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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  March 3, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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congratulated the russians on the new year instead of the president, from comedians, who congratulated the people, hint it was in 1992, well, zadornov , probably mikhail zadornov really congratulated the country on the new year instead of president boris yeltsin. in the last days of the existence of the soviet union, people especially needed support, and the head of state, as the humorist ironically noted, worked hard. and the guards kept running to him for additional documents. the past year was rich in events; it is enough to remember the last month, when almost every waking up every day, we asked ourselves in which country we woke up today, the ussr, the cis. it’s interesting that the politicians changed all the letters in the new name except the letter g. if the school had taught the history of humor, i think you would have passed it without any problems. thanks a lot. marina gavrilovna, we understand. that philip kirkorov
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is our everything, but the entire editorial staff will root for you, you will become better, we will come to visit you, and if you lose, we will settle philip and his family in your house. in the meantime, on march 9, we are glued to the screens watching the most fun battle stars on domestic television. what a joke, such stars? i'm sergei mayorov, see you on ntv. happily.
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hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we continue our tournament, which is called a return to origins, david ezhibi, a press officer from moscow, is playing at the central gaming table today, david is playing his third game in a row today, he won the previous two, against david today they will play at the first gaming table galina kuzmina, a teacher from... hello, hello, i love reading, teaching and answer questions, taught about 4.00 people the russian language, before in the pre-internet era, family, friends, acquaintances used me, well, probably like wikipedia, i have two charming granddaughters, antonia and alisa. how many games did you play? i won 16 games, three of them, so we’ll see how it goes. today.
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alexander skabelkin, an editor from podolsk, is playing at the third gaming table today. alexander nikolaevich, a little about yourself. i am 45 years old, i graduated from the faculty of theology at moscow state university, and now i work in an it company. i'm interested in independent traveling around russia, cis countries, and the middle east. in my game i played four times, won once so far. today we have two philologists and a lawyer in our studio. oh well. now is the time to get acquainted with the topics of our game today. let's see, here are all the topics on our main monitor. well, i hope we are familiar with them, and we begin the first round. first round. themes. wives of writers, folk
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crafts, quotes from operas, not only monkeys, from two to five and al in dots, i ask you, david, choose al 400, auction david, this question is addressed only to you, initially he followed in the footsteps of his father domenic, in thousands... 832 he became a captain of the merchant fleet, maybe, well, from the italians of those times, let it be galvane , garibaldi, garibaldi, giuseppa garibaldi, david al 500, this city was the main one in the latin union and competed with rome, but in the middle of the 6th century bc, albalonga was destroyed by the romans. the gift of the creator to the world,
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the wonderful first creation, the first to the world, the gift of the creator, this is how the light of this blind heroine, the knight vaudemont, iolanta, is described, and quotes from operas 400 awaken the blood of a stranger to the heart . with a dear heart, an alien land will be paradise, this heroine of glinka assures herself, the wedding pen that opens the opera. ruslan, lyudmila, lyudmila, that's right. folk crafts -
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400. this indonesian fabric painting technique can be hot or cold. the history of gorodets painting began with the decoration of these ancient household items, which consisted of a bottom and a comb. this is a spinning wheel, this is a spinning wheel, that’s right, here in front of you is dontse. 500 bag code -400 for david, 800 for alexander, you are in the lead by 1.300. david. david. theme is coats of arms. bid. 500. these paired objects
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are depicted on the sides of the bill on the miliglie coat of arms. spanish possession of the mediterranean coast of africa. not far from gibraltar and siuta, maybe this is the gate, no, these are the pillars of hercules, david, not only monkeys 300, now you get the cat bags you need to give the question to whom galina, galina, topic let's play question mark, 500. attention to screen: the picture illustrates the comic history of this famous game: rock, scissors, paper, it’s true, not only the monkey 500, her
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favorite toy and mascot was a monkey in a jacquet costume, and the diary she kept from the age of 11 was published as the monkey’s diary. jane fonda, no, they guessed right with the name, it’s jane birkin, not just monkeys 400, but who do you think you are, you fucking green ape, bubnova swears in this novel by dostoevsky, it’s logical, well, let there be a player, no. these are the humiliated and insulted. bubnova humiliates and insults the poor orphan. 400. the wife of this philosopher and writer, teresa levasseur was a poorly educated servant, and
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after the death of her husband she inherited all his property and received a pension from the convention. about 40 years ago, economists counted just that many east asian tigers, now new ones have been added, in my opinion, there were four of them, that’s right, you can list them, and japan, south korea, taiwan and singapore, i think, well, with japan. you were a little mistaken, it was like this: singapore, south korea, hong kong and taiwan. 300. zinaida nikolaevna was cool about complex metaphors in poetry, and he promised to write as simply as possible: the future he dedicated a poem to his wife; loving others
