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tv   Odin protiv vsekh  NTV  February 29, 2024 2:10am-3:11am MSK

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and the trees, but nothing, nothing, just a chop , normal, normal, normal, i listen, they didn’t take the weapon from me, wait, i have a first aid kit in the car, i can handle it, i can handle it, come on , come on, who are you working for, who are you working for , they said, take him to the mote, horizon, horizon, which means hello, duty officer, zhonov, says, lieutenant colonel shonov, group to sevastopol alone, quickly, yes, there are casualties, come on, come on! tes, what does he
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need, you’re asking me, how do i know, come on, i’ll take you to the hospital now, to the point of anger, wait, i’m with you, where with me, what you're being silly, okay, let's go, this is our business. they decided to take the rostov city for you, how do you know, if he said , the samsons had a gangway, i was wrong, i thought the queen was being substituted, but they declared war on me , so they decided to come to an agreement with you, but i don’t understand... he’s so rude, you mean
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did you want to talk this morning? i'm talking about the chest, somehow beating a woman is generally the last thing, and so you, yes, she opened the door at night, went to the bathroom at night, i heard screaming as if she had been cut , i jumped out, and in front of her eyes the bruise was swelling, the chicken is blind, but we get out now two boots in a pair, a real husband and wife, but we... if everyone, of course, has only one thing to think about, don’t be afraid, i also thought that i had a hand in it, okay, people are drowning here, help, i got rid of myself in the conversation, we’ll figure it out, there are no people no, there’s nowhere to eat, you’re alive there, let ’s carefully cut it with a grinder, it’s a card, we’ll all die, but we have to take risks, you ’re all so crazy in karil, no, it’s just me and... the core, comrade senior lieutenant,
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let me go first , the staircase is branchy, i don’t allow it, get on with it, it’s epic you have you here i wanted to jump, i wanted to, well , you’ll jump in tandem with me, 5 minutes of silence, new horizons, hip-hip, hurray, tomorrow at 22:00 on ntv, and why didn’t you start jumping earlier, but i
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’m sharpening my teeth on us, no one likes that we are a force in ourselves, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the boy’s word is only for boys, this is just the beginning, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, soon on ntv. are you okay, i'm fine, get in the car, come on, i'll catch my breath, everything will be fine, it will be, yes, i will now.
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gorlov himself came, so, hello, hello, yeah, oh, can you change it? he's a bitch, he brought an asshole!
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does he have a trunk here or me or him? we would take it, but now what? now it’s all over, wait, nothing’s over, who started the war, rostovsky, you said it yourself, wait, i thought we needed facts, that you ’re leaving me all the time, that you’re turning away, well , talk to me, brother , tell me what , what’s going on, he started to act out on the chest, but i didn’t touch her, wait, you didn’t touch her, you accidentally... and what’s because you have some kind of crap in your head happening? wait, why aren’t you talking to me, zhaka, what ’s going on, brother? wait, who are you? jack, you killed him on purpose, fuck you, come out, am i right?
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i’m right, it means you killed him on purpose , the murder of citizen dalilin, i propose not to discuss it further, the officer was pointed with a gun, i believe that major gorlov’s actions are absolutely lawful, well, i think so, of course, the css will sort out the situation, but i’m sure , that there is no crime in the actions... yes, the arms dealer has not yet been found, but this does not mean that the investigation is at a dead end.
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about lieutenant colonel shzhonov, who did not deign to appear today. i'm not sure after everything that happened. he will continue his work here, but maybe i’m getting ahead of myself, the disciplinary commission will determine his future fate, everyone is free.
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what's going on, citizen boss, why aren't you at work? other than that, i don’t ask you questions either, who are you with, where, for whom are you preparing breakfast, what is this, zhonov, a scene of reality, the mentor’s questions, which he does not ask, and the mentor does the right thing, i am not your daughter. not a wife or even a mistress, then why are you here?
