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tv   GDR  NTV  March 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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support so that he announces to magata the creation of a nuclear project and, under their leadership, closes it to hell, but what to do with nuclear materials, we’ll bring them to us and process them, our peoples will be at their best, vasya, what when you ? angry as a dog, our man in the police reported that in the morning gdr colonel helmut haue was kidnapped, witnesses testified that the kidnapper was very similar to nechaya, yuri antolyevich, well... maybe the kidnapping is
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a game of phos, well, he sets up nechaya, the police also have a statement from myers' secretary about the fact that her apartment was broken into, which secretary? misha, don’t pretend to be a girl, she worked in the staz for several years, what do you think, she wouldn’t have noticed, i ordered nichaev not to help, but we didn’t do anything. lukyanov, maybe you didn’t do it, here are two of your comrades, but we didn’t help him, we helped ourselves. nichaev is looking for wolf’s archive, in fact, so are we, we don’t kidnap allies, this is a criminal offense, we work within the rules, the enemy doesn’t play by the rules, we need to act according to instructions, with these methods you will go to staff for the cia station, it will be necessary, let's go, sasha, not a fool and not reckless, explain yourself. if he kidnapped the colonel, then
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there was a reason to take extreme measures, these extreme measures are being set up by the station, the embassy, ​​and the police, do you know that it is nichaev? not yet, this is your shats, i give you 24 hours to find and catch nichaev, otherwise i will declare him to the berlin police as a criminal, and the two of you will go to moscow, but what about svetlana, general chernykh and the berlin station are personally involved in the search for svetlana.
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let's leave now, i'm not ready, i need to get ready, i’m leaving, and you decide with me or on your own, the gun goes to hell, he’s a snitch, no, he’s not like that, he’s ideological for the revolution, for the red army faction, don’t be naive.
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i don't like your plan, i want to leave, how to use a bomb.
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rito is a smart girl, she won’t light up so cheaply, shut up, you know why i left her in charge and not you, because you ’re an asshole for hitting a disabled person, you mongrel fosa, shut your mouth, even just twitch, you’ll die, only after you , shut up, shut up both.
9:08 pm
relax, well, it was your fault that we bumped into each other, breathe out this guilt, let it go, because at there is a discount on helmets, even if... something happened through your fault. renaissance of insurance, you can exhale. gdr. watch all episodes now. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. miracle pills for an ideal figure are no longer a myth but a reality. pharmaceutical companies have already made billions of dollars from weight loss products. our drug helps cope with uncontrollable appetite. now it's time to earn even more money for...
9:09 pm
mask new season on sunday at 20:20, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary bit, this is a big hit, only at a tasty point, when sore joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life. take advantage of ambien drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien drugs, active joints for you. this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones. and also top choice, top quality
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discounts up to 50%. raventa foam brush for only 5.999. simfidio and eldorado. so fast booked. daily. let's find a place to stop. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, so now i give them for flowers. what are the prices, is it better to buy a smartphone? mega discounts up to 50% smartphones with communication, only in a megaphone , before the temperature was as dry as it used to be, we were freezing in the winter, we ran in the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and
9:11 pm
productivity has improved, but these are now where, in memory, on gifts, hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, that again the holidays everyone needs gifts, gifts, a toy for a daughter, a mother a bag, a jacket for your husband, gifts, buy them all at once split 0.06, now 0 rubles, everything else is more than gifts on the yandex market, for example, a set for creating jewelry and accessories for 1,273 rubles and a frying pan with a lisantipregar coating for 979 rub. i don't have to feel irritated. central
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television tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. it's just space. the taste of ham from cherkizov's own farms. cosmically delicious. cherkizova. panic. let's do without panic. there is an internet beeline. with beeline's smart network you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such internet beeline is on your side. deposit, the best interest rate in savings, is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button and you look with confidence.
9:13 pm
the colonel is in the car, he has a bomb on him, only otto can turn it off from his remote control if he doesn’t...
