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tv   Kvartirnik NTV u Margulisa  NTV  March 3, 2024 1:05am-2:36am MSK

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we also knew that ukraine, or, as we call it, little russia, then already ended , plus or minus, approximately in the same place as now, it did not end in the kiev area, on the right bank, we also lived all the way to lvov, who exactly, almost everyone living then on the territory of ukraine they were called russians, and were russians, and the space around lvov, listen carefully, was called the poles, the russian voivodeship, so that the moscow... russians were not confused with the ukrainian russians, in our documents the left-bank russians were called cherkassy, ​​but they themselves we are at they knew that the cherkassy, ​​also known as the cossacks, were russians, while the poles called all the inhabitants of the entire left-bank and right-bank ukraine russian. neither moscow nor warsaw forgot that before the invasion of the horde all these lands were southern russian, these were our natural lands. in february 1667 between russia and rech. after 13 years of war, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth
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concluded the andrusovo truce. according to this truce, we temporarily renounced our claim to right-bank ukraine, simply because we were unable to conquer it; we were no longer able to do this after the thirteen-year war. when nowadays they distribute demotivators with a map of ukraine, where, according to the decision of the pereslavl rada in 1654 , only three voivodeships and russian people went to russia. wants ha-ha-ha, and this is all of ukraine, we, in fact, laugh at ourselves. no, this is not all of ukraine, we wanted it to be all of it, we reached lvov in that war, but we couldn’t, we didn’t cope, we didn’t win by 1667 and didn’t regain all of ukraine populated by russian people, we had to postpone the return of russian lands before catherine the great, but russian people lived there all this time, we just didn’t save them in time.
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therefore, all this talk that ukraine was given russian lands is fundamentally wrong. ukraine is russian land. the fact that some part of ukraine has become polish is the problem of non-polished ukrainians, this is our problem. we simply repeat, we did not save these people in time. and now the main and main conclusion: the less territory we take this time, the fewer russians will remain in those territories that we will not take and.
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in this way, we simply tear off pieces of russian land from other russian lands, because no history, no geography will explain to anyone why, for example, slavyansk is russian lands, and poltava no longer exists, why kharkov, for example, is russian lands, and chernigov is no longer no, to stop playing this game, you just need to change the concepts, instead of lenin and stalin creating ukraine, you have to say, boris yeltsin created ukraine, which, by the way , is true, because yeltsin created... it, but in for some reasons we are not doing this, it is still possible to get out of this situation by carrying out denazification and demilitarization of the entire ukraine , but we may not be able to get out of it by moving on to the next negotiations and during the negotiations limiting ourselves to very vague ideas of the russian donbass and russian new russia, and not only because , that the boundaries of these formations are variable, but because outside these formations there remain huge russian expanses and millions of russian people. yes, and
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ukrainians too, if you like, we must think about them, we think about them, we remember about you, relatives, forgive me that not everything works out right away, your mystery. wonderful, you are perfection, i understood this as soon as we met one day, people are constantly moving around you, bright stars from the sky, you
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receive a gift, i open it. soul, they let you into the heart, everything is on display, everything is out, today on the apartment show on tv nike borzov, you enter with dirty bosses. you scatter shakorki on the bones, you carve your beautiful name, you
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want to go higher and further, to manipulate us, but there, bumping into... the wall, you i'm being torn apart, i'm opening my soul, i 'm letting my heart in, everything is falling, everything is out,
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i'm tearing my soul apart, we're letting my heart in. all for now, all out,
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your riddle is beautiful. you are perfection , i understood this as soon as we met once, thank you, winline presents batrace, unique betting races, somewhere
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bye, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why? well, you have the faces of the victims. alexander reva, how i miss you, what is your name anyway? miguel, yes, i am russian, what? no,
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i have no doubt that you also have a shaman in your tribe, applause, itali, zhulebina, marina fedunkev, dzhigan. my dear, i miss you, oh pranksters, azamat musaagalyev, i wanted to be your star, stars - a new humorous show on march 9! at 21:20 on ntv. mask: new season. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. genferon light spray is green light. green light for my goals and plans, red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the reproduction of irve influenza viruses and their penetration. genperon light spray - the power of green light with mint scent. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage, sport into an invincible machine, knowledge
