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tv   DNK  NTV  February 26, 2024 5:50pm-7:00pm MSK

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yes, we will undertake this operation, now we already have a plan defined in our heads on how to carry it out, most likely the operation will be performed in two stages, just to create the possibility of closing the defect, there will be a large volume of examinations in terms of mri, we you need... to perform an mri of the brain, to perform an mri of the spine in order to find, or not to find, certain diagnostic criteria for the same neurofibromatosis, we will first conduct genetic testing to confirm the diagnosis of neurofibromatosis, so that in the future we were able to discuss the possibility of anti-relapse treatment, but thank you very much.
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a huge thank you to you, your colleagues, for taking on this, i know that you are taking on great responsibility, i haven’t heard the specifics for a long time, this is what we are taking on, a big thank you to your entire team, thank you very much, very much, i will just pray for you every day, nothing more. yul, you are a fighter, evgeniy, next to you is also a fighter, i really want to believe and believe that everything will be fine with you. thank you, thank you. evgeniy, we wish you health, we wish you to get rid of this problem and live a full life next to your beloved. thanks a lot. even with the most delicate problem, you can turn to our program for help. we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now.
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tomorrow on the program behind the crap, a man is accused of beating his wife to death in front of nine-year-old pasenko. she was only 29 years old, having turned one a month ago. according to the accused himself, his wife was hit by a car. she went to the store, and in this state she returned from the store. can not believe that he and the couple’s friends killed his beloved. stood nearby all the time, just nastya, my nastya, he directly showed everyone what happened on that terrible night, he forced the child to wash the washing machine from the blood, then he got ready to leave the apartment, leaving two small children with a dead mother, this is beyond the bounds , tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. she wanted to give up her daughter. in the maternity hospital, but
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changed her mind when she found out that she herself grew up in a stepfamily. in our studio maria kudryashova. hello maria, hello. why did you want to give up your daughter? it so happened that we did not live with dad at that time, with the child’s father. we broke up during... pregnancy, the ground was pulled out from under my feet, and i was simply confused, i was young, i was 19 years old, i was unmarried, i had no job, no education, but what about your family? reacted to your pregnancy? initially, my mother was very much against it, that is, she saw in me just an unstable personality, she was worried that i couldn’t cope with myself somewhere, but i would still have a small child, she scolded. i didn’t
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accept this fact, but over time, when i was carrying my daughter, she got very used to it, naturally, she was already waiting, and everyone was waiting for her birth. maria, who were you planning to tell first that you decided to keep the child? i didn’t plan to tell , my mother just called and i started telling her all this, that is, i had no plans there, but it was right on the day of birth and i started telling what i probably couldn’t handle, at that moment both my mother and dad. they were waiting for the child, they were waiting for me to come with the child home, and i kind of tell them the opposite, yes , that i can’t, i can’t handle it, and my mother started to explain to me, there, yes, mash, you’re in this state now, calm down, you need to calm down , come on there, well , you’ll take it with a cool head , now you haven’t recovered from childbirth yet, well, you started explaining such things, it calmed you down, it didn’t calm me down, i was in such a state that... it’s as if i would have already made
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a decision for sure only it can be the only correct one, but my mother had already done it this way and that, that is, i hung up the phone, my mother called back, this conversation went on for an hour and a half, then, apparently, my mother already understood that there were not enough arguments, she, well, just somehow expressed in her hearts that mash, please don’t do this, in at one time you were also abandoned, but take the child home, it was such a moment, on the one hand, terrible, yes, when a mother wants to abandon her child, on the other hand, in our history, it was salvation, well, these words right away... you were put in order, you changed your mind, of course, of course, go home, i came back with the child, everyone was very happy, that is, now we are very happy, yes, as we named our daughter, varvara, now i’m just living as if my own story, i was only 18 years old then, and me too,
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no, me the doctor dissuaded me from giving the child away, i decided that i would leave him, so the doctor instructed me, you say you are young, you are only 18 years old, everything is ahead of you, and now this is a wonderful son. you had a difficult life situation then, yes maria, but nevertheless, when you gave birth to your daughter, you told the girl’s father, yes, he was very i was happy, i helped you, we are still together, we made up, everything worked out, and now we live together, that is, the birth of a daughter, whom you even planned to abandon, cemented your relationship, it, this birth cemented everything, all ours family relationships, is this your only child? and we have five children, five, yes , we have five children, maria, you are grateful to your mother for telling you the truth, i am immensely grateful to my mother, because i know how hard it was for her, it was very difficult for her to decide to this step, but in this situation she didn’t see any other way out, that is, she
