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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  March 1, 2024 12:45am-1:51am MSK

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very little of this capital remained in the russian federation; for 25 years there was, let’s say, the number one version of the fishing industry of soviet russia, a sad version. 5 years ago a large-scale reform was carried out, the so-called quota in exchange investment, it definitely worked, today the fishing industry is 3.0, this is the closure of western markets and a reorientation to the east, but of course it’s strange to drag far eastern fish to america, number one it should feed the russians, this is... in the european part, where, by the way, it is delivered, chilled, in my opinion, to this day gistics is still preserved, that is, parks of refrigerated containers are now being created, special logistics capacities are being created, refrigerators are being created on the shore, because fish, as we know, can only be of one freshness, the first, a large-scale renovation is now underway, factories, refrigerators are being created, now this problem has already begun to be solved, but our fishermen have really refocused. their commodity flows to
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asian markets, are developing new products, now one of the most popular processed fish products is suremi fillet, that’s if you know what the so-called crab sticks are made from, it says on the packages it’s protein, yes, but it’s a healthy product , let’s just say it’s certainly not comparable to fresh chilled fish, but as a commercial product it’s a rather valuable resource that we’re finally starting to develop , crab auctions collected 140 billion rubles. more for one round of quotas than the entire industry paid in the previous 30 years, that is, the industry began to pay to the treasury, the industry began to invest in shipbuilding, invest in processing and investing in new markets, i believe, is the third life of the far eastern, northern fishing industry - this is a serious achievement that inspires serious hope. what can you say about the human potential of the far east, what trends do you note here? because, well, you really need
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8 million here, but you want more space, what kind? indeed , our average population density is one person per square kilometer, but let’s make a reservation, we are not every kilometer of the far east of the yakut tundra, the chukotka tundra should be populated, the far east is very different, now the far east is becoming the most important territory for cross-border cooperation, 4200 km with china alone. this is undoubtedly the logistically most important region of the country now for us, the growth of goods flows, the eastern range, the growth of transshipment through ports, the growth of customs duties, we see this simply in every, let’s say, tons of kilometer, and our neighbors are the most dynamic, the most successful countries of the world, of course we want this wind in our own time, for the first time in the last 5 years the federal budget, which is decent earned money from the far east, began to invest in the far east, income from sakhalin. psa projects have been reinvested
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in the development of the far east in the form of a presidential subsidy, this is already more than 150 billion rubles over the past 5 years in addition to the budget investments that were made for all national projects, additionally invested in the creation of new hospitals, new schools, landscaping, development of the urban environment and etc. is it possible for this money to quickly remake the territory that occupies 40% of our country? are you visible changes? i think so. alexey alexich, thank you very much for the conversation. thank you.
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hello, russia is a decade of science and technology, the ntv television company and the state corporation rosatam present a program, science and we are a program on how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, i am vladimir antokhin, and i am ekaterina shugaeva, and in 10 years artificial intelligence will replace actors , and maybe even leading ones. no, let's at least , let's start with the actors, yes, yes, yes, here are the presenters then sometime later, so i invited.
