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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 2, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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let's have a seat, thank you, well, bring the food , we'll drink tea, i'm glad that we don't have to get used to anything again, but how, well, how come practically everything remains the same as it was, great, the kitchen, as they say, i went in, i got two good zones, now here, it feels like it’s even a little wider there, maybe the light is working, maybe everything is working, that’s the impression so far. elegant hostess, this is a truly worthy answer, everything is just fine, i like everything, i don’t even like hotels, the whole kitchen is very elegant, just right for i know what to highlight, thank you again for leaving everything approximately as we had it, but nevertheless they zoned the room, made a separate work area,
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a radiator, i really liked the fact that the kitchen is bright, and initially, when we all shared our expectations, i asked for exactly this and really asked for it, because well, anyway, a bright kitchen means more space, more air, you somehow even breathe differently, remodeling is a pleasure, it’s a good mood, it’s positive emotions, it’s people who were with us all this time, thank you citizens.
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when you persuade them, and we work, we do everything that is necessary, according to the law, according to what kind of law, they don’t let us live in peace, and we work here, we don’t bother anyone, we don’t bother anyone, and they call us occupiers, and then, then they started burning, why are they doing all this with impunity, yes, we will find your arsonists, we will find them and punish them, but first we need to catch them, and all of them, all of them... we need to disperse them all, but they can’t be like that, they exist among them are normal, all of them these environmentalists are crazy, we also don’t have rubber nerves, we can also rise up, calmly, we’ll sort it out, we categorically declare that we have nothing to do with the attack on the birthplace, we are supporters of peaceful protest. and not a single person from our
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organization could participate in this hooligan attack. then who could it be? do you have a guess? unfortunately, i have no idea, but this once again proves what we have said so many times, a lot of people, all layers without exception, are against development of this field, and we have repeatedly warned that our civilized protest could at any second give way to such extremist actions, thank you, yes, i’m listening to you, don’t you think that you too...
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would hang up posters, that’s okay they wouldn’t set it on fire, unlike some radicals who are in another video, so show it to us, yes please, we are representatives of the radical wing
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of an environmental organization in defense of nature, we oppose the barbaric use of land by the greedy corporation sibcopper. "this the company intends to invade the bowels of our earth and predatory profit from it , an environmental apocalypse awaits us all, production waste from copper mining will poison our land, our rivers, the air we breathe, and today’s action will be a warning to those who are chasing profit . destroying our nature, this is real extremism, and as i understand it, we have a business trip to devnogorsk, that’s why i respect you, seryozha, for understanding, and that there is no one but us to disperse these boys,
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dispersing, max, is half the battle, you need to understand who is behind this, that is, who orders the music, they pay for this music, that is, the general, from what... some rabid young men? any questions? yes, there is, but these rabid young men, do they have something to do with the organization: a clean planet, or are they on their own? so, you’ll find out all this on the spot, so that means you’re the second
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person in the sibmet corporation? no, well, actually i’m the vice-president, but here in dnevnogorsk, i ’m generally the first person, the fact is that this deposit was originally mine. project, well then, apparently, it’s a great honor for us that you’re meeting us in person, but it’s a great honor for me that it was you who were sent, i hope you’ll deal with these bastards, well, by god, i’m just tired bear with it already, i hope you catch them, we will try, okay, let’s talk here then, guys, and are you all in that car? so well about your troubles here we understand everything, so this ecologist is what’s his name? well, yes, then you think that he really told the truth, they are not involved in this arson, i'm
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i’m convinced of this, well, they wouldn’t even have the spirit, who are these environmentalists, students, professions, and here there were clearly more serious guys, and what kind of people do you think they were? bandits, serious criminals, since when have bandits protected our environment?
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should have been given over to a gambling zone, where there were casinos, hotels, entertainment centers, and that this same raven had his own interest there? well, as far as i know, it was entirely his project, but then we showed up and ruined all his plans, so what is it? he spoils you so much, don’t you think it’s somehow too small for him? a serious crime boss? hmm , well, don’t tell me, uh, all this hype around our field can greatly harm us, we are going to make a major deal with the dutch, all these scandals, arson, protests, can scare them away, then everything will fall through the cracks , and...
