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tv   Pasechnik  NTV  February 28, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

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and we believe that we should talk about each other in absolutely equal terms. in one of the buildings on the territory of the second omsk fortress there is a museum complex of military glory of the amichs; it is dedicated to the feat of the inhabitants of the region during the great patriotic war, both at the fronts and in the rear. hundreds of exhibits are collected here. most of the front-line relics came to the museum from family archives. in just a few years. during the war , about 200 enterprises, dozens of hospitals, educational institutions, and theaters were evacuated to the city. namsky aviation plant, under the leadership of andrey tupolev, production of the tu-2 front-line bomber was established. everyone worked for the needs of the front, including women and children. almost every large plant had a school. for 12 years we had the smallest worker at our sebzavod. after all, he
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worked, he sharpened mines for there are photographs for - that means for a mortar. after a few months, the teenager became a skilled worker, which means that another adult could be sent to the front without affecting production. at the entrance to the museum there is a monument to siberian anastasia akatievna larionova, who accompanied all seven sons to the front. none of them returned. memorial complex. victory park is located on the left bank of the irtysh. the dominant figures of the memorial are the grandiose figures of the liberating warrior and the siberian woman with her child. the high state status of omsk can be read in its architectural monuments. they are witnesses to the glorious tragic pages of the history of the city and the whole country. the main omsk square is once again decorated with the holy assumption cathedral, as a symbol of preserving the memory of the past.
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they sat there and herded us , i understood, but i had to throw the cobblestones there, there was no option , tungus, you yourself understand, if they screwed me, i’m empty, what kind of presentation is there for me, in short, go ahead, if you have any doubts about me or complaints, let's see each other and we'll sort everything out, when, well, let's meet tomorrow right there at the factory, at about 11 o'clock, we agreed.
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they will still be ours at the factory, gather the people, well, daughter, let's go, let's go, daddy. it's not at the factory, isn't it good to deceive the north?
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i have a weird feeling, yeah there’s no one here, the factory is empty, okay, guys, you’re here, and the rest are in the workshop, and i’ll go from the back, who got up, let’s go, black, remember not there, young. to me, to me, hello, let's go to the back. oh,
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quickly, north, it’s hooked, let’s get out of here, go ahead! cars, where are the cars, how did it happen, how did he know, someone gave us up, they were already there , we need half a day, no, we need to dry out somewhere , you know, i know, drive there, there
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’s no one there now, i understand, let's keep it here, now we'll find a car, let's go, quickly! hello. i would change the weapon, uncle, what are you talking about? a machine gun, it’s the key to a pistol, but with a pistol
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it’s more convenient in close combat and cartridges, look how much you have left, how many, one and a half horns, no more, you’ll shoot it all at once. come on, i’m definitely saying it myself, what are you saying, you’ve already passed this level, not this one, but you passed it cooler, you’re lying, you won, as you can see, it’s cool , vazik, gleb, you have children, bread, that’s bad. but i don’t have a dad, my mom says that he never existed, but i don’t believe it, there are no children without dads, vadim, there are sandwiches here, eat them after class, okay, and warn the teacher that
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i’ll come with you later today, okay, mom , come on, behave well, okay, oh, mom, this is gleb, bye, gleb, bye, don’t be ashamed, you’re already pestering the child, we just met, and don’t just get to know each other , and in general , stay away from my family, how can i stay on...
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well, we got up, we’re looking, we’re looking, hold on, mizha, hold on, now, open the window, let him breathe , hold on, hold on, come to the sanatorium, now i’ve decided ,
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don’t make a noise right away, i’ll tell you what’s what, who else is there, and i say, how many people? nati six more, no, seven, with me, seven, open the gate, who are you, drive the car, gather everyone in the yard, slag, now we’ll unload from the north, take any of ours, drive to the nearest hospital, get a doctor, got it. that's all, yes, what's north? what is this in the room, tie them up in the basement, i'm the guard there,
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what's going on? i’ll hear one more sound and i’ll blow my mind, understand? why don't you sit , get up, let's go forward , the two of you can handle it, let's handle it, what's there to handle, where did you sculpt, who, who, who, who, doctor, who, get out of here, you're a doctor, yes, what is it? guys, where are you going?
