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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 3, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yuliava studio. the russian military disrupted the rotation of ukrainian troops for coal.
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through the official website vremyaheroev.rrf. as the kremlin previously noted, remote assessment centers will be opened for candidates who work in the special operation zone. registration for the project will last until april 8. a rally took place in paris against sending western troops to ukraine. people took to the streets after their president's statements. macron said this week that he does not rule out appearing in foreign military conflict zone. including french ones. ordinary french people did not like such initiatives. they came to the protest rally with posters, we do not want to die for ukraine, we will stop pumping kiev with weapons for a peaceful settlement. there were even calls in the crowd to leave nato and the eu. the demonstrators publicly tore the flags of these unions and unfurled the tricolors of their country. protest leaders accused the north atlantic alliance of constantly pushing paris towards war. sending the french military to the zone
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conflict, protesters called it madness. today in moscow the winners of the "woman's vocation" award will be announced. among the nominees are famous athletes, artists, mothers of many children and other russian women. everyone has one thing in common. they devoted most of their time to helping those who are currently in the special military operation zone. the award was established by the central aerospace officers' club. on the eve of march 8th. according to the military, this award will be presented annually. read more in the report by alexey ivleev. tonight we are we learned that our brother is no longer with us. for the first time, we begin the interview not with a question, but with words of condolences. natalia yaroslavtseva, a mother of three children, had absolutely all men, non-cadre officers, who volunteered to fight in the northern military district zone. husband, father, two uncles, brother maxim. the latter died a heroic death two weeks ago.
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two-time olympic biathlon champion svetlana ishmuratova. from the first days of the special military operation, she was in the csk sports glory museum. we can
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weave nets, we will weave nets. in addition to the huge amount of humanitarian aid, holding concerts in hospitals for our wounded soldiers, all our famous athletes bring help to this women’s headquarters in the cska museum; in the opinion of svetlana and shmuratova, the moral support of our soldiers is also very important. during excursions, children often write small messages to our military personnel. leila abdul samat also created a similar headquarters in one of the residential areas of moscow. in her. according to leila, anyone can help the front, if it is not possible to come to their women’s headquarters, you can cut blanks for mask nets at home, voluntary there are enough assistants, but how can i help go to the front, i won’t go, which means i have to help our boys survive, and most
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importantly, so that they know that they are not alone, that they are very needed, that everyone has their backs we, their family, their strong rear, all three women are very different, but... games of the future. representatives from more than a hundred countries took part in them. the competition was watched by billions of viewers around the world. in recent days, the tournament has even gone beyond the borders of tatarstan. qualifying races for the fital race took place at
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sochi autodrom. sports car pilots competed both in real and digital format. in just a few hours the final stage will start, and at the end of two days, the winner will be the one who wins so far. here 343 km/h, in the games of the future, which combined reality with the world, the figures are a little more modest, but the battle for tenths of a second is no less intense, for starters , the dispute is instead at the start of the sunday final. race station 103 laps, each driver has 20 minutes to prove himself offline, behind the wheel of a simulator and in real life track, the best lap time is counted, and this determines what place the team will take in the final race on sunday. the prize fund for the fitital races is $500,000,
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of which the winner is promised 175,000, but even these figures do not make us confidently talk about the future of the fitital discipline of the first russian pilot to win the podium at the formula 1 grand prix. here there is an opportunity to prove yourself on the simulator and in real life to try these wonderful cars, on formulas, on a full-fledged race track, so they have a chance, we there is a chance to see the potential in young people and promote them further or try to give them the opportunity to engage in full-fledged motorsport. four participants in figital racing are barely 17. nickgilks represents canada, one of almost one and a half dozen countries whose flags are visiting... and roman rusinov and anvar tutaev, who have earned a name in motorsport , will soon turn 40, the winner of the american
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liman series, louis dius, is 42. today directly at the pits, the mexican pilot spoke with the deputy prime minister russia by dmitry chernyshenko. have you already been to russia? no, but we really like it here , amazing, friendly people, delicious food , even lucky with the weather, like in mexico, yes, the weather is wonderful, not acopulca, of course, but in the summer it’s very similar, but not everything depends on the pilots, the sports result affects state of the technology, so these formula 4 cars were chosen for tests and competitions. on the technical side. neither the pilots, nor the representatives of various teams, nor the technical staff have any complaints, and the readiness is 100%, therefore, we wait, keep our fingers crossed, qualification is one thing, and most importantly the fijital race is completely different, we will find out the name of the champion of the first ever games of the future here in the village of sirius very
