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tv   GDR  NTV  March 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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dream: the south now has a good spring season, this is precisely the abundance of sun, so the farther from the cool sea there, the warmer it is. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be sun, the daytime temperature will immediately react, it will be +5, in moscow +3, the main hopes are sunny weather on sunday, well, then there will be an inevitable cold snap, and the most blasphemous thing is that by march 8, wednesday is just the beginning, actually let's clarify, maybe it won't be very harsh, but for now it's definitely warm and...
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since the time of churchel, the ideologists of imperialism have not ceased to claim that the communists split europe, but the truth is different, it was not the socialist countries that laid the foundation for the political split of europe into two opposing blocs, if anyone in the west has forgotten about this, let me remind you that the warsaw pact with... 6 years after the creation of the aggressive nato bloc. the anthems of the soviet union and the german demon were sung. the task we have now undertaken will not require little effort. but we have confidence. finally arrange a simple world myself. every people, every country.
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our peoples will rise to the occasion, so what? good afternoon. excuse me, brother, could you help me? is there something wrong with the lock? i can't open the door. it looks like there is dirt in the lock, look for yourself,
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you need to call a locksmith, try to clean it. you saved me, come in for coffee, sorry, another time, i'm in a hurry, thank you, goodbye.
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your trick with the garbage in the castle worked, great, what's next? i need to find a computer specialist, i don’t know one, i know. what about taking you to the theater, and you’re not afraid to just walk around the city, michael is looking for you, no, i’m not afraid, in general it seems to me that phos is there for a reason he let me leave the hospital, the only question is why? until the situation
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resolves with svetlana nichaev, we will work from here. fine. roma, what, maybe, let’s invite women, arrange a dance, but no one should know that we are here, this is my agreement with the station, well, work on documentation, equipment, there is an office upstairs, everything is necessary there, if if there’s something missing, we’ll bring it , but the line is closed, you can’t call only the embassy, ​​you can’t call the city, the regime is complete secrecy, and what used to be here, the general’s villa, has been closed. for renovation, we’re here for a long time, it all depends on us, kirill, kirill, alikin, sasha, great, where did you
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fight like that, they held a boxing tournament, got carried away, but of course. old man , we haven’t seen each other for so long, and this is something from evans’ filming, poor poor evans, she didn’t get any better, and you know, in fact, i had my last interview with him, yes, then all the local newspapers only reprinted mine, just like that, old man, help i need you, to meet with one person, can you help me? behind our back, krenz is very actively looking for contacts with kolya, do you understand?
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him, that moscow and berlin will be until the end, i think kolya will willingly give us control of the krens, what are you whispering there, i ’ll seat you now, raisa maksimovna, mikhail and i are remembering here. why is alexander ii great? he increased the state budget nine times, built the trans-siberian railway, all this during the 13 years of his rule. by the way, a wonderful example to follow. we know this. russia, you understand, is only for russians. western europe is his
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backyard world. no, we don't need that. mish, you are completely different. you will be like peter ii, you will open a window to europe. they're about a year old. just let's do it. at misha’s, misha needs to rest, that’s it, raisa maksimovna, no more talk about politics. by the way, if we have such a cultural program today, yes, maybe we can also go to the cinema, with jack evans, singer, cowboy, but what about the idea,
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like rais maksimovna? misha, why is it about cowboys, peter fleischmann has just released a film, it’s hard to be a god, you can watch it. no, well, i don’t want drama right now, you said it yourself, i need to rest, beauty, why didn’t you bring what you were waiting for?
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guys, let's discuss this later, i need to get svetka out, you are with me, and zhdanov forbade me to help you, yes, svetka.
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doesn’t want to do it in a good way, do it in a bad way , i have complete blank for any action with you, especially after your attack on me, but i want to, give you the very last chance, this photo was taken this morning while you were playing here. in the pioneer hero, he is there, you know, he
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simply crosses out your lives. i couldn’t understand why the staz didn’t intercept wolf’s archit, because he hid it right under their noses, why is that? wolf did not use stasi channels to hide the archive, or rent something or build something for the night. all that remains is to find out that myers’ secretary, she has a computer at home, it contains information on
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myers, meetings, trips, and so on and so forth, let’s check it, find out where the archive is hidden. the neighbors said that on wednesdays she plays cards with friends, so we have 2-3 hours, here she is, now there won't be another moment, i'm anyway. i really don’t understand a damn thing about computers, it would be easier with you, i’ll leave the door open, ajdan will take off our shoulder straps, but here we’ll take care of it.