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you’re doing, i wanted to say thank you, for all the good things you’ve done for me, mr. chief, it’s very similar to the last one, sorry, goodbye, it’s quite possible that’s what it is. but he quickly bought it from a muscovite, he values ​​people, but does he value you, how much did he appreciate you, eh ?
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zhonov came to gorlov, most likely he will
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try to split him. gorlov would be a complete fool if he split. yeah, i understand, it was aimed at alexis sanchez, but then they smartly turned to shoot. managed, well, now this goalkeeper will be in the game, and in general a rare case in this season, when in the starting lineup of barcelona we see three, let's say, main strikers, sanchez is in form, messi is just getting into it, come on in, lionet has already missed it, hello larisa, sorry for waking up jones, why did you come with your finger one hand is possible, but don’t come here with more. chew, let's go, let's go out, well, you promised, why do you need to talk to him, lord, lara, go to bed, i didn't
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play against the herring, he remained in the reserve, just like chavi and iniesta, today they are all fresh, in a good mood, in the catalan derby, configured. sorry for that, okay, let's move on, let's try to describe the situation as i see it. if something is wrong, correct it, they assign you the head
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of the criminal investigation department, at this time ramir is killed, we believe that this is a feral, we are looking for him everywhere, when he is almost in our hands, you remove him, the people who took you to the horizon in the trunk talk, they were told to bring you, but i didn’t, they told me. there was someone else there, who, who are you covering for? gonetsky, egor? does it bother you that you were demoted? do you even admit the idea that someone other than you might be right? who? what? that everything is sold and bought? what are you doing, jack?
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were you and i? zheka, zheka, zheka, zheka, zheka,
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zheka, you, zheka.
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come here, i’m coming now, yes, a body was found , yur, are you frozen, now we’ll check, no arrows, i warned you, look here, i felt it, i said, well, don’t go, don’t go, don’t go, but he went , break through there, it was he who killed, no, laris, this can’t be, i saw it, but why should i? it was because he wanted to punish him that
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zhenya received a bribe, a bribe. from whom, i don’t know, i don’t know, lord, well, just for this they kill, they kill for this, stealing weapons, killing danchenko. pogrom in the queen's club, that all happened later, first colonel gonetsky came to us, remember, we were looking for the third, remember, we were looking for who the third player was, we were racking our brains back and forth, but he was here nearby and he chose a good ally, the queen , it means that the firzy himself shot his own people, it turns out that in order to
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direct us like blind puppies in the right direction, why is this? the last one worked for a salary, and the last one came here not to restore order, but to make criminal money nag, he told me even then, the sorokin’s time was over, i didn’t understand, i didn’t understand him, egor, but the fers was also killed, i was on the horizon. there was no point in killing the queen, gonitsky takes everything away from himself, removes suspicion from himself, they took zhenya on purpose so that he would be connected.
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he can’t, he can’t, major, he at least needs to be examined, wait, unbutton your jacket, lieutenant colonel, who likes to be the center
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of attention, is with us. if this was gonetsky’s order, and you were alone in the yard, why was zhenya killed, what if zhenya? already worked for gonetsky and queen, then should i have blamed you, egor? what are you talking about, idiot? and think with your brains, if
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you have them, then you all don’t believe me, understandable. no one heard the sound of the shot , which means they fired with a silencer, the shot was from some distance, not at point blank range, larisa, gorlov’s wife watched everything from the window of her apartment, she said that evgeniy and egor were talking here and egor went to his car, but didn’t have time walk, as zhenya fell, from the entrance to the car. 20 m, that's the distance, they ran for just where did zhonov do the gun, stop it, major, zhonov has nothing to do with it, who is he blaming you, igor vitalievich, but
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now he will blame everyone for not knowing your wife, by the way, he’s right, we’re all to blame for that, that gorlov lies here is understandable, if your fault is, then what exactly is it, zhonov believed that in primorsk there is a third force, a third force. who started this criminal war, i did not support him, because there was no evidence of this until the last moment, before the murder queen, maybe a little guy, yes, but zhenov is right, there is a third force,
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dad, what are you doing? zhenya was killed. that is, the third force eliminated the throat, what kind of force is this? listen, i don’t know, so you asked me about my guilt, it’s about...
