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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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korochaeva circassia thanks the president for the new drama theater in the capital of the republic, and the head of state, in turn, drew the attention of the regional authorities to the support of the participants of the northern military district, which vladimir putin also talked about with rashid. the new donor of the american military-industrial complex, hungary , is still allowing sweden into nato. alexey prokin monitored the voting process in the hungarian parliament. bassoon solo. evgeniy golovanov saw how the crews of the portable missile systems of the same name work on the front line. the elections were a surprise. quiet, the reaction of the west is also not no one was surprised. about a single voting day in belarus and its features. from minsk, sergey savin.
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the deposit insurance agency counted the owners of qiwi wallets and told them what to do to get their money back. denis tolalayev talks about this. in the gdr of the late eighties , ntv premiered a spy detective story about a special mission of a soviet intelligence officer who is opposed by foreign spies. what awaits captain nichaev in berlin, the plot was studied by edmund zhelbunov. hello, welcome to information services of the ntv television company. this is the program today and its hosts are elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. the kremlin today discussed the situation in karachay-cherkessia. vladimir putin had a meeting with the head of the republic, rashid.
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temrezov thanked putin for the decision on preferential gasification, noting that it significantly accelerated the commissioning of private houses. they also discussed investments, ski resorts, and increasing the life expectancy of citizens. we separately discussed support for svo participants and their family members, and putin instructed to keep this issue under review. personal control. korzun reports. industrial production is growing, agricultural products are produced in large volumes. vladimir putin began the conversation about the socio-economic achievements of karachay cherkessia with dynamic data, but then moved on to indicators that raise questions. in general, the situation is quite modestly, let’s say, satisfactory. unemployment is decreasing, it has dropped so noticeably, yes, to 5%. it is , of course, still two times, well, one and a half times more than the national average, but still it has decreased by almost half.
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rashid borispeevich did not specify, but expressed confidence that the president’s order to raise the life expectancy level to 80 plus by 1930 will be carried out separately.
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contacts are developing with the starobilsky district of lugansk, lugansk region and nugansk region, i don’t like this kind of sponsored territory and partnership. circassia and apparently not bad, according to temrezovo, the republic with a half-million population was visited by 2 million tourists. now is the season, there is snow, that’s it, people are skating. i literally looked at the webcam just now, there is look, people are skating, we have evening skating there in arkhiz, people also
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skate in the evening. the trails are lit, right? well, there are two trails there that are illuminated, well, people are happy with that, especially if they want to ride with kids in the evening. yes, of course, if the weather is good, it’s a pleasure. residents of the republic now expect to have fun in the new drama theater; the previous one was closed 10 years ago due to its emergency condition, but now, again, thanks to the president, the construction of new theater stages is beginning. nikita korzun and oleg damer, ntv. danish authorities announced today that they are closing the investigation into the bombing of the gas pipeline to nord stream due to lack of grounds for its continuation, but at the same time the danish police admitted that they are at the bottom. quote: deliberate sabotage was committed in the baltic. well, copenhagen does not see any grounds for initiating a criminal case. did the kremlin pay attention to these oddities? of course, the situation is close to absurd. on the one hand, there is recognition that deliberate sabotage is taking place, on the other
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side, no further progress. well, taking into account all the different, so to speak, information leaks, a whole set of facts that became known in the course of this. this investigation, it is obvious that there, well, that everything is quite clear, it is obvious that simply in the course of this investigation they began, well, as they say, to contact their closest allies, you know that, at the initial stages of this investigation, we repeatedly approached the danes, asking for information about what happened, we were denied this, we were denied this, we could not,
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the prosecutor general's office in germany, but in its work for a year and a half there was no significant progress. earlier in early february, the swedish authorities signed that they were virtually powerless; they also stopped investigating sabotage on pipelines, as a formal reason, then indicated that swedish jurisdiction allegedly did not extend to the incident in the baltic sea. today , after much hesitation and delay, the hungarian authorities finally decided to approve sweden's application for membership.