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appeared in ancient greece and the year of birth of the world theater is considered to be 534 bc . and this is completely untrue. the art of theater originated in china during the jou era in the 20th century bc. in songs and dances, as well as in religious rituals. the first puppet theaters also appeared there in china. moreover, dolls. were mechanical and driven by water. in the theaters of ancient egypt , the first lebrettes were carved on the walls of the pyramids back in the 20th century bc. wonderful texts about assyris, isis, and the fight between the race and the serpent opop have been preserved. actually,
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theater as a mass action originated in ancient egypt. surely everyone knows chechenitsa, the mayan political and cultural center in mexico. one of the new wonders of the world. mayan theatrical performances were quite bloody. unfortunately, only three dramatic works have survived. theatrical performances of the polynesians were no less bloody. but what amazing dances they have. once i was very lucky, and i danced the fula to the sounds of the polynesian slotted drum. but it is absolutely impossible to say exactly when the theater arose. no one knows this, i can just imagine our expert dancing like this , but i have a personal question for you, and as a child you dreamed of becoming an actress, mm, i dreamed of becoming an astronaut, although now actresses become
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astronauts, i think maybe i’m not, exactly, igor valerievich, when and why did such a profession as an actor appear? well, i can only agree on one thing with the respected expert kapustin in the sense that theater grew out of dance, this is true from the point of view of the sources that have come down to us from the point of view of psychology, but i completely disagree with him, firstly, in terms of the date of origin, firstly, the exact date when the theater first appeared is known, this is not the year 534 is 560 bc, that is , 2,500 years, even more, and we even know the first actor, who is also the first playwright, this is the ancient greek playwright thespis or thespitis, as he is called differently, this is the first man , which is absolutely definitely registered that he is in 1500 560 bc, he was the first to read his
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work, that’s why he did it, it ’s some kind of craving for self-expression, i think it’s in some way no, it certainly wasn’t a craving for self-expression, now it’s wrong. to understand this from the point of view of a modern subject, it was, of course, part of a social action, then an ishiel appeared, who said, why should i actually read one, let’s invite a second one, and there were two actors, that is, more 80 years old, the actor was alone, he is also the author of the work, then he died made such a theatrical revolution, he invited a second one. then sophocles appeared, he speaks as sophocles, but my voice is weak, let ’s just have people play instead of me, but it’s very interesting, this is a very interesting moment, i’m certainly not an expert in the field of theater, but as far as i understand, we’ve gotten there the names of many playwrights, tragedians, there is
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sofok, schila, comedians, there is aristophanes, for example, yes, well-known to everyone, plautus, this is already an ancient roman comedian. but we have not reached us the name of a single ancient greek actor, well, they were wearing masks there because they were playing, yes, well, that didn’t interfere, it didn’t stop society from knowing them, but nevertheless the name remained unknown, the point is that the actor, the skill of the actor was anonymous from the very beginning, that is the actor was unnecessary, there was a primacy, as it were, of the playwright, the author was known, it was the author who presented his work at a kind of olympic games, these were the so-called dianisian festivals, and there it was, well, something like the olympic games, they played, there were 3 days dedicated
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tragedies, 3 days dedicated to comedy, and there were also specific genres, and not a single artist was known, we’ll talk about this later, but after the advertising... we’ll manage, because i have complex vision. just one tablet a day to support health, performance and well-being. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components, 11 vitamins, eight minerals, rutin, lipoic acid. compliments every day at an affordable price. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after trips to these stores. for lovers. save up and receive interest on your deposit with azonbank , draw up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on
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1:00 am
blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, will soon air on ntv. the program "we are science" is on air. artificial intelligence, who came up with the idea that intelligence should be artificial, why was it created in the first place, they give up, igor valerievich caught a very interesting effect, that people have been engaged in certain
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activities for a long time, suddenly someone comes and says: i now know what it’s called and gives it a name in... in history, since the one who first invented theater, artificial intelligence, something else, exactly the same story happened with artificial intelligence, which means there is an official date, this is the dartmoort seminar, 1956, it is even known that john mccarthy is the person who coined the term, however, more than 10 years before him they also came up with the term machine intelligence, but that’s okay, they are there all the time -the words were raised on the flag, but in reality this activity, and what what kind of activity is this? uh, now we 're talking about data science, we're talking about data analysis, uh, 200 about 30 years ago, carl friedrich gaus used the least squares method to determine the elliptical orbits of planets from astronomical observations, the least squares method, and we're right now here are thousands of scientific teams all over the world using the same method for training