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what hope there is, in vain, it was necessary to inform the police, in fact, i thought that you would come and immediately figure everything out, well, of course we will try, we just need to figure out how best to drive up to this crow, and at all where can i find it? good evening, good evening, enjoy your stay, thank you, let's go to the local authority, dress like for a reception with the queen of england, well, we're still like business people, we're going to spend a lot of money in his gaming area. test, so you need to look appropriate, you understand me , you saw, yes, yes you saw, you saw, so, don’t
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get distracted, say thank you that you’re nine now, otherwise you’d have to put on a crimson jacket and golda, wow, wow, and you you say, don’t get distracted, yes, listen, he’s a raven himself, like he looks exactly like derbanev... he wrote, well, let's go introduce ourselves, oh, slow down, guys, where's katin, we'd like to talk to mr. varantsov, but is he waiting for you, or what? and who are they anyway? so, maybe we can introduce ourselves to him? we are businessmen from moscow, we represent an investment fund, maybe you can report to your boss? will report if they were able to pronounce it, oops, i didn’t understand. why are we texting like this here or are all the businessmen in moscow brown? vavan, what kind of peppers?
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i don’t understand, they say some kind of investment fund, but they themselves don’t see the edges, do they? so throw them out of here, what's the problem? stop, stop, stop, guys, we just wanted to talk, really, what’s unclear? what, you, shell-shocked woodpecker, didn’t understand what people told you, let’s get out of here!
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look here, you wanted to make peace with your fools, but you yourself ruined everything, sit down, guys, i’ll talk to him myself, so boss, i’ll tell you honestly. “ now i have to fight for this land without a problem, if i’ve already laid my paw on this land, then they’ve all come, no...” there are more bloody zones here it won’t, it means you ’re not even trying to smoke them out of here, whatever, i can fight these monsters without showing off, it might cost me more to get away with it, and you don’t send anyone to them to set fire to the towers, and i haven’t heard anything about the spectacle, boss, i’ve already done such things i haven’t
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worked for 10 years, i have my own business, i live quietly and peacefully. if you want, check, it means your people weren’t there that night, yes , no matter what you say, you don’t believe me, go ahead, dig, but you won’t find anything, i’ll dig, be sure , believe me, it’s really better for you not to have anything to do with it. this relationship, yes, that's for sure.
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it’s for them to set fire to towers, if he’s such a tough guy, he could solve the problem radically, but even probably with the use of a firearm, but where is the guarantee that it won’t come down to a gunshot? so, we need to find out about this explosive, well, vadim, i couldn’t restrain myself, yes, yes, he wrinkled my tie, and in the most boorish way, by the way, it wasn’t me, the youngest crow broke us, okay, okay, he did everything right , but it’s still a pity, such a legend about... got out of us businessmen, investors, but i’m telling you, he behind all this, well, there is no one else, well, there can be no other options at all, well, for example, your company has some competitors from whom you stole this land from under their noses, maybe they are trying to outplay everything , or maybe these environmentalists themselves acted without any support, are you
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serious, in your opinion some brats can go against such a corporation as ours, don’t you understand, everyone is alive, well, well, you see what they did to my car, i told you it was him, this is it. that's what if we have one thing in common business, then first you should have contacted me, or you have such a secret mission that the local authorities do not need to know anything about it, we apologize, captain, nothing personal, i just would like to have something in hand at the first meeting, here we have an explosion on our hands, and
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why didn’t you say anything about the fact that explosives were stolen from your warehouse, and we didn’t immediately notice the loss, we just...