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deputies to vote for sweden's membership in nato, viktor orban also remembered about ukraine. the hungarian prime minister said that the scale of destruction is unfathomable and the time has come for peace negotiations. however, today’s vote on the swedish application is for the orbán government. this is, first of all , an image victory over stockholm, from where criticism of the hungarian authorities has constantly been heard in recent years. in sweden they were accused of destroying democracy. before approving the application, budapest waited for an apology from the head of the swedish cabinet of ministers and, apparently, received one. ulf christerson at the end of last week personally
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arrived in the hungarian capital with a bow, which, judging by all his previous statements , he really didn’t want to make it. in any case, until the hungarians back down, but pride. on some issues sweden takes a completely different position. last december we had such a case, but now we respect the differences between countries and are ready to compromise. we are entering into a new mutual cooperation as members of nato, and we will continue such cooperation as before, we will fight for each other if a threat arises against us. viktor orban called those negotiations exciting productive. kristerson, for his part, promised to sell four combat aircraft to hungary, the deal took place and the head of the parliamentary faction of the ruling fidesz party, matya kotcsis, did not interfere this time. we have reached an agreement that we will add four more aircraft to the fleet.
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sweden will be a reliable and committed member of nato, we will take on significant responsibility in our region and contribute to the security of all allies. sweden's defense spending exceeds 2% of gdp this year and will continue to rise for the foreseeable future future. that hungary is a sovereign country and does not allow it to dictate its terms, the americans put pressure on budapest as best they could,
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the democrats even suggested that the white house think about sanctions and exclude the country from the american visa-free regime program. experienced politician viktor orban, all the time while stockholm was knocking on the door of the alliance, said that in general he was not against it, the deputies were not accommodating. now the question has been put to rest. and sweden's first step into nato will be the deployment of a small contingent of its military in latvia. as reported the general secretary of the latvian transatlantic organization, segit struberg , is expecting the arrival of 600 people in the baltic country. alexey prokin and natalya markevich, ntv television company. vladimir putin approved a new military-administrative division of russia. thus , by decision of the president, the leningrad and moscow military districts are created. they were formed instead of the western one, which ceased to exist. donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as zaporozhye and kherson.
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districts, defense minister sergei previously said shaigu. this happened after finland and sweden announced their intention to join nato on the need to create new military forces; the decree comes into force on march 1 of this year. russian units of the center group have significantly improved the situation at the front line of the special operation; as reported to the ministry of defense, our military liberated another important settlement on avdeevsky. they liberated the settlement of lastochkino, inflicted defeat with a concentration of manpower and equipment, 144 infantry, 59 motorized infantry, twenty-third mechanized brigades in the areas of settlements, umanskoye, nitaylovo and ocheredina, repelled six counterattacks of the fifty-third and sixty-first mechanized assault groups, the fifty-ninth motorized infantry, and the third assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas. the chief of the general staff
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heard the commander's report on the situation and the further actions of the association and also presented orders and medals to military personnel who distinguished themselves during hostilities, i noted the long-term traditions of the military service of our land. the eighth army, it never failed in the battles in the north caucasus, here , so it is generally the number one army, i congratulate you all on your awards for courage, for the courage that you showed during the action, i wish you further success in the battles for the liberation of our land, and alive, unfading return home, so take care of yourself, success to you guys, gerasimov thanked the fighters for their dedication.
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kilometers and may have time to prepare. in this regard, the crew of man-portable anti-tank missile systems have a clear advantage in their movement only crunch of dry grass underfoot. of course, there is a risk of stepping on an anti-personnel mine, being attacked by a drone or coming under indiscriminate artillery fire, but now more volleys are heard from behind, ours are working, tell me, you sometimes have to go out, what is called hunting, that is, without knowing the target, go out get up at the point and
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wait for a long time, we walk, move out, search. we observe that the fagot’s firing range is relatively small, 2 to 4 km, depending on the type of ammunition, so the crew often has to get quite close to ukrainian positions, the closer, the more accurate the shot, but there is a downside to this medal, then they themselves find themselves in the zone of destruction, for example, of mortars, so they have to work secretly and quickly, prepare the launchers for firing in seconds, unfold the machine, secure container with a rocket. then the matter of technology is more daring. the rocket in flight is controlled by an operator via wired communication, observing the optical sight and correcting deviations. lower it, lower it down. eat. the ukrainian fortified area is not only trenches and dugouts in forest regiments. the enemy
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often sets up observation firing points right in houses. rocket bassoon comes to visit without an invitation. but after opening fire, a bright flash reveals the position of the hunters, and then the hunt begins for them. they were bombarded, they were hit by kamikazes. mostly kamikazes. there were some discharges, but very few of them. everyone is alive, thank god no. evgeny golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv. donbass. the supreme court of the lugansk people's republic recognized the war crimes committed by the nazis as genocide of the soviet people in period of occupation of the territory.
