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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  February 29, 2024 4:00am-4:50am MSK

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lan cruiser, not bad for the chief of the district police, and sergei sergeevich, maybe this is a gift from the grateful residents of the region , host, do you accept guests? and guests from moscow , i was waiting for you, i was waiting, come in, come in, colonel pastukhov, lapurev, gennady mikhailovich, captain karasev, vadim, so it’s with you, i spoke on the phone, with me , well, please, come into the house, let’s go , so closer.
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“it seems to me that your ride was in vain, we practically solved the crime, on our own, so to speak, without the support of the capital, but sit down, and that the killers have already been found, no, the killers have not been found yet, but they are not going anywhere, you will hear more detailed information, here we have a military unit nearby, 4 km from the town, 3 days ago, two sochnikov soldiers escaped from it, they knocked out a sentry, broke into a gun room , and then three old-timers were shot with machine guns.
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they ran away, took the machine guns with them, one of the old-timers died on the spot, the other two are now in intensive care, why not run away, hazing, well, it’s similar to this, when i served, i remember the first few months from the baseboard to the plinth flew like a rocket and nothing, which means...
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the last time, relatively small, from a large massif, it is cut off by roads and villages, it is almost impossible to remain unnoticed, where, where did she put it, and won’t you help me? well, it’s one thing to give a turn to your teachers, and another thing to execute a dozen innocent people, besides , the testimony of the surviving plowman indicated that there was a silver jeep, but tell me where the deserters got the jeep, for several hours. back at
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one of the cordons an abandoned a torn toyota, it’s certainly not a jeep, but you never know what might have appeared to the witness from the crossing and why do you think these guys would shoot up an entire bus? but who knows, nowadays you know what young people are like, no morals, no respect for other people’s lives, american films look forward, one word, scumbags, and where are you staying, in your hotel, in a former hostel, it’s not very cozy there, but then, if you want, you can stay with me, i sent mine to egypt for the winter, thanks for the offer, but the former hostel quite satisfied, tell me when you are going. a roundup of fugitive
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soldiers, a roundup, what a word, we’ll be combing the forest in an hour, i was just about to go there, guys... i’m already waiting, okay, we’ll go with you, i don’t know, what if something happens to you , what will i tell your superiors, gennady mikhailovich, this is not a request, okay, with me, so with me, well, you finish your tea. in the meantime, i’m changing clothes, and by the way, you’ll probably need a car, it wouldn’t hurt, i ’ll ask, they’ll drive my old lady to the hotel, the car runs like a beast, the keys
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they’ll leave you on watch, so, vadim, what are your thoughts? what thoughts could there be, a roundup of deserters, complete nonsense, they couldn’t shoot up the bus, i agree, but this is an excellent reason to find the extreme ones, they will spank the boys when they are detained, then they will hang all the dogs on them and report to the crime detection center, but if we, of course we won’t interfere, well, we’ll only interfere if you... don’t mind, when was i against, looking for adventure on your own, this is my favorite pastime,
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i see you also attracted civilians, yes, local hunters seem to be... so according to the latest information the fugitives split up, one moved towards the railway, the other towards the city, we organized two search groups, decide whether you will be together or split up, split up, okay, warriors, i, who taught you to carry a machine gun like that, shoot yourself, drones, take the guys, go towards the railway, let's go at a pace, guys, at a pace, everyone else follows me, in general, starley, i think we need to split up, you will comb
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through the abandoned apiary, yeah, and i'll go there if the fugitive chose this route, then... another there is no way for him, there are no more passable thickets , there is an enemy on the right, how do you know about the enemy, you are not here, i studied the map, the map is a useful thing, let’s get acquainted at our leisure, maybe it’s better together, it will be safer, but no, starley, you can manage there without me, in general, we’ll meet at the burnt beam, if i haven’t mixed up anything, i haven’t mixed up anything, let’s go. freeze, now i’ll take the machine gun from you, if you twitch, you’ll take a bullet, you understand me, yes,
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raise your hands. can you turn around, what will happen to me now? the tribunal will tell you about this, but i won’t shoot, i'm captain karasyov, comrade captain, you and i, lower your weapon, guy, right? motherfucker, starley, why did you open fire , did you take you for deserters, why immediately to kill, why without warning, and it was a warning, i said
