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tv   DNK  NTV  February 29, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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this is beyond the bounds, around the clock a resident of ulyanovsk prepares dry soups for the northern military district soldiers, whom she considers her sons. irin, on your part , you can do something for yulia and olga to help them in this good work that they are already doing. of course, mom, yul, insofar as i communicate with many organizations, with many deputies from the state duma, any help i can can.
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i want to give a word in this program to each of you, i would be grateful to fate that i met mine, and i would like there to be such people more, because support from here, well, from peaceful life, we really need it there , you feel why you are there, why you are doing all this, so i thank you, health now run for patience, very, very great strength, yeah, very - you give off a lot of warmth. passes to us, well, more, i love you, i love you too, i express my deep gratitude to all those people, volunteers, who come there to care, worry, give all their strength, to yulia’s mother, a huge special thank you, of course, to our beauty tatiana, all the best, that’s it, we simply owe it to you. let's all unite and
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stand behind them in such a reliable way to support, victory will certainly be ours, we will continue on monday, right now a new dna test, thanks to the dna program, relatives separated in childhood from...
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rights, were sent to the reception family, igor soon the unlucky mother was deprived of her parents , her father took her, and olga moved to her grandmother , they named me in her honor, she is grandma ulya, i am olya , yes, here they named her, oh, she, she taught me to knit, she taught me, she very readable my grandmother loved me, she also taught me to do this, olga never saw my brother or sister again. and recently i received a message from svetlana smetskikh from abakan that that is her sister, she tells me this, well , my adoptive mother told me that i have my biological mother, sosnina maria ivanovna, and this is my mother, my mother too snina maria ivanovna, that is, you have the same surname , first name and patronymic of your mother, after a positive dna test they could not contain it.
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studios again, tell us what wonderful things happened in your life after program, we want with all our hearts a program that after 50 years we have found each other, i always dreamed of an older one, well, i dreamed of a sister, we managed to go to visit each other, of course, when i came to visit, she was the first to visit me i arrived, and my husband, victor, and i arrived, olya
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greeted us wonderfully, prepared her belisha, simply wonderful, as my husband said, you’ll swallow your tongue. yes, our husbands met, i met nikolai, my husband, that’s how long we stayed with her, we just sat and talked, we talked and talked, we agreed that in the fall we would go mushrooming together, we’d go potato harvesting together, there’s a gorgeous forest behind the deer garden, i think there are mushrooms there, there are, there are, of course, i went, so you later olga, we made a return visit, i already went, even to...
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the last name is igor anatolyevich, born approximately in the sixty-third year, well, i don’t know myself, i was four years old, i don’t remember, that’s when my father took me, igor stayed with svetoy, then his father arrived, the kyzyl took him to his place, well, what is his future fate? i don’t know what he looked like, do you remember, grandma had a photograph of him, i asked her, grandma, is this someone? who is this? she says: this is igor, well, he was small, white, white, white-haired. well, do you remember this boy's face? i do not remember. the photograph disappeared somewhere, i don’t remember. well , the desire to find igor has not disappeared from you? no, it hasn't disappeared. no. after filming the program,
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the dna team continued the investigation. and we found a tv resident. the fate of her brother is very similar to the story of your igor. in a studio. lyudmila sosnina. hello, lyudmila, please sit down. were you and your brother the only children of your mom and dad? well, at first i lived with my mother, with my father, with my sisters, and then i found out that i had a brother, igor sosn, from my father’s first brother. that is , your mother, second wife. yes, his second wife, his mother. and you succeed. common daughter, yes, mother, she had her first marriage, her second marriage is with my father and igor, igor’s father. how is it possible that you didn’t know about its existence before? well, dad thought that he stayed
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with his mother, with his own, but his father separated from her, with his mother, and then i found out that his father found him in an orphanage. he went to work and there he was told that he was transferring elements to the orphanage, and that he had already had his son in the orphanage for 2 years, your father immediately took igor, yes, but what happened to igor’s mother, why did it happen that igor ended up in your family, well, she didn’t lead a very good lifestyle and... they deprived him of parental rights, she took him to an orphanage, and why wasn’t your father informed when his ex-wife was just deprived of parental rights? well, he lived with that family with his mother, apparently, and he moved to kzyl, so
