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tv   Odin protiv vsekh  NTV  February 28, 2024 2:10am-3:11am MSK

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f and i asked the guys to give us heroin from the vechdocs in order to close ramir, ramir is in prison, sometimes we use such methods, yes, otherwise the bandits will do us a one-two punch, okay, fine, let’s say who’s in the fsk, well, it’s your business , you dig, we don’t hand over our own, of course you can take us, you of course can under...
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well, i’m returning it, well, again, guys without a salary, take it if you want, they’re fake anyway, put down the sideboard, even if i ’m gone for six months, well, commander, lights out, lights out, lights out, well, we need to talk, let’s go, yes, they accepted.
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yeah, well that means there’s a traffic jam, we’ll vote, three remain, one goes, and if there are two, the draw is also not in his favor, go ahead.
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i don’t see something on the face of unbridled joy, but apparently one of you is not going to forgive me, let him show it to my face right away, so that i don’t think about everyone at once , i’ve shitted myself, he’s still offended, this is a goody on you... so that you walk around and think, who didn’t put the little cork in? let me pass, stand, sit down, sit down, i said, that means, guys, now we need to stick together more than ever, if the messenger forgave us our frivolities, then now he will definitely feel the fullest pain, but what about the messenger, is he the only one who doesn’t know?
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i didn’t fully tell you what’s happening here, when i met with him, he brought documents from the osb, everything is there about everyone, everything is there, yes, everything is already in moscow, i really didn’t look at everything properly, because he immediately burned them, burned them, why, a gesture of goodwill, in general, i understand why they sent him, moscow will restore order. he understands that he is alone here, he immediately decided who he would work with, he said, what’s the matter with me, good fellow, general, it’s great, you see, he came specifically for you. i could see what
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i did to deserve such a high honor, if necessary, i could come to you, well, can you sit still with you, reading your reports from primorsk, and i’m not the only one reading them. you see, soon the ministry and higher authorities will start asking questions about what’s going on here, you think soon , i’m sure how much time i have, less than a month, no more, you’re general, everything will be done as agreed. excuse me, but did you pass it on because of me? not yet, simple they don’t allow landing, backwater!
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and i’m waiting for you, sitting and waiting, and you had a meeting on the yacht again, right?
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what kind of person are you anyway? i am ready to cooperate with you, doctor, urgently. who helped the poisoner get through the wards? the killer knew the location of the guards and had the proper clearance; this requires connections at the very top. sasha got screwed, he got seriously into trouble, what did he do? when i order, you will kill him. gdr, the main
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premiere of the year, someone helped. we still don't have a single lead. tomorrow at 20:00 on... ntv. statement to the chief of internal affairs, portovy, colonel gonetsky. i am shukoy kemalov, honestly i declare that while living in the house of my cousin ramir kemalov, i hid heroin there that belonged to me, which was seized by law enforcement officers. my uncle ramir kemalov did not know anything about the drugs in his house, the number, the signature. a copy of this application to the lawyer. kimalovo took it to the city prosecutor, ramera believes that his relative will serve time for him , this time it won’t work, there should be his fingerprints on the bags of heroin, they should be or are, here is the expert opinion,
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there are no ramir’s fingerprints on the bags of heroin, where is shuko? let me talk to him, it’s impossible , shuko was here with the lawyer in the morning , wrote a statement, was immediately taken to the pre-trial detention center, why candy, because the lawyer received a guarantee from the prosecutor that if his clients made a plea deal, he would be imprisoned a special detention center , where the investigative committee will take care of him, he also wrote about the threat to life that... comes from you, egor, he also wrote a statement, it’s strange why there are no fingerprints, ramer always checks the goods himself, but there are none, there are none, lola gave a signal, ramir, he didn’t touch the heroin, but that’s
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it doesn’t matter, what matters is that ramir will have to be released, how to release him, why, and why he should be detained, the weapon was drowned with your permission. in sail, according to your version, ramir is not involved, everyone knows that he sells drugs, and you cannot detain him, that you are silent, you, egor, you cannot. yeah, what kind of show is this with ubep? why don't i know what transactions my employees are involved in? you said you knew this game, so you lost it? okay, i see. dzhonov, that's not all. this concerns myself personally. service compliance order. remove your position
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as the head of the criminal defense, that’s it, you’re no longer the chief of the criminal defense , i understand, i understand, that’s all, vacate the office, and the candy
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, well, thank you for saying that if you can’t handle it, at least honestly, well, to be honest, no one will handle it besides the genre, you say that because you have no administrative experience, this is a gainful business, but good for you for not ratting out your boss, that’s what i wanted to hear about your loyalty, only your boss, not the jaunes. and i and the piece of paper that i crumpled up is not
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garbage, but an order, and orders are not discussed, wife 24 hours to leave the office, tomorrow is yours, and i propose. i suggest these, hello, major, we need to meet! dzhonov, he took the right lead, a great opera, he immediately realized
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that a third force was working in primorsk, i removed his original bosses, but he will still dig, even if he is fired, he might be fired completely, listen, let each of us get busy my business, i plan, you shoot, you do it well, ramir comes out, meet him, that’s all. no, not everything, we played the game perfectly, only we’re running out of time, we need to, we need to decide what to do with the queen, but if we remove ramir, everyone will think about the queen, as we planned, maybe everyone will think about it, but there are no assholes, vitalch, of course it’s none of my business, but i can’t i can’t understand what use this psycho is to you. yes, none, none for now, when we start working,
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who then will protect the local fellow bandits and businessmen, you, well, who, it’s like you don’t exist, but they need legal protection, such that they believe, so that they know, sjonov - best candidate, szhonov will work. it’s funny at us, but everyone comes to this sooner or later, remember yourself, don’t compare me with zhonov, he’s honest. you can’t do anything about this, i’ll do it.