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shoot in the air, and what is this, a stray bullet, comrade captain, don’t kill yourself like that , dogs dogs now death, okay, then stop, wait, quiet, guy, quiet, everything is fine, okay, now listen to me, soldier, you've done a lot of trouble, but everything can still be fixed, the main thing is don't make it worse your position, now put the machine gun on the ground, then we’ll go into the car and talk, no, it’s you who throws the weapon, it’s alive or i ’ll... shoot, don’t be stupid , don’t be foolish, you’re surrounded, you have nowhere to run if i throw
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the machine gun , you will kill me, what nonsense , why should i kill you, i don’t even know you, you look like a normal guy, i’m normal, i know, you killed these guys by accident, you were just defending yourself, that’s right, yes, i didn’t wanted to kill them, i tell her, everything can be fixed, look, there are a lot of witnesses, slowly put the machine gun on the ground, that’s it they will confirm in court that you surrendered voluntarily, at a minimum you will be sentenced to 3 years, if not more, they will certainly sentence you to death, of course, i’m a policeman, i know the law, okay, i surrender, just don’t shoot. well done,
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well done, the sucker wanted to kill me, come on, everyone move away from him. quickly , quickly, he said, the guy has already dropped his weapon , lieutenant colonel, there’s no need to kill him, and that’s right, handcuff him into the car, i’m telling you, i don’t know about any minibus, and we didn’t shoot at anyone. except those bastards who mocked us, who mocked you, if you
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if they hadn’t caught us, vitka and i would have given up ourselves, we hadn’t eaten for more than a day, we got lost in the forest , we tried to get out of it by car , we stole the forester’s toyota, but there were cordons everywhere, vitka said that we had to leave the car, at least on foot. then the hope is to slip through, otherwise... did you believe him? he believed, there was no other option, his machine gun had a full magazine, his friend’s magazine was only missing five rounds. yes, you can’t argue against the facts, well, a bad version is also a version. dark things are happening, vadim,
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dark things, well, never mind, oops, you and i will spill on them light, do you know what i thought? i think it’s time to approach the owner of the mine, a large figure, in these parts little happens without his knowledge, i found semyon ivanovich baloga, so he was born in krasnoyarsk, 48 years old, from the eighty-sixth to the ninety-first years a worker at the mine face. in polyarninsky gok, uh-huh, gok. sergey sergeevich, what is gok? gok, you don’t
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know, do you? no. yes, i don’t know either. it's clear. so, in the nineties he was prosecuted three times on suspicion of committing a robbery. but there was released for insufficient evidence, got away with it. so, in 2001 it was created and headed by o. shakhta. 2007 general director of manganets llc, so divorced, has four children, fr. the fortune is estimated at 150 million dollars, cool guy, yes, you can’t get to this on a temple mare, listen, i’m a person used to calling things by their proper names, so let’s be honest, you suspect me , you think that if you have money, that means you stigma into a cannon, these hands were seen, if it were
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n’t for them and this head, the mine would still be closed and the state would be directly.
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well, let’s wait, yes, look, you’ll be thrifty, but i won’t eat it, but i like it. they're going.
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why are you standing there?
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a fun ride, haven't had one like this for a long time, so, well, what do you think we saw? in my opinion, everything is obvious, the balyk speaks in kazhanka, something was not divided, the arrows were hammered in order to sort it out like a boy. well, we almost stopped them, max, listen, i found out the name of that guy, well , the photo you sent me. this is a certain sergei olegovich razin, known in criminal circles as rezak. what does he do? is this in a row? raiding,
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the rocket is generally a complete set. max, we need to find out how he can be connected with baloga. if both of them delve into their past, perhaps they will have some things in common. uh, what happened, nothing happened to us, what is this, a trace of a bullet, yeah, enlightened, crazy, don’t be afraid, i’ll replace the mirror, where were you, where did you go, you? write a report or what? do you understand that you could have died? why are you so upset, lieutenant colonel? i, but it’s not i who broke up, i’m worried about you, that’s why,
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but what if you were found in the forest, the same like those people, they’ll just take my head off , comrade lieutenant colonel, of course, excuse me, we came here to conduct an investigation to find those responsible for the deaths of ten people, and if at the same time we have to...
