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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 3, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

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was he written off, and did he also kill inga lopatina? no, uh, evgeny barnet arrived at the king lopatina hotel. i don’t know what happened between them, but i won’t argue. and she told him, so openly in his face, that she knew about all her shady dealings, meaning banking. this means that then she rushed into the bathtub, he grabbed her hand and, as barnett himself claims, she escaped.
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slipped in the bathroom, fell and hit her head on a sink, and we can’t prove that this is not so, no, but the banker and his crooks will get it in full, there are two corpses on them, and you and i did a great thing, because lopatin accepted our arguments, and the passengers of the plane were saved, all together, you saved 120 people, yeah. saved billions of dollars for the fatherland, and all this in 4 hours, he doesn’t mind the shovel, now he’s full of it, it’s a pity, but he’s in danger, 120 people, this can’t go unpunished,
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good evening, hello, are you waiting for someone? yes, i’m waiting, i’m waiting, sorry, can’t tell me the time, 20-30, thank you. hello, i'm from valentinov, yeah.
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give me the stone right away, or we'll play with you one very funny game, i don’t understand what kind of stone it is, so the game, i’ve been playing it for a long time, the rules are very simple, every minute of your stubbornness will cost one, your finger, usually i win. where should i bring you,
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well, joke around, grandpa. well, okay, you chose this game yourself, this is ruby, it is called the last ray of sunset, it once belonged to count orlov, now it is a national treasure. 15 years ago, while transporting a collection of precious stones to st. petersburg for an exhibition, he was kidnapped. the thieves were not found, neither was the stone, yesterday a new trace of him appeared. so, we received a message from interpol that... someone wants
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to sell it, this someone contacted a gem collector by email, interpol intercepted it. so go ahead, it means this is a matter of national importance, so report on your every step immediately, the task is clear, just do it,
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this restaurant is here, am i a coincidence? upsn, colonel pastukhov, what happened here? good afternoon, this night a robbery was committed, the victim was treated resistance, he was tortured before his death , the jeweler was ruined by peter melich, but of course, i already felt you are a wife, that i am a wife, he is often for...
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look, the oracle’s wi-fi reception is excellent here, and access is free, you think correctly, it is necessary look at the address book, unless of course the computer is password protected, if you are interested in this, the witness who discovered the body is in the department, but there is no password, we need to give it to our specialists, well, off to the department, thank you. excuse me for telling you everything again from the beginning, this is mine, excuse me, that means at first, i just somehow, just yesterday i was talking with pyotr markevich in the evening, here, tell me, did
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you notice anything unusual last night? yes, as i already said, throughout the last week pyotr markovich behaved a little strangely, was nervous or something, more fussed. usual, yesterday he let me leave work early, i was just surprised, he was always pedantic, well, just so you understand, he made sure that everyone left no minutes before 21 o’clock, that’s all who, uh, it’s me and a tick, our saleswoman, yesterday he first let her go, and then someone called him, and he told me, go home early, and i’ll finish the order myself and that’s it. i’ll close, it was about 20:30, i went out and noticed a man in the yard who was waiting, he was strange, i already described him, please continue, what kind of person, there was this one standing there, half-length with a scar, he’s just like that
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he stood strangely, as if he was waiting for someone, i also thought it was him, i called pyotr markovich, that’s what came to mind, well, i went home, and in the morning i came, as usual... at 9:00 i opened the door, you always open it yourself workshop in the morning? yes, i have my own key, i opened it, and everything was scattered there, the safe was open, and pyotr markovich was lying there, i checked his pulse, although everything was clear that well, and then almost immediately the check mark went, well, our saleswoman and us they called the police, that’s it, they waited for the police, didn’t touch anything, and then they took me here.