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never planned to tell you that you weren’t her own, well, then there were conversations that if it weren’t for this incident, i would never have found out, and if it weren’t for my mother’s words, you yourself would someday have you ever thought about the fact that you might not be everyone’s relative? there was a moment when i saw that i didn’t look like my mom, my dad, my mom’s relatives, my dad’s relatives, that is, well, no one at all, then i thought why is this, why do i have girlfriends , for example, there are friends, they are like that, well, they either look like mom or dad, or both parents, yes, it was just not clear to me, but they didn’t ask why that was? no, for some reason i didn’t even ask, but i have a strong character. i was like my dad , i found this moment connecting , that is, this was enough for me, apparently, not to ask these questions, in your environment no one asked such a question, neither a hint, nor a half-word, in general, nothing even close in my life this
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was not the case, sometimes they asked why your parents were aged, that is, me when adopted, mom was 40 years old, and dad was 43 years old, and that is, when i was 15 there, so yes... they were already at such a respectable age, these were the questions, and why are we not alike, no, they didn’t ask , and after your mother told you the truth, you wanted to look at your blood parents, of course, you wanted to look, you wanted to know, you wanted to know more than just the backstory that i was adopted, but i was faced with this feeling, that i seem to be uncomfortable, or i would offend with these questions, and i don’t i asked when they were alive, and their adoptive parents were long gone, yes, dad left in 2012, he had oncology, mom left in 2018, but she had diabetes mellitus; on
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the background of diabetes mellitus, first one organ system was destroyed, then another, in general, the body was gradually deteriorating, it was difficult for them to leave, and especially for my mother? because when dad left, there was mom, when mom left, there was no one left, well , no one, just those closest, although there were brothers and sisters there, and relatives, for example, i would have been raised in a family, yes, in which, well, for example, there were either adopted children, or their own children, and we grew up together, and somehow together it would have been easier to experience this grief, but what happened was, that it ’s as if, well, there are no loved ones, and you started looking for a biological family, and resentment towards the biological family? no, i didn’t have any resentment, because, uh, i don’t know the backstory of this story, i don’t know the backstory, and i can assume that there could be endless reasons, just sometimes uh, some terrible actions
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we do it out of good intentions, and this also happens, a relative of your adoptive parents knew that you were not their own daughter, but did not tell you the truth, in the studio: irina yakubova. hello. hello irina. you probably remember well how maria appeared in the family. yes. the first time they brought masha, she was one and a half years old, but she was still very little, she was a very pretty, beautiful girl, so chubby, how old were you then, i was 11 years old, and my relatives immediately told you that maria is their adopted daughter, no, when they arrived, when they brought masha, they said that this was their own daughter, my grandmother seemed to have doubts, because no one had heard about pregnancy, it was like a birth, we didn’t hear the birth of a child either, there are one and a half... girls, they arrived, well, somehow the grandmother voiced her doubts, yes, she talked with her father, with
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her mother in the reception car, asked them, well , what did they say, what is it our own daughter, and why they didn’t tell, they explained somehow, well, they probably didn’t want that someone from our family will let slip , say that she, as they say, is not family , they didn’t want to traumatize her, your grandmother didn’t raise this issue again, no, it wasn’t raised like that within the family circle, but it was discussed, of course, that she was still... offended by masha’s father, that they had a very good relationship, a trusting relationship with her, but he didn’t say anything, well, maybe mom was there, that is , she played a role, she said so that, as it were, well, not to speak, that is, the grandmother was offended that she was not told the truth, well, yes, it was like that, yes maria, why do you think your parents didn’t even tell their relatives the truth? i think it’s because when they adopted me, they accepted me so much that they didn’t even want to hear from anyone, yes, what suddenly? i told them there, that is, i wasn’t there, i wasn’t... irina, do you remember when maria
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finally found out that she was adopted? yes, she came to visit us, she told about it herself, what her parents told her. and maria told you that she wanted to find her family, especially when her parents died, she really wanted to find her mother, well... relatives. maria, what did you know about your biological relatives? my mother only told me that she adopted me there at the age of 8 months, that my name was galina, and my last name was lukinets, and since during the life of my parents i didn’t really try to find out anything else, yes, i only had this information. that is, your parents changed your first and last name. first name, last name and patronymic. what about your date of birth? date of birth.