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uh, at a minimum, in order to preserve the memory, preserve our history, and so that , uh, our younger generation, the residents of, uh, our republic, the residents of all of russia, are brought up on this history, on these examples, because this is also very important to maintain the consolidation of forces on the territory of russia, in any case, victory will be ours, i think we will have another trial, another exchange, now, uh, addressed to,
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from minsk, a report by sergei savin. in the belarusian sections they have only just begun vote counting, unused ballots are being canceled, ballot boxes are being opened, sorting out the forms with both hands, and overseas the state debt has already assessed the results of the campaign, nothing new. the united states condemns the fictitious parliamentary local elections of the lukashenko regime, which ended today in belarus. the elections took place in an atmosphere of fear
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in which no electoral process could be called democratic. in minsk they voted like this, this... the conclusion lost them, well, naturally, our guys found them and took pictures on my table, we they didn’t take it away, the handwriting was american,
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with such an anglo-saxon flavor, on the very first day of the night they ended voting, today, tomorrow morning they read this protocol, we compare one to one, the groundless reaction of the west in the republics does not cause surprise and i’m not even interested, these elections took place, just a year later... and if the more difficult the situation becomes, the more they strain you, me and society, the faster i will go to these elections. however, the head of state clarified that everything will depend on the situation in country left journalists alone with a logical paradox. if everything is quiet and stable, then he can be considered the outgoing president.
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levels of local government, it was preceded by 5 days of early voting. of the national assembly and deputies of all , voting was held in the republic for the first time; deputies of the lower house were elected
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. the final turnout, despite the fact that the lower threshold was abolished, was 73%. the final results will be announced in 5 days, but there will be no changes in the composition of the house of representatives; out of 110 people, 70 are representatives political parties, after legislative reforms in belarus there are only four of them, the remaining 40 are non-party, as expected , the absolute majority. by the way, belaya rus is a belarusian analogue, very close to the russian united russia, and the organization even has a memorandum of interaction and support. after the completion of this campaign, with virtually no respite , the second electoral round in the formation of a new power structure in the country will begin, the election of delegates and the holding of the all-belarus people's assembly, no later than 25th of april. sergey savin, tigram tavmasyan, dmitry davidenko, ntv. minsk, belarus. turned 70. the russian leader, as
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reported in the kremlin, thanked his colleague for his contribution to the development of bilateral relations on a friendly basis. erdogan was once again re-elected as president last year, and his powers expire in 2028. considering that russia and turkey are neighbors closely interacting on various international issues. as a child, he sold lemonade and bagels on the street, but spent the proceeds on books, he could build a comfortable career as a football player, but chose the risky path of politics and was imprisoned twice for opposition views. erdogan has been at the top of power for more than 20 years, first as prime minister, then as president.
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history, all the successes and failures of turkey are directly related to the course taken by erdogan... the position that if more money is poured into the economy, then it will be easier for entrepreneurs, turkey’s exports will go down, but
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everything happened exactly the opposite.
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ankara's relations with russia are controversial, some turkish companies sell weapons kyiv, but erdogan refused. which, so to speak, we do not see at all from the side of european leaders, who simply drove the german economy there and a number of others into a stupor. maintaining ties with moscow, ankara makes money by becoming a food and energy hub, selling russian gas under the guise of nameless, neutral gas to southern europe, for example, russia is building
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a nuclear power plant for turkey, which... will provide 10% of all electricity generated in the country. erdogan is sometimes called the eastern degol, meaning a politician who does not give in to emotions and puts pragmatism and the interests of his country above all else. he acts exclusively in his personal logic, based on his interests, and does not at all feel any historical, historically conditioned friendliness towards us. erdogan is a man of direct or indirect benefit. he's so. made decisions, he intends to make decisions in the future, so our task here is certainly not to relax and not to delude ourselves. and the economic crisis, according to experts, türkiye is able to overcome by the end of the year. the country survived an attempted armed coup in 2016, pressure from the west, and a devastating earthquake in the south. türkiye currently shows gdp growth of 5.5%. and this is one of the best indicators in the world.