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i want to congratulate you on your anniversary once again, because again, the anniversary tour, already the second part of it, and with a stupid name, the supreme star is 50 years old, yes, it wasn’t me who came up with the name, sometimes the creative one. they come up with such, does anyone remember a group that hurts, it hurts me, but freestyle, freestyle, yes, vadim kozachenko, then he returned to freestyle, and the posters are funny, also some kind of anniversary tour, but it doesn’t hurt me, i something, when i saw this poster, i realized that life, lives are changing, but the new album, the second part, tell me, why is there a censorship icon there? three songs contain profanity, this is in the first part, all the songs were written in the summer
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of the twentieth year, it turned out that i formed a look into the future at that time, in in general, everything that is happening now, i generally described a little there, except for using obscenities to describe it, in general, in some songs you always have profanity, and before there was no censorship. played for myself, in fact , this was my trick, that is, i have different projects, there’s shit, infection, whatnot, there’s more swearing than ordinary words, there were no words, there was swearing, i remember, in my solo . i didn’t allow myself to swear, well, that’s how it happened, everything changes, as you say, yes, yes, nike borzov, the song is a little from the future,
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pure art, every destiny, sincere feelings, and this is not hello. this is not a limit,
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this is not a limit, this is not a limit, this is not a chapel, this is not a chapel, this is not a limit. the mind is restless, the search for ideas, everything is easy at once, as if children decided to jump, then began to jump,
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broke out of the circle, and this is not a chapel, this would not be.
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endless space dreams in vain, give me your hand girl, take mine. let's release the drills , the kiros of arrows, fly together,
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because this is not before'. this is not the limit, this is not the limit, this is not the limit, this is not the limit, this is not the limit, this is not the limit. there are no limits, no boundaries, everything is only
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in our head, thank you! in one of your interviews you
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said that your great-grandfather was a super accordion player, yes. there were already people dancing on the ceiling, that is, a person started three fights a night. a true pop star of the time. well, yes, i really liked your phrase there, he was known to several authorities. yeah, that's cool. that's what i wanted to know from you, you're a dad. played in rock bands, well, yes, they didn’t compose their own carpets, everything was going on there, girls, that is, my mother met him that’s when at one of these evenings, well, as if they then understood, that is, your entry into music turned out to be precisely rock and roll thanks to your father, yes, but you turned to punk, punk, well, yes, i was fascinated by this energy where - in the late seventies, when this youthful maximalism already appeared. usually parents try on what their child is doing, so dad played the beatles, rolling stones, how did they feel about what you write, you showed him, he says: dad, i
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wrote a brilliant song, this is a good one, i want try it on you, no, in fact, i try songs on my mother, then it was like, we gathered at my house, two reel-to-reel tape recorders, in fact, we started in the morning, by the evening we had an album ready, my dad called it a dog album.. . speaking, everyone hears, and the first entrance , the third, show, a three-room apartment, in fact, the neighboring house, but tell me, what about the neighbors, like what i recorded in the rooms, but how they didn’t
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react, the neighbors were also enjoying themselves, the main thing is, that we didn’t misbehave there, didn’t paint the walls, didn’t smoke in the hallways, were having fun guys, well done, class, the main thing is that they don’t violate anything special, a wonderful man lived in our entrance, a 60-something year old man, he was the manager of the building, uncle... his name was bones, i had such a big column with two speakers, something like a muzima , i don’t remember, with three strings, there were no more strings, i had to use pliers to tune this guitar, and i kept playing through this speaker, opening the windows, that’s all that was in my head three of these strings, and at some point he told me, come see me sometime, i’ll i came to him, i was stunned, in short, just imagine, there’s a wall, everything is filled with vinyl, reel-to-reel... there are some japanese tophones, i moved in with him , in short, i brought these reels with my own and just wrote everything. , but it was such a cognitive dissonance for me, that is, since then i don’t perceive people
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externally. nike barzalov, now we will perform yegor letov’s song about a fool. death is walking down the street, carrying pancakes onto saucers, who cares, right? let it be, touch you on the shoulder, kiss you warmly, let the pennies fly
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because of. out of his bosom, the fool enters the forest, the fool is looking for something stupider than himself, the cogwheels have become hard in his head, in his wet kidney under the abuse of the fighting yes.
