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tv   DNK  NTV  February 27, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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grandson, mother asked him not to beat her, she was in pain, mother lost consciousness in the corridor, after which he carried her to the sofa, changed her clothes, wiped the blood from her face, covered her with a blanket, after which he got dressed and went to fetch his mother, leaving two children in apartment. after some time he returned with his mother and brother, they quickly dressed the little one, his brother took the little one with him, the husband called the police and an ambulance from his mother’s phone. andrey, how would you comment on what happened from a legal point of view? in fact, the circumstances that occurred require proof. initially, it is clear that we have such global principles when... a person
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is told that he is guilty, not guilty, yes, there is such a presumption of innocence, but until there is a court decision, we cannot yet talk about guilt to the extent that we would like to say about this today, this is the first, second point, his actions were dictated by concealment, naturally he decided, the first thing he did was to make himself an accomplice, so that it would be easier to bear the heavy responsibility, naturally, who is at home nearby, child, here he is an accomplice in my process, yes, that is, he tried to drag him in, not realizing in principle that he was committing another one. crime, later, when he realized that the child could not help him, he could not provide an alibi there, he could not provide him with anything, he went for support, explained the situation, said that here is the mother, help, because there are no options there are no others, i will be imprisoned, and the mother, apparently dictated by this motive, came to help her own son cover up this murder, i think that in this case the investigation will certainly evaluate the participation of all parties in this story, but the actions that he...
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the material that exists, it has become objective, absolutely understandable, and so that there really is a fair situation, it triumphs, and of course, here we can turn to additional authorities in order for the family to be given support, and for the mother she definitely needs it, and for the brother, and for the children, who, frankly speaking, suffered very hard, especially the nine-year-old child. elena, maxim, once again, please accept our condolences. thank you, remember that with any problem you can ask for help in our program, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. tomorrow in the program behind the crap, a young woman claims that her mother put her out on the street with a newborn child in her arms. she says: collect your belongings together with your baby. the mother herself states that all her daughter’s accusations are lies; she did not kick them out with her grandson. “bastard, what are you
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talking about me here, shamelessly, this is a brute, she keeps deceiving me, i have debts for the apartment, not small ones, you know, debts, it’s registered, but she doesn’t give in, she wanders somewhere , no one kicked her out and is not kicking her out, she caused a scandal, gathered the child and ran away herself, can the women agree so that the baby has a roof over his head, here is the foreign relationship between daughter and mother, tomorrow in 16:45". at school they pointed the finger at her because she was adopted, but after the death of her adoptive parents, she decided to find out the secret of her birth, in our studio lyubov chukavina, hello, lyubov, hello!
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people began to gather near the doors of our class groups of people from the orphanage, children from the orphanage, that is, they stood, pointed their fingers at me, so it seemed very strange to me, it was then that a thought, as if some kind of thing arose in my subconscious, that something was wrong then, and you didn’t approach them, no, no, i was, i was shy, as if just maybe , i didn’t want to know the truth, when i became an adult, i started to find out from my classmates , it turned out that someone told them, to this day i still don’t know who it is, well... it doesn’t matter how they could know the secret that you are not my own, you see, the thing is that my mother worked as a teacher at the same school, perhaps she somehow unknowingly let something slip, and your mother is a teacher, yes, of the lower grades, why didn’t you approach your mother then, i didn’t have
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a trusting relationship with my mother, let’s put it this way, that is , they didn’t let me get close to them, you always had a distant relationship with your parents, yes, yes, that is, that was it. submissions, roughly speaking, that is, they seemed to keep me a little at a distance, especially my mother, that is, she seemed not let me get close, you couldn’t even complain to her if you had any problems, of course not, she didn’t know anything about you, she didn’t even want to know about it, later you decided to talk to her, you know, she was from a family where close relationships between parents and children were not accepted, let’s say, lirina, you understand the mother’s behavior with love, absolutely accurately. the relationship develops in the way that was genetically laid down by the previous mother, father, and apparently, there really was no love, well, yes, on the mother’s side, but there was absolutely no love, love, one of your relatives finally admitted to you that you are an adopted daughter , told you, no, at that moment no, everyone
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was silent when you received confirmation, so, a not very pleasant incident happened in our family, my dad, roughly speaking, he went on a spree, so he wanted to leave the family. so it turns out that my mother found out, she was having a nervous breakdown , against the backdrop of this breakdown, she lashed out at me, that is, she started blaming me, that well , i don’t know that she had it , she lashed out and said, you say, in general, you should be glad that you were picked up, to such an extent, yes, it is how old were you when you heard this, 16 years old, well, maybe your dad protected you in this situation, no, your father, on the contrary, also supported her, well, he took her side.