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rudy within half an hour. take us across the border. together with the colonel. rest assured. let's go, check her car, let me know if she
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he’s lying, i don’t advise you to approach the car, you’re a traitor. what's stopping me from turning you over to ferg as a terrorist? and then request your extradition. i know too much about you, mikhail, and i won’t remain silent. they'll give you
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life. you will sit down too. this is called mutual assured destruction. cold war military doctrine. the bitch didn't pack up, there 's a bomb in the car. come on, rudy, let's film there, come on. and they will scrape you off the asphalt. villa schulenburg. here, nothing, sasha, i ask you, yura, then you will execute, emergency situation, ingrit is driving at the fourth checkpoint, by the way, let them close the borders , don’t let her go to the west, don’t let her go to the west, to hell with her singrit, what ’s going on there, yura, she has a colonel, and what
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do you want from the colonel, i have an agreement with a competing company, i’m not a colonel, they ’ll kill my svetka otherwise, but what does the cia want from the colonel, he’s the key to the volva archive, that is , you want to exchange the archive for svetlana, which checkpoint, the fourth. he's in ingrit's car, the car is parked in the park, she'll blow it up, or he'll get the photo, there's no time, i'm on my way, yuri anatolyevich, i think the exchange of the archive for nichaev’s wife is betrayal, vais, you’re not married, yes, god had mercy, yes, then you won’t
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understand, but what should i understand, that we are for the sake of a matchmaker? brother, wives should help the americans, to hell with this kind of service , no, it’s not possible without me, you’re afraid for your shoulder straps, and what does the shoulder straps have to do with it, i’m doing something wrong, you’re a fool, vasya, your math is simple, svetlana, we can’t someone else’s, someone else’s to me, why did you help, sasha, for the sake of a common cause, you’re shit after that, but at least you’re not a traitor, these archives will save a thousand lives, and you will write a report on us. well, if i have to, i’ll write, i have to report the residence. misha, take him to the station and tell him everything, the secretary, everything. so why did you get up,
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let's go. i'm with you. no, no, because you. come on, hammer, come on, jump, 10 minutes ago, at a press conference, member of the palutburo punshabovsky announced that citizens can freely leave the territory of the republic. open, the border has been opened, let us through
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, what’s happening, i don’t know, back, back, no, this is where we need to decide who will run over on the tracks one person or five? absolutely right, usually they choose one, well, it’s logical, until this one turns out to be. then they change the choice, eat five strangers , feel a long feeling in front of their acquaintance , well, who do you choose, but i have already chosen for myself a long time ago, no attachment to anyone
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, not to friends, not to wife, not to children, and how you live vasil, it’s probably just that nothing worked out for me, because you are not strangers to me, you damn tongues, but the person waiting with svetlana, in my opinion, has something personal, the fourth checkpoint,
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what's happened? i don't know. and how do you want to cross the border now? get klaus's stroller. but there is no stroller. you're an idiot. take it out and carry it.
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colonel stasi personally carries me out of the territory of the gdr.
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what does it mean, mulet, that you’re standing there, come let us in, come on, go! i am lieutenant colonel of the ministry of security of the republic mikhail kost, i order you to open the gates. i do not have a right.
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you and i will hide, we have some money left, we’ll make new documents.
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we did it, you'll come back, why? he said if i don't do it, what will you do it? stasi agents will kill my parents in germany, what will you do?
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what kind of schematic is this black yes yes yes yes not lubred bullshit this is bullshit give me
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a knife? lie down, vasya, vasya, great , great, yuri anatolyevich, alive, hello everyone, dear subscribers, sometimes when my mother orders cosmetics, she goes from being loved and turns into strict, into sleep-deprived, into gloomy, then i have the cosmetics done, look, you can try on cosmetics first. we wanted to be
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loved by you, we remain loved by you. megamarket, pleasing beautifully and profitably. this is the show "stars". it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team. dmitry maleikov, no one will believe you anyway, idiot. denis dorokov. preparations for the elections are going well, one hundred percent nazca is expected. lera kudryavtseva. girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv. why? well, you have the faces of victims. dzhigan. my darling, i miss you. oh, naughty girls. mate musa galiev, i wanted to be your star, stars, a new humorous show on march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. mask: new season, in sunday at 20:20 on ntv. they say the eyes
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are the mirror of the soul. exactly, yes, my soul is wide, i am sweet and tart, and i am light and creamy. cheese ashen red bird and thousands of products at amazing prices. everything is profitable here , special agents against supervillains, during the operation there is no light, you don’t attract attention, no attention, red five, look only at the premiere 35 days for 1 ruble smart, what a blessing that there is a sale of discounts up to 70%. give your loved ones a completely new piece of equipment, inspiring sale electronics, on avito.
