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tv   Sekret na million  NTV  March 2, 2024 9:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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loves to watch tv, there is a plasma in his personal apartment , he makes jokes, after this filming the chimpanzee will watch the program, you won’t believe who watches cartoons, and this is not a joke, but what kind of cartoons, well, we play everything for him, we went broke and a beagle dog, which keeps hermes company; he has his own personal dog, because monkeys are such large primates, they are very affectionate. these are bored animals that, without a person, without company, they can even die, that is people pay a salary to sit as an elephant, yes, yes, but in fact these are her slaves, people who devote their lives to working with elephants, this is her winter enclosure, she has a summer enclosure with a swimming pool. but the
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zapashny brothers are constantly accused of cruelty to animals. just a couple of months ago, animal rights activists distributed a shocking video showing reserves beating tigers with sticks and dousing them with strong pressure of water. you can see how i rotate it freely. ram 150-200 she is probably in more of a pointer, for example, eric, he doesn’t, doesn’t like sentiment, with his hand, practically. minutes? understand the predator. look how long the animal is actively working, how
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long, god forbid, if it’s a minute, and some seconds, in principle, they are on vacation all the time, the reserve ones insist, in such almost heavenly conditions their tigers live longer, any injury in nature - this is death, any imperfect conditions are death, we need to feed them, drink them, cure them, the kurt you will see, look at his belly, having eaten, if he had a need, he would now be running around here just like crazy, he doesn’t have it, so he ’s going crazy, he’s doing well,
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in front of the whole country, in front of the eyes of how late i met you, but into this world, and today tatyana bulanova reveals the secrets of her third marriage, well, we have a 19-year difference, so you out-jumped me, maybe, don’t be jealous, don’t be jealous, how after a painful divorce from vladislav radimov the singer found her happiness, he didn’t immediately agree, because that he somehow thought that i was a star, and he... here, yes, tanya is an adult woman, she will figure out for herself who will take her where, what tatyana bulanova eats, huh, and how she takes care of her body in order to remain desirable to her young husband, i don’t like my cars, if i see anything somewhere , i’m trying to kind of remove this, what does she have in common with vyacheslav zherebkin and dmitry koldun, you can always leave home, but go to your own home, to be honest, i don’t believe in such guest marriages, why does the star of the nineties feel sorry? vladimir berezin, thank
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god that this is the face of the restaurant, after what very personal events tatyana bulanova was hospitalized with a stroke, i have 220 to 180, how the singer’s chosen one was received, her... and is the star of the nineties ready to use her frozen eggs, ideally it’s a boy and a girl, watch right now, tanya , hello, hello, my dear, take a seat , i’m glad to see you, 6 years later, tanya, six have passed, i’m stunned, and today we met with you not just like that, but by chance, and any day now your anniversary is coming, yes , can you name the number? 55, baba berry again, a beautiful number, tanya, beautiful, amazing, in general, when you voice it, it’s scary, actually not so scary, let’s see the theme that we
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have prepared for you, the queen of tears, round date, you’re selling your face for two cities, svakhanovich’s son for marriage tanya, well, you’re all familiar so press the button and we’ll choose a topic so the matchmaker paid for 5000 rubles , you know, tell me how i matched you? in general, we talked, it was the nineteenth year in september, we met anya at some concert in sochi, in general we started talking, then my ex is already my second husband, he still lived with me, this is also apparently like some kind of karma for me, the first one lived with me after the divorce, the second one, she says, as i
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say, yes, that’s normal, listen, she says , i have just such a guy, i just have my own, well, at that moment there would be a loved one, a friend, yeah, to be honest, somehow all this went unnoticed. then literally, probably 2 months pass, they say, listen, they say, what are you doing tonight, i say, well there i had some kind of two events, well, completely ordinary , uh-huh, i said, let’s go together, let’s meet, i said, i know you and the suitors , i didn’t at all, i thought, some just fans, because i didn’t even somehow get along with each other, uh-huh, so we came to the restaurant, that is, one purposefully matched you, and he generally knew that he was coming to meet you, yes , it seems he i knew, yeah. i immediately agreed, because he somehow thought that i was a star, and he was not a star, and so this is how it all happened, well, i didn’t understand anything at all, i came, well , she’s sitting, and i saw anya, the main thing is that’s it, anya, some two guys, well, some, i don’t know them, i’m seeing them for the first time, we i sat down with my friend, in general, they talked, they kept talking
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and talking, and my friend was so very specific, as if she was very specific, uh-huh, she asks some questions, she immediately says what you do, how old you are, there was such a second pause, says 31, i’m like oh, i haven’t even realized yet that this is my potential groom, he’s 31 and i i understand that he has some time, what time? thirty-six will be literally in 2 days, so you jumped ahead of me, or what? well , we are 19 years apart, and also say something about my address later, yes, this is not to envy, there is no need to envy, but tan, i agree, i agree, so i think so, damn it, some kind of company, something some kind of youngsters of some kind, well, i think to myself, generally inapplicable to me, in general. well, somehow you were captivated by the fact that he was so masculine, well, yes, to be honest,
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but a man should be so decisive, yes i agree, in general, and when i remember, i had already left and i was sure that i was seeing him , well, maybe not the last time, but someday we might meet, yeah. in general, i couldn’t even imagine that this would be such a story, so he walked you home, drove you, that’s it, home, naturally, i used my phones, he wrote something to me there, well, thank you for the evening, well usually, i say, do you even know how old i am, in general, you immediately this very evening, i generally clearly, i say, even if i’m sorry for details, there’s some kind of pushup, something like that, if i go on a first date, well, there before, i all of you immediately say that i have a pushup, and well, no matter what the person wasn’t,
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i didn’t think that exactly 50, well , such a terrible number, well, somehow that didn’t stop him when he called you back? and firstly, they corresponded all night , the next morning, in my opinion, i was leaving for moscow, well, not in the morning directly but during the day, and he sent flowers, sent a car, sent flowers, there’s some coffee, there’s some some kind of buns, well, something like that, well done, and it was so nice, unexpected, it seemed like such a small thing, these weren’t diamonds, but it was so somehow there was no need for any diamonds, coffee and buns, it would generally show, that’s exactly the kind of concern, i ’ve never had anything like this before it was that they just gave you the car at the age of coffee and buns already good, but at least already coffee with buns, at least something. with buns, let's invite your matchmaker, anya semenovich, she
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's visiting us today, anya, hello, girls, hello, hello, dear, hello, hello, gorgeous, you’re also on the list, so girls, well, have a seat, well, let’s, as they say, gossip about how it all was, yes, ah, how did you even get here? her with some kind of loving eyes , and i have such a thought, i think, let me
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invite tanya to dinner with us, i mean, i tell the guys, that’s it, now tanya bulanova will arrive, valera says: oh well, what would you like you're trending, which bulanova is coming , i say, well, really, i say, i called , right now, let's quickly, he says something fresh on the table, tra-ta-ta, they so valera jumped up, quickly the waiter , let’s put everything on the table, that means set it, and what she likes to eat, i say, well, she doesn’t eat much at all, i say, there are berries , some fruits, something like that, yeah? tanya arrives with a friend, and her friend is like, she’s not, yes , she won’t somehow do all this, she, whatever i see, i say, no, but she’s so important, you know, she’s so in a bad mood, a little i also had a friend, she said that you’re all on something here, that you’re fussing here, that you’re thinking about something here something like this, valera comes up to me, says, but i don’t understand something, i’m doing something wrong, he says, i’m trying so hard to please, and why is she coming at me?