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come on, figure me out, what are you, a hero, calm, calm, calm, calm, calm, what? the hero wanted to strangle me, give me the gun, no need to make noise, we grab the doctor and bring down the doctor, it looks like you overdid it, the schlag, okay , he’ll come to his senses, hey, well, let’s wake up already. who
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are you? you'll find out soon, if you decide to scream, i'll kill you! what's up? come on in. paul, can you take it out? why did you go deaf? who did you bring? doctor?
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why are you silent? come on, answer. did you kidnap me so i could perform an operation here? i don’t care what you call it, a man is dying, he needs to go to the hospital there’s no way, he’s not supposed to die either, you guessed it, and what i’m going to operate with is a finger , there’s a medical room here, you’ll find a scalpel, i think alcohol too, a hose. show the doctor off, let her take what she needs, let him eat alive, how are you feeling, gleb, how are you, alive,
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help, you can’t go so abruptly, where are you going, you might have a concussion.
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i am ready to cooperate with you, doctor, urgently.
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i can’t do this, you can, start , okay, i’ll go and see how they are doing, yes, look, they haven’t died there yet, listen, black one, and if she, you’re still here, that’s it, you’ve already left, start,
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come on, remember, your life is in your hands, you can talk without threatening. get started! well, everything is clear, we’ll get the car number through the traffic cops, find out the owner, find out what’s wrong with his phone. if you're lucky, the number is registered to him. we will look for the handset, as always, ask the ship's communications provider, if the phone is turned on, we will be able to determine its location. when i didn’t do that, here in klimovo, gleb, perhaps it’s worth calling moscow, i did everything i could
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for your comrade, he will live, i’m just pulled out the bullet, what will happen to him next , i don’t undertake to predict, then i undertake to predict, either everything will be fine with him, or everything will be bad with you, listen, let me go, please, i beg you, do you really think that i’ll let you go, bring him back to consciousness, don’t you understand that in such conditions it ’s simply impossible, i’m not at all sure that he’ll survive, you’re a doctor, it’s up to you to decide, okay. give me a pen and paper, i’ll write down what medications you need.
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yes, about an hour. understood thanks. come on,
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no problem. well, one highway passes through us, to the north to the region, to the west to moscow. i contacted both posts. no such car was found either there or there. this means they are still around here somewhere. gleb, the thing is that there are forests around, they could just leave. they needed a doctor, only this can explain the fact that they came specifically to the hospital, they could have taken a simple hostage much easier, they went, but they needed a doctor, which means that we don’t keep him, he needs help, he puts everything together, it’s unlikely they somewhere in a village or town, there are too many random witnesses, that’s right, the forests are all around, let’s go. let's go where we've gone, i don't know where, straight away, maybe there will be news from moscow, call atlantis, let vadim pick him up from school, what vadim,
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oksanin, let's go, okay, okay, kleb, let's go, i wanted to jump off. no, no, what are you, just me, just your comrade, he, in my opinion, is coming to his senses, and he called you, yes, that’s him, here.
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i'll tear it up.
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what, girl, wanted to play hide and seek? what, i don't mind? i don't care about the same crap
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i get caught, the black man told me not to break you, i won’t, quietly, don’t be afraid, i can be all, generally gentle. don’t, don’t, don’t, gleb, you tell me where to stop, turn, don’t
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despair like that. we will find it, we will definitely find that they sent a message from moscow , well, they rang the phone number of that bandit, yeah, here are the coordinates from five minutes ago, you know where razinaya, ryazina, of course i know, there is a shopping and entertainment complex, there are shops, restaurants, there's only one of us, let's go, come on, my dear, i see you like it rougher, no, please, i see you 're having a good time, don't do that again until i
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give permission. take her north, get up! why are you shining in your furushka? you should have put on a dress uniform, take it off, look for the car, here, why did they come here? maybe for medicines, they already have a doctor, or for groceries, if they have laid low.
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okay, look here, and i'll go with two. understood. look at the trash, so what, let's go and see what he 's rubbing there, keep the bagpipe at the ready, stand by the police, hands on your head, here, quickly into the car. jump in the car, let's kill!
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bring the kid, yeah, what do you want to do? i want to explain to you a couple of key concepts, it’s not the place that’s immediately obvious, it’s shorter here,
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huh? tyomushka, what are you doing? now i’ll untie the grannies, i wouldn’t do that, why anger them, and gleb is leaving, shoot!