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roman sobol, anastasia medvedeva, ntv television company. strengthening interparliamentary cooperation was discussed today in saudi arabia by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, the chairman of the lower house of the russian parliament met with the head of the kingdom's advisory council abdullah al-asheikha. valodin invited saudi parliamentarians to return to moscow with a visit.
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that a representative delegation of russian parliamentarians was in saudi arabia for the first time. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. the deposit insurance agency counted the owners of qiwi wallets and told them what to do to get their money back. denis talolaev talks about this. the gdr of the late eighties on ntv premiered a spy detective special task of a soviet intelligence officer, who is opposed by foreign spies. what awaits the captain? v in berlin, the plot was studied by edmund zhelbunov. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank. you can take time off from work to go to the bank. or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank: at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. choose your favorite
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today. we continue our release. artyom zhogo, co-chairman of vladimir putin’s central election headquarters, visited the perm territory. he visited a defense plant in the center. medical rehabilitation of svu participants at the branch of the defenders of the fatherland foundation laid flowers at the stele of per, city of labor valor. at the regional election headquarters, zhogo met with volunteers and putin’s confidants. he thanked them for their work, noting that they quickly collected signatures for the candidate, even more than necessary. in addition, zhoga highly appreciated the help that the residents of the region provide assistance to severo-donetsk. the permen region provided a lot of help. the direct sponsored city of severodonetsk, almost a thousand children came here to visit, held recreational events, this and more than half a ton of humanitarian cargo came, these are generators, this is diesel fuel, but again the most important thing is attention, understanding
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of human relations, this is probably one of the most fundamental things, and people, residents of severodonetsk and not only severodonetsk and nearby villages, who are in this municipal community. expresses deep gratitude to the residents of the region for their help and support. presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai khritonov visited the center of contemporary music in moscow.
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support of regions in resolving housing and communal services issues, the subjects will continue to receive funding, which will be used to update the networks of the entire utility system in a comprehensive menu; we will allocate 12 billion rubles to russian subjects for the modernization of communal infrastructure within the framework of a specialized federal project. the funds are intended, among other things, for updating utility networks, repairing boiler houses, wastewater treatment plants so that their accident rate is reduced, and so are the residents.
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what should they do to try to get their money back? last week , the central bank revoked the license of qiwibank, which caused the operation of one of the most popular payment services to be disrupted? denis talolaev joins us. denis, is it already known how much money russians actually kept in their wallets? yes, this is approximately 4.5 billion rubles. and i’ll remind you. they are not insured, today the
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deposit insurance agency announced what scale work awaits him after the central bank revoked kiwibank's license last week. its main assets were the kivi payment terminals, the kyvi wallet payment service and the vkontakte money transfer system. and now the dia, which, by decision of the central bank, became the temporary administration of qiwi bank, counted 9,300,000 qiwi wallets. they account for a total of 4,400 million rubles. dia reminds you that there are anonymous wallets with simplified and full identification. the most money is 2.350 million rubles. lies on wallets with simplified identification. qiwi bank was part of the deposit insurance system, but the problem is that money in electronic wallets is not covered by this insurance. today the dia reported that russians who want to return their money from their wallets must write an application. in it, indicate your passport details, address
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, phone number, email address, er, qiwi wallet number, the amount that was there, and also attach a certificate from the mobile operator stating that the number to which the qiwi wallet is registered belongs to that person, who submits the application. in the deposit insurance agency was once again informed today that, according to preliminary information , kiwibank has enough assets to pay off all owners of electronic wallets, but, continues, today a russian court made a new decision that challenges the results of the privatization of thirty years ago. the arbitration court of the sverdlovsk region satisfied the claim of the prosecutor general's office to transfer to the state three plants of the industrial group of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant. the shares are now owned by the company standard, yuri and lyudmila antipov. news agencies. it is already reported that yuri antipov was promptly detained as part of