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so i approach... and valera says: what do you think, if i see tanya off, it will be normal, she won’t think anything like that, i say, well, of course, she’s a public woman, how can she take a taxi now? i say, that means you have to take her, and she means she’s become an even bigger friend, where are you, where are you going to take her, i say, listen, calm down already, i say, tanya an adult woman, she will already figure out who will take her where, i say, she is not 20 years old, and he still tells me everything, semenovich, i am grateful to you, you gave me the happiest of everything. everything possible, this is my wife, and he was just worried, he was just
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worried that she wouldn’t look at him there, would think that he might be there, too young for her, you know, like with us women, we all have paddocks , either too young, too old, or something else, we always come up with something for ourselves, he immediately began to tell tanya oh, not her, she was still so flighty, she thought, but now everything is ruined, and he, he all the time proved to her that he loved her, that he was ready for a family, he dragged her to... prooki in his arms you don’t drink, he takes her in his arms like that and really carries her, but he really carries her in his arms, and valera’s parents, how they received you, they received you well, we met 2 months later, approximately, it was his dad’s birthday, dad this year she will be 70, and well, mom is younger than dad, well, older than me, well, well, older than you, that’s it, well, there was embarrassment before whether it’s your first meeting or not , well, of course, always when you meet your parents, you’re always somehow worried, yeah, because if your parents don’t like you, i understand why, well, she has wonderful parents, by the way, i’m for..
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valeria’s mother, lyudmila nikolaevna, also believed in her happiness. that day she became a mother-in-law for the first time, and it doesn’t matter that her daughter-in-law is only 5 years younger than her. the daughter-in-law is the most wonderful, smart, beautiful, talented, kind, the best bride. but just recently tatyana bulanova was confident in she has no prospects on her personal front. after
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a thirteen-year marriage with director nikolai tagrin, the singer married football player vladislav radimov. i ask you, yes, yes, after 11 years there was a big divorce, they said it was all about betrayal. tanya, who suggested the divorce? i, this is my initiative, and i endured it for a long time, but then i realized that no, i don’t like it, i don’t want it that way. after breaking up with vladislav radimov, tatyana bulanova focused on her career, devoted her free time to her sons, happiness came from unexpected places. now you so noticeably dawned on love appeared , thank you, by the way, yes, on the wedding day , june 2, twenty-three , star friends, anna semenovich, alena apina, kaimetov and svetlana bandarchuk, who came to st. petersburg from moscow especially to
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congratulate the bride, it looks great, by the way, this is surprising, because they still start trolling, there’s a difference.
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he didn’t know that he didn’t know that this is all, no, i’m like the youngest son, a wedding should be once in a lifetime, for valera, for valera exactly, the first and last time, i agree with my son, and valera, i understand, he wanted it and i ’m really grateful to him, because our first wedding was like that, almost a student wedding, although we were no longer students, the second wedding was generally strange, we had eight guests there, can you imagine, eight in total, including our children and first wife. wow, anh, what kind of wedding would you like for yourself - a classic one, a magnificent one, or well, i was at your wedding, i was at tanya’s wedding, they are very similar, well there were such classic weddings, i would have made up two button accordions, two button accordions, a couple of dresses, but i want to say, i probably would also like a classic wedding, right for
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the closest ones, naturally without abs, like that photo dress and for the first couple hours, then i’m a groovy girl. that’s how it happened, too, that’s how i caught it, no , well, anya caught tanya, then come on, when we’re going to eat salads, soon, soon, in general, tanya, i say, i can’t do it without my legs, and she gave me hers. sneakers, and the sneakers are two sizes larger than my size, but vice versa gorgeous, and it was so cool, of course it’s all there, it’s just then in the press somewhere i don’t know, by the way, by the way, i also
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saw somewhere that your dress was criticized by everyone on the networks, but i don’t care, in general i that's it, i came to sabena's salon, i was freaking out , i saw this dress, i think i want just like this, i know what kind, so that it's quite closed, i wanted just like this, just like this dress, what does the first second have to do with i had a wedding. there was a dress, i even performed somewhere in it, it was very beautiful, very expensive, it was also not cheap, but much cheaper than the second one, this is the thing i wanted exactly like that, i wanted it so damn bad, my wedding i actually think it was you who were like a doll at a wedding she was just like you know, like a little statue, you know , she’s just a real bride, i was good now, let whoever wants to say pay attention, i beg you, do you agree, i have to accept your answer, what is semyonovich’s gift?
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now i have a question about this very topic, look, girls, here you are sitting now , such beauties, evening dress, heels, as in ordinary life you walk, dress, i’m in pajamas, haladar now i’m like less than a halad, soft everything like that, just like cotton everything is so light, i also have sneakers, jeans, some comfortable ones and some blouses. and at home, and at home i have home clothes, such dresses are so comfortable, you know, such nice comfortable dresses, well, dresses, well, not evening ones, such
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home dresses are sexy and at home, well , sexy and at home, she’s still married, so she at home then i’ll get married, when you get married you’ll have a sweater with a deer , this one will get married, you’ll be in pajamas, in slippers with a bun on your head, i’m afraid you won’t marry me now, don’t advertise to me like that. no, wait, no, no, no, girls , men must understand that there are supposedly popular people, girls, beautiful stars, but these are in pictures, there is no need for illusions, i remember lolita once said when with her some guy met, he was in love with her, because she was gorgeous on stage, that’s all, they started dating, and he saw her at home in curlers, well, he said no, i’m not ready, kamon, where is my star, guys, everyone is at home in pajamas.
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i thought that i, i said, well, i didn’t think that you would come to a restaurant like this, well , almost like this in a dress, but i have sneakers, torn jeans, some kind of something, some kind of jacket like that , he says. i’m a little bit broken, or or as he said, well, my god , i’m broken, because the date is clear, write to me with songs, i’ll go to the restaurant, it seems to me that men really build all the illusions and see this picture, yes, they say you deceived me, let's find out the correct answer, anya, reveal the secret that you gave tanya for her wedding, yes, i gave a very cool frame to such a very good expensive company so that... the guys had a wedding photo , i wanted their wedding photograph to be in my frame, yes , you revealed your secrets, the money is in your bank, hurray, anya, thank you for
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coming to us, we are seeing you off, you look simple, i love you in general, so much it’s mutual, you feel good, the program is excellent, lerochka, you feel good, let's continue the conversation, press the button. the topic of two cities with my husband valery rudnev, you live in two cities, well, i wouldn’t say that it’s just two cities, it’s just that now he has to be here in moscow often for work, but i also go to moscow often , in general, in my first marriage i was like that i was with kolya all the time, 24 hours together, really all the time, i got used to it, in general i’m such a person, i get used to it, then my second marriage was completely different, we. .. vlad is getting ready there, i’m coming, i’m going on tour, and we we rarely see each other, i understand, and somehow at first i felt a little
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uneasy, somehow i didn’t like it, then i got used to it. in general, a person gets used to everything, so, probably, if you have love and respect, mutual understanding, it doesn’t matter at all, although, to be honest, i don’t believe in such guest marriages, that you can live there in different cities, it’s still a pose i don’t believe you are rastas either, yes, but if this is not the case on a permanent basis, that is , it’s not like valera lives in moscow and i live in petersburg in moscow, where are you staying, who has an apartment, valerie, valerie has an apartment, that’s right, well, we’ll stay in mine, because i think you have an apartment here too. yeah, because it’s more convenient for you, it’s more convenient for me, yes, well, in general, we really, i ’ve come to the conclusion that we live because it’s exactly the way that’s most convenient for me. how do you divide housework, what do you do, what does valera do? well, valera can do whatever she wants, he can wash the dishes, he can cook breakfast for her, i wash the dishes more often, because when do i ever see anything in the sink? something like that hasn’t been washed, i understand that even there i asked my youngest son
