. the head of the cia, william burns, recently visited kiev. the visit was secret,
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but the same new york times reported on it. the trip was the tenth in 2 years. this time , according to the newspaper, the goal was to convince kiev of washington's continued support, despite problems with...
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what is this topic? fica makes only hints; for example, he said that under no circumstances would he allow direct participation of the slovak military in the conflict in ukraine. vladimir putin held a meeting in the kremlin today with the head of koracava circassia, rashid timrezov, and discussed the socio-economic indicators of the republic. the volume of industrial production is quite modest, let’s say satisfactory. is growing, agricultural products are produced in larger volumes, unemployment is decreasing, well, it has dropped noticeably, yes, to 5%, it is still of course two times, well, one and a half times more than the national average, but still it has decreased almost twice , this is also a noticeable point, but
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nevertheless there are issues that require special attention, for some reason you have this, i don’t know, maybe this is not entirely true, now explain, construction is not growing. tevrezov explained that the republic is among the best in terms of input of square meters per person, and this figure is achieved through the construction of private houses, and that this was positively influenced by the decision. president on social gasification, separately timrezov focused on helping svo participants and their families, we are very actively working with the fund that was created, i want to say that we have several measures, including both financial and non-financial in nature , yeah, the guys today are selflessly in the slo zone, their families, we know every family, we know what the problems are, but i... i would also like to tell you, temrezov added that all issues are promptly resolved, they also influence,
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today the court transferred to the state the assets of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant, this is a large producer of ferroalloys, business news denis talalaev, denis, and how does this all explain? the privatization of the nineties was again declared illegal. today the russian court accepted a new decision that challenges the outcome. privatization thirty years ago. the arbitration court of the sverdlovsk region satisfied the claim of the prosecutor general's office to transfer to the state three plants of the industrial group of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant. now the shares belong to the company etalon of yuri and lyudmila antipov. the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant produces about 80% of ferroalloys in russia, that is , alloys of iron with other elements. they are used to improve the properties of cast iron and steel, for example to make them more durable and resistant to corrosion, as the kommersant newspaper wrote, the prosecutor general’s office’s lawsuit alleged that the privatization of three
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chemk group factories in the nineties was carried out illegally. according to the prosecutor general's office, the factories were associated with defense enterprises, which means that only the government could make a decision on privatization, and there was no such decision. in addition, the prosecutor general's office argued that now enterprises have completely fallen under the control of residents of unfriendly states, their products are exported at a reduced cost to the united states and europe. in the chemk group they responded to all this that, firstly, its factories do not belong to the military-industrial complex, but only supply their products to metallurgical companies, like mmk and severstal, and they already send steel to defense enterprises, and secondly, about foreign control in chemk, they said that they cooperate with foreign metal traders, like other exporters. recently, the prosecutor general's office has been actively challenging the results of privatization last fall; also, according to its claim, the court recovered from... the state 94% of the shares of metafrax chemicals, one of the largest producers of formaldehyde
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and methanol in russia, last week it became known that the prosecutor general’s office is demanding the return to the state of the ivanovo heavy machine tool plant, which was privatized in the nineties. the russian stock market is exiting the long weekend in an excellent mood. all last week, investors lived in tense anticipation of sanctions. and here is the new announced and main stock exchange result. from corporate news, the far east development corporation reported today that the head structure of tenki bank i re-registered from cyprus to russky island in vladivostok, this is such a domestic offshore, theoretically this step allows the teen bank to pay dividends to its shareholders again, after an anxious long weekend i will exhale today. and the foreign exchange market, the dollar in these minutes dropped even less than 92, the euro, less than 100 rubles. smartphones, tablets
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and laptops rose in price in russia last year by 10-15%, kommersant newspaper writes about this, citing sources and data from the gfk company. smartphones increased in price by 10-18%, laptops went up in price by 13, tablets by nine, and the prices of apple smartphones increased the most, plus 37%. as the distributor the house company explains, prices were most influenced by the key rate of the russian central bank, which increased from 7.5 to 16% over six months, as well as exchange rates: the dollar imitated by 26% over the past year, the euro by 32. the company ocs distribution also reminds us of the hussite attacks in the red sea. they also lead to higher prices for goods, because supply routes have become longer. as a result , russians began to switch to cheaper devices. mts says that last year sales of smartphones costing up to 10,000 rubles increased by one and a half times. egor,