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is a heavy cross. do you really love a heavy cross, and you are beautifully weak, who wrote? these are pasternak's poems. 200. auction. 1300 for galina, 900 for you. 1300 y... folk crafts 300. vologda, balokhninsky, belyovsky
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craftswomen wind threads on these reels with a handle, weaving traditional lace. as far as i remember, they are called bobbins. folk craft 200. in this country, the hampelman wooden toy has been known since the 16th century. hampelman knows how to raise and lower his arms and legs. enough pull the string, maybe this is germany, right, but only 200 monkeys, these bags are found not only in hamsters, but in monkeys under the marmoset family, what to call uh, cheek pouches, right, not only 100 monkeys, this part of the world from primates inhabited only by broad-nosed monkeys. except for man, of course, america, right, al-200, in
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1862 he published a proverb of the russian people, the second of the main works of his life, chronologically and the first, further, vladimir dal, right, alsto, his carcass washed ashore in 1954, off the coast of norway. exceeded 9 m in length, sorry, flew out, it’s a squid, a giant squid, from two to 500, that’s how many fortresses appear in the title of the second volume of john tolkien’s epic, the lord of the rings, two, that’s right. quote from operas 200. if your darling has not
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changed, then she will undoubtedly change soon, verdya assures the duke in this opera. rigoletta, that's right. quote from 100 operas. they promise days, long days of power, serene, he sings in mussorsky’s opera, and he’s not mistaken, boris godunov, it’s true, there are 100 rune writers, some researchers believe that nikolai karamzin named the heroine of this story in honor of his future wife. elizabeth, poor liza, that’s right, this is the writer’s first wife. and folk crafts
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100. since 1998, lisbon has hosted competitions for the so-called love scarves, traditional thin scarves from the province of minho. as a rule, competitions are timed to coincide with this holiday. valentine's day. you're right? this was the last question of the first round, and i'm summing it up. bcs is limitless, there are those who boldly open it. are not afraid of turbulence at the start, they accurately calculate their trajectory, relying on
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the support of experts, and strive further to get more. we are happy to work with such investors, because we are the same, we have something to offer to those who need it most. bcs - the world of investments. this is a star show. it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen themselves. preparations for the elections are going well, one hundred percent progress is expected, alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov, with a team of funny dudes, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why, well, you have faces
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victims, aleksandrev, how i miss you, what is your name anyway? igel, well, yes, i’m russian, what? no, the fact that you also have a shaman in your tribe, i have no doubt, applause, itali, zhulebina, marina fedunkev, dzhigan, my little skin, i miss you, oh pranksters, azamat musagaliev, i wanted to be your star, stars , new humorous show on march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. mask - new season today at 20:20 on ntv. dear men, a holiday is coming soon. i'll tell you a secret. on azon, 3% cashback on sbp on everything. and it doesn't matter what you want to give. buy nazon gifts via sbp are profitable. register on one of my friends can do everything, fix a car with her bare hands,
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deal with frags with her bare feet. well and. whatever you can, and i get gigabytes from megafon just like that, naked charisma, megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, only for megafon subscribers, open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months , download financial services applications, financial services from the moscow exchange, deposits of different banks in one application, this surprise nazon sales, have time to surprise, incredible discounts, don’t miss it, synergetic dishwasher tablets for 699, royal garden service for 1.299, your women’s jacket for 829. mask, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? can. our body has a main computer, the brain. it
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is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep. and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is the electrical system consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain: brain cells become damaged by the environment and stress as they age. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azektinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains a unique one. components that promote brain restoration, all of them belong to the class of phospholipids, there are more than 100 names, this is how a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk: prolong the youth of your brain, 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985
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the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep. and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product brainterapy, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed, and it will serve you faithfully again . extend the youth of your brain. 800 100 exactly 1985 8800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product mozg therapy results of the week today at 19:00 on ntv, that for you real football is playing a level higher no no two when one for all all for
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one and rostov score! 10 years later, fonbet russian football cup. real football is about taking control. this is its own game, we are back in the studio for the second round, topics: palaces on photo, beauty by, questions from, italian.