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for some reason she went home, then they couldn’t find her, well, here’s some kind of story confusing, incomprehensible, my mother told me, but do i know my mother’s name? my mother didn’t tell me her name, then after my mother’s death, i was able to find my mother’s name by searching on my own. how did this happen? i decided to post an announcement that right here in the naril group, that ’s where exactly... i was born in this city, yes, that i am such and such, such and such, galina lukinets, i’m looking for
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my relatives, maybe namesakes, yes , maybe somehow i can unwind this ball through my native city, 3 days later a woman wrote to me, she wrote to me that she saw my profile on social networks, saw that i was visually very similar to my mother, so she decided to tell me what she knew there, yes, she is not 100% sure that this is my story, but because of the visual similarity. decided to tell me at some point, she already told me that she knows svetlana lukinets, yes, that it is possible that this is my mother, that she, this woman and my mother were brought up in the same boarding school in the city of norilsk, my mom, svetlana lukines, got it there with my younger brother alexey, because their mother drowned in a lake in the city of narilsk, and at that moment i already had a name, and the name of my supposed uncle. i searched the internet for everyone with this last name alekseev and svetlana, but i couldn’t find anyone who
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was related specifically to my story. then, when i found out this story, i happily shared it with my godmother, my godmother said what my adoptive mother had told her at one time, that it seems my mother’s name is sveta, that is, this name flashed again, and well, this gave i really like greater confidence. that is, there is a high probability that your biological mother’s name is svetlana. yes, a lot of facts point to this. and this woman also told something, maybe about svetlana lukina , at first i was in such a state, i... i knew that svetlana had a brother, and i was a little so inspired that i now i’ll continue my search there, but i have some plans and was digesting this information, well, i didn’t write to this woman, but it’s like maybe a week or two for this period was, and then i think, well, i need to ask again, when i already saw - i wanted to ask again, i saw that she deleted the profile, that
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is, it was as if she had found herself in such a situation that i had no one else to ask... well, i kind of already felt my powerlessness in this situation, who would you like to find, from all the relatives you can, that well, if these people are directly related to me, then it could be any person from my relatives, well, they were looking are you svetlana lukinets? well, of course i would like to find my mother, this is it certainly, but do you think your mother, who left you in the hospital and disappeared, could have given birth to more children? i think, of course, she could. so you think you have brothers or sisters? well, perhaps yes. i always wanted to have brothers or sister. we managed to find a woman who was born in norilsk, 8 years later than you. her mother's name is also svetlana. she only has a last name.