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yes, good shot. free please don't shout, you see, uncle is sleeping
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, open your mouth, open your mouth, don't, open your mouth, please, hands in your pockets. “now freeze, so stop, you deceived me, i have to punish you, but there is one small problem, i need you alive and
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unharmed for now, so this guy will give up for you. where is the girl, what girl, what are you talking about, do you want to see if i can shoot? klep, are you crazy, bread, what are you doing? wait, wait, at the boarding house, she’s not far away. show me, maybe i’m completely wrong about you, you don’t give a damn about this kid, and you won’t
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give a damn about yourself, because next time you’ll be with him, by the way, if you try not to interfere, i’ll kill him, and that means so, guy . the rules are extremely simple, no matter what i do, you keep your hands in your pockets or on zanke, if you understand me, girl, well done, come on, get up, well, let's continue , don't, but sit down, try to run away again, i'll break your legs, i understand, the doctor doesn't really need legs, no please, sit down, sit down, i said, i’ll give you a great harvest. please,
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don’t, well, don’t, no, no, no, what did we tell you , i won’t warn you anymore, don’t, what about the kneecap, don’t, please, remove the barrel, remove the barrel, but she wanted to call the borors, leave her, i said, you are a doctor, tell me, i i won't die. get them out of here and give me some water.
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the boy was not even a month old when he was left without a roof over his head by the will of his grandmother. i’m sitting feeding the baby, she comes up and hits me on the head. did she hit you while you were holding and feeding the child? yes. the woman kicked her daughter out of the apartment along with her newborn son, despite her registration. at minus 30, she drove her and her newborn child out onto the street. that a pensioner did this to her daughter’s relatives and grandson? what are you talking about me here, shamelessly, is this a brute? for all she’s deceiving, at 17 she gave birth to a child whom she abandoned, no one kicked her out, she caused a scandal and ran away on her own, why does she hope to soon win a lawsuit against her twenty-one-year-old daughter, i have debts for my apartment, not small ones, she’s registered, but she’s not a dam, mom , forgive me for everything, let me go home, i beg you for god’s sake,
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that’s it, let’s come, where is she, there in
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the room to the north, on the second floor, to the right of the stairs, where are all the people? the kherson man was outside the door, i sent two of them to the hot spot for medicine, two were on the premises, the rest were put in the factory. tongus will answer for this horse, he will choke on his own blood. well, that's okay, now i'm more interested in another question. what are you talking about? which? a whore from our people
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waved at tungus, because someone had told him about the stones.
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trunks down, both, i won’t repeat it again, run, hello, hello, vladik, and
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i’m behind you, but excuse me, but who are you? so it’s me, i... our district police officer, klyuev, i ’m his own grandmother, well, it’s clear, well, everyone knows me here, don’t you worry, oh, hello, yarik, well, this oksana davich’s pressure is on me merila and said, take my aunt, please , she has a lot of work, so i came , well, it’s late, so, oh, yes, well, excuse me, well, vadik, let’s go, let’s go, son, oh, why doesn’t mom did you come? well, she has a lot of work , well, let's go, let's go, i'll make it quick for you, let's go , son, i'm not your son, you see what to do, but you have your own mother, let's go, well, say goodbye, goodbye, irina petrovna happily, close your mouth.
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from moscow, from moscow, he worked in a police station, in murei, and gia, a svanadian, you know, a lilliputian, yeah, of course, 2 years ago i hid him behind why couldn't you take the bars? close , lift it, mussara, rise, faster, i heard about you, gleb sbroev, i knew
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leleput well, specifically... there was a bandyugan, we crossed paths with him somehow while accelerating, he was very slippery, type and completely frostbitten head, how you did it, no one could, but you could, admitted it, i tried, but why did i come here? they sent for me, no, sorry, i don’t even know who you are, i came here to pick up oksana, this is a doctor, so take it, no
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question, only after... you complete my request, everyone came out, give me the trash can, walk, hands back, well, is it old? that's it, i said, north, wait, yes, he's got you, come out. and what is your request?