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let’s go see, put it here, let’s go, comrade captain, here it is, the numbers match, exactly, yes, well, let's take a look at what's inside, no way, comrade colonel, well, of course. no, there is almost no doubt that this is an explosive, vorontsov is in a pre-trial detention center, but we missed his brother, he’s already put on the wanted list,
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that’s right, i’ll definitely tell him, well, guys, the authorities express their gratitude, for the help provided, no problem, our people , thank you, the main villain has been caught, so we... now we can return to moscow with peace of mind, somehow everything turns out too simply, it seems they talked about him as a serious person, here he set himself up so childishly, if he caused this explosion, then keep the explosives in his fleet, in plain sight , it’s somehow strange, well, an old woman can get screwed, the main thing is we did our job, and now comrade captain will figure it out himself, unwind it, and we just we'll get lost and disappear. everything will be lost, yes, sergei sergeevich , nothing will be lost here, we ca n’t sit here forever to guard this derbinev, we are not the security service of his company, let them now have a headache about it, but
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what’s your headache about, as if to return to his coga as quickly as possible, okay, okay, stop, guys, in my opinion, you can go quietly, but i’ll figure it out myself, thanks again for the help provided, it’s a shame. yes, dorbinov met us in such a car, bastards, they didn’t let us get to the airport normally, they blew up, you ’re joking like that now, is it funny, or what? don’t you yourself have a feeling that we are doing things incompletely? listen, shepherd, we agreed , we’re done here, you don’t care that we can leave, here everything will start again, even worse than before, well, let’s go back and rip everyone’s head off, comrade officer. it seems to me that someone wants to tear our heads off, it’s the younger raven, he decided to get even with us, you have a weapon at the ready, if anything happens,
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you have to shoot, i’m without a weapon. i just wanted to talk, i wanted to talk, but why did you run away then? there was just one thing that needed to be done, by the way, i tried to get your interest, but is it really possible, you’re their senior, yes, let’s talk eye to eye, i ran away because i had to get something so that you would understand , that my brother was taken in vain, well, how did they manage, oh, look, what’s here?
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from afar, an investigative team came from tyumen itself, our fellow countryman with the hog brigade got into trouble here, we heard that he is now
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lying in the center with a burn, so we want... i’ll show you something now, we’ll see with you, yeah, i promise, you will be very interested, the guards there are local, they have nothing to do with anything, so they don’t play cards all night or sleep until they lose their senses, what’s what, you’ll already have time to do everything to blame it, but if they notice you, drop everything and run, okay?
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to another place, i know from experience, there are people they become conversational, and the ecology, the ecology will wait, let's go, leave everything, get out of here, i see, the hell with this bunch, well , we won't set it on fire tonight, well, tomorrow means i'll set it on fire, then everything is already known from the video on the internet, yeah, well... ... we can assume that he has already secured an article for himself, well, yes, no , of course, this recording will help me a lot, but i would also like to get a confession from him, i agree, you will have to work, he is waiting for you in the interrogation room now, talk to him heart to heart, you hold all the cards now in your hands, consider that your case of arson is closed, well, yes, thank you for that, but no problem, old man, no problem, but we are waiting for you to see
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us a little. you can thank me differently, you see, we don’t need to shut down minaev so much as we need to find out who is behind him, i understand that, but i can help in some way, we want you to allow us something, there is one interesting one here idea, fish , come in, sit down, there will be questions , the men will explain to you, do you hear, seryo, you and i still have to explain something to this pretzel, life can teach you, what are you worth,
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elk sakha, will you come here? let's start with the outfit, your good looks are sticking, you're on your way to life, throw them off, you'll be alone, we'll arrange a barter, shut your mouth, shut your mouth, you stinking asshole, such a creature, you'll live on varasha with me, you understand, i'll tear up the belvor's mail like an empty one, uh , criminal cattle, oh... why did they pick on a person, what did he do to you, and what kind of bubble are you, you also want to get some cabbage soup, i don’t like scumbags, bodymich, andrey, what do
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you have here? yes, the men say, they don’t like it in our cell, but they say it’s boring here, just go to bed and die, so they went to bed, maybe take it before you die. get up, handsome guys, let's go to another building, we walk, we get there. “listen, boss, we didn’t agree like that, your little beast almost left us with his collection, nothing, it will heal until the wedding, say hello to the crow,
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thanks from me personally, free!” is it okay, will your friend, minaeva, talk? i have no doubt that he will extract everything he can from this ecologist, or rather, out of gratitude, he himself will lay out everything for him. he has recently gained a lot of experience in the cell, so the grid will be what he needs. that's for sure. what so happy, what made the lawyer happy? i rather pleased him; in a couple of hours i won’t be here. oops , what kind of excuse did he come up with for you, i
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’m telling you, i came up with this, and now we just need to pass it on to ours so that people’s unrest, outraged by the illegal arrest of their leader, activists, begin to act, act. environmental movement seize the buildings of the city administration with a demand for the urgent release of citizen minaev, that is , me, seizure of the administration, well, yes, but what of such and such, well, such actions are in our arsenal there are, but as a last resort we can use them while we try all other methods. so all that’s left for the guys to do is to give a sign to your mother , the guard, open up, i’m deaf or something, you’re a guard, vadim
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, i would explain nothing to you like yesterday to those two freaks , but you can’t touch the bastard, open the guards, i’m deaf or something, let’s run, let’s go faster, let’s go faster.