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lukyanian, not lukyanian. today. this woman came to us in our studio alina lukyanets. hello alina. tell us a little about yourself. were you raised by your mother? no. i have a mother i died and my aunt raised me, she took me so that i wouldn’t end up in the homes of people like that. were you still little? yes, i was 2 years old. what happened to mom? mom died of cancer, she was sick for a long time, uh, and she died, and my aunt took me, did you know that you are not being raised by your mother, aunt? they told me later, when i was 7-8 years old, they told me that i have biological parents, mom and dad, they showed me
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photographs, that’s what they told me, that well, mom died, it happened that way, and dad from me refused. i didn’t even come to my mother’s funeral, he just abandoned everything from me, and my aunt took me, well, because, well, my mother died right away, they buried her there and they took me away right away, he didn’t appear in your life anymore, he appeared , i found him myself, it turns out that my mother told me about him , well, when she told me that my mother died, there is the fact that i have a dad, i started, well, she has everything, well, pry, say, mom, tell me about dad, since mom died, that’s it, i s.. i’ve come to terms with this, i already understand that she can’t be brought back, i started asking about my dad, like, well, my own father, i want to see each other, talk, yes, mom at first she didn’t want to tell me, well, because he refused, why, but i still started to stir it all up to look for it, she still told me his name, surname, and i found him on social networks, started communicating with him, he told me
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i also started showing my little childhood photographs, introduced him to my grandmother, i talked to him... well, around the age of 17, i started talking to him, then, when i was 18, i invited him to come to us, so i said, dad, i say, come to my eighteenth birthday, we ’ll see each other, at least we’ll talk for the first time to see each other in life for so many years , he didn’t come, i told him, if you don’t come, then i won’t communicate with you, well, i just won’t, why, if you don’t even want to come, he didn’t want to come, like this family where i live now, i just stopped... communicating with him, and you are grateful to the aunt who took you when you, it turns out, were left completely alone, completely defenseless, of course, grateful, she raised me, raised me, became mother, yes, of course, she became a close, dear person, she didn’t abandon you i was in such trouble as i was in,
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my mother did the same, my mother, i lived with my brother and my mother, the three of us lived, a distant relative was dying, and my mother then immediately decided everything for herself, but since we a family consisting of three people, we gathered a council , sat down, i was 13 at the time, i was already, as they say, an accomplished adult, too , and my brother was 9 years old, and we immediately said, yes, we are taking vasily, he then went to school second grade, our family has grown, us. there were four people, and we lived wonderfully happy, and we were friends, we were friends, although he was the youngest, but we took responsibility for him, so. alina, did your aunt have any other children? yes, three sons and a daughter, we even have the same birthday. who is this with? with
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my sister, with whom i now live with my aunt, with her daughter. we have the same birthday, well, it’s true that we are from different parents, but i also found out that when i was 13 or 12 years old, i found out that i had more. that my sister, but from my mother, through my biological mother, yes, through my biological moms, i found out that i have a sister, but ah, as they told me, they first said that she died, then they said that she was disabled, uh, when they started searching, well, she must be older than you, uh, yes, as i remember, she was told to me, her name is galya, she... well, somewhere, well, as i understand it, 30 or above, how old are you now? i’m 24. did your aunt tell you why this girl didn’t live with your mother? well, as we assumed,
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due to the fact that she was disabled, because of this she did not live with her mother, her mother simply, as we understood, abandoned her, she was it’s hard to lift her, because your mother herself was seriously ill, but this could be the only reason why your biological mother abandoned your sister, yes, i... tried to find my sister when they told me that she existed, but i couldn’t to find her, i looked for her everywhere on social networks, even if there was the slightest snag , there’s a photograph there, something, maybe i found her, what do you think she should look like, well , i think she looks like, well, basically like me, small, blue-eyed, well, just like me to my mother, like me, alina, i want you. she was also born in norilsk, and at birth she received the name galina, her mother, what was your name
