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tv   U nas viigrivayut  NTV  March 3, 2024 8:20am-10:00am MSK

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leave them without a gift! inna, julia, these flowers are for you! how grateful! thanks a lot! roma, i am pleased that our acquaintance happened this way. i did my best! roma, we are glad to see you again as the host of our show, and indeed, you are right, spring has come, three wonderful winter months are behind us, during which many of us actively rested. the whole family celebrated the holidays, one family from tyumen, thanks to our show, even won a new year's billion, i agree, winter is a wonderful time of year, but i still prefer i like spring, for me the ideal winter is the first snow, and for a beautiful photograph, of course, new year with a basin of olivia and of course the traditional trip to the skating rink, then you go to bed, wake up spring, cool, well, spring also comes to our show. and
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the time comes for the traditional spring draws, thanks to which many new lottery winners will appear in our country. well, let's get started, you are watching the main lottery show in the country, we are winning a show that invariably brings families from all over the country to their television screens. by the way, we will benefit not only from the owners of lucky lottery tickets, but also from the guests of the show, who will be able to earn money thanks to their luck to replenish the family budget, as well. congratulations on the coming of spring and welcome you to our studio! and now
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it’s time to get acquainted with the participants of our traditional family game, who, as always, are the winners of the table ato lotteries. what motivates a person in life? persistence, courage, or maybe fate? our next participant is definitely lucky, because he managed to win more than 1,900,000 rub. we welcome ilya saratov with his girlfriend christina and the city of orel. maternity leave for a young mother is a new and interesting stage in life, during which many try to find different hobbies for themselves. for our next guest , participation in lotteries from the 100-lotto became such a hobby, and not in vain, because she managed to win 800 thousand rubles in the housing lottery, welcome irina murileva with her husband oleg and children, the city of hinke. ilya, how did you manage your winnings from the lottery house? i put it aside for the apartment.
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great, what are the first things you plan to do after buying an apartment? i was thinking about getting myself a dog, which i have been dreaming about for so long, we wish your dream to come true. irina, why did you choose to participate in lotteries as your hobby during maternity leave ? this is a good emotional release, relief, especially when you are on maternity leave. i bought a ticket, put the phone in my pocket, felt that i was a millionaire, this is a great feeling, they help to discharge the charge. yes, it's just an incredible feeling. thank you for coming, dears. guests, i wish you good luck in today's game. and let me remind you that in addition to the participants in our family game, there are, as always, exactly 90 spectators in the studio, the same number as there are barrel balls in our lotteries. now a random number will appear next to each of the spectators, some on the right, some on the left. nobody knows who will get which number , but it is known for sure that it will bring good luck to someone today, the lucky one whose number matches. with the last drawn number
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in each of today's lotteries will receive a gift from our show, let's find out your numbers, launch a random number generator, come on, great, the numbers of the audience in the studio have been determined and we are ready. start drawing the golden horseshoe lottery, during which the murylev family will begin to replenish the safe of our program with the help of their luck. irina, oleg, please give me a stage. time to remind the rules of the game for our participants. there are 90 balls in the lottery machine. irina and oleg need to name three lucky numbers, from one to 90, which, in their opinion, will appear before the rest. each
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the number drawn by irina and oleg will bring the program safe 10,000 rubles. thus, our participants will be able to replenish the safe programs during the first three rounds of the zolotaya lottery. horseshoe and maximize its amount by 90,000 rubles. it is important that before the start of each round, irina and oleg should always have three lucky numbers. yes, irina, oleg, i’m ready to hear your lucky numbers, who will call? today i'm irina. irina, please. so the first number is 8, 8, 19, 19 and 60 and 60. why these particular numbers? the eighth is ours ah... our wedding is being celebrated in the church, the wedding day, the nineteenth wedding day and 60. my mother is 60 years old this year, so we found out the three lucky numbers of irina and oleg, which means we are ready to move on to the lottery draw, golden horseshoe, we are starting drawing of the 444th
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draw of the golden horseshoe lottery, the prize fund for today's draw is: 13,991,200 rubles. super prize 12,816,634 rub. today, in the 444th edition of the golden horseshoe, the first spring edition, we will give away a trip for you for 200,000 rubles. and a lot of money before prizes. path a golden cube will bring you good luck. the prize money for the first round is: in the first round , tickets in which all five numbers of any horizontal line win, before others match the numbers of the balls dropped from the lottery machine. we launch the lottery machine and wait
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for the first ball, ball number 90. 13 number 32 53 attention, the next move is the fifth, according to the rules of the golden horseshoe lottery , on the fifth move a super prize can be played if all five numbers of the upper horizontal line of the top and...