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well, do you suspect anyone yourself? no, what are you talking about? yes. well, you remember, think about it, and we ’ll go away for a second, and then we’ll ask you a couple more questions. captain. well, is there a difference in the readings? no, that's right. he said, it’s all in the protocol, the saleswoman confirmed it, we’ll
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draw it up as a signature, yeah, and this sketch is in all police departments, let the local police officers look, suddenly, hot on their heels, they’ve already made a sketch there, a scar on the left cheek in the uniform crescent moon, overall a noticeable shot, i think there is every chance, the scar is good, keep me posted, yeah. hello, great, great, electronics guy, like himself, like a generalist , what did you come with, here's nout, you need to urgently crack the password, well, everything according to the program, contacts, numbers, letters, everything, especially for last week, let's do it, are you here to give yourself up? i’m warning you right away that this will take some time, okay, i’ll go
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have lunch, but in the office, where? well, yes, yes, i know this place, okay, i understand, i’m leaving, uh-huh, well , we don’t know yet whether it’s him or not, right? i quickly identified him, says oleg musin, who was previously convicted , in the photograph he really looks very similar , the scar on his face is so characteristic, i understand, the local police officer is calling here, there, i sent you the address, if there’s anything wrong with the coordinates, let’s do it a little later, okay , okay, and let's hurry up, well, yes, it’s more interesting to detain repeat offenders than to carry computers, that’s it, let’s wait , well,
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well, well, max, i haven’t been in an ambush for a long time, and as long as you, have you forgotten or what ? yes, i remember, i remember, back then you broke the owner’s vase, such a huge one, how can i forget this, it was the case.
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and so you’re better off, mukhin is coming, they said on the radio that it’s suitable for the house, so tell your eagles so that they don’t scare him off, let them sit and not shine, they’ll let him in here, we’ll take him at the entrance, sit in the car, there’s a weapon, there’s , still, understandable. so, what is it?
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damn, they scared him off after all, but let’s go after him quickly!
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damn, he left, better look at what fell out of it on the road, you’re resourceful , you found the phone, well done, i noticed, by the way, about the phone, while you were away, new information arrived, interpol reports what? malich's phone was found, an sms message was again sent to collector jack konval's phone. i don’t think it’s mukhin, he’s someone more serious. someone who was in the know from correspondence, who now has milich’s phone number? yes, but what else is interpol? so what, interpol, interpol worked well, they forced konely to respond to the letter from the new seller, so now konely
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is bargaining with him, well, just for the sake of decency, and agrees that he will soon come to russia for the stone. great. yes, we should also fuss somehow, otherwise interpol is doing its job, and we just missed the murderer of milich, this is what golubev will tell us now, word for word. “hello, hello, it’s me, can you hear me, listen, in short, there’s no time, plans have changed, but you weren’t taught how to say hello, but what kind of hello, i’m almost here, i’m almost here accepted, in short, we need to tear the coca , but we need to finish the job, not everything, i did everything, i
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’m telling you, there was no stone in the workshop, i won’t go into baba kigo’s house? go yourself, if you have to, and so on in the evening my portrait will hang on every pillar, in general i should get out of the city quietly, why are you silent, can you hear me, hear me, i hear, come to me in the evening, where to you, across the whole city, to the center, well, let's discuss everything, get things started, we'll divide the little gold you grabbed from the safe, or what? maybe you've changed your mind about sharing with me, listen, don't drive me away, i'm mine i keep my word, let’s do this, we’ll meet at the old place, we’ll share everything equally, that ’s it, no one owes anything, i actually could have dumped it anyway, i’m running out of time, so that’s
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it, in an hour at the old place, regularly synchronized yours. card, after which he activated a second sim card, which was not issued to him, and subsequently negotiated with this subscriber only from it. who is the number of this mysterious subscriber registered to? the old lady, god's dandelion, petrushina, olga palovna, lost her phone a month ago and didn’t even give the number restore. it's clear.