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let’s pull together, in short, the ladies have arrived. one of the relatives is shaking hands here, keep it as agreed, well, if you won’t be here for long, i can wait, no, thank you, but okay,
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come in, convicted ostopovsky, article 264, part six, first detachment, come in, sit down, you you can go, yeah, i’m the head of the investigative department, their circumstances, i brought up the materials of your case and i found some inaccuracies, tell me, at the trial you admitted your guilt, did you do it of your own free will? what was i supposed to do? i was drunk that day, i don’t remember anything, i actually drank heavily, because of this damned vodka i lost everything, my daughter, my wife, my job, in my opinion,
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everything is fair, but i think. there was enough time here to sober up. let's do this, if you consider yourself guilty, then i will close the case now and we will finish, and if not, then we will still try to remember that day literally minute by minute. hello ales, hello! yes only at home silent all evening, but something happened here , yeah, it happened,
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of course i understand why gonetsky did it, well, to quarrel between us. well, what could i do, egor? well, the order , of course, if all of us had refused, he would have been left alone, well, you’re right, you’re right, tomorrow i’ll go and refuse, to hell with it, under no circumstances will he understand that we’re in cahoots, so what, he he considers himself correct, impeccable, okay, let him think so, you know that on the contrary , work with him more closely, cover him up, and while i unravel this mess, well, i’ll understand who started it, so then gonitsky and i will talk, this is zheka, a matter of principle, and ramir will come out, we also chat with him, you see, there were no fingerprints on the coat, you can’t do this to us,
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zheka, you can’t, come on, are you sleeping or something, no, i'm fine. come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, yeah , yeah, yeah, come on.
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try to make up my mind, too much sorrow and too much pain, we love is so hard to. but anyway, don't let it go, don't leave me alone, will design the gravity to let it go, love makes us strong, and stars go shining are right, don't let it go, don't leave me alone.
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you drank great today, although you have ardent fans, you have to work in extreme conditions, this doesn’t happen often. you're probably a little tired, you want to unwind, you want to invite me to a nightclub, funny joke, i'll come by at the same
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time tomorrow, you take two days off from work, be careful, prickly.
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well, hello, elementary citizen, hello, we can glorify you, well, probably, you can do everything, just everything, it’s not necessary, it doesn’t suit you, why flirt, but many people like it. please, coffee, coffee, yeah, one for the americans,
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but my daughter doesn’t watch us, that’s not true. her responsibilities , i’m the one watching over her, well, if possible, she’s jealous of you, well, what did you want, she has only me, i only have her, you can’t get lost, yes, i probably wouldn’t want to lose someone like that either a man, and i would be jealous if i were a wife, if i were a daughter, and you? citizen, boss, what am i, you are not jealous of whom, of me, for example, of whom? to fedor
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mikhailovich mokhov? it's clear. next question. do you love me? well, at least a little bit. what's happened? any problems? don't you know? you are your name for all suitors scared. even the bandits are afraid to look at me. but they should be afraid. talks, and by the way, everyone thinks that we are lovers, and you, comrade boss, are a pest, don’t even come in, listen to me sing, and i know your whole repertoire, my captain mokhov regularly plays your discs in the car, so that i’m your secret admirer, listen, you’re a talented person, you need to go, study, i don’t know, conquer musical heights, but i’m just
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trying to me... what should uncle yegor do? what are you not like today? yes everything is fine i’m just trying to understand why you ’re helping me, that you’re messing with me because you like me as a woman, or you feel sorry for me, please answer me. well, of course i liked it, then what? it’s okay, of course , your daughter is lucky, you’re cool, my dad also loved me more than anyone else in the world, only my dad isn’t here, my mom isn’t there either, okay, i’ll go, why did you come, did you answer all my questions?