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i bought sharikov, i got money for them , i will grow up in a wonderful country, i will kick, i will dive into the ground, i will always answer all questions alive, a fool walks along it and... a fool walks stupider than himself, a fool walks, a fool is looking for nothing, a step to yourself.
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the sun is shining, day and night, there are no atheists in the trenches under fire, and the blind man runs and sits... the insignificant one sits, you never dreamed of such a thing, a fool walks through the forest, a fool searches stupider than himself, a fool walks through the forest looking
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for... fool, stupider than himself, you wanted to take my sneakers from me, i’m sneakers, well, take them off, and i’ll go in what , we’ll figure it out, they live according to the laws of the streets, you should pay for the horn so. they fall in love according to the laws of the streets, do you want me to sing something about love to you, change, our hearts demand, we will tear out our legs, we will steal the bride, yeah, deruksa according to the laws of the streets, boys.
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i love reading interviews with various great musicians, how they came to music, but i saw the best from nike, i haven’t seen anyone with a brilliant phrase, that means he’s 12 years, after nike heard the group joy division, the phrase was like this, when i heard them for the first time, i thought, wow, these dudes play like that, why don’t i have my own group yet, well... that was the case, well, it’s really like that,
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after that i created an infection just, well, i ’ve already heard of an infection, as if already in a more adult, so to speak. yes , it seemed like you knew how to play, well relatively, well relatively, yes, well, that is, we tried to pretend that we didn’t know how to do this, and that is, real punks, actually harmony they knew, yes, that it was a dom major with a diminished eleventh degree, this one , well, don’t start that, okay, everything is much simpler, what hooked you as a child, not punk, these are some such groups with a human face, well ours for example. with a human one, i don’t even remember which one from the hands of the musicians has a human face, i had it before you took up music, perhaps some kind, i love it very much,
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yes, i’m also a fan of the roots, well, the roots, by the way , a brilliant musician, i have also known for many years. the song you wrote in the infection is there such names, bros, upload them to the internet, you will enjoy the names of the songs, which was the first, and one of the first was given to me yesterday, one of the first, the pope
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was, a song about some kind of gay story, but the pope came up like something, but in reality the lyrics were being written, here i am, well, writing music , showing the guitarist solyak, he’s teaching him while he’s teaching him, i’m looking out the window, writing the lyrics, right away it’s all being recorded, the drums were standing in an ordinary five-story building, it’s all this roar all over several blocks, that is, this is all in my plane and so on, listen, at some joyful drinking parties they tell you something from the old times, i don’t drink anymore, i know that, but okay, 10 years ago in some city you pick up a guitar, says... listen, brothers, this is it. well, by the way, in the sixteenth year the group was 30 years old, and we released an album, even less than 10 years ago, it turns out that we had several concerts there, and we recorded a zombie trance album that was a little non-conformist,
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practically without swearing, by the way, nike barzo, i got into it sharp-sighted there is cupid's arrow in my heart, i want to pull it out and never think about it, the pain is unbearable, and i was still unfamiliar with it. the sun mercilessly burned out my eyes with its bright light, alone, everywhere, wherever i hid,
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in all eyes and faces. only adnanas, there is no longer a place where i could lick the wound, my wings are broken, and i am completely in the grip of gangrene, i have no more strength. you don’t know, the fear is constant, your voice switches in my head and the white wall, alone but everywhere, wherever
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i run into. in all eyes and faces, only one yes. and cupid's arrow shoots like knives into my heart. the verbal freak will never leave