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a criminal case of fraud. tas' source says that the case against yuri antipov is being investigated by the ministry of internal affairs, and operational activities are being carried out by the fsb. the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant produces about 80% of ferroalloys in russia, that is , alloys of iron with other elements. they are used to improve the properties of cast iron and steel, for example to make them stronger and more resistant to corrosion. as i wrote newspaper. it was alleged that the privatization of three factories of the chmk group in the nineties was carried out illegally; in the opinion of the prosecutor general's office , the factories were associated with defense enterprises, which meant making a decision. only the government could decide on privatization, but there was no such decision; in addition, the prosecutor general’s office argued that now enterprises have completely fallen under the control of residents of unfriendly states, and products are exported at a reduced cost to the usa and europe. the chmk group responded to all this by saying that, firstly, its factories are not belong to the military-industrial complex, but only supply
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their products to metallurgical companies, like mmk and severstal, and they then send them to steel defense enterprises, and secondly ... regarding foreign control, chmk said that they cooperate with foreign metal traders, like other russian exporters. recently , the prosecutor general's office has been actively challenging the results of privatization; last fall, also based on its claim, the court recovered 94% of the shares of metrax chemicals, one of the largest producers of formaldehyde and methanol in russia, in favor of the state. last week it became known that the prosecutor general's office is demanding that ivanov, also privatized in the nineties, be returned to the state. heavy machine tool manufacturing plant. the russian stock market came out of the long weekend and immediately went into rapid growth today. all last week, investors lived in tense anticipation of sanctions. and now the new announced and main exchange current sanctions have again not affected the national clearing center. and if he
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were blacklisted, it would call into question the general existence of currency trading in russia. far east development corporation. reported today that the parent structure has re-registered from cyprus to russky island in vladivostok, this is such a domestic offshore, theoretically changing one island to another allows tinkov bank to pay dividends again, and in general the eu countries have been declared unfriendly by the russian authorities. after an alarming long weekend, the foreign exchange market also exhaled today; during trading, the dollar generally fell even below 92 rubles. but by the evening this is the scale of the joy of investing. still, at the end of the day the dollar decreased to 92.37, and the euro was 1 kopeck from 100 rubles. smartphones, tablets, and laptops rose in price in russia last year by 10-15%. the kommersant newspaper writes about this, citing sources and data from the gfk company. smartphones increased in price by 10-18%, laptops increased in price
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by 13, tablets by 9%, the prices of apple smartphones increased the most, plus 37%. as distributor d-house explains, prices were most affected by the key rate of the russian central bank, which increased from 7.5 to 16% over six months. and exchange rates. over the past year, the dollar imitated by 26%, the euro by 32. and in the company ocs distribution also reminds us of the houthi attacks in the red sea; they also lead to higher prices for goods because supply routes have become longer. as a result , the russians began to cross over. for a cheaper device, mts says that last year sales of smartphones costing up to 10,000 rubles increased by one and a half times. everything about the economy, thank you, denis, denis talalaev with an economic review, the capital of the european bureaucracy, brussels, today again occupied a farmer, they blocked the central quarter of the city and began to set fires
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tires, hay, garbage were brought there , stones and smoke bombs were thrown at the police, a tractor driver was driving on one of the streets. demolished the barriers established by law enforcement officers, even water cannons did not stop him, well, when the patience of law enforcement officers ran out, tear gas was used against the protesters, but this did not cool the ardor of the farmers, they demand a refusal to import cheap agricultural products from third countries, primarily from ukraine, as well as the abolition of strict environmental regulations as part of the green agenda. well just today ministers gathered in brussels.