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it turns out that i could have stopped, but i didn’t , i’ll kiss you goodbye, oles, hello, and what i didn’t stop, and what stopovsky did that day, i can tell you.
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oh, master major is about thirty years old. i showed him a photograph of ostopovsky and the wrecked car. but he said that he had already been interrogated. he doesn’t know ostopovsky and no one left the car for diagnostics. what about the service? oh, the service is actually kind of a dark story. i walked around there, wandered around, but there were some special guns that worked there. did stopovsky’s wife talk to her? yes, i did. she
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insists, it’s not albi who needs to look for him, the man who hit three people in his car, egor, well, you understand that he’s not guilty, if you help, it’s okay, let him sit, it’s useful for him, oh, very funny. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at . well, we sent the documents,
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and get the keys from the secretary, hello, are you listening, zhen, excuse me, can i have you for 10 minutes when you are free? the fact is that i’m leaving for moscow for a couple of days, a business trip, so so, during my absence , evgeniy borisevich remains the head of the department, he’s hanging out , a little bit, but it’s better to help, i think he can handle it, well, you see, evgeniy borisevich, if i’m confident in you, and i have no doubt, it’s good to remain in charge, good trips, listen, zhen, help me deal with the astopovsky case, and egor is aware, well, now you.
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i don’t have time, tell hamlet that he brought the machine, he wants to take it, let him come here, come on quickly! great, are you the one whistling? yes, as much as i can help? you don’t need to help me, i’m not disabled, so i want to give it away, 2 years of complete mince. what kind of papers do you have? if i
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had the papers, i wouldn’t have traveled 200 miles here, but would have given it to the salon, but don’t be nervous, just ask. as much as you ask, 30%. 30% of the face value 30 30 is a bit expensive to ask, buddy , i can do the maximum 15 no for 15 i have her with the corpse in the trunk right now they will take her 20 ok take the money and run away come here. take everything you have from the safe and bring it, okay, well, can you leave some papers, what did you get there with? no, i can’t, i promised return, okay, here you go, this is my number , if anything happens, you call and i, yeah
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, i forgot what your name is, and i didn’t say what my name is, if you want to break through, ask the whistle for vaselka, he he ’ll give you the whole schedule, i’ve calculated it, hold it? “can you count, great, happy, take care of yourself, it turns out to be some”?
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well, hello, automobile king, do you remember me, will you forget you, firstly, not you, you, you are a polite person among us, hamlet vasgenovich, excuse me, when i’m worried, i always talk like that, help yourself, take these, these are very good baku tomatoes, but very good, yes, we ’ll listen to one now. a radio play in which you just bought a stolen mercedes from our vasilko without documents, the maximum i can do is 15, no, for 15, i have a corpse in the trunks right now
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, they will take it away, 20, okay, drag the money and run away, but what kind of papers -then, you can leave what you got there in, no, i can’t, i promised to return it, so... you’ll have to travel with us, and then whatever the court decides, and it decides, i think, for seven years, that’s all hamlet, in there is no prison menu, i’m telling you that for sure, i understand everything. “i understand everything, tell me what needs to be done, okay, sit down, a year ago they brought a mercedes to you to repair, that same night someone in that mercedes hit three people to death, the owner of the mercedes was then imprisoned for another 7 years, do you remember this story , i remember. so, i want this racer to come to me tomorrow and write sincerely, how you will persuade him, i’m not interested, but if..." he doesn’t come tomorrow, you’ll sit down, do you understand me? i understand everything, that’s it, in
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that case we won’t disturb you at lunch, hamlet vasgenich, yes, our mercedes, let them drive it to the gate, otherwise you will dismantle it here , and we’ll probably give the money that you gave to our vasilko to this peasant, otherwise he lost a year of his life because of you goats, and there will be a radio play i have, well, just in case, that’s all, until hamlet, i ’ll take some salt, take it, bye.