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peace, even if it hurts, i’ll find the strength and pull it out of the stern, a new life, you need to understand that. what is it like, everywhere, wherever i hide, in all eyes and faces, only one, she, only one, alone, alone. everywhere,
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if i hadn’t gotten in my way, in all eyes and vista, current az nadada, thank you, i wanted to ask you, and if you have some kind of civilian profession, maybe you can do a third-class job there. or did you immediately become a beatle second worked as a mechanic
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mechanical assembly work is the second one i have, in my opinion , or which one is the first one from the end, the second one from the end , conditionally, but tell me, they played in the cultural center more than once in the lenin cultural center, they even played at dances , in fact, a wonderful cultural center, apparently in the city there is such a cultural center named after lenin moscow coke and gas plant moscow coke and gas plant. there are a lot of a little more than ten there, but in general
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there are a ton of projects, i don’t know, it’s hard to say, one of them has 30 albums, i don’t know, for some reason i thought that you were a guest artist there, well, in general, yes, the main ones are there hippopotamuses karabas, they lived on the same staircase right next to the door since childhood, from the age of 3 , they were friends, were friends, or rather, the group was created, hippopotamus, wrote the lyrics, acrobass, lover of all sorts of beatles, he wrote music, and we... all we lived in the next yard, so to speak, me , zaev, there were also a few guys there, there were turnips, just the musicians of my infection there, they gathered and somehow we wrote one album in one day, the hippopotamus brought lyrics, we are here there, if karabas didn’t have music for it, they composed something quickly, in a day the album is ready, the next day we already listened to it with a large crowd, we called it nekrasov’s evenings, that is, we gathered there, girls, guys, no one drank alcohol, then... everyone drank tea, it was nikrasov’s evenings that we listened to the album by the xz group
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new. we released albums three times a year, we had three nekrasov evenings a year, we lived like that for 10 years, so it’s cool. in your country, in my opinion, at a certain period all sorts of our famous pop performers were represented, there was lyoshka glyzin, marina khlebnikova, yes, a lot of people took part. how did they feel about your intelligent music, your intelligent lyrics? we were happy to undertake these experiments, well, it so happened that we were writing an album of good deeds, in the studio of arkady ukupnik, in the olympic, can you imagine, yes, well, i can imagine. miracles happened, and there were a lot of people, right up to the orchestra, who wrote , that is, this is the most monumental album of the xs group, i call it the black album of the xs group, that is , after it everything became completely different and it’s not very interesting what it’s all about i was telling you because you’re good, yes , everything’s fine in general, but tell me, nike, it’s a purely
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professional question, and you rehearsed with hz, well, yes, yes, we didn’t play concerts at all, well, that is, it was so... principled , that is, the group was purely studio, well, like the residents, no face, and we have no lives, cool, this is nike borzov, you, nikolay, call me, 10 days until spring, premiere, soon on ntv. a song that is rarely heard at concerts lately, but we will play it today.
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the smell of decomposition in my room as i sit chair, i think about her, and the one who treated me was not so good, i remember how it all happened. how it all happened, but having taken out the enclosure, you said goodbye, with your gentle hand, you opened the bureau, i sat and was silent, you
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screamed a little, you took out an excellent one. “she said sorry, bad child by the door, you left, cutting off once and for all, i sat and thought, father , the wonderful days when we were together, then we were close, like the birds sang only for us, the sun warmed only us, the stars shone only for us, for us, for us, for us, for us, only just you and me, but taking out the revolver, you
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said to forgive. with your gentle hand, you opened it to me once, blinded and remained silent, thickened a little, you down to the very edges, said, i’m sorry, the plump one left, i knew you.