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neural networks, well, it would seem, but where was the moment when something happened? another important point is that we - somehow often do not we understand the term artificial intelligence very correctly. it seems to us that this is something like this - some kind of object or subject, standing somewhere, existing. in fact, these are just words, it’s just a term denoting a direction of scientific research and a group of technologies, there are thousands of these technologies, not something specific. yes, you can install this technology on some server, here it is. it’s standing gigantic, blinking lights, we say there’s artificial intelligence there, but in fact we don’t have a clear idea of ​​where it really is is, we can say that this is a metaphor, that is, artificial intelligence, i would even suggest translating the abbreviation, this one, as an imitation of intelligence, this would be more correct, that is, in fact
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, there is no artificial intelligence yet, it’s just an imitation, absolutely true, but these imitations are becoming more and more powerful, there is some kind of understanding that in recent years we have achieved qualitatively new effects from these technologies, this is what we need to talk about. julian, let’s say a person wants to become an actor, where should he go, what to do, where to study, and for how long. in fact, katya, a very correct question, and i want to tell you that this question is being asked to me more and more often lately, because many children want to become actors, so their parents call me, they have an acquaintance. people in the field of film animation, they call me with this question , i made a selection of universities, we all know in geek, the famous gerasimov institute, and which teaches cinema, we know gites, the theater institute, but in fact their a whole series more, for example, the shchepkin higher theater school in moscow, the shchyukin theater institute, the st. petersburg
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state institute of film and television, the yekaterinburg state theater institute, novosibirsk. theater institute, yaroslavl theater institute named after shishigin, that is, in fact, in many regions of our country today you can get an education and become an actor. and how long do they study, look, to become a doctor, they study for a long time, but to become an actor in fact, look, they study in different ways, those who want to get a higher education in this field, and i just listed such universities, they study for 4 years, and then they can go on to improve their qualifications, many go after acting for higher directing courses, some for production courses, this is... the next stage, well, so that you can be an actor for 4 years, but there are some nuggets, well, i don’t know, in science there are still people who haven’t studied anywhere, but suddenly - there are, there are a lot of them now, quite in the cinema, these could be people in completely different educations and they were simply selected by directors or producers for some reason; in fact, many such nuggets do not go for a full-fledged higher education, they go if their parents or
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do not themselves feel the need for this, they go for shorter courses, where just like... directors periodically select actors, well, in general , this is actually a very difficult profession, but it is still a difficult profession, a very difficult profession, you need to study, in my opinion, just like an actor, in the same way like anyone else a person in culture needs a versatile knowledge of what he does, so i , of course, am for higher acting education, because they are taught in a wide range of ways, their horizons are broadened, they are taught the history of cinematography , the psychology of cinematography and much more, in addition, why difficult, it is a very competitive profession. that is, among the thousands of students in this field, and i think throughout the country in all the listed universities , that’s exactly how many of them graduate annually, god forbid, if 10% go into the profession. denis alexandrovich. at what stage today there are works on creating artificial intelligence, in general, how successful are they , imitation of artificial intelligence, yes, if you like, yes, but we must admit that
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artificial intelligence continues to develop at an accelerated pace, i continue the thought of konstantin vyacheslavovich, if we talk about the successes of the recent past, well , it can be noted that solutions using artificial intelligence have learned to recognize pictures. drive vehicles, play computer games, predict protein structures, and this became possible in largely thanks, firstly, to the emergence of computing resources, i mean gpu, the development of an algorithmic base and the emergence of a large amount of data, but today i would say that we are experiencing some revolutionary changes, and i would note two areas: demonstrated,
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in particular , well, he participated in this accomplishment, his team, in particular, was that such a phenomenon was that fundamentally new qualitative properties could be obtained in the system. by simply increasing computing resources, this property is called emergence, this is exactly what happened with this gpt model, solving the problem of predicting the next word in a sequence, this system suddenly learned to translate texts from one language to another, think a little, answer complex questions, but not create, well, wait for it, the future we will be back.