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, svetlana, only her last name was not lukyanets, but lukinets. my sister, we don’t know this for sure yet, does this girl maria fit that description? yes, it seems, do you think maria could be your sister? i would be happy. if this is really so, i feel that this is native blood, very similar, just with
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the birth of children, naturally, the hormonal background of a woman changes with each birth i also had children, with each birth i also changed, and when i was a little younger, i was more like alina than i am now. irina, what do you think? yes, it looks like she is very similar to... her eyes are like this, just like mom’s , here’s part of her chin looks like mom’s , let’s look at the photo of alina maria’s mother , what do you say, well, the eyes of all my children are simple. do you admit that the woman who gave you life can look at you with a photograph? yes, galina, do you think there is any similarity between the woman in the photograph and
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maria? i don’t see it yet, to be honest, of course , i would like it to be sisters, i really want it, but it’s like the dna will tell, it seems to me that they are very similar, just the eyes and this body... that’s the feeling - a presentation that directly feels like yes. maria, maybe you wanted to know something else, maybe you want to ask alena something, there were only two of us, three, there was also a brother, but he died, died in nature, after me, yes, well, she is the eldest , then, in theory, i walked, and then the boy, but he died, was born, he was born, dead, that is, you have never seen him, no. he was very weak, your mother is your mother’s sister, mother, dear, yes, and alexey, brother, dear, do they communicate? he
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died, he died, he died when i was pregnant, in the early stages. alina, your aunt, who became your mother, told you a lot about your own mother? she told me that my mother was kind, beautiful, very, so cheerful , she was a good person, it’s really a pity that she was gone, did your aunt want to take galina with her when she took me? i wanted to take my sister, but they didn’t give her to her, well, as we understood, because my sister, as it were, had probably already been accepted into another family, and because of this they simply didn’t give her to us, why did alina’s own aunt consider her second for 10 years the niece is dead, and how many children her sister had, we find out immediately after the advertisement; at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale,
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dna. maria kudryashova found out that she was not related to her family when she decided to give up her own child. and now she is looking for her blood relatives. maria kudryashova was 19 when... she gave birth to her first child, woman she admits that she was not ready for motherhood, so she wanted to leave her daughter in the maternity hospital, but before deciding to take a desperate step , she called her mother and during a conversation with her, she learned the secret of her birth. my mother and i talked on the phone for a long time, in the end she said that mash, you were also once left in the same way, but it turned me upside down, of course, my child is growing up with us, everything is fine, but these circumstances are just forced my mother to tell me, i think, if not for these circumstances, i would have... no one would have said anything told. after her mother revealed the truth to her, maria wanted to look at her blood relatives. she began searching for relatives after the death of her adoptive parents. my mother told me very little about my biological parents, just the circumstances under
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which she adopted me, and the fact that my name was galina lukinets. i was in the hospital there, i was sick with melingitis, it seems that initially my biological mother was with me, but she went home to wash, it seems, she never returned. to maria’s ad on the internet a stranger responded, she said that maria’s mother was her old friend from school, svetlana, she said that she studied, well, she studied and lived with my mother in a boarding school, that she knew her, that they ended up in boarding school because their mother drowned in a lake in dolny on rivska.