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was opened after reconstruction and comparisons with this object immediately appeared in the press, look, it really does look like a flying saucer, right. the foreign drummer was built in 1935 and is considered a prime example
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of this architectural style. constructivism, right. questions from a resident of st. petersburg for a thousand. and the world of this state from central asia became one of the main patrons of the arts during the construction of the st. petersburg cathedral mosque. what kind of state is this? bukhara. bukhara emirate, that's right. come on, italians artists over 600. an artist of the first half of the 16th century, promejanino, due to excessive enthusiasm for this activity, became completely mad and died of mercury poisoning. i'll risk it, maybe he was somehow connected with the making of mirrors? no. he, like many of his contemporaries, was interested in alchemy. great cinema for 400. during the years of this war, the genre writer was
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a pilot and subsequently made a film about it , the great illusion, for example, the first world war. first world war, right. great cinema 800. it was released in september last year. great irony. the action this time takes place in paris. this isn't woody allen by any chance. it is he. david. great cinema a thousand. his adventure film the great wall, released at the end of 2016, became the most expensive film shot entirely in china. may be.
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auction 2,900 from galina, 2.5 from you, 2,300 from turtle shells, that’s right, bones 400, alexandra. vabank, vabank. galina, what do you say? all in. let's play. there is a mystery about this fruit. meat inside. outside, strawberry, it has fruits outside, nuts, they're too clever, this is a riddle about a nut, meat
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inside, bones outside, galina, let's play, questions from a resident of st. petersburg 400, kronverg is a polygonal fortification in the form of a crown, in front of which there is a ditch, now we are going around the crownverg of this fortress, petropa. american board game enthusiast lucca invented the zokidr dice. number
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of sides, although it’s easier to take two ten-sided ones, 20, no, but if two ten-sided, 100 sides, board game lovers have a variety of dice, ten-sided, twelve-sided, twenty-sided, and not just the usual cubes. let's play further, and italian artists 400. tuscan 19th century artist. cristiano banti painted genre and landscape paintings, most famous for his painting depicting his interrogation by the roman inquisition. galileo, galileo, that's right. galina. beauty for 800. in the old days , the japanese used for this purpose a solution of iron in acetic acid with the addition
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of ink dye. sumac nuts, they cared not only about beauty, but about health, if not only beauty, but also health, maybe they brushed their teeth with this composition? no, they blackened their teeth this way, tradition blackening of teeth persisted in japan until the meidi era, no, they blackened them because it was considered aesthetically pleasing. well, at the same time they saved it by covering it with film. palaces in photo 600. in this moscow palace and park ensemble, even the bases of the lampposts repeat the outlines of the large palace, the creation of matvey kazakov. tsaritsina. right. palaces in photo 400. in 2007
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, a concert hall was opened in the peace palace in astana. the guest of honor at the opening was this great spanish singer. is this monserat caballe? right. italian artists 800. this decision regarding the 15th century artist fro angelico was made in 1984. canonization , quite right, he was canonized, italian artists 200, his father, giovanni santi, was also a painter and worked at the court of the duke of urbino, raphael, that's right, italian artists over a thousand, in his painting 194 the melancholy and mystery of the street, the buildings are painted.