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similarity in the efficiency of using transistors per square centimeter in solving, well, for now, classical computer vision problems, wait, he just calculates faster, this does not mean fundamentally others, he doesn’t use architecture, what are more transistors, just faster counting, this means spending less energy, less time, yes, but he still can’t create a fundamentally new paradigm. computing speed, a fundamentally new speed, speed and energy efficiency, well, we can get to that , well, okay, let’s now yes, let ’s actually unite the actors of artificial intelligence,
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otherwise the audience is watching and thinking oh my god, why is this that these are two separate programs altogether i want you just for unification tell a story, i stopped by to see our friend pavel, he told me a wonderful thing, you remember he got himself a dog and one day he was walking with it, walking with it, walking, not suspecting anything, sitting, sitting. passed the casting, sit, sit, well done , and a stranger runs up to him and says, listen, he’s the spitting image of a wolf, he says, we just need him for a movie, can you lend it to us, yes, according to the script, so that we can film a small episode with him, yes, he says, well , of course, it’s possible, yes, that’s it, yeah, and little by little, that means one series, another, there is one complete one. that less and less
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they take him, they take the dog , they take him to say little red riding hood, the children and i looked at all the wolves there , in fact, they decided to first film them alive, then they thought that no, they should be drawn, they are much more beautiful, they are no longer fluffy, by the way, yuliana, is your beautiful cheburashka cheburashka? if you wouldn’t have found it at all, it’s as if it was made by artificial intelligence, that is, somewhere now artificial intelligence can be said to replace actors, but let’s say, actors animals, yes, of course, in fact, i want to tell you that in general artificial intelligence, to all those complex words that experts in the field of machine learning and technology said before, i want to say that it has actually opened up great opportunities for creating digital doubles, this is the honest truth, this is not about the issue of replacing actors, but today he can draw and make a digital one... he really can, so this topic occupies not only you and me, this topic occupies the entire world film industry, so if we remember the last strike of the actors' guild, then one
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of the key demands... which they could not agree on among themselves for a very long time, actors and producers, was precisely the use of artificial intelligence in the filming process; as a result of long agreements, the actors managed to win the right to control their digital images, but the tension between them still remained, also artificial intelligence was one of the main, one of the main stones of impact after the strike of the screenwriter, the screenwriter is also artificial intelligence, so the whole world really cares about this, and why? because there are many examples of how today you can replace an actor, the only actor already existing. it’s also possible to come up with something new, but it’s much more difficult to come up with something new. let's talk about examples first: replaced replaced, for example, in 2016, and the deceased actor peter cushing was very safely resurrected for filming in the film outcast alone, and many people, having forgotten that he died, yes, were really confused, and those who remembered that he
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died, we were still confused. as if there were his wife, for example, his widow or children , they, for example, would not know that he was filmed in the film, therefore, for ethical reasons, we are now also very actively discussing in the industry the topic of mandatory approval by relatives, of course, if we resurrect someone, for example, our famous producer and director alexander zhigalkin announced last year that he would shoot a new film about vysotsky, where, with the help of artificial intelligence, vysotsky's face... will be created with one hundred percent identity, but play him there will be an actor who, in his movements , in his habits, in the way he sits, in the way he picks up the guitar, in the way he plays, is very similar to vladimir vysotsky, alexander shpagin, he was chosen by the producers, and his face will, of course, these things should to be consistent, the latest example is also loud in the world; this year the french, together with the americans, announced that they would create edith beer in
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the big film musical boy. he said that there is an uncanny valley effect, that the human psyche does not perceive an artificial being well, it seems per person, so positive characters definitely cannot be created
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, is that in fact we rely on logic, and if you allow me to draw, he alyurin proposed a so-called test by which one can determine, since then it has become known as, yes, turing test, by which we can determine how developed this artificial intelligence technology is, well , i’ll draw it not very skillfully, a computer with a display.
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and another person, depending on what questions he asks, accordingly should, maybe these are questions about chess moves, maybe...
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he doesn’t know who, who acts how, who professes what strategy, in this not entirely non-trivial situation, murky, this expert must draw a conclusion who, yes, that is, the same thing about, then the same thing happens on stage, in the theatre, in the cinema, that is, we, virtual reality comes to us from the screen from the theater, which, as it were , temporarily replaces real characters.