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psychological trauma and mental wound for the child, to find out that the parents are not relatives, because all the time subconsciously, any child wants his mother to be dear and to have this maternal love, it protects a person’s maternal love throughout life, when at such a young age at age you find out that you are not your own , the feeling that you have no close people nearby, this is very difficult, i think it was a huge mental wound for well, yes, love, you didn’t have any more conversations with your parents. no, no, in fact, when people take a child from an orphanage or from a baby's home, does that mean they want children? here , you see, the situation was different for the little one, and apparently my parents kicked my mother and grandmother out of the family due to this marriage, they lived in a barracks, the barracks were very,
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well, in an old building, there was no water there, there was light only there was stove heating, and as they said, literally some kind of heater, almost even from... the floor to such an extent, and someone told the father at work, you say, take the child, we ’ll give you an apartment, and from that, as it were, they gave the apartment, and you really do you think that your parents took you in for the sake of improvement, you know, until the age of 5 they treated you wonderfully, that is , i don’t have any bad memories before the age of 5, but as soon as we got an apartment, the attitude changed instantly, most likely, indeed, but there were some - not very honest intentions initially, maybe maybe they wanted to fall in love, uh , well, they thought, and at the same time, you don’t have any more brothers and sisters, no, no one, that is, for some reason they didn’t have children, maybe they wanted to fall in love, but it didn’t work out, they couldn’t have had, they were like my aunt, we recently
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went to see my aunt , this particular couple couldn’t have had children, that is, they could have had children separately, and apparently then they realized that ... not could have separated at some point to have their own children, and i kind of tied them up with them, and here they are, this is happening, you see what a lump it's rolling in, it hasn't started yet. hope it really happens that people take a child, but then they cannot love him, it happens, but honestly in this situation i see that this is a kind of manifestation of the love of those parents, simply because first of all, love is care, love, they took care of you , you had enough of everything, well, you had enough, that is, i dressed worse than everyone else at school, in general, i was dressed worse than everyone else at school, to be honest, even worse than the dedomovites, but at that time they...
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that is, they could wear one school uniform for years three-four, yes, yes, yes, the briefcase is the same, after you received confirmation that you are not your own, your adoptive parents told you something about your biological relatives, it was later, when i... had my own children, my dad, well, he sometimes drank, well, not always, but already in retirement, when , let’s say, he retired, he said that in fragments, that they went there, they wanted to choose a child, that’s what mom says, you had the same name as nadya, so, that’s the same number of years as nadya, that is, just like that, that’s who nadya is, uh, nadezhda grigorievna is mom my reception room. your biological mother was the same age as yours, yes, but he told me so, my own mother and mother-in-law, yes, he told me so,
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the adoption certificate, maybe they showed you, no, i saw it much later, absolutely by accident, here 13 this was in 2013, apparently my old one was either lost, or it had been erased for so many years, you mean my birth certificate, but i decided to change it, i came to our tax office, well, kirov, well, our district. and they didn’t find me in the database, they said where are you, where do you need it they gave me away, go there, and they gave me another city, like vereshchagina, i also asked why there, and you said, i was born here, and i went there and they gave me there, at the same time they gave me this second adoption certificate, it was exactly the thirteenth year, and what was indicated there, was the mother’s last name indicated, that is, your last name? i realized that my father
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’s name was naturally anatoly, but who did you become after adoption, love, demina, lyubov alexandrovna, they didn’t tell you at zaks whether you have brothers and sisters? no, of course, well maybe they did go to my parents and ask them what you know about my biological one, but you didn’t go, no, and where they got you from, they didn’t ask, well, that’s what my father said. sometimes, he said that they took a child from home, that they threw me there in the winter, threw me in the snow there, well , he said such things that they didn’t give birth at home, as if they didn’t give birth in a maternity hospital, but gave birth somewhere, brought and thrown under the door like that in the snow, in the snow, yes, you can almost say that it’s a miracle that you survived at all, that’s how they told me when you finally decided start love in search of finding out about your blood family, with my parents i was like... well, i didn’t want to raise this topic, in general, because it’s a family, after all, the priority for me