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its prize fund goes to the next circulation, and we continue the first round. 78, ball number eight, this is our lucky number, this is what we pulled in. well, for our winners, the winners of the first round of the golden horseshoe lottery, this number also became lucky. so, three tickets purchased in the ryazan and saradov tver regions won, the winnings amounted to 50,000 rubles. for every winning ticket. you are
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the winners, the first winner of today's drawing. congratulations. in the first round, irina and oleg got one lucky number. thus, they brought 10,000 rubles to the safe. attract good luck. you are ready? yes. yes. so, attention, question number one. according to popular belief, what should you do with the first spring flower you find in order to protect yourself from adversity and bring happiness into your home? pick it and dry it carefully. eat it immediately,
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pass by without looking at it, or make a decoction of the flower and drink it. you have 20 seconds to think. ask. i think all spring flowers are always dried and made. chii i always ate, well, you did it wrong, i assure you, it’s a novel, they need to be brewed with water, we have a grandmother and she’s 95 years old, she she's a 100% healthy woman, she always dries it out, so i'm for it. your answer, pick to dry, dry to dry, and this is absolutely correct, according to folk wisdom, the found flower must be picked and carefully dried and stored at home until next spring, it is believed that this is how you can protect yourself from adversity and attract happiness to your home. i congratulate you, you replenish the safe of our program with 10,000 rubles. and now you... need to name one lucky number so that there are three of them again. what number should we add? 37.307. so,
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the lucky numbers have been determined, they are 19, 37 and 60. we are moving into the second round of the golden podkuva lottery. in the second round, tickets are won in which all 15 numbers of one of the playing fields, upper or lower, before the others match the numbers of the balls dropped from the lottery drum. from the second round. we are starting to give away seven trips for 200,000 rubles each. and we launch lattotron again. ball number 31. 77. number 18. ball number 14
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22 number 30 ball number 59. and charm number 60, i congratulate you, it turned out to be a palm, oh cool, rub your palm all over, oops, luck has come, we are waiting next scarf and it's number 64, 82. ball number five, 16, number 54,
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68. 12 ball number six nine number 35. ball number two,
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84, 34, ball number four, 76. ball number 71 and ball number 37 i congratulate you, it works, the palm works, it’s yours, whatever you do, keep it working, we’re waiting for the next ball number 24 ball
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number 48 79 87 ball number 21 58 number 67 39. ball number
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10, number 41, top game, top game, in the second tour won one ticket purchased in moscow, pack your bags, you are going on a trip for 2000 rubles. congratulations on in the second round, roman yunusov did his best to help irina and oleg attract the blow.
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good luck to spring, by the way, it is at this time of year, when everything is in bloom, that a big hanami festival is held in japan, which is dedicated to admiring nature. by the way, i believe that you need to admire nature at any convenient moment, and not just on holidays. irina, oleg, i congratulate you, you have just added another 10,000 rubles to the safe of our program. well done, cool! now you need to
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name two more lucky numbers so that there are three again. who will be? 26 and 26 88 and 88. so, the lucky numbers are determined - they are 19, 26 and 88. and we move on to the third round. in the third, in subsequent rounds , tickets are won in which all 30 numbers of both playing fields match the numbers of the balls dropped from the lottery drum. in the third round, we continue to play trips for 200,000 rubles. we start the lottery machine, wait for the next ball, number 75, 44, ball number
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20. 74 ball number 11 81 63 number 61. 47 number 83 62 number 19
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about this - it was only worth doing everything like this, immediately on your feet, most importantly on your feet, we are waiting next ball, ball number seven, 72, 23. ball number 46 69 29 ball number 25 number 33
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56. stop the game, stop the game! in the third round , i won one ticket purchased in moscow. your travel winnings for rub 200.00. we would love to go with you, but we need to make people happy. congratulations to the winner. irina, oleg, it's time to sum up your game. you have accumulated 60,000 rubles in the program safe. this is a great result, really. very cool, i invite you to return to our winners' sofa, please, thank you very much, and we proceed to the fourth round, where we continue to play travel for 200,000 rubles. we are waiting for the next
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ball, 89. ball number 40. we won two tickets purchased in the khantemanti autonomous okrug in moscow. winning a trip for 2000 rubles. for every winning ticket. you are lucky to have a wonderful morning today. congratulations. we continue the draw. 17. we won two tickets purchased in the vladimir region in moscow. winning a trip for 200,000 rubles for each winning ticket. pack your bags. congratulations. and we are waiting for the next winners. 85. the cost of the remaining one
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the trip was divided between two tickets purchased in the tver region in crimea. thus. each of you won 100,000 rubles. great wins! congratulations! today , seven trips worth 200,000 rubles were raffled off in the golden horseshoe. and we proceed to the drawing of the remaining cash prize fund. you can see the winning amount on your screens. we are waiting for the next ball. number 73. ball number
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57 27 number 51 ball number 80. 26, 55, ball number 49, ball number one 28 43 number 52
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70. ball number three, 65, number 88, 45. 86
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ball number 15, stop game, stop game, this was the last move of the 444th draw of the golden horseshoe lottery. there are three balls left in the lottery machine, their numbers are 36, 38 and ball number 42. you don’t need to cross out these numbers on your tickets, if they are not on your tickets, that’s great. because that means you've won. i am announcing the results from today's draw. dear participants of the golden horseshoe lottery. today we have drawn prizes for you totaling: 10 million 343.290 rubles. won 78,832 tickets. we sincerely congratulate the winners. 444 circulation
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lotteries. the horseshoe is completed, the super prize of the next draw is 16 million 464.544 rubles. in the next festive edition of the 445th golden horseshoe, dedicated to march 8th. we will draw prizes of 500,000 rubles for you. and other cash prizes in the lottery machine. there are only two balls left, every second ticket wins. give eid qiraj tickets to your beloved women. and may the golden horseshoe bring them good luck. let me remind you that you can purchase lottery tickets from stolato at stolato points of sale and in many stores, as well as on the website in the application stoloto. download it, you can buy tickets quickly, easily and without leaving your home. golden horseshoe raffle.