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for something, he yes yes now i should do it faster so that it doesn’t stay somehow and doesn’t... doesn’t irritate me, so to speak, at the same time, we have a dishwasher, but almost no one uses it, do you cook, no, cooks cook in cafes, in restaurants, we hardly eat at home, that is, because you are not at home or because you are not at home, because i’m already used to the fact that i’m somewhere somewhere all the time, but in general i’m cooking now, by the way, they’re cooking my the youngest son cooks very well, he took charge of himself and he lost a lot of weight and gained muscle mass. he goes to the gym every day, yeah , he watches his diet, that is, he’s such a great guy in general, by the way, and nikita, and he accepted valera, he accepted him right away very well, here they are, in general, he listens to him, i like that too , that’s why nikita and sasha sr. too, in general, although sasha already lived separately, but yeah, they still somehow accepted him right away, you already had some first
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quarrels with valera, maybe, well.. .and frankly speaking, rubbish in general there were practically no, there are some such disagreements that are not even political, but well , he thinks that this is correct, and i think that this is how we start somehow, and i say, i traveled all over i saw the whole country, he says, i also went when i played in the tournament, well, no, there’s no water, not even quarrels, it’s just some kind of disputes, disputes, disputes, let’s invite dima koldun to our studio, he also lives on distance, he thinks that this way love only grows stronger, interesting? thank you, thank you, have a seat, let's see how it is you live with your wife at a distance , in general it’s very convenient, i think this is one of the best bonuses, firstly, no one bothers anyone, no one nags anyone, you can always leave home, but go to your home,
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so you can always find. some kind of excuse to leave, if, for example , there is no mood to communicate, this is very cool, but how far away from each other will i survive, as well as between minsk and moscow, and my wife is in belarus, dima is in moscow, but this is her choice , this is why she doesn’t want to go to moscow, well , apparently for the same reason why many people live like this, she likes the mood there better , the fact is that when vika became pregnant with her second daughter, we were already planning to live in... differently, it all depends on the mood, on what i see at home, if everything is fine at home, then dad is on holiday, if not, and what could be bad there, well, it happens that you come, for example, the children, in my absence, for example, have slipped in their studies, in their performance, then
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in the cinema from march 7 redmon is suitable for culinary aesthetes for those who cook on this, a smart redmond multicooker with control smartphone fits your lifestyle exactly. favorite, buy with a card from the magnet application, play and win smart magnet technology, this is a star show, it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team. dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, chushpan philip kirkorov, salaam alaikum, va-alaikum salam, my bunny, i am your bunny, denis dorokov, preparations for the elections are going well, one hundred percent nazca is expected. alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov with a team of funny dudes. lera kudryavtseva. girls, you know, it seems to me that you will succeed at ndv. why? well, you have
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the faces of the victims. how i miss you, what is your name? miguel. well, yes, i'm russian, what? no, the fact that you also have a shaman in your tribe, i don’t... stars is a new humorous show on march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. mask: new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv! little ivan has been suffering from a serious illness since birth. even in the maternity hospital, my mother noticed that vanya had an unusual head shape. after lengthy examinations, all fears were confirmed. doctors diagnosed diagnosis: metopic suture synostosis,
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trigonacephaly. the bones of the baby’s skull have fused prematurely; if urgent surgery is not performed, the boy will become visually and hearing impaired, and neurological abnormalities and epilepsy will begin. the doctors prescribed it. surgery to correct the skull bones using titanium plates, the cost of which is more than 5,000 rubles. with all our hearts we ask for help for our son. vanya, this operation is vital, please help us keep our son healthy. we ask each of you to help vanya become healthy, send an sms to 7545 with any donation amount. do you get irritated or anxious about everything? novo pasit - double action against irritability and anxiety. order medicine with discounts at the snow queen has a new spring collection of women's and men's clothing.
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at least in the forest for a picnic, i don’t know, well, so that i don’t have to take it, but i just really don’t have time, i have something scheduled every day that you don’t have romance in your family, romance, there are free evenings, yes, we can go to the movies, we can go to a restaurant, he’ll just have dinner there, i’ll just sit and look at him, after that i won’t have dinner, i’m on an eternal diet, with us it’s even more important, probably a holiday is the day we met, i’m wondering how it will be since... with us there hasn’t been a wedding anniversary yet, it’s just coming , the day we met, but he gave me earrings for the day we met, so show me what kind of earrings, some diamonds, yeah, by the way, a very cool thing - tatyana said about dating day, for - for us is also a separate date, that is, this is the first day when i walked vika home from school, and we kissed near the entrance, that was october 8, and how long do you celebrate before this. 15, imagine, cool, it
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seems to me that we all always wanted this one time, so that it will work out for the rest of my life, i keep myself in control, yes, there are temptations in moscow , of course there are, it’s normal, i tell myself ugh , i’m leaving, well, really, yes, yes, yes, but there was jealousy, there was jealousy, but then this it’s just outgrown like, well, she sees that i’m holding on, and you ’re jealous? “well, this is somehow a little unusual for me, well, at first, yes, after all, i took her away from her classmate, wow, and this is still a little bit of a moment that they can also take her away, tan, what’s wrong with you with jealousy, she is, i'm not a jealous person at all absolutely, it’s like, if you want to go for a walk, god is here, there’s a threshold, no one is holding anyone back, but in general, in principle, i’m an indestructible person, never, never at all, the only thing, of course, is that i learn, well, from me..." well, with valera
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, it’s a completely different story, he knows all my phone passwords, i know all his passwords, that is, you don’t check, you don’t follow, it seems to me, firstly, it’s somehow humiliating, well, there you go separated, you're in st. petersburg, he's in moscow, so come to him with a surprise, no, it's easy and... no, i'm just a surprise, not to catch him there or a projection, yes, yes, no, it’s just, well, he knows both there and via video link, we have 100% trust, absolutely, so, attention, question, your third husband, thirty-six-year-old valery rudnev, a professional tennis player, he spent his entire childhood on the court, and at the age of 17 he represented the st. petersburg team at the all-russian level. your husband trained with the world number one. safin and achieved seven itf singles titles.
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the most productive year for valery was 2014. reveal the secret. what position is he then ranked in the association of tennis professionals in singles. and what is the name of his signature blow? why did valera leave the sport? he left the sport, as far as i know, he suffered an injury to his joint. dazabedri, well, something like that and there it was difficult to restore, but - like, well, this is kind of the reason why he left, but now he still practices almost every day there, well, not a day, yeah, constantly, that’s what position he occupied, and i don’t even know the position of defender-midfielder, i haven’t learned that yet, so good, i understood everything, what is the count, so 240, but let it be 245, okay. and what is the name of the corona strike? i don't know at all,
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i accept your answer. i don’t even know what blows are called, has your husband ever taken you to the cord with him? yes, several times , not only that, he introduced me to tennis, he tried , but i played badminton, your racket is heavy and your shuttlecock is also like that, laziness, laziness to play, laziness in general, i’m generally a lazy person, that’s nightmare, and he himself says, you are a lazy mop, i say, i have a job.