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come on, egor, let's kill everyone, or do you need someone specific, let's kill everyone, i need them without, yesterday they put a commercial on the embankment, with a wife, a child, if anything happens, we're working to defeat, come on, i'll take you.
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who is hiding under this beautiful mask? i honestly don’t know who, let it just be a dzhigan ruzil minikaev nikita sergeevich
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kologrivy went according to the boy’s word, as i understand it, the mask is popular who is the presenter of ndv sergey mayora who will be next? mask, anniversary fifth season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. come in. that's it, be it. wait a second. acting head of the department of internal affairs, major gorlov. i'm listening. yes, you will have the materials by evening. same to you. why are you wearing pajamas? lariska asked, or is it some kind of holiday, but actually we have these pajamas is called a form. i see that you
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carried out an excellent operation under the strict leadership of ledia nikolaovna, so you see, i can get another title, she will definitely bother. come on, it’s good for you to joke, an innocent man was pulled out of prison, he spent a year in the zone for some freaks, what’s wrong? well... you know the proverb, there are no guilty without guilt , well, what are you doing, but she, like the pioneers , deluded you into conscience and pressured you into pulling out all the zone’s garbage instead of doing business, for some time now people for you have become trash, and i watch how you are brought into this chair, you immediately develop a commanding tone, you keep an eye on the market, otherwise you won’t notice that yes, i’m at a meeting. what, wait, sit there, don’t go anywhere, i ’ll be right there, uh, boss, don’t you want to talk?
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found the police, called the police, have they already drawn up a report? no, we haven’t had time yet, okay , just a walk for a couple of minutes, lieutenant, i need
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to talk to the detainee, uh-huh , well, i was scared, be happy, yes, now you can get rid of me, you can get rid of me altogether, yes, don’t worry, you’ll most likely they'll give you a conditional sentence, you i’m not a repeat offender, this is for you, quietly, to the fullest, i found this money in your pocket, thank god, you didn’t find the other four packs, otherwise you would have immediately run to buy a mercedes, this is a task, the doll is fake, oh, you bastard, well, well, forgive me, but i wanted to buy you a new suit, well, forgive me, and pasha wanted, oh well, put your hands away, we live from paycheck to paycheck, i don’t talk about myself at all, i dress in the chinese market, well , wait, i’ll become a big boss, i’ll start
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taking bribes, we’ll live like people, yeah, when you if you become an old woman, i’ll already become an old woman, and you’ll have a mistress , you’ll spend all your money on her, but she hasn’t yet , let’s go celebrate my promotion , by the way, we’ll celebrate your debut as a crime boss, you fool, what are we going to do, don’t worry . “i’ll get you off, i’m the boss , i’ll take advantage of my official position, and next time, if you find some gold and diamonds on me, don’t rush to sell, call first, in case they’re also fake, they turn out to be, what’s the matter with you?” in real life, what about you? well, detained, calmer. on racing horses,
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isn’t it a long ride for us, my time, we only spent scratching. chasing morality good fellow, the end of troubles, man geta, hurry up, chase. as for morality, brother vegovy
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kanets, mandyche come quickly, in that race we are already in the sky.
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i'm going russian. father lo, you tell me why me, you know lo-lo better, well, you’re the boss, okay, i ’ll tell you.
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who's their boss? a unique country with a unique destiny. a unique culture with unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that ceases to amaze, discover your
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russia. channel unknown russia, listen, the racers have completely lost their sense of smell, well, let’s go around it. listen, racer, did they kill you, or what? alexander vasilyevich, excuse me, now i’ll figure it out, turn on the engine, don’t turn off the engine, i’ll start making noise,
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go away from the front door, quietly, quietly, quietly, don’t hold on. they have kalash, we have armor, we need to find out what they want, they want to bang. we wanted something, guys, we get out of the car, there is a conversation, oh, how, you and your girlfriend, go talk, but i don’t have time with you, my dog. talk, and hid your farts , go to the mountains, scare the goats, i have armor , let's go, you see that guy, pg-26, if he accidentally presses the chickens, all that will be left of you from your car is a coin, i understand, i'm getting out, vladimirovich, what
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, what, what, what do you think, if they kill you with me, it will be easier for me, or what, what should we do, live, live, sons, happily ever after, bank, oh, how i knocked down the young lady with my little hands, come on, let's go!
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and what, guys, was it worth wasting so much time over this? take off your clothes, what? take off your clothes i say, no, it’s not even a free striptease from me. come on, one more word, i ’ll shoot you in the knee, it hurts, a lot.
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quickly, but i have nowhere to rush, well... that's enough, smile.


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