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you want to save yourself and your girl. you will do whatever i say. quiet everyone, ongus is calling, yes tungus, it takes a long time to answer the call, i don’t like it, they found it, you know what, i’m not interested. i know for sure that the north hid
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his pebbles in this fucking factory, shut up, i know for sure that he didn’t have time to take them from there, there is a little man among his people, now answer, just think carefully, is he lying to me? to the scabby ingos , we’ve already turned everything over, there are no stones here , i bet you know me, you’re done, now listen and don’t interrupt, i trust this man, and he told me that the stones are there, it’s just that the north didn’t tell anyone exactly places, i understand, i don’t trust them, but you will find them anyway, you will find them, even if you have to. take this damn factory brick by brick, i understand, i can’t hear, yes tungus, i understand, when i arrive, i
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want to see the stones, not to hear your children’s sculpting, look for where to hide with us, you guarantee that nothing will happen to oksana, okay, i agree, but only i will have a request for you, or rather two, cook, i will need a weapon, the second, i need an assistant, no, i said, none of my people know anything i shouldn’t, no one will know anything, i’ll take my man with whom i came, you have a hostage, so by and large you don’t need him, young people,
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then remember where the magic bag is, for that i’ll let you all go, everyone and your girl, hostages, when can we leave? “right now, leave for the black one, black one, pick up their documents, now, let him...” he’ll go as a cop, do what i need, and give them a car and guns, north, what are you saying, these
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are actually cops, be quiet, when they finish everything and call back, you’ll meet them, don’t worry, i decided, okay, whatever you say , go and take them straight to me. also my doctors, it sucks for me, it’s very bad, follow me, the wolf, where are we going, to be shot, i think, not yet, they’re letting us go, i agreed, but not for free, what? steel, let's hurry up, slag, take them away to the car, i’ll catch up now, vlady.
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yes, i understand, we’ll try, tungos, people are coming to us from the north, they say they are trash, we need to meet them, stand, free his hands, what?
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free his hands. i would free the earth from you, i’m a trash can from you, keep this , don’t lose it, it will also come in handy, trunks, get in the car, slag.
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the main thing is to listen for me, vasya, everything will be tip-top. what should we take from the factory? some kind of bag? i don’t know what’s in it, but i think it’s something very sanda. gleb, otherwise...
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i’m sure they won’t shoot us when we’re all shall we bring this? not sure. ready, so a pioneer, that’s what a pioneer is, just don’t go ahead of your dad into hell, so what?
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that's it, i'm done, thank you, my happiness, please, feed her and let her rest, don't joke anymore, hear me, take the doctor to the dining room. how are you, little bear? normal, better tell me, did you find out who plows the tungus? no, let’s figure it out, you get some rest, the doctor said, you need more sleep, give me a pillow, my ears are numb, of course, help
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me, or else. well, that’s it, mish, you’ve been given orders, so what? here we are sitting here, let’s go already, there’s a rush, vasya, it’s needed when catching fleas, what’s confusing you, i don’t understand? i have a bad feeling, a feeling, what are you doing, where, what
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are you doing, i’m saying, i’m disguising myself, tatyana bulanova is getting ready for her anniversary. well, on the one hand, radusha has lived, with whom will the singer celebrate her 55th birthday? so he gave me a gift. why does she live in two cities with her young husband? well, we are 19 years apart, so you jumped ahead of me, or what? she’s not jealous, there’s no need, but tanya agrees, tanya is an adult woman, she’ll figure out who goes where will you be lucky? is the star ready to give her husband an heir? ideally, this is a boy and a girl, how did they accept tatyana bulanov’s new lover? her sons, dad left and forgot, dad there’s a girl further away, girls there are something else , a new wife, some new children, and after some very personal events, she ended up in the hospital with a stroke, i have 220 to 180,
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nothing like that it happens, tatyana bulanova and her million-dollar secret, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv, we have an urgent call, so i, a greek, am going. san, i ’m with you, no, no, kohl, there’s no need to climb there together, it’s about 30 m along the blade to the hang glider, but it’s all 90 to the ground, so you’ll sit ahead of time, you urgently need to stop all work with scrap metal, a mine accidentally hit it, can you imagine how much it will cost to stop all this, people’s lives are more expensive, everything is on the way out, you’re standing, the trolley has started moving, stop it, i won’t have time , 5 minutes of silence, new horizons, today at 22:10 on ntv.
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about! it’s kind of hot there, what would he give in here , marat, come on, hit him up, man, what do you need, 10 rubles, give me for a beer, his head is cracking, maybe you can knock it off so it doesn’t crack, what a pity, give me some action , said, get out of here,
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did the north even send cops there? let's go back and ask the north yourself? and votris, while it’s quiet,
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what’s this, come on, hands! there’s no time for glass, grandma, let’s untie it, what is it? you can do it faster, much faster, i said faster, help, here, quickly, the cover is dying, turn here, quickly!
