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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  March 3, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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the ukrainian military will not be able to hold the front, then nato soldiers will do it for them. abrams burn well, as and by whom the first american tank caught on video, destroyed in the steppes of ukraine, was shot down. israeli soldiers have almost reached the hamas leader, who is hiding in underground gaza tunnels. but can his death stop the war? pharmaceutical companies have already earned billions of dollars from weight loss products. now it’s the turn to earn even more money for manufacturers of fast food and... other junk food, why are sellers of junk food fats and fighters with excess weight work hand in hand, as well as a special guest of the program natasha koroleva, about whom they have been writing lately, we will find out the whole truth very soon, and from first-hand experience, are you nikolai?
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russia. so, live on central television. the main topic of almost all the world media this week was the truly napoleonic plans of emmanuel macron. the french president announced the creation of a new coalition to support ukraine, but most importantly, did not rule out sending western troops. well, by the way, the uniform of the french emperor, who once... also decided to go to war with russia, which suits macron very well, although it wouldn’t hurt to remind how and how the story of napoleon bonaparte ended. but first things first: a loud statement was made in paris at a special summit, where the leaders of twenty-five countries decided how else the west
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could help kiev. the discussion, as has become commonplace for such summits, was about where to get the million shells promised to ukraine from which arsenals to scrape together approximately so many. most journalists followed this routine summit with half an eye, until the agencies exploded with this quote from macron. today there is no consensus on sending ground troops to ukraine, but nothing can be ruled out. we will do everything possible to prevent russia from winning this war. we are convinced that russia's defeat is necessary for security and stability in europe. however, if macron thought that he was as loud...
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on printouts of this loud quote, as nato secretary general en stoltenberg, hastened to announce that the alliance does not plan to send its military to ukraine. and, of course, macron’s words did not go unnoticed by the leading western media. the wall street journal wrote that macron's remarks were a departure from the restraint shown by western allies. he tried to fill the leadership vacuum, but his attempt to show his strength to russia backfired.
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is already in ukraine, they are engaged in programming high-tech weapons, and also maintain air defense systems and long-range missiles rockets. perhaps macron was just... bluffing, or, having gathered almost all european leaders in the elysee palace, he decided to show who the main alpha male is in europe. true, previously all western leaders gave a completely unambiguous answer to the question about the possibility of nato troops participating in the ukrainian conflict: no, never. therefore, our reporter alexey semakhin dared to suggest that macron simply launched a trial charm into the information field, after all. we remember well how decisively western leaders said: no, never, answering the question when kiev
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will have western long-range missiles, western tanks, western aircraft, and then these same tanks and missiles still appeared in kiev. at a time when shells were exploding on kaliningrad's neighbors poland, and on russia's borders for the largest nato exercise, the alliance's allies pulled together 20,000 bayonets. this news from paris from the eu conference on supporting ukraine will sound like a bolt from the blue. we have not yet reached a consensus on sending ground troops to ukraine, but in the future, in the future, nothing, nothing can be ruled out, we will do everything possible to prevent russia from winning this war. but is it worth considering the words of the french president as an empty threat? in 2022, us president biden also stated that he would not.
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macron’s statement about the possibility of sending nato soldiers to ukraine, as it might seem, in the west, did not please anyone. chancellor scholz was the first to dismiss the french president. i'm amazed that some people don't even care, that they don't even think about the fact that to a certain extent, things may come to the point of participating in a conflict. and then solidarity with the words of the aspiring french hawk was rejected by his friends overseas. on behalf of the united states, the president has made it very clear that he is not going to mislead us, and if you heard me yesterday, i referred to the nato secretary general's comment, he was very clear, no nato troops in ukraine. only former french prime minister, socialist manuel valls, supported macron.
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western forces do not want to cross, even if still, there are red lines, behind which in the west in europe there are neoconservatives who want a direct confrontation, but still there are more reasonable people who are holding back this barrage of negative statements that can lead to disaster. according to an investigation by the influential new york times, the alliance's allies, represented by the united states, crossed those same red lines long ago. the listening post in
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the ukrainian forest is part of a cia-backed network of spy bases built over the past 8 years, which includes 12 secret locations along borders with russia. and the german build of the british financial times, citing its sources , writes that a small contingent of western military personnel, including the british, is working in ukraine. everyone knows that there are western special forces in ukraine. they just haven't officially recognized it. so what happens? are influential western publications really hinting that all the red lines drawn in the west have long been crossed? in the context of what is happening, this is beyond the bounds of sanity, so we can say macron made a pitch, and he is waiting to see which of the eu countries will respond to this blow, and how exactly, will our nato troops go to ukraine tomorrow? no. answer: no, it will not go. however, there is nothing surprising. the point is that the words about the possible sending of nato soldiers to the east came from the lips of a politician who dreams of becoming the leader of the european union, but what is strange is
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why these words were not heard, for example, from warsaw, from the lips of ukraine’s main ally. we, we have a high cost of production due to the environmental standards of the european union, products from ukraine are not subject to any standards, because of this, ukrainian products are much cheaper, and we simply cannot compete with such prices. the country, like the whole of europe, is shaking from the most massive massacres in recent memory.