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projections, it’s no coincidence that the surrealists were inspired by his work, or maybe it’s the madellans, no, it’s giorgio de chirico, beauty for 400. winners of the miss competition ideal posture, held in chicago in 1956, was determined using this medical study. maybe they did it? x-ray , quite right, the competition was sponsored by chiropractors, bones 1. in latin, the name of this bone is clavicula, it is possibly the humerus, shoulder, no, clavis in latin clavis, clavis, clavis in latin
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clef. it turns on. kostya 200. in this chamber of the moscow kremlin the so-called bone throne of ivan the terrible, made of wood covered with ivory, is kept. faceted chamber? no. negronovitaya. armory. armament. absolutely right. true, the throne was apparently made already in the 14th century. but it is called the throne of ivan the terrible. beauty is a thousand. the diameter of this decoration, according to the guinness book, is 19.5 cm, and was recorded in ethiopia, these are neck hoops for pulling, no, well, let there be an earring, that is, something that hangs from the ear, this is incorrect, this is a disc for the lip, a popular decoration among girls of the surma and
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mursi nationalities, beauty below. archaeologist ludwig borchart, who found the bust of this egyptian queen, noted in the report: it’s useless to describe, you need to look, don’t fool around. yes, exactly, and the palaces in the photo are over 800, four future kings of france appeared in this palace, first mentioned in the 19th century. louvar, no, versailles, no, tulérie, three wrong answers, this is the fontainebleau palace.
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“you see me and you’re waiting for me, no, it’s a pity, where is the court, man, well, berkutnya, we’ve arrived,
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you’ll get on your knees, you’ll repent, we have 100 armed fighters on the buses, good luck let them down”? so what if the russian border guards, let ’s say, we know, what, our own, krisha, 10 days until spring, premiere, soon on ntv, stars, premiere on march 9 at 21:20 on ntv, for intestinal microflora. enhanced probiotic, meet the new product acipol forte. it contains 10 billion bacteria of two types. it contains zinc. stored without refrigeration. just one capsule per day. acepl forte. a new level
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of probiotics. again, everyone needs gifts. mixer washing machine lex with discounts up to 34%. previously, the temperature in the workshop was like outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but now these where, in memory of gifts. hundreds of languages ​​of cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country,
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we have no barriers, a goal, well, where are you, missed a goal again, frequent urge to urinate, pain and cramping in the groin can be symptoms. familiar, it's time to solve the problem, not avoid it. vitoprost helps relieve inflammation, the cause of symptoms, improves blood microcirculation in the prostate and helps reduce recurrent cases. vitoprost because it works. welcome spring with wildberries. sokolov, and you shine, gifts that melt hearts and thousands of precious ideas for a bright transformation. at reduced prices already on wildbriс. alice, turn on tyler. she will hear your voice, even if it is noisy around, set the timer, alice, turn on the music , turn it on, she will also like it, louder, what you love, meet the new, spring colors of yandex stations midi with alice, buy on the yandex market and get cashback 1,500
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plus points, you’re ready to go on vacation, book your accommodation on the sutochnaru website, and i’ll give you cashback, it’s even cheaper, i booked it so quickly. we'll find a place to stay overnight. bad vessels. angeonorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm. keep your blood vessels normal, believe it or not, you want a million yandex plus points and millions of other tasty prizes. meeting point, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. confidence and strength, that's how she wants you to be. brutal, reliable, stylish, like a set of hermes men's accessories from leamax. volumetric cross and chain of armored weaving, massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and spectacular. dark design, three crosses at once in one, a powerful cross
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cool, lively, so light. mask, anniversary fifth season, today at 220 on ntv. this is our third game in the studio. here are the topics: prohibitions, the blue theme, us presidents, the susami themselves, the auto world and mountains, issues of the mountain theme are presented by the russian geographical society. galina, choose. sami susami 900. auction immediately. the question is worth 900, your score is negative -1400. the amount is from david alexander, can you buy it up? let's
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buy it for 1. let's play! thin mustache close to the lip, in the style of clark gable, got the name of this stationery? feather, feather. such a mustache is called a pencil, and the president of the united states, 900. for. henry ford? no, this is gerald ford. first
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, vice president spira agnew resigned due to a corruption scandal and he became vice president. then nixon, and he became president. gerald ford. we are persistent people, us president 1500. auction. our situation is amazing.