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thank you, the beginning of 2000, i don’t remember, in 2003-2004 you had a successful album splinter, and after it i suddenly discovered you as an actor at the grymov theater, there was a play nirvana, yes, yes, yes, now it’s on, by the way, well already with new actors, why did you suddenly decide to give up music, because i don’t remember your concerts at that time. well, i was touring in principle, but just in other cities, not especially in moscow , no, i didn’t decide to start anything , it was just interesting to try, like cinema is such a theme, they shot a take, you can reshoot it, but... here it is, when you go out, with from the very beginning you take this tension , as if you hold it until the very end,
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it was very cool, it didn’t work out right away, and i was just interested in how to solve this issue for myself, we visit theaters and don’t meet audiences there who goes to rock concerts, they went to see you especially, no, different people went there, i read reviews there on all sorts of theater forums then, in general they say that the young... man in the leading role is very good, they wrote there , well, like that then, for example, in the toilet of the theater of this soviet army, the former yes there was a write up kurt is alive, well, that is, it came in and tell me the desire to continue now in some play with some good director, that is, there are such ideas or or what the hell no , if an interesting director is working then why not, yes i’m here open to suggestions, listen, maybe also... i acted in a movie, acted in a movie, oh well, well, kachanov came out with a film, it’s called marshruri, and i
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played a small cameo role in it, too, playing myself or a written character, some lonely , crazy rocker, well, we are there with tyoma troitsky, two such old artists, from zhanna aguzarova, she is our manager, we need to find him and see, that’s the same. i play the father of the main character, so i even say a lot and something there, that is , you have texts, you are an adult and an image, cool, i starred in a series about vladimir mulyavin, i played mulyavin’s neighbor, whom i liked the music of the pesners. in fact, when the stakes are raised, you are invited to the movies. nike borzo, thank you, now we will perform a super
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ancient song that was released back in the album of 1994. i woke up longing for migratory birds, i woke up longing for you , i tried to guess when the sun would come out, i tried to disperse my melancholy and broke the window, sun, light, sun, the light didn’t hit my face, i fell and broke myself . blood, i wanted to see you, there was a knock on the door, and with the desired voice i hear
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again who you are behind the door, guess who you are at the door, i’m in a hurry. i decided to stumble in order to open it as soon as possible, but suddenly a tail grew on me, it tangled my legs, got caught on something, i fell and, as if rooted to the parquet, the tail was cast on my arms and chest, my neck and the whole room, i cried, i'm in pain, but i'm having fun... somehow i realized that i only love you, someday i will die,
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i will someday. you screamed behind the door, getting louder and louder, knocking on it with your heel, apparently you were very tired, lit a cigarette, calmly, i went home, i sensed your thoughts by chance, and for some reason the tail disappeared. i
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drank coffee and ironed my shirt. i crawled under the blanket so that i wouldn’t dream about guessing and i would someday. carney!
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thank you. mask, anniversary fifth season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. in the early nineties , independent radio stations began to appear,
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independent television, our friend. kosin made the radio station radio 101. oh, you remembered, great, actually, i have it, shut up, i have to do the eyeliner. uh, i made radio 101, which was dedicated to music, in russian, and we often gathered, uh, listened to songs of teams unknown to me in the studio. i don’t remember where i got the cassette of the unknown young man. i don’t even know from what city, and there was a song “horse”, and i showed it on the radio to yurka kostinogo, look how cool it is, a good song, a smart song, let’s play it, he says, well, there are forbidden words, i i say, well, as long as there is no confusion, maybe it will pass, it was on this topic that i met
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nike, nike’s music, now give me yours version and drag and drag that... what should you give me? yes, it was wonderful, i remember kirill kalyan in juices and water, the program, you came from the car, i remember, and zhenya, put on a horse, i listened to this program, and it was so cool and pleasant that here i am i want to give you a gift, uh, because the horse came out, finally on vinyl, it was never released, never released, the first time, the first edition, 22 years later, after its release it’s already on superman, and we...
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guess on the first try which song is next should there be such an introduction? your versions, ladies and gentlemen, weasel, what a song, yours, i’m a little horse. and it’s hard for me to chew, it’s hard for me to carry my nose, the day will come and i’ll leave it, i’m a small horse, but
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i’m worth a lot of money, i’m carrying my big cart from here to this shore, i don’t want to cry, i don’t want to laugh. i don’t want to jump , play around kicking, so that i have friends, and at least one, but i’m working like half of my little ones, i’m going to die, not early, and i know about it, maybe not in the spring, maybe in the early summer, i love listen to songs and bonfires, but i can’t be distracted, i see, i’m a little horse. and my life is not sweet, it’s hard for me to carry my burden for the day, i’m a small horse,
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i need a lot of money, i’m leading my big leash with you, i’m tired of horror on this shore, i want to rest. there are bags of hay here to sleep for a long time, i want to help the migratory birds pline suplin, but the work is more important behind me, it’s disgustingly difficult for me, but i can’t get cold, even though i’m hungry, even though i’m thirsty, we ’ll someday burn in hellfire for this, but it’s all a flood, at the moment we’re singing, i’m a slovin. where it is difficult to carry my burden the day will come and i and i ask, i am a small horse, but i stand
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very much a day, i weigh my big leash with you on this where. it’s not offensive and tears are falling. when roses are thrown at my feet, when people on the streets in the windows of apartments greet me, they make peace for the whole world, even small children are happy to see me, even imasha,
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the trees in the vedva greet me all, all as one, i bring a new world, i brought, i'm small. playground and my life is not sweet, it’s hard for me to lead my life at night day, and i’ll try it, i’m a small horse, but i’m worth a lot of money, i’m carrying my big cart with you on this zbira.