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everything is thought out, changed minds, everything goes forward, russian, he works from here, here in the wilderness, in the village of lagovshchina, the swiss and russian farmer york douce has been living for 20 years, a reasonable question arises: why did he exchange prosperous europe for this bearish corner in russia? swiss york douz even then i understood that... european farmers had no future, so i moved to russia. it’s been wrong there for many years , they introduced this farming, i say, subsidize it, it can’t be done all the time, then prices need to be changed so that they get more, so that, but it’s artificial, it can’t be, it’s too early or it will collapse late, i said a long time ago, sooner or later it will collapse, york
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understands his colleagues well, they demand equality, these are questions about ukraine, and the bureaucracy is ruining farmers with new environmental standards. was like that project, they measured the average size, excuse the expression, the butts of a tractor driver in the european union, they say rudely from the poles, to the portuguese made a standard size of a seat for a tractor, well , who cares, well, if here in russia, who will tell you, you have a problem, what others don’t, that’s a lot of money, how much, well, another could usefully put it somewhere, in this village of york doose lives by subsistence farming, completely autonomously, on the roof of a solar- powered house. but you understand the polish farmers who took it and, so to speak, turned it over the train is full of grain, in order to sell his own, he must leave, macron ruined not only agriculture, but hospitals, because of him
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everything is going to waste, thanks to ultra-liberalism, so macron, running from farmers, was caught by the french.
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german air force gre, an air force inspector and two senior officials from
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the air operations center of the bundeswehr space command. according to these officers, the minister. based on the fact that the supply of cruise missiles to ukraine has already been resolved. i've come to the conclusion that there are two interesting targets: the bridge on east and ammunition depots, which are located above. the bridge in the east is difficult to reach; it is quite shallow. i would also like to say about the destruction of the bridge, we were intensively studying this issue, unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size... agreed to send taurus to kiev,
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the german chancellor very much notes that the revelation of the military makes it difficult position. scholz does not explain this by saying that it is the german military that is needed to use the missiles. well, from the conversation between the officers it follows that ukraine could easily manage the taurus on her own, so the chancellor is either lying or doesn’t trust ukraine. scholz himself, who is on a visit to italy, today called the publication of the military conversation a very serious problem and promised a quick investigation. well , it’s all the more surprising now to remember those years when the russian, or rather soviet, military and the military of that part of germany that was part of the warsaw bloc were there. what is called on one side of the barricades, so be sure to watch based on real events those years, the gdr series, which is now shown on ntv. it also talks about how the general
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secretary of the cpsu, mikhail gorbachev, is beginning a global transformation in the country, he really wants to become a star in world politics, and for this he is ready to go as far as he can to meet the west. but the perestroika planned by gorbachev leads to fatal, irreversible consequences, many of which... also burn, like any other tanks. this week it became known that in the battles near avdiivka, the ukrainian armed forces lost their first m-1 abrams tank. in footage filmed by russian
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the drone shows how a small drone is placed on a seventy-ton colossus covered with thick armor and as a result hits the tank in its most vulnerable spot. it is noteworthy that the ukrainian media disseminated footage of american tanks crawling towards the front line on february 4. thus , it turns out that abrams lived in the combat zone for only a couple of weeks. but our reporter mikhail bogdanov, who saw everything with his own eyes, will tell you about what is now happening on the front line of the russian-ukrainian conflict after the capture of avdeevka. special forces artilleryman akhmat batman shows a video taken outside a little earlier.
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this is the bakhmut direction, between dugouts and shelters, it’s better to move as quickly as possible, i don’t know if it was visible or not, but we are passing under the nets, because they installed here against drones, the straight bad part of the road is very often... this is just a catch from one of assaults from one of the positions, just here, as in other sectors of the front, russian troops are advancing, we are moving forward little by little, neighbors are actively working on the flanks, in general the situation is dynamic is changing, as for victory... everyone wants it, it is inevitable and just around the corner. intelligence officer , deputy special forces commander akhmat says that more and more ukrainian soldiers are being captured
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, who were mobilized against their will, no matter who we captured, everyone, everyone, one and all, says that they were somewhere there as cooks, drivers, that - also that they didn’t want to fight, well, that’s real, that’s how it is, those who surrender to captivity, they don’t fight, they don’t even shoot, they simply surrender to captivity, and this is based on this. we understand that they have no spirit absolutely. for alexey reshetnikov , the worst is over, he was captured in mid- february, he says he was left alone in the position, there was no hurry with the rotation, for the last 24 hours he was simply hiding in a damaged armored personnel carrier. i collected body armor where i could, removed the armor plates from them, and separately the plate carriers; i placed the plate carriers under myself and covered myself completely with these armor plates.