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is always family, they were wonderful, my grandmother and a grandfather for my children, roughly speaking, at least something worked out for them, maybe, when they died, i had no relatives left at all, that’s when i started looking, but there is no resentment towards my biological parents, i don’t i know what the situation was there, they told me in general that some... took the child away from her, that is, it wasn’t the mother who did it, someone , well, like that, well, these are rumors, you know, i don’t know how it really happened, well, you might think that who - one of the relatives, perhaps someone from the immediate circle, love, remind me in what locality you were born, and the most interesting thing is that it was always written in my passport, from zyukayk , vereshchaginsky district, pern region, from zyukayk, village, that means, s means, and... recently i started changing documents and found myself there with a kaika, that is, even in
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is this something about different populated areas? have you tried to go there? no , i didn’t try, that’s all you know , by the way, my father told me that i still have a brother and a sister, the older ones, the younger ones, he doesn’t say anything that i was the last, they were also in the orphanage or with mother, i absolutely don’t know, it’s unknown, but you wanted to meet with them, of course. i would really like that. today a woman came to us who, like you, was born in the perm region. she is looking for her little sister, whom her mother did not take from genus. houses. our guest is irina krakosenko. hello irina. hello. how did you find out that you have a sister? i was 6-7 years old, and my mother learned this information from the words of my grandmother. maybe they said the name, girls? no, i don’t know and haven’t heard any more information. and how much
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younger she is than you, maybe say, no, no, this information is not in possession. just a sister, yes what. have a sister, do you remember your mother when she was pregnant? no, i never saw this, because from the age of four to 6 i lived together with my grandfather, malygin matveya ivanovich with my grandmother agrepina petrovna, and i was born in sixty-seven, grandfather was already 71 years old at that time, and yet he raised you, and mother, mother later, of course, of course, she watched , i think that , of course, she participated in fate, but i think so...
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soviet times, naturally, she could not raise two girls on her own, tell us about your mother, what she was like, and only the warmest and warmest for mom good memories, never a voice on me i have never promoted her in my life, i don’t remember her scolding me for anything, but there was a trusting relationship, she was always
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open to me, but as a person, here is information about herself, it is closed, but she was with me. .. an open person, she is kind, yes, but did she later share that she had a daughter? no, she never said anything in her personal life, there were no franknesses, there were none. irina, what is your mother’s name? malygina, nadezhda ivanovna. what year is she? she was born in very difficult time, 1943. her mother, my grandmother, or sirina, is giving birth. and, apparently, there was childbirth. very complicated, she dies, she dies, my mother, a girl, is taken to an orphanage and your mother grew up in an orphanage, the post-war years, yes, she remembers this in passing, only once she says, we ate raw potatoes, where- then the children found something, so they ate, because it was a very difficult period of time, right when grandfather
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came from the war, it was forty-eight, he, apparently, he... even then for that period 54 years, he apparently met a woman, childless , and decided to tie the knot with her, and he spoke only about one small child, he had six children, four were already adults, there were two little ones, this is his son and my mother, who was raised in the orphanage, they took the son, and apparently they took the mother later, right away he could not open up to the woman that he had such a severe grandfather’s problem. post-war childhood, yes, very difficult, because of this she became so closed and nothing could have happened, well, look irina, she herself grew up in an orphanage, how could she to do this to your daughter, and what could she give a 50 ruble pension, i am a small child, my parents are elderly, not to mention elderly, they are already 80 years old, well, you understand, i think
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this is the right decision for the benefit of that very girl . did you have enough money for your upbringing? you know, i didn’t think about money, they surrounded me with such loving care that i felt wonderful, comfortable, and there was enough food, there was always enough food, you had clothes, i had clothes, it was no worse than anyone else, no, mom tried her best for you, everything did for you, and you loved, she loved. yes, i have only the kindest memories of her. have you tried to find your sister? how can i find my sister if we have the secret of adoption. no one would ever give me this information. why did you decide that? she was adopted, well, because there was information that yes, her sister was adopted, someone said, my mother, grandmother, yes, my sister was adopted, well , naturally, they didn’t throw
