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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  February 27, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

4:05 am
“okay, look, my job is to warn you, and this is a phone from me for you because it’s broken, what kind of phone is it, and by the way i had a more expensive one, yes, well, excuse me, our salary is lower than that of artists, at least you hint, we won, we won, thank you, okay , “here, let’s wash the watch, it’ll get spoiled, don’t worry, it’s waterproof, or not, what a hero, what kind of gun, namely the beginning of the twentieth century,
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german , it shoots, as i said, it’s german, well , everything suits me, just lower the prices a little, or maybe you’ll put it up better, i understand, well... deal with each other, but what about the book? let ’s deal with this junk first, well , you have the book, i’ll pay whatever you say, just name the price, bring the extra money already, the book is in a safe place, alekseech, what kind of guests are you having? listen, alexey!
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that means open it, you won’t be able to leave anyway. treasurers, don’t be a fool, i repeat for the last time, then we break down the door, guys, don’t do this, seryozhenka, i beg you, you feel sorry for the door , the scum, but you don’t feel sorry for renting me out, so get it.
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this piece of art is strong, by the way, you
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are the greatest museums in our country, so he sits in what’s the problem, the problem is that he’s sitting, can you be more specific, uh, the treasurer was taken after he robbed the saratov museum, syatne moyach, well, there are all sorts of antiques, 16-18 centuries, yeah. it was handed over by his client, an antique dealer who has very good connections among underground collectors. during koznacheev’s arrest , everything stolen was confiscated, except for one thing: books with engravings by durrer. according to the most conservative estimates, this book costs several million dollars. wow, a bit inexpensive for a book, it's not just a book. "this
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a collection of engravings made by the hand of the artist himself, you understand that we have nothing to do with it, and given that..." but this will only delay time, then the scandal will be even worse, and this treasurer, as i understand it, is talking somewhere in the book he doesn’t want to, but why tell him, he will serve his sentence, get out and disappear, it’s not in vain that he hid the book, it means
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he has a good, rich buyer, by the way, shortly before his arrest there were recorded calls from italy to his phone, here unfortunately, it was not possible to track these calls, comrade officers, sit, you’ll treat me to some coffee, of course, well, what to please, but apparently, only kaznacheev really knew about the book, so we decided to rummage through his biography once again, well, we dug up something, sergei vladimirovich. born in 1948, a former military man, despite his advanced age, is still in excellent physical shape, which did not prevent him from working alone until recently, he understands the specialization of art no worse than an art history professor, has five prison sentences, but the last sentence is the most severe
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for his career, based on his age , he is not going to serve out his sentence in prison for 7 years, especially since he already had one attempt: for which he was given another 2 years to escape, yeah, and what are you suggesting, to arrange his escape, we found out , that in the prison where kaznachaev is now serving his sentence, our old acquaintance, uncle makar, is sitting, remember, well, let’s say, well, it’s you, or what? i wanted to make a joke, first i give my word that no one will know about our meeting, well, how is such a word enough for you, watch who you are talking with, puppy, well , let’s say, what is the plan of action? according to our
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according to data, makarov and the treasury, as the old authority of the thieves' world, are on good terms, but makarov will have a longer sentence than the treasury... after all, in addition to drugs , there is a whole collection of articles, in general, we want to offer him cooperation, sergei sergeevich and i, under the guise of prisoners , we will infiltrate the prison community, uncle makar will introduce me to the treasury as his own person, reliable and trusted, in exchange for forged documents with which vadim will provide them, the treasury will lead us to the book, for this help you will be credited. how many eight do you have left, and we we offer a real reduction in terms, so come on, agree, you can see in your eyes that in your soul you have already agreed for a long time, you know how
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to persuade, well, i suggest you repeat. once again, vadim, let’s start with you , but why talk about it, my name is vadik, last name is tychinin, for the boys it’s just a poke, i worked with my uncle makar, i knocked out money from especially daring businessmen, they strengthened me with garbage, right in the house red-handed , guess what, the chick set me up.
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but they swept me away because the customer turned out to be a coward, he hired me himself, and he himself published, only i got to it earlier than the garbage got to me. well, god bless, go ahead to the cell, darlings, today is a holiday for the girls, here you go, wipe your face, no path, oh, thank you. and just while kwan was walking, i got into something smelly, wow, i sat down, i
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said, yes, sit down, i said, it’s vadya, what, while you were skipping school, he was working on real catches for me, uncle makar, let’s decide, you’ll be above me, where should you go? crumbled on the floor, fluttered, threw things over, well, i haven’t forgotten yet, but your cord is greyhound, don't pay attention, fascist.
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put your hooves away, as you say, at the beginning, allow me to be curious, nice to meet you, by the way, what is your name? this? his name is baton , so, mr. baton, unfortunately, i have to disappoint you about the handbag, you are like glue, would you be so kind as to ask your friend to free me this handbag, don’t slow down the glue, well, i think, there is no need to explain the rules of simple etiquette, i will clarify only two things: smoking is strictly prohibited in the cell.