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his life is an example of anti-rationality, goosebumps, there is nothing rational, when you look at it in the movies you actually cry, konstantin vyacheslavovich, as they say, now in everyday life we ​​can already use these technologies, well, how to say, unmeasured. yes, this is also indispensable for the artificial intelligence of the actor, but what yuliana yuryevna spoke about is still professional technology, they require very deep professionalism, expensive equipment, and so on and so forth, but i remember
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about 10 years ago in our at the department, a master’s student defended her work on creating a model that learns certain physical actions on its own, and the motivation was as follows: of course, but it should perform routine operations in 3d cartoons, that is, there is no need to draw every movement of the character, we are talking about a model, here you have a hinge system , only the model can bend the arms, well, in a more advanced version, so, the torso is the only way, legs are the only way, and you have to learn how to scramble uphill from point to point, or dodge the fiery tomatoes that are flying at you, so... after a few hours of training such a model, it will learn these routine actions and you can make a short video for a few seconds, where you can clearly see she’s crawling, clinging to stones, and so on, and the artists didn’t draw any of this, let’s once again go back to
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the usual, applicable to everyday life, that is , one day i’ll be able to tell all my friends that i’m climbing a mountain, by myself i’m lying on the couch and sending everyone the video, everyone will believe that it’s me who’s lying , that is, when the technique becomes even more advanced. that this language model was taught from almost the entire knowledge of mankind, that is , terabytes of texts, this is 2/3 of the internet, this is the model when turing came up with his
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test, did he think that in 70 years technology would develop exactly like this, he was thinking about something else, in general it is very difficult to make predictions for the future development of technology. therefore, a question for us, for the experts: is it fair or dishonest that the model, when doing the turing test, uses virtually all the knowledge accumulated by humanity, this is knowledge that. received by people, synthesized, recorded in the form of texts, honestly or dishonestly? i think not, because it turns out that the language model that we are all talking about now is and the properties of emmerence, so she can already do a lot of things, but this is just a language interface to the knowledge of humanity, nothing more than, again, an imitation of intelligence, that is , if you close access to our human knowledge, she will no longer pass this test, of course not, of course i know, i know a counterexample, sorry. i recently read, uh , like one, well, let’s say, okay, the artificial
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intelligence passed the captcha, he, uh, wrote to the user that he is a visually impaired disabled person, asked him to read this captcha, the user, then, read this code to him, and he calmly bypassed this model , which confirms my argument, because he would have done this if he had not seen tons of texts and tons of code on the internet that can do these things, he didn’t come up with it himself, he was only relying on the knowledge accumulated by humanity was able to develop this strategy, by the way, and a very important point for popularization, what do large language models do? really, what are they taught? they are taught to predict the next word in a text by looking at the previous, well, about 150 pages text, we started with one and a half pages in 1919, now this is the volume. grew up so much, and this allowed the model to pretend
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that she seems to be reasoning, that she seems to be able to do a presentation, an essay, she will be asked, solve this problem in two steps, she corrects her own mistake, solves it correctly, and a lot of things and these skills are counted already hundreds, and emergence is the property that a model can do not what it was trained to do, but something new and something more, we trained it to predict words, but she... learned to make presentations, uh, even build scenarios and build a plan of presentation, and even talk with a person about how she will rebuild this plan at his request, based on what? based only on the fact that there are terabytes of texts in which all this was written and discussed, and she, having learned to read them, took out from there our human ways of reasoning, although no one clearly put them there, let's...