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look what’s going on, here she is, the wife of a tennis player, and i’m still playing football as a woman, you don’t play sports in vain, look how you do, come on dima, let me try, how is this done, wait, this that's how you need it, like a cook, a kitchen oven mitt, come on , oh, great, tan, now give it to me, come on, come on, it's clear, that's it, tan, i don’t know, i don’t know, look at how everything is going with you it turns out that dima is just tall, you understand, that’s why yes, that’s why i always apply somewhere, your husband, now what does he do and what does he do for a living, now he has, uh, how is it, well , restaurant business, it’s correct to say, i don’t know, do you have a common budget or does everyone have their own? general, but how is it? well, he gives me
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money, i spend it, but his, excuse me, where are you going - yours, this is my money, and this is everyone’s? i always say this too, yours are ours, and mine - and this was absolutely his position, in general , i immediately accepted it, my second marriage taught me and the first too, in general, men are given to women for a reason, so i understood why did i have my first two marriages, that’s why to learn how to behave correctly, how to behave and accept what it gives you, to be a woman, yes, who buys groceries from you, pays for utilities, i buy groceries in different ways, how it happens and who will be the first to come in, and who will be the first to remember , something is wrong, dima, who cooks food for you? i cook great myself, you go to the store, cook it yourself , well, most often you have to cook from what has already been in the refrigerator for a long time so that it doesn’t go to waste, but yes, i go myself,
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and your wife doesn’t work for you, vika, not now it works, but that’s how it worked, there’s just no point in it. and the need for meaning, it is much better that she devotes her time to children, but how often do you come to minsk? basically, when it’s the weekend, when there’s nothing to do, i go to my homeland, vika often comes here, from an inspection, well, no, well, yes, well, by the way, there was no such thing as just checking, someone came there , because that ’s why strong marriages are when there is complete trust, everything is built on trust, let’s find out the right answers, he... this is now tatyana bulanova’s husband became a restaurateur; in 2014, valery rudnev played tennis professionally. in 2014, valery rudnev took 210th position in the ranking of the association of tennis professionals and his singles, and his signature blow is called the beken two-handed backhand , it looks like this. you didn’t reveal
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your secret and the money remains in our bank, but there are flowers for you. was your husband valery married before you? no, but does he have children? no, as far as i know, that’s when you met and got married, in general, here’s the question about children, you you know, i raised this question more often, more often , because in general, no matter how much he thinks about it, doesn’t talk about it, now there are, well, it’s no secret that there are many different ways. if it becomes necessary, then in general all this can be solved, i read that you froze your cycles, is that true? yes, can you tell me how it was, why you did it, this was before meeting valera, but for some reason, apparently i intuitively somehow decided that let it be, but
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i just have more so very good an acquaintance, well, i can even say a friend, who works at a clinic for all kinds of reproductive technologies, works , yeah. as a matter of fact, she suggested to me, well, my health here is fine so far, so in principle, well , the point here, you know, in this whole story, it’s not even a matter of someone someone it bears out, in principle, when a child is born, he needs to be looked after, he still needs to be raised, yeah, that’s the question, i don’t know how ready i should be for this and valera, yeah, you yourself are ready, you want it, well, i just want a girl, although valera dreams if. if the child is only a boy, oh well, yes, yes, he just doesn’t know what a girl is yet, ideally it’s a boy and a girl, that’s generally ideal, because press the button, choose a topic. topic round date: march 6th you turn 55 years old, does this number make you
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happy or scary? on the one hand, it makes me happy that i survived, on the other hand , it makes me happy, it frightens me, that it’s so big, and also from some third country, then in general, it’s better not to think about it, probably not to get hung up on it, the point in general is probably not even how morshyn is there and isn’t, that’s how... i’m a state of mind state of mind yes, i feel like i’m somehow i can show some kind of fooling around there, i don’t feel at all with some kind of bronze bust, yeah, a monument , so yes, at least it seems to me, god forbid, even these at 70 , i’ll feel the same way , i started to feel calm about birthdays, you remember how everyone waited in childhood it's my birthday day well, as a child, they waited for their birth, and because of gifts , even like probably the new year, but now i ’m so used to giving gifts to myself in general. somehow, whatever i need, i ’ll buy it for myself, give it to myself, in general, even when they ask me what to give me, i say, oh my god, i don’t need anything at all, i have what i need, i
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can afford it myself, yeah, so i just , probably now, well, we still need to treat this date, this day in general, as a holiday, i’m preparing myself for a holiday, and a holiday will really happen in your life, it’s true, how tatyana bulanova recovered from a stroke, and how her adult sons accepted the singer’s young husband, we serve in a matter of minutes. the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family. princess nuri tea - the magic of heat. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately discover all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions: a high percentage on the balance, cashback on purchases of up to 3%. profit with the card. it doesn't matter whether you spend or save. either way, incredible benefits are with you. bank. ural siib.
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the holiday continues. you blew up the entire hall in space. that's it, the fifth anniversary season, look , so truly, so truthfully, masha doll, dasha doll, it would seem that what else can you come up with in the new season, here is the snake gorynych, show mask, mask, smear, well, we have to close the show , tomorrow at 20:20, on ntv. stars. premiere. march 9 at 21:20 on ntv.
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try which song is after this introduction. yes, yes, let's ask, how is it? slav, hello, dear, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, what a beautiful bouquet, tanya for your anniversary, sit down, you already feel 55, slav, i feel 55, even more, i’m almost 70 there, when you get up in the morning, it all hurts there, you know, everything here needs to be moved, well, in general, but
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it already hurts, well, yes, it’s already harder to wake up in the morning. no way at 35 there, of course, i don’t remember how your morning was, it seems to me absolutely right away just like, if the day before there was some kind of, well, some kind of event that was so difficult, then i can oversleep for a week, but this is it, but if i get up, i got up, got up, that’s it, but you can go on a spree until the morning, no, and in my childhood in my youth i couldn’t in my youth, i somehow always yes, that’s what my mother called me cinderella, i knew that i care there 12 need to be in time somehow everything turns on for me. such, even if there is some kind of, well, some kind of holiday, i can afford to drink alcohol there, then such that until i wake up there, i’m not dancing on a table, i’m holding a creamer in my hands, i’ve never had anything like this in my life it wasn’t, okay, never , never, i always, i always remembered, well, let’s do it this way, your maximum is how much, a couple of glasses, i ’m champagne, you just can’t drink a lot, that’s what champagne is, i’m generally omnivorous, you add up in general list of gifts for the day
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birth, no, it seems to me that there is nothing worse when he gives me something that you don’t need... yes, it seems to me that it’s easier with money, for example, the guys on my 55th anniversary gave me a phone, the latest one, i generally no matter how i haven’t bought a phone yet, everyone gives me one, what a cool gift, listen, tanya, well , maybe you have some real wishes, what would you like, by the way, a phone, a good idea, but they’ll give it to you for example, if they give money, you will go and buy gifts for yourself, or you will just spend it that's how every day, i think that i will buy gifts, gifts. well, here’s what you’ll buy, well, some jewelry, some shoes, well, you like it , that’s all, i love it, yes, i’m a girl, what were the most expensive shoes you had, tan? and the most expensive ones, they cost a few years ago, i don’t remember how much, in my opinion, almost half a million rubles, even more, but they were made to order, this company, i think they made them all, how many or am i confusing
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600 pairs in total all over the world, yeah, probably so, well, they are about the same number in history maybe. well, a lot, well, where do you store all this, tanya in the dressing room , everything fits in you, i have specially made shelves there, like double ones, and that’s why my mother told me, in the heavenly land, that tanya won’t even sell anyone to anyone, i’m all 35 size 6 is where it will be later, but i just like your belly buttons, mine are small, i say a little underdeveloped, and today what kind of shoes are you wearing, well, yes, and these are like these, beautiful, and also expensive, no, by the way not good. gorgeous shoes, gorgeous, well it depends, there are all sorts of them, and there are some songs about which seryoga shnurov wrote, they are generally uncomfortable, i can’t walk in them at all, it’s impossible, they are some kind of shoe
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very hard and i just can’t do that, tan, bags, how do you feel about bags? lately i’ve started paying attention to bags, before i didn’t even understand why i didn’t go anywhere except for tours and performances somewhere, yes, now that’s just how it feels to me.