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i didn’t see my mother, i tried to communicate with her through correspondence, through social networks, but as soon as i wrote more than everything was fine with me, i immediately received an sms with cyber police with a warning that i was facing an article, and i could not contact my mother any other way, this was their first meeting in 2 years, i recorded an appeal to president putin. i ask you to consider my request to grant me russian citizenship, i want to live in russia in my hometown of melitopol, but for now he is in the status of a prisoner of war, however, he was much luckier than the ukrainian landing force on the kendera spit. as a result, two dozen dead, one prisoner, here he is, evgeny gorin. everything in this boat is told by gorin, just like him i myself initially understood that there was no military sense in the landing, what can i say about it,
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they threw it away?
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knows how, only in their brigade there were 1.7 killed, and how many other such brigades? last time there were six of us , two of them were hit by a mortar, they were three hundredths, two of them escaped, one came to me with me, but he was, i don’t know, or on some kind of narcotic substance, he immediately wanted to blow up his grenades, i i told him to get out of here, and he ran away too, i stayed in position myself.
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action, we dismantled them, the further the front line is from these houses, the more worries in the west, here's bloomberg. the ukrainian authorities are concerned that the russian army's cage could gain significant momentum. rody, apparently, has lost faith in a miracle weapon that alone can turn the tide of hostilities, says former cia analyst larry johnson. this time , the first american abrams tank destroyed in ukraine added pessimism to kiev and washington. these tanks are too heavy. they are difficult to maintain, they hardly work in the fields of ukraine, as soon as the first images of these undermined armored vehicles or tanks, nato countries are very worried that all this spoils their reputation, because partly all this happens because of money, so other countries just say: why should we buy this rubbish, no, thank you, we don’t need that. kalovrat is the commander of the reconnaissance and strike group that knocked out the americans. spotted at
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the entrance. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch, wait for us! israeli soldiers have almost reached the hamas leader, who is hiding in underground gas tunnels, but will he be able to death stop the war? the president's message: how did they decide to decipher it in the west and what did the kremlin choose to leave behind the scenes so as not to reveal all its cards? pharmaceutical companies have already earned billions of dollars on weight loss products, now it’s the turn of fast food manufacturers to earn even more money.
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and other unhealthy foods, why sellers of unhealthy fats and weight loss activists work hand in hand, how to save up for a dream and become the new rothschild, and is this even possible in our time? as well as a special guest of the program natasha koroleva, about whom they have been writing such things lately, we will find out the whole truth very soon, and from first-hand knowledge, this is a show of stars, it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team for themselves: dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, chushpan, philip kirkorov,
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com we continue the live broadcast, this is central television about the events and people of the week, well, now the main thing. russian theme of recent days. we can say that on this thursday not only russian, but all world news agencies set their watches according to moscow time. after all, despite the fact that the event, which took place in the living room courtyard was officially called the president's message to the federal assembly, this, as before, that is, before the outbreak of hostilities in ukraine, was a message not only to the country, but to the whole world. vladimir putin's speech lasted 2 hours and 6 minutes, this, by the way, was a record before... this, the longest message was in
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2018, then the russian president spoke for 1 hour and 57 minutes, and i think i will not be mistaken if i assume that of all the president’s theses, the western media most often quoted yul, which exactly? yes, vladim, everything is correct, and they didn’t just quote it, but made it into almost all the headlines, and we are talking about vladimir putin’s thesis that attempts at a new intervention in russia... threaten a large-scale conflict with the use of nuclear weapons. the president also called the claim that russia is preparing to attack europe nonsense. on the contrary, moscow is ready for dialogue with all countries to create a new contour of equal and indivisible security in eurasia. well, this was also the first presidential message in the history of russia, which fell on february 29th. well, that is , a day that appears on the calendar only once every 4 years, by the way, this date... february 29 is treated completely
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differently in the world, somewhere, like in greece, this day is considered so unlucky , that couples are not recommended to get married, but those who still dare to do so are warned that they will definitely get divorced and will never find true love. but in ireland, february 29 is considered almost the best day of the calendar, because at one time it was personally blessed by the saint himself. patrick, our reporter alexei petrushko, who visited gostiny dvor, knows exactly how this day will turn out to be in the history of russia and the whole world. he is distinguished from many other reporters by his rare ability to see what is usually not included in the footage of the official chronicle. the hands of federal ministers, deputies and officials, free from folders , emphasized the format of the message to the federal assembly, the president’s speech was only being listened to, in fact , there was no point in even recording him this time. after all, by the time the delegates were already leaving for their work
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offices, what they heard did not leave them, and it seemed that by this moment putin could even be learned by heart. everything that happened before is important, but now the most important thing begins. yes, it seems that not everyone is destined to go through this distance of 6 years, but there was hardly any anxiety in these hugs and smiles; the russian political establishment has recently been difficult to scare with anything. macron, this rooster spilled the beans ahead of time and absolutely. i am sure that they have discussed this problem for a long time, but the very fact the fact that this was voiced should not only alarm us, but mobilize us as much as possible. the statement from the west that preceded the message can hardly be called a mere coincidence, since similar tactics have been tested in practice more than once since the beginning of the security council; by throwing in ideas like supplying long-range weapons that strike the very heart of russia or sending nato troops to ukraine, moscow’s reaction is clearly being probed. another question is what the ambassador's text is. stays in the dark, and those present in the hall
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do not know until the last minute what they will say in the end the president. the answer to macron, and not only macron, did not take long to arrive. we remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic. the audience applauded, thereby giving many political experts in the west an alarming pause, because europe this week was divided into those who, as the political publication wrote...