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ended with number 15, so the viewer with this number in the hall receives a gift from our show. let's find out where this number guy is in the studio. number 15. hello, i see you, what is your name? and denis. denis, i congratulate you on 10 tickets for the next festive edition of the lti golden horseshoe. let me remind you that the broadcast of the holiday draw will take place on sunday , march 10th. play with your family and win. it's spring, which means it's time to awaken from hibernation and start preparing for the summer season. today , our circulation commission includes a fitness trainer, an active bodybuilding athlete in the fitness bikini category, alina konosheva, who knows exactly how best to get into shape after a long winter. alina, what are the best steps to start your transformation so as not to immediately
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shock your... body, i’m glad to welcome everyone, but like any self-respecting coach, i’ll start with the fact that you need to take into account your restrictions, based on this , select the load , any online site can help you with this issue, where you can find information, or apply your existing experience, and you can also contact a specialized specialist, the load should be selected specifically for you. thank you, alina, really very useful recommendations. well , i want to remind the audience the result of our lottery games. the winners of the murylev family, irina and oleg, were able to put all their programs into 60,000 rubles. ahead of us is a housing lottery, during the drawing, which ilya, christina will have the opportunity to contribute to this program. by the way, yuri, what associations do you have with the word spring? joy, improved mood, new emotions. do you know what causes the same associations for me? of course, advertising. this
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is almost 15 million winnings every month, 82% of lottery participants win, the amount of all winnings has already exceeded 200 billion rubles, buy lottery tickets wherever it is convenient, this is a show of stars, it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen their humorous team, dmitry malikov, you doesn't matter no one will believe it, stranger. philip kirkorov, salam aleikum, valekum salam, my bunny, i am your bunny, denis dorokov, preparations for the elections are going well, one hundred percent nazca is expected, alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov, with a team of funny dudes, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me ,
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everything will work out for you on ntv, why? applause! italy, julebina! marina fidunkev! djigan! my darling, i miss you! ah, pranksters! azamat musagaler! i wanted to be your star! stars - a new humorous show! march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. mask - new season. today at 20:20 on ntv. trimidate can eliminate the cause of abdominal pain and discomfort by targeting spasm or dysmotility. trimedat, feel life, not pain in your stomach. holiday discounts in cosmetics magnet. avon attraction paired fragrances with 35% discount.
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magnit cosmetic - the price is right. tefleko is a russian manufacturer of energy-efficient heaters made of quartz sand. consumption is only 2-3 kilos. hours a day, the tepleko heater works like a russian stove, heats up quickly, and then takes a long time gives off heat without consuming electricity, heat does not burn oxygen, and it has a lifetime guarantee, choose your tipleka heater, space heater, well , credit card debts are hanging, interest is accruing, you need a handyman, do you take out credit cards? you transfer your debts to a bank account, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with a bank card, when buying a car you can do without a car service, if you have scanning
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vision, you could at least buy one, and for those who don’t have superpowers, there is autoteca and complete car history according to 25 criteria, calmer, buy with an auto library on avito auto. viruses recede when the telelar-northern star appears, telelar-northern star, stay healthy, 60% on everything, more important than words, with love falcons, mask - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. carbon deposits on metal, grease on plastic, dirt on sneakers, enough! universal cleaning paste - just shine! from leamax. you can easily and quickly defeat the dirt on white leather sneakers. clean congealed grease from the plastic kettle and metal toaster surface. give your stainless steel products a new look. just a shine will clean the seams between the tiles
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and cope with a badly neglected slab. the paste does not smell, does not harm the skin of your hands, does not spoil the surface, and will make everything in your home shine. order two packages of universal cleaning paste at once. just shine from leamax for only 1,499 rubles. but call us right now and two packs of cleaning paste will be yours for only 999 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website how tidy up your face and not cut yourself, and remove hairs from your nose and ears? leamax razer. three in one rotary. cordless 4d razor, beard trimmer, nose ear trimmer. just change the attachments. three cutting heads: metal mesh cover, high-quality and safe shave, regardless of the direction of hair growth. a beard trimmer will
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tidy up your mustache and beard. edging and styling without visiting the hairdresser. and the nose trimmer will carefully remove unwanted hairs in the nose and ears. call to order razor three in one leamax razer for. 1,999 rubles, but call us right now, the razor will be yours for only 1,699 rubles. today only a free moisturizing aftershave lotion. leamax, purchases with a plus. call or order on our website dna tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. you are again at the main lottery show in the country, they win with us, whether to believe in luck or not is a personal matter for everyone, but for the heroes of our next column this question is considered rhetorical, because each
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of them believed, each of them won, precisely about we talk about such lucky ones and not only in our lottery news. the hero of our today's story - everyone leaves satisfied and happy.