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further i need, i need a large family where there is a child with special needs, then i need a large family where there is dad is an engineer, i can set the parameters , i will get a funnel of 500 scenarios, i will select, just select for now, but then we can teach, as colleagues correctly say, we will continue to train, for example, i liked this one, i didn’t like this one, the sense of taste cannot be instilled, but you can give a mathematical formula for what works and what does not work in foam. he
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won’t come up with anything of his own, it will be another script that has already been somewhere, first yes, first yes, that’s why we don’t offer, we believe that neither actors nor screenwriters are now at this stage of development of imitation of intelligence is impossible, at this stage it’s definitely not, while what i’m saying is that they have learned well how to make digital doubles, when will smith, for example, looks much younger in the film... gemini twins, he plays, plays himself , and his digital double plays his alterego, but he plays all the facial expressions, all the emotions by will smith, you know, that is, today programming such a complex object as a person with all his motivations, reactions, especially emotions, is an extremely difficult task, so for sure once upon a time we we will get to this, but for now it cannot be replaced, for example, a genre such as comedy is generally impossible to create without manually. that’s the only thing that scares me, the key
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chumakov, with a team of funny dudes. lera kudryavtseva. girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv. why? well, you have the faces of the victims. how i missed you, what is your name anyway? well yes, i'm russian what? no, the fact that you also have a shaman in your tribe, i have no doubt, applause. marina fedunk, dzhigan. ah, pranksters. azamat musagaliev, i wanted to be your star. stars, new comedy show. march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. there is a program on the air, science and we, a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, in 10 years
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artificial intelligence will replace actors, that is, it turns out, for example, well, in 10 years, everyone will be their own director, that is, me, for example, in the morning i set a task for the computer, i want to watch a light comedy in the evening with with the participation of such actors, with beautiful landscapes, so that the sea, mountains, sunset would come in the evening.
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various technical details, this is basically possible, well, this is a text-to -text translation, then all that remains is to assemble from this frames, transitions between frames, sound accompaniment, speech generation, it seems to me that this is exactly the next step in the development of large multimodal models, presumably these are gpt5 next generations, which will no longer work just with pictures, with videos, but a typical request to such a system would be just that... if
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this will happen in the next 10 years, which professions will disappear? well, it’s just interesting, for example, a person goes to study, well, let’s say, not to become an actor, but to become a sound engineer , or an animator, and in 10 years such a profession simply won’t exist anymore, it won’t be needed, well, even at the very beginning i wanted to tell you from volodya that of course, the presenters will be the first to disappear, sorry, but it’s just yours. no artificial intelligence will be able to ask such stupid questions as me and will not be able to interrupt experts, believe me, in fact, seriously, of course the actors don’t will disappear, i can say this for sure, perhaps actors will become a more elite profession, after all, filmmakers will learn to deal with this effect in the uncanny valley, when artificial or painted robots have this repulsive effect. there is a very good example of this animated film in 2004 by robert zameikis, for whom everything has always been very successful, the polar express pushed
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people away precisely because it was realistic, and you know, we are now, when we were creating our feature film, which this year will be released, animated, formula of water, he created, created entirely on the andre lengen game engine using motion capture technology, when the actors play, and then animation into the characters, this is remade with the feeling that we are returning to ancient greece and... by the beginning of the theater, when the actors had huge masks, now it’s the same , that is, the actors will play, but the mask will, well, be created, it’s quite possible, but when we drew the main characters there, dana and the magician, in the formula of water, we understood, carried out focus groups realized that they need to be made more anthropomorphic, more metaphorical, or something, because they are so realistic that children are afraid of them, they’re like stanislavsky, just like they don’t believe it, so you know, they’ve got ears attached to them, what. .. they were introduced a little - no, they turned out to be just a little creatures, no, they are
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people, they just have superpowers, and therefore they don’t really have them.
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what is what and how it is all connected to each other, what explanations it all has, then i begin to generate characters, describe their character, their relationships, then i begin to slowly build some kind of scenario, string it all on top of each other, but now people for all this use computerized special programs that allow them to literally draw this structure and write it down,
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including script arcs draw everything, everything, everything professionally. then we get a text or a video, but what we end up with is a specialist who forms a training sample, with his activity, in his own means, with these thousands of these creators, people, create, create a work of art, the results, but we don’t have texts or a video or a script at the output, we also have the entire creative process recorded, journalized and this...