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speak this language, we are ready to speak this language with them. west, like supposed, interpreted putin's signals as an answer to the question frequently asked recently: what will happen if nato goes to war with russia in ukraine? his message in the west was seen as somewhat reckless because putin spoke directly about the potential use of nuclear weapons against ukraine or nato. on the other hand, his statement is seen here as a purely rhetorical strategy, but also a way to discourage any thought about the deployment of nato troops on the territory of ukraine. and it would seem that in in the same message, putin talks about what horrifies the west, but that is, about weapons of mass destruction, and then, literally in one phrase, cancels what could become a new test tube for washington colin paola, nuclear war in space, judging by all accounts, it is cancelled, judging by the words, this is not even being discussed, it’s just some kind of
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stupidity, hanging out in the outer contour, this is not about reality, even in the days before the message, the intrigues around transnistria could also be seen on... to escalate, but putin didn’t even make a fool about transnistria, which, on the one hand, could have surprised someone in the room, on the other hand, it could have added points to republican congressmen in washington who are blocking aid to ukraine, from whose lips the word negotiations is increasingly heard, but can it be considered the first step towards peace is zelensky's trip to saudi arabia, who is trying on the role of a peacemaker? after all, we traveled to saudi arabia here on copper, and the next day zelensky arrived there, does this mean that this formula for peace is ukrainian. somehow still it can be discussed in russia, it can be discussed, but accepted, no, zelensky did not receive anything there, and that’s right, our cooperation with the royal saudi arabia is developing every month, so there is no need to be afraid of zelensky’s visits, besides, the conditions for negotiations are dictated by the situation
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in front, which is clearly not in favor of ukraine, now there is an active conversation about withdrawing our gold and foreign exchange reserves in europe, and in favor of ukraine. that is, to spend them on the war, we have approximately parity of the funds that frozen here, so the measures , i think, will be adequate, that is, they are scaring us for now, why are they scaring us, they can do it, they have gone completely crazy lately, the president has talked a lot about money, but not about those , which the west needs, and pro-russian funds that will go to new national projects, within the framework of one of these projects, the putin family proposed to extend the preferential mortgage until the thirtieth year, won’t this accelerate the real estate market even more? in fact , many different factors influence the price of money, the price of loans, the price of land, the price of building materials growth, so we believe that this decision on mortgages will not accelerate prices, by the way, we see a very serious slowdown in the issuance of mortgages, which means we see stagnation of prices somewhere, in general it just so happens that
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most the message was dedicated not to war but to peace, at some point it even seemed that the russian federal assembly was ready to begin carrying out instructions without leaving the hall.
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meeting, but today in france itself this story has received an unexpected development, it turned out that the french authorities may allow the special forces of the republic to go to ukraine, what this means, i hope, we will learn right now from yulia bekhtereva. let's really, as lemont writes, paris is considering the possibility of allowing french special forces groups to cross the border of ukraine to instruct the armed forces of ukraine in the protection of western military equipment. but, according to journalists.
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exclusively between israel and the hamas group. in a matter of moments, this rapid, fiery death began to suck in more and more participants. while dealing with hamas in the south, in... the north , the israeli army had to restrain the activity of the lebanese hezbollah, well, in the red sea, a whole international fleet of warships is already
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quite unsuccessfully trying to repel the attacks of the yemeni houthis, well, this week another front was opened against israel, on this time it’s political, and where it was definitely not expected, yul, you must agree, yes, vadim, it really seems that its main ally, washington, has begun to turn away from tel aviv, as he said. biden on nbc, israel risks losing world support if prime minister netanyahu's incredible conservative government will continue its policies. the answer, as they say, did not take long to arrive, and the office of the prime minister of israel published a press release, which was entitled as follows, the head of the netanyahu government responds to us president biden. in it , netanyahu indicated that 82% of americans support israel. i'll quote. this gives us strength to continue the war until complete victory. end of quote. vadim. yes, but the
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closer the election gets, the more important it will be for biden, those same 18% of americans whose minds and hearts are side of palestine. considering the margin with which trump is now leading, for biden, every vote will count. and he definitely lost one vote this week. in the us capital, near the israeli embassy. the monstrous act of self-immolation was carried out by an american military pilot, so he decided to express his protest against the bombing of the gas sector. biden , of course, has no need for such problems before the elections, and he will presumably do everything to transfer these very problems to israeli prime minister netanyahu. well, now the main goal washington - to dissuade israel from a military operation in the southernmost part of the gaza strip. this time the main target of the idf is the city of rafah, a small piece of land. sandwiched on one side by the egyptian border wall and on the other by israeli tanks. it was to this part of the palestinian enclave that
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civilians fled from israeli air and artillery strikes. which, by the way, the israeli authorities quite convincingly called for. but already on march 10, if hamas does not release the hostages, cast lead will also pour into narawa. in israel and our reporter klim sanatkin, who was the first russian television journalist to appear, continues to work in the gas sector. at the forefront of the israeli army, that is, in the very place that, without any exaggeration, has been a real death zone for several months in a row. another bloody echo of this war: dozens of dead, hundreds of wounded palestinians in the north of the gaza strip. here. this black and white footage was taken from a drone as aid trucks enter. thousands of
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hungry palestinians attack the very convoy and without waiting for the distribution of humanitarian aid , they literally tear the contents of these vehicles to pieces. the palestinians will blame the israelis for everything, who allegedly opened fire on the crowd of refugees. zahal sees everything as the palestinians who staged the same stampede that brought the world under the wheels. hamas is preventing civilians from evacuating combat areas. since the beginning of the war, we have been supplying a lot of humanitarian aid and solar panels for heating and electricity. but again we see how hamas is preventing these humanitarian efforts supplies and prevents citizens from receiving what they are entitled to under military agreements.