9:33 pm
previously, the temperature in the workshop was the same as outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people and manufacturers don’t get sick. and now these are in memory of gifts, hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers. believe it or not, you want cars from tinkov and millions of other prizes at a delicious point. hello, in a magnet, you can win your own smart prize, the one that boils itself, the desire to help, the one that spins around the house for you, and now all
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you need to do is be with your loved ones, give time for your loved ones, buy with a card from the magnet application, play and get instant prizes, win smart equipment, magnet, mask, new season, sunday, 20:20 on ntv. when you want to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it. divide the payment into parts with yandex split. split everything you want in different stores, without overpayments. national lottery. on march 8, this is guaranteed to be more than 25 prizes of a million and a super prize of 100 million. every second person wins. tickets by mail. april we can insure one car and win a second or a million rubles,
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choose osaga or any other insurance and take part in the draw, compare on your side. i help calm the most raging stomach. i am phospolugel, i cope with heartburn, stomach pain and poisoning. tired, you know, well, i’m listening, he’s already resting, something urgent, on what channel?
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just recently, few could have predicted such a course of events, and even fewer. not ready yet, no, we are ready, and we know what
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to do, yes, let someone wait below, sorry it's late, but the world's problems are not allowed to drive past, what is this? in your opinion, what is the reason, i don’t understand, it’s a historical moment, mikhail, its significance will be appreciated by posterity, that is, the wall will go up in germany, but it will come to me here, so, don’t rush, tomorrow morning there will be reports on the mood of the people, i am convinced that the overwhelming majority will say, let the krauts decide for themselves, and others... will say, okay, stop wasting our money on them, we
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have nothing to eat ourselves, don’t worry, everyone will approve, well , when germany unites, the people will ask us, for the sake of what did we fight in domestic, that’s why, that means, we’ll do it so that they ask less, 45 years have passed, mikhail, in the end, you can’t please everyone, we first wanted to discuss everything with germany, well... i know whether i don’t want to, christ didn’t choose your
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path, but you choose, then you can hang on the cross in flies, or you can with relative comfort, not for long, what will we tell the people tomorrow, i’m asking you, we’ll prepare an editorial for the truth, something like...
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to intensive care quickly , wait here, who are you related to the wounded, this is our colleague, the ussr, why didn’t they take the wounded man to the hospital at the embassy, ​​because it’s your closest one, take care of the wounded man, the surgeon is in intensive care, hurry up, this is our comrade, report the patient’s information to the administrator, please calm down, follow me. there was part of a body in a military uniform left in the trunk, perhaps it was the missing colonel , there are witnesses, three tried to open the car , there was a fight with the fourth, he escaped, the civilians were dispersed before the explosion , casualties were prevented, description of the criminals,
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the police are interviewing witnesses,
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i personally wouldn’t want to so that between, for example, moscow and kiev had a wall. the germans have the right to live together, so no one disputes their right, the question is how they will come together, which of them will devour whom first. i do n’t believe that war will start in europe, the second world war was enough for everyone, it’s like a vaccine for a century, after the first world war everyone
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thought so too, it was enough for 20 years, so let’s see how long this world will last. the operation was successful, the fragments were removed from the chest. your friend's condition is serious but stable. i want to warn you, i called the police in your i don’t believe the story about firecrackers. we need to tell our people. well, tell them, after all, what am i going to tell them, that the truth
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, what’s next, san, you need to understand how to differentiate your competitors, well, let’s go, then we’ll discuss it in the fortress, zhdanov moved us to a secret fortress, they don’t know at the station where. and if we light up on the telephone line, the switchboard receives empty calls, it takes a long time to search, but i understand, guys, this is a gift for us again, this is for me, they are watching us, everything is fine. the parcel has been delivered.
9:47 pm
you can exhale, hello, ministry of emergency situations, there is such horror here, a man almost fell over me, i probably need to call the firefighters and the pilot, petrov’s falcons on the roof, there is a threat to life, stand, what the hell, i said, i’m listening to you, speak up. i’m struggling here, you couldn’t get me out, they didn’t reach the finish line, look, there’s something there, calm down, welcome to our world, you are rescuers, 5 minutes of silence, a new horizon, we fought a little, let’s go home in peace, today at 22:00 on ntv, mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. let's test your memory, remember in detail what you did 3 a day ago, if the question seems difficult,
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an innovative drug called apepet can help with memory problems, it helps improve cerebral circulation, restore memory and attention, the choice must be balanced, time-tested, chanted to make your head work, you want it, believe it, you want a car from tinkov and millions of other prizes at a delicious point, what a blessing that there is an avito sale and discounts up to 70%. give yourself and your loved ones a completely new technology, an inspiring sale of electronics on avito. previously, the temperature was as dry as outside , in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick, and
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productivity has improved, but now these are where, in memory, for gifts, hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people. she will hear your voice, even if it’s noisy around, she’s set the timer! alice, turn on the music , turn it on, she will also like it louder, what you love, meet the new one, the spring of color, yandex station midi solice, buy on the yandex market and get 1500 points cashback. from a dream to a home one click home 25 years ago you came to us for the first time and asked enough for
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a chocolate bar enough even for two for breakfast dinners everything you want, especially with a holiday discount of 25% , the premiere on kion helps out and how did you get to afghanistan sergey puski palis marina alexandrova alexey kravchenko. everyone says that he won’t come back, but you yourself believe that he will come back, return at any cost, just watch now . when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life, use ambien drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care about you as the closest. ambien preparations for active joints. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a debit card. i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, this is a surprise sale, have time to surprise?