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on apartment buildings on tv, thank you, which, by the way, i have never heard of, well, knowing that you are a big fan of various musical experiments, the project is called mutant beavers, what is it? well, i had a lineup, where it was just 2001 dash 2005, it appeared by chance, we went together with a dolphin, we had a joint tour around the country, here in belarus.
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i don’t even remember here, but in the city of talati of this tour, we somehow decided something at the end press two groups, so we came out , as if the stage began to play twenty minutes... a psychedelic piece is called , in my opinion, psychedelic satan, well, this is pure improvisation, for about 20 minutes at the talyatinsky stadium there was simply madness, from that moment the babra group appeared and mutants, and there was such a period, i finished the concert, left the stage of the whole group, we were called for an encore and we went out like mutant beavers, playing the same songs only in this kind of techno and trance, well, like fateless or chemical brothers something such
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well, in general, such a story with the songs , it’s cool, well, these recordings are all lying around on the internet , you can go, i also had a project, it was called fantasy litter, i played drums there , and the guy played bass, and the sound director played all sorts of reverberations , well, also without words at all, fantasy litter, the name of the composition? thank you
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song from the new album don't cry. the sun hid behind the mountain that you had just rushed off on a pink canoe. the light of traffic lights
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devours the darkness, and open my shadow knocking on the door of your soul, it’s just me. hundreds of thousands of people live in underground cities, and this is the light of just one star, one of these bright stars that hang overhead, above our house. sea, we land, cry, i
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will remain you , thank you a'.
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yesterday i. i saw 20 dreams today, i saw only three, and this is a sign for collecting vegetables, just yesterday i was happy, handsome and smart, yesterday i was in love with you. yesterday i collected payments, sang songs and gave flowers, but yesterday passed like a sweet dream, i am old and apparently gave it to us.
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forgive me for this nonsense, forgive me for this life, for the life you spent with me, forgive me, let me kiss you for the last time, i won’t return home. but don't cry, i 'll stay with you,
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cry, i'll stand with you. the darkness of the cloudy dawn, in the light of the brightest star, always inspires me, and one day we too will become grounded again. love, someday , all of us,
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i also wanted to ask you, what is it? a developing auto film that you came up with, somewhere there is a director, a screenwriter, and an editor, and in general it’s all me in the leading roles, yes, but what is it? well, the idea was that i’ll continue to mount some of these archival footage , but this thing didn’t go further than the first part, in fact it’s kind of self-developing, that is, you do the first part, then you select pieces for this first part and sketch it out, you get the second part... then you shoot another third part, for example , you edit, well , basically, like david lynch, no one understood anything, they asked to make a sequel, so he made a sequel and confused people even more, that is, in principle, i planned to do the same thing, but then i thought how the founder of a new direction, i can
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just start abandoning it, and then the followers, when i’m gone, will be engaged in this topic in full, why should i bring it to the end, like michelangelo, i made sketches, in short. but tell me, was there some kind of plot or not, really no idea, just show what i was doing, what kind of underground and where i was, in general, well, i collected all these mutant beavers, a performance, the first, the last concert tour splinter, where i seriously injured my leg, right at this moment, i i inserted it on purpose, as if, looking at it, i always have this, you know, cringe, well, that is, i collected all the trash there and posted it. my life in art, like an autobiography, welcome to the apartment building, thank you, before the next song i want to ask you: even with the flashlights on your phones,
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you can hear, hear your heart beating, knocking on... us on the windows, on the roof like rain, your nerve is running out, the last straw, the last ray of light, the last beat of your heart, you see, you see. dies in fire goddess, a lilac boy, he is greatly
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subjugated to the gods, he paints a picture with his own blood, his own tears, and asks for forgiveness.