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and unfortunately, it so happened that they did not have time to jump out. three-year-olds are still being delivered to the barzelay hospital center in the city of ashkilon, closest to the gas sector. right now, at these minutes, an outpatient ambulance arrived. and they delivered the wounded soldiers, armored personnel carrier systems engineer alex had his second birthday at the end of january, but i can show the wound, this is what was left, traces, so to speak, the main wound was in the stomach, terrorists fired from an rpg grenade launcher and hit our armored combat vehicle, yes, i can get up and walk, i’m limping a little, but 2 weeks ago everything was much worse, i hope in
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a month you will see me running, even... months ago, before the tragedy october 7 , 2023, what happened this week in gaza would be considered a monstrous tragedy throughout the world and would be discussed in the world media, but today this is just one of the episodes of this bloody massacre, which has not stopped for 5 months. military jeeps every day today roaming the desert in search of new militants. from the very beginning they do not fight like... army against army, yes, that is, hamas does not fight by honest means, yes, that is, they come out from around the corner, these are terrorists who may be in civilian clothes, that is, there are jeans , t-shirt, but i don’t know, he walked from one house to another, as if suddenly he came out of another house with an rp that was hidden there, and there for 3 seconds he struck a tank or a group of soldiers, these were either snipers from the windows , that is, it’s practically non-existent, that’s it
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confrontation when soldier goes against soldier. army jeeps, the search for hostages continues in the tunnels, the intensity of the fighting has subsided and for the israeli tank crews, who were taken out from the front line, there is now a slight lull. the gas sector is one and a half kilometers from here in that direction, and here is a kind of service station, a kind of field workshop, here is a variety of equipment, tanks, armored personnel carriers, excavators, and there are even bulldozers, there are several of them here at once , they are the first to go in a column , they run over
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mines, clear the road, and from above they have this... but will his capture stop this war and where is the goal that will put an end to this war? prime minister netanyahu, when he announced the goals of the military operation in the gaza strip, he noted three main points: the first is the destruction of the power of hamas, both military and political, the second is the return of
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absolutely all our hostages, and the third is forever... but speaking, eliminating the military threat to the residents of our country from the south, that is, from the gas sector. until these three conditions are met, the military operation will continue. and now it seems everything has stopped in anticipation of march 10, the day when the ultimatum ends and the operation in rafah is to begin, which, like the affected israeli kibbutzim, will force residents to leave their homes forever. cybus was not growing now, like one big thing in the literal sense. a scorched field, the silence is broken only by a cannonade 2 km from here, the locals who survived do not really like to return here, because this village has also become a memory of those neighbors, relatives who are no longer there. this village is a few kilometers from the reyim district, once unremarkable except for this eucalyptus grove, a plot in the field, now
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a memorial, it was here on october 7 that the same raft party took place, at which... 347 people were killed. for the first time in almost 5 months, leor olivia found the strength to come to this place. at that time... she lost her husband. i keep trying to imagine what he thought here alone without me in the last seconds of his life. currently , 134 people are still being held hostage by hamas militants. they are essentially both a human shield and an active item. bargaining. the place where hundreds of young people died is now forever an open- air memorial. another reminder of the terrible tragedy, black saturday, which is remembered in the world today.
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century, the real story of worldwide deception will definitely be revealed, how to save up for a dream and become a new rothschild, and is this even possible in our time? as well as a special guest of the program natasha koroleva about whom. lately they've been writing things like this, we'll find out the whole truth very soon, and from first-hand accounts, oh god, what a man, i want,
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the holiday continues. did you blow up the whole hall? this is our pride, this is our everything. fifth anniversary season. so real, so true. it would seem that you can come up with something else in the new season, here is the snake gorynich, show mask, mask, mask. well, we need to close the show, today at 20:20 on ntv.