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well, it's okay, i can't do anything, it's too late. and this is very bad, very
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bad, especially for you, black one, i can kill her, i can, but then, maybe it will be useful to us, take her, let her sit here, calmly, i’ll go and see what’s inside, let's? what’s there, i’ll go and have a look, but for now i ’ll go, a good blow, just remember what i asked you for, and you were talking about it, let’s go without... heroism, i understand, let’s go.
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what was that? i think i screwed up somewhere, i 'll figure it out. it seems that we
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are lit up, what to do, the same as before, only faster , that we got up, we are looking, we are looking, you see, down there , i see, we need to go down there , we keep turning our faces, we are looking, i’ll figure it out, yes, tumgus. now i’m going, yeah, come on, i
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’ll meet the tungus, take a closer look here, water. i have no idea what he can do there warned someone, i don’t know, he’s been kind of cloudy lately, what are you thinking? i
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, unlike you, at least think about the market , but it’s not the market here that we need to watch out for each other, okay, let’s keep our eyes open, now this is going to start here. who was it? we heard a shot, but so far we can’t find anyone, are our eyes running around? yes , i can’t understand where the marat and the fat one are shuffling around, where is everyone? there, go find me these freaks, okay.
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there, heart, everything is fine, what’s there, gleb, i don’t know, but i guess, let’s leave, damn it, are you at war? no, there's something about this guest, how many of them are there, cartridge economy, i understand, you think we’re making the best of it, i hope, although a machine gun wouldn’t hurt now, a pistol, yeah,
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vasya, and you served in the army, yeah? do you know what a forced march is? yes, now it’s behind me, and not a step away from me, it’s time, how much can you mess around, just two, lousy day, everything is through the ass. hurry up, the cartridges are running out, we've run out, we're leaving, maybe a grenade has reached there, a grenade, idiot, there are stones there, my stones, things are going to happen
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, everything is serious there, everyone has pulled up, yeah, they can escape there without any grease. well, at least if i’m shooting, it means there’s still someone at whom, drop the guns.
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and give the stone, leave, i promise, no one will touch you, counter offer, weapons on the ground, leave here without consequences. if you want to give all the stones, give me half, i can’t, why? the north will kill me, you don’t have to be afraid of the north, but of me, the north is far away, but i’m here, the north is also here, what did you say, he made me wear this thing, what is it? bomb, now we're all going to explode. good joke, it's not a joke, it's true, a few seconds left.
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come on, while you're standing there, shoot, shoot, and they are more accurate than i thought, handsome guys, they drove the car, well, gleb, come on, without... fear, my heart didn’t fly out, and i myself was
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scared, you won’t believe , wow, gleb and tronov scammed these and i’m damn near with -my pipe is their main one, well, we don’t need it, we don’t need it, but from the north it would be very interesting. to know who is leaking information to competitors, there is an extra reason to bargain, if it comes to bidding, okay, let's film, i'm ready to cooperate with you, doctor, urgently.
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cleansing. about the weather for today in the studio irina polyakova. hello. cyclones will still add some variety to the frozen weather of the far east. one of them will disperse the snowstorms on the arctic coast and will surprise you with high temperatures 10-12 degrees above normal in verkhoyansk - only minus 18. another cyclone is preparing a real snow assault on the kuril islands and kamchatka. and the atmospheric front from china will throw up minus one snow and heat in primorye and the khabarovsk territory in vladivostok. in the amur region near lake baikal, everything is still the same. frosty without precipitation. in siberia, little changes in the southeast; frosts are slightly weakening, but still noticeable. in irkutsk -1, in krasnoyarsk -7, no precipitation in the west and north, due to cyclones, snow and rise temperature. the urals are still avoiding cyclones , there is little precipitation here, and there is also little cold air. in yekaterinburg -2, in chelepinsk -2. on european territory
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there is a successful combination of a low-cloudy anticyclone in the center and western cyclones carrying currents of warm air and temperature. almost everywhere above normal, the area of ​​negative anomalies is closing in the south, it’s sunny there, if not for the cold wind, it would be very warm, but so far it’s +12 in sochi, +5 on the don. in the center the thaw is not letting up and will even intensify, there is little precipitation, in the north and north-west they will be, but there are continuous deviations towards excess heat by 8-12°. in st. petersburg today it is +3, it will rain, in moscow there is no precipitation and also 3° c. that's all i have for now, watch the weather on ntv.