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i'll knock on the window, you'll float over the house with your boast, you'll come out of the kitchen in a chintz dress, cutting through eternity the dark sky. to tell you one last time, to say goodbye, i will love you forever, thank you.
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let's reveal what you want to listen to, ladies and gentlemen, listen, and we're just having a moscow concert party at the end. nike, do you know this song, supreme star, i’ve heard it more than once, of course, you’ll sing it, well, i’ll try, let’s do it. usually in my caraoke it turns out like this, riding on a star, clinging to the rays, with the moon at high water, at night, in the first light, heading towards the wind, without...
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oh, your life is beautiful, quite, it washes away a little, it’s dangerous, take my heart, remember me early, believe me that everything without directing it will come to nothing. above the forest river, lost forever, on top of a star, the devil is born, the ticket is enough for the end, the bank,
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here. oh, life is beautiful, life is beautiful, life is beautiful, absolutely, you can be a little dangerous, take my heart, take my heart, don’t think about me, believe me that everything is wrong.
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thank you, let the words always ring in your head in any situation in life. feather on a star, riding on a star, rushing towards the wind, rushing towards.
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remember me, believe me that everything is wrong for me, and of course, all this is for the sake of love. we are all the masters of love, that's all,
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love, hello! you are mine, i was in such a hurry to get you , you see how tired i am, wedge is difficult, let your world be from the subconscious, hello, happiness my, hello, my joy, on a pink mosquito, i got to you, hello, my joy, maybe i changed. so, stood up smaller and hugged, you know that this is all, for the sake of love, sun and flowers, for the sake of love, no one else, we are alone, kiss me, never leave again, this! for the sake of
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my love, i have been dying for a long time, now i am mine. izok, my ceiling was already too low yesterday to open the window to inhale the aroma, sunshine and sunlight, all that the planet lives on, hello , i’m very glad, i wouldn’t have so much on me given, i want to tell you one thing, you know that this is all for the sake of love, the suns are holy, for the sake of love, no one else, and they will kiss me
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never again. we are all leaving as splats of love, it’s all for the sake of love, i kiss you, the purest.
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thank you, have a great life to you all. thank you, thank you, friends, take my heart, don’t remember the land for me, trust me that i can’t get it all.
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somewhere in the depths of the internet i came across a brilliant phrase: mick jagger and i often remember the year 2002. mick jagger received the queen's order, and i'm better off in chebaksyars. hello, this is dachny otvet and i, victoria panina. today we will work almost underground. ground floor, not a single window, the author of the project, maestro andrei volkov, decided to warm this room with wood, for the head of the family to build a bar counter for his
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beloved mother-in-law. scenes with mirrors, there will also be a home cinema and a place for games, so that the walk-through room will become the most popular home. the friendly plush is very happy with the changes in her life. before this i lived in an apartment, i only went to the dacha on weekends and holidays, but 2 years ago her owner elena firmly stated that she needed to live in her own house, outside the city, so that the children could breathe fresh air and... the dog had a place to frolic, so she had to sell the dacha, of course with tears in her eyes, i had to persuade my mother to sell her apartment in order to somehow combine it all and buy this house, and my mother and i moved out, for some it is probably scary, we like it, elena worked as an accountant, she loved this profession and achieved success in it, but after the birth of my first son, i went on maternity leave and never came back, i
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all the girls in my team told you: because i saw in the first oga, the first step, i wasn’t bored at all, i was lucky, my first award, my first successes, all this was with me, well, for me it’s very important, you can already see everything, it’s heating up, but it’s neat , oh, so much smoke, alexey is involved in warehouse logistics for a pharmaceutical company, he works a lot, but all his free time... he also devotes to the boys, i accidentally found my old burning kit, it’s over 30 years old, maybe even 40 years old, and the children were very interested in it, burning kolya and lyosha alternate with drawing, reading , english lessons and mini-football matches, now i'm winning, no, i'm winning, i have two points, and you have zero, the favorite place for games is the basement, and although every family member has... ..


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