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genferon light spray is a green light to my goals and plans, a red light to influenza viruses in rvi. spray genferon light - the power of green light. again, everyone needs gifts. gps batteries. saw it, buy it! one friend of mine can do anything, fix a car with her bare hands, with her bare feet cope with enemies, but what can you do? and i get gigabytes from megaphone just like that, naked charisma, megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, only for megaphone subscribers, fire, fire, premiere nakion, how did you get to afghanistan? sergey puski palis, marina alexandrova! alexey kravchenko: everyone says that he won’t return, but do you yourself believe that he will return? return at any cost, look now only at kion. energy of ocean water aqualor with
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a new rotary nozzle duo. shower mode for moisturizing protection against viruses. rotate the nozzle to change spray pattern. the jet mode helps treat severe nasmak. aqualor, breathe the energy of the ocean. there are touching discounts in rbt stores so that... make comfort accessible loop - pure products without harmful additives, this is the same hair dryer, the same hair dryer, and also top quality discounts up to 50%, a robot vacuum cleaner for only 16.999 langidase helps break down fibrous tissue, langidase against prostatitis. 25 years ago you first came to us and asked, is that enough? for chocolate? enough even for two, for breakfasts, dinners and... whatever you want, especially with a holiday discount of 25%. pyaterochka, help out, everyone needs gifts again. ampm displacer with 40% discount. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops.
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i give, now the prices for flowers are such that it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone. mega discounts up to 50% on smartphones with communication. gdr premieres tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. we came up with syrbaka, our own cheese, with a natural rich taste. we don’t repeat, we create our own. syrbogatov is our cheese. buy osaga on the comparison site. and win a car. only until april 26th you can insure one car with us and win a second one. or a million rubles. choose osaga or any.
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stats in the diet all the crusts are perfectionists, they eat only grain feed, and never use harmful growth hormone additives. yes, these are petelenka's high standards. petelenka - pure products without harmful additives. the prices are just a holiday. we always have a holiday, and it’s been like that for 25 years, the price tag is favorable, which means the price is low. okay pasta for 34.99. pyaterochka helps out. i'm helping calm the most raging stomach. i'm a phosphoruger. i cope with shoga,
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stomach pain and poisoning and is available on the yandex market. mask - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. we are live again, i remind you that you are watching central television, the first information show. both the real sharks from ol street and the most ordinary people who are interested in finance would not mind making money by playing on the stock exchange this week. they looked with envy at the tail of a rocket taking off, but in stock exchange slang a rocket is a company whose shares have sharply skyrocket in price. so, on tuesday, shares of the little-known american pharmaceutical company vikings therapeutics rose almost 100%. around the same time, during the pandemic , quotes of companies that announced the creation of another vaccine against covid-19 started hitting the stock market. but the pandemic is over and what a magic pill made it happen.
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the most valuable company in europe not long ago became a small danish company, which also launched a drug initially intended for diabetics, but the drug had an unexpected side effect. effect, that is, it saves ordinary people from extra pounds, here one could assume that the world's fast food producers will certainly be ruined by people's desire to be thin and slender, but no, the shares of a company that is ready to flood the world with hamburgers and sweet soda are not
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satisfied on the stock exchanges are skyrocketing, but nevertheless they are also growing, bringing huge profits to their owners. and it turns out that some people are successfully earning billions of dollars by feeding people a lot of high-calorie and completely unhealthy food. food, while others get rich by peddling weight loss drugs to almost the same people. so in some ways this all looks like a real conspiracy theory. well, where is the conspiracy theory? our reporter anton chichulinsky is there. whose hands have been itching for a long time to expose something like this, let’s look , imagine a place where only fat people live, but this is in reality, this is the island of nauru in the pacific ocean, nine out of ten local residents here are overweight, otherwise not up to fat, and can you suggest any restaurant with traditional dishes, we don’t have restaurants with traditional dishes, and the islanders were just so carried away by the extraction of phosphates,
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sunny italy, the ramazini institute and its research director fiarella belpoge, she declared war on the king among
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sweeteners, aspartame. aspartame breaks down into finylalanine and formaldehyde during metabolism. formaldehyde is a recognized carcinogen and is especially common . today it is used in more than 6,000 products, most commonly in diet sodas. here is one of the megaporations that clings to it, this is of course, coca-cola. i found myself helping them retain a huge portion of the income
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that was food stamps. true medicine co-founder keli means advised coca-cola on how to avoid the sugar tax and even receive subsidies. 10 billion dollars a year from the state treasury for sweetened water supposedly to treat diabetes, the amount of malfeasance i have seen is astounding. i think the biggest problem with obesity is the obesity of governments. financier charles ortel leads a figure for how much american healthcare spends on treating diet-related illnesses. the amount ranges from 140 billion to more than a staggering amount. but what to do if all restrictions, taxes, be it sugar or salt, are so easy to bypass. the us environmental protection agency has registered 140,000 new chemical compounds that did not exist a century ago,
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an entire chemical forest of which they have only tested a few. perhaps there is an answer, it was found not in the states or in europe, but where no one expected, in colombia. real chicken head or real cozy home restaurant in the city of tunhai, the owners treat you, there is something to note, a serious blow has been dealt to those who take colombians from their bellies. this is a law for people, not corporations. colombia has introduced a tax on all ultra-processed chemical foods; lawyer josé emilio esquivel claims that next year it will be 25%. we passed this law because we have a responsibility to defeat companies like american mcdonald's because the healthcare system is under stress. this is a local clinic for those suffering from obesity. diseases that we previously saw after 60 years of age, we now
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see at 25:30. junk food shouldn't be the cheapest and most accessible. but still, how did colombia succeed in something that did not work out in the states, even with their model president? obama, whose wife literally pushed for food standards legislation. barack obama, of course, is very fit and takes care of his health, but we haven’t seen him spend effective campaign against junk food. probably because under his administration, junk food companies simply doubled their lobbying spending. we also had a lot of lobbying from various transnational corporations from the tenth to the twenty-third year. they always beat us. it took us 13 years to accept. this law. this is arepa. the number one food on the colombian streets. the arepa itself is just such a flatbread made from corn flour, which is usually filled with a variety of types of meat, including these sausages. but what is sausage?