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warren harding was the first us president to visit this territory, which was not yet a state . hawaii, no, alaska, that’s right, in 1923 alexander prohibited his subjects from cultivating the land and drinking, and this is exactly what the country fell into a deplorable state of. beer, no, of course, milk, lord , milk was the basis of the diet of the zulus, the president of the united states 300, this sad record, without meaning to, was set in 1841 by william harrison, the
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shortest presidential term, absolutely right, he died 32 days after taking office. blue theme 900. a recent experiment conducted in the japanese city of nara showed that the installation of blue lanterns in the city reduces its level. maybe maybe crime. right. blue theme 600. in yekaterinburg, the blue line excursion route runs through places connected with their tragic fate. royal family. that's right, and the mountains are over 900. the highest volcano, it is there that maad is named in honor of the egyptian goddess of truth and justice. they seem to like women's names on venus. that's right, on venus. blue theme 1.200.
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the blue may is roaring warmly, it will not ring. a ring at the gate, this poet wrote in a 1925 poem. yesenin, bravo, blue theme 1500. this association of expressionist artists was founded in 1911 in munich, wassily kandinsky and franz marc. bluerider. bravo. blue theme 300. the manuscript of this book, executed on blue parchment at the turn of the 9th-10th centuries, is considered one of the greatest examples of islamic art. maybe this is the koran, right, the so-called blue or light blue koran. galina. sami susami 600. he himself
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claims that he fell from a moped, injured his lip, and in order to hide the seam from... he grew a mustache, and the rest took up the initiative, but meticulous fans found out that the dates do not match, and george was the first to grow a mustache before his trip to india, paul macartney, polmaktney, it’s true, the first of the betls to grow a mustache was george harrison, the susami themselves are 1,200, the inupiat tribe living in alaska has been weaving elegant boxes from this material for more than a century, whalebone, right. bans 1200, the magazine he conceived “a friend of honest people or an old thinker” was personally banned by catherine ii. denis fonvizin, absolutely right. starodum is one of the heroes
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of the play minor. mountains 1200.
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hot in the bag: 400 for david, exactly three for you, minus 100 for galina. lady. galina. the theme is theaters. bid. one and a half. opera and ballet theatre in cheboksary attracted the attention of internet jokers with its brutal architecture. and a stormtrooper spaceship, exactly from this movie saga, was added to the building. i think that, i think that from star wars, absolutely right, galina, themselves susami 1.500, this french novelist. was proud of his luxurious mustache and even received, while traveling in the east, the name abu shanab, the father of mustache, zola
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, no, let’s take a chance, this is flaubert, this is gustave flaubert, prohibitions 600, this word entered the european language. languages ​​thanks to captain james cook, who recorded it on the island of tonga. taboo. right. prohibitions 300. in 1672, the first minister jean-baptiste colbert banned the import of glass from this city into france and supported the domestic manufacturer. murano. suburb of venice. from venice, that's right. autoworld 1500. this german designer and industrialist developed several types
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of gasoline engines and was one of the first cars. and he subsequently sold the license for the invention to the british. german designer. diesel? no. what's happened? well, i took a risk. maybe it's bens. no. yes , a little past, this is gottlip daimler, autoworld 1200. for the last 3 years , this dutchman, max verstapin, has become the world champion in formula 1 auto racing. autoworld 900. the outstanding soviet weightlifter leonid zhabatinsky recalled that he enjoyed driving this car, despite its insignificance. maybe zaporozhets? that’s right, i moved the seat back as far as possible and sat down.
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themselves with a mustache 300. it was about him that chukovsky wrote: he growls, screams, moves his mustache. cockroach. further. automir 300. alas, galina, the question will have to be submitted. david or alexander? davidu, david, diamond theme hand, 300 or one and a half, no, still 300, attention to the screen, here are four actresses, which of them did not star in leonid gaidai’s film the diamond arm, so first.