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hello everyone, my name is sasha menshkov. i won a million rubles in the russian lotto. i have been working in the beauty industry as a hair stylist for 10 years. my style is one example of what can be done. it’s easier for people to trust a stylist when he has a distinct, high-quality, and not necessarily expensive, style in appearance. i've been playing for about a year, i always take 13 tickets, and most often in a row, i like it this number, i don’t even look at the numbers , i don’t calculate the combinations, i came and said i have 13 tickets, chuk-chuk-chuk, they counted it out and it’s done, i put it on the shelf, i practically forgot for a week, and there was a text message saying that i had won , there was a report for several tickets , only one had a comment like this, well, i thought, well, 1050 arrived, i use the application quite... it’s convenient for me to go in, look and think, how many zeros are there,
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my eyes just ran wide, i counted the zeros, it turned out to be a million , while you hold the barbell in your hands, you're resting, yeah, something like, you had a great rest, like any hairdresser, one of the problem areas is your back, your lower back always falls off in the evening, you have to take care of your health, when you're over 30 you begin to understand this more, after winning my life changed in terms of emotions, she was completely positive physically, i felt like... unloaded my back, got braces, lost weight. physical tone, the feeling of being healthy is a very cool feeling, it allows you to achieve your goals. now in the future i dream of opening my own studio, i will open your salon. you can play the lottery for adrenaline. this is cool. the anticipation of winning is stronger than the emotions after winning, so we continue to play. we once again congratulate alexander menshikov. we wish you to continue to develop as a stylist, and also
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to open your dream salon. each plot of our lottery news is real proof that luck does not depend on your profession or place of residence, so take part in lottery draws, because they win with us, and now it’s time for ilya and christina to replenish our common safe programs.
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let me remind you that our wonderful couple will only have the opportunity to top up their safe in the first three rounds of the lottery. what lucky numbers will you name? so, i start, yes , four, ilya, four, christina, 17, 17 and eight and eight, so why are they named, by the way, four - this is my game number, i play under it, and on the eighth, in august we met with christina, and 17, 17 is, i just think that this is the best age in a person’s life, and i fondly remember my 17 years, well, wonderful, so, lucky numbers determined, these are 4, 17, in the first round of lottery housing, each lucky number drawn or... and christina replenish the program save for 10,000 rubles. and all three guessed numbers can
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bring 30,000 rubles into the safe. and we are ready to start the housing lottery. friends, today in the 588th spring drawing of the housing lottery, we will draw for you prizes of one million rubles for repairs, as well as thousands of other cash prizes. i wish you. good luck! the prize fund for the 588th draw is 27 million 839.925 rubles. and we launch the lottotron. the prize fund of the first round is 360,000 rubles. in the first round, the winners are tickets in which all five numbers of any horizontal
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line, before others, match the numbers of the balls dropped from the lottery drum. read in detail the rules of the housing lottery. ru, we are waiting for the first ball, ball number 26, ball number one, 57. number 82, ball number 34,
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23, number 41 stop game, stop game, in the first round of the housing lottery you won one ticket purchased in st. petersburg, you will win 360,000 rubles, we congratulate you on your rest, a great start, a good start! ilya, christina, in in the first round of the home lottery, your lucky numbers didn’t come up, but that’s okay, now you will have the opportunity to catch up, don’t be upset, great, now it’s your turn to answer my easy spring questions to replenish. safe program, the correct answer will also bring you 10,000 rubles. incorrect, the amount will remain the same. you are ready? yes, so, attention, question: what flower blooming in spring did the ancient greeks consider a symbol of awakening nature? daffodil, dandelion, tulip or crocus? 20 seconds to
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think? well, what do you think? i don't know, well hardly a tulip, that would be too obvious, maybe the ancient greeks, the ancient greeks. come on dandelion, no, no, come on narcissus, okay, narcissus, narcissus, so, your answer is narcissus, and this, unfortunately, is the wrong answer, the name of this flower comes from the greek word thread, it was crocus, the greeks considered the symbol of spring and the awakening nature, by the way, it is from crocuses that the familiar saffron seasoning is made to us all, can you imagine, you knew, no? kilja, christina, you did not top up the safe with 10,000 rubles. but there’s definitely no point in getting upset, because that i hope our rituals will bring you luck in the second round of the housing lottery, of course, since your numbers did not come up, in the first round they move on to the second round. we are moving into the second round of the housing lottery. from
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the second round we begin to draw five prizes of 1 million rubles each. for repairs. in the second round the ticket wins. in which all 15 numbers of one of the playing fields, upper or lower, before others will coincide with the numbers of balls dropped from the lottery drum. we launch the lottery machine, 32, 65, attention, the next move is the tenth. by according to the rules of the housing lottery, on the tenth move a super prize can be drawn if all 10 numbers of any two horizontal lines coincide with the numbers of the balls dropped from the lottery drum. let me remind you that the guaranteed super prize of the 588th drawing of the housing lottery is 500