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i know my shortcomings, and what shortcomings do you see in yourself, excuse me, well, i have a figure not a model, i’m so wait, why did you decide that everyone should have a model figure, i’m about to show, so this, well, i don’t know, after all, you’re giving something out to the public, well, let alone showing off , but what do you want to demonstrate there for something, but i think that i don’t have the same parameters that need to be shown off like that, so why shock people. there are moments that i would like to somehow correct in myself, well, for example, well, there are moments that cannot be corrected, i would like to grow in myself add, well, growing up is already given by god , as they say, yes, well, here’s the weight, but i struggle with weight all the time, now
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i have this problem again, i was very like that, not also in the body i was so fat, i was 16 years old , 17, then by thirty i managed to reach the weight that i, which in general i dreamed of, 49 kg, what is 49, but this is already small, no, no, my height is about 60, this is ideally normal. i was sitting, we were sitting with friends, and everything was closed, it was a pandemic, and my friends, they have their own kind of dad or something like a cafe, and i understand that the end of the conversation and i suddenly get up and realize that my hand just
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doesn’t work, i can’t even explain, you know, just like that, right, left, left, so i remember there that -they started getting dressed so they could fasten me into some kind of zipper, i don’t remember something about the hooks, well, something like a chicken? well , about 15 minutes passed, everything was restored, that is , it didn’t work at all, in general, i just can’t lift it, i just can’t lift it, just like that, it’s just like a whip, i that means i came home, the next day i needed some kind of video there, they were filming how to cook some kind of fish or something like that, yeah, first of all, in the morning while i was getting ready , this thing happened again, then during the process of this video recording i remember the filming there , it was necessary to wrap the fish in parchment there, i understand that i can’t do it again for the third time...
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well, in general, i was admitted to the hospital, they just did some things, i don’t know how such a rabbit was, some... then only research was carried out there, everything that was possible, so nothing is clear, and well, in general, that ’s how it was. well, there’s also the term ischemic attack, in general, the doctors said why this happened, why did this happen, well, it could be hereditary, because in general, my dad always had - my mother’s blood pressure, the pressure in general is on they’ve already said all my life, but how would you measure it before what happened to you - i was n’t there, i never measured it, now you also spat at it, i had a moment, i remember there was a conflict in general there with my second husband i'll measure the pressure. i measured 220
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at 180, and as a doctor this doesn’t happen to me, i say, i’ll lie to you, i’ll lie, it’s really like that, well, that’s why there are some outbursts like that, but it ’s really him that’s shaking me like that, that’s why this whole story happened, they just say that many people don’t feel high blood pressure , it’s very dangerous, yes, yes, this is dangerous, that many, well, in short, if someone has, first of all, be sure to take care of your health, don’t worry, go for a walk, well, no i like this most of all , please don’t worry. yeah, okay, i won't it’s good to worry, but it was possible, yes, zero questions, i know that it will lift our spirits now. lera kudryavtseva is referring to leeches, which some consider swamp parasites, while others consider natural healers. i'm ready! vyacheslav zherebkin is experiencing the healing properties of pestering friends for the first time, but tatyana bulanova is even scared to watch a gerotherapy session. do she have teeth there, or what? the specialist explains that leeches,
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by biting the skin, release gerudin, which is a natural anticoagulant, into the blood. for nanayets, this is just what the doctor ordered. six months ago, in the million-dollar secret program, vyacheslav zherebkin underwent an examination, and cardiologists discovered that he had heart problems, and so that the effect does not take long to appear, he should undergo naitsa. and at least ten procedures for 40 minutes each, and you just lie there for now, thank you, tanya, have you done any alternative procedures, tried them, i did them in this clinic in measles , yes, not only there, they just cleanse you from everything sides and dubash, this is when they give you some kind of thing, it cleanses your liver, and it was very cool, in fact, i spent 5 days then or 7 days in this clinic, yeah.
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it’s not just that i lost some weight , but my mood improved, that is, some kind of intercellular well-being, i love everyone and such a class, but they fed me nothing , they didn’t feed me anything, i was starving, i only drank it’s expensive to starve of water, well, cleansing the body is expensive, but how much does it cost for 7 days there, about 200,000, oh, that’s 7 days, and there are also 2 weeks, there are even up to 40 days, something like that, tanya, well? let's find out correct answer, in what city did you go on a rampage, in which one? attention to the screen. tatyana bulanova was welcomed in this three-star hotel in october 2018. the beloved singer was placed in a suite with a king size bed, a starry sky on the ceiling and a spacious hot tub, where she filmed this very revealing video. tatyana bulanova rested in this jacuzzi after her concert in the city of tolyat. you didn’t
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reveal your secret, and the money remains in our bank, it’s time to remove the leeches, it’s already good, it’s already normal, yes, look, look, he doesn’t want to, but mommy, they’re snakes, oh, i have a feeling that it’s in his navel, they don’t lay eggs, no, now you’ll have leeches living inside you, there’s blood in there, you’re afraid, but a little... a little bit, i’m not, but i’m afraid, and i’m afraid, get up, glory, we’re treating here, making diagnoses, feeding, that’s it, getting married, yes, everything in a row, how tatyana bulanova’s young husband was accepted by her adult children, we’ll find out in a couple of minutes, real pleasure plays... in every
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new facet, reveals itself in the elusive nuances of subtle taste, a unique blend, author's roast, jardin original oro, the pleasure of feeling multifaceted, this is a show of stars, it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team, dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway chushpan. alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov with a team of funny dudes. lera kudryavtseva. girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv. why? well, you have the faces
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not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. shopping with a plus. stars. premiere on march 9 at 20.1:20 on ntv. yes, petya, she’s gorgeous. the tick is thin, katenka and vadik are colored. pancakes are different. dr. bakers is alone. dr. bakers, prepare love. this is a million dollar secret and today in the player’s chair, tatyana bulanova. your eldest son alexander is still. is he married or is he already married? no, marriageable, how old is he? 31
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will be, i think he met a girl, proposed to her, it turned out that now they have broken up, does he have anyone now? not yet, does he live with you or separately? no, he lives separately, in general, uh, he’s such a groom, well, how do they talk about the bride with a devotee, he’s like that, in general, 31 years old, 31 years old, yes, and what about your husband? 36, i just don’t remember who nikita or? whether i bought it myself or whether i took out a loan or not , there was a mortgage, well, i didn’t buy some choirs there , 300 m each, it’s enough in terms of footage, well, it’s normal in general. so i looked just when i was buying, i was clear, i
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was already divorced, yeah, and i understood that i could only count on myself, that’s how much i could afford to pay monthly such expenses, it turned out that my mother was saving, well , saving some money for sasha when she passed away, in general, i started to slowly start using this money as well , then i think that’s what she really wanted for an apartment sasha has something to do with this even during her lifetime. i tried to find something to buy, but the amount was still not enough, well , there wasn’t much accumulated there, in general, i’m mom, and then, well, when she passed away, i’m the money, well, it’s kind of like lying there free, i started spending them and realized that it was it’s wrong and her will needs to be fulfilled, at least this last one, to buy an apartment, let’s continue our conversation with your colleague and friend kaymetov with pleasure. kai, hello, dear , kai, hello, i’m glad to see you, i see you than my
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husband, i’m pleased, thank you, or better yet, i’m pleased, happy birthday, as they say, to our birthday girl, happy upcoming, thank you, how long have you been already? we know each other, well, in absentia, god bless our memory, exactly 30 years, in absentia 30, yes, oh, oh, it’s no longer possible to say how long we ’ve known each other, you can calculate how old we are, this is no longer a secret, the first thing that comes to mind is to tell what she is like, yes, but i can say what kind of children she has grown up, the respect with which they treat her, the love, the surprises they give her they cook, they talk about a lot of things, as they say, you can see once before hearing a thousand times, so i saw it, i understand perfectly well that in their family the mother always loved the children, and sasha and nikita madly love their mother, i have a plot, let's... look, the sons of tatyana bulanova are already a head taller than her, and now they don't
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she, and the children worry about their mother and her feminine happiness, so while sixteen-year-old nikita accepts his stepfather with open arms, yes, great, they are on friendly terms with him , yes, the elder alexander, who is already 31 years old , admits that at first he looked closely at valery, and you valery was accepted immediately, of course, but of course i won’t lie. that it’s not that there right away, but the first impression, of course, was very positive, he actually came in a suit, looking at the adult sons of tatyana bulanova, so the famous phrase asks: how children grow up quickly. until recently, the star mother took them to the skating rink, worried whether they were hungry, brushed invisible specks from their clothes and personally tied their shoelaces. phew , it turned out, yes, it seems that the singer didn’t even notice how her eldest son fluttered out of...