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he threatened us, didn’t it seem to you, it was a veiled threat, but it can be translated like this: if we continue to stick our nose where it shouldn’t, then this nose will be torn off for us, along with our head, listen, maybe then we should not interfere, the person, you know, is worried, worried about the area he is confident in, here we are, well , i think loperev will find a way to convey this to we are more approachable. i think i’ve already found it, come, newcomers, where from, but
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you care, you’re being rude, it seemed to you, so from where, guys, from moscow, will you drink with me, muscovite, but without me you have someone to drink with, look, they’re disdainful, muscovites, high-flying birds, what are they doing to us? they fly high , you say, and we’ll check how they fly, listen, uncle , and you’re not too self-confident, so guys, guys, you don’t need problems, especially since we ’ve had enough, girl, pour the guys the best at my expense, well that, consider yourself friends, you were told the best, that you grab it, well, let's go, yeah, have a nice evening, guys. miss you, have a nice evening, childhood time is over , it's time to go to the cradle, calm down, vadim, calm
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down, we have a hard day tomorrow, i need you alive and unharmed, got it, let's go, bye, guys, hey, muscovites, you won't give me a ride, they're not here they will turn away , yes, we’ll have to help the guys, just be careful, one of them has a knife , i saw “listen, uncle, you still have a chance to get home with your own feet, good advice, or it doesn’t reach you,
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captain karasev, i’ll slowly get it now id, leave with these what? yes, everything is fine , they lay down to rest, in 5-10 minutes they will come to their senses, clearly, then the lieutenant colonel, there was a snack incident, two visitors from moscow did not
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share something with the locals, rezaka, max is already doing this. secondly, we need to penetrate the territory of the mine, see what balyga is hiding from us so intensely. well, of course, the visit should be unofficial. i allow the foray, but before you go beyond the perimeter, i kindly ask you to look around carefully, and if you feel comrade general, we won’t risk any danger in vain. it looks like a barracks for
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workers, it looks like why the hell are there armed guards hanging around the barracks so that none of the robots get beyond the perimeter, then it looks a lot like a concentration camp. yes, we won’t go there, we have no chance against machine guns. so, are you ready for a little bluff? but what about it ? do you, do you know what time it is? i know.
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i fell into bed with him, if not for one important thing, let’s go into the house, well, i, if you want to talk somewhere else, i can do it organize, no, of course i don’t want to, come in, i’ll speak directly. we know about the difficult relationship between baloga and rezak, and we also know what this relationship has already led to. balaga and rezak will not escape punishment, their further actions only aggravate their guilt, but you still have a chance. the choice is simple: either you cooperate with the investigation and thereby absolve yourself of part of the blame, or? part of the blame, you, of course,
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excuse me, but i, i’m not to blame for anything at all, i’m just an adviser to the balaga on finance and taxes, and then i’ve always been against what he is doing, i always said that it will not lead to good, you cannot treat people as a commodity, after all, we live in the 21st century, who supplied the balogs with labor, a cutter? yes, describe the whole scheme, yes, in general the scheme is simple, orazin’s people, somewhere in the far east or in siberia, recruited piercers, brought them to us, took their passports at the station, then on a bus to our mine , but i was always against it, i always said that you shouldn’t treat people like slaves,
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you can't house them. 50 people in one barracks, and this, this, this, this is not only inhumane, i think it’s also irrational, or what, how much? paid his slaves , but he doesn’t pay them anything at all, never paid them, they work for him for grub, the one who can’t stand it, avoids it, is caught, beaten, but i want you to know, i was always against it , why the bus was shot by the piercers, you see, i don’t know for sure, i... i just heard that razin had a competitor, a certain efrem, and this efrem offered balaga the piercers on more acceptable terms, agreed, efrem