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million rubles. and we are waiting for the tenth scarf. this is ball number 74, the super prize was not drawn today, its prize background goes into the next draw, we continue with the second, we are waiting for the next ball, number 70, 24, oh, it’s already close. some other way, come here, come here, come here, 14, 44. 31 ball number 77 84
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64 36 ball number 30 six 16 number. 33, luck is nearby, ball number 10, 37,
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68, 89. 78 38 69. 71
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ball number 11 72 ball number 17, 17, yes, that's it. finally printed, ugh, thank god, we are waiting for the next ball, ball number eight, congratulations , the excavator is working, working, waiting for the next ball, 25. 15,
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80, 28. ball number 43 53 in the second round , two tickets purchased were won in the pir region in the republic of crimea. attention, today is an amazing sunday, spring morning, each of you won one. millions of rubles, you have become lottery millionaires, congratulations, we congratulate the winners, and also rejoice for ilya and christina, who, with
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the help of the incredible rituals of roman yunusov , were able to collect two lucky numbers and replenish the program safe with 20,000 rubles. now the total amount in the session is 80,000 rubles. hurray, we finally caught luck by the tail, and i’m sure that in the third round he will definitely go with us, yes, of course, but now you will be able to top up our program by 10,000 rubles for the final time. will answer the question of our delightful quiz, are you ready? yes, yes, so, attention, the question is, on what day of spring in 2024 in russia will the length of the day be equal to the length of the night, march 5, march 8, march 14 or march 20? 20 seconds to think, as always, please. so the equinox, right, probably the way you think it could be, what are
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the fifths, eighths, i don’t know why. and unfortunately this answer is incorrect, this year on march 20 in our country, as well as throughout the northern hemisphere, the day of the vernal equinox will come, everything is correct, yes, which means that it is on this day that astronomical spring will come to us, from the next day the daylight hours will become longer than the night. ilya, christina, unfortunately, you did not add 10,000 rubles to the safe. but it's not scary. we are approaching the third round of the jelly lottery, in which you will have the last opportunity to top up our program with the help of lucky numbers. in the last round you got two lucky numbers, so you still need to name exactly two. christina? two, two, and one more, three, what original guys you are. well, sometimes, by the way, it's
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might work. so, your lucky numbers are determined, they are two. we are moving into the third round of the housing lottery. in the third round, we continue to give away prizes of 1 million rubles for repairs. in the third and subsequent rounds , tickets are won in which all 30 people on both playing fields match the numbers of the balls dropped from the lottery machine. let's launch the lottotron. 90 ball number 51 83 35
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21. 39, 61, 56, 18. ball number 55, 63, 45, ball number two, i congratulate you, this!
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54 60! 67 73
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number 22. and ball number four, i congratulate you, wow, what a technique, just thought everything, and the ball fell out, we continue, we are waiting for the next ball, 58, 59. ball number 42 number 20 66. stop game, stop game,
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we are happy for our studio participants, as well as for the winner of the third round of the housing lottery, he acquired his lucky... skov region ticket and won 1 million rubles. i am very happy for you, congratulations, we are moving to the fourth round of the housing lottery, where we continue to draw prizes of 1 million rubles. for repairs. we are waiting for the next ball. number 49.
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thank you, we are proceeding with the drawing of the remaining cash prize fund 588 housing lottery draw, you will see the winnings on your screens, we are waiting for the next ball! ball number 86 number 40 ball number 19 87
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ball number five. 13 number 50 62. ball number 48 75
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number 52 81. 88 ball number three number 47 29 ball number 80. number 27
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nine, stop game, stop game, this was the last move of the 588th draw of the housing lottery , there were four balls left in the lottery machine, their numbers - ball number 7. number 46, number 76 and number 79. there is no need to cross out these numbers, if they are not on your tickets, then you have won. the 588th edition of the housing lottery has been completed. and now let's sum up the results of today's circulation. dear housing lottery participants, today we have drawn prizes for you totaling 16 million. rur 82,680 won 69,729 tickets, congratulations. we once again congratulate all the winners of today's
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draw. friends, in the next festive 589th drawing of the housing lottery in honor of international women's day. on march 8, we will draw for you a dream apartment for 8 million women, and let them open the door to their dreams along with a housing lottery, a guaranteed super prize of the holiday 589 circulation 700 million rubles. ball number 9 was the last to be drawn in the housing lottery, which means that the lucky person in this room with the same number is lucky and receives 10 lottery tickets from our program, let's find out where this lucky ball is.