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and you know, that’s what kai raised his children alone, well, i heard that, he took them from
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their mother and their mother gave them away, not quite so , after all, everyone accepted the upbringing of children and ... does everything for the children, and but the children live with dad, so you could do that, no, i couldn’t, well, i couldn’t do it either, but how old were the children years, when the issue was decided, yes , they were very small, i can honestly tell you, but still very small, well, how long, well, yes, well, two or three years old, so, i don’t know, of course, maternal instinct, it at least in my example, it is stronger, in general, in principle, i relate to children, i can
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see, well, there are old people, i think that they have lived, and of course, too, when it happens that somehow people huddled there. old age, but when children suffer unfairly, this is some kind of well me right away me just me it’s tearing me apart, the same thing, i say, children , for me it’s just that, well, he was born , he’s also he, he’s a saint, just an angel, and he begins to suffer because of something there , for me it’s always been such a generally sore subject when the first time i left my husband, the second time, in general , the child remained, but they were already about 12 years old, home for the second time and the first time i was there for the second time, and still i understood that i was basically depriving my father, because dad left forgot, dad was there girl.
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everyone weighed it and understood that the children would experience more love when they were with me, and at the same time they had a wonderful relationship with someone else, then i gave birth to someone else, so, i’m telling you, i have all the children , it happened from different mothers and all three, that is, you separated and took the children, well, in the sense that you agreed that the children would stay with you, and the first the second woman, the third , no, well, listen, well, you ’re making some kind of maniac out of me, but in each case there was its own story, i understand, its own story, but children. what do you think, is it necessary to fully provide for the children or should they help with their education and then let them go free, so that there is some kind of well, well, i think that there is no help , there is no motivation to improve further, you need to help, you don’t need to be unnecessarily patronizing, that’s right, this
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is guardianship, what does excessive care mean, buying an apartment is not excessive care, buying a car is unnecessary. well, if you have the opportunity, and let him , while he builds his own there, how good it is, a car, an apartment, why can’t you just give an education, let him earn an apartment himself, well , because at that moment when all this let’s say this happened to my eldest son, he was already i was going to live with a girl, and it was more convenient for them to live separately, so well, how did it all go down to this, thank god, well, in principle, i know there weren’t two housewives in the kitchen, well, it’s kind of a waste, because two housewives are well... i know from myself that it will end badly anyway, the most important thing is that children are instilled with a sense of responsibility for their actions, so that they are self-sufficient in order to make some of their own decisions, to make these decisions boldly bring to life, and the parental shoulder, it is always nearby, they say correctly, you can’t give fish all the time, you need to give a fishing rod so that they
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can catch this fish themselves, but sometimes you need to treat yourself to fish, i agree, but sasha works in your restaurant, but his salary is enough to live on or you are you throwing it up? enough to live on, but i still give it to him, but has it ever happened that he would ask you for something, but you would refuse him? no, well, first of all, my children are not sick at all, both the youngest and the eldest, if they ask for something, but the eldest already, he rushes to return it to me; he’s already there i think he asked for something, there was such a rather expensive thing, he was immediately like this... he couldn’t buy it from his savings, i helped, and then he tried to return the money to me, i said, sasha, well, that’s later, i came up with the idea that i didn’t come up with it, i decided that the gift was just some kind of new year ahead or some kind of holiday, well, a gift, well, i can’t take my child’s money, i don’t know, although maybe it’s wrong, okay you had a situation where you denied your children for educational purposes, well, i liked it
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what tanya said is that children weigh a lot before asking for something. but is it necessary to contact me with help, and can’t they get around on their own, it ’s worth a lot, i had the last case, my middle daughter was flying to japan for a few days there, so she asked me... for some ... then i gave the amount there so that she needed something, when she returned, it was a surprise to me that she called me, she said: dad, i’ll come by now, i want to bring you the money back, of course, i could would there is no need to say, but as you say, for educational purposes, i say, okay, bring it, tanya, so, attention, question, your youngest son from football player vladislav radimov nikita is already 16 years old, he, like his dad, loves to kick the ball, and he is also interested in chemistry, biology, and is already starting... preparing for the unified state exam, for final exams at school, as you know, the whole family is preparing. well, tanya, let 's check if you remember the school
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curriculum well, can you help nikita? this was generally wrong, i will ask you 10 questions, and you reveal the secret. kai, you can to help? i'm always there, yes. so, first question. how did the life of katerina end from the play by alexander ostrovsky? and she committed suicide, right, in which work did sunflower oil play a key role? master mogarita, next, name the sum of the angles of a triangle, and what is it? well, two right angles, but 90 + 9 45 is not 90 + 90, 90 + 95, but 90-90, 180, what unit is a hundredth of a meter? a hundredth of a meter, a millimeter , is a hundredth between a decimeter and a millimeter, well
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, here we have steel measured in centimeters, so a centimeter, who founded moscow? yuri long-armed, name the first tsar from the romanov dynasty, mikhail? mikhail, of course, mikhail! no, peter, yes mikhail , how do you know everything, i think, no, i’m just because i think, no, everything is correct, you answered all the questions, correctly, but this is the school curriculum, no, as for mathematics, i ’m completely goodbye, that’s what concerns literature, history, i always liked it, yes, but that’s not all, how the ciliate slipper reproduces, it’s this , well...
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what is the largest internal human organ skin, internal, especially after the liver, does the earth revolve around the sun or does the sun revolve around the earth? earthling of the sun, what are the three favorite female elements called in meddeleev’s table? argentum, aurum, platinum. well done! have you revealed your secrets and the money in your bank? hooray! how is your son nikita doing at school, by the way, if he goes straight to education, it’s good, by the way, and to be honest, i thought that he would study worse than my old man. but the only thing is that with admission , most likely, that is, he wanted somewhere in medicine, but it seems that it will most likely be it , we need to change a little now
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some kind of specialized training, yes nikita communicates with dad with radimov with a bandage, he can stay with him , of course, well, that is, everything is just absolutely calm, and vladislav knows his fiancee yes, in my opinion, yes , he tells you something about her in secret, no, but are you even interested in how all your exes live? or not, well, well, i don’t know, sometimes it’s interesting, journalists asked me, you know what vladislav did continuation, i say, no , what do you recommend, i say, well, wish it, i say , well, i wish you happiness, run away from him, no, well, of course, well, no, well, i’m just interested in what i want there, i have my own there are enough problems, it helps financially, well, what i sort of formalized helps, but according to the court, that is , officially, there was no court, simply because there wasn’t. disputes, well, that is, yes, alimony , alimony is paid, this is how much alimony per month, well, by the way, it’s good, well, for me , at least, well, somewhere around 150,000, in my opinion, but how does valera feel about that,
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that you work with your ex-first husband? well, i think he understands everything perfectly well, but how could it be otherwise? well, although valera seems to me to be more jealous than me, but you need to know me well to understand that there is no point in renewing here, maybe even hypothetically ? no, but i think it’s unlikely, although i invited kolya. well, with vlad, our relationship somehow just doesn’t work out well, i don’t know why, although i absolutely treat him kindly and wish him happiness, but in general it’s probably just that everyone is like that the three of us, well, probably hardly not, but we just don’t have any points of intersection, the first, the second , you’re still working, no, well, the first children, the point of intersection is you and the children, well, i think that
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the second one in general. probably the first, maybe, yes, perhaps, kai, thank you so much for coming to us, we’ll see you off, thank you, thank you, i’m always glad to see you in general, thank you, well, let’s move on, press the button, choose a topic , the topic is selling your face, you have become the face of the restaurant, which means...