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the child away somewhere, did they ever think, how life turned out for her, during her life, of course, i i thought, i imagined it, i unlearned it, i became a worthy person, because we all have worthy people in our family, did you think that you would have told her when we met, i would have said, what a pity that we did not meet precisely in our young years, in childhood. .. years when we had common interests, we would run somewhere together, go for walks, this is natural. irina, i want to introduce you to love. she was born in the village of zyukaika and ended up in a foster family. her last name at birth was malygina, and her mother’s name was nadezhda. take a closer look. they are similar, but very similar. u in our family, we are all similar to each other, like one person. well, maybe, yes, all my children are similar to me, they also have the same face, the genes are very strong, all of our relatives are similar, all of them, yes, they are from different fathers, irina, but love
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is similar to your mother, something similar there is , but mom, now i look like my older mom, here i am a copy of my mom, now we have a photo of your mom, irina, let’s look together, yes, this is my mom, no matter how different i look. exactly alexey, as it seems to you, in appearance, irina’s love is similar between by yourself? outwardly, i would not say that they are similar. dmitry, what do you say? you know, i have the impression that there is a subtle similarity, especially the upper part, they even have the same manner of conversation. it seems to me, it doesn’t look like it, it seems to me that these are two different women, from different mothers, fathers, and it will be a pity, of course, but we hope so. dna. lyubov, share with irina what you know about your biological mother, how did you get into malyutka’s house? the only thing is that this is what the adoptive father said, that their name was nadezhda, well
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according to the documents, also malygina. how did you get rejected? well, as they told me, she wasn’t laughing in the maternity hospital, someone took the child and they put snow under the door of some institution and they left. here. but this is someone again, something from someone else. you understand, no matter how difficult it was , karakum candies at that time were the most popular, and i always had children’s candies, then
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i remember such a vivid childhood memory, we dug up potatoes, the fire was burning, the tops were burning, we threw the potatoes into the fire, we were sitting and we look above us just a starry sky, a scattering of stars, and my mother starts telling me about the constellation. ursa major, they are in the shape of a ladle, so she shows me, you see, there is a small ladle, a large ladle, this is the polar star, and i was so excited by this, then, then i was wondering, in astronomy, of course, these constellations i later studied it, from those childhood memories, it later also gave me some kind of impetus in life, then indian films were in fashion, but she and i went to all the films together, she took me as a small child, this is juicy ... bright colors, music, dancing, i even remember the names of the films that i watched with her, there was never a fight with my mother, never, you won’t believe it, she respected me as a person and
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adjusted to me, i even remember this, because doctors advised her to go to crimea to live, we moved to live in crimea, i’m in second grade, i’m 7 years old, but my heart starts to hurt, any scratch. she is driven to the bone, goes to the doctor, mother, they tell her, the climate here is not suitable for the child, and the child cannot live here, but for mother this is the same climate, osmolik, they say, she needs you to move to the middle zone, she is moving with me to the middle zone, despite the fact that she needs to live there, love, tell irina how your childhood was, my mother didn’t love me at all, absolutely, i have never been hugged or kissed in my life. even so, my dad treated me well at first, but then maybe something happened with my mom, they had some conflicts, he wanted to
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leave the family and after that, too... i sort of stopped paying attention , i'm at my grandmother's, thank god, my grandmother, i spent my entire childhood with my grandmother, too, it’s scary , it’s scary for me, and i’m like in a buffer, i’m wearing rose-colored glasses , i lived with rose-colored glasses for a very long time, i thought like that everywhere, well, i’m grateful to my grandmother grandfather, although they were very many years old, there were also very elderly parents there , my grandmother actually lived to be 100 years old, so i spent time with them, came home from school, walked... and irina today at least something about her younger sister? answers to all questions immediately after for those who cook on this one. smart advertising. redmond is suitable for culinary aesthetes; the redmond multicooker with smartphone control will definitely suit your lifestyle.