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a soviet intelligence officer who is opposed by foreign spies, what awaits captain nichaev in berlin, the plot was studied by edmund zhalbunov. everyone needs gifts again! oykaford or kickford steamer with discounts up to 33%. choosing a professional? exactly! amylatex gel acts precisely at the source of pain with care for those closest to you! the exact solution is free movement! pay less! borilla pasta for 74.90. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes. according to the code in the app pyaterochka, pyaterochka helps out, often pulls me to the toilet, cestitis always pulls in the wrong direction, tell cystitis cyston, 14 natural components against cystitis, cystitis i say: teston, you can check a car before buying using scanning vision, and for those who don’t have it, through the autotek according to 25 criteria, it’s safer to buy
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this is the program today. we continue our release. today at vdnkh, at the russian exhibition , knowledge prizes were awarded. this award recognizes achievement in clearance. values, studied from the best examples of domestic and world culture, literature, achievements of science and education, certainly
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knew the history of her country, namely the real heroes and creators. let me emphasize that history gives us an understanding of our roots, those difficult, turning points through which our ancestors, creating and protecting the greatness of the country. this is more important.
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series about a russian intelligence officer who, in the era of the breakdown of the entire world order, defended the interests of his homeland, no matter what, the action-packed detective story is called the gdr. the film, created with the participation of our television company, was filmed in several countries; it is based on real events of the late eighties of the 20th century. the main character alexander nichaev has a prototype that is not revealed; this man actually worked in germany
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when the soviet union was on the verge of collapse. the picture will be interesting or not. only for those who are interested in politics and appreciate historical authenticity, the gdr series is also a wildly twisted plot with shooting, chases, special effects, so those who love action will also not be bored, edmund zhalbunov, an ideal intelligence officer, was convinced of this. photographer tas, you know who i am, head of the station, gdr 1989, the soviet empire is bursting at the seams and not today, tomorrow the berlin wall will fall, but for those who... are accustomed to working in the shadows, something else is important, you need to get it before others stasi archives. in the ministry of state security of the gdr has a dossier on world politicians and other secret information. if you don't find the archive, you'll be fired from the service. these archives will save a thousand lives. a spy detective political thriller, which is how the creators of the gdr series designated its genre, tells about a time of global changes that poses
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new challenges for soviet intelligence officers and at the same time gives another chance to prove themselves. very frankly, very honestly, finally from the point of view from which our country must rethink the era of government in general gorbachev. i recommend the series to everyone, i have already seen it. the creators of the series carefully worked to convey in detail the atmosphere of the late eighties, more than 800 vintage cars alone were used, the filming itself took place in moscow, kaliningrad, vyborg, brest, minsk, istanbul and of course in berlin, so in
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each of the fourteen episodes viewers are definitely in for unexpected plot twists. explosive special effects, this is a time that, on the one hand, was not so long ago, on the other hand has already been forgotten, this is precisely the breakdown of the era when the soviet union was ending, everything else had not yet begun, on the eve of the fall of the iron many masks would be dropped, the story of how soviet intelligence officers...
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our calendar begins, exactly, and this applies to the entire western half of the european territory of russia, and objectively, here these temperature indicators correspond to the end of march, in the north and april, northern april, of course, well, the middle volga is still in winter frosts, all this is in accordance with how the warm atlantic cyclones divided us among themselves, that’s where they are and not very warm, but a sunny siberian
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anticyclone, in the middle zone there are just all the conditions for sunny weather. and light precipitation from the northwest through vologda and yaroslavl to the komi republic. the south is definitely insured, sunny, but strong wind and temperatures up to +10-+15. and i must say that the kaliningrad region. it’s not far behind these indicators, but it’s a little short of the records, but in 5 days with a new warm wave it may become so warm that the weather record will have to be rewritten. about capitals after a break: current forecast from the bank uralsip, a deposit for older people with increased profitability, it is always profitable, just transfer your pension to uralsip bank, open a deposit and feel confident and cared for in any weather conditions. and the weather in the capitals. in st. petersburg tomorrow. in the afternoon there should be little rain and +3 in moscow there should be no precipitation, in the daytime +1 and then increasingly higher, on friday +3, and this is march 1, of course, to say that we have overwintered is still early, but it’s nice, and how
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nice , we are already tired of these frosts, thank you, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, well, these are main news by this hour, watch the gdr series right now, and we are elmira fendieva and vladimir chernyshov, we say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. since the time of churchel, the ideologists of imperialism have not ceased to claim that the communists split europe, but the truth is different, it was not the socialist countries that laid the foundation for the political split.
7:59 pm
gut, hier, ja, muss ich fahren, alles klar,
8:00 pm
the plane is already in the air. what kind of weapon is the plane carrying?


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