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sent him a bus with ten workers, the cutter’s men tracked down the bus and shot it so that efrem would not be allowed to come here again. yes, a war for the redistribution of the market, i will trade, some kind of middle ages, but i want you to know this, i have always been against this, always, how did the war between rezak and ephraim end? balaga seems to have reconciled them, persuaded razin not to take revenge, today they have a meeting at midnight, negotiations, arrow, in the forest, exact place, can you? show, yes, yes, of course, i’ll show you, but you know, i want to tell you that i myself have long wanted to get away from the racket, he behaves as if he is some kind of district prince, and this is unpleasant for me, vadim, i’m calling golubev, tach general, sorry it’s so
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late, urgent business. cutter, i suppose, for someone it’s a cutter, and for that one, go wild olegovich, i’m not in the aisles here, boss , i’m seeing these guys for the first time
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, i got a little lost, i decided to ask for directions, you’re very lost, cutter, so much that you can’t get out, that’s what it’s about, boss, about a ballistic examination that will prove that the minibus with people your people shot, but... you gave the order to shoot, you can’t hang it on me, you’re wrong, take me away, yes, max, sergey, i found something interesting here, it’s about the entrepreneur balga, the fact is that the mine was practically ruined, and the money was transferred to the accounts of two fly-by-night companies, and so these companies disappeared into obscurity. and the money most likely went offshore, that is , the bank was robbed, yes, but the most interesting thing is that these companies are registered in the name of a certain rudensky, he works, yes, as a business
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tax adviser, you took him, damn it, he ran away. max, try it urgently. did vadim alekseevich rudensky book a plane ticket? okay, i'll do this now. let's. you and i are nerds, vadim. balaga and rezak have absolutely nothing to do with this. they were thrown to us as bait to throw us off the trail. that is, in rudensky’s house above his desk. there is a photograph hanging, rudensky with a fish in the background of a car, well, there was one, i remember, the license plate of this car is visible there, so this number coincides with the license plate of
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lieutenant colonel lupyrev’s car, the owner, you receive guests, and guests from moscow were waiting for you, waited. wait, wait, how did you remember, the letters in the series of this number coincide with my initials, three digits are the date of my birth. “i immediately noticed this, but i got distracted, but then it slipped my mind, and now i remember, it turns out that rudensky, lopyr, acquaintances, probably friends, and most likely work in the same team, so while max is looking for rudensky, we’ll visit you and i go to lieutenant colonel lapyrev, go ahead.
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we’ll have to take this fortress by storm, give it to the colonel, let me be the first, of course, initiative is punishable, captain, look, pastukhov, sergey sergeevich, march 14. the paint is still fresh, the varnish is not polished. and the protectors are new. do you think this is the same silver jeep? it looks like lopelev did a good job of sweeping things up. let's sum it up. rudensky cheated his boss
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balaga out of money, and then, with the help of lieutenant colonel lapyrev , framed him and the cutter by shooting the minibus. what do we have now? balaga’s money is in rudensky’s offshore accounts, baloga himself is behind bars with robot traders. and ends in water. great combination. yeah, yes, max, i understand you, we’re leaving, rudensky not only bought a ticket, but has already gone through registration, you’re together, come on. “they gathered far away, why not on the jeep
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, the paint has dried, it’s all him, he, his idea, he organized it all, i, i, i’m just a performer, idiot, i told you not to use your jeep, idiot, turn your back, you will still have time to discuss this burning issue.
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oh dear to the fog, millions of years ago the waves of the ancient sea splashed over the expanses of europe, gradually the water receded, exposing sedimentary rocks along the don river and its tributary cretaceous landscapes formed in the seversky donets. among the gullies and valleys of white
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soft limestone lies the ancient russian city of belgorod. the belgorod region is located in the southwestern part of russia, from moscow to belgorod by rail - 700 km. traveling by train will take 7 hours, travel time by plane will take 1:20. belgorod is a large regional center, with its shady streets.