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now covered? fuck you, i'll peck me a little i didn’t snatch it, but you almost grabbed my bag, who? anna sergeevna, i have a few questions about your father, my father is in prison and he can’t do anything, the conversation is over. that's the thing, it can. listen. i have a student now, maybe we can do it some other time, i have only one question:
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who could? no one, no one knew the books except dad, and i’ve answered this question 300 times already, well, maybe your father had some friends, even if they were the closest ones, whom he didn’t have, dad doesn’t like people at all none, let me think, well, i i'm stupid, well, no , that means no, well, sorry for taking up your time, wait, uncle valera lives on the first floor in the third apartment, dad sometimes said hello to him, only to him, yes, only to him. he sits at the middle table on the edge of the kozda,
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sit next to him, don’t start the market, he doesn’t like it, i’m nearby, it’s pleasant. usually in response they say thank you, everyone here is so ignorant, huh? well, how delicious, where did the deer go, and
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come back, hear you, well-mannered, fell away from him. someone is out there somewhere, baby, well, they told you, fuck off, otherwise you will make enemies for yourself you'll make money,
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i don't understand, he called you a kid, it's an unhealthy topic.
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you've been waiting for the trash cans for a long time, i thought it was going to eat me, blueberry, well, now i have a direct road to the infirmary, as i understand it, i... just another cup, my friend, that means, i 've been watching you here for 20 minutes already pour it, answer my questions first, and then finish singing, okay, ask your questions, sergey koznacheev, this name tells you something,
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kaznat, well, he also came to see me, honor... we drank together, and that was a long time ago , well, how come, they imprisoned him, well, you probably heard i heard, well, just before this , a few days ago, he stopped by, so pleased, he used to sit, you wouldn’t hear a word from him, but what are you? he told me everything about art, but he understood it, i could barely shut him up , it’s strange, his daughter says that you and him were only just saying hello, she might not have known that you were such friends, but chanka, yes, but who knows, but the pope
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is silent, he knows, huh? good, somehow they live there with daddy, i don’t know, but how are you with her, i love the child, she’s an orphan, abandoned, i can’t say i replaced my own father, no, no, no, well, she helps me, that is, she helps, that is, she looks after me, but i have a dear person in the world, i even wrote my closet to her for her. wants to chat with you to thank you,
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i need to go to the hospital, what do i need, to the hospital, my stomach hurts, let’s leave, he’s sven. very grateful, oh well, no problem, if i can be useful in some way, then in principle you can, if what they tell you is true, yes, i’m curious, what? various things, for example, the fact that you are a specialist in art, that you have good connections among businessmen, and that you are on the run
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i’ve already walked, from which i conclude that you have something valuable stuck in your freedom, so you can’t sit here peacefully, so what next , everything is simple, i’m out of here. i’m going to be free with a lot of problems, so i offer a deal, i take you with me, arrange everything, turn on the assets, and you sell what you have hidden, we divide the catch in half, and if i don’t have anything hidden, i know that hidden, by the way, i even have a little man. who is interested in this, who is the cider, talking about something, the sculptor was such an avant-garde,
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a sculptor, cool, and also a bookmaker, sidor resells rare books for good. exactly, but i hardly have anything to offer igor fedorovich, it’s a pity, in short, with or without you, and i’m getting out of here, you have a day to think about my proposal.
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we go into the cell, so happy, they announced amnesty or something, good news for you, poke, continue. but i persuaded your art critic to run away, how? well , he probably trusts me, but i don’t, and you don’t, so all three of us will have to run away, otherwise i don’t agree, so why is this all of a sudden? well, he doesn’t trust you, not the cops, you know too much about him, and for him i’m like a guarantee of quality, with me you won’t ditch him, he thinks so, and you? what do you think? what should i think? i’m not at the right age to run from the cops. you’ll have to trust, uncle makar, right? i’ll be back when all this is over, i’ll serve
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the sentence you actually reduced. by the way, you, try to come up with a new position for me in the workshop. do you understand that this is a big risk? a limited number of people know about this operation. if you get caught by the guards, they will shoot to kill. bullets, of course she’s a fool, but you ’re great with us, come in one at a time, not for long, boss, come in silently, adjust the sight, shoot. do you believe me? we have a choice,
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there is always a choice, it all depends on whose rules we will play, he made it clear that now we will only be able to play by his rules, so let him think so, everything has been ruined, the man feels bad, come over. that's why the church has not yet been removed? come on,
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it's covered. come on, treasury, change your clothes, i’m going to the garbage room, well, get dressed quickly! what's all the noise, are you okay? okay, make sure you don't fall asleep, the boss caught you. do you
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want half the prison to come running here? return to your post, yes, i know, i kept talking about this door earlier, i didn’t wait for you, listen, what did i want to say? why are you silent? okay, shout later.