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another interesting thing here is that the same number is in milich’s address book. he appeared there at... well, okay, thank you for your efficiency, i think the overall picture is clear, now all that remains is to somehow tie it all together. what do you think, valka, is this a man or a woman? judging by the marks of torture on the calf, then he is a man and
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quite strong. at the crime scene , fingerprints were taken that belong to the man. well, let’s also watch the video, the material is being prepared now, but in one place there is a moment when oleg approaches the fence of the industrial zone with some guy. okay, we'll go. to milich’s widow, and then maybe watch the video if it’s ready, i wonder if she ’ll know anything about this valka, help yourself to some jam from our dacha, thank you, excuse me, i’m a little distracted right now, but i will try to answer all your questions, it’s good that gosha is helping , he took over the entire organization of petya’s funeral, i would never have managed it myself, gosha is a friend of the family, he also helped petya’s students, i
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even trusted him to continue the work, petya himself wanted gorsha to run the pawn shop when he retired. who is in that photo, the top one, and this is us at the university, by the way, gosh, gosh! this is this, this is this , this is sasha, this is kostya, this is ivan, they
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were very friends then, ivan lived in the house opposite, so they knew each other since childhood, uh-huh, this is ivan, already older, well, at my place my father was like that, and then ivan went. along a crooked path, you know, i always wanted to live luxuriously, i sat down in a fartsovka on the coast, went out into perestroika, again i was imprisoned only on a more serious charge, for which you don’t remember, well, they robbed someone, i don’t remember, it seems, the apartment of the director of a furniture store, i almost dragged petya into this matter , thank god, everything worked out, by the way, i’m talking to petya here somehow even recently... they were talking about ivan, petya found out that he had recently been released after prison, called him about a week ago. do you know what they were talking about?
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no, petya didn’t say anything, but you know, i felt that he was somehow worried, worried, and 2 days ago, on sunday, we they were having dinner here, and suddenly they called him, he even went into the next room. the conversation was going on in a raised tone, and then it seemed to me that ivan was calling, as you say, the full name of this ivan? ivan maksimovich valentinov, but petya called him valka since childhood. here's an ivalka, whose maiden name was ivan maksimovich valentinov. this is a photo from his personal file, sent from the mordovian colony, where he was sent for armed robbery of the director’s apartment.
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well, this is possible, i wonder where the stone is now? at this moment we know that oleg died from torture, this means that
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they tried to get it from him. and why are you sitting , that means, you two are in a cafe, ksenia milevich is there, here’s her room, the first floor with a balcony, it’s there, the courtyard is deserted, the arch is blocked, that means, we’re blocking everything, max is in the arch, vadim is here, the rest are behind me, we take
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him alive. you are with me, two of you to the balcony, hold the gate.
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ivan, valentinov, you’ve already been released that you don’t recognize me, i’m your neighbor, pasha, stop!
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stand, stand, stand, what have you started, boss, what are you saying, i’m just, i’m here in short, boss, what, just give it reason, and this is not a complete list yet. and prints from the scene of the murder of oleg musin, video from surveillance cameras, witness statements, well, to complete the set, you also broke into milich’s apartment, that’s it, complete chaos, you didn’t walk around for long, listen,
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boss, but it seems to me that you ’re telling me off in front of me for a reason, you want something from me, that’s right, but i haven’t even started to show off, but you understand, you’re right, ivan maksimovich, right? this is how we state it, we state it, but no, you state it, and in all the details, okay, but first i want you to the sincere ones were provided, and then the deadline, if you try to knock it off, goes by, it depends on the details, let’s talk about the stone from the very beginning.