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everything about the economy. thank you, denis talolaev with business news. vladimir putin discussed bilateral relations with turkey today by phone with recep erdogan and congratulated his interlocutor on his birthday. erdogan turned 70 years old. he has been in power for more than 20 years. over the years, turkey has transformed from... a country into a developed industrial power and an influential player in the international arena. ankara buys weapons in the usa and russia periodically comes into conflict with one side or the other, but... carefully balances on the brink of partnership-friendly relations. we can say that it is in the person of erdogan that the aphorism is embodied these days, the east is a delicate matter. roman sobol, about the turkish heavyweight. a native of istanbulul's poor quarter, he sold lemonade and bagels on the street as a child, but spent the proceeds on books. he could have built a comfortable career as a football player, but
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he chose the risky path of politics and twice was imprisoned for his opposition views. erdogan has been at the top of power for more than 20 years, first as prime minister, then as president. over these years, turkey has transformed from a largely agricultural country into an industrial country, and even one that claims to be a strong political player. this is a fairly serious regional power, this is true, and it influences processes in the middle east, transcaucasia and central asia. a clear illustration of the question of the role of the individual. there are probably more successes because he is already he was re-elected president three times, leaving his competitors far behind, although the campaign of 1923 turned out to be difficult, the united states openly interfered in the elections, financing the opposition, campaigning for the pro-western kemalyağlu,
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and even economic mistakes, he tried to extinguish inflation by reducing the key rate of the central bank. under recep tayyip erdogan, the whole world began to reckon with ankara, this is the only nato member that has any political subjectivity, a country that can set conditions for the united states, can play with them, like yes, bargain with them. turkey bought russian s-400 missiles, believing that they were the best in class. the united states, which wanted to sell its
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petriot complexes to ankara, decided to intimidate erdogan. they switched to direct threats, those very threats. ankara's relations with russia are also ambiguous: some turkish companies sell weapons to kiev, while erdogan refused to support anti-russian sanctions. by the way, unlike many of these european
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leaders, he thinks about the economy of his country, about its future, which, so to speak, we generally do not we observe from the european side. russia is building a nuclear power plant for turkey, which will provide 10% of all electricity generated in the country. erdogan is sometimes called an eastern degol, meaning a politician who does not give in to emotions and poses.
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broadcast for other regions of central russia, state duma chairman vyacheslavin during an official visit.
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before the strikes begin, israel proposes expelling them to new migration camps, even the us, a key israeli ally , is cautious about these plans, and this morning in washington military man. the united states committed self-immolation in front of the israeli embassy, ​​having previously announced that it did not want to be even indirectly involved in the genocide of the palestinians. the government will allocate 12 billion rubles to the regions to update public utility infrastructure. mikhail mishustin announced this today at an operational meeting with his businessmen in khabarovsk.
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ideal intelligence officer, photographer tas, you know who i am, head of station, gdr
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1989, the soviet empire is bursting at the seams and not today, tomorrow the berlin wall will fall, but for those who are used to working in the shadows , something else is important, you need to get the stase archives before others, the ministry of state security of the gdr has a dossier on world politicians, and other secret data, if you don’t find the archive, you will be thrown out of service, these archives will save you. a thousand lives. a spy detective story and a political thriller, which is how the creators of the gdr series designated its genre, tells about a time of global changes that poses new challenges for the soviet intelligence officer and at the same time gives another chance to prove himself. in berlin to the main character alexander nichaev needs to follow the corpse of a local music hall; one of its artists is an american intelligence agent. your hotel is infested with spies. now it’s unclear who is ours and who is someone else’s. i think this is a very important movie, a movie. after all, about that time, which , let’s say objectively, today, if you look at that time, then many of the points in which we find ourselves today were laid
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then. i think that this is generally the first time that this segment of history is shown very openly, very honestly, finally with that the point of view from which our country must rethink the era of gorbachev’s rule in general. i recommend the series to everyone, i have already seen it. the creators of the series worked carefully to convey the atmosphere in detail. brest, minsk, istanbul and of course, in berlin, so in each of the fourteen episodes the audience will definitely expect unexpected plot twists, explosive special effects, this is a time that, on the one hand, is not so long ago. was, on the other hand , already half forgotten, this is precisely the breakdown of the era when the soviet union was ending, everything else has not yet begun, on the eve of the fall of the iron.