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sasha, we have a problem, what’s the matter, the password, what ’s the password, you can bypass it if it’s set to without, which is unlikely, vasya, now in order in russian, what’s the matter, look for the password, maybe she’ll find it somewhere- somehow i wrote down my husband’s name, matos, try it. it would be too easy.
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calm down, calm down. everyone is busy with meetings for the year 84-85, and what does this mean, we spent several days sorting this out, but we can’t somehow carry it with us, we can,
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“give back the bag, let’s see what this chicken has in the bag, we are lucky, an excellent catch, 20 marks , as agreed, would you go with your twenty, nose, how painful, he
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broke my nose, and twenty,
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well, there is, but let’s go with us to the embassy, ​​waiting for something to explain. i can’t, they’ll kill me in moscow, so what should i do then? there is one thought: real pleasure plays in every new facet, reveals itself in the elusive nuances of subtle taste, a unique blend, author's roasting, jardin original oro, a multifaceted pleasure to feel. watch all episodes now on vink. this is a show stars. it involves 10 mega popular stars who have chosen a humorous team. dmitry malikov. no one will believe you anyway, stranger. philip kirkorov. salam alaikum. valeikum salam. my bunny, i am your bunny. denis dorokov. preparations for
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the elections are going well. one hundred percent nazca is expected. alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov, with a team of funny dudes, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why? well, you have the faces of the victims. alexander reva, how i miss you, what is your name anyway? miguel, yes, i’m russian, what? no, i have no doubt that you also have a shaman in your tribe, applause!
8:20 pm
people love hockey , there are few good sticks today, so i decided to make my own, the quality is no worse than imported ones, and in order to keep up with demand, i act ahead of the curve , take out a loan for business development, manage the cost of the loan, reduce the commission by 11% more, tenkov's business and the job is done. submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone 800-101004.
8:21 pm
mask new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hello. great. why are you so happy? oh, i'm up all night again today. how did you get to the hall? also remember, it’s better
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to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, i’m now my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take something, call, everything is simple when ordering for you. they’ll explain in detail, just a second, wife, yes , dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s here? think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than think 100 times, come on, meet. these new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and
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women for their men. men, hurry up. women, hurry up to experience prostate gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call to order for free manufacturer's line. and get a special offer: men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. it's just for passengers to ride here. i came as a brother. call sign passenger to the cinema from march 14th. here mish, look, what is this? this panel in rubel is called
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princess greza. it was created on the basis of a drama in verse by edmond rastan. well, in russian translation it acquired the name princess greza. this is such a romantic story. nikolayevich , about a lofty aspiration, you understand that we won’t give anything to anyone just like that, we will trade in love, which is being achieved, now our task is not to lag behind, to fool the snetsy, to create an alliance between the ussr and the united germany, then we will become the largest players in europe, let's join america from the world's top three. it’s clear that we and the germans need this, that’s why there were two such wars in a century, well, somehow germany managed to be friends, and lenin, by the way, stalin
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too, yes, in the thirties, i’m now i’m preparing a report for the second congress, the thirty -ninth year, a non-attack agreement between the ussr and germany, there’s this in secret documents, there... so many, there are so many secret points, our raw materials, our resources, and the germans have technology, even if it’s caramel sounds like it’s coming from me, but you know how history would have developed if it weren’t for that fool, fuzher, who attacked the ussr, you, only alexander nikolaevich, don’t hear about this to anyone... tell it , otherwise the people, you know, won’t really understand , well , that’s why i’m not from the podium, with you, look,
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veteran, thatcher hinted that... she is not against the unification of germany, america directly said that she is against it, which means it is beneficial for us, we need to explain to the people that this is a new world order, our world order, i really, really appreciate it, your cooking is cooperating , but i... need to check your sincerity, check the system sign that you are developing , fergia is used, perhaps this is always at the discretion of the station, you can hand over someone to us in west berlin, i don’t know anyone, here there is a suspicion who may be working for kgb, with your help we are provoking them.
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if everything works, then let's get back to talking about lengia, what about my conditions? return to the soviet union? uh-huh, you understand that you are compromised, i will sort it out, i suggest you, cross over.
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i'm taking it. best wishes.