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he got lost, apparently, that is, it turns out that he was not interested in the boy’s life, well, he paid the elements, he knew that he... he found out there already in the accounting department that they list his elements in an orphanage, that his son is in an orphanage, in which orphanage, well, i know that behind the sayans somewhere in the place where his previous family was, yes, then he called his mother and he said that
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he had, well, a son in the orphanage, and his mother said, take him, pick him up and take him home, do you remember the moment when my brother appeared ? i remember, i was little, i was 5 years old, i remember that the whole family gathered with us, they arrived in the evening, when my father had already taken me. igor, they arrived in the evening, i looked, well, a father came in with a boy, well, it was igor who was also handing out candy there . how old was igor then? igor was already probably 10 or 11 years old, but he turned out to be a good guy, good, yes, well it’s like he’s an athlete in our country, he loves it all the time, he plays football, hockey in the winter, he even played. made infusions games, these ones, he wrapped them in iron, made
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gates out of iron, stretched them with a net and scored a goal from his glasses, that is, he made a tabletop one, yes, he even sewed a uniform for himself, this hockey one, what about yours? mom treated igor well, first of all, when they brought him, she forbade him. even remind us that he is at home here , so that he can adapt faster, and dad tries to make up for lost time and become a loving father to his son, well, at first he did, then he and his mother divorced, my mother asked igor, will you go with your father or stay with me, he said , i’ll stay with you, she told him: yes, let me adopt you, she adopted him, that is, not her own woman became
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the official mother, yes, because she loved her so much, well yes, he had been in our family for how long, yes, she loved him, she loved him very much, i’m generally amazed - by your mother, such a noble, such a wonderful act, when his own father, only two years later, accidentally finds out that he the son is in an orphanage, and the woman, who is not his own, so much... accepts him into the family that even after parting she leaves him with her, such wisdom and love that she surrounded him with care so much that he probably really felt like he was in the family. lyudmila, weren’t your sisters against your mother adopting your brother? no, no one was against it, he was even our favorite. did your brother offend you? well, he sometimes teased me, pinching me, pushing me, like that from under the car, from behind. but it’s loving things, as usual, yes, it’s loving, well, sometimes i ran away too, i kept telling my mother,
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igor me, well, i wanted to run after him, but he would run away from me, i cried all the time , complained to my mother, igor doesn’t take me anywhere with him, you wanted to spend more time with your brother, of course, make him older, you too we remained close, yes, well, no, we separated, as if when he got married. he went to mariinsk, he was supposed to live in mariinsk, when his son was born, his second son, he even came to negotiations with his mother that his son was born, and then, apparently, they moved there to krasnoyarsk, we lost then connection with igor, we didn’t know, firstly, where he was, when the older sister went to mariinsk, they went to omsk and went there to mariinsk, at the address that, in which, where they were supposed to live, and.. .they said that people like that don’t live here, and you were worried that there was a connection, but then i looked
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for him, my son found him, he was the one who found his son sasha on social networks, they started communicating, then i found igor, and you lyudmila, you now maintain close relationships with your sisters, yes, we had three, the older sister died 5 years ago, so the middle one remains... we are the middle one and maintain relations. lyudmila, your sister is very glad that igor has become her official brother. in the studio of valentin gudzenko. hello, valentina. hello. your dad had to persuade your mother for a long time to bring her son from another woman into the house. not really. when he called that he had a son, his mother said. we won’t move, we’ll take the child everything, that is, she, one might say, took the initiative to take the boy into
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the family, well, as i understand now, really everything came from mom, and not from him, and you remember how the boy came to you for the first time, oh, of course, i remember, it was somewhere in november, they arrived at night on a bus, sabakan, he came in like that. .. well , you have to see this, he’s like this, he’s not childish, he’s been beaten up like this, he’s been beaten by such a cruel life, or something like this... well, he’s an adult child, or something, i can’t explain it, here he is handing out these candies, and we hardly stood there and roared, how old were you then, well, 15 years old then, i probably have this picture before my eyes for the rest of my life, this is how this poor