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leaving the apartment, what were they even talking about, i just wanted to talk to gorlov, why the bribes that gorlov received, what kind of bribe it was, from whom, i don’t know, lidya nikolaevna, you know, it seems to me that there was no bribe, but gorlov’s wife claims that yes, she claims, but the money is counterfeit, larisa found them in her husband's jacket, sash,
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where did they... agreed, uh-huh, goodbye, comrade colonel, jonav said that he guessed everything, about what? gurlov was an intermediary between you and the queen, sit down.
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i repeat, these are only gorov’s versions, that’s why he came to zhenya today to talk about it. kolya, what do you think , i think yegor needs to somehow explain this murder, first of all for himself, because there are really a lot of questions, i hope tomorrow morning we will get answers to them, i would like
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the investigator to read that.. egor killed. dzhonov could you do this? well, purely theoretically. why does gorlov need counterfeit money? well, it’s stupid to deceive your wife. she really bought it, went to the exchanger, and got confused with these dollars. everyone knows that a 10-year-old can walk around in nothing but shoes. why are there such games with dollars? damn, they're real. let's say it means a bribe, yegor found out about it, uh-huh, yegor could have slapped him for it, even if so, if so, don't tell anyone about it, but yegor will tell it himself, he won't be able to live with it, he can, with his wives and daughters , and that’s not the point, zhonov
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i'm sure... he's always right. the murder weapon was not found? zhonov was with the throat all the time. zhonov calls the police himself. where is the gun that was used to shoot? kolya. and the police won't find this gun. well, this is all theory, this is all our fantasies. in fact, of course, i... i'm sure it's not yegor. who then? yes, let the investigation think, let it have a headache. what is most important to us now? the main thing for us is to help yegor get out. her hand is heavy, i tell you.
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good morning, lidya nikolaevna, good morning, zhenov is already here, ready. here's the gun up they still haven’t found it, well, the killer didn’t make our task easier, it seems, but the night scene in the yard, when zhenov hugged gonetsky, lost his temper, lost his temper, you don’t know who evgeniy gorlov was for yegor, almost a brother , i didn’t kill any of gorlov’s wives, why are you honoring him, let’s go without a protocol, and then when it’s clear, that’s all. let's get started, igor vitalievich,
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yes, indeed, lately we have had a relationship with gorlov. were tense, the search for the queen came to a dead end, when the opportunity arose to take it, in general zhenya messed up, but i couldn’t restrain myself and then admitted my mistake, came to apologize , in the middle of the night, yes, i don’t know how to admit mistakes , apologizing is not my style at all , i suffered for 2 days, and then...
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on the horizon, i thought that there someone else was there, asked zhenya, he said he didn’t know, didn’t know or didn’t want to talk , said he didn’t know, yesterday you said that colonel gonetsky was to blame for the murder of major gorlov , i admit my mistake, i got excited, i bring my apologies. accepted, wait, colonel, you just said that with it’s hard to admit your mistakes, it doesn’t seem , in my opinion, this is your style, proves your point of view of strength, you don’t draw any conclusions, you
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don’t even make your mistakes, boris alekseevich, but we didn’t come here to read notations to each other, and i didn’t notate i read, i explain the motive for the murder of major gorlov. i insist that this is the original version, a murderer of assholes, yes, yes, yes, i understand, it’s very convenient for the investigation, zhenya and i have a conflict, in the evening we were together in the yard, they found the pistol from which they killed, but they didn’t find it , found a cartridge case, well, well, the shooter is a professional, he got rid of the weapon correctly, but do you think that this is a professional? the judge also thinks so, here is the order for your arrest, lieutenant colonel, arrest, boris alekseevich, yes, i think that between the murder and the arrival of the police,
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lieutenant colonel szhonov hid the weapon and i recommend a purely heartfelt confession and show the place where the pistol is, idiot, lieutenant colonel . “wait for the id, and lit, explain everything, alesya, i think it won’t be long, yes, i’ll explain everything, and we ’ll definitely figure it out, just don’t worry, don’t take yourself too much, lidiya nikolaevna, i’ll definitely talk to the judge, uh-huh, yes, i’m telling you, they
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were for something, but what was it, what kind of connection , what does gorlov have to do with it, what’s the bribe for?