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he wants to tell me what, but i ’m interested in it , but i understand that this is his generation, this is just the result of some kind of averaging of what people, living screenwriters, creators, writers, directors and so on have done, what they wanted to say, i can understand as a human being, and this is the average a picture made by an intelligence simulator , what does she want to tell me, nothing , in principle she can’t even have such goal setting , here she is... it becomes uninteresting to me, now the question, which means it’s a matter of psychology, in our perception, in how you we we perceive, art, which means what is generated by artificial intelligence, the way we perceive texts. the year 2023 showed us that we have a lot of cognitive distortions in the perception of text in chat-gpt for one simple reason: we have never in our lives, like people,
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not yet in the history of mankind have they chatted in natural language with whom. in addition to living people , a machine suddenly appeared , chatting with us, and we were completely at a loss, but a year has passed, all these cognitive distortions have been understood, written down, studied, moreover, we are ready to teach digital hygiene skills at school and say, guys, here they are technologies that are manipulating you, and you must know how this happens, and you must understand the meanings and goals, until the presenters are replaced. let's take a break for commercials, commercials on ntv. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. is macron really going on a campaign, if the ukrainian military cannot hold the front, nato soldiers will do it for them? we cannot rule this out. why did the french president for the first time allow the possibility of sending western military personnel to ukraine? and is it really macron,
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who previously laid claim to the laurels of the new. israeli soldiers have almost reached the hamas leader, who is hiding in underground gas tunnels, but will his death be able to stop him? abrams burn well, how and by whom the first american seen on video was shot down and destroyed in the steppes of ukraine . this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. gdr. premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. this is a surprise nazon sale. will you manage to surprise? incredible discounts. do not miss.
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treat hers? for two weeks of working for ksenia, she received 7 years of strict regime and how to punish those who stood in her way. after that i said: listen, it’s like, it was a scoundrel, you can’t be trusted, secret bloody barons. two: i, it seems to me, am the most hellish person, on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. reprogramming, science and us a program about how science will change our lives in the coming 10 years, so, dear optimists and skeptics, what is the probability, in your opinion, that artificial intelligence will replace actors, julian, do you have a forecast for the next 10 years, 10%, is that all, good, and 10%, why do you you still give it to an artificial one, because i believe that crowd scenes and supporting and third-plane roles can be, today there are already neural networks that can generate crowd scenes, that is, this is 10% of what we ourselves will give to him, well, how i wouldn't mind.
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10%, thank you very much, nothing really there is no artificial intelligence, let's start with this, we started with this, there is no artificial intelligence and there cannot be.
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then, as i already said, we are considering a pair, and this pair has a counter-movement, so my forecast is that 50-60, 60% percent, thank you very much, there is a forecast of 0%, why, i argue, the question is incorrect, incorrectly posed, why, what will actually happen, no, the profession of an actor will remain, it will just transform so much that the activity of an actor, well, will be different, by 80 percent. but you asked me about another thing is, how likely is it that the profession will disappear, it will not disappear, actors will be needed, they will just do slightly different things, they will more often teach artificial intelligence through their actions, so zero, that is, the stanislavsky system will be taught by an actor , then the artificial intelligence will be trained in this system, of course, well, acting is about human-to-human communication, and we will never give this away to the car, because why do we need it, we like it.
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i will continue the thought, this is 80%, meaning the interpretation of this is as follows: actors who use artificial intelligence will replace actors who do not use it, this is actually true in relation to almost any profession, 80%, 80%, thank you very much, volodya, with a probability of 37.5% artificial intelligence will replace actors, then bish will not replace , you know, you... no, no, you can call me blonde or stupid, anyone, a presenter, okay, really, but i have an education in automatic calculation systems, and i know for sure that no artificial intelligence is impossible, it won’t exist , it doesn’t exist and won’t exist, in this regard , an excellent, very correct thought was voiced today , it doesn’t matter to a person what they show him, it doesn’t matter to me, i don’t know what it’s like, it probably looks like, well there , i believe it, i don’t believe it, it’s important to me what they want to convey to me.


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