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child walked in, we had no idea that such a life could exist, did we live? dressed, with shoes , somewhere my mother even spoiled us too much, that is, he even looked different from you from the children at home, of course, he walked like this, as if he was being scolded, and he lowered his head, i kept saying, sad, raise your head, raise your head, well, and then he just became normal, well, he wasn’t different, he somehow adapted quickly, he apparently wanted to join a family, he wanted this family, well, he even... can you imagine, he didn’t eat meat, his mother says, and says, why are you pushing meat away, don’t eat it, it’s not tasty , you have meat, you have to, you grow it , and he says , it’s not chewy, and my mother began to cook the meat so that it was completely boiled, that ’s it, well, the meat was all falling apart in the saucepan,
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so she taught us to eat this kind of meat, straight boiled, boiled, so that it ate meat, taxi. your mother loved igor, you weren’t jealous because of this, no, we even there was no such concept that we were divided there, some were loved more, some were loved less, we had no such concept, he just, well, how can i tell you, he just somehow immediately became, well, ours, in our country , even, you know, many people didn’t know that he was adopted, even acquaintances, when they started something like that, said so, but what about igor , well, yes. did you have a relationship with your brother who is not your brother by blood? well, the relationship didn’t work out, it was there right away when they told us that we had there will be a brother, and this was no longer discussed, it was just our brother, that’s all, we lived in the same room, before it wasn’t like that for boys to have one room, what kind of apartment is this, natasha, my older sister and
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i slept in the same bed , and he was on the other , well, at night they talked there, asked questions... he was curious, how he lived, well, like salt in the wound, yes, well, he talked about the girl, about the world, about his little sister, here they are, mom locked them at home, and she was gone for a long time, it was cold at home, he collected this girl, broke the window, ran to the teacher’s place, and the teacher there, well , greeted them there, washed them, warmed them, fed them, and apparently put them in social care or somewhere, that this woman was deprived of her motherhood? how did you react to all these stories as children? how did we react? we cried, in the morning we told our mother , our mother scolded us and said, father, he asked, he says, father
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about this girl, that he wants to see this girl, meet her, he went to the baby’s home, and there he was told that this girl adopted, and this is the secret of adoption , no one will tell where she is, and no one will tell her address, and which family took her, they won’t say anything, and my mother said, don’t bother him with this, that don’t talk about this in the past at all , what to talk about is there nothing to talk about, read books, at night you like to read books there with a flashlight, so read, he speaks out loud, but what are you saying, talking? and such pain, which, which he doesn’t need to remember, then , well, there seemed to be adults, but there was no intelligence, to be honest, we had one life and we we couldn’t even imagine that life should be any different, that children live somehow differently, we didn’t know that, that we were poor, unhappy, hungry, we had never experienced this, and for us this it was like
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another world, some kind of fantasy, but how did it happen that your mother adopted him? officially, oh, when they separated - with my father, he left, and i came to my mother, and my mother was walking around crying in the garden, i said, why are you crying, well, he left, he left, what can you do, well, he left, she, yes i'm crying for him, not for him i’m crying, and then why, i say, are you crying, that you’re upset, she says, igoryushka will probably go to his father, i say, why did you decide that, well, because his father told him that you’ll give it up, when is it? exams and i’ll send you money, you’ll come to me , like for exams, he left, i say: wait, i went, i say: igor, are you going to see your father or something, i’m stunned, i say, should you study? i need it, i say, mother, he’s upset, he says, i’m not going anywhere, i say that i’m a fool or something, i say, but what does mother say, that’s what you told your father? okay, i’ll come, he said, yes, i told
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him to get rid of it, he says, he’s already come with his, nowhere, he says, i’m not going, he says, well, mom then, apparently, i understand that now, then i didn’t even think about it , she came up to him, she said, you say, can i adopt you, and he says, but i thought that i was adopted, she says, well, no, there was no need for that, she says, they seemed to live and live, now, she says , well, you’re already an adult, your consent is needed, but she quickly adopted him, i adopted him first, adopted him, now it’s just me i understand that she has secured herself, if he wants to take him away, she will have some rights to him, that she can then turn it all in her favor, that is, it turns out that she did not want him to leave with my own father.