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here we are talking about something else, about the fact that we don’t know anything about each other, as it turns out, in the sense that if it weren’t for the uzbek, we still wouldn’t know what he stirred up, and that has something to do with it, and besides , that egor entered for you and pulled him out, because you immediately admitted everything, he would give the life of any of us, if that’s all. honestly, but if you mess up, he’ll execute you himself, yes, all this is bullshit, what are you being rude to, friend, that they haven’t found another place, but drink here, quiet down, i ’ll quiet you down now, vanya, quiet, quiet,
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don’t, i don’t know, the guys are calling to them, you
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’re probably being lazy i decided, do you want to sit on a bunk with a bullet in your head or sit on a bunk , but you’ll have to fight, yegor sat down, and we helped a lot , got drunk, and what can we do, zarubin will ask questions, we don’t know anything, yegor didn’t tell us anything, neither about whom, even... egor killed zhenya, so it must be so, but the investigative committee should not know anything about this, you hear yourself, egor killed zhenya, but no one should know anything , we are a criminal investigation department, you want to turn him in, but that’s okay, i don’t want to, but he not only covered for you, but also forgave you, it was yegor who put the traffic jams on the yacht for everyone, everyone was against it, that’s why i’m leaving, go, go, go, we’ve been in greenhouses for 4 years, and he goes. forget how he
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covered for me, and i covered for him, you bastards are home, larisa is home.
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larisa, listen to me, i felt that this would all end, everyone who is next to your father will all die. first your mother, now zhenya, your father is a murderer, like his land wears? larisa, please don't say that. you don’t know anything, i don’t know, i saw , lord, why didn’t anyone stop him, why didn’t you, olesya stop him, why did he come here, why did you come, what are you
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doing here, i don’t know, larisa , i'm very sorry, what? what should i do now with this pity? larisa, why do i need her, why does pavlik need her? listen, larisa, he is not guilty, i know that for sure, he is not guilty, but your father is a murderer, he could not do this, he is a murderer, no, larisa, my father, is not a murderer, he could not, he couldn’t do it, my father, the weapon was with a silencer, because i didn’t hear the shot, i didn’t even immediately understand what happened when gorlov.
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and the head of the pre-trial detention center , lieutenant colonel samoilov, can help us with this , if we removed this burnt person, we would forget, he is not going well , i categorically forbid removing and breaking the burnt person, we must explain to samoilov that
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the burnt person needs to be brought up, here... so settle down, i mean, literally, i know, most of all are interested in janov returning to his work as soon as possible place, but this will not happen by itself, you and i will need to prove the claim that egor had nothing to do with it, and if they are not mistaken, who are you talking about this with? with no one, with the guys, fedor and ivan, and that they , nothing, seemed to have agreed, no contacts with ssk, like, mokhov, he’s leaving, now he’s taken time off, yes, maybe it’s for the best, the gap
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is eliminated, kolya, you go ahead ... look for guys for you, he’ll come back, and we ’ll organize your team into a separate detachment, you’ll work alone, on your own, agreed, igor vitalievich, what can we do for igor, find a gun, kolya, there will be... a gun will be a killer, we’ll appoint whoever we want, and we’ll get yegor out. thanks, i don't think you'll take that risk. and this is not a risk, this is a sober calculation. i help yegor, yegor helps me. well, this is how i imagine friendship. are you different?
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well, about the same. egor is needed not only by me, but also by... to you, and kartseva, to everyone, because with the murder of the queen in primorsk everything is just beginning.