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number nine, where are you? hello, what's your name? hello, my name is diana. diana, are you happy? very. congratulations, we are giving you 10 lottery tickets for the next holiday drawing of the housing lottery, which will be dedicated to march 8th. the holiday draw will be broadcast on sunday, march 10th. play with your family and win. as an artist, i know firsthand that spring is a time of inspiration. and why the muse comes most often at this time of year will be discussed with a member of our circulation commission, poet ekaterina khlebnikova. ekaterina, do you have any poems dedicated to spring? any chance you could read something to us? the day lasts empty and slow for me, when, when the rustling is not heard, when the wings of a bird do not beat inside, and the table is not set, when it hurries the light, hurries the darkness, hurries life.
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and we will determine whoever can take the entire amount for himself in the russian lotto drawing. now here ’s an interesting observation that i noticed while hosting this show. usually there is always advertising in this place. probably because it will start now. advertising on ntv channel. doll, tanya and polina. just years here.
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premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. when the history of the developers lies on the surface, the apartments are checked in the rosreestr. it remains, just choose. transparent choice on avito-real estate. well, credit card debts are hanging and interest is dripping. need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, and pay them off conveniently. making purchases or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. two.
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, lottery winners irina murileva and her husband oleg from khimki. ilya saratov and his girlfriend kristina from orel have already been able to accumulate 100,000 rubles in safe programs. and now. in the russian lotto draw, decide who will be able to open that long-awaited sejm, and irina and ilya will help me hold the russian lotto draw. ilya, irina, you now need to name three lucky numbers, which will become the code from our safe, whose code will be formed earlier, during the russian lotto draw, he will take all the money accumulated in the safe. all clear? everything is clear, wonderful. ilya, you topped up the safe with less than the amount, so i propose to tell you the first number. so, eight. eight excellent irina 39 39 or the second number four irina 52 52 wonderful for the last number three three and 90 and 90 the codes are perfectly defined for irina this is 39 52
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90 for ilya 8 4 and 3 and we move on to the russian lotto draw. today, in the 1535th draw of russian lotto, we will draw for you 100 prizes of 100,000 rubles and other cash prizes. there will be three barrels left in the bag, there will be more winners. may you be lucky. first we need to put the barrels into the bag. ilya, let's go, you will turn the steering wheel, and i will catch the barrels. let's go. by tradition , we wish good luck to everyone who plays russian lotto! the prize fund for the 1.535 draw is 99,136,125 rub. guaranteed jackpot 800
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million rubles. you can find detailed rules of russian lotto on lottery tickets, as well as on the website mix thoroughly. girls, so we are starting the 1535th edition of the russian lotto. from the first round of the russian lotto we begin to give away 100 prizes of 100,000 rubles each. good luck everyone! in the first round , the winning tickets are those in which all five numbers of any horizontal line, before others , match the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag. irina, you have the right get the first barrel. please, great, and let's start communicating, irina, how will you manage the money, if you can open the safe earlier or 48, 48. perhaps we will put this money aside for our vacation in the future in the summer,
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a great idea, 77, 77. ilya, and you on how do you plan to spend the contents of the safe? well, i think i’ll spend it on gifts on the eve of march 8th. also a great idea. 43. 43. irin, ilya, you have excellent plans for the contents of our safe. good luck to you. 31 31 irina, please, so, so, so, so, so, ah, 69, 69, attention, attention, a pre-win situation has developed, which means that only one step separates someone from victory, let’s mix again, barrels, ilya. please, pull the barrel, 36, 36, we continue
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the first round, continue, irina, well, well, well, 85, 85, stop the game, stop the game, in the first round of the russian lotto we won four tickets, two purchased in the omsk region in moscow on the website you will win 100,000. all 15 numbers of one of the playing fields, upper or lower, before others will coincide
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with the numbers of the barrels removed from the bag. let's continue, ilya, pull the barrel, carefully, 42, 42. irina, could you remind our viewers how you chose that lucky ticket, 35, 35. please tell me ilya, pull this time i decided to choose all the numbers on the ticket , which are not 47, 47, which did not correspond to any of our numbers, in a family associated with a family, i don’t mean an anniversary number, not birthdays, 75, 75, that is, they changed tactics, absolutely decided to change tactics and it worked, here friends, life hack 13, 13, so when choosing ticket
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millionaire, i’ll ask you to get a keg, phew, and
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20, 20. the trussian lotto jackpot has not been won today, its prize fund goes to the next draw, and we continue the second round. we continue with the second round. ask. sorry. so. 33. 33. irina, you came to our program with children, we also saw them in the lottery news story, what are their names? 10, number 10, and daughter ekaterina and boy vladik, great, they are here in the studio, yes, they are with dad, 15, number 15, let's wave our hand, hello, how are you rooting for your mother, show. prosho, number 61, number 61, irina,