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this is an attempt to look back 30 years using a plot based on real events in which real historical figures participated, and the audience at the premiere screening appreciated this approach, watched it, excellent, very cool, dynamic, very dynamic, the film keeps you in suspense, so with i will be happy to watch further, what awaits captain nichaev?
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an international street art festival opened in sirius, where two dozen artists from spain, mexico, kazakhstan and russia. the theme of street projects is that when we are together, the best works will not be determined, they all become the cultural heritage of the world youth festival. about this from sirius svyatoslav gordin. well, we also checked the meter. the federal antimonopoly service announced claims against the yandex taxi price formation, all this and the weather forecast after the advertisement. this is moscow, this is moscow. nobay moscow.
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she will appear now. so what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. previously, the temperature was as dry as outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable, and people don’t get sick, and productivity has improved, and now these are where, in memory of gifts, hundreds of languages
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a calling. technology into live communication, tradition into innovation, only here in the country on which the sun never sets. tinkov - 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. we are alexander and dmitry koshnin. i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer. a this is grandpa, thanks to his ingenuity. we are passionate about science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties on uka.rf, gdr, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. i decided for myself that i would not congratulate my wife on march 8th. more precisely, congratulations, but not only on the eighth. and every day i arrange, albeit a small, but holiday. make your loved ones happy every march with
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you can insure with us one car and win a second or a million rubles, choose osaka or any other insurance and take part in the draw. compare on your side. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. we're back on the air, let's continue. the federal antimonopoly service announced serious criticism of yandex taxi. first of all , complaints are related to the cost of travel. last year alone , the company received more than 300 complaints from both passengers and drivers, faz reports. the regulator called.
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robots, inspectors, cleaners, and even electronic assistants for beekeepers are just some of the projects of young inventors from lipetsk. schoolchildren work on their know-how at the it center for digital education. cube these are now opening in different regions of the country. the goal is to develop technical abilities in children. children are taught programming, graphic design, and creating mobile applications for free. on the achievements of novice engineers, olga chernova. details by color, at the lipetsk center for digital education, atiku is supported by all the ideas of young inventors: if you want, compete with artificial intelligence, if you want, track the behavior, mood and well-being of bees, as high school student pavel chernykh does, he has always been fascinated by hardworking insects,
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so i decided to come up with a smart apiary, so that without interfering in the life of bees, i could remotely control the condition of the hive. it is designed to help beekeepers so that they can monitor more easily. and in winter, as well as in summer. the project is still being finalized, but has already received high praise at the international competition in beshka. fourteen-year-old daniil ogorodnikov, the author of two inventions. he created a weather lantern and a robotic arm with artificial intelligence. it took 8 months to train the neural network to control various types robots. many people actually want to make a truly unique robot, for example, a unique product, but for this they lack programming knowledge, and accordingly i created my project for this. generate rain, fog, sunset, lightning, at first it was a beautiful decoration project for recreation, a weather visualization system anywhere on the planet, but daniil and his teacher continued to develop the idea, the weather lantern grew from a design one into an engineering one. we
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open the weather lantern, select the ones we need we give us the conditions, put the board there and begin testing. eighth-grader milana raldugina is confident in the uniqueness of her robot, a collector of fallen leaves. while this is a small model, the young inventor is convinced that it has great potential. will collect autumn leaves, shredding them, but the main task is to recycle the leaves into environmentally friendly paper. in the digital education centers it, created in russia within the framework of the national education project , children are taught programming, development of mobile applications and technologies, voluminous visualization, engineering design. the lipetsk center decided to unite young minds with experienced mentors, industrial engineers , to create a robot that will be an inspector of pipes; it will be able to find and repair damage in them. a children's and adult project that will work for the enterprise, yes, with the help of this project the children will, so to speak, get career guidance. this year , five-year-old inventors will be able to declare themselves at the all-russian technological competition, and