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you need to correctly calculate the number of products there so that nothing is wasted, there i don’t know, then calculate the menu correctly, some kind of marketing move, make the right move, so that because, well , some kind of discounts are not discounts, but all this i see is no longer even what i learn from those who works there, but tell me the business generates income; it still pays off, it pays off, but it’s just such income that i don’t really feel that kind of income. he goes somewhere new, that is, as if in order to receive money later, you need to invest, valery invests his money, or did you also invest yours in development, no, with valery, he and his partner, here they are, and there are two partners , the two of them are doing this, let’s continue our conversation with the artist, who at one time was also a restaurateur, vladimir berezin is our guest today, vladimir,
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hello, good to see you, come in, come in. on behalf of the moscow- st. petersburg, rossov-orlovsky, smertlovsky-chelyabinsk fans , this is what i understand, you understand directly, yes, i studied with her, i can never in my life only a ball, vladimir, please sit down, you know that tanya has become the face of the restaurant, thank god that you are the face of the restaurant, here you go, volodya, tell me, you sighed so much, complain, do you know why, why? cafes, he’s not a star, you know, but who doesn’t have his own restaurant, or succumbed to the luxurious remote moscow district of tsaritsina, where there was only shawarma, and
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my colleagues who said, you... a lot, and you know why i’m answering you like that , but because when you start investing, it’s scary to calculate, when you invest, when you roughly guess, it’s scary to say, but what’s even more scary is that besides money this follows, it’s called responsibility, tanyusha, thank god, her, her chinese wall , which is responsible for all this, and she’s just
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watching on the networks... i have a concert in such a restaurant on this date, i like it, i say, i ’ll definitely come to you, it’s her responsibility , she illuminates, she’s like a star, she’s like a beacon, but everything else is terrible, and as a rule, ends badly, the staff stole from you, and experts say that there is no staff who doesn’t steal, what about food, money, pay,
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relatives gave me fish, people started going there, our colleagues started going there, it was so good there, and then the time comes when they tell you, yes, everything is fine, yes, but now what you rented needs to be bought back, and on a general basis, and only some millions could buy them out, billions in general, some people who set up a warehouse for finished products there, well... there are so many
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lamps, they sold furniture, they sold kitchen utensils, all these utensils, the only thing i didn’t sell, i gave away fish, and people, 24x7 , he took a sledgehammer and shied away from the one who was responsible for it, he was so upset, this. in the aquarium it is practically in the wall, but because it couldn’t be put anywhere else, because it was very offensive, after such revelations we need a pause, maintaining calm can be difficult, in a difficult situation we may need support, emotocin multicomplex, its components help support the nervous system strengthen the immune system, emotocin is the nerves of iron for strong immunity. at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. for example, a planta foot massager for only 8,290 rubles. gdr, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems
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this is a secret million, and today tatyana bulanova reveals her secrets for money. tanya, attention, question. you were born and raised in st. petersburg, and like no one else, you know that there is a gulf between st. petersburgers and muscovites. in moscow there are entrances, in st. petersburg there are front doors, in moscow there are curbs, in st. petersburg there are curbs. muscovites eat shawarma, and st. petersburg residents eat shalerma. but did you know that the difference between shawarma and shawarma is not
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only in the names? no, he actually told me that we have the same thing, just different trans, tell me the secret, make me moscow shawarma, i’m vladimir berezen will make st. petersburg shawarma, maybe vice versa? no, you make moscow shawarma, volodya makes st. petersburg shawarma, come on, volodya, what is the difference between st. petersburg and moscow? it seems to me that the moscow one is long , that’s all, and the st. petersburg one is more planed, or rather finely chopped into cubes, i ’m guessing, cutting, size, cutting, yes, the filling is the same, well, probably yes, i accept your answer, so what - a mega-restaurateur? knows how to butcher, but i don’t know how to cut at all
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to cut, i just wanted to cut , tatyana bulanova suggests that moscow shawarma differs from st. petersburg only in the form of cutting, so in her shawarma, in addition to chicken , cucumbers, hot peppers, cabbage are sent , my mouth is already watering, my mouth is watering because the singer has been fighting all her life with extra pounds, tatyana bulanova sweats to the point of exhaustion at rehearsals, this is instead of the gym, four lunches and dinners are usually given to the enemy, a hot dancer, a dancer’s salads are a must, and she herself eats only once a day, but that’s all that her heart desires whatever, i can skip the onion , i just don’t really like it, bulanova doesn’t skimp on ketchup and mayonnaise and generously rolls all the ingredients into the pita bread, a big piece, as you know, makes your mouth happy, you’re delicious, i ’ll try it, look, look
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, girls, girls, yes, delicious, yes, uh-huh, look , here is volodya, look how everything is, oops, but because volodya, look how everything is with him, i’m experienced, i have more experience, but how i should open the pirot so you can eat it, i looked at how you eat, i think we need less lavash, so, let me now see who has the tastier one, this is the st. petersburg shawarma. the st. petersburg shawarma. come on, volodya, try it, well, there is a difference , by the way, praise me, praise me, praise me, because here you have spicy carrots, yeah, more chicken, or something, of course, more, it’s hard for me to say, because i love and shawarma and shawarma, friendship won in...
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you cooked in moscow, but in moscow, and i didn’t have kefir, i didn’t put it in, and i said wrongly, how is it different, yes. mine tastes better after all, even better than the st. petersburg one, let’s continue our conversation, tanya, i already realized that you don’t eat anything, you’re on a diet, but i have a question, how do you take care of your face, cosmetologists, procedures, maybe
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you’ve already had some kind of plastic surgery, i haven’t had plastic surgery, i ’m afraid, just to be honest, in general i need to go get my wisdom teeth pulled out, it took me 6 years, when it was necessary, they told me, that’s it, either now or that’s it. uh-huh, i’m afraid, i’m really afraid of all kinds of injections, anesthesia, but as for cosmetologists, yes, i go and my cosmetologist notices that i’m just like this, what are you doing, mesotherapy, uh-huh, laser procedures, then mesotherapy again, they haven’t developed a whole program, then there’s another bottle of toxin, if somewhere you need to add something there, it’s already added there, and laser procedures, how it works, that they’re laser ones, that’s what 5d is called rejuvenation, such a procedure, it changes on... are worked on, then a little, well, the nozzle changes, a little closer to the edge, even closer to just very deep layers of skin there at the edge, and in the end it’s like grinding there, then it’s so small, there’s a little redness in the scalp small peeling such a small, expensive procedure, but now
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unfortunately everything is not cheap, i don’t know about 30 thousand, probably 30 thousand, no more, i probably don’t remember, there was one procedure a long time ago yes, will you ever decide to have plastic surgery? well, i think that probably someday, i don’t like the expression, i love every little wrinkle, and i don’t like my little wrinkles, if i see something somewhere, i try to somehow remove it, apparently with age it will become more and more difficult and someday you need to lose something somehow, so i listened to you now, i think how interesting and how i sympathize with you, because this is a girl’s conversation, it’s fair, you are stars, this is the answer to the question, do you want it or don’t you want it, are you obliged or?