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i cannot build a normal relationship, she left, i ignored him, i took out loans because of him, now she thinks that she can’t get married, that i’m... to blame , the resentment is eaten up from the inside, you can open this door and ask or not open it, the decision is yours, i’m sorry, on friday at 16:50 on ntv, this is dna, 16 years old , the adoptive mother of lyubov chukavina confirmed it. riddles about the fact that she is not a natural daughter in her family, but love began to look for blood relatives only decades later, after the death of the adoptive parents. a dna test for lyubov chukavina from perm is the only opportunity to find out the truth about her birth;
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for many years around her appearance there have been a variety of, sometimes very frightening, rumors that i was not born in bon or in a maternity hospital, i was born somewhere else , so... not on the first, but on some second, perhaps day, someone from the environment, those who gave birth to me, tied me up, took me away, for some reason, and threw me over the door there, i don’t know, some institution on the street, in the snow. the girl was adopted from malyutka's house by a married couple, alexander and nadezhda demin. the head of the family worked as a design engineer at a shipyard, and his adoptive mother was a primary school teacher. love learned.
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i went to ballet, i also studied at the ballet studio, they even sent me to the city to the ballet school, and my parents didn’t let me go there for some reason, i remember for some reason, but at school i was involved in skiing - athletics, that is, as if in poetry so that i was even interested, but simply wrote poetry since childhood, roughly speaking, from the age of 5 , i took part in competitions for olympiads, i was constantly sent from class, not only from... from school. on holidays and vacations , love went to her grandparents. now her fondest memories are associated with the time spent with them, and not with her adoptive parents. my father, he worked, he came,
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roughly speaking, from work, whatever, my mother was constantly doing homework, well, homework, she was a teacher, that is, she had no time for me, she was on me i didn't pay attention at all. mother's indifference. lyubov explains that she and her husband allegedly decided to adopt only for the sake of improving their living conditions. they were told at the factory that if you want to get an apartment, you need a child, that is, they , they lived before in a barracks in a wooden barracks, where there was no water, nothing at all, well, only light, roughly speaking, there was stove heating, so they took the child to get an apartment. after the death of my grandfather and grandmother, love bought their house from relatives.
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what can you say, i was also an excellent student at school, we have good genes, all my uncles and aunts are worthy people, they all learned. irina lyubov says that she received neither attention nor warmth. not love from adoptive parents , what do you think, if love lived in your family, after all, did your mother give her love, but love’s friend remembers how her adoptive parents treated her and does not understand why they did not please their daughter. in our studio elena borodulina. elena, hello, please come and have a seat. how do you know love's adoptive parents? well, that's perfect
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by chance, it turned out that when they lived in barak, my aunt lived as a neighbor , and i came to visit her very, quite often, so you saw how the neighbors lived, yes, at that time , i wish i liked everything about them , that they were friendly, cheerful, that they decided to adopt a girl, quite by chance i heard my aunt talking with this couple, strongly advising them, well, how to have a child, take from the orphanage, there from malyutka’s house, and you remember how they had lyuba, and i remember once i came to my aunt and just saw a baby doll in their arms. but did they hide the fact that their love was an adopted child, or did everyone around them know, but
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remained silent? i don’t know about others, uh , maybe they knew, of course, at that moment i was not a very big child, that is, for me the appearance of this girl lyuba was somehow normal in principle, that’s when i already entered a more mature age, well, yes... yes, i realized that the girl is adopted, well, yes, knowing the adoptive parents with love, you can i can say that they loved love, i can , they cared, they were kind towards lyuba, she may think that there was some kind of strictness on their part, well, sometimes it is needed, love thinks that she was adopted only to improve her living conditions, not i think this is so, firstly, judging...