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from the point of view of nutritionists, this processed meat is a harmful product, which means, in theory, it should also be subject to a new tax. when politicians realized what they could provoke with their law. the very drug to lose weight like everyone else, she doesn't want to talk about it,
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the idea of ​​body positivity was spread from top to bottom, they say you could be healthy at any size, this is a lie, this was done deliberately, but now with the spread of new drugs, obviously times change, you can do not deny yourself either food or miracle pills, treatment, if you have money, then they will not refuse you, because treatment is also profitable. antonchik. you should already hate it after so many years, you understand what’s going on, on the one hand, yes,
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but on the other hand, this is the song that brought me incredible popularity and love from the audience, so no, i really, really love these flowers, thank you, you and i have many reasons to meet today, and the main one, of course, yes, and the main one is that you joked so carelessly, the whole country i believed it, that’s what it’s all about, but i’m telling you. everything is fine, wait, well, well , well, maybe it was some kind of allergic reaction, well
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, just yes, well, it just so happened that lera and stas and i have this allergy, and we all correspond in our chat, secret chat, and share secret information, that’s it, but thank god it’s all gone, another important reason is, of course, your concert in the kremlin, which will take place on march 10, and i thought that we would help you sell tickets. and then i discovered that that’s it, there are no tickets, everything is sold out, everything sold out, and we are doing this concert as a nabis concert, because the premiere took place a year ago, at the same time, by the way, i was visiting your studio, but then i have a big tour around the cities of our big beautiful homeland, this is lipetsk , this is bryansk, this is borisoglebovsk, and tambov, so friends, look at smolensk, ivanovo, yaroslav, look for the poster, come, we will dance, sing and... and enjoy life, because spring, spring, great time, and
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natasha, of course, you are stunning in this suit, but let’s get back to the rumors or to refute these very rumors, one of which, as we have already said , we started ourselves, and you know, in fact, a lot has been written about you this week and is being written lately, and i’m warning you right away, we have collected the news match the color of your suit. the best thing is that i have yellow, so now the real headlines will appear on the screen, and you confirm or deny, well, if you don’t want to comment, then don’t comment, so, look here, and natasha koroleva left russia for america, well here there’s nothing to talk about, well, you understand, yes , that is, only i have to go abroad somewhere, no matter what country, i definitely have to emigrate for some reason, but everyone wants me to emigrate, they can’t wait, natasha koroleva and tarzan celebrated a porcelain wedding. well, yes, it was, of course, but it was already in august, noted, noted, the next headline, natasha koroleva
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mocked her daughter-in-law right in front of her son, well , first of all, let’s get everything straight, my son is dating a beautiful girl, but they are not married, so well, well not quite a daughter-in-law, but just my son’s girlfriend, in terms of bullying, on the contrary, i love everyone , on the contrary, i give everyone the opportunity to realize themselves, on the contrary, i give myself opportunities. after all, well, in general , the word bullying is not in my vocabulary, i never, in general, always treat people only well and positively, and even more so towards those people who are part of the close circle of my family. natasha, there is one more piece of news, for some reason our directors did not dare to portray it on the screen, but everyone was discussing it on the eve of our broadcast, someone wrote that natasha koroleva's breasts grew and they even put a centimeter on me, but i don't dare, to be honest.
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such ideas from the outside, but i don’t want to develop it further, because this is a purely personal story, let it remain personal, but i can tell you that of course i’m following, super, and natasha, and also, returning for a second to yours concert on march 10, by the way, i couldn’t buy a ticket, so i’m hinting to you, i brought you an invitation, but this, i’m very happy with this. i wanted to, but tell me, will there be new songs at the concert? yes of course we do the premiere, you know, the premiere, because i was very impressed by the series the boy’s word, which, by the way, will soon be, as i understand it, on the channel, yes in april, yes in april, so i watched it, i realized that this is the life, in which i personally lived, these are the stories that
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were in my childhood, my youth, i wanted to make such a cool new song, it will be... think, think, think, now is the time for such revealing outfits, i mean, what is it, maybe be more modest, no, well, i’m trying to be modest, that’s all covered and not a mine, but already up to the knee, well, then i understand that how old are you, natasha.