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so that it would be good there, the nails don’t break, but i
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hold the microphone, and especially when he shows you, and you have rags and bitten nails, i’m no longer a kobzon, i... i say, christmas trees, and you, i say, i don’t do it, why, i say, my wife once forced me to do it, but i just have these cuticles, they are shaggy, shaggy and nothing... who else do we have empresses, you know, here today they already remembered joseph davidovich kobzon, and i remember, in my opinion, by the way
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, bari alebasov’s representative was there, bari alebasov, in my opinion, said when he first appeared, these tears, his tear is larger than kobzon’s, well, how much money did you cry for your songs, tell me, yes , well, how much have you cried, well, how much, and when you sing, you cry sincerely, of course, and why are you crying, emotions are overwhelming, well, it’s been 150 years on the screen and... why do people here you are listening, have you ever cried, well, not just any songs, yeah, well something, you have some kind of memories, yes some, some personal recollection, but i remembered this one time, for example, i shed a tear all the time, but for you this is already and for me you see, life goes by and well, life goes on, or rather, and some events happen, i sing all this, that is, there in ninety, one, two, i cried for one reason, there already in 2002 for another reason, do you even count? yourself as a wealthy person, well, relatively speaking, when you realized that you can afford a lot, well, you’ve never been able to afford a lot until now
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i can, i just can’t do everything i want, but what would you like and what can’t, well , i would like some other real estate, i would like something there somehow, but unfortunately not yet, but above that i’ll work very hard, you have quite a lot of real estate, well , i have to somehow raise even a very young one, well, if about real estate, you have an apartment in st. petersburg, you have an apartment in... in moscow, yes, and what else , well, a country house, a country house, yes, well, that’s it, you’ve had these five-room apartments for a long time, when we lived with vlad, i lived in an apartment, well , i bought my own apartment , a residential complex was being built opposite, this is another good one, and vlad decided to buy it, then it so happened that, in general, well, in general, i sold my old apartment, bought it he has these shares, it’s like, well then... you did the repairs yourself, well, i didn’t do the repairs, of course, there was a team like that, which i’m looking at now, that
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of course it was all done in such a clumsy way, who controlled the builders , well, like, like vlad, yeah, but i didn’t control it, no, the only thing is me there, that is, i wanted everything , so that there was space, when you come in, i say , it is imperative that the dining room be closed, at least there are transparent doors like this, so that there must be this limited living room, because if he did that, he would done, just come here at your place. over 35 years on stage, you have developed immunity to journalists and colleagues in show business, you don’t sue, you don’t scandalize in public, and you keep your emotions under control, no matter how much you want to speak out, but this was not always the case. reveal the secret of what is famous today personality made your heart shrink and
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your ears curl into a tube back in ninety-four, i can’t even imagine, in ninety-four, what kind of countrywoman of yours was, she understood everything, yes, the elder sister, what she sang, the elder sister, well, well, what is this, what, well, what was that? it was a blift program and she just sang a song there, this older sister she sang as she sang, well, she didn’t sing very well, but she herself admits that she doesn’t sing, i accept your answer, your cat, masik lives in your apartment st. petersburg, yes, yes, this is an oar-eared scotsman , scottish folton, that’s what he’s called, by the way, i also have an oar-eared scotsman fofa , blue, well, you are blue not by vocation, by beauty, you have gray, gray, in short, gray, you i’m white, the mink is so blue, the ears are so, he’s already 19 years old, 19, 19 years old, and
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the most interesting thing is that when i got him, my friend gave him to me at a concert, and she, it was a whole detective story how they carried it in a basket, how they gave it to me closer towards the end, she needed to make sure he didn’t run away there, they hid him somewhere, hid him, then when she brought him out of the scene, i told her she had her own store. the clothes are so beautiful, i think some kind of, it’s a small collar, some kind of fur, well, it was a gift, she takes it as a dream, well, some kind of fur, i don’t know what it is, an accessory, i’m looking at the collar here through the basket. he was walking somewhere on stage, i think, what should i do next, and i still had one song to sing, i remember that i pulled him out of the basket from, well, somewhere there’s a sucker i took it, leaned it against it, because i think, but it will work, it describes, i will endure, because well, how can he fall into the hole in this orchestral everything, well, yes, in general, he ’s not a great guy, he behaved very delicately, to be honest, i i wasn’t ready , it seemed to me that i don’t know where else i could get a cat, a line
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of people immediately formed, that if you don’t take it, we’ll take it, and my mother and i thought something, that... mom says tanya, he he says, he withstood the monitors, these and the spotlights, and this stage, we must leave it, i say, let’s leave it, musical cat, why matic, because he is very purebred, according to the documents he should have been called m, and somehow we first came up with something like that, and he is so cute, masik, well, since he is masik, in in general, masik and masik, whether he sleeps with you or not, no, he’s with you, but i don’t touch you, and don’t touch me, please, here are the scots, they don’t touch me, so i’ll let you pet me for a second, i think , i’m not torturing him, i say, but why am i torturing him or what? i just give him a massage, yeah, he’s lying with valera, maybe with valera if he puts him down, well, it’s true that sometimes he comes to him himself, even so, well, in general, it was somehow bad, i think we brought valera with him, in general we went, and something for him it really got worse, and we got scared, they took him right at night, they found some kind of duty station, yeah, that’s it,
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first we looked at something there, well , he was screaming his teeth, then they took him. he screamed in blood, then something else, in the end they put a thermometer in his back, yeah, and he even took photos of valera standing in his arms, he has a mask here like that, and valera says: bro, i’m sorry , i didn’t expect it myself, i’m sorry, but it was right in his eyes, you set me up, yes, well, in general , no matter how valera doesn’t, of course i love him, although valera himself says, i’m all life was a dog lover, and you minted bells, and so did i for mine, the bells were just like that, just gray bells like that, so very beautiful. unfortunately, in short, they started discussing cats, mind you, but after fifty, not men, but cats, you already have 50, yes, thanks for asking, if anything happens, i’ll take a look, you know, let's find out the correct answer and it's in our story: tatiana bulanova's songs have been performed by many, but no one has ever managed to cover her the way
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young ksenia sobchak did in 1994. and whom i loved, you are my idol, my dream, we will live with you , we are together, we are now one family, but i want to say, we must say that everything is not due, that and tanya, you revealed your secret and the money in your bank, and what she owes to ksenia, firstly, her courage, self-confidence, that’s who i am, that’s me, not that’s bad, that’s good, that’s great, that’s me...
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tatyana bulanova will get a conversion right now with her main secret. tanya, well , first of all, thank you for our frank conversation. today you talked about your adult sons, admitted that with your health you shared your long-awaited happiness, you deserve it. i am very glad that you can allow yourself to be weak, because your husband’s reliable shoulder is always next to you. and so be it. yes, but you have one terrible secret, please open the envelope, read the question, if you are ready to answer it, we will turn on
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the light and continue our conversation. no, well, i don’t want to, to be honest, it’s the past , and so i spoke frankly about everything today, even , probably, a little later, for which i thank you very much, and this is something that, well, at least not today for sure, the secret will remain with me . your winnings! amounted to 150,000 rubles. what will you
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spend it on? for charity. we will definitely donate this money to charity. tanechka, thank you for our frank conversation, you are, of course , an incredible person, very kind, sunny, such positive energy from you is always very good to see you. well, thank you, happy anniversary in general. hurray, happy anniversary, as they say, happy fifteenth anniversary. yes, thank you, honored artist of russia, tatyana bulanova, was with us, a new portion of star revelations a week later on ntv. hello, fellow citizens, today we will find out what sexual fantasies concern victoria.


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