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it would have been worse if she had stayed where she was taken from, in malyutka’s house, yes, she would have lost a lot more there, but i won’t say that she was deprived, she was given and clothed, and well, i think it’s quite worthy, i didn’t see anything bad on their part in her attitude, there was always some kind of mutual assistance for her. this is love, i’m sorry, but did your parents help you?
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no, it was already when i gave birth to my children, they loved their grandchildren, so they helped with the grandchildren, they accepted them as their own children, that is, they helped a lot, yes, yes, precisely with the grandchildren, no how they helped me, but they loved me very much, i can’t say that, they loved the children very much, but you know how with what expression... the parents said with love that she was adopted when she was 16 years old, no, you should generally be happy that they picked you up, that’s what it has to do with it without my kind of aggression towards them, they had a quarrel about, well , their father’s infidelity, nadya said a little, yes, yes, i just didn’t talk about it, well, she might be in a fit of anger, some kind of i really said , elena, despite the fact that love believed that she was not loved in the family, love was with her parents to the last, but they
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lived, i think, a happy life, we took care of them, literally until death, really , they even carried grandma and grandpa in their arms to wash them, that is, we didn’t leave elena to find ours biological relatives, love was resolved only after the death of the adoptive parents, love, tell elena, who did you meet? irina, hello, supposed sister, i can’t say yet, because i don’t know on whose mother’s side, elena, what do you say, maybe? blood sisters are now sitting opposite each other, maybe they are from different fathers? i'm sure of it, different fathers. do you find any common features? no, have you ever heard from adoptive parents that there may still be brothers and sisters? no, but nevertheless, irina’s mother’s name is exactly just like love's biological mother. irina,
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how did your mother’s life turn out? the fate of my mother and i went in parallel, we were always close, but... we lived in different cities, i lived in the city of voronezh, my mother lived in the tambov region, in the city of uvarovo, we could not take her in, we had a one-room apartment, child, i knew that, but she would never agree to come to you in voronezh, she was generally such a person, she never complained to anyone about fate, never asked for anything, and tried not to interfere, that was her position , i am ill
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people, because in the early 2000s there were no cell phones, we didn’t even have a landline phone, our home address and our neighbors’ phone numbers were written on paper, we left information about ourselves, our mother, and how did you find out that my mother was no more? you know, there was a call to the neighbors, i don’t even know who said it, they just told me that my mother was no longer alive, she had already been buried, here’s this information...
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22 years ago, that is, she died 16 years ago, but did you see her 22 years ago, yes, we came to visit her, well, here we go there was an address, they wrote letters, well, she was such a person, she didn’t write letters, she didn’t answer letters, she didn’t like it, she somehow didn’t keep in touch with her relatives, you know, if siblings are between kept in touch with themselves, then she didn’t keep in touch with anyone, so she was such a closed person... she was kind to me, but she never told her personal things, she didn’t, so she stood there as if this is the kind of person separately for something she’s executing herself, reproaching herself, here she is, alexey, what are you think about it, you could try to establish a connection with just me, well
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, i would be worried, but who knows what happened to my mother, and if she can answer this already from childhood. i’m used to her always being sick , you understand, she was always aloof so as not to interfere, what truth will her neighbor tell about the death of irina’s mother, is love really late in finding her parents, or is she not related by blood to irina, a dna test will show through a few minutes. transfer debts from credit cards to kholva and conveniently repay them in installments for 24 months. so beautiful, this version performed by a puppy, it is especially tender, fluffy, i no longer understand whether there are men or women, mask, fifth anniversary season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. gdr,
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putin to the federal assembly. february 29 exactly at 12:00 moscow time. live broadcast on ntv. the dna program is on air. even as a child, fifty-six-year-old irina krokosenko found out that she had a younger sister, whom her mother did not take from the maternity hospital, but the woman could not find her, since she did not even know her sister’s name. irina, your mother’s neighbor often visited her. and knows how her last years went. in our studio alektina kitaeva. hello. hello. where did you come to us from? i
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came from the city of uvarov, tambov region. how long have you been living there? oh, i’ve been living in uvarovo since 1989. a long time ago, yes, in this house, specifically where nadezhda ivanovna lived. is that how you met her? well, you know, i was a housekeeper by occupation, i met... the residents, nadezhda ivanovna, she is a lonely woman, we met on the street, they will gather on the street, that’s how grannies usually do, sit, sit, yes, sit, but she was quiet, modest, yes , non-conflict, she sits and leaves, nothing like that so that she would tell something, there was nothing like that about herself, i know from hearsay that she... had a daughter, it’s like, well, word of mouth, she may have told someone whom