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you in sorokin's place, well, for now only acting, but still congratulations igor vitalievich, thank you, lizia nikolaevna, and i, everyone, now you will head this department. yes, i don’t see any other candidates, thank you, of course, for
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your trust, but this is not my position. ledia nikolaevna, remember, you were interested in whether i could finish the job i started? so, no, i can’t if they don’t help me. “sit down, zhzhonov has been arrested, gorlov has been killed , the employees are running away, you are refusing, who can i count on in primorsk, i understand that this appointment will greatly complicate your life, the male team is unlikely to want to accept a female boss, but you showed firmness with the list of mates, force yourself to be respected, i can, don’t doubt it. thank you, igor vitalievich. tell me what will happen to yegor.
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the judge is not going to change the preventive measure. osb supports the claim. they got what they wanted after all. they burned the burned one. so what, he will sit? dzhonov will sit. until they find the gun, and i would like the employees of your department to do this, lidia nikolaevna, and the sooner they do this, the better it will be for the burnt. that's it guys, let's go in, quietly, quietly, we're on the list , well, a little less, but i'm thinking in a friendly way
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, okay, what to do with you, here you go, that's it, go, come on, great, wait a minute, something for free, diamond. try it. i can give you a lift to the institute, you’re embarrassing yourself , they won’t let me, damn,
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hey, what are you doing there, yours, go where you were going. it’s dangerous to drive on such a suspension, i advise you to change the car, where did you come from, adviser? what's the difference? maybe i want to buy this in metal? go while you're safe, i said. there's half a million here. lieutenant colonel samoilov, this is an advance payment, and the same amount will be paid after the deal. what is the advance? i take this trash and pay a million. in which you buy yourself a decent car that corresponds to the status of a lieutenant colonel, i’m saving your renma, and
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you don’t make any more mistakes, don’t stoop to the level of collapse. “you can, of course , sell your car, your apartment, your kidney, but everything will remain the same, your son will be on a needle, this is a business, lieutenant colonel, they are setting up those from whom they can take something, you and i are adults, but children, what won’t you do for them, you’ll end up in jail, honor you’ll hand over the officer, who are you, that’s it, that’s it”? the only way to change the environment is to take your son away from here, so that there are no previous contacts, find a good clinic, but treating drug addicts requires money, you can’t get by with a million, you need to know when and to whom what do you need? i’ll save your son, and you help me, maybe we’ll go for a ride, we’ll talk, but
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i’ll still take your car. i’m not kidding, lieutenant colonel dzhonov has approached your pre-trial detention center. igor, what’s wrong with zhonov? he’s sitting there.” i know there is
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a possibility of release, you miss me here with you, i just want to know what happened there, they killed the head of the criminal investigation department, and what does yegor have to do with it?" "" has nothing to do with it, only the investigation thinks otherwise , but you have the opportunity to somehow influence the investigation, but why if you don’t sleep with a burned man, that doesn’t mean you don’t love him, but you...” and
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with me, i can leave if you always leave the keys on the shelf and slam the door.
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that's it, don't fall anymore, i'll try. egor vladimirovich, i need to know what happened to you in order to file a complaint, he’s raising. no matter what we have there the main question? i'm waiting for a response to our appeal to the prosecutor's office, in general, our chances are good, the pistol from which the throat was killed was not found, by and large
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there is nothing to show you, here even house arrest would be too much, the usual removal from service, but my case is unusual, he whoever is a messenger has achieved his goal, you shouldn’t do that, igor vital. very servile of you, yeah, yes, by the way, at his suggestion, the prosecutor’s office began to move, because now he is instead of sorokin, they removed sorokin, yes, immediately after this murder, gonetski and his head of the department of internal affairs, i think that the investigative the committee is now playing it safe because sorokin was removed, everyone is afraid for their jobs, and here there is also such a high-profile murder as the murder of the head of the ugro, yeah. but they understand that they need a suspect, and the best candidate is you, so they insist on a deal so that you take the blame, and for this they will reduce your sentence. uh-huh, but you shouldn't
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do that, do you hear me? can you hear me? yes, i hear, i hear. this means they will press on. yes. well ?
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