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colonel, yes, i’ve already sent people, i’m moving there myself, well, i intend to enter into negotiations, no way, yes, i understand everything, well, now i’m
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definitely on my way, captain, just wait to panic, first of all, you have a trump card, a video recording, of course, a trump card, a video recording, if these young men watch it... not a fact, he doesn’t hand them over there, but the fact that he calls for arson, so he rejects them i won’t be disgusted by this. well, it depends on how you present it, if we let you intimidate, well, say that everyone will go according to the article, they will probably be blown away, yes, and secondly, we have come up with something else, while you are there calming down these fanatics, put his names at our disposal , and we will come to an agreement with him, rest assured, this is how well, don’t be afraid, we won’t beat him, torture him, we’ll promise him something, make him come to his senses, and how can i give him back to you? this seems to be somehow not according to the law, but they
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are now acting according to the law, but captain, the situation is extreme, we need to decide something quickly, leave us one car, go to the administration, we will be in touch, everything will be in order, i i promise, we won’t leave, we won’t leave, we won’t leave, comrade captain, what measures do the police intend to take, is it true that they are planning to use the main force, we are all in charge here. “the guards there are local,
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they don’t care about anything, so they play cards all night or sleep until they lose their senses, what’s what, you’ll already have time to do everything, blame it, but if they notice you, drop everything, run, of course, nothing with her from this drilling rig, we won’t set it on fire tonight, well, we’ll set it on fire tomorrow, well, now you understand?” that this so-called leader of yours, an ordinary, cowardly provocateur, who sends you, young people who still have the wind in your head, to carry out dangerous and illegal actions, is at this time holed up with you behind their backs, and for the sake of such a person you want to go under the article of mass unrest? i have bad news for you, citizen minoev. burelchik, who was injured in the attack on burovuev, which you organized, died today in the hospital from burns. i'm really sorry. but we didn’t plan anything like that, we didn’t want anyone
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to get hurt, and now it doesn’t matter what you wanted and what you didn’t, but the fact remains that the action you planned led to real human casualties, it is still unknown what will the mass unrest lead to? you ordered it to be organized through your lawyer, it’s okay, but you, we are friends, who heard that i ordered it, and you have evidence. you never know what i said to him in the cell, and the youth rose up on their own because they are outraged by my illegal arrest, but you can order them to stop, who said that i’m going to do this, and believe me, you’re going to, that’s the place where we are taking you will have a miraculous effect on you, so for now, think about the words that you will say to yours so that they will stop. this is not true, this is a set-up, this is a montage, yes, yes, this is a set-up
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, yes this is a montage, what the hell is a montage, because among you there are probably those who personally listened to all this, and after that they were at the rig, that there are such people, but keep quiet, the people are silent, well, continue to be silent, but then he will say that he didn’t tell you anything like that and didn’t invite you anywhere, that you yourself were fools... came here, but i’m giving you a chance if you stop all this now and just quietly and peacefully disperse, then we won’t detain anyone, so what do you care about that? you say, what is this, why did you bring me here, what don’t you like here, i heard that villains are always drawn to crime scenes, what nonsense, i’m always not drawn to anything, why am i here, and we... we came here to hold our action, that quietly, quietly,
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quietly, quietly, quietly, you can call it a single picket, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, or whatever you like, so what, what, what are you doing, andryukh, and you i still don’t understand, your guys seized the administration, handcuffed themselves there, and here you are doing the same thing, well, to support them, they are they are trying for you, but you shouldn’t stand aside, let’s call this a personal act of solidarity. what the hell is this action , what am i, i demand that you let me go, i demand a meeting with a lawyer, well , it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to meet with a lawyer, we’ll get you a meeting with someone, yes, yes, with those. the very drillers whose comrade died, when they find out that it was you who started the arson, i think that they will want to tell you a lot, i’ll go tell you who you are, wait, wait, this is illegal, but it’s legal to seize government institutions, but arson
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it’s legal to arrange, well, if you think it’s legal, then you can talk about it with the men, you can even argue with them, if they don’t agree, max, call them, no, no, wait, what do you want from me? why don’t you understand? it seems that we have already explained everything. first, you must call your youngsters and recall them from the captured building, immediately, every single one of them. and secondly? oh, and this is exactly the main thing. you will tell us those who sponsored you all this time, who gave you money for actions, posters, leaflets. in general, who is all this did you order bad music? well, are you going to call or am i going?