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the result of a dna test to find out if the same woman gave them life. alina’s aunt believed for 10 years that her eldest niece was dead. in our studio marina yakimenko. hello, hello, marina. did you and your sister have a warm relationship? yes, well, everything was together, everything was because it was small. were, then we were separated, she moved to the second grade, her mother took her , we didn’t see each other for 20 years, the youngest went north, three of us, and three of us stayed with our grandmother, and why did this happen, well, they wanted to stay
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here on the mainland, and that she had some kind of work there or what, why did she go there, well, yes, she worked in the north , she had an apartment there, they didn’t write off, didn’t call each other, no, they wrote off, she was sent to a colony, she was in a colony out of her naivety and kindness, she took upon herself, they said, you’re little, there won’t be anything for you, i even sent her a parcel, she was there for 2 years, when she announced that she had given birth to a daughter, well , this was already her when she arrived from the colony, but she was also still little. 16 years old, what did you name the girl? galya, according to her mother, she was with her for about six months, then she wrote that the girl died, and what happened was a severe form of meningitis, that i caught a cold and died because of it. how did you
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find out that she had a second daughter? well, the second daughter - it was already almost through 10 years. and it turned out that we received just a letter for a year, another year. until the telegram came that she was gone, when you received such a telegram , she was 2 years old, it was just her birthday on march 15, we dressed nastya, i say, they dress alinka there, celebrated her birthday, and sasha brought me a telegram, he says marin, sit down. your
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sister died on march 6, give permission for the burial, i flew there for half a year and immediately took care of her to pick her up. when you arrived, what did you see? it was creepy, almost in the house there was nothing, she stretched herself as best she could, without the support of a man, she survived and she was already seriously ill, as you found out that galina was alive, her friend, she came to the funeral. she said, what about galya, i say, what
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galya, i say, no, she says, she ’s alive, when a friend told you that the girl was alive, it was a shock, a terrible shock, what did they do, well, when i was registering alinka, i wanted to find out about the guardianship, well, they quickly moved me, they said, there’s nothing for you there, there’s nothing to ask, there’s nothing, these are girls like you... refused, we can’t tell you anything , well, my girlfriend lives there , i asked for an orphanage there, the only way to find out, they said that she wasn’t there, that’s all over, it turned out that the girl was refused, we were only me then i already found out all this, well, if you had managed to find galina then, you would have taken her along with alina, of course, if they had been together at that moment, you would have taken her, what do you think ... forced your sister to leave galina,
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it seems to me that she just wanted to keep her, that’s why she refused, she herself couldn’t survive, but why did she tell you that she was dead? i don’t know, but have you already tried to find galina in adulthood? no, a lot of worries, a lot of trouble, i have a big family, well, i was constantly thinking about what she looked like, what you imagined your sister’s eldest daughter to be like, well, someone like alinka, she looks like her mother. alina, tell your aunt who you met today, your sister, galina, one face, she, colors, copy, copy, sister, and eyes, that’s all.
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now i won’t let you go anywhere, yummy. "she reminds me of my sister now,
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small, fragile, doll , i missed her so much, for so many years, here is a copy, maria, do you think your mother could do this to her child, i thought that it was so, that it was not an act of heartlessness , this..." she also tried to save me, i thought so, then narilsk is the nineties, the first entry in my medical card is meningitis, i’m just comparing these facts, i understood that... well , my adoptive mother, she said that they literally pulled me out of the other world, that is, did you have such a diagnosis? yes, yes, more likely all she was afraid of was that she herself was weak, she had nothing to live on then, marina, and you thought about how the life of svetlana’s eldest daughter turned out, very often, what
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were the assumptions that everything was fine, marina, let’s go we will show you a story about maria's life , attention to... raising five children is not an easy task, but maria kudryashova fully enjoys motherhood, a large family lives in the city of bolokhna, nizhny novgorod region, in a private house, here we live, here we are very we love to watch everything together films, this is the crib of our youngest child ilya, the children themselves sewed toys for the mobile, everyone was really looking forward to it, sewing... so that he could, if something needed to be sewn on, sew on, and well, some such things, and household ones. maria’s youngest son is only 4 months old, but
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she doesn’t plan to stay on maternity leave for long and plans to return to work soon. i work in the field of helping professions, i work with emotions, with blocks. in the body, these are various massage techniques, bodily therapy, and self-typology, my last training, i i studied coaching, and while maria spends all her free time at the sewing machine, the last thing i sewed was rompers for the youngest , or while away the evenings reading books? i try to read a lot, now i have time to read, and everything that was planned to be read is unread, i try to use this time, she has a lot.