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exactly, more than a hundred peaks in the himalayas of neighboring mountain ranges are higher than akon kagu, which , as you know, is located in south america, our difficult third round is over, i summarize, galina - 500, alas, there is nothing to play for in the final round, david 4-100, alexander 4.800, we will meet david and alexander in the final round. genergy fs motor oil represents the source of my victories in how
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you prepare for the race by keeping yourself and your car in peak shape. genergy fs motor oil is smartly formulated with targeted additives to protect your vehicle. genergy keep the engine in shape, they took away my homeland, i didn’t leave anywhere, i didn’t break any law. witch hunt, if in order to demonstrate russophobia it is necessary to dismantle, for example, a railway, screw by screw, then they
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will do it. russophobia of the brain in the author's project andrey. new season mask, today at 20:20 on ntv, mom, i want a pink one, mom, where is the notebook, where is the leash, and where is the dog? enough to get on my nerves. krovalul fito helps reduce irritability and maintain tender feelings for loved ones. mom, thank you. a feeling of calm rather than irritation. welcome spring with wiildberries. gifts from tekna for all occasions. fascinating design, large memory capacity and amazing photo and video capabilities. at competitive prices on wildbirches. renost helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price. and rhinostop extra with minthol and eucalyptus helps reduce duration of runny nose. each has its own
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ampm mixer with discount: 40%. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real possibilities. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu: fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicolt lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to get rid of cold symptoms maxicold this is a surprise sale at the un, have time to surprise incredible discounts don’t miss the infinix smartphone for 19.999 shary shef jacket for 1.599 candy q for 599 mask - new season today at 20:20 on
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ntv. holy mother of god. who gave the world the savior of humanity, highly respected orthodox christians. christians all over the world have been praying before the kazan icon of the mother of god for more than 500 years. tsars and great commanders prayed to her, russian lands were liberated with her, and they entrusted their sorrows to her, asking for health and help in everyday needs. every believer needs a patron to be nearby. the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal dedicated to it. the miraculous image of the blessed virgin mary, the kazan mother of god. the medal is plated with pure silver. order a free medal by phone number or on the website medalkazanska.rf. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay for delivery, 299 rubles. all medals are illuminated. call and order right now by phone or on the medalkazanskaya website. rf. results of
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the week. today. at 19:00 on ntv. the israeli citizen wants to get even tougher. tell me, are you already crazy, sobchak. what connects the bloody lamb with the bloody kiev dictator. last call from sobchak. she says, “you don’t know where you can get a white one now.” i said, i was hanging out with friends, like her gives his own. for 2 weeks of working for ksenia, he received 7 years of strict regime. and how they visit together. who stood in her way, after that i said: listen, it’s like, it was a scoundrel , you can’t be trusted, secret bloody barons 2, it seems to me, the most hellish person, today at 6:00 pm on ntv.
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final round, everyone. epigraphs, antarctica, russian cities, premieres, fish days, song puns. please, david, remove any topic. cities of russia. alexander. premieres. david. fish days. alexander. song. david. pun intended. alexander. let's without antarctica. the topic of epigraphs has been chosen. dear players, please place your bets. the bets are in, that's the question. alexander glotkov found an epigraph for the play a long time ago, which was later removed. may the cheerful crowd revel in lively and fraternal
3:58 pm
self-will. name the author of the lines. time! time is up, who is the author who is strict? david's answer. what did alexander answer us?
3:59 pm
davidov, the author of these lines is denis davidov. 3401 and alexander wins our game today. but the game is a game, today you didn’t play very well, i agree, we say goodbye to david, alexander, please accept congratulations, the result is not so great, but it’s a victory, i hope to meet you in the next game, where, of course, at the central gaming table, well, dear friends, thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you , bye.
4:00 pm
the most massive attack in recent times by ukrainian drones flying to the side. in haiti, armed groups attacked the main prison and released several hundred prisoners. and at these moments the games of the future are closing in kazan. let's find out the results of the first international tournament in history. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, fsb special forces eliminated six militants during a clash in the city of karabulak in the center of ingusheti. the battle went on there for about 15 hours.


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