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before the taboo, we simply did not understand this topic. lyudmila, valentina, we have two sisters in our studio, olga and svetlana. olga remembers that she had an older brother, igor, who , after their mother was deprived of parental rights, was taken in by his own father. well, he didn’t talk about olya. in any case i don't i heard, but we didn’t talk about this topic anymore, but then i analyzed it. that’s all, but if olya was older, then he was very little, he may not remember her, if her father took her from that family, well , i personally haven’t heard about olya, lyudmila,
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igor told you about one a sister or about two sisters, i knew about two, and shed and about sveta, but it was when i apparently became more mature, maybe i was interested somehow and he told me this, but i knew about two, about fate, or something known stories. he he said that olya was taken away by either his father or his grandmother, i don’t know, to the world, that they took away the baby’s house, everything, and when i went to visit him, i told him, asked the question: “igor, you say you don’t want find your sisters?" he says: “you know, he says, lud, i don’t even hope, half a century has passed, i don’t even hope to find them.” and what do you think? would igor now be able to recognize his maternal sisters? i don’t know, but he said that olya was light, but the light was dark. do
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you think your brother must have sisters? similar to him? well, there probably should have been something similar. in that case, are these women similar to your igor? well, i don’t know , it seems to me that the dark one looks more like i’. no, it’s probably no, it’s not her , it can’t be, olga, svetlanna, tell the story of your family, well, in general, i was little too at the time when my mother was deprived of parental rights, yes, we lived poorly, we lived poor, igor in his years cooked us something there, there was light in diapers, but i don’t know why my father took me and... my grandmothers, left svetlana, well, igor understandably, he didn’t take away the fact that he is not his child, but sveta is his child, well, that’s all, then,
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it means that the light ends up in prison, but as my mother told me, my mother said that igor’s father immediately took him, came for him, so that's it, igor was still 2 years old, well, she told me that he - his father took him right away, no, igor was in a boarding school for another 2 years, i say, well, that means my mother deceived me, that's all, well, maybe be, yes. valentina, that’s what you think, maybe this svetlana, who is now present in our studio, is the same svetlana i told you about your brother, i don’t know, i imagined her like this, well, when we were talking, yes, it was like some kind of fantasy, it seemed to me that she was so curly, just like an angel, really, like in the picture, with photographs, such an angel, such a curly haired girl. so pretty, with such big eyes and eyelashes. olga, svetlana, maybe you have some questions for lyudmila, for valentina? to clarify whether
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we are talking about your brother. yes, most likely. its yes our brother most likely think so that you makes you think so? well, in principle, the story somewhere is not exactly accurate, but the fact that we were little, we don’t really remember anything either, i was 4 years old, i don’t even remember how old igor was at that time, but so it’s like in the story, but it’s about him, and you remember how you had to run away from your mother’s house, i no, i don’t no, most likely i already took olya. that it was cold, hungry, and the girl was crying, he wrapped her up, broke the window, climbed out and ran to the teacher. olga, svetlana, are you ready to meet your brother lyudmila and valentines? yes. after the commercial, the sisters will see their supposed big brother.
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will the man recognize svetlana and olga? and most importantly, we will soon find out whether a dna test will confirm their relationship. this is the star show. it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team. dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, stranger. philip kirkorov. salam alaikum. valeikum salam. my bunny, i am your bunny. denis dorokov. preparations for the elections are going well, one hundred percent nafta is expected. alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov, with a team of funny dudes. lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why? well, you have the faces of the victims. how i missed you, what is your name anyway? well, yes, i'm russian, what? no, the fact that you also
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partner, she came to ask for forgiveness to his daughter. he turned out to be a reveler, well, a reveler , he loved women. i blame my mother for the fact that i cannot build normal relationships. she left, i ignored her, i took out loans because of him, now she thinks that she can’t get married, that it’s my fault, the resentment is eaten up from the inside, you can open this door and ask or not open it, the decision is yours , please forgive me, tomorrow at 16:50 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program , there are sisters who have not seen their older brother for more than half a century, and it was he who replaced their mother, who led an immoral lifestyle. he never forgot his sisters,
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for whom in childhood he tried to replace both his mother and father. in the studio igor sosnen. hello, igor! hello, do you remember well your life before the orphanage? well, not very well, i basically remember that i had two sisters, that the three of us were often left alone, my mother sometimes abandoned us, so to speak, i remained with the eldest, olya was like that for 5 years, light 3 years old, -to me, so here it is, to me. it was already seven then, that's when we, when we broke up, i was 7 years old, i yes, in the first grade i started my studies in the sleep station, my last place of residence, in the first grade, in the first grade, somewhere in november, i was already taken to an orphanage,
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i understand that you did not live very well, no, we they lived very poorly, poorly, because - there was some income, but alimony from my father. well, somewhere maybe they helped, well, if my mother left, maybe she worked, somehow she worked, she worked, well, she led such a lifestyle that she was often kicked out of work, well, she changed her place of work, but in mostly yes, this was the income, we had one room, we had stove heating in this one room, the four of us lived in one room, me, my two sisters and my mother. tell me about your mother, who do you remember? by herself, in principle, as i remember, she was basically kind, well, i remember she was thin, black, she didn’t offend you, no,
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she didn’t offend you, no matter what offends, she didn’t offend us, she loved us, after all, i think, because she tried everything so that we wouldn’t go hungry, there was something feeding somewhere, feeding i was a girl when she disappeared. life , well, i think, in principle , what happened to her was an early divorce from my father, well, i suffered, then life didn’t work out with the second, olya was born there, then sveta was born with the third, she was left alone with three children , apparently, this fell on her shoulders, but with backbreaking labor, you were taken to an orphanage, well, they warned you several times already . i remember that they warned me several times how to say that, uh, the mother
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cannot provide for the upbringing of the children properly, so i would say, well, for the last time moment it so happened that there was a military session there or that, at the meeting, she was deprived of parental rights, we were already taken with the light to the orphanage for the children, and olya, olya was taken away, i remember olya, olya was taken by her father even before... before they took us away olya’s father took her into this , i even remember how he came in, dressed her, took her away , we were left alone from the world, how long did it take for guardianship to come for you, well, about two months later, so about two months later i came for us guardianship had already arrived and they took us straight away, i don’t even remember my mother, that she was with we were, i remember they came in, they took me, they put me on a bus, they took me to...