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get the doctor here, quickly! i didn’t understand where she was, she didn’t come out, i’m just saying where she went, maybe she jumped out the window, what a fool, huh? okay, i got it, quickly down, yeah,
6:14 am
6:15 am
everything will be fine, eh!
6:16 am
don’t go through the forest, it’s dangerous, she’s here, locked herself inside, god, thank you, okay, go tell the black one that she’s in the basement. “she’s not going anywhere from here, daughter, there are bandits there, god, when will it all end, it will end, it will definitely end”?
6:17 am
6:18 am
everything will be fine, everything will be fine. it’s okay, everything will be fine, we just need to wait a little, they will definitely save us. yes, tyoma promised.
6:19 am
yes, on the highway, he is now in the car, yes, you already called, there are several women there, several employees, and another woman, she is a doctor, a doctor, i think so, when they beat me, one said that they need her healthy, there was also a wounded man there, but i didn’t have time to see him, well
6:20 am
calm down. calm down, you're great, you've already done a lot, well done, to the region, we've already informed, yes, we've informed you, they'll be there in an hour, or maybe earlier, they'll definitely be there, exactly, exactly, calm down, kid, everything will be fine, let's go, go. raise your hands so we can see where the other one is, he ’s in the car, he’s wounded, covered in blood, and where the stones are, he’s got them, so let’s drag them here,
6:21 am
now, stop, trash. “i’ll go myself, wait, wait, let’s go together then, so that i don’t have to explain to the north later where the couple got to me, that you don’t believe what the difference, the main thing is that the north believes us, lie down on the ground, hands behind your head so that i can see them, if you move, i’ll shoot you, he’s here, i don’t understand, where have you gone? run, hurray, well, look, what kind of car will we drive?
6:22 am
listen, friend, there’s such a thing here, there they are, resistance, hands, men, men , i’m a district police officer from klimov, vasya klyoev, guys, ours, watch out, they said, foreman, where is the boss, interesting, raise him up.
6:23 am
open up, i won't leave here. you're alive, i 've arrived, i have the stones, just wait outside, i'll come out now.
6:24 am
put the gun down, if they shoot, they might then i have no idea where oksana is, so i didn’t see the stone, and you guys? they were able to kill tongus, the north didn’t succeed, i want to see oksana, you know, i would be glad to see her too, but the young lady’s head was slightly blown away, she ran away, quietly, quietly, quietly, we
6:25 am
can’t have a conversation like that, drop the guns , quarrel with me, throw down the guns. and you know what i want most of all, i want to quickly get these stones and get the hell out of here , i didn’t negotiate with you, but some changes have happened since then, i died, so i’ll have to negotiate with me, stones, there weren’t any stones, what
6:26 am
are you carrying, the north specially invented all this to figure out the informer, you’re lying, i have a tungus phone with me. well, prove it, do you recognize it? so what, what do you want? i want to show who called tungus a couple of hours ago. he's scamming us, give me the phone here. what the hell, black guy? i'm telling you, he's scamming us. what are you doing? stone? he, attention, that this is all a setup,
6:27 am
phew, well, let's go, let's go. oksana, oksana, are you here, answer me. "oksana, this is us, you know him, i know him, yes, i i know him, maybe there’s no one there at all,
6:28 am
lord, we all go one by one, thank you very much. thank you, well, we found everyone, yes, everyone, thank god, everyone is alive and well, the gang of the north can be considered closed. “thank you, starla, and not only to me, thank you, to your
6:29 am
guys too, to my partner, he doesn’t seem to be on duty, yes, but he is, where is he, by the way, why, why, i don’t understand, tell me me, please, why, why is everything happening like this in my life, what’s wrong with me , what’s wrong with me, tell me, i can’t take it out, lord, vadim, where, vadim, was i supposed to”? take him from school, where is he, what’s wrong with him, tell me he’s safe, how to walk safely, how to wait, how to be safe, tell me where we’re taking him, at least once in his life he’ll trust me.
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will find out the details of the emergency, we will talk about controversial situations with the first one. from the child's chest a huge one 10 cm from


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