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fortresses, one of them is belgorod. the last tsar of the rurik family, fyodor ioannovich, ordered the construction of a fortress on the right bank of the seversky donets in 1593. but as shown time, even the most formidable citadels were not enough to protect against fast
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nomads. it turned out that it was impossible to prevent raids by using such single fortresses. and in the end. in 1635, the idea arose of building a new defensive line, which would later be called the belgorod line. the belgorod defensive line consisted of 800 km of ditches, fences and other fortifications, dozens of fortresses. using these fortifications, firstly, they blocked the possibility of rapid movement of large muscovites. this may also seem not entirely understandable to modern people. like a 3 m high rampart can stop a cavalryman, such fortifications will not stop one cavalryman, but when a mass of 10,000 cavalrymen, 20,000 cavalrymen moves, and the tatar cavalry, always going on a raid, took two or three spare horses with them, that is, this is even larger array, the effect of such an obstacle appears,
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which greatly slows down the movement. about the military population in belgorod. resembles a majestic temple of the late 16th century, the assumption-nicholas cathedral, this is the oldest of surviving churches of the city. according to legend, the cathedral was built with a donation from emperor peter i himself. the place was not chosen by chance; soldiers of the belgorod regiment were stationed here, and they built the church. thanks to the military, the city received its own ger. belgorod infantry.
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is a protrusion, it is also called a growth or kursk arc, the city of kursk located in the depths gives the name to this configuration: the length of the kursk arc is 550 km, 150 km deep, 200 km wide, a huge territory that will become the territory of the decisive events of the summer of 1943. the very configuration of the front in this area pushed hitler to attack... in converging directions from belgorod and orel. the wehrmacht army was supposed to cut off the kursk ledge and encircle the soviet troops.
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that after the defeat at stalingrad, the troops were weakened, it was too early to start an offensive, but it was urgently needed. the two opposing sides understand that it is here that the fate of the great patriotic war and the second world war as a whole will be decided. for the fascist group that acted from the belgorod region, on the southern front of the kursk bulge, the main directions were the cities of obayan and koroche, but the nazis were met by red army soldiers with heavy fire. near the village of yakovlevo, at the 624th kilometer of the moscow-simferopol highway , a memorial in honor of the heroes of the battle of kursk reminds of stubborn resistance. for several decades after the war , traces of military battles could be found. i
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came here to this place to celebrate victory day, this was the only place where belgorod residents sat down, it was the fiery arc, the burial place had not yet been arranged like that. here's the armor here is a german tank, here we find the armor of a destroyed german tank, right here in the grass. painting and stainless seams that were failed on the tanks.
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in the very center of belgorod , the ensemble of victory park was formed over several decades. the alley of heroes leads to the famous diorama museum of the battle of kursk, belgorod direction. in the museum you can learn about the history of the military battles of 1943. documents, photographs, personal belongings of participants in the battles tell about the battle of kursk in detail. here the scale and significance of the turning point becomes clear battles of the great patriotic war on a fiery arc. the central place in the museum is occupied by a diorama; it recreates the event of a tank battle on the prokhorovsky field. this is not an abstract event, it is a height of 252.2. and we are in the center of the battles of the twenty-ninth tank corps of the thirty-first tank brigade and the artists reflect
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to us the confrontation between soldiers, primarily the tank army, the fifth guards tank army, lieutenant general pavel alekseevich rotmestrov and most of the figures of soldiers and commanders of the red army that we see reflected on the canvas, these are real participants in the event of july 12, 1900. on the site of the prokorovsky field, a belfry monument was erected, an alarm bell was fixed between the pylons, whose ringing reminds of the fallen soldiers. the belfry was erected in 1995 at the highest point of the historical field. two-fifths of the army fought in these places, the guards combined arms army of alexei zhadov and... pavel's tank army.


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