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she trusted, i knew from hearsay that she had one, one daughter, like irina, who lives in voronezh, we have never seen her daughter, no, and we were always surprised, why suddenly, well, usually children come to their parents, but this is not the case, never at all. never seen if even she came, well, we would have had a conversation that nadya’s daughter had come to see her, and then there was a rumor that it seemed like she still had a daughter, another one, yes, but it was secretly covered in darkness, and where did this rumor come from, oh, she’s also from there , she had a friend, they communicated well, firstly, they helped each other, chasing tea. they went out into the street, well, and then somehow a neighbor moved in with her, also
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an elderly woman, she this... friend, well, how can i say, became friends with her, i don’t know how to say it correctly anymore, and began to be friends with a neighbor, yes, with a neighbor, the two of them were together all the time, then this neighbor dies, our nadezhda ivanovna somehow went into a deep depression, maybe against the background of this depression, also asthma, she got sick, got sick, they called her at night ... an ambulance, they called an ambulance , sent to the hospital, brought to the hospital , did a test, they didn’t like something there, they took her to tambov, and what happened to her, well, the assumptions are that it was tuberculosis, she died in tambov tb dispensary, and how did i find out, our district police officer called me, here’s malygina,
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nadezhda ivanovna, you know the relatives, i say, no...
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and you brought him, no, i destroyed him , my husband died 3 years ago, i started going through these papers, i thought, well, no one needs it, you know , i have this piece of paper, a certificate, well, i burned it. aleftina, the fact is that today in our studio we have the alleged youngest daughter of nadezhda malygina, whom she abandoned at birth. this is love, it seems, well, actually , yes there is something, but you know, she’s thin, and my mother was so thin, facial features, that’s what you think, if she hadn’t abandoned her daughter, she had support in the last years of her life, otherwise her life would have turned out, it seems to me, yes, love, if your dna confirms your relationship with irina, you will look for
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the grave mother, of course, and daughter. that walking around her native voronezh is only a pleasure for irina krokosenko; she has lived here for 30 years and knows the city very well. this building in the city is called uchuzhok; it houses the philharmonic society, our regional philharmonic society. i love classical music, i adore staple concerts, especially liszt, tchaikovsky, that’s why i often visit the philharmonic, but lately, of course, i haven’t
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been able to because the apartment is being renovated. shows the keys to her new apartment; she will soon move into this small studio in the sovetsky district. this is my apartment now, all my thoughts now are about how to quickly make repairs here. i lived in one place for 25 years, in an old apartment, khrushchevka, and decided to live in a new one. a new happy life will begin in the new apartment, irina is sure. and all the bad things will remain in the past, you just need to be patient a little. all old things are, of course, natural. i had to get rid of them, i’ve been waiting for this apartment for 2 and a half years to get rid of the pit, in rented apartments it turns out, in general, it’s not very fun , the only good thing is that the keys are here, the landscape is nice outside the window, silence, tranquility, the forest is nearby, irina has a love of nature since childhood, the woman’s connection is with the village
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of zyukaika in the perm region, of course, we are children who spent all our free time free. outdoors in nature, in the summer, this is a river, my grandfather was with an avid fisherman, he even went out ice fishing in winter, there was always a lot of fish at home a lot, and i... of course, as a child i also loved to sit on the river with a fishing rod, these are the memories from childhood, looking at the city of voronezh, it is green, there are many parks, squares, in the summer, of course, we went out into nature, because what you want is the open space, where there is a body of water, where there is plenty. freedom, space where there are birds, and of course, in the summer i worked as teachers, it was a long vacation, we, we
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were able to go out into nature with my husband and daughter. another pleasant way to spend time is visiting cultural events. one of irina’s favorite places is the state puppet theater. nearby is a monument, well known to every resident of voronezh, a woman. he is in a hurry to make his most cherished wish here, this is white bim, a black ear, you see, the townspeople even left him a piece of sugar, why the nose, if you look, come closer, it just shines, because we rub our nose and make a wish, now i do too i’ll make a wish, but i won’t tell you, irina, but the moment will come when you finish the renovations in your new apartment, of course, love, invite me to visit.