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soon. kiril giknadze, pavel kachur, ali nurov, ntv television company, autodrome, sochi. five-year-old savely from kurgan needs the help of ntv viewers; he has cerebral palsy. thanks to several operations and constant training, the boy can move independently, but now savel is awaiting rehabilitation. the courses cost more than 800,000 rubles. a large family has that kind of money no. olga zenkova will tell you how to help. sava, a big mischief-maker, no , don’t throw him away, don’t throw him away, don’t you dare, don’t you dare, looking at the naughty boy, it’s hard to believe that he has cerebral palsy , the baby himself doesn’t want to put up with the illness, he can’t go down on his own, mom, what are you doing, well, come on, here, right here, i can, come on, show me, now, mom, come on, come on, show me, collect, okay, i’ll collect, and you show me, carefully. just hold on, i can walk, this is the result of the enormous work of savely and my parents,
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because they did not give up, did not succumb to despondency, when the doctors made the diagnosis, through tears, they began to fight the disease. at that moment of the knife , it was necessary to separate even after, because well , no matter how we were, any parent is not ready for this, yes, especially since this is a long-awaited child, well, here we began directly concrete work on his independence, on his first steps . sava began to take his first steps when he was one year and 8 months old, and now the disease reveals only mild, barely noticeable clumsiness. at first, every step was painful. he couldn't walk for long, that is literally within the room, about 50 meters there, for example, yes, then he fell and could crawl simply because he could not get up. the form of cerebral palsy that save was diagnosed with condemns the patient to life in a wheelchair, but the mother was not satisfied with such prognoses. anastasia scoured the internet in search of salvation; they called for help. foreign doctors. the boy underwent two operations: one on the spinal cord, which relieved the child’s muscles from spasticity, and the second
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orthopedic on the feet. sava is now going through a very important difficult path, a path to recovery that requires more effort, loads, he really needs professional rehabilitation, where specialists will help him walk in such a way as to avoid complex orthopedic operations in the future. cerebral palsy is an insidious disease, if you relax a little , you can lose the skills that you have acquired,
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and the rehabilitation course must be regularly completed under the supervision of doctors in order to constantly maintain the child’s physical and fitness level at the proper level. now sava is awaiting treatment at a rehabilitation center in penzi; three intensive courses will cost 81,500 rubles. money for a large family families are overwhelming, if you can help, send an sms with the words.
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recognized as a threat to national security and refused to renew their residence permit.
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the reason was the pensioner’s refusal to answer questions about ukraine in the questionnaire that she filled out when filling out the documents. now the woman is being forced to leave her established life and leave the country, although she was born and raised in lithuania, worked as a teacher for many years, and also headed a russian cultural center. i am 75 years old and not in good health. i have tuberculosis, my heart is bad, i have nowhere and no one to go, there is no one left for me in russia, no one. they began to massively oppress russians in the baltic countries back in 2018. why is this happening? you will learn about the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a man in law, today at 16:20 on ntv. and we have everything by this time, see you later. believe it or not, you want an apartment in
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moscow from the group, an airplane and millions of other delicious prizes. previously, the temperature was as dry as it was outside, we were freezing in winter, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but these now
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where in memory for gifts. hunt, check your instinct, but everyone
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told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything can be solved. with an education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and caring people. mask - new season. today at 20:20 on ntv. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? spot on invincible. a car, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, traditions in innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets, tinkov - 40 million customers in the largest country in the world, it’s just space, the taste of ham
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from ham, cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious! cherkizova! if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza! at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalaza is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. buy osaka on the comparison site. and win a car. only until april 26 you can insure one car with us and win the second one. or a million rubles. choose osaga or any other insurance and take part in the draw. compare. on your side when you want to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it. split the payment into parts with yandex split. split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. all chickens in the feeder are perfectionists,
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they eat only grain feed, and never use harmful growth hormones. additives, yes, these are petelinka’s high standards. petelinka - pure products without harmful additives. tinkov. 40 million clients in the most big country in the world. stars. premiere, march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. hello, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. on the coast of the far east, the cyclone is slowly moving to the east, freeing the north khabarovsk region from captivity of clouds. region and kamchatka, in the south of the peninsula the sun will even come out tomorrow, in the south of the far east from lake baikal to the shores of the sea of ​​japan, the pressure continues to rise, there are almost clouds...


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