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helgi, you don’t need a cocktail helgi, you need to sleep, i need to understand how wolf thought, where can i hide this archive, he didn’t rent anything, didn’t build anything, and how big is the archive? i believe it consists of microfilm floppy disks. literally two boxes, and documents, perhaps, but difficult to preserve for a long time, such material makes up a room, maybe two, in berlin, in berlin it is dangerous to leave it to him, and at the same time it should be directly accessible, i don’t know, maybe near berlin, wait, military, mayurs more
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total cooperation. with the military man, people's national army colonel helmut hauar, he most often met with myers, where is the map? you really need to sleep, colonel helmut havar, who is asking, state security major
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schäfer, what is this rumpled look, i was driving in a car with carl myers, when it was blown up, you knew each other,
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thomas, he’s ready to talk, that’s for sure. what did you talk to carl myers about? we agreed to send you to hell. i am a colonel in the army of the republic. fuck i'll tell you what. you can kill me. i took a break. call the muzzle.
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with someone behind the wall, you have a lot of money, some interest, i told you that i would go beyond the wall, this requires money, then what are you waiting for, if you have money, brother, my brother, i told you about him , he said, i have to
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steal it from fox, i can’t do it alone, no if you can handle it, so help me, sasha.
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10 days until spring. premiere. coming soon to ntv. mask - new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. once in the body, influenza and sars viruses begin to multiply. time is working against us. arbidov is capable of preventing their reproduction. entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t detain people. what's going on here? did you know that you are transferring money from your business?
8:37 pm
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8:39 pm
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8:41 pm
you decided to play the good cop, what do you hope for? i'll tell you everything and you 'll let me go? tests people in childhood, she told how to distinguish who is in front of you, a person or satan? satan smells like a wolf, and
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those in staz smell like a dog, and you smell like shit. you screwed up with my kidnapping, i hate people who act under pressure , i’m a soldier, i meet the enemy face to face on the battlefield, what did they come up with, what’s next, tearing nails, electric shock to the groin, in general i’m not a supporter of violence, but when there’s no other way out no,
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well, don’t touch it, i let you think about it, where are you going, i’ll be back soon.
8:44 pm
tell me what will happen at 5:44? nothing. in this good afternoon, are you serving? she'll be there later. case, tell me what mf54 can mean? and i'm telling you. love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you. and those who persecute you. these are the words of jesus christ, the book of matthew 5:44. you can wait here, i will report you. svetlana.
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what’s wrong, i wrote everything you wanted, two questions, we’re sitting, don’t take my politeness for weakness, don’t, everything is fake, everything is lying, i wrote the truth, i look like a fool, i wrote the truth,
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tata, time come, take a risk, you are here on my territory, i am undercover, my people. " i have a man who
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hid the archive together with wolf, who is ready to exchange it for his wife, who can give me guarantees that your the man is not a dummy, i will stay with you until we find the archive, i will discuss this with my management, how will i find out the answer, i will find you, berlin is a very, very small city, i want to ask you..." one question : what are you fighting for? you are convincing me , i studied you a little, you are not interested in money, but here are your ambitions, are you offering a career or cheap, too cheap, i appreciate your altruism, but think about what you are spending your life on,
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where did ingred go, where did she go, tell me where did she go, and i’ll tell you that you’re so nervous?
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get out of the car, what have you decided, you
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hear me, i agree, bring klaus to berlin, i will call you back in 2 hours, i will tell you exactly where, back, i said, get out. this world will be saved only by love, the master and margarita, haven’t you seen it already in the movies, genergy fps motor oil represents, the source of my victories is in how you prepare for the race, keep it at the peak.
8:51 pm
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dream apartments of 8 million each. and a scattering of cash prizes of 80. may your dreams come true, because they are winning with us, march 10 at 8:20 on ntv. so, petya is curvy, galochka is thin, katenka vadik is colored. pancakes are different.
8:56 pm
how to convey it, according to our information, in the city of pitozhd , another new installation with a capacity of up to 1 kg of weapons-grade platonium per year was put into operation in july of this year, from spring agents.
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thinks that we will screw this up, but if the us finds out, they will block accounts in foreign banks and force romania to go into debt again, well, let’s throw in this information.
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and what is there to think, there is such a friend, mikhail sergeevich, this is the former secretary of the central committee of romania, and he iliescu agrees, and we will demand from him in return for our support that he announce it
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to magata about the creation of a nuclear project and under their the leadership closed it to hell, but what to do with nuclear materials, we will bring them to us and process them, our peoples. vasya, well, when you fix it, it’s mine, i thought you were a specialist, you ’re tinkering, tinkering, it’s a mess, it’s time to throw it away, buy yourself a new one, give me the money , i’ll buy it, he zhdanov came, angry as a dog. our police man reported that gdr colonel helmut hauer was kidnapped that morning. and witnesses testified that the kidnapper was very similar to nechaev. yuri anatolyevich, maybe
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maybe the kidnapping is phos's game, nechaev frames it. the police also have a statement from myers' secretary.


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