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an orphanage in the village of tabat, there was light there, that means there was only one left, i say, when you realized that you and your sister were taken away, they were taken to an orphanage, you remember your feelings and emotions, well, of course , at that moment, yes, when, when the separation was, i remember this clearly, the separation was, well, with the light, when my father took me, when he took me, the first thing i said, i say, i would like so that, well, well, he went, then... yes, they didn’t
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give him anything there, they said, most likely he was adopted none of these, well, he seemed to appear and no one for sveta, but just so that i wanted to see you there, what if she somewhere else says where she is, and you remember how your father took you from the orphanage, i remember , yes, the director of the orphanage called me , he said, he says, he’s coming for you, he says, dad has come, but i’m coming in. there’s a stranger standing there, whom i don’t know at all, i told him, i say, yes, i’m not going anywhere, because in principle it’s not good here, well, then over time we talked, that’s it, there was such a kind of mistrust, well, then in the end they didn’t regret , what i didn’t regret going, of course, i came there, i have two not relatives there, but two sisters became like relatives to me, and one dear lyudmila, right? i didn’t regret it, of course, but
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do you have at least some bright memories of the time when you lived with your mother and sisters? there are memories, this is especially clearly etched in my memory, that when we lived for the last time, we often changed our place of residence, but the last one was where we lived, this is the sleep station , we had a barracks there for four for four families, so we lived in one of this, well, mom she somehow gave us some money. i saved this money, bought a book of fairy tales, then i learned, i taught myself to read, i was probably six years old, i bought this book, and we had a canopy there, there were these in this canopy, we went in and hid this book so that my mother would not i found out where the money for this book came from, but i leafed through this book, read it, well, i read fairy tales to my sisters, and then they put it away again so that no one, so that no one would see, where did they get it from? for this book, the book was quite the same as i remember now, very
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colorful, so big, with illustrations beautiful, well, dear, probably , well, for the money, i don’t know, there’s two or three rubles there, but we took care of this book, we hid it there, we took care of it , and the fact that when we were children, of course we fooled around there, whatever say, i also remember that they played there in the house there, i remember that, i remember moments like these, but what do you think, your sisters? well, i always remembered that i had sisters, but more i thought, well, olya was taken by her own father, well, everything in the world, my father tried, my father went, my dear one tried, they adopted him, there were no opportunities, well
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somehow all this later in the process of life everything came together, it all came together at the last moment , so lyudmila came to visit me in krasnoyarsk and said, said, well, you don’t want to find your sisters after all, so - the conversation started, i say , well, probably, it probably won’t work out anymore, after all, it’s been over 50 years, well, anyway, lyudmila and valentina said that you really missed your sisters, yes, i did, i often remembered about the world, about olya . igor, look around, maybe someone similar on yours, olga and svetlana, well...