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are irina and lyubov really sisters who have never seen each other? we will find out the result of the dna test immediately after the advertisement. watch today. sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say why macron announced napoleonic plans to confront russia, forgetting the lessons of napoleon, what calls for escalation in ukraine, despair of the west or
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a signal for negotiations mean. russian troops continue to occupy new positions, liberating the village from ukrainian militants. how our automatic weapons terrify the enemy mortars and lancet drones, reports from the front lines. 120th birthday. one of the most outstanding russian scientists, whose name remained classified for many years. yuli khariton, one of the authors of the soviet atomic program. our special report is about the life of the legendary academician. watch tonight at 19:00 on the website and app now. gdr. premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. this show is an amazing sale on amazon. yoga mat. got it, imagine. i guessed right, and you have a blanket, warmth, that same hairdryer, hot, surprise sale at ozone, hurry up, selicate hair set for 429,
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attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep also regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk. it's called azumopectinide. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration. all of them belong to class of phospholipids, there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids from the japanese clam. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800, 100 exactly, 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory,
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attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product mozgterapy. it contains everything phospholipids that promote brain recovery. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed. 5 and it will serve you faithfully again, prolong the youth of your brain 8.800 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brain therapy mask new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv we can’t recruit anyone into the gdr. receiving
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confidential information from random contacts with the germans, we killed him, we will ensure your safety, in return you will help us, off we go, the thing is reliable, and let's not cut it, kdr, the main premiere of the year, it looks like they are also hunting for the archive. what is there, you will open it, no one will think it’s enough, today at 20:00 on ntv. right now in the studio of the dna program we are finding out whether fifty-five-year-old lyubov chukavina and fifty-six-year-old irina krakosenko are sisters who did not even know each other’s names all their lives.
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lyubov chukalina heard that she was... the adopted daughter in her family back in her school years. pupils of the perm orphanage who studied with her in the same school, they pointed their finger at the girl, because they knew she was adopted. the adoptive mother confirmed this when lyubov was 16, in a rude manner, saying that she and her husband picked her up, for this she should be theirs. grateful, however, despite the strained relationship with her adoptive parents, love began searching for her birth family only after their death, so as not to offend her mom and dad. she managed to find out that she was born in the village of zyukaika, perm territory, and her last name at birth was malygina. the adoptive father once told lyubov that... her own mother
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name was nadezhda. we managed to find irina krokosenko, who was born in the same village. as a girl, she bore the surname malygina; from childhood she knew that her mother nadezhda had a younger daughter, whom irina herself had never seen. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, love is chukavina, on the other, irina korkosenko. the possibility that you, my own sisters, who...
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i would like to know now who the father is, well, at least hug, if a person doesn’t want to, i don’t like it when people judge, if, as if i don’t know, fate cannot be judged, irina , i understand that you have made your choice, you don’t want to communicate with your sister, i think that searching for mom’s grave may unite them after all, love, try somehow, maybe, to overcome this barrier, yes, of course, if you want to know about the fate of your blood relatives whom you have never seen, call and write to our editorial office, and we will return tomorrow with a new result of the brent test.
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previously, the temperature was as dry as outside, we were freezing in winter, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but now these where, in memory of gifts. hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
7:00 pm
did the french leader play too much as a commander? as far as he knows history well, emmanuel macron did not rule out sending nato troops to ukraine, but it seems he was left alone, nikita korzun assessed the reaction. day and night, brushing aside ukrainian copters as if they were annoying people. units of the tula airborne forces are moving further and further along...


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