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you reminded me of your sister, that’s all, she’s so much more like even me, this is what you just showed, i have the same thing, i love to sew, i also always have a house full of children, grandchildren, will maria and alina turn out to be sisters or similar surnames of their mothers, a simple coincidence, the dna test will show immediately after the advertisement, take time beloved, buy a magnet with a card from the application, play and win smart technology, magnet, the challenge is thrown, the fight begins, we choose the funniest star in russia, stars, a new
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he died, well, you could say during childbirth, and there were three, when i raised him in guardianship, there was a stillborn, there are more alive there is no one, boy, boy, mom was offered another boy, a friend of maria’s adoptive parents remembers... that they were offered to adopt another child of svetlana lukinets. in our guests lyudmila kuznetsova. hello. hello, lyudmila. you became one of the few people whom maria’s adoptive parents told about her adoption. yes, it was like that. they were the first to tell me, but for me it was no secret, because we were close friends. my friend, she couldn’t have her own children, she had several miscarriages, so they decided to take it that way. do you remember
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how you met little masha? yes, i remember, my husband and i were invited, we were friends with families, they invited us and said: come get to know the child, we picked up toys there, went to visit them, came. guests, mashenka was standing in the crib, so pretty, sweet, little white, that is , she won your heart right away, yes, of course, but how did the parents treat masha, they loved masha very much, they treated her very carefully, all the best was for masha, there was nothing like that so that there is an expensive toy they won’t allow themselves to take it, no. uh, since masha is making noise, it means we need to buy one, dad very often took me to the garage with him, and the path to the garage lay through
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a toy store, and we very often went there they came in, well, there was something there to buy some cosmetics bag for children, when i went into this store, i looked at the outfit of the dolls, that is, for example, there were maybe five or seven of them there, well, large meter-long dolls, um, i i always looked at one certain doll, when i turned 7 years old, my dad... brought this particular doll, that is, at that moment it seemed to me that he, well, he could read my thoughts there, i don’t know that he is such a wizard, right here, for me, well, this doll is still with me, i take care of it, for my grandchildren, for i will cherish my great-grandchildren for everyone, and well, this is a case where it seemed to me that this was right beyond the bounds of some kind of fantasy. lyudmila , did your friends ever plan to tell maria that maria was not their own before... no, they didn’t plan to say this, why would a child know this, no, they didn’t
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plan that, they took care of her, but maria’s adoptive mother still - she finally said: nina called me, we already lived in different cities, she called and said that i told masha, she says, masha, she still needs to know about her roots, your friend was worried then, what happened anyway? well, she was worried, her husband said, there was no need to say this, what do you think, maria needed to know this truth, i think so, because masha, when she found out, she... said that i would like to know , who are my parents, and what do you think, maria’s parents, they would not be upset because maria began an active search for people related to her by blood, i think not, because nina said then that i wanted i would also like to find masha’s parents, maria, tell lyudmila
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who you met in our studio, who sitting... next to you, little girl - this is my mother’s sister, and this is my own sister, it looks like, well, in some way, yes, but without a dna test no one can say that you are related, we really assumed that brother, not sister, because... nina said then , she says, can you imagine, they also offered me masha’s brother, they said that you wouldn’t want a relative by blood to have masha, the father didn’t want it, the boy, he was older , younger, you don’t know, well, we assumed that he was younger, because they said that there was one more
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she left the child, that is, she left mary. then she gave birth to someone else, yes, and also left her, yes, but why then did your friends separate your brother and sister, but they didn’t propose together, this happened after some time, six months passed or even more, marina, what do you think about this, i don’t know, now we have to look, apparently it might already be, i say, they kicked me out of the guardianship very quickly back then, there wasn’t much talk there, they didn’t even give me alina... they gave me, i said, now i give you tickets, i say, i won’t leave until i get her i’ll take it, there were scandals, one might say, that is, well, you admit that they could have given you inaccurate information, maybe, maria, what do you think, now we can talk about your biological mother, we can talk about it because that when my mother told me that
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she was offered a child, they offered her a child, that is, it’s definitely not a... he’s already lived, somehow, well, the events have already unfolded somehow, yes, they gave him life, a newborn, that means he stayed for a while, they cured him, if he was weak there, maria, that’s what you yourself are leaning more towards now, alina, your sister, yes, or do you just have a brother somewhere, a brother, maybe somewhere, and alina’s sister, lyudmila, and when you saw alina, that’s what you thought, felt? in the first minute, well , for some reason i immediately thought that they were family, but it seems to me that you and maria would be interested in learning more about the supposed sister, and with pleasure, well, then let’s see how alina lives now, attention to the screen. alina lukyanets lives in the city of vsevolzhsk, just 20 km from her beloved st. petersburg, where she tries
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come every weekend. we are walking with the child.