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hello, andrey maksimovich, how are you? are you free? yes, yes, of course, yes, i'm listening, yes, we can't. just like that and it’s simple, yes, i understand, but we can’t, yes , i, i understand, goodbye, he called, so he’s an accomplice, we, we’re leaving, to the end, turn it off, come on, quickly, that 's it, let's go, let's go, let's go, artyom, film, film, film, film, that's it, quickly, let's go, let's go , film everything, to the end, let's, let's, yes, it's over, but they separated, uh-huh, voluntarily, and the leader is now in prison , so, apparently, this is the end, no one else will interfere there, we can work calmly, viktor ivanovich, excuse me, comrades from the authorities who
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were dealing with this case just came , yes, i’ll call you back, uh-huh, see you, yes, hello, hello, and i, like... i was just talking with the main shareholder and president of our company, reporting that everything is fine, all this is thanks to you, hats off, very, very well done, thank you for your kind words, so you told your boss that you’d call back later, yes, but maybe then you’ll tell him how you sponsored these environmental radicals of yours, how you paid them? for them to disrupt your company's project, what are you talking about , what the hell are you talking about, come on, come on, you did all this, and paid for the shares, and set off the arson, the explosion, to divert suspicion from us of misdirecting us path, yes,
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yes, you understand what you are saying, you think that i destroyed the future of my company with my own hands, but no, my future you just... arranged it very carefully, only first it was necessary to disrupt this project, for the company this would mean almost bankruptcy, then the western partner, with whom negotiations on cooperation are supposedly underway, would buy it for next to nothing , in this case, you would have replaced in his post the very president with whom you just spoke on the phone, in general, as all this was provided for in your conspiracy with the future buyer. this is nonsense, this is nonsense, how could you come up with so absurd? but we didn’t come up with it ourselves , your friend minaev told us everything , it’s boring for him to be seen alone, to be responsible for everything that you did together, so he opened up , he’s just crazy, he hates me, hates our company, he just had to discredit me , that’s all, he hates
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, you say, why do you love him so much that you transfer such sums to their organization, and he told us everything about... such things will begin, interrogation after interrogation, and there will be general competition between minaev and derbinev who will pawn whom better, now they’ll start talking, no nastiness will be needed, that’s for sure. so don’t lose it, captain, promote them both completely , well, thanks to you, now it won’t be difficult, thank you, guys, come on, captain,
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this is our job, we’re doing one thing, come on, success to you, good luck, happily ever after. what you need? codes from the storage. code: 9:2,
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7.4. lie on the floor, hands behind your back, let's go in, time, allow yourself, general, yes, come in, this morning half an hour before the start. working day in bugaevo , a branch of fzubank was robbed. the robbers got in inside, waited until the head of vsp
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kurdyumova came, threatening with a weapon, they learned the codes of the lock, the safe-deposit door. this means that the criminals knew that kurdyumova came to work half an hour earlier. 17 million were stolen. the actions of the robbers resemble the work of a special forces unit.
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no, i didn’t notice anything like that, if you remember anything, call at any time of the day or night, now go home, after what you experienced today, you need to get a good night’s sleep and rest, you can pick up your shoes, we’ll have to have them myself hold it for about 10 minutes, criminologists are like that, give them free rein, they will put you to death in paper, put you on a shelf for 2 weeks, there are no tools, but with... about size forty-two, we have black sheep, though.


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