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there was a third husband, from whom the world was born, she was born from her father, that is, we have a common father, we have a common father, yes, for some reason i, no, no, we common father with her, it’s strange , why did he take the point, i also asked this question, now you can’t ask anyone, he took me, came, but sveta didn’t, and what am i saying, why don’t you take sveta’s dad, grandma won’t be able to handle both of you, these are the words, if it weren’t from him, he would have... said that grandma won’t be able to handle two. igor, who told you that do all three of you have different fathers? well, i know this from my mother. well, because why did i decide that olya was taken away and left to the light, yes, but we couldn’t be from the same father, as it were, well,
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that’s why i purely logically thought that this was yes, that they were teasing. igor, can i ask you a question, where were you born? in kazyli, yeah , in chebaks, igor, in my opinion, was born, no, i was born in the city of kizyli, the place of birth does not coincide, well, mine didn’t coincide either, remember, igor, how you lived in grendzhak with my grandmother, with my father, grandma, do you remember, well, i remember that we went out somewhere, this is some kind of village, a village, yes, i remember there, there was a room, i still remember, there was such a big flower there, they had this flower , yes, i remember yes, that they lived, i remember there, yes at that moment, well, grandma loved flowers, well, there were flowers on the windows in the kitchen, and to this moment i remember that we lived there, well , that means mine, that means our olga, what else do you remember about life with your mother, with your sister, with
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your brother, well with my brother and sister, that’s what igor told me, that he came to me, that we lived very poorly, that we lived... very it’s bad that we had it in the kitchen, i remember this very well, this table is so wobbly, yes, you remember, yes, the table is there behind the stove, there ’s a bed right there, on the left side, when my father came to pick me up, what are you -he was cooking for us, and i was washing something for myself, i think i was washing my dress, there was still trash in the corner, there was dirty laundry piled up in the kitchen, well, we had a common room, there was a stove separated by this - well, in one room there was a partition was there, you said something there to feed us, yeah, and i was washing myself there for 4 years, my father comes in, arrived, well, again, i remember that my father took the poor from us, so that we could live in poverty, and you say in a dream,
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sleep station, sleep station, yes, from there, where i went to first grade, from there they took me away, the first quarter there, i remember that my father took me from budyonny. well, for me, or maybe my mother came to the station, i’m chatting with you two, well , you see, you can’t ask them, they’re not alive, is igor really the same boy who at the age of 6 became father to his younger sisters and mother, the answer is in envelopes with results dna test, don't miss it, locomotive, ready, ready to become an armored train, ready to rush forward, ready to continue the story, are you ready? to the real hockey fonbet championship khl. many stories that at first seem simple suddenly become more complex than a detective story.
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who recognized each other thanks to a dna test, underwent a new genetic examination for residents of krasnoyarsk to make sure whether he really is their older brother, lost more than half a century ago. olga, you are the only one who communicated with your mother after how you... got angry with your brother and sister, tell what you know to igor, well, i talked later, of course, then she told me, i finished first grade with my grandmother, and came to second grade, she she took me, she took me, that’s what she came up with when she took me, well, she came to me, by the way, she loved you, for some reason, but nevertheless, you are the only one in whose life your mother took at least some part, you ruined everything ,
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life can be different, well, my father said that... she is a very beautiful woman, when they are with her father got married to yours, she had such braids, yes i remember, yes i remember that i had then when she also had long hair with not yes there were braids, the hair would have been dark hair, but the tatar girl was there and then i’m like, there’s a man, there’s a man, but tell me, what happened to your mother in the end, well, in the end , did she go to her friend’s place and froze, and which one? well, i already fell and didn’t get up, how old were you then, oh, yes, i was already about 35 years old, somewhere like that, igor, you didn’t know that your mother died, but no, of course, i generally lost complete complete contact there, and you didn’t want to find her, your mother, no, but the photographs remained, no, there are no photographs,
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no, then we don’t have any common photographs at all. igor, this is your mother, do you recognize her? i don't know, i'm not sure. do you see something in common with yourself, igor? maybe it’s the eyes somehow, the eyes, the shape of the eyes, yes, the shape of the eyes, elena, do you see something in common between igor and olga and svetlana’s mother? absolutely nothing, sveta is still somehow similar to this woman, but
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the rest, not even a milligram, are not even similar, i look like my father, maria, what do you say about the similarity in appearance? it seems to me that there is a similarity with igor, but in my opinion, i don’t find any resemblance between igor and this woman at all, not in the shape of the eyes, as you say, igor, well, absolutely not, you look alike, yes, your forehead is straight, mine photograph, this place, absolutely the same face, with igor, no, ekaterina, do you see? between the woman in the photograph and igore. i feel like i really want to find this similarity, to see how the family came together, but i don’t see it. svetlana, olga, you wanted to know how he lives is your supposed brother now? of course of course. an athlete, an expert in his city and a happy grandfather. it's all about your supposed brother. attention to the screen.