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as any man should do, he should earn money, and his wife should cook and clean. alina has nothing left to remember her childhood about her mother, about the time when she herself became a mother. naturally, the child’s photographs are also like photographs, yes, i keep all this as a memory, a lot, well, this is a memory, so that someone would come and i could open the album and show how my childhood went in general, how my son’s childhood went passed, alina does not like to be alone, she is always happy when guests drop by and tries to greet them in the most hospitable way, there is such a small beautiful table, in cramped conditions so as not to offend everyone. we’ll fit in, if not, then i have a large table that folds out, and in principle i will be glad to see everyone who comes to visit me, i’m just my reflection,
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yes, of course, in the same way i love guests, in the same way in cramped conditions, but not offended, this is also my expression, our children are very similar, our boys are similar to alenin’s boy, alina, you also think so, that your son is similar, yes, what do you think... this result? positive, yes, positive, we are intrigued, to put it mildly. i invite our dna specialist daria popova to the studio. is maria really the same niece of marina galya, whom she could not find after... the death of her sister, the result of the genetic examination will be announced immediately after the advertisement, we froze in anticipation. look, today at 19:00
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the first single voting day in the history of the country took place in belarus, on which supporters of the current government won a landslide victory. meanwhile, alexander lukashenko himself announced his desire to run for president next year and responded harshly to opponents of the government. abroad. hungary has decided on sweden's entry into nato. how did hungarian parliamentarians vote? watch tonight at 19:00, on the website and app now. gdr. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. everyone needs gifts again. or kickford steamer with discounts up to 33%. the azonbank card is beneficial for those who like to go shopping.
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the main premiere of the year, that is, we put a check on berlin, what’s good for a russian is death for a german, it’s no coincidence, misha, someone helped them, you just confirm our guess that a mole, the kgb, has entrenched itself in the cia headquarters, but regarding moles, this is not for me, oleg pamin, because of him we lost my friend and then his father, sergei zharkov, maybe ?
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right now in the studio of the dna program we will find out whether thirty-two-year-old maria kudryashova and 24-year-old alina lukyanets are related sisters who were separated by their own mother. at the age of 19, mariyashova gave birth to a daughter and decided to leave her in the maternity hospital, but changed her mind when she learned the secret of her own.
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four-year-old alina, who was born eight years later to a woman named svetlana lukyanets. alina’s mother passed away, so the girl grew up in the family of her own aunt. she also told alina that she had an older sister, galina, whom her mother abandoned. maria, are you ready to find out if alina is your sister? yes. alina, allow me to announce the result? yes. so, i open the envelope. on the one hand, maria kudryashova. on the other hand, alina lukyanets. there is a good chance that you are daughters of the same mother, and therefore sisters.
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thank you very much. maria, tell me what it’s like? to find a sister, well, it’s like wings behind your back, which were somehow, perhaps , clamped, somehow, just a feeling of a deep breath and the deepest happiness, simple, because not only the sister, all who we are,
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maybe we side by side, everything is pounding inside me, i’m very happy that i have... like some stone fell from my soul, now all the puzzles have come together, joy, now we can’t get away from each other, yes, if you want to know more about your family, call or write to our editorial office, we will be back tomorrow with a new the result of the benck test.
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nikita korzun found out. new donor to the american military-industrial complex, hungary still allows sweden to nato. alexey prokin monitored the voting process in the hungarian parliament. solo on the bassoon, about how the crews of the portable missiles of the same name work on the front line.


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