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lipetsk young developers are preparing showcase your new projects. olga chernova, oleg zoltarev and andrey ostroverkhov, ntv television company. lipetsk. well, the federal territory of sirius is preparing to welcome guests of the international festival. youth, which will open on march 1. this time, well, everyone knows, the familiar venue of the olympics has been transformed thanks to russian and foreign street artists. for them , the facades of houses are in american style. valley and concrete bridge supports became canvases for self-reflection on the topic of when we are together. as we understand, this svyatoslav gordin saw the creative task of the street art master. kali, a civil engineer who groans, draws what he cannot build. his murals are an optical illusion, when color adds volume, even to an architecturally modest khrushchev-era building, they seem to be creations of the cubist era. he painted houses in kazakhstan, the moscow region, ulyanovsk and vologda, and is now finishing it. work on the sailing street in sirius, you see, already on that side
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we already have a beautiful, voluminous column, i plan to draw the same column on this side, and combine these windows with each other friend, new forms is the name of this international street art festival, it opened before the start of another youth festival, which will be held here near the black sea coast, artists must complete their projects just by march 1, and thousands of guests at... two dozen houses on the way to sochi international airport , the emeritus lowland and bridge supports turned into art objects. each artist has his own style and his own theme. philip dolmachenko, for example, has been painting his wife for many years in a row. first they create in the studio stencils, then transfers the image.
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this is the main theme of street drawings: friendship, children, science, sports, subjects that are clear and without words. festival participants were selected based on their previous work. 10 russian artists and 15 foreigners came to sirius. to show them that russia is not a closed country, that everything is very friendly here, they were already surprised that such a festival was being held here, and well, they happily agreed to participate. spanish artist harvey corte has been painting murals for 20 years, and here he will have a voluminous, complex drawing with many.
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clean the wall of dirt, apply a primer, start painting, selecting paints, a wolf family gradually appears on farid’s mural, the wolf is a totem animal for the artist, the meaning of the drawing is that the family is the basis and protection. i put a part of my soul into all my drawings, and i believe that when i’m gone, my soul will visit all the places where i left a piece of myself, such is my contribution to this life.
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several thousand people are stranded on a norwegian cruise ship due to a possible cholera outbreak on board, here's a floating hotel norwegian dawn passengers were promised 12 days of entertainment and... we are preparing to say goodbye to the calendar winter, and
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quite in a spring mood, this applies to the entire western half of the european territory of russia, and objectively, these temperature indicators correspond to the end of march, in the north and april, in the north april, well, the middle volga is still in winter frosts, all this in accordance with how we are divided between the warm atlantic cyclones and the siberian cold anticyclone, and it is so huge that it makes the weather almost the whole country, here it is enough right to kamchatka from... it doesn’t gather, this is its high atmospheric pressure in the center for at least 5 days, all conditions for sunny weather, and light precipitation in the strip from the northwest through vologa to yaroslavl to the come republic. the south is insured for sure, sun, but strong wind, temperature up to +10- +15. it must be said that the kaliningrad region is not far behind these indicators, but it is still 5 degrees short of the records of thirty-five years ago. about capitals after a break. it was a forecast weather in a country where the sun never sets. only here, in the largest
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country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tenkov. tenkov: 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. in st. petersburg there will be light rain tomorrow afternoon and +3 in moscow there should be no precipitation and 0 +2 march. thank you. well, that's all. thank you for being with us and see you later. give gifts with a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on everything and 200 days without interest. desires are fulfilled not by yourself, but by you. who just chooses their path and
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