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i found a buyer, but i didn’t sell it at a cheap price, because i myself decided to sell them abroad, then it dawned on me, i realized that milich could just cheat me, just cheat me, you know, it happened right away, he immediately began to increase his share, supposedly there are sketches there, there’s still a lot going on, you know, he started blackmailing me. well, he was blackmailed, yes, yes, what else, but mukhin, and mukhin didn’t find any stone with him , i know that for sure, i know for sure, he
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said this just before his death, he found some trinkets in the safe, hid it, he later showed it to me, but there was no stone, but i didn’t believe it , i didn’t believe it and began to torture him further. and he took the jerk and died, so you want to say that you don’t have a stone, but think with your head, boss, think, why should i, having a stone, climb into milich’s hut, why, well , i don’t have a stone, you see, no, mukhin definitely didn’t have it, i assure you, because he before he died, he told me everything where he buried the gold from the safe. i can point out where , i personally can, but unless of course you offend, and what do you want for this, for this, i want that at the trial for the murder of mukhin, the case is formulated
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so that it looks like murder by negligence, you know, yes i didn’t want to kill him, you know, i didn’t want to. did it somehow happen by chance, as you say by chance? yes, by chance, well, i can’t answer for the courts, you know the courts in our country, they are an independent body, well, yes, for sincere assistance to the investigation we’ll get it done, since we promised, and then it’s absolutely ridiculous. it's late, but there is news, we received a message from interpol, the seller got in touch again, guessed right, only we have two news, one
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good, one bad, which one to start with, well , better than the good one, interpol managed to lure the seller out and even set up a meeting, our buyer is jack. i was supposed to fly to russia to meet with the seller at the grand voyage hotel, but that’s where the good news ends, apparently this jack conoley was so nervous. that he had a heart attack at khitogo airport attack, did he really die, no, they pumped him out, only he is now in a hospital in london, but he should have been at the grand way hotel near shilimetov, such a story, where is his photograph. what if you wash max first,
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and then keep him in the saleria for a couple of hours, oh, fix the expression, and now tell me, as a child i dreamed of becoming a pilot. okay, arty, just don’t overplay it, pay attention to the man in the ticked scarf. like
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a black coffee cup, everything itches, don’t scratch your eyes, don’t move your eyebrows, uh-huh, and generally sit there, radiate pleasure, respectability, and english stiffness, what the hell, oops, look who came, huh? max, he's coming towards you, get ready to slam the trap, three, two, mr. conley, one, let's go.
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vadim, come across the street, follow me, max, check his coat, you two check the doors.
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well, that's it, that's it, that's enough, i ran away. young man, they defended their coat, that’s it , you’re probably thinking now, how did i screw up like that, i don’t think anything like that, it’s just stupid greed. greed and stupidity, but it’s you
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who are telling yourself off, you may be greedy, but you’re not stupid man, you just didn’t know that jack conoley was being herded by interpol, otherwise, perhaps, he would have gotten away with it, but you say it as if i planned and pulled it all off, and i just happened to see that pyotr markovich had some kind of it’s a strange habit to constantly check the drawer in the desk. i have repeatedly. you saw it and one day decided to check it out, just out of curiosity, there was one tricky mechanism, i didn’t figure it out right away, you had to pull out
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the drawer and then move the wooden plank, in this drawer pyotr markovich... kept things, as it were, well, of dubious origin, roughly speaking, stolen goods, i myself had no intention of stealing anything from this box, i just began to look in there periodically, just for general knowledge, and then compared it with what was rumored to have disappeared from so-and-so’s apartment - then, you understand professionally. wednesday, everyone knows everything, a week ago i discovered this damn ruby ​​in the tyniki, i immediately realized what kind of stone it was, it really hit me, i wanted
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to wait for the moment and look at it again, i understood that... that pyotr markovich is going to sell it abroad, and even knew which of the collectors might be interested in the stone, then he also began to hint that the boy would soon retire, and the lampard would leave the workshop to me, sorry, you will soon become a manager, and he was like that, just that i was talking to a man about...
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fuck, the hiding place, the stone was there, i managed to pull it out and hide it in a second, when the saleswoman came, tick, call the ambulance, yes, you face a short sentence, but a term, and sincere? recognition is always is taken into account, but that’s nothing, you’ll sit for a while and come out, but think about it, this stone could completely destroy you, like miliche.
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i keep thinking about how these tchotchkes, diamonds, rubies, gold, how they drive people crazy, i ’ve lived my life, oh well, my general’s wife, we are so indifferent to this. is this some kind of character trait, or something like that, yes, i thought about it too, well, this gosha, young, healthy, an excellent student, probably was in school, could now manage a famous law firm, and what will happen now tinker?


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