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incredible discounts, don’t miss out, selicata hair set for 429, awesome aparel women’s dress for 739, agroholding steppe buckwheat for 309. six juicy nuggets for only 69 rubles. at the best point, you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank. you can take time off from work to go to bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. how are you, did you get it fixed? now we’ll check it, well, check it, have fun, turn it on. well? damn, well, everything is working, crash, crash, crash,
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tsai, what did tsruv say about the colonel? oh , no, he didn’t, well then he made a slip about hauerer, so he leaks information, this is not a slip of the tongue, this is bravado, he shows that he is one step ahead of us, on a tape in the car, this is not one step, this is a hundred-meter head start, and from where they
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found out that we were in the hospital, there was clearly someone illuminates, fly away moglishta. they found the colonel's body, azhdanov sent a signal from the hospital and at night they managed to leak it to the cia , you want to say that it's cool among us, no, well , young, no, there aren't enough brains, misha, don't talk nonsense, whoever is like that, that's enough, guys, nonsense busy, we have a lot to do, what was missing was for us not to trust each other, vasya, turn it on again. in the recording, looking for clues, where do they keep the light? the berlin wall collapsed, and you are still managing, as it collapsed, it collapsed, west germans and east germans walked towards each other for 40 years, met and broke
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wall. to hell grandma, i don’t believe you, this is another provocation, you think that since i ’m an enemy, i’ll lie to you all the time, you’ll torture me, oh god, of course not, of course not, why do you need my blood, we trust in you, our new experimental drug, truth serum, that the kgb is developing the same ones, 2 years ago we started the experiment.
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your husband, sasha, is not a traitor, we followed him until he met with the messenger, and then based on the identity of the contact we figured out our agent, yeah, that’s the kgb’s version, understandable, understandable, understandable, your husband, alex, betrayed us, first yours dad. head, then you, prove it, you can help head if you cooperate, he is alive, this will be my little secret until we become friends.
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don't miss it on monday, i have an idea, but i don't want to set anyone up, when? one fine day you wake up, look out the window, and there is no union, so what will you do then? i repent, dad, you won’t receive my forgiveness, but what if?
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come on faster, i'm already running. sonya, well , you’ll be there soon, now all you have to do is bring food, we’ll quickly, what did you need, because of me, or what? oh well, don’t pay attention, everything is fine.
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vic, there’s something to do, let’s hurry up, otherwise i’m hunting, just tomorrow evening you’ll come with me, you’ll eat plenty, this is where, at my
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parents’, they invite me, hello, since when did your parents invite me to visit, they’re me they never loved me, but stop it, i’m a criminal, the daughter of bad parents, a hooligan, i’m a bad influence on their little son, vic, he’s good, that’s exactly what the falcon is good, honestly. i said, did they really call me? yes, they called everyone, today there will be a feast, there will be a lot of people , well, you and i, everything is clear, again lyosha sokolov, they will bring a bride, the daughter of my mother’s friend, i don’t know who will come, and what difference does it make, and you decided to drag me in so that never mind show them, vika, i’m not asking you to portray my bride, for me this is too much happiness, well, just for company in a friendly way, come with me, falcon, “i can do anything for you, but you understand that there will be a scandal, parents will be upset, you go alone, sit, smile, drink tea, and then maybe the bride will like it, you’ll get married yourself, i won’t invite you to the wedding,
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yegoryvich, they’ve already brought the bread, they brought it, they just took it all apart, probably already, and why didn’t you shout to me, but i’ll finish shouting at you, run, run, maybe you’ll still have time, nikichna, listen, i ’m going to heat the bathhouse, come and lift the back of me, yeah, with a rocker, if the devil is 100 years old at lunchtime, and he’s still there, with a rocker, with a rocker. hey, it’s the young that warms the blood, but the old.


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