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what are katya ulada’s favorite hobbies? 81 81 or what is your warmest memory associated with christina when we arranged a prom for ourselves like eight eight and this is a lucky number or there is a beginning
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, tell us in more detail what it was that somehow you organized a prom for yourself. we decided one number one, we decided to do a prom on our own, to go for a walk, christina didn’t have a prom, because 21, 21, because there was a pandemic at that moment, that these are the times, yes, and then we are with her three met, number three, and this is another happy honor. ile, thank you, so, how was the graduation? great, please stay for how much. 66. 66. have you seen the dawn? yes, of course, naturally. irina, you have wonderful children. now let's talk about their dad. how did you meet oleg? 25. number 25. we met at
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a mutual friend’s birthday party. i ask you to. we celebrated for a long time. in general 50, 50 at the party, but pay attention, there is a pre-winning situation, which means that at each turn a winner can be determined, let’s mix the barrels, irina, please, pull the barrel, 19, 19, we continue the second round, we continue, ilya, your code is 72, 72, we are drawing prizes of 100,000 rubles. let's play, irina, your hot 86, 86,
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let's continue, continue, ilya, pull the barrel. 18, 18, you were waiting for spring, now wait for luck, we are waiting for luck, i ask you, irina, pull, 73, 73, let's continue, let's continue, ilya, be careful, so, 51, 51, stop the game, stop the game, in the second round of russian lotu. won one ticket purchased in federal networks, your winnings are 100,000 rubles. today you are lucky, congratulations, congratulations to the winner, ilya, irina, in the second round ilya was able to collect two lucky numbers at once, and urine is still zero, i’m giving a head start, it’s okay, i suggest not stopping and continuing our drawing,
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we move on to the third round of russian lotto, in the third round we continue to play prizes of... 100,000 rubles. in the third and subsequent rounds, tickets in which all 30 numbers on both playing fields match the numbers of the shells taken from the bag are won. let's continue, irina, please tell us what your family traditions are. yes, five. number five, we love to relax in nature with our family, and it is a family tradition to teach children books. that means 83, 83, but how to participate in russian lato? yes, it’s so much already, yes, it can be called a tradition, well, 88, 88, 30, 30, and i know that your parents
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have been participating in lotteries for a very long time? yes, i remember all my childhood, we would sit down and turn on this tv. crossed out the numbers and everyone was worried, 62, 62, so i have had this passion for the game since childhood, and i know that you have the same tradition, right? parents participated in later events 22, 22, yes, everything is so, everything is so, everything is true, please, dude, now from this angle, why should i be childish, bolder, bolder, here is 59, 59. ilya, i know that you are a student , what specialty are you getting? volleyball coach, volleyball coach, 27, 27, that is, learn to shout at people. katya, block, this is the story , yes, yes, everything is exactly like that, everything is exactly like that , irina, what do you work with, 90, 90, and this is your
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lucky number, congratulations, you have made a start , i work as a specialist in international air shipments, and cargo, what does a specialist in international air transportation do, yes 16, 16? what goes out of duty? we take a weight and move it from one side to the other. curator 55, 55. who brought you the love for volleyball? 80. 80. parents? my parents put me in the section when i was a child, and from that moment i adore it, right? yes, but not the ballplayers? no. 60. number 60. just really loves sports, yes, that’s right, play sports, friends, seven, number seven, and
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of course, take part in russian, i ask you, irina, 39, number 39, and that’s one more thing irina’s lucky number, well, we’re 2:2, cool, congratulations, please, or what? will you train adults and children? 37, 37 , uh, i think, children, yeah, it’s easier with them , it seems to me, you think, i have two, 38, number 38, just please, don’t shout at them too much, okay, fine, please, 70, number 70, irina, who would you like katya and vlad to be? in the future, maybe professional athletes, volleyball players, for example, no, i have no desire, but i will support them in any endeavor. 46, number 46. ilya, are you teaching
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christina volleyball? 67. number 67. yes, sometimes, attention, attention. is there a win-win situation? we are in a win-win situation. i 'll mix the barrels and add some more to the bear. one more time, too much. it won’t hurt, so, irina, i ask you, pull, 74, 74, we continue the third round, we continue, ilya, i ask you, pull, 89, 89, we are drawing prizes of 100,000 rubles. we continue and we will definitely play it, irina, i ask you, 24, number 24, we are waiting for results,
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we are waiting for results, ilya, please, be bold, 71, 71, luck loves the patient, we continue, we endure, we wait, irina. 76 number 76 patient with a good mood, continue, let 's mix again, patient and mix well, ilya, please, 44, 44, stop the game, excellent, mixed, won one ticket purchased in moscow, you won.
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40. number 40. let's continue. let's continue. number 34 won two tickets purchased in the udmur republic and in the krasnodar territory, each of you wins 100 thousand rubles, you are lucky today, congratulations, congratulations to the winners, continue irina, please, 29, 29, won four tickets purchased in the belgorod, leningrad, svertlovsk regions in federal networks, you will win 1000.