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and our reporter, tatyana proskurikova, tried to find out. well, who hasn’t dreamed of one day quitting their job and setting off the sails on their yacht to meet them.
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gatje koufar also fulfilled his dream, although not his own, but his parents’, he became an engineer, but at 34 he realized that he had no passion for cars. when i told my mother that i wanted to become a baker, she replied: another baker from france, this is so corny, we gave you a good education so that you could be an engineer. he learned to bake croissants for himself, in new york he really missed the taste he knew from childhood, but a couple of posts on social networks and his apartment itself turned into a bakery. orders poured in. we bring butter and chocolate from france. to open a small confectionery shop, he borrowed money from friends, took out loans, almost the entire income of 40,000 dollars a month is still being spent on repayment. debts, but now gatje is happy at work, go on a trip, open his own business, build a house, these people have such different goals, but there is something in common, they all
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they regret that they did not start saving money for their dream much earlier. kirill is only nine, but he has already decided on his goals, watching his mother play the piano, he also decided to become a musician, but i have plans to study at the conservatory, right? moscow, and then give concerts, just like my mother. kiril’s family lived in buryatia, but moved to moscow when teachers noted the boy’s ability for music. well, i would like to play either an ordinary classical piano, or a white, large, beautiful grand piano. give it to your son an expensive instrument for graduation from music school is the dream of parents, for this they have already started saving small amounts into a separate account. even if, when he finishes school, he does not want to choose the path of a musician, this money will help us in his other endeavors, for example, now it is very fashionable to have
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the profession of an it specialist, and training is quite expensive, so if we don’t buy him a royal, then we can help him, make some contribution to his future profession. valentina found out that this year there was more profitable. a way to save for a child’s future than a regular deposit: a long-term savings program in the non-state pension fund sber-npf. it’s easy to calculate your income on the website; you can apply for it without leaving your home at sberbank online. kirill’s parents decided to visit the nearest sberbank branches to find out how to get maximum income. indeed, in this program , a person not only saves himself, but receives co-financing from the state in the amount of up to 36,000 rubles per year. if you have an income of up to 80,000 rubles, then you contribute 36,000 rubles during the year. the state contributes the same amount to you, that is, co-financing one to one. in addition,
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a participant in the long-term savings program has the right to a tax deduction of up to 400,000 rubles. finally, sberf invests all funds, accruing income to the client’s account. you can also transfer into the program pension savings that were formed in the compulsory pension insurance system since 2002. by 2014, with the help of this program you can return part of the income tax, for young families this is very convenient and relevant. it turns out to be a triple benefit and that’s it savings are protected by the deposit insurance agency in the amount of 2,800,000, this is twice as much as deposit protection. payments from the account can be received in installments upon reaching retirement age, or the entire amount can be withdrawn in full after 15 years. a young man at 25 years old, for example, can open such a... program, receive co-financing , receive a tax refund every year, yes, receive investment income already at the age of 40, receive all the capital that was
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formed in this program, in order to realize one of your goals. in the world a whole movement of people who want to retire as early as 35 is gaining popularity , the point is to actively earn, save and invest when you are young, in your prime? strength to live on passive income, thousands of people around the world have already fulfilled this dream. this is tanner firll, and he retired at 29 years old. for the sake of. after early retirement, he went into austerity mode, the programmer postponed 80% of his income. instead of eating a piece of meat, you can eat a serving of beans. he buys all his things at flea markets, lower he rents out the floor to tenants, and instead of hanging out with friends at the bar, he chooses free board games. savings and careful investments allowed me to accumulate half a million dollars in 5 years. the best way to spend
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extra money is ironically. fate save them to give you more free time in your life. of course, not everyone will decide on such an ascetic lifestyle in order to achieve financial freedom, but planning long-term savings will definitely allow you to look confidently into the future and make your dreams come true. tatiana proskoryakova, anastasia lunkova, yaroslav ilatov, vladimir sharykin, central television. well, this is where our time on the air ends, but our favorite ntv channel continues to work, and what will happen next? and in a few seconds you won’t believe the program. well, we will see you in exactly a week, as always on saturday at 19:00. stay with us, stay with your central television, see you, bye.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. the russian military disrupted the rotation ukrainian troops are under attack, the ministry of defense reported. during the battles , the engineering and sapper group was liquidated. our search and rescue crews are working in the north donetsk direction. using mi-8 helicopters, they supported the actions of attack and army aviation. in addition to combat missions, the unit's mission includes assisting pilots who are forced to eject or make an emergency landing. and the fighters of the vostok group of forces received state awards. these soldiers distinguished themselves at...


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