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igor sosnin is quite happy with his life. 37 years ago. he and his wife oksana created a strong, friendly family, raised three children, and waited for the birth of their granddaughters. this is it, milana is now in the third grade, tasya is now in the fourth grade. they are the small ones. from an early age, igor instills a sports spirit in his girls, because he himself at one time he excelled in sports, started playing football in an orphanage, received certificates and cups. perenza krasnoyarsk. measured rest, his 59 years, when sporting exploits are long in
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the past, igor prefers a calmer one, and here he has his own tv, as it were, his own sports programs, but he doesn’t like it. sports, but i watch the sports program, it’s all here, well , i’m interested in chess, i analyze the games they play there. igor loves to walk the streets of his native krasnoyarsk, walks in parks, and enjoys the beauty of the yenisei embankment. the city of krasnoyarsk has become my home since then since i entered the pedagogical institute in 1985, well, there was a time when... we lived in the kemerovo region, there was such a period, and then we returned, as they say, to our roots, igor has no doubt, his my sisters will like it in krasnoyarsk , there are plenty of interesting places here, you can’t go for a walk too much, of course, with great pleasure, of course i’ll invite you, we’ll go everywhere here, i’ll show you the city, you’ll go,
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svetlana, definitely, you’d better know obakane. i live in minusinsk, i live in minusinsk, i live in minusinsk, only...
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i think, probably, relatives. svetlana, what dna test result are you waiting for? only positive things. olga, the same goes for you. igor, do you think you met your sisters today? yes, i think so. and i invite sergei kiselyov, professor, doctor of biological sciences, to the studio. children of the same mother or just a coincidence? in a couple of minutes, the long-awaited result of the dna test.
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you don’t tell me where markus wolf’s archive is, saying that you are against nato’s expansion to the east, of course, and the russian, how are you, i need liza pokrovskaya, he has an urgent request for you, soot, there is no need to disappear, where is the main premiere of the year, you still love her, don't you? what do you need today at 20:00 on ntv. this dna program. the sisters are eagerly awaiting an answer to the question: did they really meet today with their own older brother, about whose fate they knew nothing for 52 long years. a dna test confirmed the relationship.
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sosnyany's sisters, olga orefieva and svetlana smetskikh, who were separated in childhood. this time, the sisters underwent a genetic examination with their alleged older brother igor sosnyany, who was last seen more than half a century ago before today’s meeting in the studio. after the mother is deprived of parental rights igor provided. in an orphanage, and then he was taken into his new family by his own father. when his father left his new wife, igor remained with his stepmother, who officially adopted him. all these years, the man remembered his younger sisters, whom he looked after instead of his mother when he was only 6 years old. igor, are you ready to find out if they are your sisters? did you meet
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today? yes. svetlana, olga, do you agree that i announce the result of the dna test? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, sisters olga orefyeva and svetlana smetskikh. on the other hand, their supposed older brother, igor sosminin. the probability that you are all children of the same mother, and therefore brothers and sisters by blood, is 99.9%.
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i told you that he would be a dear one, the little girl told me how you looked after me, how you... prepared food, i was still a little one, he tried to feed me, little olya, she was also washing some diapers for me, how a small child, maybe he can look after his two kids, i don’t understand how at all, thank you, thank you, thank you very much , thank you, the second test is positive,
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you will communicate, of course, of course, bet all my life i thought i had no one. yes, i’m like, to be honest, when they called, i was just in shock, literally for a week, i just couldn’t come to my senses, how could this be, well, how exactly did they say that light, exactly light, says, i started searching, i found out, i am very, very grateful to your program, of course, and especially to svetlana, for not giving up looking for me, whoever is looking is always there. will find, if you require genetic examination, contact us, and we will help you, on monday on ntv, a new dna test.
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previously, the temperature in the plow was like outside, in the winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove to warm up, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but now these are where they are, as souvenirs for gifts.
7:00 pm
hello, you are greeted by the telecom information service, this is the program today, its presenter is elmira efendieva, vladimir chernyshov, today vladimir. delivered his annual message to the federal assembly, this is the most important speech in which the president assesses the situation in the country in the world and determines priorities of domestic and foreign policy, well, essentially sets the vector of development for the coming years. now, for obvious reasons, every word of vladimir putin is given a special sign.


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