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65 65 won five tickets purchased in the leningrad region, in the republic of koma, in the krasnodar region, in the fermsky region, in st. petersburg, winning 1000 rubles everyone who wins a ticket, you are the winner of the russian lotto, this is an honor. vanya congratulations, congratulations to the winners, irina, please continue, be brave, 26, number 26, we won seven tickets, each of you won 100,000 rubles, great sunday news, congratulations winners, we congratulate all the winners from the bottom of our hearts, we continue, ilya, number 82, you won 11
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tickets, you will win 100,000 rubles for each winning ticket, congratulations to the fortune in your country today, our congratulations , irina, please, 78, 78, you won 20 tickets, you will win each of you 100,000 rubles, a huge number of winners today, congratulations. congratulations to the winners, please, ilya, carefully, 23, number 23, you won 28 tickets, you will win 100,000 rubles. for every winning ticket, you are lucky, well done, congratulations, continue, please, 54, the amount
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of the remaining seventeen prizes was divided among themselves by 95 tickets at once, so the winnings amounted to 17.895 rubles for each winning ticket, you are our winner and we are very happy for you , congratulations, we sincerely congratulate all the winners, today in the russian lotto there was 100 prizes of 100,000 rubles each were drawn. i don’t even want to think about the fact that the safe won’t open today. ilya, irina, let's collect all the luck and pull out the cherished lucky numbers. there's one last chance left. we will try. we are moving on to the drawing of the remaining cash prize fund for today's draw. let's continue. ilya, excuse me, little barrel. 45. number 45. irina, how long have you been participating in
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lotteries? and the maternity leave has been active for 10 years , number 79, if you manage to win the lottery again, do you already have an idea on what to spend your next winnings on? 12, number 12 , yes, my husband and i dream of a big house and a new car, oh great, i wish you good luck, 58, number 58. ilya, at the beginning of the program you said that you were planning to buy an apartment? yes immediately get a dog 14 number 14 that's right why don’t you call now your parents are against it, what is it? well, they say the dog at home will tear everything up, everything will tear it, yes, four, number four, and that’s a lucky number, or thank you, well, your wife, you helped ilya, yes, yes, i’m happy, ilya, you
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collect the cat and win. yes, great, wow , cool, and we continue the joke, i ask, excuse the barrel, 28, number 28, and what breed, i think, bigol, yeah, when the big dog, i don’t know, 84, well, number 84, let’s say so, average, average, they came up with a nickname. let thomas voice it, thomas 32, number 32, irina, where do you spend most of your time? at sea with children happens at the dacha number 17 number 17, do you have pets? no, unfortunately, my husband has an allergy, allergy, 49,
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number 49, well, you can get a bird there , some kind of hamster, it doesn’t work, there is extensive allergies, but fish, fish, it’s possible, we’ll think about it, okay, think about it, two, number two, ilya, have you already started sending me an apartment? yes, 11, number 11. ilya, are you from the eagle? yes, please advise tourists to come and see the eagle. what is the main attraction of the eagle? 41. 41. well, i think this is lenin square, first of all, city ​​park, victory park. please excuse the barrel. 64 64 attention, attention, the next move is the last, we have the last move left, the last barrel, irina, with the hand of the lottery winner, please pull, 57,
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57, stop the game, stop the game, this was the last move of the 1535 draw. let's see which barrels are left in the bag, ilya, please check if the bag is empty and confirm it, the bag is empty, yes, the bag is empty, so there are three barrels left, i call their numbers, number nine. number 52 and number 53. friends, if these numbers are not on your tickets, then you won. the 1535th edition of the russian lotto has been completed.
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and i announce the results of today's draw. dear russian lotto participants. today we have drawn prizes for you totaling 74,511,165 rubles. won 372,478 tickets, hearty congratulations to the winners, guaranteed jackpot of the next draw, attention, 900 million rubles. friends, in the next festive draw of 1,536 russian lotto, dedicated to march 8th. we will draw three for you. a large number of other cash prizes, only two kegs left in the bag, every second person wins ticket. buy lottery tickets for the russian lotto holiday draw and give
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your beloved women a million opportunities. by the way, russian lotto gift sets are also on sale. friends, you can always purchase russian lotto tickets and tickets for other favorite lotteries at stoloto sales points. in the stoloto application on the website and there on the website you can find detailed information on where and how to get your winnings. play, friends, and win! today the golden horseshoe lottery, housing lottery and russian lotto were played 101,737,135 rub. in total , i won 521 in three lotteries. ilya once again congratulate you on your victory, thank you, you were able to open that long-awaited safe and became the winner of our traditional family game. your luck is still with you, it's wonderful. irina,
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don’t be upset, because this is just a game that you were a little unlucky. please accept prizes from us. these are tickets for the festive draws of our lotteries dedicated to march 8, as well as. russian lotto draw dedicated to march 8th. 10 lottery tickets for next holiday the broadcast of the circulation will take place on march 10, gather the whole family for
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the first spring issue. the long-awaited spring has arrived. it's time for new plans, hopes and high spirits. let everything in your life blossom and transform. and every new day brings you good luck and many joyful moments. and we are always ready to rejoice at your good luck. in the main lottery show in the country. they are winning against us.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bektereva studio. russian military. ripped off rotation of ukrainian troops under carbon, the ministry of defense reported. during the battles , the engineering and sapper group was liquidated. our search and rescue crews are working in the north donetsk direction. using mi-8 helicopters, they supported the actions of attack and army aviation. in addition to combat missions, the unit's mission includes assisting pilots who are forced to eject or make an emergency landing. a


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