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topic, block d, urgent, we have an emergency.
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in short, the car of the host block, that one is coming , along the back of the road, we run very quickly so that pertukhai is not seen, if someone gets shot, it’s not my fault, i warned you, in short, i’m the first, the treasury is behind me, makar is bringing up the rear, that the one who closes the door for you, and you close the crossbar and secure it with a splinter, this is punishment , are you an idiot, i don’t believe you, listen to what i ’m going to grab for you, well, if you want, go second, well, now it’s either master or bust.
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this is an escape, seva, seva, seva, seva, seva, we have an escape, seva, seva, you are alive, seva.
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i'm listening to the car skip. signal to escape, i said to let him through, this is an order, let him through, open the body, okay, drive through.
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get ready to leave soon, my man should already be waiting. you’re too young for such tricks, but now it’s clear you’ll remain young forever, uncle makar, aren’t you afraid that the murder of the upsm employees got you out of the ground, oh well, what a murder, but we need him alive while your man is nearby, why are you sitting
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, you like to be the first to go, let’s go forward, get out, hello , great, well, no, everything is like...
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there’s a car behind, well, here are your saviors, the best? it will stop, your gas tank is not empty, but the engine is powerful, the wheels quickly scream to your eyes, take it off, well, you were worried. oh! look how persistent he is, he clearly wants to chat, well, i don’t mind, slow down!
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maybe he'll be knocked down? why do we need this cop? wait, let the man speak, just quickly! i understand you've already called for reinforcements? well, you have two minutes, so tell me! “so, you let us leave, and after 10 kilometers we drop off your colleague on the side of the road, alive and well, honestly, we all know very well the value of your word of honor, i think if you take him with you, i’ll never have him again i’ll see, i have a counter offer, the cops are predictable, you want to exchange your life for the life of a friend, but no, i want to give you a book read one, just don't shoot." look
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, it's allowed, only from afar, what is it? that same book? yes, that same book, i found an excellent library at your neighbor, uncle valera's, but i couldn't resist, i decided to take it and read it, don't come near , don't come, i said , take it away, please, i want to make sure, take it away. is it really so, nigga, they found a hiding place, well, well, let's think quickly, my bosses are not as accommodating as i am, let's leave it out guns, guns lowered, car, car, quickly! max, can
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you explain why the hell you gave them the book? it's not that book is a copy. remember, golubev didn’t talk about, we found the real thing less than an hour ago, but what is it, it turns out that the shepherd and i were in vain steaming on the bunks, no, it was not in vain, the point is that the treasury. i agreed with one foreign underground collector about a meeting even before the arrest, now, according to our information , he should meet with him, that’s where we ’ll find them, then let’s go, yes, yeah, okay, yes, yes, yes, that means they
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’re expecting us, number 102, tenth floor, what are we waiting for, let's move forward to a bright future, wait, just the two of us, i mean, upstairs they’re only waiting for us, you know, these people are suspicious, there’s something you’re not telling the treasury, i don’t want to ruin the deal, i served time for this deal, if you know, i even had a hard time reaching an agreement about you, i ’m on... i’m hoping for money you need it, okay, let ’s do it your way, so, follow us, wait in the corridor, if anything goes wrong, burst into the room and kill everyone. please come in, signior gian franco
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marloni, i am glad to welcome such guests, please take a seat, we are so glad, signior marloni asks if you are with us the book is with us, with us, and you have the money, the money has already been prepared, the amount is the same, signor marloni always keeps his word. signer morloni wishes to inspect the book, with your permission, i would like to inspect the money. here you are.
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signer morloni is extremely upset, did you really think that you could deceive such a professional as... he, having planted such a dirty fake, did not understand what he was talking about, i don’t know, we were probably scammed.
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oh, boys, well, finally, normal boys, and here i am alone in a strange city, even after a few drinks, i walk and wander around the hotel, she empty, even dark, here, oh, guys, let's go have a drink, go, go, go, let's get out of here, i 'm treating you guys, what are you doing, get him out, oh, just make no noise. i live nearby, but my friend won’t come, right? well, let’s go, we can do it a little, oh, here, now we’ll lubricate it, i hope your friend will also
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not refuse to beat out for law enforcement agencies and the triumph of justice. we are starting the capture operation, number tenth floor. 02, i ask you to leave, ditch me, you decided, put on a show in front of me, but i have nothing to do with it, this is a paragraph, they
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will kill me, i will kill you, yes a better idea, you and i have lost the treasury , what should we do, we have lost the treasury, lie down guys, lie down quietly, hello makar, weapons on the floor, rugi sol, rugi sol, what are you doing, are you on the floor.”
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and it is unknown where kaznacheev was transferred together with makarov, far away, to lesopov, where there is a strict regime, but i heard that the air there is clean. vadik, did you like it at all? me, no, here’s uncle makar, i hope he’ll swing the ax to his heart’s content there.


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